HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-9-13, Page 4TE . , ' CY.M AND QOVI.M... 14NTS.. stablisned in i8771 A . I •- \ --- i S . Rom ToKio NEWS-f0PIGS FA W4:EK' . CO pPARIS r E 1 E , ,ORAYTON'S SIG , FIRE. . . . . " 1 Metersti. lluiltlings in the•Villege /lures& . to the Ortromi. Dneveox Oat t4 --A disastroue . ,... • ' • " Sep. ^ ni--n,,, in chits Are hroae out yesterday mor ECo*eSnlinttelfeloteaurilidiner es•Ohn°trPoil. and. sabaleft°:Tievit, eral buildings adjoining, destroying thee]. oh.T.alsi,enf.oslilouIllniFs otali.riliatigine.6.81ilvpala'onabsttlartlieeds" , Loss About $690; insered for $400;. stook in same coinPall.Y; 'MO, . • ' ' . " " Smith,BlaCkSoiattilip i es ha 0 pbyowBheid,osibLy P33haailaitEr..' .t insered for poo,' Tosh's, loss about $10 on tools and stook, • ' • I T. H. Brown, photo gallery and idiel.liiik:111gii:til7illIa8 \13.itiii11.1(1C.11:01aolit:$1,11:,. itO:OthoOeh,rs:lolipe stables ' aud ice howie; part furniture' ed • insured for 0 • )1, 1 r' SS 0, loss a. ,otat S,,, 000. William Roberts le' ke • • • 1 1 • 11 r'• • • , 4 1,,) and c tie ine, no • insurance on• steek and farniture; house owned ley - Xilpatrick, Orillia; iii•:. sured fair 8500; Robert's loss oil contents about $800. ' Join; Whvte state , • 1 1 -I quan tit's, of rood;'no leibisuartilicilices ;lel lossa!,311500v.. As the t • 1 • ` , towit 1118 00 bre puttee, ion a - Message Was sent to Palmerston askiti, fee help . 1.1 1 0 , whichcame gine e y aut ' ren - dered good servi •e F a ' • ' wind was,' froms „, c • °I 111"Lel) Cite the northwest at the time, or the best art of t • •'. p he town would have been wiped out Cana, f fi. • k • ' ''' ° It` 1111 11°w°' .. .......,„ ' statmrt them 24 Flannelettes. ..P°1°1.•'' iS Ladies wear. that Is ...,e an never c bellford hand . . j L : • Never greatly sniu a 10S' ID . r r . • ' .. • csafer • 'facts '''-' up, different and, . . Prices 11c1 a asses ,,, •-4- ed. .9.-yy0afir military , better Cllt e [awes,. , the • .4 Fi\IA-BI 1 . ------ '' ' We T• his. in. ' . ' make. largest . . 1 than and are patternis E line favor Gentlemen's are o t aanllnwelosol . in values ' • . t11 ,,.e • • i x. for b. uyers • variety • .' b .aowliml ' showing 0 e llent a •g°°ds. so ' (..) amp Just' Towels j . I . lt. ' ' in poth, low can. were an, ••• to - of ., , Th 4 AI C1 1 f, Al; l t f I The „„00,,, ,,,,,,,, , Atme‘ , „„„4.14„er 0, , _ • , , • - . . - . . . . ' Ilao important ii4yetits in a Vow IVerils Ver itusvaltetelees. 1 ,.. , 1 33 S.. CrITEXICay3 BANKER, Public WOrket itt 110W qualified to to • 1 greuted 100 soarer, of land given by the PrOvince of Quebec to the I . nippy , parent of twelve children. Ilis twelfth '4."-. • The RepOrted Chinese VietorieS. hi de Peninsula Denied, . Dash fireg axe oekisitig. Met claleage 144 13rtice county, , A Vienna viper spa's the Czar'e Opt- cians oouaidet hie oonditioti serieu.S. opi I{eau -' o Fi -1,e yr a - to eat., 0,, .,,te Royal 11.01180 0,• France PasSes AwaY.Peacefully... EXETER 01`TT . , child was born a few days ago.. •:.e x x South iluren Liberals , FLOODS IMPEDE OPERATIONS . , The Ontario. Chainplonstan lawn tennis tournament will be lield lo Ilaroilton this III • ' HIS ST f R R 1 N G, EV EN -rFu L LIFE .rreesecte a general batikingimslaess, . Raceives the Aceininte. of Merchants axle 4110to onfav0,,,,b1,-0,0„4, ., Offen. every ecaoramodation eansistent with Imre endoonserviitive banking principles. interest allowed on deposits. Drafts issued payable at may ;Oleo o the re -nominated their oldrifember, IVIr. John Melit'llan, ' for thej-loose Of 00111111011S. at a meet-- Mg held last week. Dlr. galillail will, in all probability be opposed by Mr. Jehrt Torrance, of Zurich. x X. X A. Decisive Ilettlo. Cannot be b'ouslit Till the rioode Subside - ;Japanese Forces oceepy a Strong Post- tion at Plug -tang- Shanghai Deports. week. . • Vesper, a lemberine 'village in Wiseon- isin, has beau wiped. pt hy forest fir:ee. LOBS, $75,000; , , • ° The Count'. a Paris"' condition is, pu. Obatig'ed, , go is conscious and has not lost, strength. lately. , . . ---__ He Passed Through the Stormy Period of the Devotution 'Misch 131onarelly in France •Was 16aid Low, --lie win ito Buried in • ngi end, Wareham:4 Bank. Nor..E$ DzscorsTma, 414d IMc,X1' TO LOAP7 se' Neese and MORTGAGUS. . 1.....,..............„,............„„' . • The Brant ' Expos:tor e of the ' flila - - 1 ; 15.11 - best Liberal papers in the Provin0e, BaYs,thatOartwrightwas not atlirantford. •,-,ozrx,o$,. N,ellt• 7.--:.1 T°1d° desPat°11 t° the Central News says that the last reports from the front te.11 of heavy rains Whith have impeded 'military • The It is authoritatively stated that ex -Pre. Si eat Harrison will not. seek' the BePla )', Lean nonainatiou again. Sixty-bwO reeidents of Sanwa have for- --..----- LONDON, SePt. 10.:*7-The, 001nte de Faris died tiii Saturday. The femily and the oldest servants cif the family were all iti • . /2q Nititk A . g .*i" demonstration and then adds that the blue ruin knight WaS 110t missed. A mom unkind thing -011u not be said of Mr* Laurier's lieutenant, .even by the eialiailton Spectator..belong oueratious. streams of the Oerean peninsula have risen rapidly ond mueli of. tbe adjacent lowland , is .paFtle2.11y ilood.ed, The Japanese officers. BOT it is not likely that any important battle will be fought before the floods. malty petitioned the Emeercir of Gertneny . . , , to annex Samoa. ... . ., , . , , The i °hoe of Rio sae leo aa•se drecov- - - . tinfereal .macheines supposed to o Anarchtsts, A has dtainage attendance and to eacli one the heed of , . the royal house •of France feebly' said a few kind Verde of farewell after which tbehfaM •tilfYlibc311tItigri)tehtli:31da.!•11113,-1,(1• up eat .e prayers31 , offered 0 Death had marked. the • Cont beyond TaugsnAr, sEpremsgs 13, 1894. • •x x j'' The Globe has no defence) for Mr. subside. , Occasionally AltiTaliA11A8 111We taken place, they say, but neither side has 01011.liblitet (teemed great to ITvalatle arid pluls, Tex. }hat a hope for ninny days , past, but the sick roan lingered on hour after hour day. , Mr., McLean Wriggling. -- An article in the Seaforth EX- • . • positor a few weeks ago, in refer- mace to our contentions concernmer . e, the appointment .of fee. ,,,,,,41.d •`- officials by the people, having es.'. ' caped our notice at the time we , take this opportunity f. ' o again setting the Expositor right. Our q cotern appears to.. think that because this paper 'advocates'th e election of county registrars,s1 ' 'ff ieri. s, &c., by the people instead f • o per- miffing the government to appoint ,Australasia them and to fix th,eir . sals.ries - , "vie shoUld also advocate the election of Dominion Govern! t ffi ' 1 nen o cia s by the people. We thought • the -.. Tams had made its position on this matter clear euough for the . Ex . , - poeitor to understand it. The offi- .cials who should be elected by the people are those who are paid by fies for the services they . f per orm. The Dominion Gover t b th amen y e , constitution. has the duty ' .. imposed uppn it of collecting revenues from imports and from excise ise charges. levied r.pbn tobaccos li ' & , . quors, c It has also to 'pay out this revenue to the different Provincial Govern- • ments in proportions fixed by the constitution. There are a t great manypersons engaged in the. col- lection of .these and other revenues 'which are placed in charge or the ,..0 . . . a i.." minion authortties by .the Owl- federation Act.' All such officials are appointed by the Governxn t en for the reason that the government is responsible to the people not • , • • Laurier's disingenuoue course itt deal- ing with the Maiiitoba school case, and the Brantford .Expositor bluntly says that its leader has not made the - • et!nos phere any clearer by his remarks, The o oneorgan an the silence f Liberal d' veiled condemnation of the party leader by another constitute the best pessible • - fi t• 11 justi ea ion for a that has been said in Conservative and Independent papers regarding this same matter. x x x ' Nearly 24,000 divorces were gi•anted in the Milted States last year. This is more than 5,000 in excess of the ag- . gregate number legalized in France Germany, A - • ustria G Britain ' reat , Icorwa Sweden,B o' , y, eleions, Holland and Roumania for the same ' d Another' " • perio . institution more sac- d, th tl b 11 b d re re . an le a ot ox, an one !no stability than purity of necessary to0 , . , . y e ections even is in grave .danger in ' the adjoining Republic. • • x. x x e. Many moons ago, when wheat was running at sixty.cents and over, we ventured the opinion that there was . . more likehhood of a drop to fifty 'than a raise to one dollar. About the same. time Sir William Van liorne banked ••• V li.reputation" is as a propheton a DOS- '- - ' sible rise to $2. Well, the price 18.15.14, d a t d ' ell d d an e en eocy is s i ownwar . There is a moral in this. Farmers in Ontario will do well to go on developing t at, de rymg and fruit industriescoe heir rne i ' • and in allowing grain to.go by the board. x x x ' . . Ie bait been, decided. that an exarnin- ation will be held in December next s foo the ro otio o . i o he p in n f pup ls fr m t junior fourth to ' senior, four class. Those 'passing the &Nomination will con- * ' •stieute. the entrance. class., Those who fail to pass together with these who do not attend during the present term will da receutly to bring ab bout a decisive teleleee,„ ' - e ---T-l-ie' Japanese regulars in Corea • now number 80,000. Some 10,000 ot these • • i 1 'f t _loops, 'comprising a strong cava.ry -oree, have been detailed for the scoutine ser- 0 _ • ' • vice and the protection, of the main aroay's lines of sepply and. communication. Some 18,000 Japanese owl of e strong position 7. r I. • . at Ping.1. wig. They have throwo. up ' earthworks and mounted heavy guns. The Chinese army with about 20,000 men has taken position facing the Japanese. ' ' Scouting parties from the two camps have met frequently and exchatged shots, but the mortality has been inconsiderable. . The spirit of the Japanese traops is said to be all that could, be desired' , . • • - • • - The ATATOttle of Saone; piesident of the •'-''• Imperial Orders, as AT- D et 1 f h a- al me" ° rived. in Cores with • a large suite.His • • • ' mission is to convey to the Corean King ee E • .' e inpeim. s congratulations in. view of Corms achievement of her independence. The corr s oncl tsaysthe ' e p en . e reports of great Chinese victories in Corea are pure notion. The Shanghai corresponcleut of the Central News says: "Otori the Japanese - . ' • ' tannster to Corea, hats taken extreme measures to more the Xing of Corea to grant a comprehensive railway concession in favor of Japanese contractors. He is trying also to obtain exclusive mining .. 0 eights for the Japanese, Despite Japanese denials there has been a general engage- 0 e ,. any are arricmg, a . ni nt Mwounded ' • t Seoul. It is impossible re- learn from Danese sources whether they were in- *Te" d in skirmishes or in a • itched. battle. jur,e,a P °' means attaoked fifty Japanese for- agers recently, capturing thirty and handed them over to the Chinese. The troops now cominr, from Japan are landed at ' Chemul Po Ttvelve mouhtain guns end ' - '' twelve mortars have been taken ashore at thatpori . ' • ' 0 Chinese fleet was at Wei Hai -Wei September 4, and the Japanese was off the iern coati of Colea. e B°u ti t • "Captain Von Ilenneken has been an- ointed Maps° tor of the Chinese coa-st iefences." .... dozen lives bare been lo t • s •fter Viee•Presideut Shaug,huessy of tbs. C.P.. R has expressed himself hapeful of a speedy luipteiveinent ha trade. ' 'Winnipeg lumbermen expect the retitle- ion inia es to owe ,a goat im- t' • freight ••• x • ' • ' petits to"the lumberine industry. H H ' • • ° -, ' arry orsey, third sou of Is, M. lior- s - • ' 1- ' • es, tinsant .1, Kingston, went ie switn- lean yesterday 1 and was drowned. . George Fieemal the leader of Prim • e a ros & West's minstrels. dropped dead on the Street• at Pittsfield.' , The h Ohio Falls Car Works, Indiana, have regained work after a year's idleness.. The company employs 1,200 to 2,000 • • - • raen, • Ibis reported. that the Governor of Ni- caroms. lias issued ed .. , 0 lets of banishment against the British and American refu- gees. . , . . e FFall Bletieli exhibitors at the Chicago air are complanune that the medals and other badges of honor if ' rcl d tl h t . wa e min aye no -been received, , . , , , , A majority cif the striking Roman miners bave voted in •favor of accepting sixpence reduction with guaranteed wages on that - e ' . " baste for two years. . The mother of J. T. Garrow, M.P.P., fell and broke her h' jointt S f th hp a ea or . The injured lady is advanced in yeare and • r. her recovery is doubtful. • The C. P. R. C li•s el a• r c uced elevator h ' ' • a arges in Maintoha one cent a bushel, and freight rates on lumber have been cut about 35t per cen -. Edward Ryau • f 1 f T t d , °miser y o °ram o,•an Thomas Weaver . whose home.is near Glen- ' . , e arrested at Windsor Friday on a ever a oharg.e of manufacturing spurious coins. A threshing engine exploded in Porame de Terre Township, Minna itilline Hans H ' X t'll ' d Tlf° aanig, nu e aanig an o e Ander- son. IL T. Ilaanig, was seriously scalded. • It is'asserted by.interested parties • that the new United States tariff law has de- stroyed the best sugar industry in Nebras- ka,• involving several million' dollars. An t " f 0 • C t - J express rain rom man 1 y, N. : el,. in o e rear en o an excuision train r ii.,' t the • ' d f • 'lace Camden N.J. Two . day the beta of life flickerine fainter ' • ' - ' every moffient, until ablest it geritty weut out so gentle indeed that some ti . .4 * ' ' . Ult" elapsed before the fatal verdict was av - • ' nounced ' ' Louis Philippe Albert D'Orleans Was a - • eon of 'he late Duo D'Orleans and a grand- * soing Louis Philippe of n of the late X• France. He was born in Paris on August, 1838, apd 'accompanied by hi , mother, . • the late -Pilotless. D'Orleans, he witnessed the stormy scene in the French Chambers • - ' • • • which followed the revolution of February, 1848. The Comte de Paris was educated at Naremont Era:dame b his na titer, . . , s, ., y s o , who died there •in 1858. Durirag•the Civil W • th 'C '• t d Parisd ' le War e • om e e an his brother, the Dun de Chartres aecom anied b their- • . • • , p y uncle, t ie Pri ce de Joint/111e, visited . elcomed.by•the United Americaand were w Statesagovernment and by Gen. McClellan, upini-whose staff the two young princes p ains. serv ed with the rank of ca t ' • At the conclusion nf the year 1871 the t d Parisd ' t om e e was a mit ed a memher of the National AsserablV at Versailles under -a .1 1 t Th' -cl D ' ' 99 .s. res a en Thiers, an on ecember aa, . 1872 the Assembly .voted the restitutioa ' • of the property of the Orleans fa mily. The late Comte de Chambord, the repre- sentative of the older branch of the Bour- bons and, the Comte de Paris had an in'- .' terviewe at Frohsdorf,..August 5, 1875, during which the„latter . acknowledged' the Comte • de Chambord as the head of the royal house of France. o e e 0 am- After the death f the Comted Oham- box -d, August 24, 1883, the great majority o le again/is s ac -now e ged t e Comte f tl 1' • • • t le • 1 a h de Paris as his successor. Acconipanied by his eldest son, the Dna D'Orleaos, the • Comte again visited the United States in .. . 1890. , - The Comte de Paris married his cousin, s erancome muse Princes Mari Isabel F " D'A ' ,Non= Antonia Louisa ' Fernando; eldest•daugh- ter of the Duo • de Itiontpensier, May 30 ; 1864, and has six children,. three. sons and three daughters. His eldest son is Prince Louts Philippe Robert Duo D'Orleans. born at Twickenham England February 6, • ' ' 1869; his eldest daughter, born at the same. September 28 1865 i ' • s queen of P, , q .. am ask and Cotton ' BOVINES DYING MYSTERIOUSLY. D ' ' 1 ' • ' *r . . • • f om 6c. a to 75 cents pair Iniestigatiou into the sudden Death. 0 • * all and Cattle in °uteri° county. C . examine the above B - • O - b 1 • 1300kmx, at., Sept. 6. -A. second in goods. .921 s. of exoe lent vastigatitm was held here calla b H ' , O. y on. sugar for $4. Eggs, .11o, John Dryden,. the Minister of Agriculture, •-• • • to consider into the increased mysteriousButter, 170.,.. • ' • - ' ' • death of cattle rant • , • t '' ' 1 bh • nue upon ...ie pu c j ..re, highway. - A number of veterinaries P. ' • • • • e • .. CLARKE wet e•piesent and conducted a post mortem • - - and. constiltaition upon two cows beloueine . 0 Id &REST 'REPORTS. to Mr. Alfred Roberts and J. 13rooks -'• -"--- Which had. died' ia the meriting. They 'exciter Septembee 13th 1894. were again baffled and gave• " t no, opinion o wheat perbush.. a ,50 4 52 ' ' • the public but ,decided to send the • store- Spring whestper bush-.... ; . . 50 52 - sobs of these animals to Toronto to be 13arley per bush... ... . * * thoroughly ahalized, ivh.ere they were 'CI bush ---:.:26 . 27 e . inis el o. Agleam ure. , Flourperbbl 60 ' .52 taken by the AV t • f • It • Peas per bush . . . 4 00 • 420 ' t The ineestigationehad just been con. Apples per bag .... . 75. • . 85 40 • ' 40 eluded when paris green in nantities was Pc'taS"Par bag ""*" flay , ex ton • 6 00 • 7 00 femid scattered in the q geese along the Woouper cord hard-. ..... .... 3 00 • 3 50 road andthe excitement of the large NV ood per cord soft 2 00 2 25 . crowd assembled was great, they thinking 'Butter per lb........... 15 16- found the true source. They are Eggs per dozen 9 9 theyhad. • ' Turkeys porlb.. .... ... 9 9, anxiously waiting the report of the an- Pork perhundrei.... ....... : . ........- .6 re 6 25 alysis. flogs, live weight. " 4 50 4 50 Fifteen cows are dead and all being' in .gueecte . . . • 5 _ 6- 6 r the immediate neighborhood ofOh' Its ' e one to a.. , • . 5 6 ' has another this cansed alarm. In each case death is very sudden TheRoberts .. RobeiLondon, September 13th.1894, . cow was well and milked at 7 o'clock ELnd Wheat white,fall, 100 lb. • 3 98 to $1 OD .was dead at 7.30. Wheat; red, fall, per 100 lbs... 98 to 1 00. Wheat.spring, m1001139 98 to 1 00 ' Oats, eerie& lba 1 a6 to 1 is • WRECKED IN A' TUNNEL . • • Peas, per 100 lbs 90 to. 1 00 A Blunder of the Signal operator costs Corn, per 100 lbs..— .... . .....e. 95..,to roe' Barley. per 10f Ihs..........- . .. ... .. 85 to cs- the Lives of Two Men Ere per leo lbs 1 00 to 1 00 - • • • ' * ' "". ..... .----- Anams Mass Sept. 10:-B the Buckwheat, per 100 lbs -----------90 to 1 00 . railroad *reek ** ' " - '' y Beets per bus , - l' CO to 1-10 in Hoosac tunnel Saturday hoes 'fresh s•••-•';'• •a••• ........ - 1 night two men lost . their lives stud three gas; fresh: Oglet pc'esa-... — 10 . to • 1 others were very • seriously injured. ' 'Eggs,Tresh, store lots, per dos le, to, ' 9. A freight train had to stop in the tunnel Butter, singl a rolls, per lb........ 20 • to 22 to repair a break .on the en,gine. .13• some- Ruuttter• Perlb21.1b rollafkaskets 2e, 'tp. 20 y c er,per in. large toils or, g, rain was per- crocks - , , . . 18 tO 20 blunder ..a second. frei lit t • 'tt d t f 11 't tit. t 1 b f h Butter pernt tub or firkins— • .18 to ' 18, nal e o - o OW in o e tome e ore t e L i ' • ' . e.: ' • ar, . per lb., 11 to 12. first was out of the way, and crashed into •Chiekens, per pair. ...... . ... '50 to 70 the standing train, • The two men killed Ducks . . ••••• - 70 to 80 were • William TUT0611 ""F t Edward,Turkeys 8 to 90 Der fb• eaeb 60 t� 1 7- .,,, . ,, _ y, or • , • - ' •Geerge `:- only for their 'conduct but for the 'th constitute the junior fourth • class. THE WORK OF THE STORM Only those in the entrance class' will • * - at yesterday. pee. sengers on 'the excursion were killed - out- Portugal ' • • Th ." • • e remains of the Comte de Paris will moneys which they collect f .rout e people. Their emoluments .are in the shape of salaries, 'd b th pal y e State, not fees paid by the individ- ual as in the case of registrars, sheriffs, masters -in -chancery, sur- rogate court registrars, division .court, bailiffs, and the other.. fee paid officials appointed ,by tte Ontario Go•vernment. Whether the sytein is the best that could be devised, it is not for the TIMES to say. But, at al events, it is in har- mony with • . th democratic spirit or the age. If theDominion Govern • inent appoints officers who should be elected. by the.people, the Ex- • positor will kindly let us k.now what such offices are. As the Dom . inion • Government is confined to appointing such officials as are paid out of the Dominion treasury, sO ShOlild the Ontario Government be con e to appointing suchThere . fin d ' officials as are a charge upon the Ontario treasury. Beyond that l' ine neither of the Governments should be to But the course of stud • a pursue . . . y for passine. lowerskl,Farrners Lose Heavily From Dam- to. the high • school the - th Lightning. . e , e work or, e, acansed by • juniors being preparatory to the 'u s y co r e HADRISTON, Ont., Sept. 10. -One of the, h.' I 'II i7 - sr lei m _ e taken up in the succeed- heaviest electric and rain storms of the ing year. ' . season visited. this . town on Saturday. x X x Thomas., Grill's barn was struck with Mr. Carnegie, the millionaire lightning and burned to the ground, to -e. • gether with all the season's crop. It was Pennsylvania iron manufacturer, says partly insured, but the loss will be hew, that if a workingman in America will HA Sept. I A rt Saturday, ‘J. MILTON ...v. -flan live 8 fiugally as he does •in Great while th • * - • • - storm was at its longiat a barn Britain his living wit,' coat him less. on the ;aliases of John Dalton, a'botit a ' is thef • e • This kind o a discovery which mile over the mountain, was struck by rich men sometim.es made about poor lightnines The barn sheds and slaughter men and poor men about rich. It -does house w'e're destroyed and two bug-gies, not count in the practical settlement of two pigs, ten tonsof bay and some Isar- the question at stake, Workiugrnen ness were consamed. Loss not known; come to America to live better than insurance 8200. eln. Glanford township they can in Europe, and it is their de -the barns on William Gage's Property were sire and efforts so• struck. and consumed. • • . . . to live that have SEAFORTH, Ont., Sept. 10.-Durin g a added much to America's wealth. Thevery e roye omas ps ie s • stormliglatnine ded Th La t• ' better the workingmen can live the All the season's crop, including a _ barn. better it is for them. tl 'r, f T lei ami nes. and. valuable California colt and four. pigs, the state Wh" h they h ic ey elp to ccostitute. were burned.' Instrance '8700 ou barn , x X x and $1,200 on contents in the MeXillop - There is much in the experience of Mutual. were also burned two . barns be- other country that tends to rec n- • - ' li every .. o longing to . Matthew Scott, Tnckersmit ede the intelligent patriot to the disad- township,with tl • '•' nee years wheat, two vantages at temper the blessings of years' hay and. this season's crop that . ' VILLE, Ll .,, .- . Mar- his own Canadian home. Canada' does Marrs 0 t Sept 10 'W not suffer in proportion to the affiictiuns rin, of the townishin of Chaffey, had his right. • . At Lockland, 'Ohio. James Cain• shot his wife, little girl and father. The first t 11 d• C • ' 27 • Id. d f two will . le. am is: years o an or hes been ddi • • ' years , a cted to drink. He was • •I d. ' . 3" . - * .Satolli'n secretor announces y that whether the Papal delegate be recalled to Rome or not, the Vaticau will continue to .be represented at Washington by a ni • . per a- nent legation. •- . Fire caused by an explosion of a lamp in the -barn of John cio s 0 te , London town- .BORN. ship, destroyed his large stables, 'sheds antoutbuildingslastnight. Loss, $6,.000; covered by insurance. ' A Kansas City despatch says: Four masked men raided the bank of Lescott, 15 miles north of Salina , on Saturday, forced the cashier' to give up $1,000. • wounded a lad and fled. • A celebration of the battle of . the Alma is to be celebrated by • survivdis of the Crimea living in Ottawa.. A. meeting tc, further the purpose. has been called for Wednesday evening. ' Abbe Brunean, who, on July 18, was convicted of murder, robbery and arson, was Put to death by .the guillotine at 5 - o clock yesterday morning at Laval, France, ' in the presence of 8,000 people. E. -H. Parmelee of Bergen, N.Y., who was charged with fradulentiv tr t* a!ls." 1'18 be buried at Weybridge ' Surrey. ' Besidesthe * ' . , e..late . Comte s son there are two other- pretenders to the throne of , Carlos, Doke of Madrid, andWheat' France Don enera ea our on, vs o sty es himself, G I d B b h I Due D'Anjoy, and who claims the . throne. Their pretensions, however, are ridiculed.. LONDON, Sept. 10. -The Berlin corres- pondent says that ' the G • a dailies eim n . - O t • epee - o e min. of Paris as an amiable man who never expected and. probably never wished to become king. •The•Viennt press makes a similar' comment. • • The Spanish court has gone into Mourning for - eighteen days • • PARIS, Sept. 10. -Several of the news- Papers of this city; piented special editions containing the announcenaent cif the death of the Count of Paris, hut their Sale was confined to a few thousands: The interest throughout the provinces, however, was great. Details of the scenes at the - . . . death bed were printed in extra editions of the provincial papers, and were readwith avidity by everyone able to obtain pos- session of a cony. Expressions of sorrow and.s m ath were heard on All sides. y p y w , The Gaulois says a council of ' *ministers will be held to difscusis the question of per- mittine the interment of the bodyt - - - of he Count of Paris at Drenx, in the event of a request on behelf of the family for this privilege.. • • N.Y., brakeman., and Minnick, • Fitehburg, brakeniau. • . . Toronto, September 135114894 The tunnel was completely blockaded by Wheat, white, per bus.... a 58 0 $ 59 sprin er b . , , and it was , impossible to. get , gip us........ ... 0C to so the wreck ' • '' ' Wheat, red winter, per bus...-. 59 to 40 trains th-ou h esterdt The 'd t Wheat, goose, per bus 56 to. 56 b bus. was due to the blunder of the operator in Barley per bus 45 t 46 0 t • Barley. en ranee' o he a t, per, us the si nal tower at the ' t - t t 34 to 35 tunnel. Peas ,... 55 : to 5£3 Hay - . e 8 00. to 9 00 A. W. Hodgkins, the operator, has been Egg i per dozen 00 to 25 arrested and a warrant has been.is il B tt • ib 17 to -22 sue . for u es , per --7 M. • Dressed hogs 6 30 to 20 ' tt et:errOetsterofen-cloAftthCertousinenr,elthe operator Potatoes. Der bag. ..... . .. 50 to !, 00 a „... Deed of Two Inhuman Brutes. CRESTON, Toiva, Sept. • .10. -News has IRVINE. -In Usborne, on the 2nd inst, tbe wife cif Mr. John C. Irvine, of a daughter. reaChed here of A fiendish outrage upon the person of Miss Winslow, the daughter of a well -to do farmer who lives near ... MARRIED. etAMPORT-41 'vE 4 Tnf golell, on tbe 12th .st at theriplLid ".---a" _ e bride's parents, Lennox. Melville Phil•pott and his cousin, inA Charles Philpott, were visiting in the 19 ramuelLport, of oreffiton, to Max neighborhood of Lennox and attended a Eliza, daughter •of mr. Thos. Rowe. Sunday school picnic. • Miss Winslow BO hiNS0N-DODDS.-In Blyth on tho 52h . - ' ' • b b the Re • M Ide, n, , W._ who resides near .L6nnox, was else in lilbineL to Mavry* tll.i.rd Paeuahtein Nin. tendance. The Philpotts offered .to take James Dedds; alio? Myth. . g f r• Miss Winslow home. Miss Winslow ac- VVOODLEY-FRANC1S--at the residenoo of Oepted the offer and .got in the buggy. the bride's pareets, Fullerton, on tbe 5th When they reached a desolate spot in the • inste by the Bev. Mr. al eradzen , MP J• W. woods the boys -dragged her from the Woodley to Miss Jennie, second daughter of Capt. Francis, all of Fullerton township ' buggy and assaulted her. Miss Virinsloir 0A-PARBELL.-At st. ' 13; • sirs stru led hard bu ' - gg , , t was overcome. They . church, Toronto, September Oth, by Rev. released the girl with threats of death if Father Brennan,P. P„ Mr. Ja• F. Cavaitatth, :if 11.4onteefo; to Tda Javipe. daughter of Mr. she divulged what had ' occurred.' Miss• . , Farrell druggist, of Luoan. . • Winslow when she reaChed home related - the diabolical deed of the Philpotts. One DIED. of the brutes has been captured. • • . GPISPR.--11. Creditor; 0114100lb inst., Adam permitted go.. the Ontario ,Government 'does. go beyond it. The . Provin ce main - tains a small army of officials whom .• the Ontario Goyermr,ent appoints , of other countries. There are calam. barn struck by ligiitning. One horse and. a calf were killed and the whole of ities enough here, but never is this • ' • this country cursed with wholesale horrors crop of rain and a threshing year's. .P g g like the fires that have swept hundreds machine were.totally burned. up. No in- • • • a . out of life in the Western States. 11 ranee. - pension business coin IC - , . mi ed suicide in that town yesterday by throwing himself in front of the SL Louis express. ' ' w et, m. evell Moody, eldest eon of Evan. gelist D.L... Moody and Mary Whittle, eld- ' Canadian Trade Report. Morentnera Sept. 8. -September opened with an improved tone to trede and orders, • , received have • incresteed, but prices' are close-. Collections are said to 13e better in ' Geiser, aged 7-1 3 ears.. . Terrible Deatliof an iron worker. .. BLocH -bat Zurich on t 6 h 'n H ry „, he t i st., en Hoyeeviamps N.S., Sept. 8. -Neil Bear- 13/ •11. d 70 • oc age emits. . • , iste, of the Charcoal iron worksaaBrid' ge- FEB. -In Day, Goshen I ine on Septeieber 3rd• -collie, met with. h sad death yesterday Edward Fee, aged 5.8 years. while runnineta a. loaded car down the MOBLRY-In Centralia, on the 8th teat, branch of thjnfain. line. A flat car fol- John DA url ey, aged 73 years. • . • . lowing tore down the steep grade and col- REAL -In mitehell, on the 31st ult., Lawrence lided r with the preceding car. Beariste Heal of Fullerton, aged 66 yens and 27 days aIneritch:11, on_ the 493 insk,nWilli am was thrownfrom the car under the wheels ' CreteR,1-g a Y ars, 7 'months and , 5 days; and was terribly mangled: The poor fel- et • - • . low died . after suffering intense' agony. tp, 1 i It -In Usburne, on the 31st ult.. Bella igidigtierirs, , 0 laneftil tso n of gr, and st ra. Pion. Beariste came to Pictmi from Maine • three months and 14 days. ' ' ' He thirty 'a - and whose emoulments they fix, but whom the -. . people as - private individuals pay. We have named a few of them: The Patrons and the Conservative party sa3r they should not be appointed by the -, • -e Government but. should be elected, Canada sympathises with suflering Double Deowning in Toronto. everywhere. Her .sympathy is strong, ToRmo, Sept.. 8., --James Rivett, a yet not stronger than is . a. feeling of -waiter at McConkey's, John Minims, an thankf illness that her own children are employe of the Toronto Club, and B. 0. spared the 'heaviest, affliotio.ns that Furey, 107 Fulton avenue, started out in a c ome to other membera ot the family boat frorn the foot of Booth avenue for a of nations • morning's shooting. They were 'hardly • • clear of the bank when their boat ran - X T x by the dredging est daughter of Major D.W. Whittle, , were married in the Congregational church, Northfield, Mass., Wednesday. ., • A terrible fire °crooned in the Canton Itiver. A. flower boat caught fire and the flames spread rapidly until hnndreda of these vessels were destroyed, At least 1,000 natives perished in thaflames, the province of Quebec than Ontario.. There is also an improvement repertediat Tbronto.where the Industrial. Exhibition has attracted many interior buyers, there- by helping business. At Halifax trade is Bank and .colleetions reniain. unchanged. clearings at Hamilton, Toronto, Mon- treal and Halifax amount to $14,108,000 against $15,223,000 last weekend as Coin. - ' ' by the people. Every proposal for reform made by the Oonservat- i-ves or the Patrons in the House was opposed to Sir Oliver Mowat and his Government. They did .. itground on a shoal made he Canada r r' • • • T . P esbyte Ian. has anothei out of the western channel of Ashbridge's quarrel with the eourts than that on the Bay and was overturned, the three men t being precipitated into the water. Furey -ground Of expense. It asks: Why P • should any decent citizen Summoned managed to reach the shore and ran shout-Attl L in for help.Weighed d by tl • and compelled ' • g rown tear to give evidence U0 ' to the bot- heavy the two ., A. Prominent Hamiltonian Dead. . Haentatort Sept .1.1 Mr Lyman Mo ' ore, f or many years one of l'' tthilton's best known and moat t • • ' ' • • en eipiasing business merchants and manufacturers died' at his • , p red with ^18 ' - a • $ ,306,,099 in the first week of Sentember 18,93. There are 29 business ' - • - " • failures reported in • the Dominion of Canada this week against 32 last week, 27 in the week a year ago end 29 two years ago. . years ago. Iva& about years of , age and was shortly to be mare d t ' " ' . • le, o a 1 \ R, L,F1'OULTS • young lady from Bridgeville.• i i - ' . CENTRALIA. DI tl i ' 4° e Lod At General Conference. Lounoie,. Ont., Sept. .8, -At the Meth°. Office opposite Methodiet Persona ' dist general conference yesterday a notice was given in ff t th t the . • I 3 KINSMAN, DENTIST , a , ec a, e words 'Chris. i ii. . ; t' -E ian n.deavor ' should be dropped from. the nainabf the,Epworth League society. • e LD, 8, SPECIALIST in‘GOLD BILL. ING,, EX1 li A LITING and Tim notice was net Well received, and. Ana est hotics for painless ex- there will likely be a bob discussion. The treating. 2nd door north; cl I!? f . *^ CARLING's Stove afternoon was devoted to the reading f• statistical 11 fwhicho not want to lose the patronage and , the party heelers did not Want tO lose their chances of offic e.Hen ce .the. miscall& Reform. Government 1 • insulted f givingShe ' other men sank gross y or e evidence , tom. Two young men arrived a few thet the law compels him to give. • Why 1 Id I * ' moments too late and only suaaeeded in y a mu a coarse,bullying a Yer recovering the dead bodies Rivett was a be alloweclto abuse decent citizens in a ' - ' ' married man, • tzi ' a ' that he dare court-roo in manner ira.es- idence here on Saturday evening, aged 66 years. • He had been an invalid for four ears liavin lo t If Ix lth th • y , , g s a is ea . lough too close attention to business. For many years he -was partner in the firm of J. • An Insane Man Suicides. • TORONTO, Sept. 8. -The higlat watch in e eas wing. of he oronto Asylum. for the Insane found oito of the inmates hang- ing dead from a' window. The body was . opposeti a reform which nine out of every, ten intelligent . Canadians think sliOuld be made, • Mr. Weis. , miller certainly opposes the cen-. tralization ot power in the harids of the Provincial Government. It Mr, McLean does not believe in • - • not adopt anywhere. else? Why should An Itl, JP, r.,s Sen in Trouble. . S . JOHN, N. B., Sept. 10.-A. young t sastamecl b the eople's mon- T a etur d V f 11 • ey. e use e,s a nkeans o !level decent man named Hetheriu ton son of Thomas ng . g t , citizens. of the crime of perjury? There 11. netherinr,ton, M. P. P. for Queen's 0 , . . . . . , . . are some things worse than a coun y, was arrested last ingnt cliargeo, bill of t. ,costs, and a dirty, cowardly insinuation With bigamy. A few days ago a child was 1 -that you are committing perjury when found On a door Step iri this city and the telling, tho treth is one Of • -' • eked ' theme mother was tea to Queen et county, Winer & Co. But et • the Hine .of his re- tirement from business he was manager of the Hamilton glass works, in. which con- cern be was a big stOckholder, He was f , - • • .emil ny • ' '. oi ma 3 ears piesident of the H ton street railwa In olitios hea Y, p. ., was re - former and yeas one of the proprietors of the Hamilton Times. 'He was uni versally respeeted by ali wht, knew him He leaves ' • still warm, showing that tbe deed had been committed only a short' time before. The suicide'it name is C. R. Pears and h• - rents l• •1e is a live i i Uxbridge. H as 30 Ptv years old and had been in the institotion only a month. Il '' o e was always quiet and •W011 behaved and never showed , ' - ,ane sign - of siticidal hitentions. ' reports , a 0 showed a satisfactory ceridition •of thinge in the T1 ALTON ANDERSON D.D. S ' • various departments. The delegates were .1..../ . t • d el - •• : . . L. D• S, Honor Graduate of the io- • en ere a rousing reception irr the even- Tomo University apd Bora] College of Dents lag, Saraet438 of On tatio. 1.33.,...ciailic$, painlee! ' extraction bf and nrcservation the r.tittira, .3,-liamilton, Boy's rave Deed, teeth. Office ov I L ' ' A ., ter t le Lew Offme of Elliot HAmmeow, Sept. E Duffield,' of Elliot, opposite central Jioto), sateter, Ont. • the, policy so obstinately persisted in by,Sir Oliver,he should not have x x x ' where she was arrested, She told of her • marriage on the quiet to Hetherington, . • • •• a widotv, one. sonand four daughters. Thirtythle Vietinol of a Fend. ' 4, the W. E. Sandford Mantfacturing Com- ' ' -- B ANEW L. 1).'S;DENTIS'rs pany, perforated* a heroic action at the . eTirill°•N' ' . Bead, reselling Ellen. Buckingham, a ' Will be at Groh a hotel Zurich ' • '' purse at the Elsinore, who had gone in oil the seeped Thuraday of eitob bathing,' gOt beyond het clepth and before month and at Hodgin's hotel youg it to tke surface was tinder [lemon every Monday, beingb- I ' watet' several minutes, Duffi '' ' eld brave io been so anxious to he the Mowat candidate ' , at the last ' eleCtion, But as Mr., McLean Will' probably ne.ver sit m the House, it Makes .... lip wo,rd.s of 1,60D young nien and' wo- . Mid said he was the , tether of the child passed the primary. examine.- The child died in the almshouse on Satu- men have. r , . _ . . • • t • a , , tion and m a few months vvill be.quali- day, Hetherington A other wife reef es in fi t teach i - . , Qinen's county, andhe is about 80 years ed on the publio schools of f - • .. , Ontario:: Where are all th 0to o age' the�e people incendiary Fire in Dradford. • . BRADiroc.., Oat, Sept. 11: -Last even. i ''flre b •ok tit ' ti 1 ' k t' 1:)g a. .1. .-e ° . • ma I° arge 8 .a trig rink in this village, and in about ten nue- , . ntes the entire structure was a slieet.of PHOENIX, Arizona, Sept:10.-Another hapter of the famous. and bloody Pleasant O ' Valle feud lute• Valley . apparently been entered upon, Horace B. Sehilly. n Cattle man foundriddled 'titb 1 ' ' Wee•wi , ride a Is and badly mutilatetton Reno Mountains. He s - ac ion, o owe y t e prompt Applicata • time of restoratnees, saved. her life. ' . London, Hui oli and Bruce. ' • ' ' • Guise latieen--- -. Passertger. little difference what his personal pinto! • - -c • o xs may be,ex cptthat recent utterances show that he might vvell be called "Mic Pacingallways." , , sec r ' • .0 u e einploytnent? The school of nensawrientn Mill Destro ed ' ' the province furnish work for lesstlisn ' g Y • ' ' ' • Iluttsann, Ont, Sept, 10, --:-Fire broke 8,000 teachers, Ilt id ilf th t ,a o . f e ra Ore, 0 a e Mit iti the /Amino mill owned mid ocett, _ ihd • ' - ' • ' fourth of those now engaged h i 6 0 pied by Robert Patteraton Contrector, con- fistulas. On accouilt of its close prOximity to tile businese portion of the village great , . • . , ,... . 'ears were eutertemeet, that 'another dm- a t. til.grat'e ‘ asgoing t . seous oe 1 tl 1 11 ,‘V ' o over- take 'Own, but by hard work the was waylaid on his Way to Pi-ice/lir-g thought this tl • - 1 i ' is te work he Tewksbury . ' faction. &hilly is. 4,r, last of his fai 'IS Th a 121 - • e fend has now num. tared 31 victims, , T ii . ' ' ' • ° °IV Fever" a Yankee Boat. ' London, depart........ 8.25 A, M• 4,46 Pe At WASansoeoer, Sept. 10. • Surgeon•Gener- Heeler . 9.29 6.00 TI naell al Wyman received a telegrain from the ' ' rets * 645 ppen a .... ..... 9,47 620 oesietant surgeon at Cape Henry Va. Brueefield. ... . . ,..., ..,. le,55 6.28 stabiles that the American • Alice*' ' Chet n ' 1012 6.55 • , ,, , I bark had ' ° , ' arrived there from Havana Cuba,•.' 1 Londeals ro .. . .. . .. ,1040 7.14 . ,, a a 1 • nieie : . 7•2:3 tided cases! of yellow fever on hoard D 13 1 r 10.52 7,37 . r. e a ave Wyman sive there need be no alarm sta to- Winsham arrire11.10 • 8.00 an epidentie of yellow fever because of the (IoIN6 SOITTlY* --, ra/000116X lateness of the eettiten. .., • evinebere, (Mime.. ... 5.76 A. tf, $,...' ,j'a il ,. IMO.. 0 soireerit . 6.50 i5oil , Agairx, if Mr. Itlateati advocated the election 'of fee paid offiCials by Ilia people long ago,' as he says he did th t only goes, to show how , a. - • , A _rop out every year there , would still sinning ..the blinding n'tia a quantity of be enough new blood to 'fill every vac- lutnber in She yard, ' The building con- alloy created , Itut one-fourth esef the tained most of the finished material , fer teacheris of Ontario do not " • - th's • a ' . emit t . n b • . , retire at ,the 1 •50 r s rao S. Loss 0 inklings end of every twelve months. The av, and contents $1,000 ;., no insurance.' It isk our with . . hand fite. eligine the fire Was. confined to The ran Proved tettal. . She rink and adjoining , shed. 'Loss about ,Paause. Ont., Sept, 8, -William James $1,509; ineined for $400. The fire was about 05 years of age, caretaker of the f ' di - • • Pariscemetery,''died- - . • the wor o nicer' Aries. hero from the effects of, a fall from a tree; Deceased Was trini Unworthy he, is or public con fi. dence when he became the Can- didaic and champion of a Govern. ,erage teaching life is a good deal over not kiieWri hoW.the fire originated, but it ' ' I 1,, a we 0 con. is suppolled to have eommenced on the.., &Mt yeti t Whet thei' -re t • ' d flat . elude? Simply this, that the profession 466°n- '• ... . ' UnknoWn liodf retied tit /Attie Harbor. ming shade trees at the reeidence Of Jelin Thew GLasoow, MS, i Sept. 11.-A luau Walker, when eppittentlr lie made a This- Was foutd.dead at Little Harbor by a man step and, failiag about twelve feet, reeetv. Men t whieh is utterly opposed to of teaching, like the professions of law . • , TWO Bathers' DroWned, named McKinnon, near where the wreck ' ed internal injuries, aellied ells Drother in 116 tattiarrel. • Byte, st.,a..,... . . ... 10 • • 4.68 WItsevoun, Massa Sept, 16,-Irt altar. ''Cirtitrn",°._rc.- - ' ''''''''' 7:45 4.26 the e'ezAtori of these officials by the people who pay them. . ana medicine., is becoming overcrowd- cukNstmls ' 10 r s h 6 it , Sept. .-. o ep a neg. ed. and Philip Nadlick, •of Net* ltorit, aged , 4,,, ..,,,,,,, on ..„..,, ..,,_,,,,,,,,4,...1,.. ...,,, A.,...,i. f She ba tl ' 'VI 101 kb . o 4 rh o e rn e o 0 v courre , e An Pnknown Matt 'Snieides. a7 body was ititifeti, but Lie dealt was gone• . . fi.„m. i ii , t.iqi. 0 ii,,, , 'a • ...... ..... •o....otiopo Woo on Saturday evening. leg reyet,ery. The Ity Parify the bleed, toile the noryori, amt ed. while bathing in the Illidgeb, river near from do Ault. There wee Pot mg to POI Ilitilabh 10 thit Wiske led °robe awl hero yeaterdv„ Clew how became there or where he °aide 1100fra Siltilartit011 nownom. How he lost file life le 11111111111111,. 592 8,000 5.12