HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-09-18, Page 10^
. .
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rs. Margaiet�
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Septernber is"Arthritis thritis areritis are enjoying 'greacross atly
Montand the improved t11.1nagomentoy/hvi,
week of September 15 to 19 is d/y'u»c tincreased
»\rtb�tim��'ebiuGoderich, knowledge obtained by the
under the' Chairmanship of
auro . 122 Elgin
S`n:ut, a dedicated group of
volunteer citizens will laun(1)
the atMual, canvass of local
b»uvbo|do and ,,,business
establiShments seeking support
the�rthe �3oder�hBranch vY�he' &�/ mos m x worl— ~' hinges
omec t| y on the
Arthritis Society, availability oCfunds.
"Weeks of planning have
gone into this annual evevent,"o�.Everyone knowsyornemm
said Mrs, Craig, "and l am' with arthritis. More than a -
greatly encouraged at the million and a' half Canadians
reponse to my appeal for are afflicted - young and old.
canvassers. They are devoting Nearly one-half million are
Itrnited in their activities due to
program of the Society,
To capitalize on the
knowledge already ined, and
to hasten the,,ottainmentof the
bestSociety's imffiediate goal the
arthritis a ,�m contnd progl-am
their time and energy for five
'days to ensure that every
� citizen is �ven.anopportunity
to.contributo to the fight
against 6m Nation's most
For the past ten years the
professional home -care ser-
vices of the Arthritis Society
have hemnuvai|ob\p to victims
of the rheumatic diseases in
Goderich andIiiatrict from its
'Regional office in London.
the disease uudcbse to 100.000
of this 8rogp urp-~oomp}etb|y
unable mw,ork. keep house, r
carry on their usual activitfes,
The social and econornic cost
of the disease is staggering.
Annually, it accounts for an
esti mated thirteen million
days' lost work and about $467
million less to the Canadian
Patients are referred for this.; Despite tbe,,,.aU
cost-free service by their ' heUoy that nothing cun6o done
p*hysicians. � for arthritis, treatment
Since )968 arthritis programs have heen developed
sufferers from the area. have ,which- can, prevent serious
derived considerable benefit disability in four out of five
from the epociaUzedd|ugnuatic ^ patients . suffering from
and rehabilitation treatment rheumatpid arthritis. '
'facilities of the Society co- • The Arthritis Society is the
'sponsored .Rheumatic Disease only' organization devoted
Unit at University Boypicol,,,in exclusively to' the a'l1eviatip Of
suffering—_ disability'caused
` ' And the year by the disease much
thousands of victims of ar- has be*n_ learned about its
. .
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ivarried Listow.eI
S-usan Lynn Reis and Steart hobbie style white dress and
Scott Coghlin, both of Toronto, bonnet in pink with a pink
exchanged eye1et apron over the top of the
. Saturday, August 16 at Knox dress,
Presbyterian Church, Listowel John Coghlin of ~
Listowel was Rev: _Gordon Beaton of- best man for hio brother. .Doiating' Qo'~ ^`^`�~''^ `~g^^,She. is tbpd°
brother of the groom, Van -
and Mrs. John ^`— ~'~`"~`^ couver; Mark uitoh|000n
and he is the son of Mrun� '
' cousin ofdho o6 Toronto;
�� Coghlin,also .'of `~ '
Mrs.."Larry nmuCabo, uncle of the
• Listowel. ^ �
. " bride,' God- and
d Tin
Orguniyt, Mrs. Gerald
'Fagan Listowel accompanied Sampson, � WItchener.
bearer was Jeffrey Dodkin,
soloists Jacqueline Reis, sister Listowel. '
of the bride, nd JuliO At a receptionat Banton
sister of the groom, ~^' sang 'Place,Palmerston,
^0God oYYouth" and "Love nn ' bride's
�m�hor wore a long, pi,nk,
My — ohiyfemc`�uwn with long 'sheer.
The bride wore a white sheer �
sleeves and a do front.She
°ohiyyongown and ufitted waist, corr|ed'ogardoni�ooh
topped, by a layered jabot and- wore matching pink ac-
rininhin&, tie naok, raglan ccaeories,
sleeves with ,a triple layered 'Tho groom's mother wore
look. The skirt had a circular � b|ueandwhiu»�oru|�kemdexa
cut with layers of chiffon. She
gown with a matching yloor
carried pink carnations and' length,jacket.She wore a :white,
rose corsage. ` ^'^
For a wedding trip to the
eastern states and north east
Ontario, the bride Wore a two-
piece long -sleeved powder blue
.blouse and skirt with a b'elt and
navy hat.. The couple plan to
reside in Toronto.
Out-of-town guests were from
Toronto, Goderich, Milverton,
Belleville, London,. Harriston,
Minden, Galt, Kitchener and
Y""`""~"`� .
bride's,grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reis and
Mr. A'nd Mrs. George McCabe
of doderich.
stephanotis and gren leaves
Maid of honor was Mary Ann
'Reis, sister of the bride,
Listowel: She wore a pink floral
,chiffon , wrap-around gown
designed. with a collar which
formed the sleeves, A sash was
tied at the side and she wore a
white hat trinjpd in pink. She
carried an arrangement of
three pinkroeea.
Bridesmaids, .wearing
identical gowns were Mrs.
° Larry Binning, Kitchene,,
sister of the groom; Cindy
Thompson, Listowel ; Joan
Bartman, Toronto andBarbara
Flower girl was Tracey
Coghlin, niece of the groom,
Listowel, She wore a holly
YO��� °���
mayot have the
world onostring,
but she knows
your community -
.inside out.
lfyou're new in town,
call her today!
Phone 524.2724
cu�So,ioty'a principal.n,ciiv'b'`s to find its cause --
and a complete cure,
It (om assist the Society in
the atainment of that goalthat
citizens of Goderich are asked
to be generous when ,the
volunteer canvasser calls
during the local 'once 'u'yyu,
apptal next week.
tORNERU� UV�KU��°Nw���U��U�U�� m�.
G. Knitting
Summer camps are fast
, „growing in p,opularity, so much
excellent|u -'
* �qum'firond
discipline, excellent facilities
for wet weather, good food
so that what used to be surrirner , served in a spacious'clining hall
.camp for the summer months and cook'uuxo, bosideunlent3ioy
of� July, and 4ugust, is now fun and ,p|uxudon.
extended for many more They have. a staff of ~
months, ly in counsellor's • in '` crafts,
unay and continuing well into recreation etc. which is active
the fall, . during July and .August when
.Colborne Township has just the Presbytery Camp groupn
such a camp in our p-iidst which are attending.
iyknown usCump��onoeotung ' Beside having ouh` inkxu
and which iso' project of the week' or weekend, some
Huron -Perth Presbrtery of the churches hold one Sunday
United Church of Canada. It 8um,ne, Service during the
has been inoperationsince T932 year at the 'Camp 'as well as
with *; ypom of excellent family | ins. shut-ins' Pie -
service to its credit. . n/es-,-B,uwniesvynupa.
Joe Snider hos`tod this . This year from May to
Camp for the past 24 yearsund October 13d` the Comp has
has done such an excellent job been.- booked steady with such
that itisoknownfar undwide os uct(viticy and o,amna' as
one �f thebest Camps It runs a Teenage Co-ed; Goderich
heavy 'aun noor schedule each Playground Leaders; Brussels
Year with' bookings well in :Public School [}rodoo*'/ and 8;
advance., King Lear Public ',Sohno\^
Sp|nndid'oerviee. hosoitality Stratford in Grades 7 and 8;
and management results in v/inAhum Brownies; cu|vury
11*141-13' a have boou_'Y.Married— Couples:
com' ing, . for years -., With 73\ssociation; Hannah Memorial.
3,5 years. . . . • Huron ,Recreation. Leaders;
• They have • an excellent Counsellors " • . R eunion. ;
contact with the Board of 'Chickigami 13eys'f' Codrisellor
Education in Huron, Perth and Briefing School; Bwomoraha
frorn * 60 to. 150 7people with Presbytery Ca'rnp • which in
groups from schools, churches, cluded a week -each' fOr Junior
organizations and t -he regular
Presbytery Camp.
Situated on the bank of
beautiful . Lake Huron, three
miles north of Goderich offNo.
21 Highway, it is acosy retreat
among the trees, far from the
rush of business life and busy
highways and offers such
things - ov swimming pool,
� �v�m S'cors
There were nine tables in
play at the September
meeting of the Goderich
Duplicate Bridge Club.
North-South winners fOr the
evening were Louise
Heatherington and Doctor
Stapleion finishing on top with
961/2 pOints. Second place went
to Jo Shrier and Joe Martin
with '941/2 points with third
going to Eleanor Erskine and
Mary Ijonnelly,' 91 points and
fourth to Doctor Deathe and
Aelian Weerasooriya with 85
East-West winners were
Auleen Curry - and Jean
P'apemick first with 1291/2
points, POinar Haselgrove and
Art Wilson second with 1041/2
points, Sandra Orr_ and, Vera
Hill third with 99 points and Mr.
and Mrs. C. Schneiker fourth
with 89 points. .
MI -
'years olc.; Pre -Teen Girls \\')2
ld; Junior Boys 9-12
years Junior
American Leadership College;'
8o'hoi.-Ontario Region; and u
camp of Parents without
Partners for women.
With almost a full schedule
boukod for next Year it looks
like a busy year at Camp
Men for 1976.
markm�� ��� yrs.
4 '
d ' h giri 'to
Mr.,and Mrs. L.B.Graham,Goderich are pleased to an-
marriagenounse the engagement of their eldest daughter, Carolyn
Monica to Mr. David Martin Keegan of London, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth E. Keegan of Simcbe. The
~uakeplace Saturday, October 4,}975loSt. GeoresAnglican
Church at 5 p.m.
o,r es ers fun_ dra
f�rnieinbers ~ children
Again this ' C rt
Fascination, CanadianOrdeiof
Forestcrs, Be?iniiller, held a
Fun 1)ay. for the children of
Results of thecontests were
aa.0oUwvo:-runos; 2 to 4 years,
Bobby Pellow, Su,venMUUon: '
5 to 6 years. Matthew Vyi&'hn-
ouo, Scott Baer; 7 to 9 years,
__Brad J ohn Curran.-
-Threo'b0god race: z to 6
yours, MurrayClark and,
Matthew Wilkinson, Brod
Milburn and Pam Wilkinson; 7
to 12 years, David. Fisher uod
Jeff Feagan, Curran
Kick the ,Slipper: Junior,.
Laurie Million, Pam vvi|kin-
son; Senior, ..*Sheila ..Fisher,
Mr. and&8ra. Alvin Proctor,'
192 Britannia .Rd- West,
Goderich their
wedding *anniversary with a
quiet t the home
of their daughter �-and •non'in'
law, Mr. and Mrs.'"CharleS Orr
on Sunday, September 14.
Twenty of the immediate
family sat down to a turkey
dinner and relatives
d`ern for the eveningincluding
Mr. Proctor's two brothers, and
Mrs, Proctor's five sisters. •
The couple. have four children,
Mrs. Charles (Jean) Ko|\eot|ne
and Jack, both of Colborne
Twp., Mrs. Charles (Beverley)
Orr of Godprich T�'wnship; and
Bill of Stavely Alberta. There
are eleven grandchildren. -
Guests were present from
Godmrich.London and Mitchell.
Many cards of
congratulations and gifts were
~ � `
m �-
. .
� . .
In the hands of some people a knife,'
fork and spoon are dmngermuVveoAonm. you'll see proof u/their success. Members
,.C�.�w"�u^ to themselves. Theyworkingtogether With ^^~'too often for too much of the wrong to loie iheir —~~~~kinds of food.
pounds. Everyone is
���DU ��/ � '' for^
uccesses. They're interested anq friendly.
/ Weight control is uch easier when
We start witirthe .Canadian- Family Meal you're working in a group like this. ,,satisfying. '
Plan. With this scientifically _designed' --"" ---°
-plan you eat nourishing, well balanced meeting this week. Learn how to handle
and tasty meals plus snacks. The variety your knife and for15,,safely.
of food ,.is extensive and quantities
Yet Week after Week COUN- Wherever you are, ttiom is a class near
TERWEIGHT members lose weight. 'you.
St. |ican'Churnh
16 Nelson Street Wes
Monday 7:30 p.m.
Over 360 classeweek NyA,,,
ccunterweig h.� tAvAv
Softball Throw: �m8. Calvin.Knrr.Jg�Th�m+0m|\ Larry
8uor, 'Kevin C\o6^ .and Jeff
Feagarr pied.12 Danny
Willis, K»v| .
Relay; Moe acru
winning - team Matthew
Wilkinson, Jo[Y Foaga,i, John
Curnbn. risrpnda Feagan;
Fisher, Brenda Fjsher, •
Potato race winning team,
Sheila. risho,. Ango a;MUiun.
orenda Fisher, ,Sharon
G ConnieWillis;'u000hd
—'--~' — Cindy
Dickson, Annette Curran, John
Curran, MUrraY Curran.
—Crab Race, junior, 'Calvin
Kerr, • John Curran: senior,,
Larry Baer, Brendk Fisher; •
dOgs' were served for all,
Colborne T o wnsh° pi
r~stmas Country Fair
Sale of local rt crafts, country baking, will be held in Salt-
Special Feature: Paintings of Huron County by Jack
��"���m�mm�m��m�� ���� -,
eaUs -r Snacks nacks
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<5/9>'/44-6535 Collect_
Head Office - 56 Weber St. E. Kitche, On .
—We Buy, Existing Mortgages for Instant Cash—
. » �� knits.
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Take a good looking comfo,rtable knit that goes everyWhere
yOu do and is truly Machine washable and you've got Kitten
Knits unique Trevira Polyester and wpol blend that is today
and everyday.
Cardigan Ni) m $24.00
Skirt NCJ 49 $26.00
Shirt No wn,-mu.00
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mm mw:n��uoou7o.00ooTurtle/led< No 643 $22,00
SHOPPERS �wmm�����
Open Wednesday Morning
Open Friday 'oivw.m'