HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-09-18, Page 5, 1,
- •a
'gill EDITOR.
(continued from page 4) about it both Mi', Stan Meriam
not received correspondence. and Mr. Peter Spain were
from the Federal Government. willing to give it a try. There is
Why should we? It is not our no doubt in my minckthat it
jurisdiction. would have worked out to
However, Mr. Does phoned everybody's advantage and
me to say that he was sorry that satisfaction and that Parks
onshore clumping could not be would have gained the direc-
done, but that based bn ,''tion, planning and preparation
economic reasons dumping which -is so badly needed.
would be in the lake. When I, When the Council members
asked him for a cost, he said it tore the proposal to pieces, they
could have been the figure I had no alternative, let alone
mentioned to Mrs: Keller. In constructive alternative, to
spite of the fact that Mrs. offer.
Keller knew, or should have When Mr. Meriam hires a
known, that Iwas only giving person for the Town crew, that
her a '"guesstimate", she• person starts a probationary
printed a figure as being finite period of three months at $3.50
as to the extra cost of onshore an hour (plus the recently
dumping. How couldI give her added cost -of -living increase).
an accurate figure when we did After three months'he becomes
not receive one? What I did say a full member of the crew,' at
was that in my opinion the $9,000. plus to $10,000, plus a members awrllingness and
ferences" IS a crude and
simpleminded explanation.
The cause is 'a deeper ques
of what is essentially our b
Parks' philosophy and airr4
lack of them,
I would like to see a positive
policy concerning the Parks'
work, based-- on updated
knowledge and keeping with
present day expectations (not
yesterday's) which are
directed towards future
projected requirements. I
would like to see a business -like
s or
Parentstake initiative.,....
(continued from page I)
on their uwn,,to get across the
Traffic committee chairman
Stan Profit' told the group that
he recognized the pillars as a
"death trap" and was in favor
of fencing the route off to funnel
the children down to the corner.
.Me said that the problem was
basis and „effective, system to
implement such a policy. This community was shocked
Within reason, are we • not on Wednesday, September 10 to,
expected to provide a degree of hear of the sudden death of
leadership, initiative, vision Audrey Congram, wife of Lorne
and enthusiasm? -Within Hasty, who passed away in
reason, do we make the best Victoria Hospital, London, in
use ,of individual council her 55th year.
Besides her husband, she is
' h d d' t' survived by one daughter,
recent dredging • scandals af-.year (higher in specialized ability to work wit e ica,lon, Irene, of Regina, Saskat
fected the letting of tenders (an. categories), enjoying generous to the benefit of all of us, or do `chewan, and one rock, at
item she chose to overlook). fringe benefits; vacation etc. we create an atmosphere in home, and her' s mother,. Mrs.
• Do the people of Goderich A so-called Parks' crew which such a , mite are putP
hoarl me,
know that Mrs. Keller never member starts at the' same down and worrout and which is
attends a Council meeting, and' level of $3.50 an hour and never only demoralizing to those The 'body., rested at the
" anywhere else. He Works around us? MacKenzie Funeral Chapel,
all her cutting and slashing getsY
remarks she makes are second for eight mbnths at the same I have mentioned the Town Lucknow," where funeral ser
hand--one:does not have'to be a wage level,- without any Foreman's name and part in.. vices. were held on Saturday,
he benefits, .and if he joins the our out -dated set-up for =which afternoon, September 13.
source; • crew again next spring for he is not responsible. He is
In retrospect, it might not be another period of eight montht, doing his job. 1 can add with
a bad thing that the dredginhe is exactly as far as he is now complete honesty and sincerity
are, dumped in the lake. Ther,', or ever will be: Yet during the that I have the greatest respect
clean, white sand (did she use eight months he may find for Mr. Stan Meriam and I have
the 'expression ,, Daytona himself working side'by,,side never talkedto anyone about
Beach?) looks, more like filthy • =with a much higher paid his work • as Public Works
rotten ,sludge to me and even Worker on sewers, roads or in ' Foreman, other than with ap-
Mrs. Keller would not thank us whatever field the 'Public preciation. He and his crew are •
for putting such on our beaches Works need men. That is what efficient, quick to respond with
1 f k and ca able
Mr. and Mrs. J.A..Anderson
of Dayton, Ohio renewed
acquaintances ,in the com-
munity last week.
Misses Jean Houston and
Jean Jamieson of Toronto
severe now and would be even
worse when the highway was
widened, which he said woul0
proi3ahlybeeby 19,;.
The parents finally requested
that the town be responsible for
hiring another adult crossing
guard at the parent's request
and�with the parent's sanction.
They said that each school
w ' (Mid ha & to survey' their
needs fur a guard and decide
forthenrsek es where they felt
a guard wa��ie°e•ded if alt .
They al�u asked that
t the
school reinstate student safety
patrols at ( russing areas that
were busy but not busy enough
for an adult crossing guard.
victoria School principal Don
Officiating clergyman was
Reverend Dobson.
Interment ."awns in the
Dungannon Cemetery.,'
Pallbearers were neighbors, 'J •
C, Drennan, Grant Curran,
James Boak, "Jr,,. Roy Win-
temute, Derk Logtenburg and
Tom Culbert. Flowerbearers
were Benson Shackleton, Mark
Berger, Donald Curran and
Chester Finnigan• •
Mrs, Eldon. Austin was ad-
mitted to the Winghain and
District General' Hospital on
Wednesday, September 10.
A large crowd attended the
hr.idal .shower for Miss Donna
Wyles, .daughter of Mr. and
tag giant to surmise t
Mrs. Joe Courtnei 529,-1189
Mrs, Warren Wylds, which was
held in the basement of the
North Ashfield Presbyterian
Church On W ednescjay evening,
September 10. The bride
'was assisted in opening her
gifts by her sister Linda and
her friend Janice, Mrs. Ronald
Hewitt, RR .2,, Kincardine.
Following „ the . shower, the
many guests visited the bride's
home where her lovely
trousseau was laid out.Jor• all to
Frank VanDiepenbeek, son of
Mr. and Mrs.- Frank
VanDiepenbeek, is ,attending
• an eight week Electrician
Course at F`anshawe College,
London. His classes started on
With t 'd smells mean y back- po p ' p
fouling them wit puri I b b k o 0 osttive won
for two or three years. cheap labour. ' There: has never been a
In closing may I say that I am Could this . be expected to question about that.
'delighted „ that. Ottawa attract people with knowledge Parks' .requirements are
responded to our plea to save and meaningful experience in different a.nd we ' 'are
the , Port and jobs for our the field of parks? Is .it an in- discovering all the time how
citizens. I am disappointed. dication where this particular much there is to learn y are
h . •. Mfrs, Wes Br'adDock 526-1595
basing it on the lite of St. Paul
on the road to Damascus. 7e
The ushers were Fred
Lawrence and Thomas
The sympathy of this district
O'Brien tolo, the group that the
school could not set up student
safety patrols on their own
initiative. He said' that the
school board was not outlawing
the patrols but were placing the
responsibility for the patrols on
the.parents He sail: in the past
the school had sent a form
home with volunteer Students
asking for permission for the
child to serve on a patrol and
now the parent would have to
send notice „ to the school
requesting that the child serve
as ajatrol member. - "
Miss Helen Videan, vice
organizer of that` ° school's
patrols said that the Catrols had
an excellent safety record and
in the past have been very
cone ientious in their duties.
Chief King stressed at the
close of the meeting that to
provide safety for the children
a better rapport between the
school and the parents was
needed. He said' quite often
parents , a°re unav are of
situations the school is in
because they are never told by
the teachers or children, or they
never bother to try to find out
for themselves' what is hap -
principal of Victoria and-peningat the school.
Tuesday, September 2 and will
continue until Friday, October
24.Frank is an Electrician
Maintenance Apprentice with
Wolverine. Tube Division
Manufacturing Limited at
Walter Clare, a patient at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, for
the past several Weeks, was
able to return to, his home here
last Friday, September 12,
Jim Sinnett, Chief of the boat
the "Paul H. Townsend",.
Alpino, Michigan is spending
vacation at his home here.
Frank Sullivan, a patient at
University Hospital, London,
had surgery performed . on
Friday, September 12,
, Plans are being made for a
bridal shower, to be held in the Lucille Frayne; treasurer
Kingsbridge Parish Hall on Dianne VanRooy..
Friday, -September 12 to spend
holidays at the home of Mr. and
Mrs,. John Howard and°family,
Mr. and Mrs. Theo
VanDiepan left last Thursday,
September 11' to spend five days
vacation with relatives Mr. and
M'rs. Bill - Spierings; at
Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Lajeunesse and, baby son Jason
of Lively, Ontario ' spent the
weekend at the home of hex-- --- ---
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Moran and family.
The Kingsbridge Youth Club
held their first fall meetineon
Sunday evening, September 14
and elected a new slate of of-
ficers : elected.
O'Keefe; vice-president,
Bernie - VanOscl',; secretary.,
Wednesday evening, Sep The Kingsbridg.€ Catholic
tember 17 for Mrs. David Women's League held birthday
Christie, the' former Lia, .._,celebrati'ons'n the Parish Hall,
VanDieken, daughter of Mr. Kingsbridge on Monday al -
and Mrs. Theo VanDiepen. Her ternoon, September 15, in honor
marriage toDavid Christie of of Reverend Fa'thei-, Ed..
Bayfield took place in London 'Dentinger's and Mrs. Jack
• on Tuesday, Augus1t12. VanOsch's .. birthdays. Mrs.
Congratulations to' Gary VanOsch's birthday was on
. Courtney who won the third September 10 while Father
Presbyterial Church, Goderich, place trophy in Kata - white to Dentinger's is the 12th.
on October 8. orange belt, at the Legacy • The second baseball game
held in between North Ashfield and
'Kingsbridge ' Juniors was
played in Lucknow on Tuesday
evening, September 9. The final
- score was Kingsbridge 12,
North Ashfield .9. The third
game, scheduled for <Thursday' •
. Plans were made to hold .the .Karate Tournament
next meeting on October. 6 at Woodstock on Sunday, Sep:-
'the home of Mrs. William tember 14..
Berry. Sincere sympathy is ex-
a The Church
over thekpall of black smoke department std f '1 f h Th topic,
and clean,that it ' My trouble is that I am trying , How could anyone expect Mr. Mrs: Pearl, Rollinson of who passed away at Central by Miss Minnie Wagner.Livingston and family o"ri" the evening was cancelled due to
sand is whiteg Y i M Mr.the the rain, and was played to
did t 'get' dumped on our , to update the Parks' depart- Meriam, on top of his regular Toronto spent. last merlon Sh Park' the London recent] aunch was °served by -Mrs. death of their father,
,• ��• with her sister, Mrs Emerson She is the widow .of the- late' MacKay a Norman Livingston in
assisted , by Mrs..
tended to Mr. and'Mrs. Cliff
nes on the scale we have now more undeveloped visited on the weekend' with is extended to the ami y o the e
Livingston and family and to
kl d than developed parks • Mrs. Frances Clark, late Mrs. William George Ross campirng in Japan, was given g
r . Mr.. and Mrs. Harvey
from the dredge, and, if the of our values. par an
. Clinton Tuesday,September-16.
Bradnock. on Sunday, September 14. Mr. and, „ Mrs. Derk
Funeral services will be held in 'Logtenberg, who lost their
BIBLE SOCIETY. Brampton on Wednesday, dairy barn by fire cin Saturday,
- beaches, and oh yes, for' -us to ment' in -every direction and° in workload, to have the time and
atterr'ipt to go beyond our any way I can. I am startled to attention needed to do complete Rodger and Mr. Rodger. Rev, Rose who was minister at Eleanor
jurisdiction 'is .meddling no see aspects of -.Mr. George Timm, Miss Knox United Church, Auburn,
- work?* Erna Bethke and Mr. Henry '7 -several years ago.
the resistance from most justice
to the many Hepassed
Matter how you look at it. surprising quarters. Earlier on c..l'arks related wo � Ladner of visited last away in 1963. She is survived by
J. H. Peters I did a little battle' on behalf of . When I say that Mr. Meriam Sundaywith Gorrie and Mrs. one son Rev. Hugh 'Rose of The annual meeting of the
Chairman Harbour Committee. the Parks' crew; trying t� does not have ° enough Auburn Branch of the Canadian
• obtain ° even • a small i knowledge about the complete Maitland Allen.' --Toronto and two daughters,
p Bible Society was held last
'Editor's Note: ' ..The Parks provement by possibly having subject of trees, I do it in the Mr. and Mrs. Holz of Buffalo John (Nano) McNee of
budget is over by $6,000.., See • them included in our.. same spirit in which I add that I visited one day last week with
story this week by Signal -Star hospitalization plan. You da: not have that kind., of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies:
reporter Jeff Seddon who would be surprised to see' how knowledge. Our trees need Warner Andrews returned
regularly attends council . many reasons there were not -to good pruning'so badly that itis recently from a trip to Western
The why's -
get it „done. The "me -first" practically a • case of
attitude among the employees . emergency. it was not too long
becomes sometimes a jealously ago ,„when I admitted to Mr.
guarded `-°me-only stand Meriam, that I know. nothing
which I do not find attractive. about tractors. We. cannot -be
There are those among u's,, experts in everything. As much
Dear Editor: who talk• of being more labolar- as 'our time permits, we can try
Your reporter covered a lot of , oriented ..than others, -but my .to learn. ' ,
our present Parks' situation in efforts to upgrade -the lot of the No, I do not think that Parks -
his last week's article. It also Parks' crew, failed to gain`their related matters are more
released a flood of response in support or even interest., important than lots of other
' • my mind; I am narrowing it Earlier in the year I,took over things. On other occasions I am
down to a few points which the Parks' chairmanship with prepared to pay ., just as
appear to be best said under' the 'great enthusiasm. I discovered thorough attention to other
circumstances. how- little I knew, and .took a subjects. I only feel that as
When I presented the recent great deal of time toimprove -'Parks' chairman •it is my work
Parks' motion to the Council l( the situation.' I sincerely en- to try and update and upgrade
was deliberately brief .in a j'oyed.• 'the early part of our these matters.
manner' calculated to keep us work., The Pares' crew and I I have always.deliberately
from becoming heavily in- -had a friendly spirit of sharing kept my Council , work fully
volved with what we call where initiative was en-- visible. In my opinion it is the
"personalities", just 'keeping "'couraged and things .. wee only worthwhile way and I
our eyes on the subject itself. A rather fun in a positive sort --.appreciate the contact with the
number of my colleagues will way. Our work was highly,; public any 'of us may have
not 'be done out , of the lull visible, deliberately involving a through your 'pages. ,1
background music. That only high degree of participation, apologize for the length of,this
leads to, explanations, resen- 'sharing of "experiences and letter; it' was 'difficult ' to
tment,' names, accusations and looking to 'the future. We were present the 'full picture
similar sentiments from which . delighted with the response,we otherwise. ,
nobody benefits. It is a pity we had from the public. . But talking of pictures, 'in
cannot. aim higher and then , Some ,weeks ago .Mr. Stan 'closing I vaguely remember`an
simply' follow fhe goal. Meriam did not allow the old story about . five people
Parks is a separate com- Parks' Foreman to come ,to our looking at different parts of an
rnittee in our procedure by-law, usual little consultation. • Mr. elephant and each of them then
like the others--H,arbo.ur, Meriam himself came instead describing the elephant only by
Public Works etc. In reality it and told me that 1 can have no the part he saw. Perhaps. out
is treated merely as a sub direct communication with the there you can `see the whole
committee of Public Works, a,'; Parks' ' Foreman, or crew ,eleph'ant.
kind of back-up pool of cheap members. If I, want'to.give a
labour, The Parks' Foreman message, I must first pass it to'- h,
has the title for the summer, the Administrator, Mr. Walls,
but he and his group work whc9"passes it to' Mrs Meriam,
under -orders from the Public who passes it to Mr: Spain. The
Works Foreman. You 'may answer would come back in
have seen Parks' members reverse.
working on a road or sewer Mr Meriam then ,modified
project . when it',, suited the his stand by -eliminating Mr.
Public Works schedule. Wall's as one of the links. As the
There 'is some verbal Parks' chairman I now have no
' arrangement of a previous direccommunication with the
Council, no record or motion or Parks Foreman, only through
written instruction. Mr, Meriam. I' know I could
It was the ' Parks' Com- reach the Parks' Foreman at
” rhittee"s recommendation, home, but, this is not the an -
after much 'consideration and swer. It would be unfair -to
thought, that to' 'do' our parks force the workers to take sides
proper justice in the future in..dispute which is not of their
there should be one person making. They must be already
whose full attention and bewildered by our actions and
worktimd energy is spent on attitudes, not knowing on which
Parks -related matters, --He side their bread is buttered.
would be able and willing to My own response is simple. I
learn about the subject as much shall not be treated differently
as possible. And supplemented from other council members or
by the necessary number of chainmen. I shall not be put
seasonal workers he would be a down because I am a woman; 1
separate unit from the Public work as hard as any of my male
Works. °' • colleagues who are not ex-
' If on a rare occasion a piece pected to act on instructions
of Tbwn-owned heavy equip- from the Town Foreman. As an
ment must be shared, surely elected representative I do not
that could be done in the some play little boys' games in Which
friendly 'spirit by intelligent the marbles are handed out by
people who collect reasonable someone else's generosity.
pay from the Town:)- to say that the matter is
After a period• of thinking stuck on "personality ' dif-
Yours sincerely,
= Elsa Hayden
Charles Wilby and Mrs. Edna
Sippell of Stratford'visited last
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
•Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trom-
mer left last week for Western
Mrs. Norman Taylor and
daughter, Mrs. Ian Fleck and
• son Jonathan of Belmont.
visited last Thursday with Mr,
and Mrs. Ed Davies,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
McDougall visited last
,.,•iSaturday with Mr: and Mrs.
" Roy Cope, Sheila and Carol at
Ten ladies of the Knox United
Church BibleStudy • group
entertained - Mrs. . Dorothy
Potter last week to a luncheon
at the Mill at Benmiller prior to
her leaving the Manse to make
her home in•God'erich.
Mr. and Mrs. Leen Sprung
are, spending a week's holiday
with ,.....,.Mr. and Mrs. Allen
McDougall and :Angie at
Sheaves of corn and oats,
vegetables and - flowers
decorated St. Mark's Anglican
Church for their annual Har-
vest. Home service, The rector,
Rev. Fred Carson was' in
charge and the organist was
Mrs. Celia Taylor of Gode Pch.
The soloist was Mrs. Marjorie
Hays Dunlop of Goderich.
Guest speaker was Dr. R.D,
Wilkin of Wingham, He gave an
inspiring' message on Salvation
Readers are .cordially
invited to express their
opinions of local, provin-
cial and federal issues
through . the Lettere to
the Editor column of The
Goderlch Slgnnl-Star. •
All letters must be
signed., to be published,
although pen names are.,,
permissible providing ,It
Is understood that upon
request from another
reader, the ie°ttitr.writer's
tib. name wili. b,e
While there is no limit
to the length of__a letter,
whldh can be offered for
publication, • the editor
does reserve the right to
delete ppbrtlons of 'any
copy submitted for In-
clusion In this
neiespaper. • . 4
Take an active Interest
in your hometown
newspaper. Write a letter
to the Editor today.
Mrs. Y week in St. 'Mark's Anglican
London and Mrs. Fraser (Ina)
Hunt of Springfield;.Mass.. Church. Rector Rev. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Morley Carson presided and Mrs,
of,,, Alsia Craig visited last Donald Haines, was the
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs'. Ben organist. ` • y
Hamilton. • V ice,president ,Frank Raith-
Mrs, Thomas Johnston and by presided for the business
MissLaura Phillips visited last session. He announced that
week with Mrs. Ethel Farrow $'516 had been Contributed in
at Mitchell, • , ' 1914 from the Auburn' ,com-
Mr. and Mrs. ' Clayton muiki,ty,
Robertson of Meaford are . TI-te Executive, will plan the
visiting with .her mother, Mrs. annual Carol Service at a
Elva Straugb,an, meeting on November 18th9
' Mr. and Mrs. George.Rueger, - - The election of officers totik
Danny, , Terry and Wendy of place. They are
London spent the weekend with Past president James Tawe:
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cart-. pr'esident .Frank Raithhy;
wright, David, Derrick and secretary , Mrs..- Thomas
torie. .• Haggitt; , treasurer Mrs,
Any girl in the communityThomas Jardin; collectors,;
between 12,and 26 years of age West Wawanosh,- Mrs, Allan
wishing to take the fall project Webster; Auburn to Blyth road,
for 4-H, Let's bake bread, Mrs. Beth Lansing and- Mrs,
should contact Mrs. Donald Oliver Anderson; Auburn
Cartwright immediately. north, Mrs. Torrance Tabb
- 1Vlrs,.., Robert Arthur: Auburn
WMS • ., websf, ,Mrs. Frank Raithhy,
,The- Auburn " Woman's Mrs• Kenneth McDougall :,.
Missionary Society met for the Auburn north road, Mrs. Jack
September meeting at , the Armstrong; 13th ' of Hullett,
home of Mrs. Duncan MacKay, Mrs. ,Elliott Lapp; - Auburn
Goderich. south west, Mrs. • Thomas
President , Mrs. Wilfred Haggitt," Mrs. Wilfred San-
_ was in' charge. She derson : Auburn east,
- welcomed all and the Donald" Haines;Donnybrook
devotional period was taken by Mrs. Stewart Chamney:
Mrs. Roy Daer. The scripture Westfield, Miss Elaine Snell:
"lesson was Psalm 23 and Colborne, Mrs. Thomas
medi"ta•tion was on this Psalm, Lawlor:
under the theme, Beside Still Dr• John Thompson of
Waters. o t''.• °".' London spoke on the Fork of the
Roll call was answered by ,a Bible Society and showed the
Bible verse containing the word film, Quiet Faith and Steadfast
"Still"- Plans were made .to Hope about' how Bibles ,are
make a poster for the Huron distributed behind the Iron
Presbyterial to. be held in Knox Curtain in Polard,',
September 17. August 23, have started con -
Mr, and Mrs. George struction of a new barn ap-
Ha'llahan, the former Margaret proximately 220' x 44'. Jim
Gilmore, Buffalo, New York, Martin is the contractor,
visited during the past week , The `first Kingsbridge Girl
with her brothers James and G.uide,' Company is making
Arthus Gilmore and.. their plans tor a vegetable 'and plant
families. '
Mrs. J. P. Sullivan
and Miss Janie
Woodstock, Illinois a on
sale 'to, be held on Saturday
Bolton' evening and Sunday morning at
of St. Joseph's Church,
Kingsbridge, following Mass.
Mrs. G. Kaittinq.
4-H NEWS .
The, leaders and assistants,
for the 4-H project "Let's Bake
Bread" have attended the
training schools -last week and
,will soon be starting this work:
'If there are any girls interested
in starting, contact the leaders
for further particulars: Helen
..Brindley,; 524:6451; • Dorothy
Feagan, . 524-6491 ; Linda
Matthews, '529-7133: Mrs. Bert
Dougherty,, 5'_'9-',312.
It is always encouraging to
hear of 4-H girls that have had
special _recognition, . Betty.
Sowerby, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Don Sowerby, was one of
' the 19 girls chosen from Huron
County- to take part in 4-H
activities at London Fair. Last
Friday, September 5 Betty
along with the other girls was
busy at the fair modelling at the
Fashion Show, In the evening,
the girls were -entertained at a
Town works committee puzzles
over long-range improvements
The town w s and'
engineering committee met
recently to discuss several
major issues that Goderich
council faces decisions on ih the
next few months.
The -committee gathered wjth
the jiwn roads superintendent
Stan Meriit'rn and the town
engineer, Burns Ross.: to hash
out several details on widening
Highway 21, moving the power]
line through Suncoast Estates
and drainage problems oc-
curring in the town's Industrial
The Highway 11w'iderking
project, now being considered
for the town's 19;6 budget, has
yet to he fully designed.
Council, along with the various
committees investigating the
proposal, have not definitely
decided know to lay gi,it''thw new
section of the road to best ac-
commodate traffic' flow,
residential and commercial
usage and the budget,
Finance chairman Bill
Clifford suggested to the
committee that possibly. the
town could get away with just
puihasing the house at the
corner of Britannia Road and
Bayfield Road and leaving the
store alone. "He said the corner
was a problem area for traffic
on ,Highway 11 and should be
-near the top of the list of
priorities fol.- . the town's ''16
• Mayor Deb Shewtelt
proposed -the widening of
Britannia Road from llayfld
Road .to Victoria Street•
pointing out that he felt there
Was not really enough traffic
going right off Bayfield Road to
Huron Road to merit widening
Britannia Road all the way to,
Huron Road. ,
Councillor- Visa Haydon said
she •was in favor of recon-
structing the corner to'
.facilitate the traffic flow hilt
was not happy about witit'ning
the roadways leading up to the
Works an -d engineering
chairman Dave Gower -said the'°'
project was bogged down
because no design had ]wen
established for the widening.
He saisil the soh•j_ect had been
kicked around like a football
and that it should be decided
one way or another in the very
near future;)
Mayor ''Shew•felt suggested
that a special meeting of town
council, works and
engineering, the town engineer
:incl.representatives of the
provincial ministry ' of tran-
sportat^ion (who are sharing the residents of Colborne Township
costs of the project) be called to passed away 'this past few'
have the matter out. The mayor weeks. The sympathy of the
agreed to Bill Clifford's 0.community is extended to the
iigg'estion of having the bereaved families of the late•
project put'on the 1976 Widget to, Mrs. Harvey (Vera) Asher,
.be taken 'care of as soon asMr, George Hardy and Mr.
possibI . . Clifford Vanstone.
banquet in the dining room top
of the gray ostand. This was'a
program for the whole day with
women speaking on various
subjects such as family clinic
as well as a representative
froni the Royal Bank, The girls
report a most enjoyable and
educational day,
Softball is over for this
season and a special thanks is
extended to the coaches in the
-townships who helped to make
this a worth while project.
• The Junior Boys selected an •
All Star team and they played
this past week.
The Colborne All Stars
defeated the .Stanley All Star
team with a score 19-18. This
was a very good game and
shows the teams were well
Tiger Dunlop Women's
Institute September m'e'ting .,
will he in Colborne Township
Hall, Wednesday evening,
Septernber '24 at 8:00 p.m.
Special speaker will be Mrs.
George Penfold.
This Thursday, September 18
is ...voting day in Ontario. 'Be
sure to use your franchise and
make -a special effort to get out
to vote. If you need assistance,
contact your polling s' tion or
• your neighbour,.
Mr.' 'and Mrs. Fred Bat-
tersby, Sunset ,Beach Road,
enter,ta;ned their friends, Mr.
and 'Mrs, Arthur Fulker of
England for a few days before
they, themselves left for a week
of holidays at Mattawa and
North Bay.
Mr. and,,,Mrs. James Airth of
Debolt, Alta. visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Kaitting last
We". ate 'sorry to report
several residents and former