HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-09-11, Page 18• • 4 A . A 1 PAGE 10A---.00DERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1975 FROMIHE MINISTER'S STUDY - by the KNOX PRFSBYTFRIAN° • CtIlt • REV. RC'. MeCALLUM .tt Back. to the Bible I listened recently to ,a 3peaker who related his ex- perience as he sat behind the pulpit of the church ih which he . was to serve as guest'soloA„ A pulpit , may hide many things from theeyes of those who. sit in front, but visible to those who sit behind it. This pulpit was no exceplion. On the shelf, and visible only from the rear, was a globe of the world, The reason it was there was the fact that in some way it had been broken and had never been repaired. Ther v is more than empty symbolism in that Incident. The news media, newspaper, radio, TV etc, has placed major emphasis on news events such as Korea, Vietnam, Northern Ireland, Israel -Arab, Greece - Turkey, and now Argentine, Bangladesh, Laos, Portugal - the list of trouble spots in the world is endless. There is violence on street and „ on campus, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles; the effects of Watergate ,in the „ U.S.A. and the Hamilton Harbour debacle will remain .• • wi-th us, for-- any- years- to come. , Law enforcement becomes increasingly more difficult; license has displaced the, liberty that' has been the heritage of our Christian democratic system; marriage vows are taken so .lightly that • the. slightest problem issues in a broken' home; - yea in many cases relations commended under the marriage bond are how publiely accepted apart from the seal of the marriage covenant. The all -too -obvious evidences of the brokenness of our world are to be found in every area of our life. AND WHY? The answer is to be found in the reality of the symbolism of that broken globe - our world is broken , by a diabo'llcal disturber of the peace, SIN, manifesting' itself in so many ways. "And why is no the health of my people recovered" asked an • old Prophet of God. Why do we continue to cry "Peace, Peace, when there is no peace?" Can it be that in too many cases the , reality of this broken world is hidden behind the pulpit? AND WHEREIN LIES THE CURE? Only ' in the pure, saving, unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ. AND TO WHOM HAS BEEN COMMITTED THE AP- PLICATION OF,THAT CURE? To none other than the church of Jesus Christ, To her and to her alone has.been committed the 'responsibility of --keeping before her, the reality of world -brokenness and the sure Inter -faith t4 - Worship at Western Fair Sunday September 14 ha been designated Inter -faith and Family Day at Western Fair 100. A highlight of the day will be a non -denominational inter- faith church service to be held at the grandstand at 1:30 p.m, under the auspices of the local Inter -Church Council. The Very Reverend Finlay G. Stewart, D.p. will deliver the address, and performances by the Middlesex Junior Farmer Choir, Youth for Christ - Owachira Group and the St: Andrew's Folk Choir will be included in the, 45 minute service, Collection will be taken -and all proceeds are to be allocated for charitable purposes by the Inter -Church Council of Lon- don. Dr. Finlay Stewart is a .distinguished speaker who is highly regarded ' across 'Canada. He has recently retired as minister of ' St. A'ndrew's Presbyterian Church in Kitchener, the largest Pr,esbyterian Church in Canada. ERI RIALS 1.••••,••••,, 04C.4 •••• Bob McCALLUM Representative 11 Cambria Rd., Goderich 524-1345 • '-t•ttl" ••• korhite of World recovery and restoration through acceptance , of the world healing virtue of saving grace. Abraham . -Lincoln is frequently quoted as having said that the true ideal would be realized through"Government of the people, .,. by ... and for the people." Hear again the closing - sentences of the Gettysburg address: "We here highly resolve the these dead shall not have died in vain,• -that this nation under ,God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that this government of the pe6ple by the people, _for the people shall " not perish from the earth." Government of the people, by the people and for the people adds up to futility, and issues in tyranny: We need pot look far toseeagain in our time the attempt of man to build the tower -(s) of Babel, so well named "Confusion", 1.1t • GOA 01'11111(.11( ttj pt?Onle Unde'r G od, thepeople under God and for the people under God is the true Theocracy., that rs° so desperately needed In J1 a rda'S of life., WHENCE CAME THIS HIGH CUNCE PT? In the introduction to • his iranslafion of the floly Scrip. tures„Iohn Wycliffe says: -"Che Bible is for the govern - Mont of the people, by , the people and for the people.'' It was from these that Lin- coln found hr great idea of government. "R ighteousness exalteth a nat,j,,on, but sin k a reproach" (Li nd a cancerous growth, • :Malignant in its. nature) "to any people-. The great need is a'return to the, Bible, to theGod of the Bible and to faith.:,in His sure promise that He C,.in,„and will effect the " cure for the malignant disease from which our world is suffering. 4 , 94 et t 2el&d4ie Courage is a tree . We've watched the poplar out had fainted • unless I had at the cottage grow'from a tiny believed to see the goodness of straggling infant into a the Lord in the „land of the beautiful leafy tree. Up on the (Psalm 27) and "I can cliff where we're located we'redo all things through Christ bUffetted by .many storms which strengtheneth through every season of the The storms of life hammer all year, and when the tree was of us, The battle continues from just a small shoot it was often childhood to the eventide of life bent over to the ground by and sometimes we are -bent to winds and rain and ,snow and ice that lashed it unmercifully. Its growth was slow and we often wondered if it would reach maturity. But inch' by inch it sent down its roots, and as its foothold strengthene it gradually began to *heighten' and branch out. One year it was ,as if it sud- denly game of it stood stronger, ' straighter and •sitirted to grow 'at a rate that amazed us. And 'so it has continued until Row. it towers above our, , small lakeside retreat. But winds and gales continue to batter it. Last weekend ,I watched it bending before a violent wind and rain storm that ripped 'through its bran- ches, but even as it was being tossed and torn it seemed to keep a quiet firm dignity like a majestic queen rising above the turrnoil and angry noise of a maddened mob. Even its leaves looked courageous?, their backs turned up against the 'storm, bracing themselves and hanging on. ' ' When the tempestwasover the tree stood stately and unruffled, even more beautiful .as the rain :from the storm glistened and shimmered on its leaves in the sunlight. ' Author Robert Raines writes, "Courage is a tree in a storm, bending low, 'standing there, " rooted in something strongef- .than 'the storm.' The tree reminds me of a lady,, whOse life has been bat- tered by many storms. A small son died in a car accident, an older son was killed in World War II. Her husband .was struck down with a crippling disease.' ThroUgh 'which she- ntlFsed him for many years before his death. In later,years, her daughter was confined to a 'mental hospital. ' Any of these tragedies would have broken and embittered • many people but not this lady. ShE surmounted her trotibles to become a victoriously, un- defeatable woman. In fact, she just keeps -getting more. beautiful, Like the poplar after the rainstorm gliStening in the sun, her face has taken on a glow and a shine that draws others to her. Her • un- derstanding and compassion is like a well where discouraged and broken -Hearted people come' to drink to he refreshed and strengthened. This is what Robert Raines is talking about . . . a courage rooted in something other than the storm. And what is it rooted in? Belief it?God, trust and faith. "I just kept on believing and never lost faith," says my lady friend, "and I've tried not to feel sorry for mygelf and torment myself by asking, . "Why me?" Two pieces of scripture that have brought her and others through storms are These: "I • To these farweil • •• Goderich and district obituaries XCHESON •'Airs Jame Elvira Acheson. Hi Elgin \ \ Goderich. died September 2 at her home follow ing i lengthy illness. She • \\ as 90 'the daughter of George and 1; 11/a iS int 'C'aesar, she was born April :27, 1885 in Toronto She \vas married • r,),„„i'uo,April 21, 909 t6 Robert 11,1m Acheson who predeceased her. Nlaitch'29, 1956, She was a 111(.011)er of St. George's ngfican Church., survi ing are , one son. \.1111ani G ,C. Acheson, Toronto: two daughters, Mrs. (1)1. Wilfred Madeline A. HURONVIEW We are very glad to., report that Reverend McWhinnie, 'Chaplain 6f the Horne, who had, the misfortune to fracture his •ankle last week is getting along • real well. Reverend Wildfong is taking the services during his absence. Mrs. Elsie Henderson 'ac- companied the Clinton Christian' • Reformed song service ledbylDick Roorda. The Rhythm Band from the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital led by Gordon Harrison provided a musical program on ,Family Night. The 12member hand play a variety' of in- struments including violin, - mouth _organ,. celephone and vocal solos. Nelson Lear thanked the entertainers on behalf of the residents. - The 15 -member Huronview the ground. Some are shattered ' Rhythm Band accepted an invitationjo take part in Friday afternoon's variety program at the Blyth Threshers' Reunion. Thirty residents travelled by bus to Blyth on Saturday af- ternoon to attend the Teu nion. and their potential broken. Others have the experience of having God with them and' when the storm hits it proves to be just • what makes them* malleable and strong. • 0 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 8:00 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Charles Seidenspinner. • - Dr. Charles Seidenspinner graduated from Wheaton College from whichinstitution he also received'his Honourary D.D. He took post -graduate work at Garrett' SeMinary, Nor- thwestern University and the University of Chattanooga. He taught at the' Providence, Rhode ,Island, Bible Institute and later served as President Of the South Eastern Bible College, Birmingham, Atabama, for 14 years. He then, became President of Trinity Schools, Atlanta, Georgia, and pastored an Alliance Church there. Dr. Seidenspinner was called to the Central Alliance Church, Ottawa, in 1963 and since 1972 he has been President of the Missionary Church's Emmanuel Bible College in Kitchener. He is a well-known conference speaker and was active in the National ,,Association of Evangelicals in the United States. He is a member of the Board of their World Relief Commission in -Canada. He has served'on the General Council of EFC since 1972. • MUSIC BY • GOSPEL The Chrystalaires QUARTET HURON MEN'S CHAPEL AUBURN 11,. , . my, rr• A , At406"' EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOUMEN DO NOTHING aow torti, Wingllam'‘ind 1\1rs 1 (Nlary) niv, lsli ng ton • • .grantichildren and 13 :2! eat grandchildren, G ,G • P.ussell officiated the funeral service Thur- , Sept6rnber 4 at Stiles 1-111,,,,1 .11 Home InTertimit \ i M Maitland t.metery, Pallbearers \vei -Peter Henry, Henry, John Acheson, Gordon Bowers, n S(ha efe ;.ind Fred 1)urst, 0, . ,B . WEBB N,Villiam Birmingham Webb, known by his friends as Dub, Woodstock. died September 2 in University Hospital, London, Ile vas (i2, Ile was the son of John and 'Mary Teresa (McAvoy ) Webb o'n May 1, 1913 in Goderich. He spent • 0 ,few years in Ne\\LIoundland and was an ,..,.s.urvived by oaeldaughter, Mrs, Liu 10) (1) lie . ' and a irc raft 'Elwin (Edna) Petrie, Port mechanic, working for a time Albert: two sons, Albert of at Sky Harbor. He was a Montreal and Elwin of Guelph; member of St, Peter's Roldan eight grandchildren and two Coffin! ic Chu ',ch, Goderichgreat grandchildren, She was Surviving ar0 ' three sOns, also- predecetsed by a. Ronald of St, Thomas:, Paul and 1 irry, both ol,,,Gocierich; -two, daughters., Mrs. Stuart (Juanita). _Hallam; .Moffatt, Ontario.. and, Mrs:. ClaFence ser \ ice -was in St Peter s - Roman Cntholic Church \vith the Rev. • Fr. Raymond Nlitynahan;officiating, • Interment Was' in, St. Peter's Cemetery. Colborne Township, Pallbearers were Jack Mabon, Ha Try F ritzley, Mel (Punch) Cu lbert and 13 itt S iegnor, Prayers were said at the funeral honre Friday evening. P.M. LEWIS • Mrs, Phyllis M. Lewis, Goderch, died Wednesday, September ,3 in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. She was 71, She was ban October 18,•1903 in Caldicot, England, 'to' Allan and Charlotte (Taylor), Sim-, monds. She had been a resident. of Sal tford and Goderich for the past 34 Years. Mrs: Lewis was predeceased by her husband, Robert. She is I3orn in Morris Township, he was a son of 'the late Michael tOE,44k4eline (Kelly) Healy. A retired faemer, .Mr. Healy was employed at Bainton's Old Mill in Blyth—and also at Huronview. He is survived bylour sisters, Nor,Healy of, London. Olive (Mrs,. Alftied Goldsworthy) of Qinton, Della (Mrs. Joe Redman) of Wingham, and Ursula •• (Mrs, Mike, McLaughlin) of 'Dublin; and two brothers, G'us Healy of „London ' Sat -to Healy Of Goderich. — • The funeral service was held from, St, Michael's Roman Catholic Church in Blyth on ,September 6, 1975 with Father J.F. Hardy 'in charge. Inter- ment was in St. Michael's Cemetery..., "The pallbearers were Paul Goldsworthy of -Clinton, Jim Moore, and Vernon Redman of Wingham, Bill' and Ken McLaughlin of Dublin and Earl Kelly of B4.yth. oy e Riehl, Burlington; grandchildren a rid one great grandson: four sisters, Mrs. Jack • (Ceci.‘lia) S ugnor, Lon- don; Mrs. Ja"mes (Helen) Wiivinold. Toronto; Mrs., Roy (Margaret): McIn'iosh, London; and Mrs. Terry,.. (Patri6a) KclIyt,Winnipeg; and one brother, Fred Wehb, Toronto. •Th' body, rested at 'Stiles,: Funeral Home until Saturday, 'September 6 when the funeral daughter, Della. Wellington :Street in Stratford Canon G.G. Russell officiated , died -,On SeP-tember, • 9-:. 19 75 at F. ridaY, .- St ernber,-; 5 in Stratford General Hospital, He M cC a 11U m FtMera I Home .for was 75., thefuneyal service. . . ' Mr, McDougall was horn in Cemetery. .. P-allbearers were ' Interment Vt'as in ,MaitlanGoderich TOwnship on June 28, d • Bill Wilson, 1900, a son of the late Stewart Bill 'Hutchin.s, • and Mary'Ann McDougall. Harold Leddy,, Jerry Denomy, He lived with 'his parents George Pat -sons and Emery until 19:21' when • he joined the BaeChler. , ... , ' Arnerican Marine S .and on Septe.mber 7, 1925, he married • ' MICHAEL THOMAS-HEALY the. former Hazel Viola Carter in Clinton. Mr. McDougall died Michiiel • Thomas Healy* of five days before the couple's Blyth passed away suddenly in 50th Wedding anniversary. She that village on September 4, ,surviveshim. , 1975, .He was 69. ' . • Following their marriage, '• Bruce McDougall Bruce McDougall of 73 a the couple lived in Clinton until 1954 when they moved to Stratford. Mr. McDougall was a painter with „the CNR in .Stratford for 20 years. He was also in the Canadian A•rmy in 1944. Besides. his wife, he is sur- vived by .eight, grandchildren: seven great-grandchildren: one sister Mrs. Tony (Jessie), /Cataline-of Boise, Idaho; and two brothers, Wallace of ,Londesboro and Roy of Finlay Forks, 13,C. He was 'predeceased in April of this year by one daughter, Mrs. ,(Jgan) Colquhoun of Clinton. The funeral service was held from the Clinton Funeral Home in Clinton 00 September 2, 1975 with Rev, George Youmatoff in charge. Burial was in Clinton Cemetery. The pallbearers -were 1..11 C a 111 e I" 0 n a nd Danny Colquhoun, Steven Richard Fremlin and William Grigg. • n • W. J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP 'Phone 524-8132 DAY " OR NIGHT , • _Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING s ••••••••••••••..44••••••••• .„1 Benmiller United Church -SUNDA Y .SERVICES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1975 • • 1130 a.m. - ANNUAL FORESTERS' WORSHIP SERVICE • Guest Speaker: REV. S. MacDONALD BEREAi-Bto—THE6-WATER ) SPECIAL MEN'S CHORUS (Londesboro) LUTHERAN CHURCH Meeting at Robertson Memorial Schoot (B lake and Eldon Streets, Goderlch) • SUNDAY, SERTEMBER 14, 1975 Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. • Worship at 11:00 a.m. .„ 'SERMON: "CLOSER TO JESUS" ' Marvin L. Barz: Pastor 524-2235 "Being Justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ".Romans 5, 1 ••••._• 1,w...iv -.ft. • ••'-•••.. • • • • • ...S. • .4. • • • 114-... • • • 1. • • — EVERYONE WELCOME — ' • ; i• ? f," Bethel Pe' ntecoital Tabernacle •,. c i Affiliated with the -Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada • t CORNER OF ELGIN AWL WATERLOO STS. Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Affiliation • Pastor: Feed Day , ,. 1: SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 m a.. . .i - i t t ) i - . , Last Sunday - 121 attendance Come To, Sunday School and Church ;A• FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION - Call 524-2709 It I , MORNINGWORSHIP — 11:00 a,m. - EVENING SERVICE — 7:00 p.rn. • t Vocal & Instrumental Ministries. Sermons by Pastor Day, t 'Tues. 8:00 p.m. -131BLE STUDY AND PRAYER . Friday 8:00 p.m. — Youth Service t "Old Fashioned Yet Conternporary" ' ? We Conduct A'W E E COLLEGE for children 1:-5 ages -,„ i .i A FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH • (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREETcnear The Square ; REV. W.H. McWHINNIE • Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett 9:45 a.m.—Suhday School 11 A.M WOR`SHIP SERVICE Come You will be Made welcome 'v4 • • • • • ••••••1 ....a • • • • • .44.• • • • •-.4..• • •-•44.• • ....iv ••••••• •-••••-• • • I 0 The Free Methodist Church ' SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1975 10:00 a.m. Teachdr Training Sessions Park St. at Victoria Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls ! 11:00 a.ni. Morning Worship and Sunday School .....•,.....•••••:•• • • • ..•••••••••••••-•.....0•....••-••••••••••.•••••........ tfl. Kiwi Presbyterian Chur:ch THE REV' G LOCKHART ROYAL, BA Minister THE REV RONALD C McCALLUM. Assistant 'WILLIAM M. CAMERON, Director of Praise ' 10;00 a.m. Sunday School (Nursery Facilities) Sept. 14 -' Sunday School 10:00 a.m. • iSernion:"SbMt PEOPLE SAID IT THUNDERED". • ) • •The Rev. Jack Thompson, B.A.,.B.D„ - • 11:00 a.m. - "The Legislation of Love"(Canadian Bible Society) (Consolidated SundaySchool retires frorriRthe Service) Eve. —Bible Study, 6:30 p.m. .) Enter td, Wprship Depart to Serve .• • t 1 ••••••••••••••••• Anyone needing bus transportation phone 524-9903 • Everyone Welcome • • • ? 111•., .4..0,...,4.. • •• .• • • • ••••••.• •-•••.• .4.. I • 10.4.. • V..... • ....a • a CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET ? :-EVANGELISTIC — FUNDAMENTAL ) RV. R BRUBACHER, Pastor / 10:00 a.m. PROMOTION SUNDAY IN BIBLE SCHOOL " : • FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION . PH. 524-9497 11 A.M.'MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE SERMON: "THANK GOb FOR TRUE? JUSTICE" ! "WE BELIEVE IN THE PRIESTHOOD OF ; 7:30 P.M. EVENING SERVICE ALL BELIEVERS" 6:30 p.m. Y.P.S. WORD.OF LIFE CLUB • •WED. 8 PM, PRAYER MEETING . WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH • •••••••••••...•,...•,40.0a.44.4•....11,41.••••••.• • THE SALVATION ARMY ?it? t 18 WATERLOO ST. S 5244341 SUNDAY SCHOOL — 9:45 A.M. • FAMILY WORSHIP 11:00 AM EVANGELISTIC SERVICE — 7 p.m. - WEEKDAY Home League (ladies) Wed, 8.00 phi * It. OFFICERS - CAPTAIN G HERBER • CAPTAIN M. MscKENZIE "All Are Cordially invited to Attend"'' Prayer & Bible Svdies Thurs 7:30 p m 'a• • '••• • •••••••••••••••-••••••••••••••••: t ST: GEIRGE'S CHURCH - ;.. . 14TH SU. DAY AFTER*TRINITY SEPT. 14 ' • t . 8:30 a.m - HOLY COMMUNION . ! Via.m. MorningPrayerPrayer & Sermon 11 a.m.d, ! School & Nursery .4. • ... • •••••44..• • Rector: Canon G.G. Russell, B.A.;'13.11., • •,..• ChoirmasteriOrganist: Joseph B. Herdman . ••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••:y"... .44.• ••...••••••••••••••-•,••••.•••••4••••••-•••••.••"• Victoria Street -United Church HOUSE OF' FRIENDSHIP RE' LEONARD liviARR 10:00 a.m. Bible School for all Grades . 11:15 a.m. - Worship Service Sermon: "THE INCOMPARABLE CHRIST" —W—E—L—C—O—M—E— Mrs. J, Snider, Organist & Choir Director ) .4.110....••••.%,....•• North Street United Church Th' O :Rev. Ralph E. King, B.A., B.D,Mjnjster Miss 'Clare McGowan - Visiting, Assistant Mr. Lorne H. Dotterer • Director of Music Sunday School for eget 3 to 9 from'Worship at 11:00 amt. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBERi 14, 1975 WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. • SERMON: "COME LORD JESUS" Come and Worship with us. 41,..••••41,11• ...oh, • ....••••••.• • • • • • 41,44. • • .44 •••• • • .1.a. • ••••. • • • • 4 win , .14 • • . *•• •-•, 3.