HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-09-11, Page 13iM 12. AUCTION SALE 1111.11. ATNWEL!,'S AUCTIONEERS and L'1QUIDATO'RS BRUCEFIELE, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods LICENSEDand BONDED ONTARIO—WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482.3120 MORNING SALE Estate •Auction ,Sale of, Household Effects and An- tiques for'the late Mrs. Muriel Armstead and other con- signments at the Auction" Rooms, Hwy. 21, one.. mile South of Goderich, on Sat., Sept. 1 3 10:30 a..m.., -2 pine flat-to-wa-Ll cupboards; 2' kitchen cupboards; double pedestal Duncan Phyfe table; 6 matchi lg hip -rest chairs; 4 . wooden kitchen chairs; set of 5 pressed=back chairs; 3 commodes; 2 single iron and' brass beds; chest of drawers; vanity; wicker' fern stand; small tables; hall tree; 7 pc. chrome set; 5 pc. chrome set; TV; chesterfield' and chair; oak desk; ' trunk; small pine table; hall seat; treadle sewing ma'chine; floor lamps; utility cabinet; 25 milk cans; copper boiler; crocks; lan- tern; antiquescales; buttons;' bottles; quilt; rmats; sealers; old books; frames; : dishes; tote -ware; 24" electric stove; gas range; 2 gas space heaters; humidifier; quantity of small primitive' items; garden tools; 20 vacuum cleaners; etc.,.etc. Terms - cash. Mike Cummings auctioneer. •Goderich 524-9064. 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE PIANO tuning and repairs, 'Phone Pulsifcr Music 524-G291, • after 6 p.m. calt,482.9618.`-36tf SMALL appliance servicc, ,ill • QIectrical odds and ends. 237 Lighthouse' St., Goderich, phone 524-7632.-37,38 FOR INS'1'R.FC'TION on uc' eor'dion, piano, organ yr guitar, • phone. 524-2711. lInstruments supplied.) -261f PIANO lessiins given to my home. Children 'and adults welcome. For more information phone 524-7481,.- 35t•f, I G:\(11• `, — '1 I)•st ant; si•c•ond nlot•1g,t;,!es. csidtnitho ontnlcrrl,ll t ttnildorttt,ll ser\(( lt1(1(1 Il ( hai i't•'. 11nsolld,111(tl) .11111 I t'ttrt,lllcllt _ ,1 spe(1,11•ty, HANNAH 11N \ti(* I;\1 (roll t all( cl 1 (;8:5 11100 -;-12tf . DAILY CAR RENTAL • Reasonable Rates McGEE`S Goderich Phone 524.8.101 19tf VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PEAK -VARNA 262-5748 gctfn SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis—Moffat—Beatty Sales—Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd, W. • Ph. 524-7871 —1711 YOUR FURNITURE AND CARPETS DESERVE THE • B!STF Have `• It Carpet Care Clean them with Steam Call 524-2440 ,13. SERVICES AVAILABLE SCREEN TOP SOIL LYLE MONTGOMERY Phone 482-7644 Clinton Home Improvements ADDITIONS RIE ROOMS SIDING SOFFIT ROOFING • •Phone Dave 524-2062 - AFTER 6 For Free Estimates FOR YOUR Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Needs Superior Maintenance `Now Offers STEAM • or DRY SHAMPOO For Free Estimate Call 524.8892 257 Warren St., Goderich Mid -Western Paving FOR ALL ASPHALT WORK -DRIVEWAYS - •PARK,ING LOTS REPAIR2S �. + CONTACT' Jack's texaco And' Automatic Car Wash 394 Huron Rd., GODERICH '524-7744 ,. Sid Rruinsmu - FOR ALL YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS . BACKHOE . BULLDOZING ' . DUMP TRUCK SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS • SEWERS ' FREE ESTIMATES Goderich 524-8668 Carpentry Work Home 'Renovating ur'niture Repairs & Refinishing•= (30, Years Experience) (No Job Too. Small) 524-2591 or 524.9386 Between 12 & 1 p.m. or after 6 p.m. TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING 'SERVICE Income Tax Returns - Business - Farm - Individual LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 PEGGY CUNNINGHAM; • 229,. James St. • Clinton Phone 482-7988 50tfn ACE RADIO & TV ] FLEETWOOD Sales & Service R eauirs ,to all • .mak es ,Of -Radio & Television 60 PICTON'-ST. W, - FRANK WILCOX-524.7771 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE Painting Carpentry Work Roofing Phone Jim McIver 524-6903 524-6681 HOFFMEYER Plumbing,& Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges GAS Ranges, barbecues, tights, 1 GUARANTEED EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS- On.e--Week Service ORMANDY'S -4 1EWELLERY GODERICH 524-7841 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN-11;I•E ESTATE. OF'' ANNA PEARL ABRAMS. ALL Persons having claims against the Estate of Anna Pearl Abrams late of 131 McDu,nald' Street, Goderich, Ontario deceased, who died on or about the -17th day of July, 1975, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative' ,,,of ,,,the said de( eased on or before the 20th day of September, 1975, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative ��•ill distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claimof which it shall then have`tiotice. DATED at Goderich, Ont. this 21st duyof August., 1975. VICTORIA :,AND GREY TRUST COMPANY, . 1 Ontario Street,, Stratford, Ontario. (Executor) By PREST AND EGENER, .Goderich, Ontario. Their Solicitors herein. 35,36,37AR Screened Top WI Crushed Road Gravel Crushed Tile,Stone Cement Gravel Pit Run and Fill Gravel BacK Hoe Work Lyle Montgomery' CLINTON 482-7644 21 tfn 16. PERSONAL ARE: YOU LIVING with a severe- dri•nking problern? Join Al -Anon, phone 524-6001-37 WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton. Receive a free gift and, tell your friends abut our" shower and Bridal Registry Service. . No charge, no obligation,-3tf DO YQLI have marriage or family problems? The Ministry of Com- munity & Social Services offers help in the form of marriage and family counselling either in yqur home or in the Wingham Office, 199 ;Josephine Street. For 'appointment, phone 3.57-3370,-8tf ' 21. BIRTHS WAIN: Mr, and Mrs. Robert Wain are happy to announce the arrival of their first child, a son, Jeffery Michael, born on Sep- tember 2, •1975, at Alexandra Marine. and General Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mos. John Wain, Bayfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Williams, Goderich'-37x ; ARMSTRONG: Mr... and Mrs.' Doug . Armstrong (nee Brenda Tyndal)', RR 3,• Bayfield, are pleased to announce. the birth of their son, Scott Douglas, on September 2, 1975, at St: Jos•eph's' Hospital, London.-3.7nc 15. PUBLIC NOTICE Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes County oaf. HURON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a •tax sale will be held in the Council Chambers of "'the Court House, Goderich; on Tuesday, December 1'71975 at 10:00 a.m. re any -unpaid taxes still outstanding at that date, as shown on the list published in the Ontario Gazette on September 6, 1975. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that if any, of the unpaid. lands remain unsold, an adjourned sale will be' held' on Tuesday, December 16, 1975 at the same hour and place. Lists of the properties in- volvedmay be secured at my office in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario. BILL HANLY', • Treasurer, COUNTY -OF HURON 21. BIRTHS JI, I I k I 1, .fit A1,.x,incira H(t,plt,ll (itntt I It h, Otltal'I(t, on Septi nlht 1 7 1175, to Mr and 'Mr ; AV',I;I,,nl 1t•ffres . Goderich. Onta rlo. .1 tl,l ui;�htel ;IF1'acy Lynn. JONI•.S\I .Ail•vands, Hitspltal, (ioder'I( h 11nt,0 In,, on .s tick_ 11eniher: 11-5.',11 Mr and .I.d'�t urea lent•,. . Goderlt h, Ont,lrlt..,1 ,I,o_lghttr 1-isa D,IItn ROIHAR'I S'Mr, and Mrs. Richard 1) Rnh,lr't, ince Donaldu Dunlop I announce the birth t)f a daughtt•r, Sunday, September 7, 197;5,- (:at Metropolitan itan Hospital, \V nd sot: ---:3"; n c DLIRNIN Allan and Mary Lou are pleased tit announce the birth of their daughter, Naomi Lu, September 5, 1975, at St. -Joseph's Hospital, 1_1tndon.-37nc S( 1111.131.1 At Alexandra Hospital (stt(It�rich, Ontario, on August 31„ I'I75 -4t N'Ir and ;N1rs Lorry ,t Indlic, KR :3, Bayfield. a sort Mucl)()\1 1) Heather wishes to annottto- IIIrrle 11 of. her bah\' ...a.tstL4. ,_.lh•l-ltlttt•rlt'y_ Anne. on Sutllyd;l,, S ptt'ntber 6, 1075, at "St...�J,o, ltli , '}Insllitul, I:onditn. Ontario. Proud parents ,are John and 1 Ind,1.--37 23: ENGAGEMENTS AMMO 1VIr.. and \1rs.- 'W.i>.11ia.rat.. Joseph J(>hnstf)n'at''e pleased to annotipce the cngage.ment 'of their daughter•,•Dale Elizabe,th, to Mr. 'John Gordon Harrison, son cif Mr, ,Ind Mrs; Gurdon Harrison all of Goderich, The. wedding Will take place in Knox . Presbyteria•n C'hu'rch at 3:00 p,m. on Friday, October 10; 1975,-37x 25. IN MEMORIAM - 9 '1 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR "1 URSDAY SE` 'EMBER 11_, 1975,T -J?- f,'arE 13 26. CARD OF THANKS 1111• ( t)ti(4R1'(;Al ION tit Nllt l'nitt'11 ('hu.rc h `fish to thank ail \t ht( ,t,-. ,tc•d in any \+ay to help snake their Auction :t,lli'sut h a ,Me'et's,.•• -3 POPE-;: 1 wish to thank everyone v ho visited me, sent me cards and flowers s while I 'pus to hospi.ta4 Spec•tal thank, to I)r Deathe. 1)r. T;tclmp•snn and all the nurse, un first floor and second west.—Mrs. Lottie Pope —:3'7 SOW liR11Y'. We voul,d ltl4e t(t express our a pprectatrun to our family fk+r• the loveN,,par•ty on our 25th anniversary. Thank you, fr•iends..and rehttives, for coming and helping make it such a happy occasion and for all the cards, good wishes and gifts which w -care received. Thanks alsi) to our neighbors for the surprise party. Es ervthing w'as greatly ' ap- prec iated.—Ken and Dorothti Sowt'rby.-37x ' I.L 1S: The family cif the -late Mrs. Phyllis Lewis express sincere fti'anks to, re°.latiV•e5;_ -fr•.iendsincl neighbors. four the many acts. -of kindness ext es dad to them at. the time of their bereavement. The floral tributes, do -nations to'the-Caner Society. Special thanks to Mr. Bob .McCallum, Canon G. G. Russt;ll ,- 'and the pallbearers. Also to 1)r'• Lynch and the.tlurses t)n secondik, fToor .west.—Th.("Petrie" family The Lewis family. -=37 • ,. , Attention Farrners -- Jo- - A- FOR SALE FARROWING pens for"' sale, • good condition, best'offer, Phone 4R2-9960, —35Af Nc REMINDER 3 Buyers of Timr`thy, Red Clover pnd dirdefoot Trefoil` SEED MAPLE LEAF MILLS - SEED DIVISI')N McVITTIE: Eva_ (Grindrod) MrVittie who 'was so 'suddenly taken front us September 11thv• .1974. — Sadly missed by her sister Florence and family -37 • 26.'CARD OF THANKS .I3ANNIS"1 1- R : 1 would like to „ sincerely thank et t'ryone for • their• visits, flne,ors, (•aids etc. while 1 was 0 potion! in hospital ,and while 1 have been con- ,iloscing Lit" home. Special. thanks to 1)r. 1-orl;rs. Joon Bannister. -37 ARMSTEAD: The fans"ily of the late Muriel Armstead wish to .thank' nurses, Dr. J. 4.1: Hollingworth Lind Police • Deportment for the etre given to Mrs. Armstead„also Re'v, Canon, Russell and McCallum Funeral Hoary, Thonks also to friends and neighbors.—Mrs, Barbara Arm stejaCf.,-1.37.x- OFFICIAL .- 37x,. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO RETURNING OFFICER Electoral District of Huron - Bruce Church Street, Brussels o , OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR CANDIDATES Official Agent: Official Agent: Official Agent: James A. Peterson ' Lucknow, Ontario for Murray Gaunt Julian Bayley 552 Durham Street, Kincardine, Ontario for Donald Milne Dr. Gary Gurbin. Queen Street Kincardine, Ontario for William E. Walden B .Township of Hullett NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Corporation of the _Township of Hullett proposes to -give consideration to, and if tfeem'ed advisable, to pass, a By -Law providing for the Stopping Up of a portion of ak original Road Allowance in the Police Village of Manche- er,"and for providing thaf the said portion be sold to Mr. Wil fern Andrews, owner of one of the adjoining 'properties. Cly ' V” The portion of the Road,Allowance referred to is more par- ticularly describe as follows: That part of Fulton Street bounded by Lots 27 and 28 on the Northerly side, and Lots 37 and 38 on the Southerly side, and extending from King Street on the East to Maitland Terrace on- the West, as shbwn on PIa.n No. 2 of Elkins Survey,, The By Law will be dealt with on October 6th, 1975, at the\ Regular Council Meeting, subject to claims of any owners, who app)y to' be heard, that their lands are prejudicially -affected, and any"others matter. .Jr. Dated this Second day of Septernber, 1975, - C15re Vincent Hullett Township Clerk Box 293, Londesboro, Ont, THIS WEEK'S • CLUB Winners ' CLUB NO. 4 Leslie Williams CLUB NO. 5 Mrs. Francis Littlechild CLUB NO. 6 Mrs. D. Steep. You can be nexf Nothing to buy, Nothing to lost Enquire "today N. T. ORMANDY DIAMOND SPECIALIST GODERICH EXETER, ONT, PH 235-0363 „, (Jones, MacNaughton) • 1.ARTI I' ES FOR SALE FOR ALL YOUR LAWN AND GARDEN 'NEEDS ALSO Pool Chemicals ART'S LANDSCAPIN'G, NURSERY AND GARDEN CENTRE, 166 BENNETT ST, E. GODERICH 524-9126 OPEN 9 a.m. til dark CLOSED SUNDAYS ONLY YOU CAN GIVE THE G1F•T OF LIFE! Firs r. Matador Delivered In Huron County! • SALES ..,...:; I ,RVICE 141 MODELS - ARE IIERE NOW PACER RtLIR . RORNEI MATADOR. • • ti • • i:N •?•;t� Above, Don Armstrong', left, 61 Strickland Auto Mart Ltd., dpresents the delivered in Huron to first the proud owner of the Coonty, Mike Hurlburt Goderich. • STRICKLAND AUTO MART LTD. 'Huron Road, Goderich • -„r Authorized American Motors and Jeep Dealer v