HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-09-11, Page 12P SIC I L -STAR, THU r SDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1975 , 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE CHECK our prices on Chester-, fields, mattresses, chrome suites, coffee tables. CA g, New and Used' Furniture, 524-7231,' 12 mile south of Goderich.-tf AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plum- bing an,.! Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-l4tf SINGER - For Authorized Sales & Service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and •notions, service to all makes Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton `' St., 524-84 31, Goderich.-28,29tf •SEWING MACHINES, Large selection•,,of good used sewing machines, Singer, White, and others. Repairs to all makes. A11 machines an,d repairs guaran- teed. 29 'East St 5'14:6012, La Boutique.-38tfAR MUSIC UNLIMITED - your complete music centre, rentals and sales. 79'Hamilton St. Phone 524-2711,=•-26tf TENT trailer. s,reeps .6. Phone 524-9278: -35,36 1972 OSSA PIONEER 250 •low mileage, a good dirt- bike. •Phone 524-9164 after 6 p,m.-33 tf DOMINION'Roller Skates; size 7, good -condition, Phone 524-8692. -35tf DEEP STEAM, carpet and upholstery cleaner, A 100 model for sale or lease, Phone 527-1761: -29tf DEADLINE CLASS1FIED'ADS- 1 2 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 1 2 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER CLASSIFIEDS - 9c per word, minimum $1.75 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE 3. CARS; TRUCKS FOR SALE 8. HELP WANTED • 111 9. WANTED (Gf neral) 1970 MERCURY CYCLONE. 429,OFFICE l{el,µ- a• nted-. T. p. ag•.- COIV PLETE--household effects or 3,4 four barrel , four speed, HUx,..s,t-.,..... and bookkeeping - Experienc.e small lots wanted. Call C and E trachometer, eight track stereo, necessary apply in own hand Furniture, 524.7231,--tf , rear window de-fogger, good writing`to Drayer 23, c -o Signal- condition, Asking $9(90, Phone 529- Star, Box 220 -36,37 7520 after 5:30 pan. -37 ' 1966 MERCRY half ton, not certified. Call after 6 p.m. 524- 9048+-37,38,39' ,. SA. ROOM & BOARD ROOM. and board available September 1st. Monday to Friday, lunches packed. TV room. Phorie 524-6684. -35tf 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT TRIUMPH bike 1973, 4.000 miles, ONE BEDROOM suite, book.case- good s` Tape Ph.)ne Dave at 524- bed, double dresser, chest of , - - - - e drawers, off-white, PARK„ HOUSE for rent. Phone 7405�after C r -36:37x good con- dition: one Captain's .bad, 524-6205,-37tf Colonial, like' new condition Phone 524-92.65 aft'er 5 p m.-37tfh CEDAR, efence posts, assorted lengths'. Phone 52,4-8778.-237 • PEACHES opo.:s. pears. plums pota:oe, a h ,r.ev at Art Bell' Fru:: F.tr. . - Rhone 524-8037 -36x: ar TWO puo: tables, shuffle board Park H _4ue, 524-6205 -32tf 2.ARTICLES FORIENT P.E-A'CHES. eating and co'bking,,-. ,, appPl'es "Plione '12.4tZtl.. Gerald TOR -ICI -Aft BY FREEMAN'S -Bell Fruit Farris.-35tfar • .. •• - - exclusively »'a 'ailable from • CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS 19'`1 HONDA CL450, good con- . dition •safety'checke.d andready ' -to go. F1ease--c-a11 X24-7850 after 5 CLOTHIERS FO'R MEN' (for- , merly Pickett & 'Campbell's), 36 The S.quare, Goderich,-11tfAR • m --37 ,' A -• r _ THREE-BEDROOM home,' large kitchen, living room, newly decorated, available im- mediately. Reply to drawer- 26, 7 Box 220, Signal -Star. -3 x POLE TYPE building' 55' x 90', cement floor, suitable'for storage of . boats or trailers etc. or will re"nt for cattle. - 'P,ji-one'-' -•7126;-37 DUE to Expansion Program •Local distributor of unique electrical appliance -isseeking persons for full time positions'. If you are between 19 and 35 have a pleasing appearance 'and per- sonality good transportation and the desire" for success call 524- 9024 fora personal interview ask for Jagi between 11 a,m, - 1 p,m. -35,36,37,38) 10. EMPLOYMENT. WANTED WOULD like to babysit in my own home one or two children days or. evenings. Phone 524-8737.,-37 1. TENDERS 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED WOULD like to babys»it in my own home, One ' or two children welcome'Phone 524-9629. -36,37 WILL DO regular or occasional babysitting in my home,' Phone 524-660,-37 MAN WITH i/2 ton truck will do light delivery, clean-up garages, etc. hauling, $7.50 per load., Phone 524-8553. -" BED -SITTING 'ROAM with private kitchen. Non-smokers, please, Phone»524-2475,-3.7tf - TWO teenage dress coats; "two' girl's coats and one dress, size 6x, Phone 529-7601-37 21 cu.ft. G,ILSQN' freezer. veru good condition. Phone 524- 2450.-37 , , STORAGE 'FOR RENT OR LEASE - 4000 square feet,' in- cludes eleven 10 'z 8 bay doors, excellent for small business. Phone after 6 p.m. (519) 842- 5107.-24tfnAR TO RENT - .$1,50 per .day rents you an electric rug shampooer, • 1973 KAWASAKI 250 cc, excellent.Removes spots, grease, etc, Service Condit ion Phone 524-8843.-37, Domipion Hardware, phone 524- GARAGE sale 2 miles north of 8581.-41tf Goderich on Highway 21 in'Huron ?4" ENTERPRISE Stove.. gas. Haven Village, Lot 17, Numerous Asking $60.00, good condition. items to go including stereo and furniture, All in 'excellent- con- °Phone 482-7386.-37 dition. Phone 524-8039.-35tf PERENNIALS - Spruce up your border. Jean is selling healthy 'plants while they last, call her' after 6 p.m. 524:980]»,-36,3; ROLLER skates, men's' size 9, precision whells, excellent condition' Phone 524-7166 bet- ween 6 and 7 p.m. -36tf Huron Haven Homes • Featuring the best variety in the area -.of- top quality • modular, mobile, and Cedar Homes by Marlette, Bendix, Homco and Lindal."Come and see our display 212 miles north of Goderich north on Highway. 21. Full 'service with satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 524-6384 Owned and operated. by , Homes of the Future Ltd. P• Hanover Holiday Tours .Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, 15 days. Departs Oct. 11 & 25 .(By air & motor coach)» ' 'FALL COLOR TOURS Lake Superior Circle - 9 days - departs Septernber 20 Adirondack -Green 'Mountain 5': days - departs September 27 Gatineau -Laurentian - 3 days - departs Thanksgiving Weekend. Tupper Lake - 3 days - 'departs Thanksgiving Weekend. Oct. 11 SENIOR SENIOR CITIZENS SPECIAL Muskoka -Algonquin - 2 days - departs September 27 and Oc- tober 3 Newport, Rhode Island - 6 days departs November 10 Florida - 15 "-day - departs November 15 CHRISTMAS Florida, 15' days. Departs Dec. 20th For information 'contact Coach Hoose • TRAVEL SERVICE Goderich 524-8366 Jim Courtney TRAVEL SERVICE Listowel 291-2111 Hanover. TRAVEL SERVICE HanCiVer 1-800.2654007 - ', i„„sardine . TRAVEL SERVICE'"'' - Kincardine 396-3477 • . FIREWOOD, 1.8" in length, $16,00 a cord': 12 514,00 a cord. Delivered. Any portion of cord available Phone 565.2451.-37tf 1975 -MOPED. deluxe, automatic, used four mvnrhs. Cost new $540.00~ -sale price 5375.00. Phone 5,24-6202 '-37'° "PORMAL RENTALS tor all oc- casions. Free style b,rochure.' Rawson &' Swartmart Style Shop, Goderich.-20tf - 2A. ARTICLES WANTED 40' OR HIGHER color TV.aerial and tower...Reply to P:0,' Box 663, London, Ont. -37 - FURNITURE, glass; china, clocks, HOMEMADE hydraulic cider bells, brass, co per...Will buy for resp, wi:'h`2 h p .motor, 110-220 cash -or sell by auction Mike Cum- • voltage, poi{ er laW.n mings, Auctioneer, 524.9064. 22tf mower. 2 t�••,_; re ',vstems.• Phone K:';~ `torr: 524.2040 -37° 3A. PET STOCK - GIRL GUIDF , .0i,r;ett- 'uniform, 1 like ne».', Phor 524-7.928 after4 p m. -'- PUREBRED collie puppies. seven weeks. old. wormed, not regi'Stered. Phone 1.526-7232.-37 WESTiNGHrtUSE automatic, w - washer Phone # --43 -37, ONE -YEAR-OLD purebred • beagle (no papers), --house ONE DOUBLE with spring trained, lovable. good house dog. and' mattress. Phone 523- Lcroki.ng for a good.,countryhome, • 9533.-3- .. Asking 840.00. •Apply, 210 Keays. St., Apt 1, after 5.p.m.-37,35 • PUREBRED Cocker , S°p'aniel puppy. Phone 524-8607 =37 i973 -HONDA ' ?50. excellent condition. 330(i r Ph,.ne 524-3434 after 5 p.r•, -'?- HIGH ,'ROOF p at.: -:a: tr he given awa;' t .. 524.6486.-3- 19-1 YA.MAH •, 272r) Ercurs!, good condition. r;. a . Phone 524- 6557,-37x BABY r • -- ';,,•,;, - firth t„ one year oct 1-/r,» -,24--68C -37 FOR SALE Two and a h,i.lf year „id Parrot Phar' 724-277 -37 • TROPICAL fish, .:anaries Com- pl,ete pet supplies Pat' Pet Shop, 350, Main Street. Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a m to 6 p m daily and »e Friday venings.-40tf - 3. CARS, TRUCKS » FOR STALE 1970'CHEV. pick-up truck alone FRESH BEE». -';.: :'he half, to he 81,900 with or without camper, up at nF iha:t it ir, in excellent condition,. Phone 524- I -4,i( know, cut and'Al' aped :n 2252.=35tf ours ,p�citications. Ph ,ne' 529- - r=1104. -37.'3•c TWO 21 ft. long: F'd,t!' 'after 6 p.m ,:'4-rth4G -�- Call VARIETY ho, s _and girl's c io"hings:/es Irl ;4 Thr'''• girl's mtyr C'v,t; n,. ti r,ng and fall Pant,. 411- s. ir'•,•» . E':c Phone 524.2224 -, REFINISHED hided 'Ir' oak dir,•irg room orr i,,, t,' 8600 'L'sed 1,t- ad, 40 •.‘,t'• r heater, old ,irm'. ,,t,;.;;, is and one gars ,par' ftp ,tt Phone 4c2• 7560 -3- Office Supplies GOVERNMENT SURPLUS Desks - like new and. used - all types, Oak, Maple and Walnut; solid Oak Captains chairs; antique chairs.; over 100 offite chairs; office table's - Oak and Maple; work ben-' ches, steel or wood with °Shelvees; 2 new drill presses; storage cabinets; 1 dial 1200 Ib. scale; 4 drawer filing • cabinets; 1 large 2 -door safe; 700 gal. paint - Exterior Latex, - Green and Light Brown. Will sell for 82.00 a gal. in 10 gal. lots. N. Hamilton 101 South St. Goderich Phone 524-8602 lu7_' D.'TSL'N. 510 tour door, underc,i,t?od, rar',iai tires, i0°.'. mileage Phone 524.83g2 -37 1'974 FIREBIRD 400 cu, in engine four barrelled carburetor, 4 speed, white, 24,000 miles Apply Dra°,yer 21 c•o Box 220. Signal Star. -3;.',r, 1975 FORD F 250, 4 ton truck 4 speed trans 760 V Radio tape deck, 20,000 miles. Good con• `dition, $3:400' vith safety check 52.7-9643 after 6 p. m -36.37 1966 PLYMOUTH. slant six, automatic, 47,000 miles, one owner. Phone 524-7242 ---37 1968 INTERNATIONAL Travelall; four door, V•R engine. Qa1.tomatic transmission, power steering and brakes. radio Not certified $375.00 Phone aauburn 526-7226.-37.38 MODERN 'bachelor apartment, excellent location, completely furnished, all utilities paid. Teacher „preferred, Contact, Alexander and ,Chapman Realty, 8 The Square, Goderich. Phone 524-6542.-37AR &ED -SITTING room. (Large - room. with fireplace), close ' to Square, modern kitchen, bathroom, walk-in closet, extra . storage place. Reply Drawer,28, c -o Signal Star, •Box 220, Goderich, Ont. -37,38 THREE bedroom house, fur- nished or unfurnished $275. per month fixed one year; lease 'wj th two year option, large wooded lot overlooking Maitland outside Goderich, Apply Drawer 27 c -o Box 220 Signal Star,=37,38,39,40,41 ONE bedroom apartment, heated, fully- furnished, phone 524-9303.1---37 LOVELY warm furnished. two bedroom mobile home in sheltered area, north-east of Bayfield, ,Only .adults with references need apply. 482- 3189.-35tf AN OFFICE suite at -16 West St. Goderich. 2 rooms, a large. '15' x 15' and a'small, 13' x 4', $70.00 per month Call Malcolm blathers 524- 9442. =30tfAR ROOMS for rent by the week or month, Phone 524;8821, -36tf 7. WANTED TO RENT FAMILY of six require house to rent immediately. Phone 524- 8417.-37 • - - TWO or three bedroom house in Goderich required by family of three ..( s-ixteen year 'Old). Phone 524-2725. -27tf. WANTED a one or two bedroom apartment, no. children or ,pets. Phone 482.3152. -36.37 1964 RAMBLER '\r•»ri(ar ° Station, ka on, needs sone engine -and hod. '.tior "as is 8200 Phone 524.9172 -r '1966 RAMBLER. blue, se1'an, 232, 6 automatic. Good condition Phone 524-8450 after 4 p m -37x inn - 8. HELP WANTED WORKING MOTHER ,Rich St. area, requires someone to ptnovide lunch occasionally for two school age rhildr•en, Please phony' 524.6043 ,i:'r-r 1:30 p.m. -37 -51OTHER'S 1-11 1.PER -i'to live +rR ori'. ,r:,. r , •... hoard. salary. o'. Ina t,;l collect after 6 P n. �ti,n i +-2035.-37 SUPPLY 7 ,cher requires bab.,sitter f children age five Lind •.„ "asional basis ir►� R hr•r '- ,r ori! area. Apply Sharon E) ,,', '.-42949.-3f A ,'(')N ( .• mar calling noo. T'.'. , ..•• • , available in this tr• ,, r , firs.">vlillsnn 527.. Thompson 52" STUDENT, to do odd jobs, call p ro 524-9895 -37 FULLER BRUSH Company rF•ouires additional full or•par1, sa:»s 'help to service c Usti m• r� iri Huron County, commissions Fall hr "" '-aning specials and Chi;.r asr gift items are now a' ; ,.,�r• For inftrmation call 1- 2c'6 4f64c, collect eveni'5gs. -35.3.1 1965 VA-Lr/,,T 200, 6 cylinder automatic, 4 -door: one owner, l00. RELiABLE lady to take card oj' mileage, 15,955. 'white with .red threr ,hildren under 5 in my nylon and vinyl upholstery. A•1 ., hor*€• ,cPose, •to square Monday condition throughout, free of rust, and T' ursday mornings 9 a, m 1 no winter driving, good gas p m' Tuesday and F.rida) af- mileage, $1500 Cash. Telephoryt !orr...-.ns 2 p m -6 p m Phone 524-4284,-37x 524.2416-.-36tf / • WANTED IMMEDIATELY Class. A Mechanic • GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS ▪ GOOD WAGES Apply in writing 'to Drawer # 25 c/o Go'dierich- ignal "Saar; '2'2'0 vM ammismomminimp' Walls closing iri 'on you? Rug .threads getting bare? d� Look for a challenge?: Come on down to - Canadian Tire and .. • talk about it.' Part time hours available Contact Mr. Campbell for appointment +.1 ra' Career -Opportunity IAC has openings for aggressive young man Excellent advancement based on ability. Position 'offers stability and security' as well as all employee benefits. Highschool graduates with banking or credit experience desirable but not necessary, Visit or write to IAC Limited 48 The Square Goderich, Ontario 14 • ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR HURONVLE-W., Applications are invited for the position of Assistant Ad- ministrator of ,Ifiuronsiew, a 310-- bed Dome for the' Aged, located near 'Citiilon in, Huron County. The successful candidate will assist the administrator in directing all the day to day activities of the Home,,, including residents' well-being, ' personal care and nursing, social services, recreatio,n and other programs, finance, housekeeping; personnel, etc.; will have or be willing to undertake studies in the field, including a sound knowledge of Ontario's Homes for the Aged and Rest Homes Ad. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in supervising maintenance of buildings and in purchasing. Opportunity for -advancement due to retirement of present administrator within five -years. Excellent working con- ditions, full employee benefits. Salary comtnensurate with training and experience. Applications . in writing _giving complete resume Of education and experience Will be received by the un- dersigned up to 4:30 p.m., Friday, September 19; 1975 , C,A. Archibald, Administrator Box 219, Clinton, Ontario „ Township oh Ashfield Sealed Tenders will be ,.ac, cepted by the undersigned until 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sep- tember 16, 1975 for a new 1976 one half ton pick up .trucl(. A 1970 Ford pick up truck to be traded in. For specifications contact Road Superintendent. ' Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Signed James Hunter ' Road Superintendent RR3 Lucknow Ontario 'Donald M. Simpson, Clerk - Goderich, Ontario. • TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE TENDER . for SNOW PLOWING Sealed tenders, clearly marked.as to contents, wilt be received by the undersigned until the hour of 5,. p,m. Sep- tember 23; 1975, for the supply on rental basis during'the 1975- 76 winter season of -a dump truck weighted with sand or , gravel, with a minimum • G.V.W. 40,000. Such» truck to be equipped with a hydraulic - vJing, one-way and V type plows, .chains, driver and wingman. Tenders must -be sub- mitted on tender, forms sup- plied by the undersigned. ° Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • , Mel Good Rd. Supt. -• Township, of Colborne RR .5, Goderich, Ont. •'N7A 3Y2 JOIN THE CROWD BE A REGULAR V BLOOD DONOR 12. AUCTION SALE CLEARING Auction Sale of Household Effects; An- tiques; Garden Tractor; Machinists Tools; Hand tools; Guns; Snowmobile and Mobile Trailer 8' x 6' for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Battersby, 3 mi. North of Goderich at Sunset • Beach on Sat., _Sept. 20 1 2 NOON Large _ Bowed -front china cabinet; French Provincial che,terfield & chair with matching coffee table & end tables; round oak dining -room extension table with 5 boards; Queen Anne foot stool; pine serving table; Victorian platform rocker; Pressed - back rocker;, oak buffet; 2 Ige. mirrors; pressed -back high chair; 3 round parlour tables; Barometer; oak arm & rocking chair; side chairs; 2 door Westinghouse refrigerator; 30" General Electric stove; electric Singer sewing machine with cabinet; treadle sewing" machine.; Dominion food blender; Easy twin=tub'wasfi'er'(new) ;'radio 6 chrome chairs; 'bar stools; small tables;, 'pole lamp; humidifier; 3 pce. Walnut bedroom suite; 4 pce, bedroom suite with twin. beds; double dresser and chest of drawers; Stereophor)ic 4 track taperecorder with added track; 8. mm movie camera; 2• sets of fireplace tools; bridge - lamps; floor lamps; table lamps; sets of books; 2 oil lamps; castor set; .2 chests of silverware; djshes carnival glass; De'pr'ession 'glass; Pressed & .Pattern glass; silverware; crystal; cups & saucers; salts & peppers; 12 place setting of Rose of Sharon dishes; , 8 place setting of Indian Tree ' dishes; knicknacks; 6 quilts; deluxe barbecue; 3 snowmobile suits (complete); Quantity of machinists tools; bench saw; jig -saw; 2. Skil saws; grinder; • pipe wen- ches; tap & die sets; quantity of , hand' ;tools; batt'er'y charger; 2 sets of steel scaffolding; tool boxes.;, garden tools; power lawn- mower; 22 semi-automatic rifle; 1.2 gauge shot gun; Re.jiet gun; ' • 7 H.P. Stallion garden tractor _with• starter, lights -8 mower;.. Earthbird garden tiller; 16 . H.P. Skiroule 5-250 Snowmobile with 1400' miles; Mobile Trailer 8' x .6' well equipped. Terms cash Mike Cummings auctioneer Goderich 52,4-906.4 LARGENCONSIGNMENT Auction Sale " TRACTORS a MACHINERY Saturday, Septernber.l3th of t l'a.m, LAKEVIEW -ALES & SERVICE 11/2 mile North, 1/2 mile East of Carlow and 7 miles North East of Goderich, Ontario, Canada. ' Consignments Welcome Telephone Lakeview Sales & Service 524-6451 Terms Cash, "° • Pick up can be arranged . Lunch Booth on Grounds" R.G. Gethke Gordon H. Brindley Richard Lobb a Auctioneers •• Not responsible for accidents day of sale 1 75 Head of Holsteins Sale Friday, Sept. 19 7:00 P.M. Sale to be held at David Carson's Farm one ^mile east of Listowel on HighwiOY 86. Sale consists of a herd„ of 35 Grade Holstein cows and • springing heifers owned by Harry Holmes, Listowel; This herd is a young milky herd of cows with cows in various, stages of lactation. Also selling 40 heafd of Registered and Grade' springing or fresh cows and heifers; These are Top Quality Cattle and will be blood tented prior to the sale and free of brucellosis, - Carson's Auction Service Auctioneer and Sales Manager David Carson . 'RR- 3, Listowel, Ph'one291-2049