HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-9-13, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. • 4 VOL X.X1I. NO. 4; "R3IIW TO THE LINE, LET THE 'CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEIVIBRR 13, 1894 Jonll 3191111K & SQS VulalisherE, d Poietor 15 your remeay, cola oy tjr tor, ang headoehes and in IMMININOMIMMIKOMIN.11161161•61•1r lourosimorminiiormirourrunimmomeorvr . J_ kl w S e F• & •C ., s ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. - Weippen. • --- ,-......... . Bemes.--Our grain market is noir opereed up in full blase -Mr. George Taylor, of Thornpike farm is in Toronto this week with four horses for the big show. -While Mr and Mrs, John Mc- Ash and son, of die. Hayfield road, near Varna, were preparing to return home after a visit to Mr. T. McOlymones, last Saturday, the horse suddenly bolted and started off down the town line, It got into the ditch and then into Mr, , Taylor's wire.. fence. The buggy was /V" badly broken. -Mr R b't Mcefordie is . o busy laying down the material for the purpose of building a fine dwelling hells° next sere -melee- l‘e e• George Mee rfaegart, of Chiselherst, and T. 'Vieille visited the Blake and Drysdale schools lest week. „a0Usall . Staffa. Helene -The roarriageeot Mr, P. M. Hamilton to Miss Beira .prharekr oteoroek_ pPaimrceentskstotillieTreeelaiddeaencleasto.f the naony was performed by the Rev. P. Scott of Cromarty. The happy couple left on the following aloening to spend their honey moon at Smith's Fella and . eweecinitythe;Tehreetraeenee:vneyolyirpieonpeuels,r vvwlithil iiior'i.;). illn ' vv. i 8 b i n g them a Jong ana happy ppy ' '' , Middlesex Cpunty NOtes. 0 Or . . •" .r,.., ILL - prices• tee_ spring mer tinul the -- ust (1 TI-: goods lig end at 111T A j,iik./13,14 i -..! of and of P 11088 T , - - ' al, . • sum conx unfiC . e. I. Aug . i4Ieliewiag are the market quotations: Wheat ' ''' ' ' ' ' "" - ' - ' 5° t(4P2 -Seel" ' ** • ' " ' ' 85 te 38bride's Oats .... * ....... ..... 26 te27 Peas ..... ... . .. ... , ... 50 to 52 Hey ..„ d d d . d. ede to 7,00 Butter...... . 15 to 16 Ego .... ....,..... .... 9 to 9 B ' b k t ' 1 ' men. -Fire ro 0, out in a p mune mill . . e ...11 owned and occupied by Patterson contractor, 0 8'30 RobertFri da 'sleight consuming the building and, a qUentity of lumber in the tend, The building contained most of the finished miterial for this year's contracts. Loss. en buildings ane contents, $7,0h00. the insurance. It is no known ow he fire originated. The,loss, is a serious - blow to Mr. Patterson, and his many friends express the hope that he will rebuild. He is receiving ample enema- agement. -Fs ce. Meyers and family, hato Ldwhere Mr ee„,ve gone.on-on' . . • etters will go into the commission • h de ' lt butter' en mg as a epee= y, and eggs. -ter. Wm•Eldee, while work- ing on the roof of his shop the other , e e, day, be stepped on a wire nail, 141e •r same running into his foot. He is very lame.in-consequence.---Messrs. J. 0 01 . ausen, D. Weismiller, Geo. Mc. Ewen and a number of others are at- tending the Toronto Exhibition this week. -A number or Hensallites spent a pleasant evening, Tuesday, at the residence of Mr. R, H. Collins,nxeter. -Dr. Mary Hutton is visiting friends in Exeter. -Mrs. Sutherland has re- turned from a pleasant visit with friends in Mitchell. -Miss Dent, who has been the guest of Miss ,Hattie Sutherland, has returned to her borne in Mitchell. Rev. Hunt of the Trivitt Memorial church, ,Exeter, preached in St, Paul's church on Sunday afternoon, the occasion of the Harvest Home Thanks.- giving. He gave an.excellenediscourse and the church •-• was beautifully and' , appropriately decorated. The manage -'s ;neat deserve praise for their efforts throughout.-W-eeare to have several electric street ligets, which will be a „„.. - .sue.maes .,. eorive010000 60 citizens'. -The Rev an * Rtl•appointed i . Roy, who was ream y rector of St Paul's church and who . ' has been in the Old Country for the past month or so has taken passage tome, an wi. occupy his pulpit Jere andwill ' I • " 1 about the first of October. -The recent r ' h • 11checkedbush ams eye =eerie y theEvansville. res in e swamps o eeyea . ft • th t time t - ,res- Mr. James Copeisnd an old and aPegeeteodt areos,ident of the let, concessive . of We4tiiiiniefier' died °41 li3t.tlECIttjt. atthe A earn and outbuildings, situated, tmlerrareeegnabruterratme:f a midleofewonuth-Q:ast,lo:.:31.1a; can, together with all the summer mole eeen•Me brIt• ThO eueeteee titre owned .by Herbert Berm and occupied by P. Still- um as tenant. It is said there is no in snrence on the buildings, but the co- tents were insured by theeenant for$450; loss about e1,000.' The origin of the fire is a mystery, e JUST• A ' FEW ODD inia us se S galliaUr - goois. To BEFORE WE TURN ALL OUR ATTENTION e AND 'WINTER MATERIALS. . , These little prices should make a speedy clearance Fancy and plein double fold dress goods Wide eoc, eibbens for 5c. a yd: Regular 6c, " " 33:c " We are told by custornera every day that thing ever yet shown for the same money.' to doz. plain and fancy handkerchiefs, all Remnants of prints, ginghams, dress goods, area t reductions • • 0, - We have just received a nettelot of ladies' which we will sell at popular -prices.'. Bring your butter and eggs along and we highest price going. R . 8 F 01? D d CO, LINES OF letiii, . Oaf, , . , TO FALL : for 23c; regular 35c goods. our 5c. Cotton beats every to go at 5c, each, etc., all to clear at 'arid gent waterproofs, twill pay you the very W 0.01) 11 A 11/1 . e-e•n-4--- Centralia. -- Benue -As read in Centralia Council of 0. O. 0, F. by W. W. Rivington, big John Neil, our councillor to all this . greeting sends and all are here invited tojoin the Chosen Friends. On every second Saturday we meet in the town hall. All you who have never rode a goat now ' , IS the time to call_ All members of our order, 1 hope you wont refuse to come up to Centralia and pay your dues, don't send it up by so and so, it will surely go astray; I tried that trick too often and find it doesn't pay. 'We want you to come yourself and our little town will help to cheer the friends that's here ano keep their temper down. We have a good chief councillor and JohneTeil is his name, his ancestors were all Irish and mine were just the same. Now don't say that all are Irish here nor at it be amazed,none of the rest are Irish- men excepting Billy Boyd.. We have them here from every clime,yes, even England sends some out to Centralia to join the Chosen Friends. Of Ladies we have a few of some of the ver 37 best that could be found for miles around, and by them e we are blest. May Heaven bless our ladies fair for .0, n them much depends and live or die they're bouucl to try and *help their friendship Fileteces. Theeeeen leeks le' chain,. forget we never can, and there's another bond that binds the brotherhood of men -let all be true, your vows renew, for many now intend, if they but see our recta agree to join the Oleos Friends,' , en Htir on County Notes Revel. B. efoleinnon will. shortie sever hoilsiootoonotection with the Baptist church at The iTnion Furniture Factory which suspended. operations iecently has been purchased by a new company in Wing- ham We understand that the members and adherents of Union Church, Brumfield; are presenting a call to Rey. A.. Guthrie, now of Setif° th . . October 4th and 5th are the selected for Hugreatest Convention of the Christain Endeavor Union. It is to he held in Rattenbary street church, Clinton. Another old resident of Huron has paesed away in the person of Mrs. Elizabeth Duncan, wife of the eine Sohn Duncan, of Goderiche Mrs. Danner was in her 70th year. R stag The G-. Te R. on at Brussels was. entered on Saturday night and $12 taken. G. Cardiff's .house was also entered oy a window and a lady's watch ana some money stelae. A caul man . , while walking along the y. front roadin rent of.eir. Wm: Wise's farm, Goderumh township attempted to light his . t eughtlessiy threw the match pipe, and h ' -down on, the ,grOurid, which. ia a mement tette all ableze e - tiii efforts -to extieguesh being useless he alarmed ' Mr. -Wiee, who with the hid° Of about twenty other men that had gathered, worked at it the ' greater part of the day, and at last ceeded in extinguishing•t b i , at not before it had burned three or tour acress of rues- "do w. • John Carney, fo m of I ' 1 y, r erly e dell oP Township, where be was born and raised went to Indiana about 29 years ago and has had that many years' experience of farming near the town of • He has just spent a month visiting among' old scenes in Huron ,County, and as a result has concluded that Canada is the best place to live in :he will spend, the remainder of his days here He will remove his family back to McKillop Township this fall and will probably re- on part of the old homestead which as got hold o again. h 1 Sharon. • Ilemee-One day last week while thrashing was going on at Joseph Dann- oey's a very high stack,bnilt by the pioneerbusiness, stacker of this place lost its balance and precipitated the upper portion to the ground burying Mr. Dauncey and hones m who were going to draw away the steamer however seyeral men were at hand and released MreDauncey and horses who felt none the worm but for mere chookine of chaff. e -A tanner of this place named ' Pedlet me fire to a pile of straw in hi s field one day last week and. in an incredibly short ' time it had run a, -very short distance of his fence wheel however was saved vsith the green est difficulty. -On Monday last while Mr. _John Rowe was driving a colt out of the e table it kicked and broke, several of _hie ribs but he is recovering nicely. -The fire west of here has done considerable damage but the late rains has laid it somewhat low. -Mr, Wellington Amy of Woodhain visited his parents on Sunday last. -Mr. Tbomas Welsh of this place spent Sunday under the parental roof. - Mr. Samuel Brokenshire . lost a valuable' heifer one day lint week mused by a • tree falling on it.It A. Conservative ReOeren. ----- 1879 --Took off dutiest coffee. - . on ea often Gave protection to manufacturers . tc increase the demand in Canada for Can alPiauntlacobt°tro.n, woel from warm count- ries mat'tin plate and manufacturers' raw erials generallyeon the free list wiett the same object Established experimental farms for conducting tests in the interest of Can, edian agriculture. e . Appointed a Dominion Dairy Com- rniesioner to eimproye the cheese Ant butter industry. Kept thee reevxepneonecliethuareot4ibthotrarowtt limits sh " o" money for useful public wores to pre inetelthe progress of the country. , 1880- Siena contract for toestitiotim •eaf Canadian Railway, which WA completed in 1885, feed in 1891, •witt its Pacific' Steamship -Term c rier - - ' ' ar ' from Japan to London in eel eesve ... " 1881-Todle'off d'utiese.eneeme sumer Undertook the enlargeriteile of th. St. Lawrence canals to , cheapen tle cost of carrying agricultural eh and (:,,, O products to the European markets. Encouraged the construction of 'rail ways in und.eveloped sections with tie . . „ same object in ;new. Encereraged the establishment mt • steamship lines with the West Indias thus developing a large ated growies market for the fish and agriculture products of the Maritime Provinces and the cheese and fiour of the Westone Provinces. Dreesciale . Reddy -Gardiner -That the collect- or be notified to prepare his bond and lay the sanae before this council at . ite next meeting.-eCarrIed. ' The Patienaster 'of Road Division No. 4, S. E. Ws metered a complaint • regarding Mrs. Clarke's fence being On the eoad • ' Halls -Shier -Teat the clerk needy Mrs. Clarke of Winchelsea to remove her fence from, the toed allowance.- Carried. ' Gardiner -Halls -That the Treader- er be aad is hereby auehorized to borrow the 511333. of $400 to meet cur- rent expenses. -Carried. . Halle --Keddy-mat the eccount of Dr. Gardiner. for atteladance on itnci edioine for the m late ,Is Hewitt, amounting to $5..25 be pai.d.--Carried. - The secoent of F. W Fartmombe re- ' survey of Bide roads, and that of J . • ..- . , . Ferguson re the burial six J. HeleneThe vsere laid over till n-- xt meeting of thC Counell. The following orders were ranted g g viz : .R Bell, lent lieret$23.53; W Brown •,, lee, filling end of brings, $2.50; M Sanevyell, keep of eirs Hewitt, (July) $6,50; Mrs Samwell, keep of Mrs Hew- itt and extra attendance, . $11.50; Dr. Gardiner, attendance on J Hewitt, $ 5,25: J Ballentyne, cutting: thistles, 3. S Hunter work on road 63 50- The ; • • -- ; Veal; grading esc., $7.50; W Veal, rep road, 25 cents; L Hardy, bridge, $172.Perth Shier-G-arclener-The Council ad - jouined to meet Saturday, ,October 6th at 1 • .13. m. Geo. W. Hotereze, Clerk. ..—___.............--. BRIEW8-1V1i88 Jane Allan returned iome from Michigan on Thursday of est week. -Mr. George Howard - left in Thursday last for Goderich to attend the Model Sohocil.-Miss Stephens, of 3tephen township, is visiting friends' meenelatives in this vicinity.---Misee el:tenth Of Stephen, spent a few days melee the parental roof last week.- lereJohn Ducharree lead the misfort- ine to have his yearling colt. killed by ightning during the recent thunder term. - - Fullerton — Wznotarn lianas -Oa Wednesday in"reat . ,- . • 5th inst, the residence of Capt. Francis the scene of a very ha and leas- w0 _ PPY. P . ant event, being the marriage of Mies , d daughterf ' e ' Jennie, second 0 eiptsen a.n,3. Mrs. Francis, to Mr. J. W. Woodley, of "Spring Bank' lean," Fullerton The • ceremony took place at 11 o'cloek in the • presence of the friends of the contracting parties. The knot was tied by Rev. A. lifceadyen, after which, the company sat down to a magnificent spread, gotten up for the occasion and to whtch ample justicewas done. eat and Mrs. M;Eien Ccolodley took o afternoon train a,: 1 t ne , . fo.rr Toronto and eastern points On - tiaraside bridal tour. We sincerely congratulate them, on the important step they have taken and Wish them all the joy and happiness it is possible to have in this world. They are both very highly' respebt- ed, Mr. Woodley being one of our most successful and intelligent farmers, while his bonnie bride is highly intelligent, attractive and accomplished. Biddulple• Eaters --The sudden death of - Mr. 'an aurley• of Centralia on Saturday , tat, cast a gloom over the neighbor- .00d; he was 'Much esteemed for his onsistent Christian character. He saves aeries and two daughtera, Mrs. "ohn. Kelland of tesborne, and Mrs. , robe Atkin:ion of Biddulpla to mourn Is death. -Oa Tuesday morning last heewbarns of John }Tarlton Sauble , ea; Biddulph, were consumed by re, and on Tuesda.y night the - barn f Mr. Hebert Senn, Biddralph, was urned, Cetus . unknown, supposed 3. be incendiary. -The refreshing rain ..s. n Fridarnight was badly needed and ill be of mime service to the farmer& - A. heavy windstorm swept over this lace on Sunday night. It blew the ;of off Mr. R. Hick's barn Centralis •; ad tore apple trees up by the roots ad did considerable other damage. - Presbytery of Huron. Presbytery of Huron met in Willis church, Clinton on Tuesday lith • inst. The sttendance of members was small. After routine business the Rev. Martin, reported in behalf of the Home Mission Coeunittee,recomenending that the subject of Missions be brought be- fore each congregation by either the pastor or by way of exchange, if deem- ed best by the smsion. 'Them was adopt- ed. Mr. W . T. Eali, 'a, student of the . time' year in Theology read a sermon the text • 2'nd Cor 9 • 95 The . - • • • e • sermon was approved of and Mr. Hall was duly -certified to Knox College. ne Bayfield f the i ' - The supply oor e nex six eeez-Speaker months was left in the heals of the Home Missions 'M r. Acheson reported that • the Sabbath School Committee wished to defer their report till the November meeting of the Presbytery. Mr. J. S, Henderson call- ed the attention of Preela te • • t the . e iy oTimothy effwebeing made to remove the (thee of Knox College at the approaching jubilee of thatinstitution. It Was moved and agreed that Ministers bring the matter - • before their congregations in tne way which seems bestto them Moderetion . in a call was granted toBrucefield Udell Presbytery•cl e adjourned to tC1' t • • meet a in on in November. ' •----"--'4"-eeee-- Sodom. • - • ----- Briar- -Fires have been raging in . this section creating coesiderable • anxiety every precaution exercised, • ' thus leemening the devouring element - - from destroying homes and human lives. The long looked for rain came d t an s ayed the progress of the flatness for which all are thankful. ---We must . not forget that Sodom is not behind providing entertainments fully up to the times. On Thursday evening • last the Royal Tempters of this place, :Mewing their ernestness In the OA1150 go recentey espoused, gave a se:tiled cream social to a large attendance • 2 programme excellene consisting of 2e eeleetions and three improintuspeeoh- es. The meetung • throughout was an enjoyable one all satisfied. A. most I pleasing feature of the work is that the eldetly and matured portion of Sodom .. are interesting themselves in the cause of temperance and using their best • endeavors in gathering in the younger CollectiOns at the door' e33. . , e - e_wwne me so 4----sete • „ ' ' • Woodham, BRIEFS. - The long drou ht was brought to a close on Friday right last , rain. b a most beautiful' - y The fess Y then freshenedg since en lasup wonderfully and all natueelasput.ona mere delight f 1- busilyfrom u appearance. -,.Farmers am ,... engagedputting in their Wheat. The. - fine shower aided the ew • in, greae y in • •f their work, lessening -the clouds 'of dust le. pine le unapse and 1 1 • etc) break tire 1 f terra firmae-Mr. Robert St. John. had teCommittee. new windmill erected last peek. Robert i believes n using nature to do some of his work. -A number of Zion lads are taking in theludustrial Fair this week • Also a number from the village went during t . he week The latest bulletin issued by the .jr- tario Bureau of Industries shows the,' , he yield of fall -who t er acre it - t a. p • great or by over two bushels this year that • it was last, and in spring there is al improvement to the 'extent of over fou: bushels. But, although . the yield pei acre is so much greater for '94 'than. i was in '93, the aggregate for the wholl province shows a falling off to the- ex • tent of half a million bushels in sp.rlie and three-quarters f I s. o a million in fall wheat. This is the o f f h one feature o, t ( case as regardsthe farmers.A e notbe is found in the fact that the product . e cr, cheese is increasing by over 20,000,0Q( lbs a year, the number of seem -eerie: • — ' le multplying s,t an equally eatisfectore . rate and time f fruit ia a • e amount oexported from the Province, was greater by one and a Mixt rt'' ' '9e re e , million dollarsin , than it ; ' was ..n 94. --7 County Notes -- Hon Jame Ballant f t a yne, o S ratford, ' of the Local House has re turned- - 1 - from a trip to Europe. Wm. Clark, of Mitchell, who accident- ally broke his leg a few weeks ago, ana afterwards had it amputated, died last Tuesday. The shock to the system was too great. ' Began, it native of Logan, township and member of Chicago police • force, died sed.denty recently at the red. , dance of Wm. Harragan, Kin,kors, where he had arrived three days before to spend his hone moon. Y A. very fine game of lacrosse was la ed . P Y at Mitchell, on Friday between telinton eet h 11 h' h ' 1 cl • i 1 s e , w io resu te re an easy ea__ victory for the home teat, by iee` straight goals. This game decided the superiority of the two teams, botla having • defeated wish other once before. Mr. J55. Colquhoun, of Mitchell was out driving with hie family on Sunday evening, and when crossing the bridge over the railway track on the Fullerton road, his horse's tem front legs broke throurgh the planking. The horse was ' le ' thrown down and had its legsconsider- ably skinned. How the animal ,,escaped without having its leg, broken is A The inhabitants of Mitchell were pain- full startle o . e . d n Friday last to learn that Heal, of Fullerton, had sodden- ly dropped dead He was in town in the t d • e . e forenoon mug amen, an seemed to be • • ' enjoying good heattlebut between 12 and 1 o'clock he fell back and was instantly dead. The funeral was the largest seen for many years!, there being over One hundred riga in the procession. A slick stranger tried to induce Peter Welhelm, a wealthy farmerof North East- hope, to go with him to look at s, farm - • the ether day. kee introduced himself as a eon of the manager of the Bank of Montreal at St. Marys, and ft nephew of Mr. ?Jammer, manager of the Bank of Montreal at Stratford. Mr, teAelhelin declined to It d t the turned ou et mau WA ' 9 - a a fraud and mud ntly intended *0 rob Mr. Well -mina in a quiet place. Mr. John Hoarreors of Hibbert sold ten head of fat cattle on Wednesday more- ing to Mr. Thos, Jones for shipment to the old country market. The cattle were four years old and had been fed on ground ee t h • eat at e rate of ten poand. tier day a ration or green corn once D. day gin'. ce the grass! ailed. The prise obteined. wart gee a mid and at eh t fi II . . P et mire r. Hodgeon mays he lost $300 oil the lot. Mr ,... , twat/Eon says there is no money it wheat . . to sell it at 50o. a bushel arm there's less la it to feed. it te eaetle and eell the t M 9, e, a pound - et-- " , Kirkton. E xetMu er nicipal Council. ---- The Council met at the Town 'Hall, bept. 10th. All present. M Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. - A petition signed by J. A, Stewart and a majority of the ratepayers interested, praying that an artificial granite side walk be put down on the west side of Main St. between the Commercial Hotel and the s'd f • i e 0 Dr. Rollins' office; two thirds of the expense to be Paid be the arties • d -- - P interested , and one third by the corporat. ion, was read and on motion of A. Q. Bobier seconded b T B Caning,the y T. i e prayer of the petitioners was granted. Carling-Bobier-That the clerk -ad- vertise for tenders in the Co, *act Record and the Mail, one insertion, In Saturday's issue, -Carried. Bobier-That no payment for electric lighting be made until the he is are de- dared satisfactory by this s ecii.-Not seconded.6 ' - - i 4 B b• T • use ing-- o men- hat o3 be grant- ' ea for the following sums viz: -Jae Creech y to os Daw; do, $2, , to Mrs $3, charit Th ' ". McIntosh; S•Handford, 01.13 labor; And.sections'N Dempsey, e1.10 do. Jas Oreech, $4.16 for tile on Gidley Streel.-Carried. Bissett--Carling-That an arc light be placed at John Street. — Moved in amendment by A. Q, Bobier that the matter be laid over until the aro lights run satisfactorily. Not seconded, The motion'avas declared carried, Stone crossings to be put in as follows:- One at Win Drew's one at the James St . . . church, one at Viotoria atreet, one at An- drew street end ono at Braund's. Bissett-Coniing TI '1 - le council .to ex- amine teeter coulee at Molneite. The commit adjourned for one eveek. ' . M. Redeem% Clerk. IL D. C. cures sick headache. ,....,,,,,. 1 Amer Tuck erstuath --- IE BN'S Bonne -During am eviolent ato Saturday morning lightning struck and fired Thee, Lapslie'a barn, Tuotteramith. All the season's crop, including a valuable California colt and four pigs, were burned. .Insurauce, $700 on barn and 62000 on contents. -Two barns belonging to Mat.- thew Scott, Tuokeremith Township,. with three years' wheat and two years' hay and is season's crop were this also- totally destroyed, Insurance unknown. C ouNotr.,.-The council met at Webers hall on Sept. let. The Reeve being absent, the chair was taken by Deputy Reeye McKay, The new clerk was present, and subscribing the decimation of office, entered upon his duties. ..elie annual rates were struck me follows: -For county purposes, as per requisition of county clerk, the sum of $3716,73, requiring a rate 1.92 mills on the dollar; for town- ship and general school rate, the sum 01 *692 58 requiring a rate 1.0 mills on the S' ' ' ' • dollar whore motions as follows. -U on 1 $213 3e requiring• P o. , . ..,, a rate,in of 1.1lmel$ N 2 $2e . 1 a on the ; o„ , ,i0,a rate of 1.14: No.3, e215, a rate of 88; No. 4, 0103Lawrence rate of 5; No. 5, $110,. rate of 6; N 6 No. , $100, rate of 6; No. 8, $350, rate of e 5; No. 9, $400, rate of 2,1; No. 10, $258, rate of 1.7: Union No. 1, Mcleillop, e68.40, rate of 9; A committee of the council reported having lot the jnb of clearing and ditching the side road between lots 5 and , -, t 6-, eon. 7 and 8, a R. S. o Geo. Stone, as $1 30 er rod, 100 rods - Jae Cumm- I ' li ' • t d li* • ng WAS re-appoin e . co eotor of rates, salary $90; after passing accounts to the amount of $130- and voting $25 for relief to the poor, the council acijoornedttemeet at Dixonts hall' Bruoefield, on Oct. let t I • a- . o'clock. Blum's-Stone School leo. 3,Usborne ,eld a picnic on Wednesdaylast in Mr '. • McCurdy's groves There was a or large attendance. Foot races, tot ball and other games were the musements of the day. Ali wended 'ash. way home at dark well satisfied ee John I i e days pleasure -• el rs. 11 th d plnorth ' f Alvinston is at present leery, o . , jailing her brother, Robt Fletcher.- !he . Woman's Foreign Missienery octety of the Kirkton Circuit Metho- ist Church, held their annual rneet- 3g here on Tuesday last. The Society as done a great deal during the past ear in the way of rua,king up clothine 0 mr the poor in distant lands. -Rev. In:Bele •a temperance lecturer oc- upled the pulpit in the Methodist 'hurch on Sunday evening last, and n Monday evening gave a lime light n mture of the "Gin Mill" to a•fair sized udience.-Mr. James Moore of Blau- aard, who went to Manitoba recently sterned home last week. -There is M18 talk of a school picnic in the near Aerie -The first business meeting of he Epworth League since reopening !as held on Friday evening lase The glowing officers were elected to fill eemanciese Honorary Pres., Rev. T. eawden; Vibe Pres.,Saznuel A. Doupe; eeretary, Bella Irvine. The attend- nce Was about forty five, four new ernes beirtkadded tothe memleershile 'he,Society 18 in a very prosperous oneution.-T40 storm on Sunday ight did nonsidereble damage in this speople alon to fences ,and trees especially. . ...1,- • eirediton we_ OBITIYARY•-The hand of death has 'n visited our vicinity and removed again , . one of our oldest and res ected'citizens •an P 7 'church.Th Adam Geiser, at the age of L years. M Geiser' ffirst't Mr. was one o thesettlers in the vicinity, having hewed out a home for himself ei of a mile north ' of tire ' During e village. the early days he endured- • * great hardships to get' Mon in g th Id d • crowned with sue- e wor ,land was . t his last clays here c. ess. Mee la span .. in the velage and did entree well 1 t -A h b - - earner res . e as een very success- ful in life, financially, and has ' left a . ' 1 widow handsome fortune to his aged tv and family.He was buried in the Ger- . man cemetery,mystery. BRIEFS. -W. H. liVenzel is •visiting 1 • former 1 Elmira,1 • s• d his rmer -tome, and 'men s taking in the Toronto Fair before be returns home. -Joseph Banes is attend- ing the Toronto Sit, at villege is at present filled with a larg,e number of visitors, owing to the astern/See here in the German Evangelical church of the ministers,and SunclaySchool convention, - -Mrs. Derails Link who has jest re- • tinned from Columbus' and Detroit is seffering with neuralgia. ...,.„ - _ _ w lur NO FELLOW CAN rIND UtJT.-11'011,1 - men may eat green fruit with impunity, but a fifth may try the experiment amidst hour or so later be tied n in knots' ' ' P . wet cramps and dysentery. Who the fifth ere . man in, is one that no man can find out and consequentlyall should take time the .trne J torelock, and prepare for such an at - tack by keeping on hand a bottle of Peltt) Davis' Pain Killer which is e safe, -imick and infallible cure for die.rrhaia, cholma. cramps. or, indeed, any disorder of • the' stomach. This excellent medicine can be t e • , go a any reputable drug -store, 25o. will the B* purchase e iirBottle. u o a Thompson AU Sir . . S• • J h Th d S. 0 el TePP" left for Nove Sootia, Monday. The Premier will not likely return to Ot. tawa before the end, of the month. But it is not what we say but whal Hood's S • arsapsail' la does, that toile the story. What Hood's Sorsa '11 1 . pari a :as done for others is reason , fon eonfidenee . . that it is the medicine for you. . eet.-- • . - Skin Diseases are more or -legs theme); - et es occasioned by bad blood. 13. ,. . cures the following Skin Diseases: Shingles Erysipelas, Itching Ftershosi, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eruptions, Pimples and Blotches, by removing all impurities from the blood from a commen. Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sara, ' . ' , A BOON TO Elonmatere 0 I ' cie bott e re English Somata Lin"n t oompletelv re - - 1 Mil ' - - - moved a care from my Urea. I tees in „Om . - miming the remedy, as it ' aott mysteriouspromptness' • ' ' in the re - :novae from horses ol herd, soft or call. ousted lumps, blool seevin, splints, earei sweeny, stiller: mid' Israelite. ' GEORGE ROBB. Fentien , , Menial= °se, Sold by 0 1,0174 '' ' ' UgtbOrne Council. The pencil met on the 1st inst. All LO members Were present. Minutes 'previous Meeting were read and Con mead. ' • ,, . ' Shier -Gardiner -That the following tea be levied on the rateable property ! the-. naunicipality foe the current , mar, viz en. 2 341000- mills on the 511tir tO raitte, 08 9.67 for County Rate itl Legislative &Moot EqUiVident; . 1/10haills on the dollar to raise 2060,92 for tevithehip purposes and l/160 df a Mill Menem $1016.63 as a )e0i.ei rate per gee 100, ohark55, S. 0, 39131 ,-Certied, . , 0- a e arooun s edcly-Itall Da ' t th t limed by the trustees of the school agony of the • Township, be levied, iterecl on the Collectors' Roll. and lliected with the other rates, Catried, ' -• * ' Gditter-iteddy- bat ,, . T la by law b0 die legielizileg the len,eitig wit the d . e, .. . oreitai rates -yarned . - - ' • ' ...--- Mrs. Philip Ryckmen, of lesborne, c 1 e 0go. who is esteemed by a large eir 1 e friends, was last week presented with a handsome easy chair. She was taken entirely by surprise. A pleasant even- in" was spent, Beeenviete January 4th, 1878. 'with MOMS, DICX &dip, Montreal. "Dick's Met" • . Blood Par is the beat of all condition powders: 1 ever lured. It makes a horse thrive and feel well improves his ' coat and keem him Perfectly clean in the - ' h legs, no matter ow long he etands in the stable, I gave half of the first beg to a gentleman eh°. had a fine trotting Mallion that wee swollen in ' the legs, ana ilea scrateheS from being out of coedition and , . . • in a few days les legswere perfectly clean, and the creeks heeled rapidly. JOHN JOHNSTON. , PICQUIrlin TO resew.. Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself, in a strict' medicinal sense in three im- Y . portant pavtioulare, viz: eras in the corn- bination of remedial agent lima; second in • • eRh the in which they are mixed; .1 • proportion •- • • third, in time proceed by which the aetive curative properties of the preparation are secured, These three important points make Hood's Sarsaparilla pecaliav in its medicinal merit, aa it accomplishes curee hithertolutknown. --se-- Refauarerend Geese IN A, °wee -South American mime to are. mime ism t' 0 for Rh t' a radically- 1 t a anNeuralgia, cures in o days. Its notion upon the system i8 remark.h able and myeterious. Tt removes tit mice the cause and the disease franiediately dis- appears. The first ;doge greetly bene5te le 75 cons. Seel be a finteefeieggiefe See' Miss 1), A. A. owney, Mete/tie, Ont, , s__________ TELL w , ,e . moDBaN 13-Ee-tenr ihrives on good food and sunshine, with lefft of exercise in o en' air Het form 13 Y with health P d la * f bloomsand glowst.,, and liar flee ler system nada the WItil 11,6 Deatit.Y. ji,:ii cleansing eaten. o a laxetive remedy, eh& uses the gentle and pleasant liquid - e r• . laxative, eyries of i igs. , . . . . Millard e Limment mire° el gelloPe. IT, ,,,,,, rly,,,,,,,, ,p,,,,tro,,,,,, , IN, ''''''''t teteeeeeepreeteete-- '''' -- --wee , , - . Dr, Agneves (lure for the Heart give: perfect relief it All cases of argenie, 01 Serepethetie Reset Disease in 80 .riabutee. and 8p88ally Offeeta a cure, et Is a 'peer; lose temedy for Palpitation, ehortnese ol Breath, Sinotheting Simile, 'rein iti Lee Pita8 end all eyeepteme of 1 Diseata „.„."-• es rese e. , e„.., : ses ' 'eeettee. wee eete eueeele"e• Sold by C. LTITZ. ' . .0-,-,.........,,,,,,,.....,._..,,,,.... The limes° commissionera of Hamilton have deoidea to doge down all the niekle• , m411(34310 machines. le that city. To he fro from doe heedsehe, bilious- •ilt. . , . natio oonetipation etc. use Carter a Little ee ; „se, est. , „ ne leer eeus. onecsiYi, vegetable. '-ukteV " gently stimulate the leer and free the t h f - 8 OMR° , 1.0111 bile. It i te 'I a that M " Donald G th " s por e 1,u no Q C., ex -M. A. P. of Guelph, will beport appointedtthoet seeee position o Inspector 0 -strong HeallitrY Vm9884 rendered vasaet by the d thou: . 1 to re e 0 e r 8. . ea le a o . . . ,ra ea, - . ' . , - ne The death is annouteedeot leIr za. . s - f thosen IeHay, J3e. ward Fee, oe Ghla, oeased was one of the pioneer*, of the town ' ' om to hi ..crouritry rote ship, having c e t a f the County of pavan, helmet, very, early in life He had a -fine feign and a beeute e - . ell residence neer Zurich, and Was noted hospitalityd t h• ' for an or um generous sup- of everyma work. ele Wat a ' . .• . Coneereittite . ni politics, and a member of the eleaeleofnnestid„ He key. b ,. .b., , . . es elund un a aVi OW threo gone and • ' tv A 1.4,4•Atqa nita Mt Mit ramie' la h rInn- Rettne at Sur Hornss-Dieordered Kid, a bi dd • d' li d ' • nee an a er Immo re eve irt me, hours by the "Great South Anterieen Rik .tleY Coe' This new remedy to e gee . - strode° and delight to physicians on so . .. . . . count ot, ite egoeeding promptness In to lietiii pain n the bladder, kideeve batikMame g 1 , ' t ' and every part of the urinary passages in male ala . relieves re 611.1 ri d female.Itt t'oe el Water and Penne eastenglt alesoet named. . • mely. If you want quiok relief and dere ,r, I Was oared o" B o ell- i ' il In , r tt It s a a mu, a by MINARD'S LINIMENT, 5 4 • . Lot , Pe D. L Mrs, A. Livingstone, I was cured of a severe attack of etheus. . - • , . - by MIN.A.RD S LINIMPAT, Mellon° Bey eeee eleeet ' , . ' I Watt cared Of a iteVerely sprained leg • - . , • by MINARD S TANtuft. . t • rr L ' err Iltulgewater, ' el 00111:14 VY Vtierdlli - , ,. , . 1 ' ' It' ' h . Ayet e Hair 'Igor tortes up t cs weak hair roots, stimulates the vessels eta ties, nes *Welt supply the hair'with•. i nutrition, strengthens the hait itself, at . , a We the h k oil ethic Imps the thane soft hide one ) * 1 silky. Ti t and le most popular end 'valuable toilet preparation in the world. , . Ihe recent heave mine have revived the .. , , vesture n s li ti, stayed ehe eptogiese f 14 • Burdock Blood Bitters cure dyepepsia. t, A e, '0 c - ' i - searuock esteree „petters ere .Cotiseipa ent Burdock meea Bittete ogre hilioteriete * Burdook Blood Sitters mire headache, . Burdock tieea Bitters unlock all the . clogged. iledretiOne Of the beWels, thus ent. 15 your remeay, cola oy tjr tor, ang headoehes and in