HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-9-6, Page 8e-' X Fi .Tr' ,asTataktor,vattrrpo,Vi WICa'1elitN ettaLRttiOe COM- ArlY.vi"Morokti &d.o fee the,101.10Xl'TIIi feetR,litNS(Itt..?I;QMi'4$'Y, of London 7 Resew; : see(C19 1si6tl1ltelig .COM - ?Aerie oteleitiseeta We sere showing Sample Lots of choice 1Riegers Perfume. We are showing a nice line of Hair Brushes. '1'1a are showing a cheap nee of Toilet koap . We ere showing a line of Combs, We show a. fine line of Tooth Brushes,. 'We are offering Snap in Whisks. We have twenties in Sponges, W^ keep Tooth Pickss and sell them obese. \ile.keep Chamois Skin, best quality, You may need setae nettle..above, call. and wF wilt' try and. lease 7011, J. GRIGG, getup (isite#, ' It URSPAY. SIEPTEALBb11l 6th, 1894, La+CAL HAPPENINGS. t1rmusiss The heat Sunday. wargreeter than in any day of August. Near Sailor Boy Japan. Tea imported' direct from. Japan at the. Big Bankrupt Ste Don't forget. that for trunks and valises you can be supplied at 3. 1', Clarke's. Don't forget the grand concert under the auspices of the Trivia .lternorial Guild, September 25th, See posters. Goocl smrt boy wanted at the Big Bankrupt Store for parcels and to learn the best business system in Western Ontario. At the Big Bankrupt Store ;1 case sample h'k'fs and 1 case sample gloves, choicest' goods we have ever shown ;lees than half-price. The total production of wheat in the It's True, four States of Minnesota, Kanaas,Mich• yearly salary of $1,400, The rail: was at 88 and0 bushel for 1893 was eetimaced not entertained and Mr. Ramsay re- st Tilbury bushels. � mains pastor of Mn Forest church.-- 1"il)aury West claims to hays the low- Mrs, J. Ar. Stewart;' tvho has been `visit- est municipal' rate of taxation in west- iii frit+nds in Toronto and elsewhere, ern Ontario., The rate will be less than during the past two months, returned 10 mills on. the dollar, • home last week. --Mr. W.n.;J, Thomas ' Job lot of Women's Cordovan %titers of Burlington, is visiting at Mrs; tor sale, size 3's, 7's, $'s, regular price. Thomas' town. --Mr. Saxton Fitton is $1. 65, for 75e. rerpair cash, toclear, inToeonto attending the Horological at J. P. Clarkes. College, and will remain for some time. The electric light machinery is now _Mr. Thos. Fitton visited friends in running satisfactorily, and both the are Hamilton and Toronto last week. -Mr. und.`ancandescent lights are as brilliant B. Teskey, who for the pssifourmonths, es can be found any place, has been conducting Mr. E. H. Fish's Get your name on the Dominion barber shop, has returned to his home Voters' list.• The Revising officer for in St. Mary:. ' Bert,was highly spnken North Middlesex is Col. Goodman of of as a manipulator of the steel blade. FarkhilL and for South Huron, Judge _Misses Edith and Ethel Rogers, of Toms, .The preliminary lists will be out South London, have returned from visit - soon after the 15th pros. ing Misses Lille and Ida Johns and A e complete, 9 cook stove and fur- Mrs. rollick, of Exeter. -Mr ,A. Load- nishingarcomplete,' bath tub, and two man of Hay township, will shortly re - wool car rte one 6 • yds x 5 yds and the tire from farming and move into Exeter other 4i, yds x 3 yds, Have been in to reside. -Mrs. John E. Dignan and - actual use for less than a month. Apply daughter are visiting friends at Bayf at the Big Bankrupt Store. .field and vicinity. -Mr. Reg. Elliot o Notwithstanding the constant and Toronto, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. cropn Tu es'- o times andwith him prolonged howl of hard es Elliot returned home failures; picnics, camp meetings, fairs dsy.-Mrs Jos. Senior and Mrs. James and the like have bed a larger attend Grieve are attending the Toronto 'Ex- ance this year than at any previous hibition. bir. R. D. Young, •. are visiting trio tenant'"•eat alai) plityed at the:same time, Four innings were played when the score atdod 11 to 9 ie favor of Hoskins' I team. Personals. Mrs. McIntyre hag returned. hnine ho Windsor, where she has been vieitiog to � the rot few weeks. -The Mister Elsie. nd Mabel L,sRso r, of ,S','ttsltierd, wee hive been visiting friends 'bete, left for London ou Saturday for a week's visit' with Mende there. --Mr. Josep11. Bswden, after spending a few days .with his parents at Exrtkr, 'has returned to London: Miss Attie Eserett, who has been visiting relatives in London, returned bora Monday. -Rev. D. M. Ramsay occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sunda} evening last, and preached an eloquent and impressive sermon. --Rev.. Geo. Cobbledicit, wife ;and 'family of Brussels, were visiting friends in town. Mr. Cobbledick preached in the Main St, church on Sunday evening last to a large congregation. --Rev. D. M. Ram- say left far his home in Mt. Forest on Monday. Mrs. Ramsay will rems,in for a few weeks. Mr. Ramsay while in Exeter received a call from a congregat- ion in London to which is attached a We are showing the largest and choicest _ stock, of , Lad ies Tailor made Coats that we have ever had the pleasure of offering to our customers. Our stock of time in their respective•histories. good. Jackets never was so. corn- -Local liverymen are doing a rushing plete and never have we had, burinesS•driving,eornn1ercu►1 a,. wing, seld out myhardware bustu Is will commence stock taking on Mori: dtty Sept. 10, At the contusion of which +nil not will, be rendered and settlement will be requested on or be- foie the first of. October; • The business: will be:,coetingedbeyem until the esti, of.stoclets.king. All weetldg'great bare Rios in hardware 'should "seized chi's opportunity of securing these bargains,; e..TOSEn'•li OOBBBTADIOE Our Groceryhold on..oustomers in- J' creaaeadeity, Don't forget the Clouse- the keepers st bleu . ni a of eP e sold grov relse counter•.; this is the word of customers and they are theejudges. Call at J. P. Clarice's and be convinced. The Exeter Creamery was sold on Wednesday to the Bobier. Produce Co. for a good figure. The greatest value in Black Silk we have ever shown;. at J. P. Clarke's. such values We have use' extra' ca`� r * v 4 gouts: 'roll' ,want:::real :rhea trashy coats our shop is not the place for you, but if you want thelatest new Parisian styles, first class material., . an s em 43 to33, out of a possible 50. p erfect fitting `tile M. Brandon + u ,• ., Bit.linkrapt as the spot for you.:. Remember you have the privelage of select - nig a coat and'we will keep its for you till such time as you are ready for it.: . .�r�3 Fall stock • in all department complete.. Wonderful values in new dress goods. every'clay.. Sid Fairbairn; of Minnedosa, who has for years held the position of cham- pion shot of• Manitoba, met Mr. N. Luxnn in Winnipeg, on Monday last, and was- defeated by him, the score c'tlie fail trade ozen natrilo, -here 5 n. Willie Elder, son. of Wm. Elder, o Hensall, who is a little over 15 years egg, has secured the second soholarsh in Liaising and Moderns in tha recd examinations in Toronto, entitling h to four piers free tuitionl in the Univ sity and $55 hi money. It is asid that General Booth h changed the shape of the Salved lassies' bonnet. The familiar bo of blue straw' is replaced by one white straw of a much less eccent shape, trimmed with white lace, which is a red' ribbon bearing inacriptiou "Armes in sale" • Don't forget the Sodom social (Thursday) evening. Go early so the supper will be over early so as give plenty of time for the other ent tainment, which will consist of speech recitations, dialogues, vocal and strumental music, readings, Parties Irons a distance have promi to assist in the musical part. Judge Doyle and other etude under the tuition of John Haldane w he was master of the Goderich h school, have presented a portrait the gentleman to the Goderieh Col iate Institute. Among the old b who were assisted up the Parnas heights of learning by Mr. Hal over 40 years ago, is our towns Dr. Hyndman. J. A. Stewart. Notice to Times' Readers. The publishers would esteem it a favor if readers woufd,when making their purchases, mention that they saw the merchant's adver- tisement in Tax TIMES. SOTIOE-Ali business announcements notices of public meetings, in &notion sales, ete., appearing in there local columns will be charged for at the rate of Hve cents per line eaoh insertion. Bisok heading to count as three liner. C,i►sh with order save So persons having open aocounts. To Insure change of advertisements in ourrent issue copy must be headed into office on Tuesday. Trt'iittMamarialCh, f of ip nt int er- as ton nnetf of rid on the this thet to ar- es, in - etc. sed nts hile igh of leg- oys elan dans, man, Svxna.r SZVT- 9nd, 1894. • Sermons. 11 a. x• "Gleaming for Ahrist." 7 P. x. 'Lessons from the sleeves." Special Music: 11 A. ad. Te Daum Woodward Benedictus Holden Y. 1t. MagnifioatService W.11. Runt Solo. -"Abide withMe" by Mrs. Bunt -with violin obligato by Mr. Jud. Davidson. 714)10 Communion after the morning ser- vice 3. C. CLAUSEN' APNES ,XAK.E J, -1,023Adrio Begs to:annoirnce bathe public that he is prepared to •do all kinds of Carriage Triniming, Furniture Upholstering; etc. Carriage and Buggy Tops of all kinds MADE TO ORDER., Old Buggy Tops recovered and made as good as new. Our harnesii are well known, aa,gleing perfect satisfaotion. We manufaotdre largelyand consequently our pliers ere low. A call wliy;:eoneineee'3d ; • 3. a, CT A:r8EN. An Advance wow -- We have just received' perS. S. state of California, a large consignment of goods direct from Britain. These goods are now all opened lap and placed on,oxr shelves ready for inspection, Dressoods • �Cx We are ' displaying' the largest range ever • shown in Exeter. Xn all, over 350 pieces, and at prices which defy competition'. By im- porting ' them direct, we save the wholesaler's profit and you reap the benefit of this by purchasing your dresses from us. The lead - emin READ UNT:DERWEA GLOVES, MITTS, UMBRELLAS, LACES, RIBBONS HANDI ERC TIES, HOSE SUPPORTERS ERS CORSETS, LACE CURTAINS. We will remind you- of the rest when3t ou come in. CARLING BROS. tif .1 a stion 111 g ,i )7'01 Tanto . . Itnate Bawder rftise; . l awdein.aird wife -.hiving de- Bided o leave town =Patrick Hanlon ofCentrralia, attended the. funeral .of his'indt'her;• Dlrs. Felix Hanlon in Clin- ton, last week. Deceased was 60 years ot age, and was a daughter of - the late Timothy Blake; of Hullett,-Mrs. M. J. White and daughters have returned home from a pleasant visit with friends in Windsor: Mr. Alex: Dow left on Tuesday for Douglas, Man. to visit Mr. A. Colquhoun.-Miss Elliot who has *been. visiting at home, returned to Toronto on Monday. -Miss Sutherland of Hensall and Miss Freda Dent, of Mitchell visited Mrs. M. J. White Tuesday. -Mr. James. Darling left on Tuesday for Chatham to ' engage=in the apple packing. -Mi -ss Blatchford who spent afew weeks under the parental reof; returned to Toronto on Tuesday. - Will Folland is in Toronto looking after the exhibit of the Gurney Found- ry Co. at the Exhibition. -Miss At- kinson has returned from a visit among friends in Alpena, Mich.= -Mrs. John Brawn of Buffalo, is the guest of her parents Mr.. and Mrs. Floyd. -The several milliners have returned to town. -Miss Urquhart, to the Big Bankrupt store: Miss Davis to R. Pickard & Son's; Miss Williams to Mrs. Spicer's: and Miss Agnes Smith to E. J. Spackman & Co. Miss Smith, late milliner for E. 3. Spackman & Co., has takena situation in Brantford. -Mrs. John Spicer who lives a short distance out of the village; intends moving into town this fall. - Mr. W. J. Clarke, of the firm of W. R. Brock & Co. Toronto, returned to the Queen City on Monday last, after spending a very enjoyable visit. with friends in town. -Mr. W. J. Clarke, son of J. P. Clarke, after spending his holidays here, has returned to his course of studies in Toronto. Aim t res, '�Rtarnenes Serges, Diagonils, Basket Cloths; Habit Cloths, Silk ,e xae AlV Woven Wire :ACSINL', The great industries of Canada are farming, lumbering,, fishing and mining. Our surplus products -those which we sell abroad -are almost wholly the out- put of these several industries. And where is this surplus sold ? Out of a total ot nearly ninety millions in round figures, well nigh 4 two thirds go to Great Britain. That is the natural market for our natural products. The Old Country is the great consumer of that which we produce. And yet the Liberals are teviving the old policy of unrestricted reciprocity with the United States. In Furniture in quantity,' variety ' and beauty. but a retreat in prices is the movement now* being executed in our store. Tables,"chairs, parlor and bed- room suis, kitchen and dining -room furniture, office furniture even, are all included in this sale. -See the advance guard of bargains -the rank and file are too.numerous to even mention -you must come and see. Resigned. T. A. Brown, Principal of the Exeter Public School for the past few years, tendered hie resignation to the board thin week, to take effect January next.. Mr. Brown has decided to quit the profession, and may possibly take up medicine, We wish him euccess in whatever he may undertaker 4neteng QP Their Schools: a 1 Mr. James Dempsey has resigned as teacher of the Eden school, and Mr. G. W, Holman has tendered hisresignat- ion to the trustees of Winchelsea school. Mr. Holman who has been - teacher of the Winchelsea school for the past fourteen years, and clerk of the town- s1lip of Usborne for the past eight or ,mine years, will be greatly missed throughout the township. -'.gr. Holman will likely attend. school for a term and roettre a first clews certificate. Mr. tdiln.arn has been a c cessful teacher. Orchard robbing is a matter of general -complaint about town, snit some of the owners bare adopted cneaaures that will give %%ravers end lasting lesaon(to"ithe dep- he watn ng put up they met take. the criot heed on- se4utnoes' 141)1V. W. A. 1wl`EWCOMBE, Thonitts- on, Maine, *AMC Sefferfnlg from indigos, ion' hen hi Nova Seotia\a year ago, a ACkrtga of E. D. C. wee given rue. x .ehaetfnily aeklowledRa tltst Atha effect of $he rerlear in curing tbo kneels Wee very d audit f?fo14% ,a4Mr wet, art lest. Labor Day Sports. Labor Day was celebrated in Exeter in good style,. as is the case on all oc- casions of the kind. Stores were closed and business for the most part was suspended. The sports on the Agricul- tural grounds in the afternoon were well attended. Following is the result of the different contests: Open trot, half mile, best three in fire heats': Me11'O (J. Hawkshaw, Exeter,) 1 1 1 Stanton King, (T. Murdock, Hensall,) 2 2 Lady Thorne, (A. A. Tennent, Exeter,) 3 3 ou Lady Jane, (J,Leathorne,Exeter)4 4 4 Time, 1.171. Green trot, half mile heats, best three in five Winchelsea Girl (R. Heywood) 1 .1 1 Dick Terry. (W. Bawden) 2 2 2 Dan Rote (W. White) 3 3 3 Time, 1.40. Ralf Mile. running race, best three in five. Eniroy (W. Folland) 1 1 I Sid's Billy (Sid. Davis) 2 2 Time, 1,03. 100 yard foot race open., lat, Ed, Treble; 2nd, G. P. D.yndman. Egg race, Ed. Dignan : Alex. Martin. Bicycle race, one mile,. T. Snxiith; Harry `Browning. Time, 0.47. Idurdle race, 100 yards, G. P. flynd- mmati; Ed, Treble. Boy's raoe,100 yards, Fred. Hother• ittgton, Lumley; A. Martin, Forever. a A base `ball. 'snatch, between sides ,etiboleart by Geo, Uo*kin and G. P. ,Erynd JO��STO�'S Summer. �,rgains The Exeter fair takes pians on Sept. 24th and 25th. Mr. S. Powell is improving his else by building a new barn. blaster Oddry Shannon who fell off a fence a few days ago, Kee unable to be around yet. A man regards his newspaper much as he does his wife -something to find fault with when he feels dross and something he never: approves of. An exchange says that wasshing dishes causes chaps. That's right. Lots of chaps sre on the lookout for girls who ain't afraid to wasti dishes. Well cleaning has been alt the go this dry spelt, a great many of the wells here -about having given out Soft water is a very scarce commodity. Last week Mrs. Nelson nestle of Stephen was called to Woodstock to attend the funeral et her mother, Mrs. Wm. Weak- ' y who died on the 27th ult., at the age f 66 years, tela, F', M. Hicks who has received a Testifier's cortifioste from the Toronto College of Music is now prepared to rece- ive pupils. Apply at Telephone Office, or residence. Tenders are being called tor the con.. •eyance of Her Majesty's Mail from the Exeter 2 0. to 'the: railway station, for the next four years Mr. Snell is the present contractor. The principals of the different Public schools have had their attention called to' the rules lid down by thel.3oard of Health and school law governing the vaccination of pupils, and the request is made that they carry out these instructions to the letter as' Boon as practicable, Mr. Joseph Cobbledick has sold his hardware stock and business to Mt. H. Bishop of Parkhill at a rate on the dollar. Mr, Bishop takes possession next week. While we regret to lose Mr. Cobbledick from businessman We weenie Mr, Bishop to town and commend him, to the people of this section as we find his rope. tationin Parkhill --la onorgotid and hen, orable business than Out Gent's F.+ urnishings and Tweed. departments were nd'er better %frown. Wetgudtrantee the quality. conte and inspect at .1,„, . Glarke'ar • Trimming . As usual this season we intend taking/the lead in trimmings, and,have now in stock an immense variety of Trimmings of all descrip- tions imported direct from New York and Britain for our own trade. The new sparkling trim- ming which we are' showing is admired .by' all who have seen it. PARASOLS. We have a few dozen of these goods left in good qualities which we :will clear out. less than cost. DRESS GOODS. Some lines worth 20' to 25 cts. clearing at 5 to 1.0 cents TWEEDS. 4Immens6 re- ductions short 1 as low as 20 ents. New Cottonadea. New Shirting's. New Shaker Flan23. NeW Cottons. All these yoods new for W. H. Heard -4,0'e-- sole 4,0'e -sole owner of the right . to sell this KING of fence mach- ine i,n the County. of Huron. W .t Ili) r- .. �► '..R..t-... 1.1 - 1 ..-vP.-....1', ."t'. ' t. .,0, 1 7..+.vy..-N"+'.,'lam - . . ,. T, • -....1. a' e'a 1,.M1 Y ....41..-1,.....1...a1.1 ........1%,...••• ....,.e .e..�.�� i, , :11,...:1-..........4k-1:-..,4........ !' 1 Wi.T1,V...'�'4 If AM -.-...-•.,..•.aw ,484211.01440 4114" 41.14111.411 es. aor' • Omer two burs•.- sired different.' woven wire fence made cgith.tbis fe:nctar'. machine. This Fence Machine will be exhibited at the fairs, when orders for fence and.right to make for 'farm and. townships will be offered. Do not fail to see it. W. H. HEARD, 337 Richmond st., LoadorWOnt:, Plumbing, Hot water beating, Iron pipe,Brass valves;Mari2 tels, Grates, Fthor tiles, Electrical supplies: Write if you cauiiot be at the Fairs. Boots & Shoes. This is a trade which we are paying parti cular at- tention to at present.. We are buyin g them for spot :lash from the best manufac- turers in the country and, can. giVe our customers special values in all lines. We call special attention to our Ladies' Dougola Button and Lace Shoe Its the best value the trade. Our milliner,Miss Davis has returned. from., a visit to the large st centres of the millinery trade and onr :new fall stock is being marked off and orders can now be i filled at any time, and Oar prices will be found yea low this season, and we are FEATHERBONE Coriets are now recognized to be the Standard Corset - of Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ASK YOUR DRY GOODS DEALER FOR THEM. DOES IT PAY shown in We answer emphatically yes if vou receive tylett yoke pay for. Not every institution dubbed Businest and Shorthand School is vrorthy of your support. ' Have you eeen the catalogue of the F . 0. 13. 0. Forest City Business and Short- hand College of London Ont, , it contains full particulars about the School, Board, $2.50 per week. School re -opens Menday, Sept 3. J. W. 'WESTERVELT. Principal. early ,fall tr°ade 208 below last year's price. We are well up in all lines of groceries, Cheap and Try onr New Saran Tea at 25 cent bound to do the „. trade a the town. h•„ Pickard ct Son, Great Clearing Sale 01 ORPERED CLOTHING' AT Jr; GitIEVE'S. FOr the nex.1 So days we walked the balance of 'our Summer Suitings at a price to suit everybody. Our stock being too heavy it Int0 be reauced at the following low prices : All Wool Tweed Suits for $9.5o ttegular $12.00. Fine Tweed Pants 2.25 " 3.50. Our $5.00 pants are cheap at $7.00. We have a lot of nice tweels at 45e, a yard for boy's elothing and We Met all our oWn goods free of charge. We have also a big lot ot tterrinants ranging from r yard up to 5 Yards, at verx. low prices, Conte and see for yourself. hornet -fiber' the place. a. onintrz, ete