HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-09-04, Page 28PAGE,16•=-GODERICH SIGNALSTAR, THURSDAY, SE'PTEMBER'4, 197 Urban bus routes Hurontopic agalfl: By Ross Haugh The Huron Board of Education' Tuesday afternoon unanimously rejected a suggestion that urban bus qtransportatiou be provided for pupils residing in excess o°f'one mile from the school which they attend.. The . nikrtter has been under discussion at ser -\crap meetings this year,, anti in June, the ad- ministration.. was asked to make a full investigation and determine where the service could be used. They returned a complete survey of the situation com- plete with maps showing the : territories in Goderich, Clinton W ingham, Seaforth and Exeter 'wihere students lived more than's a rode from the schools. 1 `arly in tlu' y eer, Goderich trustee Cavlev Hill attempted to ha \ e ur'han bus services Residents- fig continued from pa e 1 project, not on the economics. "I don't mean to criticise you but if I happen to find out about any property devaluation ,you may suffer,- it will not alter my final decision in the least,'' said Mr. Kelly, Mr Burns then criticized the• sewage facilities in the area slated for the apartment. He ,said he was,not stating that the present ' system was inadequate. He just pointed out that no one had proven to him .or the court that it .was adequate. He said he believed thea' was a good ,possibility 'that the system was below the required • size. He explained that the geography of the property was. such that the sewer en'tranc'e would be. in- the low area directly'.beside his property and. wpuld have to carry the water up. a grade.to Albert Street and the trunk, ' h t • f*. "1 consider el'erse develop- ment of he area to lie poor policy considering the apart meats across the street from ale and the ones on Nelson Street,:; stated Mr. Burris, Building inspector Roy Breckenridge told Mr, . Burns and the court that; he had checked with the town foreman prior to granting the permit and . that the sewer's were en. tirely adequate to handle the additional 10 units proposed. He said that an eight , inch storm sewer had already .been, installed across the rear of the property. by Mr•. Br:ander and that the developer was willing to put in any additional sewers required,,to drain the property: The building inspector a'Iso pointed out to the hearing that the accesses to the apartment parking lot were planned t'o allow for the required planting strip and still provide room„fo,r,'._ the required 15 parking spaces needed, , He said . if the •1 driveways were altered drastically it' would only mean that cars 'would have to park facing. the rear of the property and that they would be shining their headlights on the neigh - ,t boring property at night, Mr. Burns had objected to the, 20 foot wide drive adjacent to his. property -'saying it was a danger to .his, children and would create noise that would be Undesirable, He 'told the hearing he would be willing to drop his objection if the. drive could be moved to another area and a row of trees or a fence constructed on the ' property line. - ` The developer has con- sidered a, row of trees to• the rear of the property to_protect the neighbors there but plans none for my side,” complained Mr. Burns. "I believe I' m the ono, that will suffer the most." Mr, Kelly asked if the drives had to be the full 20 feet in°vv-idth an.d,if there was need for three, He said that if,.,the one' bor- • dering Mr. Burns' property could be ,moved farther frbm the property line and possibly .reduced it may drastically reduce the danger to -children. He said if a site plan could be submitted to -him with' the alterations made in light of Mr. Burns' complaints, he would use the new plan in making his •final decision, decision will be made untjl . eve'ryone ' has had op. portunity to put has 'the hearing what they feel is necessary to consider in making the decision," said the chairman. "I wont ba.se my final decision On any one consideration but rather 'the' whole project and its effect." • 'EVERY,BODY If you have a•relative, friend or neighbor in a hospital, nurs- ing home, or other health care institution, then theres.some- thing you should know. Staff cuts hurt everybody. They place a heavier burdenon nursing taff, technologists, dietary and housekeeping staff. This hurts you But most of all, staff cuts hurt your , loved ones who need -the best possible health care. Expenses should be reduced, But,let s cutout needless frills, notvital services. The Service Employees International Union realizes that staff cuts hurt everybody: That's why we need your help. Write to,yot3r-newspaper, Write to your Member of -Par- liament. Inst on legislation against hospital staff cuts. Remember, the S.EI.0 needs your help for better health care. SERVICE EMPLOYEES 1 INTERNATIONAL UNION ti SPEED QUEEN r Quality ...worth looking Into! STAINLESS STEEL 9 FABRIC CARE. TUB • Snuxrth R...t Prr, f .Chip Proof • ,.II '✓1.15h•lhlr u r,,h.,,....., • I,,St., th,. tA.•t mo, of ft,. VV +4h, PPS a washable knits cycle YEARS FRU SERVICE Special seating providrs properc'are for wash able kits durable tpre,s or delicate faihrics And more quality features worth looking Into' WARRANTY 10 `IFARS ON TRANSMISSION 5 YEARS ON ALL OTHER -PARTS A SPEED pUEENi @i introduced in Goderich on a trial basis. His' proposal was defeated at that time. The other Goderich representative' Dorothy Wallace - opposed ,the move. The rt , t'y showed areas exi,'• ,, . five towns where a b f students resided 0,:r s "t nt' one .mile `' distance "S'1". The onl, on,iiient on the notion of Mrs, ,Wallace, seconded by John Elliott, to reject the proposal came from .3 ack Alexander, a trustee from Wingham, Alexander said, . "Many • schools have the same , problem. It,.would be unfair to do this in one school and not all under the same conditions." In other business, the board: + Amended a previous Huron school enrolment down 14 Hy„Ross Haugh Total t'nI'Uln'teynt in schools :under the jurisdiction of the Huron. County - Board of Education 00 the first. day of school 'Tuesday was down 1 -itudents from the correspon- ding da}' in 1114.. At Tuesday's regular meeting of,, the hoard; director 1).J . Cochrane released the tigures - compiled from in- for mati00 received from principals at the noon hour. The number of'students at the County's fivesecondary schools is up from 0 year ago, ''but eieG,penta►`y students are on the decrease.' The , high school figure art noon 'Tuesday was 4,607 up 62 from 1974. Students at the elementary level totalled 7,805. This is a decrease -of 209:f Ibttst year.. The biggest increase at the 'secondary .level appeared, at Goderich I)istr'ict Collegiate, UP to 932 from 890. Attendance at South Huron in Exeter totalled. 1,067. last-_yea'r'it was 1.040. The only other rise in, attendance was at Seafoi'th Town to hire....'. (continued from page 1 Britannia Road and 'Bayfield Road' and that she hoped the town and the Goderich .police department would see fit to provide the "'necessary adult guards. The move to end the, board's support ori ,January . 1' means • ..that Gordon, ° Jamieson,. currently serving as a crossing guard` at the intersection of Victoria Street and Britannia Road, 'would be without an employer' airless the a. Own decided to retain his services: Town council decided Tuesday night to apply some pressure on the board of education to • reinstall the student safety patrols and 'will try tei secure , the services of adult crossing' guards where needed, - The traffic committee - of council was ,instructed to meet with Goderich Police Chief P.D. Kingto recommend ,where the guards were needed and council hopes to find' some guards to • man the areas described by that meeting. An attempt to hire guards • about, a year ago ended in 'dismal failure for council. Advertisement for the guards failed to draw, any applicants "and the itjea w'as abandoned. Reeve Stan Profit, " also chairman' of the traffic com- mittee, told council that another effort would be made to hire guards but this time cin`- " . culars, would%,be' sent, to the stridents at the town schools to be carried home to parents. Councillor' Leroy Harrison • questioned the worth of the ministry's new ;_stand on crossing, guards. Mr., Harrison said he felt the safety patrols 'were an excellent idea and felt they should be reinstated ad- ding that he "couldn't see why all of a sudden the crossing guards are illegal". where enrult;.. st' from 401 Robertson Memorial in to 4221, Godewnfrom Recording 2i' ' t ,tses ir) 496 to 532rich and ith Colborneanicrease Central, student p, 1' ;.,i' .;)n .ti'ereThe attendance rose there-fromCentralwHurtl►i , , t „►tori down. ' 255 0)275, , to 975 frcr 9�tt ,l r' l• 1• Madill Other, schools,showing a rise in- W inghao.. ',,'re the in enrolment were' Brookside, decrease was ,,,,,,','Ills down Grey, Hullett, Turnberry and .to 1,211. Queen Elizabeth in Goderich. ,In elemental •, ,, hoot ci'r'cles, 9 'Total enrolment in schools for the largest inept , ,t,,lw- were at the trainable retarded is 65, one more than last -pei. r. On the decrease side of the 'ledger, Clinton public school was down to 565 from 1103 and Victoria in .Goderich was. down 35 to -116. Di -rector . of Education~ Cochrane commented that total enrolment was down 991 from 1969 when the Hiiron board was first established. Clinton monster bingo BayfiId woman wins $1,000 A Bay ld woman, Mary Boyce, we t'hon)e:S1,(lu() richer last Monday night after win- ning trerjackppt at the weekly Clinton Monster bingo. Share -the -wealth winners were Mrs. Ken MCI espy of Goderich, Mrs.. Alice McNair of Huron Park; and Karon Cooper of Exeter, Single winners df 850 were Mrs.' Harvey Aitchison . of Wingham, Mrs. Joe Koene of Bayfield, Sherry Hodgins" of Clinton, Mrs. Irene -Davis of Hensall, and Mrs, Joe, Schneider of Wingham, . Those who split$50 bingos include Mrs. Wayne Tideswell of Clinton and Danielle Simons of . Hayfield; Mrs, ' "fr'hnld, Mary .Smith of Clinton and Mrs. Moorehead ' of Pal nnersten; Barbara Hearn of Huron Park and Doris McPherson of RR, 5, Clinton; Vivian Knights off' Clinton and Moira'Robinson of Vanastra. Other $50 ,games were split among 'Mrs. 'Evelyn. Chessell 'and • Audrey Bradshaw . of Mitchell, Helen Thompson and Mrs. Clarence Reid of Hensall, 'Debbie Fjart of'' Clinton and Anne Linklaterof Goderich; Ed South Si..... (continued from page 1 • 20 years,, and has had the problem since he moved in. He said ,during heavy rains the water runs'down the -street and around his house like a river and' sometimes is up to six inches deep, - "I've seen the, sewers boil over because of the - over- taxing," complained, one resident, Fie said , the water churns over the entrances to- the sewers and when it finally disappears it leaves a thick coating of mud everywhere. The petitioners told council that they were' promised . a sewer when' an outlet into the South Storm Sewer was provided and in the two years since that sewer was built, nothing has happened. f✓ • Mayor Deb Shewfelt told the group that the plans to con- struct the .'sewer would be in- stigated now and .that it should be ready for construction in 1976. He said he wa's aware of the problem in the area of South Street a ,pd, .also felt that the .property on Gibbons Street had to be drained in the' same project. SPECTAC.ULAii 1 970 Mercury Marquis 4 door' Hard top, Automatic, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Power Windows, Never has seen a Canadian winter., 1 owner, Lic. FHF 352 M=W MOTORS. OLVO SALES & SERVICE 184 East St. Goderich 5 2 4,-72 'I 2 Little of Hensall, Nancy Fawcett and Phyllis Mountford of Clinton, and Lori Kennedy of•, Huron „Park: Ed Little again, Denise Orr and Evelyn Francis of Bayfield. Other $50 game winners included Elaine Josling of Clinton and 'Judy Dykstra of Bayfield; Sherry Hodgins, Wilma McMichael of Clinton, J.A. Cevaal' of Holland, Lori Kennedy ,of Huron Park,,, and Nancy Fawcett of Clinton; Marion Malcolm of Clinton,. Milton Fisher of Goderich and 'y Coleen Norman of Vanastra. Announce deer season The Ontario deer seasons for Novembei — Oth and from 1975 have beers announced by November 16 to November, 30 the Ministry of Natural, inclusive. Resources. • Zone 32 includes Grey.County The Owen Sound District falls (except Keppel Township) within Zone 31, which includes Bruce County south of Highway the townships of' Amabel-, - 21 Huron County north of Hig;`h- Albemarle, •',Eastnor, Lindsay ways 86 and 87, and ' Minto and St. Edmunds, all in Bruce Township in Wellington County County, and Keppel Township north and west of.'Highways 87 .(excluding Griffith Island) in and 89. Grey County. The gun season The gun season in Zone ,32 wilt for these townships is , from befour days from November ICL Noveinber 10 to November 15, to November 13. The bow 'inclusive: season for the sane area is. In Zane '31, the bow season is from October 27 to November- 9 from October 27th to and "from November 14 to November 30, inclusive, resolution setting the salary of boar0 courier tirl Young of Wingham, The Wingham man will receive $6,555.90 for his year's duties. Under the previous agreement he was to receive $8,506.68 bu.t.this was to include a service for the Huron - Perth separate school board. + Set the, salaries of night school principals at $500 per centre, plus $2.50 for each student enrolled. + Authorized its signing 'officers to execute a quit claim deed whereby the Dashwood Boy Scout Troop, may sell the former Sharon school property at Lot 21, Concussion 5 of Stephen township. *Approved a field trip, for 50° grade 13 students of South - Huron high school in Exeter to Stokes Bay from October 13 to 15., The field trip is to con- solidate . previous learning in biology and to study bog, ecology, cave ecology and the general environment of the - Bruce penjhsula. + Referred to the management committee a request from • the Seaforth Agricultural Society to receive financial •'-'aid from. the school board in erecting anew fence between the .school and fair board property. + Appointed trustees John E1'liott and Ken Cooke 'to a committee to co-operate with the Hullett . recreation com- mittee in arranging thpv.proper transfer of the deed of the land at the Londesboro public school to allow erection of floodlights for the ball diamond. + Were told that renovation of the Clinton public school' heating system was continuing satisfactorily and .it should' he in operation by September 30; "economy plus is its key feature.. ��REEN�ARENT • FORD MERCURY SALE LTD. 263 HURON RD. GODERICH 524-2665 ji FOODMASTER ' PRICES IN EFFECT WHILE QUANTITIES LAST WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO1'IMIT QUANTITIES 91 . VICTORIA STREET GODE RICH OPEN NITELY TILL 10 P.M. RED BRAND RIB STEAKS $149 CLUB ' LB. • SCHNEIDERS ,SKILLET ' STRIPS LB.$1.29 BY THE PIECE' BOLOGNA ILB• 49c- FRESH GROUND' BEEF LB. 69c MAPLE LEAF WIENERS Le 89< (HICKEN LEGS or BREASTS , 1.O9 ZIP 15 OZ. :rms DOG -FOOD 6°$1 PAPER TOWELS 2'ious 89c ROYALE ROYALE ° BATHROOM TISSUE, •1 FACELLE MAN SIZE 4 ROLLS 99c FAiALTissus '60's .55( 99c $i.49 $1.19 3R$1 3R$1 299c TOMATO JUICE 48 FL. OZ. 59c CLOVER LEAF SOLID BIO AD 23 OZ. JOHNSONS HOUSE~ "& GARDEN RAID 450 ML. PARAMOUNT RED SOCKEYE' SALMON .7314 OZ. CULVER HOUSE ,,19 FL. OZ. WHOLE POTATOES LIBBY'S . SPAGHETTI ' .. 14"FL. oZ. HEINZ KETCHUP` .13 FL.,O AYLMER FANCY LIGHT TUNA ,7 OZ.'PINS 69c PURE 48 FL. OZ. F.B.I. APPLE JUICE —59c MEXICAN PRIDE WITH PE=CTIN 24 FL, OZ. STRAWBERRY JAM 99c C,I,L, HEAVY DUTY 10's LIBBY'Sr WITH PORK GARBAGE BAGS 947c BEANS 14..FL. OZ, 279c FROZEN .FOODS OLD SOUTH FROZEN ORANGE F JUKE 12TINOZ..2R8.9c. CHEF'S BEST 2 LB BAGS FROZEN FRENCH ~,FRIES R 1 SAVARIN POT.NES 2 :69c SUNSHINE PEAS 42'2BAGLB, 85c FRESH' PRODUCE CEE GRADE PRODUCE OF ONTARIO ' 5L8.99c MacINTOSH APPLES GOLDEN RIPE 245c BANANAS .LB. •PRODUCE OF ONTARIO NO. 1 A '"�A HE AD LETTUCE GRADE4 SUNKIST LARGE SiZE GRANGES PEANUT BUTTER DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES' 3 LB. JAR 18.5 OZ. BOX CORNED BEEF KRAFT DINNER PARAMOUNT LIGHT TU CORN FLAKES BLACK DIAMOND - 24 SINGLE SLICES CHEESE SLICES ROYALE FACIAL TISSUES NABOB COFFEE DARES 2 LB PKG CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES DETERGENT SUN PRIDE SECTIONS , 12 OZ. TIN 71/4 OZ. $1.99 69c 99c CR)sl 59c 69c 1.39 55c 99c sl. 479c „Z 3:s1 A6► -oz. 16 OZ. 16 OZ. 100's ' 1 LB. BAG 32 F OZ. 59 .- OZ' 59 [ GRAPEFRUIT c GRAPEFRUIT DEL MOI'TE: 4-5 OZ. TINS PUDDINGS CUPS. 99c a 24 •F L•: OZ. 69c REALMON JUICE AYLMER CHOICE PEAS, WAX Et GREEN BEA S DETERGEN SUNLI r T sox' $1.99