HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-09-04, Page 25• iy ty � I 11i *' 12. AUCTION SALE 12. AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale Of trucks, tractors, machinery, furniture; antiques - 2 miles north of Bayfield on Hwy No. 21 on Saturday, September 20 at 1 p.m. Full listing next week Alf Warner - Proprietor RATHWELL'$ AUCTION SERVICE Brucef field - 482-3120 80 HEAD OF REGISTERED N.l.P.. HOLSTEIN COWS& HEIFERS DISPERSAL SALE for PETER DE GROOT,'SLYTH SALE TO BE HELD AT . DAVID CARSON'S FARM 1 Mile "East of Listowel on 'Hwy. 86 WEDNESDAY,SEPT. 10..• AT 7:00 p.m. 40 Cows and Springing Heifers of which 1.8 are due to freshen fronr-Sept: to -Jan. 5 co.ws due to -freshen- in Jan. balance just fresh or in various stages of lactation. 40 Open and Bred Heifers and young heifer calves 1 Registered Herd Bull 2 years old. This herd has been unit sired for -23 years and on test -for 19.years. Top sires such as: Chieftain; Ormsby, Rock= man 'Justice and others have been used, These cows have been classified regularly and culled very heavily: 1 aged V.G. cow sells balance of the herd 75 percent G.P. This is a young milky herd opf.cattle with extremely ggod udders and very good breeding behind them. 'Cows will be blood tested for Brucellosis, and p"regnancy checked prior to..;sale and vac-.' (arson s Auction Service cinated for I.B.R. Owner or Auctioneer & Sale's Manager °Auctioneer Not 'Responsible for .,RR.3, Listowel 519-291-2049 Accidents Day of Sale. Any Peter De' Groot, Blyth, Ont. Announcements or Corrections 523-9347 will be given verbally day of sale. rjo a 7� Auction Sale of used building material, garden tractor some household ' effects and misc., items for Carl Kuhl in the vill,age,of Varna Ont., Saturday, Sepfember,6 at 1:30" p.m. approx 165 pieces of 3/4", plywood 17" x 6'11"; approx 50 pieces of 3/4" plywood eft x 6 ft.; "approx. 225, pieces of 3/4'" plywood 18" x24"; approx 50 pieces of 3/4" pressboard 2 ft x 7 ft.; approx 50 pieces of r/2" pressboard"2ft x 6 ft; 200 -,2" x 4" - 9 ft long, quantity of 2" x 2"; large quantityof 1/4" plywogd various sizes; 'large quantity of 5" and 6" tongue and groove lumber up to 12 ft long approx 65 doors 2 ft 8".x 6 ft 6" with hinges and hardware; (mOst doors are smooth);, 150 wdoden drawers approx 21" x 14)' x '7" deep inside measurement_ (would make good produce or bee boxes) ; quantity •of•"nails various sizes; 8 cord of split firewood (hardwood); two wheel . garden' tractor with plow, cutter bar, cultivator, -blade; McCulloch 250 chain saw, 12 HP electric. motor, 2 - 1/4 HP • ' motors; hot water heater, large quantity of used electrical supplies, taps; two hydraulic door closers, Singer wringer - `� washer; RCA Victor 17" portable TV, roof top carrier for car; This is a good offering of clean used' material plus many other items too numerous to mention. Terms cash no reserve property sold Owner or auctioneers not "responsible for accidents day of sale Richard Lobb' Clinton 482-7898 Auctioneers R.G. Gethke Bornholm - 347-2465- Goderich. Property to be Auctioned Also furniture, antiques and'appliances held,,,f,,.o9r Maud Kemp at 127 Newgate St., Goderich, Saturday, September 6,at•1:15 p.m. Property - 127 NeJigate St.,• G)derich consists of 2 storey frame 4 bedroom house, large living room, dining room and kitchen. Terms - 10 percent dowrl balance in 30.days, selling • subject to reasonable reserJle. Persons interested in viewing phone; Glen Ecktnier .524=6982 for appointment. Consisting Of round iilak pedestal ,tahlei,5 ladder back chairs; walnut inlaid-sid,eb$ard; 3 pc. oak high "Bedroom suite; tilt r top desk; Victorian sofa; 2 wing back ,chairs; , Victrola and • records; 4 matching cane bottoir chairs; oak dresser, and bed; washstands and commodes; Rose wood chest of drawers; single colonial bed; 6 wood kitchen"chairs; captain chair; pine table; walnut drop 'leaf table with 'drawer; treadle sewing machine; 2 wardrobes with mirrored doors; rocking chairs; fern stand`; parlour tables; 4 blanket boxes; Chesterfield & chair; night stand; hall tree; trunks; lawn chairs; imitation fireplace and equipment: Glass & China - R.S. Germany bowl; Nippon; Canadian glass; press glass; English dinnerware; crockery; partial wash set. Appliances - Westinghouse 24" frig; Beach 24" electric stove; Maytag wringer Washer; double wash tubs; Vacuum; electric broom; Niagara 'massage; humidifier; G, E. Radio; 300 day' clock; mantel clock; mantel clock; 7 pocket, watches. Misc - 250 polaroid camera; quilts & ¢eliding; pictures and (radios; mirrors; cast iron; jardinieres; pots and pans; coffee grinder, silver; hand and garden tools. Teims - Cash No Reserve. - - RATHWEWS, AUCTION SERVICE 11.ROCE_HfE!! 481-3120 • -, s 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE . 13: SERVICES AVAILABLE ' 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 26. CARD OF THANKS FOR COMPLETE Drywall Installation and Finishing CALL - -,GOR.D THOMAS 27 Trafalgar St. Goderich 524-6674 Sid Bruinsma -FOR ALL YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS . BACKHOE . . BULLDOZING . DUMP TRUCK SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS SEWERS 'FREE ESTIMATES Goderich 524-8668 Screened Top Soil Crushed Road' Gravel Crushed Tile Stone: Cement Gravel Pit Run and Fill Gravel ° Back Hoe Work . Lyle Montgomery CL INTON 482-7644 21 tfn 12. 'AUCTION SOLE SCREEN TOP SOIL LYLFMONTGOMERY Phone 482-7644 Clinton SK'ELTO.N' APPLIANCES Inglis—Moffat—Beatty Sales --Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph..524-7871 FOR YOUR :.,. — Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Needs r Superior. Maintenance Now ,offers a� STEAM or DRY SHAMPOO For Free Estimate Call 524-8892 '257 Warren St., •Goderich Mid -West -ern Paving POR ALL ASPHALT WORK -DRIVEWAYS -PARKING LOTS • —REPAIRS. CONTACT ' Jack's texaco And - Automatic, Car Wash 394,, Huron Rd., GODERICH • 524-7744 12. AUtTIONIALE ATHWELL'S AUCT1 n Furniture. and Antique Auction Contents of two older area homes and one modern home to be sold by public auction. on Wednesday evening, Sept. 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the Hensall arena. Consisting of Victorian sofa, heavily carved, walnut wood trim and foot stool; oak extension table, six matching chairs (twisted carved legs);° oak sideboard; oak hall stand with""•"' mirror, seat, and umbrella holder; oak library table; oak.3 • pce sectional bookcase; Dominion pump organ and stool; Maison upright piano; walnut Bonnet chest; drop front desk; oak round pedestal table, six chairs and buffet; oak kitchen cabinet comes with flour bin, spice drawers and colored grass 6n top section; pine jam cupboard; pine 4lour bin on lets; loveseat; commodes;, washstands; rockers; dressers; 2 sets- of six press -back chairs; arrow back 'chair; parlour tables; commode low back chair; dry sink; bar chair;"windsor high chair; walnut drop leaf table; large bevelled- mirror and frai'ne; urge oil painting; Colonial living room suite and bedroom suite; large quantity -of small -items over 300 in all including glass, china, crockery, cast iron, copper and brass. Cherry lumber - 12 pieces 1" x 16" - 6 ft. long; Cut for 20 years. -15 pieces 1" - 11/2" thick -a11 widths and up to 14 ft. long. • On view at 12:00 P.M. OVER 500 LOTS IN ALL , RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 T • II CLEARING AUCTION °' - SALE OF PROPERTY , HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND SHOP. TOOLS AUCTION WILL BE WELD"POR THE ESTATE' OF THE LATE GORDON YOUNGBLUT Lot 5 in Maitland Block Hullett, Township 1 mile south, of Auburn on the Base Line. .Thursday, September 11 at 1 p.m. Colour TV 3 yr. old, TV stand,' rockers, pictures,desk,, parlour tables, "gramophone, radio, odd chairs, antique cupboard, table with chairs, freezer, fridge, electric stove, annex stove, , cimp stove, washer, dryer, sewing machine, vacuum cleaner, electrical appliahces, antique dishes, Christmas lights, lantern, trunks, bureau, dressers, wash stands4 metal beds, 24 H.p. Ski doo, fishing rod;' snow shoes, stepladder; wooden andaluminumextension ladders, saw horses, power 'carpenter tools, torch, tiller, lawn mower chain hoist, cross cut saw, extension cord, garden tools, 1965 Chev, truck with 76,000 mile (as is), 1972 Rally Nova Car with 18,000 miles. Property has briclehome with full basement,bath„cupboards, 'drilled well on 5/4 acre lot and a 15 x 21 tool shop with -cement floor, will he offered at 3 Wm. subject to a reserve bid. ti FOR PROPERTY INFORMATION PHONE 529-7129 TERMS ON PROPERTY 10 PERCENT DOWN BALANCE IN 30 DAYS ^ TERMS ON,OTHER ITEMS -;CASH ' G CLERK AUCTIONEER GEORGE POWELL BRIAN RINTOUL • %, (grp.entrf Work Home Renovating Furniture Repairs i Refinishing (30 Years Experience) • •(No Jot? Too Small) 524-2591 or 524.9386. Between 12 & 1 p.m. or after 6 p.m, HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINd TON ST, ELECTRIC . Light w,ass:heri, dryers, refrigarstators, dishwashers, ranges GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights, rams TRI -TOWN BOOKKE SERVICE ” Income Tax Returns BiJsiness - Farm - Individual LAWRENCE BEANE prucefield Phone 482-9260 PEGGY,C•UNNINGHAM 229 ,James St. -- Clinton Phone 482-7988 Sotto ACE RADIO Br TV ] FLEETWOOD Sales & Service Repairs to all' makes' of Radio & .Television 00 PICTON ST. WC FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 Guaranteed Watch Repairs ONE WEEK SERVICE Ormandy JEWELLERY GODERICH 524-7841 Painting Carpentry , Work Roofing Phone Jim McIver 50,24w6903 524-6681 0 14.'NOTICE TO CREDITORS • IN THE ESTATE OF ANNA PEARL ABRAMS. ALL Persons having claims against the Estate of .Anna Pearl Ahrams late of 131 McDonald Street, Goderich, Ontario deceased, \vho died on or about the 17th day°of July, 1975, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned" Personal Representative of 'the said deceased on or hefore the 20th day of Septcmhcr , .1975, full particulars of their claims. Inrmediately after the said date, the said Personal Representative will distribute the ilssets of the said deceased ha' gin); regard only to claims of wh:irh ih shall then have notice. DATED at Goderich. Ont. this 21st day of August, 1975 VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY, 1 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario. r I secutor) 13y PRIEST ANi) I•.GVNt.R, Goderich. Ontario, Their Solicitors herein, ,353cAR NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate of EMILY OLIVE ROBERTSON, late of the, Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 20t1; day of March, 1975, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 1,3th day of September, 1975, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario this 15th day of August, 1975. PREST & EGENER, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate" 34,35,36 iinsommismoomigni 15. PUBLIC. NOTICE WHEELCHAIRS—WALKERS, The Humanitarian Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos ' Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524-72,17. —36eow 16. PERSONAL WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the 'Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about .. our shower" and Bridal Registry Service. No charge, no obligation.-3tf DO YOU have marriage or family problems? The Ministry of Com- munity &Social Services offers help in the form of marriage and'family counselling either in your home or in the Wi-pgham Office, 199 Josephine Street,"For appointment, phone 357-3370.-8. tf 17. LOST AND FOUND LOST at Benmi-Iler ball park a boy's 'blue corduroy jacket, size 19, on—Monday August 25, 1975. Phone 524-2569. —36 21. BIRTHS MACPHEE .0"(* uce & . Betty, MacPhee wish to announce the birth of their daughter Crystal Anne, August 27,'.1975 at Victoria Hospital'London.-36 McINTOSH - Malcolm and 1?atricia McIntosh are pleased to • announce . the birth of therir daughter Jennifer Patricia 6 'Ib. 10 ozs. at St. . Josephs Hospital. London 4:43 p.m Friday August 15, 1975.-36 - 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mrs: Esther Wright, Kippen, . wishes to • announce the . engagement cif her younger daughter Lois Marie to Mr. Wayne Ji?'in Tehhutt, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Tehhutt,•Goderich Township. The wedding will take .place Saturday, September 20, 1975 at 3 .p.m. in Carmel Presbyterian .Church, Hensall. —36 25, IN MEMORIAM WILLIS - in loving remembrance of our ' dearly beloved . son, Emmerson Densmore.,- *fro departed this life Sept. 2nd, 1965. Mother and step -dad. —36 • 26. CARD OF'THANKS t ARVEY - The family of the late Gerald Gamey wish to express our thanks and appreciation rpt, friends and relatives for their kindness and.. sympathy at the time of Gerald's death. —36 'MacDONALL - Beryl MacDonald ''would like to sincerely thank everyone for their visits, .flowers, gifts and Neely.. cards she received durig, her stay in the Goderich 't eneral Hospital. Special thanks to..Dr, Watts, Dr, McKim ,and the nurses and staff on second' floor east for their great care. A very special thank you to everyone who helped out a home. —36 JUT7I - The family of the late Addie Jutzi wishes to exlar'ess its tiincere iipprcciation for messages of sympathy and floral trihut es, ,also for donations to the Arthritic` Society. Special thanks to the many friends in Vanastra community and to the group of neighbours and friends from Clinton, --36 ROBFRTSON I would like to thank 3)r. I)eathe, Dr. Lomas, and i)r Watts, nurses! andstaff on second floor and everyone for their visits. fruit ha'skets and gifts ‘shile I vas iii the hospital. A special thank you to' Marion and Tom Arran Robertson. —36" SWAN in The midst of our sorrow we V, Ish to express our heartfelt thanks to, our many relatives, friends and wonderful' n'eighhours for the kindness and sympathy shown us in"the loss of a beloved hushind anti stepfather and also a dear son•in•law Niirman R Stephens. We especially 00 rsh to thank Rev. L, Warr, Sunset Cir•cle,.Cluh, Nor ratan Culhert, Bruce Kettles, also for the beautiful floral tributes; M'essage's of sympathy extended 10 us, donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation, and to Stiles Funeral home. Mr's. Wm. Swan and family. —36 t ALLISQN - The family of the late Joseph H. Allison express -sincere thanks to -relatives, friends and neighbours for the many kind- nesses extended to i.hem ,at the time of their bereavement. The floral tribute's, donations to charity, the food and help at the house, and cards received, have so wonderfully expressed. your sympathy. Special thanks to Rev, G.L. Royal for his comforting message,. to Stiles Funeral Home, and to the pallbearers, —36ar STEPHENS - I would like to express my sincere thanks tb all of my friends, neighbours and relatives for the 'lovely -flowers and messages 'of sympathy, during,the'recent bereavement''of the.loss of a beloved husband. A special thanks goes out to Rev. Leonard Warr and Stiles Funeral Home. Many thanks, 'Terry Stephens. --36 STEPHENS - Words 'cannot express the .deep- gratitude to the O.P.P. detachment of Mount Forest and'to Of,licer McLeod of the Seaforth O.P.P. det„achm•ent and all those who assisted in finding the body of the lute Norman.,R. Stephens, Thank you, Terry Stephens. -36 • • 26, CARD OF THANKS: •..J ARKELL • May we take this opportunity to thank all our friends, neighbours, and relatives for all the lovely gifts that we have received on the occasion of our .50th wedding anniversary. Fred and Daisy Arkell. —36 LOGTE NBERG - We wish to,; - express our thanks to the friends and neighbors for their help and theLr�ucknow Fire Department for tnt,�ir quick response at the time of our barn fire, We also like to extend our appreciation to those who helped out with fgod and lunches and arranged for the social ev,ening. Derk and "Tinie Logtenberg and -family. —36 'THIS .WEEK'S Winners -' CLUB NO. 4 ' MRS. GEORGE MORLEY CLUB NO. 5 " MRS. R. PATTfRSON- CLUB NO. 6 MRS. -DAVE ,WHITE You can be next' Nothing to buy Nothing to lose Enquire today ' N. T. ORMANDY DIAMOND SP IALIST . GODERICI- . Attention armers 'FOR SALE' FARROWING pens for sale, good .condition,, best offer•. Phone 482-9960. —35tf Ne .GOOD standing second cut'tr-e.foil hay. Phone 482.3176.-36 D=,LIVESTOCK I'l`RF:HRF'D Hampshire boars: • Serviceable age, R.O.P. tested ;Ind commercial also York X •l.andrau boar's and open Gilts. Rob Robinson R 14' .4, Walton phone :345-2317. —:36 1 SOFFOL,K Ram for sale. Phone 524-7041.-36 . REMINDER Buyers of Tiro. ^.hy, Red Clover and dirdsfoot Trefoil .t SEED 0 MAPLE LEAF MILLS SEED DIVISION EXETER, °t4T.• PH 235:0363 (Jones, MacNaughton) r Bulletin Board HURON COUNTY Family Planning Project INVITES YOU TO ATTEND BIRTH CONTROL CLINIC Every Thursday From 6 309 p.m. - .Huron County Health Unit ,Shipley St.. Clinton • For Information .call 482 3416 Weekdays or Thursday evenings Everyone Welcome 4 Advertising helps you compare. ANAr11AN AALIT N), ADVI`,I1n' BOARD * THURSDAY, SEPT., 4 * TO 'SATURDAY, ` SEPT: 6, 4( 4( "GREASE CAPRICE" *( -( RETURN E N GAG E Aq,NT„4( • SATURDAY MATINEE * ,* 4 - 6 P.M. y * COMING ' ,, Yii MONDAY, SEPT. 8 * '. TO SATURDAY 'iK i( SEPT. 13 * •1( "OPEN ROAD” 9( *. BLUEGRASS AND UPTOWN COUNTRY NOW PLAYING ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON lr