HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-09-04, Page 4PAQE 4 .. GODERICFLSIGNAL'STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1975
Shape up! It's fall
• 1 .
It has laeen' t 'long summer, ,a lazy
summer. Goderich Town Council has
met twice in regular session to deal
with urgent business. The remainder of
the time was, left for some well-earned.
rest and vacation from pressing
municipal matters.
But now the vacation is over - or.
-should- be, ouncil members Tuesday
evening should have arrived, back at
their desks ready t9 dig in. They should
have been up-to-dateon business which
transpired during recent weeks. They
should have been ready with answers
and information. September's first
meeting should have been a model of
efficiency and effort.
Instead, it was a pitiful. display of
bickering brought on by ignorance of
facts. The meeting dragged on to 11
p.m. and very little was accomplished
ion behalf of the municipality's
Minutes of the summer's business
'were available to council members at
town hall. Failing that, full reports of
municipalliappenings around the town
were published in the Signal -Star for
all to read...,
In Short, a few minutes of
preparation for Tuesday's meeting
would have, aided council' performance
and prevented the inference now that
some of the town's -citizens are better
informed than, some councillors.
'Time now to volunteer'
There's just a touch of autumn in the as serf -sufficient as it' is possible to be
air, even- though' there's about three under less than ideal circumstances.
weeks left of summer. That feeling -of t_
Meals -on -Wheels has some good
fall reminds everyone that the lazy, fiends, men and women who 'have
carefree holiday season is coming to a worked -long and tirelessly to keep the
fast end,'artd the' responsibilities of fall-- -
program going. But since the project" is
and' winter • are rapidly approaching:-- strictly volunteer, the, need "for new
One of those responsibilities is faces• and more assistants is always
Meals -on -Wheels, the volunteer project there. The more people to share 'the
in Goderich which provides one hot work, the lighter the load for everyone
meal, five days a week to folks who fol- involved.
.some- reason or another may not be • '
ableto prepare their own nourishment.' If you can be a volunteer -driver -
The need for,,this program can someone who delivers prepared meals
hardly be over mphasized. Well- to others at the meal'hours - please. get
balanced meals are necessary to the in touch with Mrs. Muriel Stokes, Miss
health of all people., and ' for senior" Ethel Washington or Mrs. Marg.
citizens. and persons who; are han- ' Murray. They• will be only too glad to
didapped, • or temporarily in -hear from 'you .... and you will be
capacitated,' meals -on -wheels means rewarded by your participation in,• the
staying in their own homes and being most satisfying ways. — SJK ,
Give'iiature a boost
, While the thick black smoke from the
sandsucker in the harbor -floats over.
the townspeople, causing distress to.,
some and annoying others, the
question,a'rises of whether or not sand
being dredged out of the harbor must
necessarily be taken out into the lake
and dumped t'he're .to sink and stay.
Questions are ,surfacing concerning
whether or not all avenues have been
exhausted toward having some of the
sucked sand deposited,,on the beach
'area in Goderich. In fact, council has
received a letter from a.,, group of
citizens who understood the sand was
being placed on the beach and wanted
to praise council for their foresight and
initiative. •
B,ut somewhere between early
planning and -the-arrival of the sand -
sucker, it was discovered the white,
clean; soft sand to be scooped from the
harbor could not reach the beaches as
previously supposed. The boat retained
by the federal government to complete
the lob was 'just not equipped. to deliver
the sand to • th`e shoreline .... and the
matter,, though disappointing and
somewhat embarrassing, was per-,
mitted to drop.
Signal -Star reporter JeffSeddon
telephoned the office of Hon. Marc
Lalonde some weeks ago to determine
just why the sand was not being -
del iyered to the beach'. He° learned the'
federal government knew nothing
about plans to dump the sand there.
One spokesman said the sand was
being dumped back into the lake to
protect fish eggs which would have
been laid in the,rsand in: the. Harbor.
It appears that council just did not do°.
enough workon the dredging project in'.
time, even though dredging was a
Consideration of council for months
and months before the sandsucker
finally arrived'. . •
But is it too late? Some folies are
wondering if renewed efforts even now
to transport at least a portion of the
sand to the beach areas would be suer
67cessful. They're asking whether
Harbor Committee Chairman Jim
,Peters and the rest of council have
really established that such. a" feat is
beyond human capabilities and
resources at this time.
-,The idea should not be rejected
immediately without further study.
Surely:Goderich's beach is an asset to
the •municipality and could be even
more of an. attract.ion.if, it had a, carpet
of white, clean, soft sand to romp in,
rest on, run over: Perhaps the ad-
ditional cost to bring sand to the beach
now, while it is readily available,
would be the cheapest, and most
satisfactory way' to upgrade this part
of Lake Huron's shoreline in a great
hurry. - Si K
Those golden years
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A [nighty Ilion.'
By jtff Seddon
This year's Labor Day , ,islands on the waterfront of
fastball tournament is•history. " Toronto's exhibition park,
Most baseball clubs are -win- ' The award goes on to say:
ding up the season this week or "Under the team design con -
next. • Before we know it, there cept of the Ministry of Industry
will be ice in the arena and and Tourism, Ontario Place
hockey will be underway for relates+ pavilions, reception,
1975-76. and theatre enclosures,
There's been a good deal of restaurants, , marina,, fprum
talk in recent months about the and playgrounds to 'an ex -
violence amateur hockey. In traordinary entity of distinction
fact, in April of -last year and joy."
William° McMurtry" was Previous winners of this
commissioned by, the Province award have been the Tivoli
of Ontario to. conduct ,an in- Gardens in Copenhagen and the
vestigaticin and inquiry into U.S. pavilion at the 1970
that very thing --violence in World's Fair in Osaka.,,.Japan.
amateur hockey. I visited Ontario Place for the
But what's really being done? first time this summer. The
The Canadian Amateur day was hot and sticky ... and
Hockey Association (CAHA) , that may have dampened my
has expanded the . National enthusiasm for the outing. But
Coaches' Certification I wasn't impressed with
Program t'•.-•(.N•CCP) and ' the Ontario Place. I didn't find it a
National ' Ref-erees' Cer- delight. Set record st ra igh
tificiation Program (NRCP.). Someone who likes exploring,
Bob Nadin, the newly ap- confusion and mountain
pointed referee -in -chief for the climbing would find Ontario OPEN LETTER TO
CAHA will assist the4vatious Place an "entity of.distinction K.K. HAZLITT •
provinces with the - im- and joy": For mc, it was a
plementation of the NRCP: „ nightmare of steps and more : Dear Editor:
,The, objectives of the steps going nowhere in par- Dear Mr. Hazlitt:
NRCP are the following:ticular; pathways that led ' We sincerely appreciate your
-to standard'i'ze the methods anywhere but where• I wanted ' effort, ^ Mr. Hazlitt, to clarify
and techniques of officiating in to go; and to frustrating wait the position of the Ministry of
both the two -and three man when I finally arrived for Ercrgy. It is gratifying to
everything from a cinesphere know that others are as in -
production to a' game of mini- terested in this extremely
golf. (And it was" too far to the important decision for Huron -
next attraction where the line.-, Middlesex,
up might not have been so We write to clarify a point
long.. but who had any idea?) that you sir, could not ave
Part opt` our problem was known at your writing, The
certainly that we had a limited letter which our • candy ate',
amount of time, wanted to ace produced revealing "no short
.several bb th vel several things • and were , un- or long term plans for nuclear
familiar with the layout of the power development in Huron"
premises. But we came away , was dated August 1, 1975 and
disappointed',- disgruntled. and signed by the Minister of
dog tired. Energy. The policy statement
I was, impressed with the to which you refer was dated
appearance and surroundings February 1, 1914 and written by
of The Forum... but there was Hydro's Chi.eiEngineer. ,Since
nothing going on until evening. the August 1st statement was
The cinesphere production"was made 11/2. years after the
gcxid ... but old stuff; ''What's February, 1974 ' policy was`
written apd. by a Minister; I
think we can rest assured that
ther`'e has been a change in
policy. This change was made
to allow time for individuals
'aril group"s to submit proposals
to the Royal Commission on
Electric Power,, Planning,
chaired by Dr, Porter of the
University of Toronto.
Ontario'.A.iport'Facilities map
to acquaint „general aviation
pilots with the 'location .of and
ground facilities and' services
available at major airports
within.•the province.
The map will be. distributed
directly and free of charge.to
relevant clubs, agencies and
airport operators.
A limited number wiall also be
available upon request at the
Ministry's 'Map Office,
Downsview; • the Ministry of -should conduct a pre.driving
Industry and Tourism, Queen's check before setting out onto
Park, Toronto; and the Ontario the street. ''
Government Bookstore,, 881. First, check under the hood,
Bay Street, toronto. 4, he sure your oil is up, your belts
are not loose or worn, andthose
+ + + connections are on tight.
Second, be sure your hood is
closed properly and make an
exterior check. Tires in good
order with proper air pressure?
Windows are all clean? No
loose ornaments or trim that
could fly off? '
Third, start your car, check
your �instrurnents-signal lights,
lights, windshield wipers,
brakes and steering. So far so
Fourth, with the passengers
.•and materials your carrying in
the car, check to see that seat
belts 'are fastened, and other
equipment is secured to
I trust, Mr. Hazlitt, you will prevent it from flying around
feel as confident with this new the car in case of an accident. '
policy position as we do. Yore on the road and the
o rest is up to you. Stay alert, .
• Kim Ainslie watch out for the other drivers,
for the Jim Hayter obey the laws of the road, leave
Gampaign Committee yourself plenty of time -to reach
destination and above all
'N courteous to your, fellow
Speaking of air travel, a pilot
does a pre-flight check of his
airplane every time he, goes to
take off from the ground. It has
been suggested that drivers
-to improve the 'quality of
officiating in Canada; ..
• - to motivate individuals- to
become involved in officiating.
In Kitchener, in mid..August,
Ontario outlined its NRCP,
plans ' at the first annual
Ontario Referee ...Instructors'
Seminar. op o e newly
appointed Assistant Technical
'Director 'for the O.H.A. invited
70 instructors and executives
from the various branches and
associations throughout the
Province (OHA, OMHA,
NOHA) to finalize instructions
for the scheduled' referee
clinics in the fall.
NTo date, 150 clinics have been niore, when you left the big ball
organized witch an involvement' you were a half ,a mile away
of appromate-6,000 referees. from anything • at all ... and
The "clinics are designed to unable to find the way'back to
provide information re rules the gate without getting lost'
and' officiating for coaches, once or twice and going many,
spectators, players not only many steps out of your way.
the referees. All referees in,- There did appear to be a
volved in hockey• at any leivel quidker•°way back., but that
provincially will ,be carefully entailed many flights of stairs
- evaluated and certified at these which were not to my liking.
clinics. • I couldn't help but think how
Since the major emphasis of difficult it would be for a
both the National Coaches' handicapped person to enjoy
t Certification Program and the Ontario Place without a great
National Referees' Cer- deal of help and assistance,
tification Program is on the But maybe I didn't see all the
establishment •of acceptable access routes... or find the
' behaviour for the participants secret key to easy passage. -
in hockey, the long range result Maybe Ontario 'Place if for
should he very positive in all kids. As we were lining up at
aspects of the game. •Let's hope the gate, one friendly little boy
so. • who obviously lived in the
neighborhood said he came to
+ + + Ontario Place several times
week to play in Children's
A recent release from the Village. He thought it was the
Ministry of 'I'ndustry and greatest place in the world.
Tourism reveals that Ontario For him it really did deserve
Place has won the third hi- the award for "fantasy and
annual American Society of delight
Interior Designers Award for
fantasy and delight. 0 4 + +
The award, the release says,
cites Ontario Place as "in- We'vt✓ all heard of road
• cprporating the' fantasy and maps. Now the Ministry of
delight essential to man's well- Transportation and Corn -
being on three . man-mademuniC:rtion—, im' ptfbliyht-d an
Retirement 'The word conjures up job? There are many ,other ways by
visions of endless hours of. happy which you can .make a worthwhile
freedom. Why, then, ' is it such a contribution.
disillusioning experience for so many As for hobbies, they can be won -
people? derfully rewarding, outlets for one's
The natural tendency is to look interests and energies. They can even
forward to devoting unlimited time to prove to be the basis of a profitable
travel, hobbies, grandchildren, "sports second career. But to get the most"out
and entertainment. All of which are of any hdbby, start taking it up in
enjoyable. But when one actually earlier years: Later, you'll have the
comes' to fill '"day after, day in these necessary skill to allowryou to get
wa, life can -soon pall. Fulfilment is , in i,nitely'more fun and satisfaction out
"� easily."''ofj Bur efforts. Especially if it's the
not achieved so
What's missing, according to kind of hobby you can share with
psychologists and ,,human relations . others.
consultants, is involvement in interests Above all, leisure years are
outside one's self. Taking part in . brightened by friendships, both old and
community affairs,' charities, church new, and by maintaining a lively .in -
work or worthy -fund raising projects terest in the fascinating world around
offers, such opportunities, .. Can you' us. Given reasonably good health, you
teach English to a new Canadian? may well find 'that. the November -
Offer volunteer service to some social December years are the best of your
agency or hospital? take,,a part-time life. n
n .*
• And as a little brightener for
Dear Editor,
As a Coroner in the province your day, the Seaforth Police
of Ontario, I have been"con- Chief John Cairns found a,
cernd by the frightful di mage marijuana plant growing in his•
that occurs on the highways of garden. So he potted it (pun,
'this province and, in particular, pun) arid took it to 'the police
the high. correlation between station where the four •, foot
excessive drinking and ac- plant was admired and studied
cidents resulting in fatalities. • # before being cut up and
Drinking habits and- the at- destroyed.
titudes towards the use and But the my▪ stery "' still
misuse of alcohol in the remains. How did the plant get
province -of Ontario are in the Chief's garden?
changing. Consumption as a The chief offers a couple of
way of life is beginning at an. ideas via The Huron Expositor:
earlier age. There would •ap- Kids could lave: thrown the
pear' to. be a super -imposing of seed in his garden"or, says"the
European drinking .habits chief, a • bird could have
(under the guise of dropped them there.
sophistication and maturity) It doesn't matter: According
uponthe traditional Canadianto the report in The Expositor,
attitudes toward alcohol Chief Cairns enjoyed the humor
consumption resolting in a of •the incident -,- even though
'serious stacking i effect one really wonders hove often
producing a marked expansion the- Chief weeds• his garden
in the per capita use of\alcohol. when b.y'his own admission; the
In 1974 there were 990 deaths plant had "roots life a tree' and
on our highways in which the was growing right beside the
wall of his Goderich Street
(continued on page 5)
the oaericry
--O •— The County Town Newspaper of Huron; —0-
Founded In 1648 and published every Thursday at Ooderich, Ontario, Member of the CWNA and OwNA,
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- Published .by Signa Star Publishing Ltd.
ROBERT G. SHRIEK --president and publisher
JEFF SE DDON--editorial staff
DAVE 'SYKES--editorial staff