HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-09-04, Page 2A
NDP C�rroll ckdnis housing crisis here result of PC'fa:ilur.
The following is the must be turfed out. And it's up
statement of New Democratic to us to ensure that that occurs,
-Party. Candidate Paul Carroll "Neither can we ignore the
concer'ng election issues and Liberals in this campaign. We
Huron -Middlesex. (Note: The are fighting a Liberal in -
Signal -Star will publish such cumbent, and we must be
statement's of any candidate `prepared to talk about the
solely' for the enlightenment of travesty of Liberal policy as it
voters during the current has been declared by speakers
'eleetion'campaign.) from that Party over the past
The text of Mr: Carroll's four. years. We know for a fact
statement is as -follows: that there are as many
positions on 'a given issue as
"In Huron -Middlesex, the there are _Liberal members "'-
election issues that seem to be and this will be their downfall.`
emerging are not unlike ,the A moment's attention to the
major questions around the campaign speeches of Robert
province: Perhaps,, however, Nixon .will illustrate my con -
they slit under the umbrella of. tention. I. have no doubt .that
government accessibility, By Jack Riddell ' will show sym-
that I mean the degree to which ptoms of the same disease if Tie
our local citizens can' play an issues any' statements during
active role in government the campaign.
• decisions "The issues, as I stated, are
"An example would be the province -wide. Housing is 'just
0 statement issued earlier by the as' much a problem in Huron-
,Conservativ,e candidate Middlesex as in any other area,
regarding the proposed nuclear In Goderich, where new homes
power station for Huron when are most common in the over -45
he dec'lare'd that no such un- thousand dollar range, housing
dertaking would proceed unless is out of reach for most
the citizens wish to have it. -You• families. High down, payments,
and I both know th.••the'Davis coupled with high interest rates
government does not operate in even make it difficult for those
this fashion. Any indication to who can afford 'to purchase.
the contrary should be treated 'You are just plain out ofluck,in
as an idle election promise. If most places in this province if
the facts were clearly known, your income is less than
declarations such as Mr. 518,000.
I-fayter's can be assessed "The housing crisis _ is the
quickly and discounted with as result of the catigorical failure
Much ease. on, the part of the Davis
"I know it is repetitive, and I government: They', promised
made the same plea in 1971' and 100,000,,new units per year and
1973, but - in order .to return the have failed miserably. There
>'�=ge�vt�rnnaent -:of
-Ontarioaei thehas been a three year decline in
- people, the Davis government lousi'n'g ' 's'tai:ts; , betveen-
January and July of this year
we built a mere 32,000 units.
The rate is down 38 percent
since 11.,.E - the situation is
despar;,ate •and tolnorrow is not
soon enough for the thousands
Of Lim ilies7\\'Wise anxiety about
housing is inca'easing..W,8
nd almost 12 of our
population are tenants • ask any
of them about their rent in-
creases • and ask what
protection \the Davis govern-
ment hasgiven - a rent review
board during an election
campaign - a board with no
teeth ,and its hands tied behind
its hack.., 469
"Energy costs are in the
forefront of this campaign as
well. We don't need a reminder
about the price of gas and
heating oil. And we can't forget
for one minute that October the
1st vc ill increase those prices by
8 or 9 more cents per gallon. An
extension of that freeze could
• be expected however: Davis
will no doubt fatten the election
promises pot with such an
• extension in the next few days..
But, What will he ultimately do
when the election is over?
"I .hope it is more than the
present Royal Commission -
better termed an inquisition -
which being held in public,
pretends only to public par-
ticipation, and ih fact makes it
virtually impossible fo"r all but
the,oil companies to place their,
position before it. That e
mission is nothing more than a
reflection of the cosy
relationship that exists bet=
ween the ,present government
and the oil companies tii,,vs anyone try and tell youbit is a
Democrats ,,have. fought the oil dead issue or a "red herring",
companies in Ottawa and in 1'11 have mere to say about that
this election we must ask, for later in the.campaign.
the chance to fight them at "'New Democrats are
Queen's Park too. committed -to halt the erosion of
"We are all faced with the agricultural land. And we are
added -burden of increased committed to the release of
energy costs, • Imagine the land presently being held' by
trauma faced by the farmer speculator's for future.
when energy comsurnpti'on is a- development. And .as. this dilal-
vital factor in considering his sided problem affects both
input costs... housing -and agriculau•e, we
"The question of land use is Will not hesitate at getting
an issue in Ontario. Spokesmen tou'gh.' Municipalities must be
from all Parties find it a timely empowered to take real cont--•
topic ' during • the.. campaign, of. this situation, whethei. it he;
period.. It is an issue in Huron- through a form of land banking'
Middlesex. too The Tories or even direct action in the area
would have you believe that of home construction.
land use decisions will be made "The final issue is people. By
locally. Don't forget thatit was - this I mean the human con -
us - not the Liberals - who sequences of political change or
rajsed the issue of land use neglect. Whether it is pensions
plans of the provinchat or occupational safety, the
government in the 1973 By- .,`people' issue must, over -ride
election as they pertained to a all the others - because
proposed nuclear power plant ultimately the downfall,of the
for Huron and its far-reaching Davis government will result
impact on. land in this riding. from its failure to meet tiie
'needs of people not simply
And rinn't for nr,n miniits+ 14't
through inadequate legislation
but by pure neglect. Stephen is
documenting such cases on a
daily 'oasis and , Huron -
Middlesex is not without its
examples too. As our campaign
progresses we must bring 'them
to the public eye.
`1This is nota dead °election
campaign. There is a high-
ighpublic awareness 'and a
receptive atmosphere,. It's the
best chance we have- had in
,Huron -Middlesex to make our
point and make the necessary
!Bruce Erskine,
Phone 524-9555'
86 North St.
0 w
The County of Huron is conducting a contest for the design of a
Cold water helps appetite
distinctive. flag for Huron County.te -- t
Under all those feathers and feed consumption during the Op • Prizes be awarded
packed into close quarters, it's hot weather. Dr. Summers says en to anyone in Huron Couto.
understandable that laying„ encouraging results have been
hens and broiler chickens don't seen when the birds were
really take to hot weather. In • ' Provided with cold drinking
fact, says Dr. J.D. Summers, water.
Department of Animal and
Poultry Science, Ontario ' "This method jhas recently
Agricultural College, hot ' been sho to be effective with
weather -results in a' reduction beef cattl in summer months,.
of feed intake, which in turn A: .onsump_. ion of cold __ water_
causes a loss in weight gain in should stimulate feed intake to
broilers and reduced `size and some extent since the birds will
numbers of eggs inlaying hens. require' more energy to ,raise
Research is under way at the temperature of the'ldrinking
Ontario Agricultural College to • water to their own body tern=
try to find a way to stimulate P
erature," Dr. Summer says.
- . 1. Contest ends November 1, 1975
2. Entries to be in colour
3. Entries to be 6" x 12" in'size
Submit entries to:
Development Office
Court .Hou -se ,)
Goderich Ontario
N7A 1M2
Winning entry will not nccgsarily be used as Co'unt`y flag.
3 LBs" ' •
PACK �, •99 EA.
An auto fi. to kep9p
Premier William Davis- arrived at SkyHarbor Airport Monday afternoon for a brief pvisit to
Goderich and about 60 people, ventured to the airstrip to witness the premier's arrival. Here
Jeffery and Brenda Feagan secure Mr. Davis' autograph for their scrapbooks as Huron=
Middlesex candidate Jim Hayter looks on. Mr. Davis spoke at a Progressive Conservative
luncheon during his visit and dropped into the weekend,ball tournament to shake hands with the
voters catching the action there. (staff -photo) -
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