HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-9-6, Page 1HURON' &
. "EIEW TO TB LINR LIVr MR CHIPS FA IF,.1113a$11$ 'r
0 ii'• • ' . 9
'-i ALWAYS : T.I1 CHE.A,PES1`.
Se:"ilefftest. ::rtt alltelet:gh,S17`e hiltitaailufte' trill* ine oste'tii*titeeStti,,-1.,pz�
e4Sh eir . gs et the tat charelt ou
tott , • iiin . e . . „
Mtitt Afternoon. Tholtettegee:. oJeette:
*ion it :the chair. The mihntes of ..• the
Jupe meeting wove read- by the .i3epretery
itod 'ori • irOilrr . were a p v . . ..a mo toe
of Rees.. O. tratcher tea W• M.: ;media
the RevArt IV. Leckie, of ' the' Main St.
chinch 'wee elected a member Of the '
Arsociation an 072 011012 f TO, ,J3att
and PleteherRer. J. A• Oriell•, wale; made
re eorresPoudina IrteMber 0..f the Meeting.
The next teguler meeting was ,orderad to.
htteheAct...htoolheOlem-tetti r. '6, Sitieet'' eTtleteatlb4:'
tar 44 ,Q+4.,' 01,141:11.7470103ioct 0- ' ti' Ira), .1'1124 , itc,ste2v-io,
enottlet•nev.tmet Needier to futnish a
othigheoutih'e oAreett•of Mint by Prof
Dretamon , r. motion Rev, W. Martin ,
wits soPPonited to tarnish e paper on the
. °Origin of .Lite" at the •Noveinbar , inset-
ing.it• 'Liter Ole. trateetetiontef'husiness the.
Presitt . t, Welk shott holalwortteo, PsPer
eta ' wet h ' ' • ' It ' 0 *Herod
O ,.., . Sr appines may e e rt .,
14's.eititdat Life." Hi *aid ri t wchelieved-
thtsCP..11,1totehtsresthe ehiersrad °flue thee
. will, edit ,.,etererelveS anhong the *Relent:eine
- ...,
cou # Ole seoutelrels er.
J.11 Wit 010v.- AD VoPS, Oetta-
ltdther citizens :of Exeter, net°
' . ;nil , %tete' • .. ,
.ttr$4.41rettlea is eouthed in the' meet
flettethig arid W./hilly tonne., '1,7bet trete
&Alai io *enured thet the seeder hi riei:
• /mined of So `1.eitod thing.' fle le tela that
i h • tU awe hie hfriendly co-opeiatlituti
he eeet,weet- v-ery soon tinderreadently'Sriettt
aud that tere la uo reasorow y he h xtid
. e.
he a "teiliog sieve,'" Next cornet, .the ire
forrnetion the* th• e "goodet offered. foositie
• ere tweet counterfeits" t'printed from
Mae Pleteth'' 'end so ' forth.: The nretree
are $300, for $3,000,1400 for $5,000, $650
Ite"seliCktgo°,$ters...,$2,0,'000. ,siitt,i,000
.. . . e once eke is see Iran)
. . . ,.
Nevi' York but the receiver is *eked not
.te tvehe 07 yap y -to it, but te telegrap to
.',Itexnk ff. 119.weed South Bethlehem.
i; ' '''
• Pennsylvaineat.ett he will go 'petremidiy
to.,ttiat piece there to, do business, and so
fotth t Au .alleged printed -extract' feent a.
' 1 - I ' a ' th I tt 0
.newspaper El tee ese in e . e te a
intention ef which' is to show that the
connterteite are in reality a* good. as genii!.
ine notes, and there/fere a bonahnze. to any
• -•
• 13. ••
/11, er.goodl.o‘-
„ e ,
' ' •
n g ,
, . . Q.
P R0887
s tirri—
' .-
uri. 1
, ,
• ----.
13entse.-Mr. J. Harrow, neer Kirk-
ton' hae been in ot dangerous. oeutlitiOn
for ;Male time by the gtowtk ot a very,
. .. . .
large oerbisnole, under the tongue
which ,swelled thee member no thet he
eould neither eat drink or. sleep but
the growth bland n Settirde and a
' letest aonounts hopljee, were enteitainaill.
poilewing are illie—market quotidian's-h.'
. whets h, h „. „.„ . to et ,
harley ...., . a.. ........, 35 to 35
Otos „......, . , . a ....., ' 27 th28
Pea' , „ t........... ... 4. 152 10,52
Hey ..., ...„.... „•. .6,00 'too 7;00
Buttere.......: he- ..t ...15 to 15 '
E or . :".. ........ : .... '8 to 3
' R. g------e-eete-e--e-ea-t
, .
it IV . Cil II
sanitor ago : .,0 , oar 011,
riles, little prices should make a speedy clearance :
Fancy andplain double fold dress gooda'fOr a3C. regular 35c goods,
... , 0
, Wide 'roc. ribbons for 5.c.. a yd.
, Regular 6c, " ": 3fc "
We are told by customerd every day that our 5c. cotton heats every,
• . .
:Icing wirer yet shown- for. the, same money.
, . . .
•,„ • et) doe. plain and fancy handkerchiefs, all to go et -5c. each. ., ,
Remnants of prints,. gtnghams; drees goods, etc., all to clear at
. , :-.. '
'feat reductions. , ' e
We ,havo jurt re•Ceiidd a nettelot of ladies' 'and gertt'.4 waterproofs,
* r
gliiith vie Will soil' atthoptilar prices. ,
. . . . ' .
13ring' your ottrter and egns along and we will -paY you the. very
fighest price gomg. . . ' ,
_ .,
t .
. ..
fOr recovery.- A fartster to trsbertie,
oohed CrearY, sehfire to a brUsh heap
• , , .
• titreorttnatto -'
in his field one day last ' week and in
an inorechble short time it had nutk
to withtn a. very short (littanoe of his
outbuildings.. A.pea stack was barn,.
ed and the, barn entered only with the
greatest difficulty. -
.. • .
Dentese-Several or • Oetr •oroung
people, attended the , eteteetese;e4nott,
dinner ,, and eutertabaellent et, SYlOithe
last week and.were, highly pleseseletteht
the ,enterteintnent • and dtnneit-:--tate'
are puitmett, to leo Alt,. F.. Jes44tto
het been for
-___ •
: Buties4-The old frente titbit 'milt
t - t d 2- h
. itat Wee erec ,e over it Years ago Y
jr li Moth* and for many
. . , , .yeers ,
used la & 1101M win, mild for the nest
tete nate es e mot for ' .; • ' '
has beau reilently tittrechhitospePd!nbgyfe'Medr; ,
Altred Ironaid and Wair moved'hot
week by -L., Pidd freak the old" site ' a
few 'feet south. on the mime lot and is
- . - • -
new,a0-horse 'ower boiler Mado to
London Weighing four tons and Cost-
, : . . . r
in '. •
g $ipo is placed in the butlding and
will. be read,y to chop for custoriters
in t ' ' *fir . 'de intends
. wo weettie tee. losonsi
petting in rollers another Tear and
supplyIng that part with• first-elasp •
e ' •
our: , .
who • sick some tf et .1,,
out againee.-Rev, J. H. Chant halt .gone
to emit friends m KingstOn anct other
P-lte'es '81°1- Raw. ' -It• It' eoWillena has
enlarge Of,his week detting helithialatte,,
, , ,:-: 4 t t • ', ne
ne expect. eq. peaway:„S ell .vrprfee s.
-Mit W..; :Soo. 1)41400 ..'", kJ ,s, valetiabitt .
cow to Taylter to Sone! teat leeek.e-Mre
W ne.peihker and wife of reirton, Mice,'
are vietting his father Ando" thee, friends
here an absence of eight Years
. *.atter. . . . ., . et*
.,-!-Mr. -A. MoIntosn nes gut into
Hope Farm out neer Moray:he mtehna
to wove on it short y.-
- -. , _,.. ro....• ?M.
Mellm of Credtton visited rteertee etere
-- . • . -
. eat. ' week. --We notice by , printed
bills that the 2Istannual entertathment.
. ,... t. ,. , held
and riervest.,.
• Home ginner nt ea be .
Se t 12th d. - th ' tt sot
p . , an reneong . e. a r -
ions the are to have the Zitrioh Strihg
, Y. • . -
e s 1 s-
Band, and fottr. W. G-3. son 0 0 Inger
V '
and . reciter, of • Londone -Mishit ,,L,
and medetrt materialists, but • if ou the
releatitelt that Whilerhappiness wet not the
'oho etidteflift,' it waits subordinate' on*
. ,
in of lite. We were taught
' thet thee abed end 9f. man wee to .glorify.
- Mail ahd,te., enjoy him forever -that wall
by lathe:Aloe for Efira end &salience to'hit
-.me, : ...
law. ens reward of obedience to hulling waa
., .. . .
happeaese ' There was
. - , a blessing on
obedience ma emoting on those who rebel
for 'The Wagei of Sin is Death'. Men
. - • • •
infleiencedty the thought of rewerd,
were ..: .
as for mitotic/ those who refused to be cell
ed the .on of Pharoah's deughter, choosing
op. who agrees to enter the criminel &to.
who does not read the TooteS may get one
of these letters *old be led into the tree as
a ' 'SV
Wellington couney. man as, some tune
ago, His letter, agreeing' to engage hl the
'counterfeit money floating; tell into the
haticheOf the Govan:anent ,:deteetives a d
he teas , , re . : anhi
Bent to the -Penitentiary. NO.
honest or sensible mem will respond to
o •
those letters. They are seat out by black-
metiers, and one way or al:hither the man
or women who enters tato negotiations
with thern gets bitten.
________te, e
• ,
t r, AcorDENT.-Wni . T„ oldest
sOn. of Mr Joseph theerd of the Bay-
field road met with one ' of the most
deplorable , accidents yet recordea in '
1 894. He was drawing a loed a wood •
the 'buah to the house with a double
team. e young.man sa on le. outer
Th t the
: - '•-
eclee of thefrotit tier. El actly where.
t • • ... ' • - .
he tt°PPeti to uni°a(1 at the • house .
the front wheels of the wagon dropped
into e enyity in the earth, A portion
of the front tier of wood, the
BIM:tabard. •
Ftall.-Toesder efternoon, theresidence
if Wm. Ridley,' 10th• concession; Dian-
atora, look fire end lietwithstahding ,the
Bfforto pit forth by neighbor's, was burned
4)°4° greuntl' he eleliging of the bell
If Dittarnortes wheal house brong_ht willing
tart& twore,wesr end. af.4*, who owed, the.,
ion and outbeilnings • .from destruction.
the heave which was:of frame Wall heavy
ante ,Most.of, thtteontehte ' Were save .
tuntrail in • the Blanalited taluttiel-3600
,eotouee -; $ex) on co/tomes. • ' - -'
, - .
WO Odithial. .
. - --
Bitreee .e -Hairy Redd ie•well , pleased.
with the result of his clover threshing,
,havinztobtained about sixty. bushels ' of
first, cease geed. He has also threashed
his grain. Which turned. Out very 'teeth-
The freg pored iss, beginning toehow the
people.,what it teen grow. -Two new
headetones were placect in Zion eem-
et19,97 lest week,orie for Mr,. Win.Broelt,
the getter for Mre. ' Eliza Johns. 1'4
Brociestis,cet in the imitaniort of tree,
. ..
while Mr John'stes• e large square ' red
eel tot
• ithellarton
_.......... ,
Beters-Ovving to bad h. , .ealth. fro • .
Which, he hes heee catering or soon
time, .7., R.oss has decided to give up.
feinting. • Rioh'ard Ross, . tenant of
„tlirtn. Hanson's ferm, in •the 13th con.,
will take the farm to be Yaciated by his
- m..
, Nisbet who has been vitiating at r..
Robert 'Armatrong'sj returned hOrite
last week. -At a meeting • held: at
eoltool No. 30 the • trustees engaged'
Miss , Leura ..Bitkar' for another year.
4 v are hinfilinleased"with` tlie pro-
ee e 'le - - - • d :a. .- .
areas u .t e seholars an goo order in
ee,--- , , •• . - , '
t ,t9 50 00 •
• • • •
rather to suitor affliction with the people
of God nor he had respect unto the reimm•
pence of the revrerda and also Peel who
when near the end of life said .91eneeterth
th e i laid. ti for me' a crown' of . right-
ere s , p
eousness. whieth implied
AA rro dlye:' ',e' ' Tsss' rev. is-lifeo The
.--.-Jilo , - --''' - :20-Iileerolitaditeliwoisevantlitgdik
'difference between the. ' man ottilab tied
the man of lic'ense .wirithat the one fount
happineea by not seeking it. the other by
'seeking it fitilen to fiad it, one had reimeet
o w a o ug .
t h t b e Itt to do while the other
itaknowletigea no alithority bet hie owe
"-Be thou the ralnuow to the etorms .of
life .
Tee evening beam that smiles the , clouds
away . .,
And, tints to -morrow, with prophett.c
eeravel. eit eel eeet,,
-1. ' ' r . ' ' ' ' ' ' ...'' . r.''
' take St rk's Po 'dere 25 cents a b
• • ' Powdee.. c"F•
The weatherpropheta are elreeclyt at
...work predieting *veer herd ettnter. The
coons and ground hogs, they sae, hay a
An extra heavy coat of fur wearing ..•.the
along, with •
boy, was forced off on to the whiftletreee.
and startled the horses. They ran
away anti continued. for probably 20
rods, overturning the wagon. Ilia
,:b04x .§..t.f-a,e,,,
teett .. p/t„ A
,1a6. 'Mr- ciPe.P1M,uSlAt's, '
440,-NyAt4" Jitiutaa yeArit a at 7 months ,. r
'''the teereeteee and•atni°,.,ted .parents 0,0, •
open-heartell• . and . etimps.thetie. cone .
naunity will go out to the gree.test pos-
sible'exteht.-News Record:
brother Joseph. -One dalt last week
while threshing wes , going on ,ee Jac
. Phrth 'County Notes
. , i.,
: a - - Sitlftie,
.:. , . .
Burnete-Miati, Mettle tatiapbell, teach-
re Peterboro;tand 'Itliii
of Toronto, have rettireedato theirdatiee
otter spenduig their lacettpneat home.-
dr,. 'and MesatTsenes Seffetty, • of Bliffalot
:se visiting troilattiolthititttthie neighbor.
;' et:1,6ga° ia vot4eit'•
' • meteor, hire. Seuteg„ ad. prepeute
cilding and Mi. Tavninill were
' 'Mitchel' lest . Tueeleyett,,,A,
otethetteeteentetereateee• of tho
li hn the mime evening, ond,
' spent. We. wish the 'young
;pee and prosperous life.
gratIlte;, They were both brought
Clinton. -Mrs. Wm. Edwards has i..,-
covered.froei her sickness and is able to
be itrouddagain. -Iirt. and Mrs. Slung.
YOrd and Master AlfOed left on Tues-
day morning to . visit relatives 'in Tc-
ronteand Hamilton.. They also, intend
•to take iri '. the exhibition at Toronto
' before-'' tryt H B 11 B • D
returning!,-. . . . .6 t, ... :
: , - .-•
of ,Hamilton, ergemzer or the ..noyai
:Tehtlintrehetatehtjecture in the • church
• 5.a .Thitradak evenitigtende.preatehed on
s ' . ' . • - rt. ..''' .4'. 8
Sunday moentng, • Hale a ve y tne _eel t.
big. as well as ettoottve speaker.' tA . R.
. T.. of T, lodge will likely. be (Melted
Woodleya very high stack, built by
e.plOntler 111 1103 er o i , ace,Twenty
:th ' ' t • k f thhi 01 - lost
ita balanoe and ithe upper:
portton.to the .grouadprecipitittec, taking several
men WI 1 A. or una e y . or . era an
old heap of Straw broke the, fall' Tvr0
or th •ee eceiVed sh ht In ui es- ' .The
, ., ,els,
1 •
sten er. funned. degtertously ehmleted
' ic
down the opposite side from.. the stole.
• and eecapect unary. . ' ,,.,
• t -.7''' --: '
petietteit are mid iit. treetnien t
a•totheete-P..e-PW heePittta in . t3tr,:44(°,t(1..ae
t'ultrer of, er • 0.0 "..re a .1.11. Tit 1 yrP.100714,,,, •
he Blenettard taud Nussoutt Oh twit
Co. made during June and Silly cheese
' t th ., mount of $10 083 90,. ad 'the'
• ° et abu• tede • o
eenee le rz , am ng
porters, inilk drawers, -&c. . .
..• Dr.. S. S. Murray, of t.Thornaale, . has
r A beak completed,. arrangements .. to . take
the Pr/tote/a. of Dr. .R W. Bruce. Smith •
J. Ach
Will.. Rev. .. Snell rea& •sermon on
Joshua 1 •8' in *bleb ' he. etilagised the
. - .
'• d Igo d h nolt '
Bthle as the. wor o , o oary in age
•and fall of ihetorioint beautte while elate
claimed the Bible to-be:behind the, nines-,
not able to Meet the demands of modern
culture, he citea the Opinion. of ' several
men of learning who claimed it to. beetith-
- . . ,..
out a peer -.while its le es rite a i ity and
- . . d . t t 13-1- ' d
tri, remaev prove it to e wine la its
P . . .
°eget Both the minty. and the sermon
were sablected to a some.what leugthy but
ehipmonks. and sqnirrels are • vete b ;
. the feathers eu the geese are heatier thee
• usual • • mule iambs are attin on more
• Y p g •
wool than usual, etc.., ete, prophets
41°114 remember that ell ages fad- in. a
dry time. • • , ,
• Conimenting on • orayera being made) by
Ven. ArOh. Dixon for rain, the Stretford.
H Id
era says he has .more faith • than the
late Bishop btracham, a Presbytenan who
. . - •
turned to the English church, who, when
. A Dowo Reasteceierm -Obottle ,of
English Spann. 'Liniment . completely ro-
waved a eurb from my hetet. 1- take •
. . . i,. , _ •„, tg ,
in. reciomnaelmg . be remedy,. sto It, se
with mystenens proTtonees in the re- ,
moval from horsee et hertl, sett or cell-
°used heraptiebloot spavm,: splints, curbs '
le/teeny, ,ettilete mei *mains. . .
GEORGE R01313. ,
z., ' ' Feemem
s" - ' IttertKU..0t. ONT7
et• la h C. LIT r7
--"-- -Y - --'
Shetroti.• . -
-,,,.. „.
. Bilnik.'4,-Xti, Charles Perkins of
Usborne, vvaii-tce-pieb::,ia Mit.' Saintiel,
Rowe list week. -Mr. Fleur If t
ar ene
a t'.with f " d •Y Sh" k '
spera . Sunday„. wi nen s in • tp a.
Wm . Hooper- of Ktlive was the •
guest of Miss Marlat,Pedlar On Sunday.
_. Mr. Sohn Klutnp who has been lid
up with a sore eitot is Omproving very
. ilovrly.--Mr. 'T.Trevetithilt of Orediton,
Vi this place as ustetil oh Sunday
le:St.-Mho MelindalVlartene spen
forepart of this Week wIth friends itt
. ,
Zurich. -ebdr..and Mrs. Nelson Kestle
have returned home from Woodstock, t
-Where they were attending the funeral
of Mrs. Kestle's mother. --While Mr.'
. M. Finkbiner was threshing on the
farm of Air; Jacob Fiektnnen. one of .
the barn doers while being alatnmed
shut by the wind hit him on the , lige.
He has since been' unable tq work, -a
. . ,
r. enry ea o ae WOO i, vt 1 e .
M li N b f D h d Of t d
this part on Sunday leek -Alias' Horne
was the guest of ' Miss Martene over
. , _ • -
Sunday.--tdiss Pedlar ot Alois Craig, is
visiting at her unehes here, Mr. n
Pdl' 'd' t il ' r . • :. Joh
e or, an. in en e en:m.1meg e coup"?
of -Weeks. ' - • 7
Seaforth, who hentreeeived an appointment
' ic' seethe ,.asyl. in as Hermit-
AS . phys, tan it.
ton. .lb
Mr . MoNteil, Itit. P. P., sppears to e
i : ' • • •
n the seeret of con , eget., e
du ' an el anon
- -• •
' ' ' d
oernpaigh on economies grotto a all his
expenses ainuerit: to mile :190.52, ' Whilst,
on the. other. • hand, Hone:. Thos.' Ball,
antyne's feet tip to $484 38.' ' ' ••
Mr, S. ft. 3 -Arneson,. colieetoi of otiet
. . . . , „
toms at. Regina, N. W. T., is on a emit
to his' parents, Big 'Line, lilansharch
being summoned thither by s telegram to'
bedpide of his mother, who hap been
. e. • . • . •
eatioutily ill taut is now emprovIng. .
in the death of the late *William,
Greenfield, Which .occarra rei
.„- 'day last,
St. Marys Maas 'another old end 'respect-
ed, resident. Deceased'. hot „resided in the
' stone town -tor 35 yeare eitd feh a mini;
ber of .'years superintended '. the, old.
McDougall property.; ' te ''','
They are kicking ni*St'ratford at ' the
price of bread there, and. talk of ergeOleing,.
a joint stook bakery to supply 506 ouetorne
es A writer to the Herald ;tete ; "Fehr.
r .
half of 'wheat 'Will: ,meke 'a
buehele and a . _ .‘,. . ,
of flour, which really aneaus $1 25.
barrel , . • ,
tier hundred poutrole. .Thisteell make 65
, . .
eaves ,
' f b /tad whicni at aveteents a loaf
hi $3.25. and with itleaeste tttelflour, which
owes a little niore, 70 lc/Wes:can be made,
. • . .•. . • • •
tnendly criticism after which the meeting
was.dismissed•with the benediction.
• •
asked by one of his .congregatiou to pray
. • ... , • • . , . ,.
for rain, thought fh t
--I- It WOLIte. 1.)13 ti0.71.S.,
&Neer) leave the -Minim over a little. long-
h .
et. Until the wind was la a favera.hte
ETEATa. DISEASE RET.T.Evzh IN itairtev
, Mietteks.
-MroJemes Mills has urchased
.11.reiGillitrre.y. • 'front` NT Rob't Creary, et five-year-old
. , . • - . • . .• ,• - , •
, ., driver ..-..M el 'Bios
essrs. Sw. lOW kept
For the Ladies.
..The Delineator for Oatober is called ' the•
autu trm narriber and contains an unusually
large. nutnb.er of articloos on interestmg
subjects. In Addition to, the regular
fashion matter there is a•shecial article or
• •
niutsh value to nuithers, called Fitting • out
• , .
the family for Autumn'an winter, There
directioa and some signs a raM.
Very few people have any coneeption of
the prevalency of tuberoulosta among
esttle. The direase its similar' to eon.
. . . . . .
flualPtion in the human family ann. msy-
d through the flesh . Y
be. cominnmeate.,, .or
drinking the milk of an infected beast.
• t .
f 'what' h•
A local ve ennary says from . a
. .
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives,
:perfect relief in : ell :eases' of Organic or .
Sympathetic Heart Ihiseaseen 30 nametee, .
and.speedity effects &tee. It is O. peer-
less remedy for Palpitation Shortness of
• . . . . h . . ' .
Breath .Smotherin -Spells -Pain in Lett -
' ' 11 g t • ' ' f D'• a
Sida and a synip outs o a iseasee
Heart.' One dose convinces. •
Sold by • -1. '
.. . •. , .are
. .=,Mr.
-Mr, Join Doyle is building a Very least', At: , well ,,,drilling. The dry
residende which ,will • Add. to Weather is doing their line of business a
of his farm. -Mr,Patrickgoodtturn,
41 a fine, horse dead in the •
_t do,. The horse waa all -• e ent___,„_.
•iening ,before. -Mr. ' W. ' H. •e•Ii4uzi.v Ant” ,
•d the , triisfoitune. to upset
=toe eotThe people of this' neigh-
or one night last Weekt• The Bp, . , ,
ot one- aide of thratongue broke ' iaorhood Nitro have been. camping at the
a machine toeunoff one aide lake havereturned, 111 ring been much
.. e road which. .wee , only 'eight , feet benefited ,hy'the •holidays. -The pas-
• .... -
ide et the piece,. were et. upeet.--erei Mr. tate famine stillcontiones and faimers
obis Roloinetoe. was 'orawieg her threshing are learning by sad experience that the
aachine into, Mr. James.. poefee. .hank .01.d. metluid of farming does Pot PSY1
ern the gang -way wive way, letting the hereafter less land will need. to he re-
orees. drop through, leitying them. due -
endedby the traces. Mr.; Robinson, served for pesture and the. culture of
cern or MUT= 1
need an- axe and• . cut , f e . as well ' as Winter re.
the tuns and let
1 0 ' ' ' • b
to horses free.-sortec to. ur creemeries cannot • e
euecesitfully operated -unless the setting
Wre also articles for the goueekeeper on
SeaSonable tOeokery, Hints en Serving
Peaches. Apricots end Plums end the use
of the:-HOuse, Life and offorko at tvfount
Hotrolte College, are well . treated .by a -
reeent.giadaate,•the seeOnd paper in. the
kiedergarten series opene up the seedy
in an interesting way, and there is a prac-
thud contribution on Millinery es au ern-
ployraent for Women. • The Relations
between Mother and laughter' are eerie
eluded in 'tine number, and in how to Live
., .., , •
. e
Wis ly the subjeet 'of Illness end Whet
Not To Do it ably discussedhte. , emtiOn
' A t' t' - d r ft ' - • - V n tian
112, r is ut nen o a is given m e e
Irou Work and the uses' of Crepe and
Tiesue Paperer, and entertainment is pro-
vided in 'it ffrillow'en German end Cleft,-
santherrinia Party . . Around the Tee
Table is as good as Usual, ad there are
knows of the .prevolenee, of the disease,
helot satiefied the geople. of Exeter yeey
often eat and, batik milk . affected •with
tuberculosis. , . .
. A. Daehwood correspondent. wtites:
What might haye been a :fatal eceident
happened to alo McCallum on Saturday
morning last ht the term of his son in. law,
Sir. Wm Snider. lir. 'McCall= had
been peinting in this neighborhood and
'stayed. with' Mr. Snider on Friday night.
As be wait getting out his pony Saturday
s et / 1 k- k e
morning one of• Mr. m er s noses' ic e
aehimastriking him, with one feat On the
baok of' his head and. the 'other on, the
- k
shoulder blade, The force of the kmale
broke hie Collet hone and also made an
ugly wounann. his heed.. • .
. Fee daya 'peek there is scarcely a farraer
in the district but has had to return to
Bri d k Blooa Bittere oure dee. epos's,
B i•d°cek.Blood Bitters oure -col' 'eti ;thin.
a df). k B1 a Bitters bli ° • P •
Bur oc oo cure i oneness.
3ur ook B1ood B1 tetecure imadacho,
Burdook filoocl Bitters 'unlock , all the
clogged secretions of the be wele time cur'-
kilt hateeneet ..d. aituna, eemehente
, • , . ,
Beeler xe Six Hoene . -Theordered Kit
, .
nee end blet : reheye • ieette
hears by the"Great-South American Eidt
ney 0are." 'This new remedy la a graft
surpriee and delight tot pheeicians on no.
t . .,. .r . .
eeett m tt't :egeeeset .8 •Proetnthete' et ro-
limeng - pant in the bladder; kidneye,baok
and .evary part of the urinary passages in
M sod f ',meta It telieves '' retenticon of
. . , ..o .-. „ . .
water and. eam iu Nene/en ei/Tiost trained-
p8ii , , ,
Male. If you want Teets ralunonto
t. . t . . -,„
tees is voar temeue fi-
' tetn is ado ted in summer and Ansi"-
''..-: 31/11ddleeeer. County Notes. sY8 • , P .
.- ege fed in wintero-e0ne of our oldest
-' 'dents had his left e i
e n deep incturn
At the last • Meeting 'of the conned of rest , . Y .' '
alit Williains it Nairn, toyelew . -NO., 71 inn, over Sunday, .having colhded tvith a
2 levy andecolleot 3 mina on' the dotter face ,amesher's "fist. The 'aterouut of
or Vayment. of &gutty 'tate, end.21.mills milk reeetved at the Wincheleaa butter
3. the dollar for . toweehip rate, WW1 &entry has 'der:Teased about one half
ead and paelleth- - • , . - .. , tainee the dry weather ' set in. Nearly
No action haiebeen to:ken te secure Alia • 10,000 the of butter were manufactured
Aare of Gettorge Coutth elle • young . tater, . in the month of Sane, and all the -butter
meerisodliotheParkhillt ecandel. I; is. of May, Stine, July and August was
/ported thet anitittlement was enede be- scoln for 19c per . lb. . The buyers are
weer). the parties.- .
Mr. * 5 i I, - . making a. rush for the September make
Thee. Jenkins; 5th coucess on, on as the quality made, is. A. 1, and a, credit
orittownehip, has a stiIkfloWer groiving in
is :gahden .5a niches in diameter. it has to the factory and aleo to the maker
o n.- ne mai rive is
• hes S h Bali T. •1 el • t. 'suffer-
tO flogere en it. One flowei is 16 •atio .
i e• front "Malarial Road Fever and° is
i diameter, and 3 feet' , 6' toohee.M.eiroutn- the. .
" ` 'Within flowers on taking a . res to- rs. James irenoth .also another t 'M J • Roweliffe
' the 0
_ , .: recently received $2000' . from . O. .
' "'" . ' OS F barn the amount of fier - tete
39. , 8rnittettwith many alieslathe wee . • *, s ...4 .,,
' tedhin :Leon on Tuesday •en. a husband s :Insurance who was' other a
"es • • ' la. ' ': ember for a short time To make
large. et sternum a lady a go watc , a • m . . . . . ,
oeketiobak. and tee cents in diver from provisions for his wife ,ei a mares firfoIt
, . . . . .
reentyee3S hotel. He wee seen hiding duty. Few men are so poor t,hat they:
le stolen articles in a died .. behind the . cannot Day the stratli .cost of insurance
00808 Hotel Hotel, He was committed by intik+ 0. 0, O. P. or kindred. societies.
quire IlleCorth to etend trial at Loe. Ltfeis .very uncertain.,
Om.. . ' • .''
• ,
_ . p' . t
„ .. ., .
-8eaforth. .
. . .,
'' ' Huron . 'Colitit'Y':Xoteet
L ro. , ' *..-.'r---•co ' •
11 'ng i a suttee
ARGIL. tioA,Y. .t: 0...0W1 9 , .
miry Of the races here On Libor `Day:.
-One Mile COnntychitnipiOnshipt final
heitt -I. 0., Ot ' Cbisholni; .ittodericht 2,y,•
rol '. & tOWei'' •SeafOrth .1tree 1,21
-vales i .... . • f ' .
- Half pellet -4'6n, finai heat -1, a. D.
MoKeller, A. C. C., Tormato;2, T. B,
McCarthy A 0. 0, Toronto, 3 0. EL
/ A. e /
WhiteL. B. O., London.Ton e, I ;24
Three mait: coutityohanapionship,-I,
P ' ' •
C; C. Chiehoiro Goderieb; 2, Se W..
_ , ...
1. k t S.' f tit"' T' 8 8. 1.
Ivne it one, se or . ime 5,5. , ..
, . . . ,. .; : . .,
re . , , • Inlett..,
' Ono mire. open. -I H. D. WreKellee
. _ . , , /
A. C. C., Teronto; 2; F. F. Radway, La
B: C, London. 1. 3, T. Bt. Itle0e.r.thy, A.
Toronto. Time 240 2-5. , , :
One mile, 2:20 clams -1, O. a Ohio
helm, Goderiehe 2, F. Duabitr, Striae
ford. 3 • J. W. Livingstone, Seaforth.
• , 7 ,
Time, 2:44. • , '
' Trio nule handicap -I, F. Dun
Stratford (300 yde.); 2, J, W. Living.
stone; Seeforali •(225 yds* 3; L. II;
'Baleen Guelith't/751tydria'. Time 5:22.
/ •
Di theehlyeentlette in , tittle Stratford
could not compete owing...to :*51cFarltme
getting hurt in a previous rano, so a
oo . - 4 '.2 . v:
time limit Of 1 1- 0 Was leaded on the
..' The old 'woollen Mille let Blyth, , was
destroYed. by 'fire the Caer, evening. it
was the. work "Of 'etatinceediary,
: -AndBallantynetend ,14a Drummond
of 131 th-- h tot I e Wild, 'en the other
y , a o ere , • • -
day. . It fought fiercely :with a dog before
beteg killed, ..• , .. :- ,
A ' Min irennat Mr Ben Webb, Clinton
Y, ,q • ' , .•,,,
b •'. li a .)
Wail s.anaing on, a, tango t o ot er ay,
whit/a Ite l'ello .1,-.401Metde, fracturing his
etteler t • / ,• , . . be
- - !lone... ' ' ' ' . " ' 65'
- s - i - . - ti It'-
weiee •res are hla considerable
dadia e in the eiehtity of t Blyth. In
g . . ; .„ : _. _
fact the Oenede ...Or/. willies° thoeianda
of dollars in • . destroyed tioaber, en
• . . .•. t
nurcon Couety emee.
.. ,
The publiehed stetemeet of the expeneee
ineuried by the 'Weet Huron candidatee,
in the eleetione allows • othat 'Mt. Gearow's
erpentiet wore -Livery o &meanie $196;
Printing and advertising $91;86', rent of
halts ere. $77.75; persooal expense/T. ern,
25etelegiipleaceount aleletteturns $21173.
distributing campaign .liteietutet and can-
ValSinv 20 dart $20; pastage $I4,03: state
onerAn.65. Total $47itiett Me. aort..
' i. - P 1
nelly a expenees were ;tel. ersona expert.
see $48,t5; rent of halls, eto,, ' $14; Print-
ing, and eav'ertishae ell; on postage 33eS
Taal 03.83. ' ' ' 3' ' .
., --%
. --..----e.. ho---etee .
• - ' . •
papers on, Identtng, Netting, Tetting, . Lace
- Marking; 'Crocheting, ete„ ete,„ The sub.
eetiption price of the Delineator is el a
year, single copies 15 cents each. Addreas
orders to The Delineator Publiehing, Oo •
of Toronto (Ltd.) 33 Riolonend St. West,
., • . , , •
loronto, Ont..
te ' ' -"est-.
wive rig Storieg. '
„ B l'll 13 1
ex i urea to ls the story of a London
townshippig that has developed a taste
f to elt r Th b il'ff 1 •
er teat. nape ae e a t sap* i is A.
sight worth walkmg to the ceuntry to .see
' -
when his pigehip Is chasing the hoppers '
the city for mote twine. T'aey made
theirfirst purchases tedong lett )ear's
supply as a basis, probably incese.sing it
in . some oases. They now find thet the
crop is heavier than tb.ey antiolpatect nod
twine. is needed, The 'ex erit
that more s • , .. P .,
enee .of most. of the, farmers hes been
thetta pound of twiee wilt hine ten. on-
51261A of *heat' 14 'flatlY oases this Yser
Lem two to three poueds, and, 1.1 710111•7
eases, as higts..4s. four pounds have been
used This meant. that in these puts ,
. . , , . .. , _ ,,
there will be a yield or trout twenty to
To the . north -of
forty bath* per acre:
. , ,
I ,wee cured el Brom:title anci Asthine
by MARD'S LINIty:itattit.
Lek 5, P. E. I. Lee A. Livingstone.
. ,
I Was cured ole se, tin aloe& at Rhe -
Math= by MINARD 't -NIUE:Tr
mehone he5e , • John xradet.
.'' 1 Wen atirea of a severely eprainee leg
by MINARD'S, Lt$111,1ENT.
e ,, , . , .... e , _ ,, . t
. it u
ri .en attn. J ost...a 1 i11,) ueoe .
along the burnt up roadside.
Gewalt tells of a fatmer not a hundred
miles from Plattevillehispies
, . _
Brandoa is thi3 tnOre pertioularle . to be---
u li d -BrandonBun
PP e • . •
. . J3ORIto. '
FAIRiteiletern Centralia, OA the t a. ult.,.
who allowed
to become no fat on hia neighbornt . pawl
that be did.not know them and cfroes them
into pound, when as be thought, they had
treepaesed on his ' Awe Prornisee. --ES to--
elfaryri journel.1 '
. •
et le neeetin termer' has ten. aeon in
blackbet rims train wheili he pro laces, o v-er
$600 worth of frult pee acre, tterming
M Ontario might, by following this example
. , tee e
find ia a comparatively new indus y
thowifo of I% 0. Pairhal,,, of 4 071,7•
PItyltr-ilin Erten brit ,hat,,1,;,i,,th,,,,,,,,„
CALNDEli. illtelhterk'tirealei, ek.iteet
ginia, on the eeed tete the wife of Ur, Cadvitt
(calander, of a,•deeighter., . - ,
leeillto-Iit Ceoderieh Towethip, on the 1st,
inst., William h. leitatekelamt toe ot 30Soph
- , , 0 , ,
Teget relief ttomindigeation,billeuenees, , tee ,
metipatiott or toettiatlivettwithout• dieter. Lits otrenntellITY ,
Of, tioode Sarse,perilla is due to the
'Ag: the at01110.661 Or teuegine the bowel, trethenchoue ahloank pf brain. Work and
;ket a few doses of Oarter'a Little Liver &instant .orme .• need int:its otteparation. ,
ills, tfiey will,please you, te, -
Try one bottle anchyoe Will be convinced'
g' 0.......sonnareasmorrommosernoprowlenge . .
HOUSEHOLD 'hi ' nig
• • •
, •
The grOat fitady III the average heiteehol-
greater source to pro at that. they do tow
' the rorMetion of eb eerie, '
111 .P
• Thief PALE FACA.
For Nervous Prostration and Anaenua,
bet egret:red 16 veers and/ menthe . •
mce0entlith•-lti. Menke", eit weenesdoie.
Ang.19..1894,Elizabetheleitoweli, deatabeer
Of thelata Janie eleDowete aged se yeare
1 meet a , te ,..
t th • r teoht fa 'e how - • a n. m'es
a a p e time i A no o i .
• In largo Mail:Lees eeatres, trees ie dull,
isoakes have been redueed, and in order to
live comfortable mei look well, cectain
th ' t • methone that will so prompt.
ere a no me lei
ly and infallibly restore vor and strength
as Scott's .SO111181011.
. .
MA,RIII 130:
. . . • , ,
ABELL-WILLIS-% Exeteron the Sth tns t
, , 4
at the residence of Atr.S. Powell, be tne Rev.
of he superiority It ••putifieri the blood
HE BOBS tIP AGA.IN. whichja the source of besitb,enreo dspePoo
eta, heacleohe bilious-
. , . oyereonaes, sick and
T li hittlhe medicine for you.
km Muntete, when THE Deoron oat Pa- nese. ' et. , ,1 , . •
enomieti /nest be noticed t
.en , , P • .
" Ito sart.ng and thrifty housewife, by the
use of Diarnend Dye, CAA 'save many
, , . _ ,
(whets eeon year inane' artustee of weir.
, . , -•
te8 srParts• eFoh ss dreSeeh. blesses, *Tato
' •
pickets, sheens'. coats, Vests Old pants•that
Green neelet,
Father's photo.
Inethehe toe, . "
Coale emelt,
it. W• Leelte, tie Oneeeh eb,olie of Seitterett
to Xiss Rhoda -Willis, sister of Ural.- ,$.,
Vowel). • , . , •
ITAMILTOX-ol'ARICE-A.Kromarly, on the
1th Met,. it the teeideteettOt the- briee's '
ernente Mr. T. Al, Ititteittele merelienh _et
bowie, to 1111se Ilene co, atoutotter 'of Aar o
Santee Parke.
Landon teazle. Radenty; White 'and
- , . • • • 1!
Little rode Redway bombing under the
.• t , ,,
time. limit end sod/taring the prize fbr
the.club,Which was ' a Trainable oak
. . . ,
ret tre.
sec a , ,
. , „ .. ,
In. the race !terse vs. btcycle t e
la" I both h t : -
, 'aye to iloOn eft ti.
• .---o-o-eteee.........-....» '
. , ,
,Ansuntarrim Odeon te. 'A D.---Sonth
• • .' • .. ,
American Rhetimatie Ctitel, for Itheumatican
X tif ' ' cl" ell ' it ' e t , 3
and eine tee re to . tr Mir e in o
days.',Its eottortupon tbet systertt is reeterk.
able and metteriont. It relhoves rat mace
•h -
the (mum Iola the .dieettrie idintediately die-
Th 'firth ao reedit/ 'entente
OPPears. • ° 8(3' g • '
76 °ode sola he: heneteeyenteetet. , me
, .
onnonD miLordtritiuton,STItt, ON ,, , .. 7'7a- , .
Hood e Pine are parely vegetable, care-
• Decite-ecoetect es Foto:tits . , ., .
. fully prepared . .
You A MO . XaMIBIC'S .06117.7 trent. the best ingredients;
• - . - anit%. : Mr. W. TI, Irwin, Who has been the
the Blyth. %entitled
, pin:dither of for several
. , • • . . ,,, , . or
Nonmn BO, Sept. 3 -'am Marra)) s year, last week lemma .hte alediot . y,
h fi t ed i new& hevitia dleposed of his basinese eto 'Mr.
tmetie °netball bss one It r u - . •-•. - ' . • • b •
. luanas detiag the. patt 18 monthe Itradwiti, formerly of Wingloun, nte.more
oPer oo,
'' and r cent" conneeten with Sattirday Night
manse . he wait &trod of paralysis ,. e , y . .
ood poisoning by, Dodd's: 'Clancy, Pnlo, . The Days As 401MA-toys . hem are
ter hell it demo, phylsielatie had. pro.
, awity at 'school' shoeld eletejrit have 'tome
owed hire sh inottrebie• Olt the,etteng- quielt end sate remedy foe sodden attacks
- t 'hones it:turret/ was 0- : • 1 i -, or D s ritee for re
i of phyucietie oath 0 , of reeve, D a than, y e y, ,
aa hie disability OlAidi ' hy the Ctrand phycioian ie not-elvtays neat, end. en hotirse
utak. . Since he Wad, euted'hy T1: al
- (t.o.h.,delay in, coma of title kied often idea to
idney Pale, he has ham itteoPted tht"*. 'fierigios reselte. Therefote patehtia shorild
141-elea's tisk h/ it isAcling iiie 1114dre'lee nerPlY their stxis With 'Set" fjt3Vial r.aill
e Meta tt is um.
-OP,Itut. About ' a year ego, he got ' a X: e which a a, , , , .
outwit 40 foreman. fot a big iambi:4 tenet pie and hattejoiet. Direetione are with
nd ,a' . ' r • t
01 Of DaVid6701411t047, Of Toronto, a each bottle, a d ADO dose re ely tend o ,
e f Rat thOlt he Wet able to eittirifeetote twee relief to e flutterer from temy bowel,
* Pt' 1 II 25c fOr A bottle -double '
teed hi the ttylug (tabu of Buell p oome eiee 0 1.5, ,,
en. tt Ample OVIdeice of the permerainey e_e _ee.k ,
have 'become faded ettidadiecolored AAA' be
• • . , . , , , .
made to 1..O0k all ecood as new, if dyen 'with
tll -1 b at d D' ' 'a D
•ece e r e . iarnon yes.
For tile Work of home dyeing lee that
• •' ey- . - .-' .
yeti tree only the mimed DYes; thelt re-
present the fittest mid .beet ecientific
achievement% mut ere the, orde tlyes ttutt
oan b ' (1. h f t • d t'
e , a tiee ern per co eueeeeri ten sit es-
Intone, ' . ' 4
Teat Witt en.
Complalute are pret'ly gator Al. the the
plum crop -re . 4., h11 0 11 al Ate, A
t Gee h d AU abite itnee of tile mi end the
r P' , • " : '
Yottug truit lottnel nicely, but after warhe
. /tee el to tot 4111710, in the etent FAA
, sPe- re 6, . s. : ' ;" .
windstorm song/pee the trees ue tit tnere
is but little et a crop tem/tieing.
'. . ' '
YOUNS-Ie. °beton, ot. the 20Th ult.,
Youne. motet Yeats. -
VOtithe-iu oninteri on Wedneeder Aug 21
' ' ' • 1: ' , '
James ..Yetiott. teed Si). rears. ..
MITtle-Tri Witideor,One, 'on the ttth ult.
wife of Wm. tittle fon/aerie of 8e. 3,
BasLON.-fu Clinton, on the 29th , e '
tertoehltere, wife ot leek Retest% ,aged 0)
.,reatt: • ., . , . •
13abbtoriLLE. Jatniary 4kh, 1878.
Aliee'll'i; ht:httge*Itlitnotio, Ont.
• , hhhhheetth4teettettee ,
Memos, DICE &CO., Irfontreal, '
"Diektaltiood Purifier" is the bast of
condition, powdere 1 rivet woa, It mskee
e horse thtive mad feel well, improves lire
coat and keette hint perfectly , clean in the
lege, no matter how long, he steads in the .
e a roe g NO .7
:ib1 ' J ' a t half of the glee b. x to A
getitlernan who had a fiati trottiag stallioa
„ .
, 11 'a the lege end had
that ws" vo tut ' ' , ,
seretchett from beige out of coeditiog, told
, , , . , e...,.. ,
Id a Ow '"aY"'.111 ""gbw ' K u t'Y `Hese/
end the orriteke heeled rain ly, . .
• . -
Skiitahlitereiriq iire merit: or less ditectly
occisionedi.).;y, cad blood B. B. 13. &tree
the, fellowingetakiti • Di/settees: Shingled
EtysiPeralhqlhhie$' Rol:Sbot. Seat Utteemto
8otitt getka. &epitome ' Pi 1
--esP-oe see
Blotebes, by-tetneint ' all itripatities from
the blood from a comi o Pimple to ^the
%verge ,seroenone sere,, •
• • • as ..1, i ' lor i
,. A men wane tee (3 ug les W49 I 0
t ffroll • 0 t S tu d - 41 1 raising'.
b , „.
n'' 614 4 " A r + 6 *
Stek year dealer for the D' ed
le.tho /
he sure yell get them.'
• ,
VIE eenItgatte: 81;,;ArTy
e ( , . e •
Thrivee on good feed and eueslunet vatil
OlthEll,PiELD,-Ie 'St, Marrs oe hith
un,,, Wi Want oreemto'id, eked GS yeart, 1 ,
and 15 dove.
g i _ 0 Ott- te apparen y tri ha
Alt11671. I th ' ' to ' El ' '
lot '&1' lie dittiee the Atter/Me ere re eon
. ee , P,
!'1. ' . r' '
that 4 'tremendous Rolex ceiensay us re-
, , , IT
ssges, eY eertsle hug° sPots t3ht eve:
'M6141)14(1.0 their apenerauee,
Tr .11 el I. A elAt.14 w,,T...;$..0
el tt v of 0:totals() iti been air Her fort(
' e
gib we , With health cited IIISV face b tome
• - • - • t 1%0
with he beeetty, If her. seatern needle .
a .0 laza me rented ehe
(110AhailV A tl 12 Of I% # t , y. .
toes the &too Ana pleaeatt liggici le/retina ,
.. ,:
Syrnto ot Figs, . ,
en the tteht Ma,
eoh Notieen, twat ape of Thernae hvatie,
. aged 8 mouths ma ltelare.
0 e •
LattReet Seater/le me the thine •
stionee eel mee e ma Loy 01.3A v
5037 4i.
1 neatlnettukt.
C E. A/Mir% Gitlet V 01: ooi.
Het, lleithee . : , • I -
, ....:
Yr, v, el ....,1 , ,
. *e
(18 £t)0Ufl3it 00105et
01&:,to Ito ,