HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-08-21, Page 24CLEARING Auction Sale - of Household. ,Effects and Antiques for Mr. Nelson Lear, Londesboro, on c,' ' Sat., Aug. 2 3 at 1 : p.m. Kelvinator refrigerator; Moffat electric • stove; television; "chrome table; '9 pee. diningroom suite; desk; 3,, pce. bedroom suite; single. continental bed; beds; ,dressers; wardrobe; pressed - back rocker; pressed -back arm chair; platform rocker; radio; chesterfield and chair.; side chairs; chicken coop chair; small tables; sewing machine; trunks; high chair; lamps; clock shelf;' cro`ck; iron pots; oil lamp; sealers; dishes; chest of silverware; rug; mats; step -ladder; hand tools; garden tools; double- barrel shotgun etc. etc. Terms, - Cash" House sold Mike Cummings Auctioneer Goderich 524-90.64-_-• 1' r •-GODERICI-•SIGNAL.STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1975 4j '? . CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Large modern farm machinery,• tractors, truck and some household effects for Mr. Art Dickson at Port Albert, ten miles north of Goderich on Highway N�. 21. SAT.AUGUST 30th at 1 p.m. MACHINERY Gleaner six row narrow row' corn head fits an L or M Gleaner combine. (used 2 years).; D,MI Hydra Wide six furrow semi mount plow nearly, new; Ford -132 16" five furrow semi rnotnit plow; Ford 130 16" three furrow mounted plow; Kongskilde 21 ft. wing cultivator with wing cylinders; John, Deere sub soder; Allis Chalmer 18 ft.•wing disc; Allis Chalmers eight row corn and bean planter; Innes 4 row bean puller'; Heath 4 row bean puller; Innes 570 bean windrower with cross conveyor; Henry bean .windrower, with cross conveyor; Tote ,four.• ton trail fertilizer spreader; three section 14 ft. land packer ; Western 12 ft !arid packer; six sectigp of diamond harrows and pole; 14 ft, chain harrow; New Holland No. 67 haybaler; MF new style side rake; Little Giant 42 ft. hay and grain elevator 'with undercarriage, nearly new; Ford short bough forage blower, 40 ft. of pipe • and hood; 4 - two hundred bushel gravity bins mounted on seven ton wagons; 2 - one hundred and thirty-five bushel gravity bins on wagons; 10 ft: hydraulic fertilizer auger; Shultz 'spreadmaster PTO manure spreader; D $c J 16 ft. PTO drive liquid manure pump; Homemade 1000 gallon portable liquid manure tank; New Idea' PTO. Manure spreader; 2 homemade 200 gallon saddle tanks• and mounting brackets; Continental' sprayer frame -and boom; three point hitch 'lift boom; 5" grain auger 20 ft. long; Jamesway feed cart; 11/2 HP ele. tric motor;,Larve V bin with hydraulic operated gate mounted on . ten ton wagon with 1000 x 20 tfr� mss; Lneoh -1-80- amp electric welder; sheep feeders; 10- 8 x 30 rear tractor tire; sump pump. " • TRACTORS Allis Chalmers 180 diesel tractor with 900 hours, set of 18 - 4 x 10 rear tractpr dual wheels; Massey Ferguson 180 diesel tractor with 'multi power; Massey Ferguson .Industrial loader fits 180 or 165, will be sold separate. • TRUCK Ford 1971 1/2 ton truck three speed stick shift with. overdrive, • safety certified. Camper top' for rig ton truck„. HORSE EQUIPMENT Shetland pony mare broke -to ride; Horniemade tandem axle horse trailer for hauling two horses; horse drawn buggy; walking plow • FURNITURE & APPLIANCES - Cold Spot. chest freezer; Viscount square model fridge; Viscount four burner electric stove with„glass window in. oven door; automatic washer; Visc.owft• automatic clothes dryer square wooden extension table; chrome table; chesterfield and chair; ,end tables; washstand; modern three piece bedroom suite; two chests of drawers and.4esser. "Note” household •items•'will be sold first, no small farm, items are being sold, so be on time. ' TERMS CASH NO RESERVE FARM IS SOLD RICHARD LOBS R. G. GETHK.E CLINTONAUCTIONEERS BORNHOLM Owner or auctioneers notr,accidents day of sale. responsiblefo' --..., 12. AUCTION • SALE �ATHWELL'S ���111:*'_ AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BR;(,JCEFIELDONT. ,Offer the most modern auction methods LICENSEDatnd BONDED • ONTAR10--.WID`,E-° BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 TWILIGI-IT Auction Sale of. 'Household Effects & An- tiques for Mrs. Katherine O' Connor and Mrs. Mary R. Dempsey, at the Auction Rooms; Hwy ” 21, one mile South of Goderich oh THURSDAY EVENING AUGUST 21 at 7 p.m. Cherry flat -to -wall cupboard; oak sideboard; kitchen cabinet; 9 pce. dining -room suite; 15 vacuum cleaners, Duncan Phyfe double pedestal table; dining -room extension table; 2 iron & brass beds; 4 Victorian 'wooden beds; 10 pressed -back chairs; odd chairs; .pressed -back rocker; wicker rocker; 3 rocking, chairs; hostess chairs; organ stool; 2chesterfields & chairs; 4• dressers; washstands; commodes; • Studio -couch; 3 kitchen, sets; small tables; Admiral 21" TVI);26" Westinghouse electric stove; easy washing -machine; 2 treadle sewing -machines; 14 quilts; copper boiler; churn; post -cards;. depression -glass; dishes; jugs; sealers; milk cans; rug, mats; oil stove with fan; Ma$tercraft power•,lawn- mower; 9 pce. toilet set; etc. etc. • Terms - cash - properties sold - Mike Cummings - Auctioneer - Goderich 524-9064. AUCTION :OF HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE ORLAR PLACE, BAYFIELD ONTARId SATURDAY (AUG. 30th) & MONDAY (SEPT.. t st) At 10:00 A.M. - The Complete Contents Of Orlar Place Which Was Built 41' 1868 As The Retirrnent Home For .Dr. Ninian Mahaffey Woods (First Doctor For The Canada Company) Now Being Dispersed' Without Reserve By The Descendants, The Reverend Doctor And Mrs. Stotesbury-Leeson. REAL-ESTATE TO BE OFFERE•D AT 2:00 P.M., SATURDAY, AUGUST 30TH- S'ubject'to conditions of sale.and reserve bid, this gracious Georgian -style fourteen robm residence - situated at the entrance to Bayfield with five treed subdivided lots. The house features'large foyer (6' staircase), drawing room, living room (both with natural fireplaces), country kitchen, su•tnmer'kitchen, Formal dining room, four large bedrooms, maids' quarters, third floor attic; full basement with oil -fired furnace. „ SATURDAY & MONDAY AT 10:00 A.M. BOTH dAYS- Over 650 Catalogue lots Followed By Approximately 300 Lots comprising in part: FURNITURE - Victorian stands, five various • cutters & sleighs including "New 'Yorker" & six -seater models, rattail, wooden wheelchair, pine sideboard, pine harvest aable, oak chairs, corner whatnot, parlour tables, "acorn"' & Jenny Lind beds, brass beds, 1856 pine stool, important set' 12' stencilled gunstock chairs, - • primitive farm implements; oak dining table, marble -top wash stands & tables, commode seats, comb -back rockers, pine chickencoop & rabbitear side chairs, 1856 chair, tiger maple .W. side tables, .childs chairs, rabbitear high chair, pine flat -to -wall cupboard, piano stools, marquentry side table, tole bathtub,.massive sideboards'(one with plate rack -.hutch), cherry dropleaf, cast iron heaters, Aerican two-part secretaire, set 9 comb -back sten- cilled chairs, 1850 pine blanket box, (1866' hobby horse, Heinzmanla erpiano e with 43=rolls, trunks, pine harness makers' bench,, signed•parlour table,.; pssive 9 -piece Victorian parlour suite, slantfront'secretaire, fall -front desk, primitive washing machine, games table, 3 -piece Victorian marble -top bedroom suite, pine doll trunk, antique walnut & mahogany dressers, Victorian dressers, Set 6 hoop back, signed chairs, iron baby crib, 3 - piece birdseye maple bedroom suite, COINS - Over 700 Targe pennies 1860-1901, two 1887. California 25c gold pieces, foreign, Bank Of Upper Canada toltens, 1300 silver Groat, 1699 King Janies token, 'VICTORIAN JEWELLERY - Collection of gold, jet ivory, bog oak; buckles, buttons, stickpins, chatelaine, "hair" bracelet, lockets, rings, VICTORIAN CLOTHING - Doll clothes, christening, dresses, purses, b;nnets; camisoles, dresses, suits, widows' weeds; kimonos, dusters, furs, wire bustles, tails, bowler. & top hats, MAPS & • BOOKS -.57 parchmeri-t maps, COLLECTIONpOF TOWN PLANS FOR: Port Bruce (1855), Goderich Town & Harbour (1853), Abelmarle, Keppel .& Amabel"(1856), Walkerton, Tara, Malta; Lockerbyl'-(1857), Riversdaie (Sarnia? 1856), Bayfield (1856), Goderich (1855), 1866, 1870 & 1880."Lists Of Post Offices In Canada", 1856 price•books, autograph albums•& scrap books, old Kazan & Flash Gordon comics, parchment documents with seals including Thee-•-" Canada Company, 20 vol. "Statutes Of Ontario" (1856.1880); Views Of London, 'early copies.,' of The Free .Press, fashion plates, 1893aJournal of Diocese Of Pf ren, sheet music, plan to w,c determine the boundry, between Canada & New Brunswick, ivory miniature, 1854 map of ^ Canada with 1852 Census by counties, deeds, documents,, court manuscripts; Governlrtent map of Canada (1861), 1876 Voters' lists, minutes for Huron & Bruce (1857-1890),,1875 Report On State Of Militia For Canada, original Bayfield Surveyors' plan, 1879 Huron County Atlas, MISCELLANEOUS - Victorian mugs, candlesticks, meerschaum pipe, Bayfield paper- weights, cast iron coffee mills, jardinieres, alleys, large collection colored apothecary bottles, daguerrotype frames, "Hunting scene" plates; butter coolers, post card albums, stamps, old Doctors' case with instruments, fine china, Victorian steel engravings, et- • - things, woodblock prints, birdseye maple frames, dresser sets, desk sets, mortar & pestles, leather scotches, bullet -maker, ivory dresser set, bells, "Rhone Seeneryt' plates, toy steam engine,-1141pleces "Bridal, Rose", tole lantern, inkwells, Bennington pottery, "Cresoline" oil lamp, Victorian egg timer, fine decanters, Ironstone tureens, Beaver & other early sealers, -1, - early bottles, buffalo robe, amethyst glass,• opera' glasses, spongeware. collection swords, "Hand" vases, cranberry, miniatures, crocks, wash sets, pitchers, oil lamps, advertising posters, bristol vases,.butter churn, crocheted & embroidered table & bed linen, quilts, lace, platters, child's side saddle, cast iron kettles; stereopticiait slides, tole, snowshoes, wicker, swing mirrors, copper kettle, fans, old• eyeglasses, primitive oils, Clinton shelf clock, Sat- suma antique hanging fixture, spelter, cruet stands, McDonald colored litho, St. Johns' P.Q. ironstone, copper, Victorian parasols, Ansonia shelf clock, -child',s sets dishes, souvenir & , Commemorative ;Nina, powder flasks, crystal, spongeware, moustache cups, auto -harp, Queen Ann s,p. tea service, dolis,.1830,Iuncheon service, gramophone, lap desks, ginger- ^r • bread clock, doll quilts, early playing cards plis other items of interest. On View Friday, August 29th From 12 Noon Until 8:00 P.M. • Admission' By • Catalogue (52;00) Only GAINER AUCTIONS LIMITED " 186 YORK STREET, LONDON, 439-0194 "Specialists In Fine Furnishings & Antiques Since 1922" ' 12. AUCTION SALE 13. SERVICES. AVAILABLE PIANO tuning and repairs, Phone 524-6291 after 6 p.m, call 482-9618.-31,32,33,34 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED! Modern equipment; work guaranteed Write.or phone H.T. Dale, Clinton..P'hone 482-3320 or 527.0284.-4tfn " EAVESTROUGHING, roofing, barn painting. and ge•ne'ral con- - tracting. Reasonable', Contact Jim Bolger, 482-9202. Call bet- ween 7 &.8 a.m. —7tf . ' DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable • Rates 'McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8:391 19tf . VACUUM CLEANERS- -'- SALES & SERVICE ,ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 gctfn ACE' RADIO & Til .. IN FLEETWOOD Sales & Service • 4 Repairs -to all makes of Radio & Television , 60 PICTON ST. W. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 YOUR: FURNITURE AND CARPETS DESERVE THE BEST! Have Carpet Care Clean; them with Steam Call 524244� FOR YOUR Carpet and 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE Piostering + iOMMERCIAL + RESIDENTIAL. FREE ESTIMATES BERN—CLARE CONSTRUCTION GODERICH 524=7184. Carpentry b W or'k Home Renovating Furniture Repairs & Refinishing. (30 Years ExPerience) (No Job Too Small) 524-2591 or 524-9386 Between 1.2 & 1 p.m. or after 6 p.m. MI -Western, Paving F`OR ALL ASPHALT WORK .-DRIVEWAYS ' -PARKING TOTS - -REPAIRS CONTACT Jack's texaco And • Automatic Car Wash 394 Huron Rd., GODERICH i 524-7744. Sid Bruins= FOR ALL YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS BACKHOE BULLDOZING DUMP TRUCK SEPTIC • TANK SYSTEMS 'BASEMENT. EXCAVATIONS SEWERS FREE ESTIMATES Goderich 524-8668 FOR COUPLETE Drywall. Installation and , Finish.ing CALL • GORD THOMAS 27 Trafalgar St. Goderich .524-6674 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE Screened Top Soil Crushed Road Gravel Crushed Tile Stone Cement, Gravel Pit Run and Fill Gravel Back Hoe Work Lyle Montgomery "CLINTON 482-76.44 21 tfn 1111111111111111111111111 HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES - 55 KING,STOPL ST ELECTRIC Inglis washers, 'dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights, ranges 1 WEEK SERVICE WATCH REPAIRS Believe it or not we now have the staff to„offer you 1 week 'service on watch repairs. T, ORMANDY JEWELLERY GODERICH 524-7841 SEE•. THE TRI -TOWN - BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tax Returns - Business - Farm - Individual LAWRENCE BEA $recefield Phony 4 •�926Q PEGGY CUNNINGHAM 229 James. St, Phone 482-7988 Clinton 50ttn 15. PUBLIC NOTICE IRV•IN'S Garage, Dungannon will, be closed August 25-Sep,;ember 8. —34 14. NOTICE TO,,CREDITORS• .;NOTICE TQ (R;EDITORS ALL pe\sgns having. ,clai'ms against, die . estate of EMILY OLIVE ROBERTSON, late of -the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 20th day of March, 1975, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned t by the 113th day of September, 1975, as after that date the assets of the estate' Will be•d S rihuteci DATED at Goderich, Ontario this 15th' day of August, 1975, PREST &'EGENER, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitorsfaor-••th'e Estate. 16. PERSONAL WE' INVITE engaged' couples to the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton, Receive a free gift and tell your friends about -our shower• and- 13ridal Registry Sery-ice. - charge, no obligation,--3tf 1)6 YOU have marriage or family problems? The tvlinistry of Com- munity & Social Services offers help in the form of ntarriage and family counselling either in your home or in the Wingham Office, 199 Josephine Street. -For appointment, phone 357-3,3-8tf. . - NOTICE TO. STUDENTS ATTENDING SCHOOLS OPERATED BY E'HUR-ON-£-Ou NTY� T -H — 34,35,36 ° 15. PUBLIC NOTICE WHEELCHAIRS — WALKERS,. The Humanitarian Service Committee of the Goderich ,Oddfellow, and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loar-n7'Conttct Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley 524-7217. —34eow TREE PLANTING A$SISTACE Those wishing to have land reforested in 197.6 are requested .to make ap- plications by September 1, 1975. - Applications' will be processed on a first come first served basis'. Contact the: . "Secretary -Treasurer MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY ,'„ Box 5, Wroxeter, Ontario 519=335-3557 BOARD OF EDUCATION The procedure for the first day cit' the, Fall Term, September 2, 11975 shall be as follows. for all sehi�ole operated by the Huron County Board of Education: 1. All schools will open at the rt;^gular hour in the'morning„ . 2. All buses .will travel -at the regular time in the morning. 3•:. All' 'schools will close ONE HOUR EARLIER.thanusual. 1. .All buses will depart' ONE [TOUR EARLIER than usual. R.L. Cunningham Transportation Mafiager HURON COUNTY BOARD OF,EDUCATION 103 Albert Street - Clinton,,.Ontario W. Shortreed DJ. Cgchrane Chtiirman Director 17. LOST AND FOUND FOUNT) — boy's bicycle, north- west end of Goderich,, Can he claimed by identifying. Phone 524.6901. —33,34. LOST, - Red sw,pater, , white plastic shopping bag left in wrong green car Friday night about 5:45 p.m. in front of Woolworths. Ple:is•e call Goderich Police or phone Bruce Beach 395-5552; —34x 20. TO GIVE AWAY FOUR' Mack puppies to give away to good homes. Phone 524- 6406; —34 ” Strickland Auto Mart ° HURON ROAD--GODERICH - 524-8841 or 524.84119 - Authorized American Motors and Jeep Dealer 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE Upholstery � J 9 Cleanih'gNeeds - Superior Maintenance Now Offers STEAM or DRY SHAMt40 For Free Estimate Call° 524-8892 ' 257 Warren St„ Goderich Painting Carpentry Work Roofing Phone Jim Mtiver 524-6903 5 24-6681 5KELTOi1 APPLIANCES Inglis—Moffat—Beatty' , Sales—Service Repairs to ail makes 36 Britannia RdAW. Ph, 524-7871 —1711 Home mprovem-ents ADDITIONS • REC ROOMS • SIDING SOFFIT ROOFING Phone Dave _,,524-8858 4 For Free Estimates wY111010.rY11,. FOUR kittens . to gi,re away, 7 weeks old, Phone 524-8963 after 5 p.m. —34 21. BIRTHS • k„'Ys FISHI?R - At Alexandra Marine Hospital Goderich, Ont. op 18 August 19.75, to Mr, and 'Mrs. Terry Fisher, Goderich, a daughter Marsha. —34 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs, Austin Hartman,. Goderich are pleased to an- nouncer .,the forthcoming - marriage of their daughter, Tena Darlene! to Mr.{ Murray Allan Hunter son of Mr. 'and Mrs, Hunter Wingham, Wedding to take ' place in 'St. George's Anglican Church on September 6, 1975, —34 • .4. Three speed, standard " transmission, 258 6 cylinder, in. stock now or order the colour of your choice. Stock No. 1. Full purchase price S 541 Includes freight, pre - delivery inspection, license - Order now before any price increase occurs, 4, ' Strickland Auto .,blurt HURON RdAD—GODERICH - 524-8841 or 524-8411 Authorized American Motors and Jeep Dealer