HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-08-21, Page 21• r9' 1 Soccer News a.� United lose first one Boo Hoo! ! Goderich United lost their first game of the season and I've been weeping'steadily since! I'm not a good loser ..:In fact I'm not a good "anything! ! (also, I'm Italian +... that says itall ! !) The pressure's off though and now'thnt we know we can do it (lose) we don't wanna anymore! It wasn't a bad game, just mediocre and that's the truth. London Carnival had straightened up their defense pretty good and they had us pegged. There were lots of "savvy" plays on United's part, as on Carnival's and also some horrendous goof -ups. Carnival _ just succeeded with their breaks where we failed. During the first half they scored once on our net and we really fought to tie itrup; but when the closing minutes app,..•- proached we just hadn't achieved our aims. The second half brought out more ammunition from Goderich and ewe held the ball in the London zone for repeated shots on net, to little' avail. Frustration and heart -stopping suspense continued until Carnival took fast and full advantage on a play .and pounded in their second goal to secure the game favour., United fought forsome semblance of authority on the. field -bot ' couldn't retaliate 'strongly enough to gain another inch Qf ground. So the denoue'rrient to this particular) game was a 2-Q shut -out for London. Surprisingly enough, the fellas' spirits were extremely . good and their attitude is; (and I quote the Captain of the team) "a little less pitter-patter and a lot more get .at'er" ! ! (Harold does have a way with a phrase!) I really must confess that I haven't been able torpinpoint any one player for particular merit for this game. Everyone hustled and tried his best. Not one player ".dogged" it, but mistakes were made on everyone's part and we were not "united' so, "divided we fell"! But I'll let you in on a. *little secret: no matter what, no matter who, I wouldn't trade my loyalty to this team no way, nohow ! ! Best crew around, folks! They're lovable, laughable and truly photographable!! The "Rowdy Rooter' is one award I'm not passing over today because we' had such a cute little "rooter" getting "rowdier" by the second! Brenda Fisher (yup,one or "those." Fishers !) created quite a stir; hopping up and down on the bleacherschorusshouting her caughtungs ! She withlooked like a 1930's g her routine unrehearsed! !?? It wasn't any more of a successful day for the Police Falcons game -wise either. They lost to Easy Driving 4-0. I heard it was a very tough game though and Goalie Alex Varga made some experienced and tricky saves and gave an impressive account of himself. (Way to dig, Old-timer! ! ) "Super -Jock • " - is none other than Pete -of -the -many - injuries" Herlufsen. He „gave an incredible display of tenacity and single-minded fortitude. He produced some good, solid soccer. -Thanks, Pete! Casey Wildgen and "Player -of -the -Day" is shared by Ge rge "the tiny Wonder" Gould who -were definitely an important factor to the team's entire play. Congratulations. en a strongly played game, guys! • They play next week in. London on Saturday at 3:30 p.m.. ,against London Hungarians "B" 3rd Division United plays at 4:00 p.m. against Oakridge; also in Landon. So, grab.a, bus, bike or, rickshaw and boogie on down and catch us doing our numbers ..; fr,,om no. 1 to no. 15 in maroon and white! ! God bless, keep fit, stay happy. United we stand,, Fo'reyerw.... Love ya much, Foxy Mama Some -Goderich winners at monster Clinton bingo The Clinton monster bingo made Mrs. Ed Little $1,000 richer when the Hensall woman won the top jackpot last Monday night. In .the three share -the -wealth games, Cathy Du,charme of RR 1, Hay , won $173.50; Doreen Bradberry of ;Mitchell Won $1:72; and Egmondville's. -Gloria G,an- dville wan $161. . Regular $50 game .winners .were: Dorothy Frey, Marg Carter, and Blossom Garrow, of Clinton; Susan Wa.gler, and Sharon Kelly of Vanastra; Mrs. A. Morton of Grand Bend; Marion Frayne, and Mrs. Dunne, of Exeter; Lena Ervine of Bayfield; Clara McInnis of Fordwich; George Rock, Mrs. Glen Rock, and Larry O'Connell of Mitchell Emma Powell, Flo MacCustey, Laverne Powell, Margaret Cook, and H.' Hearst of Goderich; Bruce Austin of Seaforth; Mrs: Pamela Emms of Ottawa; .Marlene Britton. of ---Flint, Michigan;.J ThIf +to the VON Manfred Dierolf of the Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 2222, presented VON representative' Sheila Lancaster with a cheque for $500 at a meeting held by the union last Thursday. (staff photo) ' .I Goderich club hosts Mitchell lawn bowlers On Tuesday evening, August 12, the Goderich Lawn Bowling `'Club hosted the Mitchell Lawn Bowling Club oto a fun and .,.fellowship night. Grace„ Scrimgeour, president of the, ladies' and. .Ted . White,, president of the men's divisions welcomed Russell ' Hill, •presdent and the members of the‘Mitchell . Club. I•t was a mixed draw of trebles with nine che11; Jim'Smith, Wallaceburg, Marj. Sturdy and ' Emerson Gunning 9f Mitchell, and Fred Richardson, Ken Woods and Mary Ruston both of Mitchell. Ladies' ,Executive served lunch and the evening declared a great success, A retuim visit to Mitchell will "be on aiilesday, September 9th. The Men's Division of the. Lawn Bowl,,jng Club with Lee greens in use and 2 - 10 endL Ryan as draw master held a games played. Token prizes • mixed pairs tour were donated , by ' members of the Goderich Club and. -33 in,,al1 were given. • The first five winners: Hensall; Mary Ellen Gouer of • Walter Westbrook, Mitchell, Saltford; Helen Elliott of Rae Matthews and Don Dublin; and Alice McNair, Siemon; Mike Mallough, Peter Dorothy ,, O'Connell, Ray Stuffen, Mitchel and Lee.,Ryan; Armstrong, Mrs. Harold _Lloyd Young, Lizzie Brooks and Welsh Fremlin, and Mrs. Flossie Mabel Gunning, both of Mit- Welsh. rA %....„ \\ 1 / , ...23/46.. C).-- // i ' reTx erg with your prints, photographs, and needlework. Combined with ,our endless assortment of frame and mat colour com- binations, offering new life to humdrum in- teriors. the county framer. 14 King St., Clinton 482-3871' ment on Saturday, August 16. There were 12 greens - with visitors from Kincardine, Clinton, Wingham, Brussels, St. Mary's, , Stratford, Exeter, Etobicoke, Balmy Beach and Windsor; It was a beautiful, g.ftergloon for keen bowling. Three 12 -end games were PROCLAMATION OF WHICH ALL PERSONS ARE ASKED TOTAKE NNOTICE N TO ETO OVER THE EMS RN LVES DCORDINGLY OF AND IN OBEDIENCE TO HER MAJESTY'S WRIT OF ELECTION, FO ONTARIO ELECTION 40 RM 4�TT Huron. -Middlesex IF A VOLL1S DEMANDED AND GRANTED FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A PERSON TO REPRESENT THE VOTEfS IN THE •• LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF THS FOLLOWING: PQLLINGSQNS WILOL BEPECT TAB LINABLE T V TEP IN SHRD OWN POLLING SUBDIVISION ON THE PE( vLA.P. ADVANCE POLLING Q FRIDAY, SEPT. '12th SATURDAY, SEPT. 13th MONDAY, SEPT. 15 from 12 Noon to 9 P.M. from 12 Noon to 9 P.M. from.9 A.M.,'to'8 P.M. � REGULAR POLLING TO BE H U R S D A Y Septernber 18, 1975 from 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. NOMINATIO.N,•OF CANDIDATES, • THURSDAY,vSEPTEMBER 4th, 1975, AT THE OFFICE OF McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., 10 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, FROM 2.P,M. UNTIL 3• P.M. . REVISION OF -LIST OF VOTERS:VOTE S ANDrTHOE C6 TIFFICAT ON OF PERSONSIED MISSECERTIF CATESATION THE ADOPTION OF,au (NOTE FINAL DATE ) , 1 And fu• rther, titan for the purpose of revising, 'the li'st of ott-rs, as direetNd by the Chief, Election Officer, Iteturnin; Officer Russell T. Bolton will sit for revision of t•ttters' li s ar the following places: - GO1)F'If1t''li—Town llall, on Friday, Septenillt :,t h, front 10 A.M. to 12 noon. 0,,11, Monday., September Sth, front .1 P.M. ttrS 1',M. CLINTON TOW BALI.—On tiattn•tla5•, September 0. from 10 A.M. to 12,noon, EX ETER TOWN 11'1J l IJ✓ -On Saturday, September 6th, from 1 P.M. to `8 P.M. r/J �J 1 L On Tuesday, SeOtentber 9, from 10 A.A1, to 12 noon." PARKllILL Municipal Office—On Monday, S ptember Sth, from 10 On Tuesday, September lIth, from 4 P.M. to 8 P.M, SEAFOR'I'II--At the'OfflCe of McKillop Mut.tlal Fire uraln :e Co., 10 Main St., Seaforth, On Friday, September 5, from 4 P.M. to 8 P.M.I• On Tusasday, Sept. 9, from, 10 A.M. to 12 noon. On Wednesday, Sept. 10, from 12 noon to S P,M. for final revision of voters' lists and proxy certificates. A,11. to 12 noon, e• x• DEADLINE FOR PROXY CERTIFICA TION BY THE RETURNING OFFICER DEADLINE ADDITIONS TO TOE LISTR ICHANGES VOTERS SEI'1 tM�arc rvar,, THE ADDITION OF THE VOTES CAST F00 EACH CANDIDATE TAKEN FLQM THE STATEMENT OF THE POK` OFFICIAL COUNT: AS PREPARED AT EACH POLLING PLACE WILL TAKE PLACE AT 10 A.M., T ual Fire Insurance , September 25th, 1975 at Co., 10 Main Ste Seaforth Office cif n McKillop Mutual GIVEN ;llNITEa MY AAP AT. GOD S A V li THE Q U E E N Dated at Seaforth this 25th day of August, 1976 Russell T. Bolton, Returning pffieer played with termission. First prize was won by Larry McLellan and partner of St. Mary's. Second went to a local team of L-ee Ryan and Irene White: Bud and Helen Wake of Stratford came. in third with Dave Colclough, Clinton and Mary Robinson, Goderich as .his lead, fourth." A St. Mary's :team of L. Bocharrt and partner 'placed f'itth . with F red Richardson and Edith Argyle, Goderich, sixth. 4 + GOQERICI-I SIGNAL -STAR, THU,i2.SDAY,AUGUST ?I, 1975—PAM 9,. HuronfthooI custodians gel. 14.7 percent hike , Huron County board of The work which• will include education appn ved one-yeare- renovation of existing contracts Monday night giving classrooms and construction of custodians at 13 public schools industrial arts ai•d home and the board's administrative economics classrooms and a increases gymnasium was originally office here pay averaging 14.7 per cent. estimated to cost about 'sschools. Salaries will range from $8,000 to $11,000 depending on C school size and man-hours. required. "Some larger schools have union workers while So�� faCi®SSe play smaller ones have contract '� workers. The new contracts will cost In' ' tournament . "soft" championship as they edged $157550 in the 1975-76 school . lacrosse play at the Goderich the Caribous 3-2 in the final year, beginning Sept. 1 eon- Arena Monday, The Caribous game 'Randy Stoddart led the, pared with $137,350 last year: emerged 'as tit . champions', - winners with 2 goalS and Joey Five senior members of the defeating the Tomahawks 4 - t Trebish added the other. Doug board's 'administration office in the final. Cruikshank and Lou DeWinter received' increases averaging'David Ruxton - led the -tallied for the losers. 14 per cent.' The raises, also Caribous + t h two goal's while , The Tomaha°wks had effective Sept. 1, will cost the singles •re •added by Doug previously beaten the Arrows 5 - board $77,700 compared to Cruikshank and Lon DeWinter. 3 with Robbie Trebish notching., $68,100 last year. The salaries The Tomahawks' goal was the hat trick and brother Joey range close to $15,000. scored by Joey Trebish, adding two. The Arrows got two Chief custodians at the The Caribous advanced to the" goals from Mike Reynolds and • board's five high sciols final on the strength of their a single from Rick Ryan. received increases averaging undefeated' record in the In other' games, Doug about 18 -per cent which will preliminary games. They Ci-uikshank's lone goal was cost the board $55,500 in 1975-76• edged -the Arrows 4-2, with Lou enough for the Caribous as they Chief custodians are not union DeWinter and Doug shaded the Arrows 1-0; and members and the increase Cruikshank splitting the goal C►uikshaniscored twice as the brings their salaries to between g • Caribous tied the 'tomahawks h scorin and Ric�C_Ryan and $11,000 and $11,700, y Other high school custodians Dann are union iizembers and are on a contract that does not expire until next year. „ _- In addition, nine non-union clerical workers at the, ad- ministration office and in the schools received '' increases ranging from six tonearly .20 per cent. . $200,000. Trustees also turned down a request from the Goderich Pro- Life group to meet trustees and discuss a- pro-life presentation program . for Huron County aribaus beat Tomahawks dinner in-, Maillet replyingfor' the tr , losers. , They shut out the The games werepart of the Tomahawks 3-0 with Lou ,nn Ontario Lacrosse Association's DeWinter storing all ' three travelling clinic program goals. which visited Goderich Monday In the only .other games and Tuesday. Instructors were played, The Tomahawks shut Roger -Boyd and Pat Fallon of out the Arrows twice by scores Owen Sound who voiced ho• pe of. 3 0 and. 1-0. Joey .Trebish that league play . could be counted .all four goals for the „commenced next'summer. For Tomahawks. further information contact the Office staff, , whose salaries . In playTuesday afternoon, Recreation Department. currently are from $5,300 to "The Tomahawks : .•d • $6,600 annually, • will receive gained the from $5,600 to $8,100 beginning Summer 'visitor program Sept. 1. In other business, the board decided to call for tenders for the supply of six new school buses ..after .being told by transportation . manager Bob Cunningham the 'board. owns "a considerable number" of buses which are older than the ministry of education's recotnmended maximum lifespan of seven years. Architect Brian Garratt of Kyles, Kyles and Garratt Architects of Stratford advised trustees the estimated cost of renovations to Exeter Public School has risen to $257,b00• at BNPD to end :Sept. 7 The Bruce Nuclear Power development... %Development's summer visitor . ' , program "Will close for the Group tours 'for civic, . season Sunday, September 7th. educational and service Tours of- the Development, Q organizations will ' continue which includes a film, displays throughout the, year and may' and a bus tour will be available -be arranged by contacting the. to the public daily from 10:30 " Information Office at (519) 368- a. m: to 5:30 p. in. up to and 7031, ext. 3011, In addition, groups- may arrange for including September ,� th. So "far this summer, almost, speakers to "address their 20,000 people have toured meetings' on subjects relating Canada's largest nuclear to the nuclear development." HllDIE WISEWAY HOME & BUILDING CENTRE McCiary "CUISINE PAIRS" he Wisest Ehoice in Town for Home Appliances CUISINE 210 . RANGE '329.9' IN HARVEST - . CUISINE 210 -13.2 CU. FT. FROSTFREE $454 REFRIGERATOR • BU'Y THE PAIR FOR $749.95 'A LA CARTE RANGE 'IN HARVEST GOLD A LA CARTE'.- 13.2 CU. FT. FROST FREE Scf 1 �� REFRIGERATOR BUY THE PAIR FOR 5829 5348.95 • THE McCLARY BUFFET "200" 15 CU. FOOT FROSTFREE 'REFRIGtRATOR -}- Deluxe Ice Service with Bucket and Fast Freeze :funnel. ,-1- Cantilever Shelves Electric Butter Conditioner SALE 59..PRICE ALSO: THE 'MtCLARY BUFFET "20" c16 CU. FOOT FROST FREE IN HARVEST GOLD Summer Clearance! PATIO STONES 18" x 18" WHITES • 1 25 1'8" x 18" RED•CH•A T s 1 50 BROWN -YELLOW' SSulies Hurry .... pp +es SALE $514 PRICE ! 24" x 24" WHITE . 24'"-x 24" RED -YELLOW - CHARCOAL -BROWN 24" x 30''.. SIDEWALK SLABS Limited HUDIE LUMBER LTD. MEM I CHARGER PHONE 482=3441 BAYPIELD R H'OUROF MON. TO THURS. — FRI. -- 8 A.M. TO 0 P.M. SAT. D., CLINTON BUSINESS 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. �. 8 A.M.TO 4:30 P:M. master charge •.I •'MOWN 1.0 , lUn w.WCW • ry 'THE WISEST CHOICE IN TOWN' 5