HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-08-21, Page 19Iourtsts: eT the Week „ Two ladies from Chatham were selected as "Tourists of the for a while in The Town Square'and had their picture taken in, -Week" last -Thursday by -the- &ode riclr Tourist- Comthissivn�-' ---Count--House.Park. From-•left..to .right'are Margaret Renquf, They enjoyed lunch as . guests of the Commission and were Chatham; Debbie ,Hamilton, Goderich Tourist Information given a tour of the town including a brief 'visit to many of 'Booth; Lila Jackson, Chatham; Councillor Bob Allen of the Goderich's prettiest spots. Like all tourists, they remarked at. Touriz.t Commission; and Carol Hunter a student director of the number of beautiful big trees that "line the streets, par- Experience- '75 who was in Goderich last week visiting Debbie ticularly in the older sections' of the municipality.'hey stopped • Hamilton why is working under an Exprience .'75 program. SFU speaker says food roduction most urgent problem The 'Rt. Rev. David Ragg, Bishop of the Diocese of Huron Anglican Church, addressed the Regional meeting of the National Farmers Unidn • in Guelph recently.' Bishop Ragg said that the production of food is the most pressing, problem 'in "the world today. A ,special U.N. , con- ference has been called to, discuss the shortage of food in some parts ' of •the world, and a ' complete lack of food in other • parts of ' 'the world, . where deaths caused by starvation are 10,000 a week. A It is easy to blame the population, increase, problems of.transportation, poor seasons, corruption among officials, Mr. Ragg said,- and added there is probably • i semblance of truth in all of these reasons. Mr. Ragg continued: "The world is capable of feeding; itself, but not at the•expense of the farming community. It is the corporate responsibility of 'each nation to ,find out the means by which the feeding of• the world can be achieved. "We still have quotas, freezes, uncertainties for producers, but there seems to be no quotas on those who, will be left to die of starvation. The Gov iliThents will continue to look at emergencies rather than how to cure the problem. "The Provincial Govern- ments - of Alberta, Saskat- chewan and British 'Columbia have seen a responsibility in matching the conte ibutions given by voluntary agencies and 'church organizations to third. world countries." However, in Ontario they say that development aid is a Federal responsibility. "Agriculture has been part of our existence for so long that' Governments take •it for' granted. We must"have a land use policy or we will not always be on agricultural country. You cannot grow food through blacktop, ,% you cannot take O prime. agricultural land out of production,and still protluce food. You a�"'nnot put all your trust: .in expanding industry which takes over more and more land and still expect to grow food for an, expanding industrial population. "I t seems ridiculous that the Ontario Government can freeze land for parks, Hydro - con- struction, '"highways and give. lip service to the development of a- land use' policy. South- western Ontario has over half CALICO SCHOOLHOUSE • 4 miles south of Amberley on Highway 21 CRAFTS AN'TIQUES '.LOURS: Friday — 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday '-- Noon - 6 p.m. Sunday and Holidays — Noon , 9 p.m. Antiques bought and sold Phone 395-5860 of Canada's No. 1 and No. 2 land. "We mustreserve agricultural land before it is too late. Every successful nation in the developed world is based on a sound Agricultural policy. ." "We must . accept respon- sibility in 'this area. Our, children Will not be ' able to . reverse• the project, and they may face some real problems of starvation' in what was once a flourishing food producing nation." EXTRA SHOWER IN YOUR PLACE . WILLTAKE UP, VERY LITTLE SPACE 0514,00 i`5 �G•SS MBING. HEA !NG 65.KIMSSTON ST. Beef cattle day set for Ridgetown Thursday next Week The Ilth Annual South- western .Jntario Beef- Cage 'Day will he held at the Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology on Thursday, August '28. TTris year's program. includes' farm tours, demonstrations, of ternoon and evening sessions, plus a beef barbecue at 5:30 p.m 4g The 'morning -farm tour and afternoon panel discussion will deal with the use of slatted floor barns for beef operations. Silage additives and RCAT heef research results will be timely topics for those searching ways to reduce feeding costs for the upcoming cattle feeding Season; Ross Proctor of , lodmin Farms willdiscuss "Our Cow to Finished Beef Program". Bodmin Farms has suc- cessfully corribined an in- tensive ' performance testing program with a . fee,dlot operation, and the results will be of considerable interest to beth cow -calf and feedlot operators. THE BASE FACTORY, OUTLET NEW' STORE HOURS: • MON DAY through R I DAY "11 AM to 9 PM SATURDAY 9.AM to 6 PM • Closed' SUNDAYS HURON COUNTY'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE • MEN'S- B'O:YS' -LADIES'-.GIRLS''and BABY'S WEAR 'YARD GOODS -FURNITURE MATTRESSES =PAINT SEWING MACHINES -SMALL APPLIANCES -LAMPS LOCATED ON HWY NO. 4 SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY; AUGUS;f 21,107 —PA0 11 ' tr vti In •the feature address at 7 p.m., Dr', Gordon MacEachern, President of The Agricultural Econc,mics Research Council of Canada, will discuss "The Future of Beef," from both.the producer and consumer point of view, „ Graeme Hedley of the Ontario Beef Improvement Association will make a report on OBI.' activities and items of current • interest in the North American beef market. Prior to the barbecue, visitors can observe demonstration on warble fly control and growth implants. Suppliers will be on hand to discuss their prodtacts and their uses. Registration fee for•the day is $5, including the beef barbecue, More information `on th`e program is available at local offices of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, or may'be'obtained by contacting.' Don Luckham at the Ridgetown Co:lege of Agricultural Technology, Ridgetown; Ontario. C • D C Canada Development Corparaton Proposed "offering of 7% compertible;reaeemab class B preferred shares Inquiries irivi"ted: MIDLAND DOHERTY LIMITED Canada Trust Bldg. P.Q. Box 2215, Terrhinal A London, Ont. Tel. 438-1771 Please forward additional information on the CDC public offering. NAME e ADD.RE�SS CITY 1 tiA w T1� Wisest Choice 'in .Town for dour Painting Need, inWiIIiamS Top of the Une Quail Budget St hin Prices! ot, Make your decorating dollars stretch beautifully,. Paint up with- long-lasting, ithlong-lasting, top quality Kem interior/exterior paints and stains. Choice of colours and white. And priced right for thr-r-r-fifty painters. • , Aug. 21 to Aug. 31 gat o .. LAT E )USE: `A NT `fit; ry E l" Ir: of SIfITABLE FOR QRAPES, $.4 .: $� BORG' FABRIC BEDSPREADS, RUGS, PER YARD SEAT COVERS, ETC. KNITS,. TOWEL ENDS TOWELLING COTTON VELOUR BEDSPREAD ENDS B.EDSHEETS LINGERIE ENDS 'BY THE,`'POUND $ ' $2.47 .$3.97 BY THE- POUND $3.77 X77 BYTHE POUND 11.60 • BY THE POUND$2.27 $ L27 BY THE POUND KEM WOODSTAIN • • SUPER'K'EM TONE NEM LATEX GLOSS " HOUSE PAINT , NEM VELVET KEM GLO ALKYD SEMl G1- HUDIE LUMBER LTD.. 111111111011 CHARGER I,'-.. L PHONE 482-3441 BAYFIELD ,RD., CLINTON HOURS. OF BUSINESS MON. TO THURS. —8 A:'M. TO 6 P.M. ° M. A.M.. 9. . TO PMSAT. 8 A.W.TO 4:30 P. master charge 'THE WISEST CHOICE IN TOWN' t.