HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-8-30, Page 8'eta,
y irregularity of the
or Bowels may
prevent serious
conseenene es.
ea, bilious-
ness, and ver-
t ige indicat• e
e e'r t ain func-
tional derange -
malts, the best
17, emedy for
which is Ayer's Pills. Purely vege-
table, eugar-eoated, easy to take and
nick to assimilate, this is the ideal
• amily medicine—the most popular,
oae, anti useful aperient in. phare
limey. Mrs. M. A. BnocKwErm,
• Harris, Tenn., says:
t'Ayer's Cathartic Pills cured tee of sick
eadaene and my husband of neuralgia. We
kink there is
P10 Betker
nd have induced man to use it
"Xhirty-iive years ago this Spring, I was
MU (Iowa by hard work and a succession of
Olds, which made me eo feeble that it was
an effort for me to -walk. I eonsulted the
▪ Oectors, but kept sinking lower until I had.
eiglven up all hope of ever being better.
tilappeeing to be in a store, one day, where
• nsedlaines were sold, the proprietor noticed.
atay weak and sickly appearance, and, atter
a 'few questions as to my health, recom-
snended me to try Ayer's rills. I had little
taeith in these or any other medicine, but
Coaeluded, attest, to take his advice and try
7 a box. Before I had used them all, I was
very much better, and two boxes cured me,
• I am now so yettre old; but I believe that
If it had not been for Ayer's Pills, I should
e. have been in my grave long ago. I buy e
boxes every year,
which make 210 boxes up
to this time, and I would no more be with -
e out them than without bread." —H. H.
Ingrabam, Bockland, Me.
Prepered by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8: Co., Lowell, Mas&
Every Dose Effective
f?• DEAR Siets,—I amegiamakf ul to B.B.B.
fi because I am to-dtecy ,strong and well
through its wonderful blood cleansing
powers. I was troubled with scrofulous
• pots and. blemishes all over my body
and was advised to try Burdock Blood
4 Bitters. I took one bottle, with great
benefit, and can .positively say bthat
I -before I had taken half of the second
.bottle I was• •
ti .1 am so pleased to be strong and
&smithy again by the use of B.B.B. and
41 can strongly recommend it to every-
Sydney Mines, 0.13.
igetabborie interest in ma otaingt—mat,
tars or eloneent and Afro. Gathered,
Prom Me 'tette litecoefi.
American railroads have an aggregated
bonded debt of $5,405,049,969.
Complete lines of railroad were finished
between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans in
GeneraIFitejohaPorter has beenappoint-
ed cashier of the New York post -office, at
a salary of p,600 a year.
One interesting development of the trol-
ley business in New York city is the custom
of chartering cars for excursion parties.
Douglas Tilden, the famous deaf and
dearth senalptor, has returned to his Califor-
nia home from an extended. stay in Paris.
It is stated that the cigarette is respon-
sible for nearly two-thirds of the rejected
applicants at West Point and Annapolis.
Lewis Miller, President of the Interna-
tional. Association of Sunday &Moot Work-
ers, is the father-in-law of Thomas A.
Daniel K. Belknap, the Erie Railway
station agent at Hornellsville, N. Y., has
been continuously in the service of the
company for forty years.
blx-Goveraor Si. John, of Kansas, is to
become the general manager of the total
abstinence department of a life insurance
company in New York.
Bunford Samuel, assistant librarian of a
Philadelphia library, can recall instantly
the title and location on the shelves of any
nook mentioned among 110,000 volumes.
nuatberies; 1,000,000 Membere,owned10,000
eknrchea end ;3,300 parsonagee, worth hs
the aggregate $3,S,000,000. It has now 2$'
500,000 members, and owns, over 24,000
churches and nearly 10,000 parsonages,
worth its the aggregate about $125 000•000
rug Store
Efall stock of all kinds of
• bye -stuffs and package
c Dyes, constantly on
hand; Winan's
the la'
in the mark-
et and always
resh. Family recip-
•`oes carefully prepared at
tkntrai Drug Store Exete
holera Morbut
0 La, I
A.,N1 PS
vowiti_oRtiv og Anuclos..
They ore to lse Reserved as a Source Of
Fuel and Umber Supply to the
The Dominion Government ha at last
• dapped in to save eorne of the scant timber
of Manitoba from the wasteful axe of the
settler and the lumberman. It has with-
drawn from settlement all unoccupied
wooded lands west of tied river. Hence.
forth the forests on them are to be reserved
as a source of fuel and timber supply to the
entitle them to
La Tribune wee one ef the finest frig.
Mee in the English navy, She oiled from
Torbay for Htslifax, Nova Scotia, undmuer
command of Pest -Captain Samuel Barker,
and after a fast and pleasant run sighted,
early one morning, the coast in the vicinity
of the harbor to which she was bound, It
was proposed tp lay the abip to until a
pilot could be seenred, but the selling
master assured the Captain that he hat
navigated vessels many times in and oat of
the port,and was perfectly familiar with the
channel. On this assurance the command
was given to him, About noon -time the
settlers, whose permits will
James S. Escotle who has recently been
made national bank examiner for Kentucky
and Tennessee, is just 30 and is the young-
est man ever appointed to such an office.
John Tyler, jr., son of a former president
of the United States, still lives in an.
unpretentious house in New York, passing
his declining days in poverty and paralytic
R. H. Moore. of Wellsboro, Pa., who has
passed hie,81st year, climbed up the 228
winding steps in the lighthouse in Atlantic
City, and kept on without rest from start to
Miss Mary Cornelius, of Freeport, N. Y.,
has been secretly married to John Mackey,
her hired man. Miss Cornelius is said to
be worth $60,000, and is some years Mac -
key's senior.
Some one has figured that there are so
many railway lines, steam, elevated, cable
and horse cars in New York city that a per-
son may ride for six hours at a total cost of
50 cents.
Rev. Thomas Dixon, in a sermon in New
York recently, expressed his opinion that
another etrike is coming in the near future
which will affect every industry and par-
alyze the world.
President Angell, of the Boston Humane
Society, says that Professor Louis Agassiz,
the greatest scientist on the American con-
tinent, was a firm believer in the immortal-
ity of dumb animals.
The proprietor of the Parker House, Bos-
ton, in forty-six years paid to one market in
that city $8,188,906 for provisions. The
remarkable part of this statement is that
only $100,000 went for beans.
Clifford Breckinridge, of Arkansas, whom
President Cleveland has appointed Minister
to Russia, once declined to fight a duel on
the ground that he was then studying for
the Presbyterian ministry. e
John Dubel, who has been elected con.
stable of the Eighth ward, Brooklyn, is a
colored man who runs a boot blacking chair
and was put up for fun, but he will draw
$2,500 a year just the same.
New Hampshire was formerly called
Leonia. It received its present name in
1820, being first called New Hampshire by
Captain John Mason, who had been a resi-
dent of Hampshire, England.
Prince Canta.ceuzone, the new Russian
Minister to Washington, is an inveterate
traveller and chess player. He carries a
pocket board with him and is always ready
and anxious to make a move.
Mr. Clarence R. Greathouse, formerly of
San Francisco, was appointed Consul -Gen-
eral to Corea by President Cleveland in
1885. He has never been back and is,now
Postmaster -General of Corea.
Receivers have been appointed during
the six months ending in Curie for 23
United States railway companies owning
2,988 miles of road, and representing stocks
and bonds to the amount of $260,101,000.
Justice Lippincott, of the New Jersey
Supreme Court, has decided that a man
born in the United States is an alien if his
father was foreign born, and was not nat-
uralized at the time of the birth of his son.
A family of five kittens at Rome, Ga.,
was adopted by a hen, and in spite of every
effort to prevent the strange alliance the
hen persisted in her 'attentions until the
kittens were removed beyond her reach.
The total value of produce raised on the
farms of the United States is $ 3,700,000,-
000 ; of this the people of the United States
themselves consume $3,330,000,000 worth,
and ship alsreN $370,000,000 worth.
Secretary Carlisle stated in Washington
"that from October, 1893, to June 30,
1894, only 7,771 immigrants came in
through Canada, whereas the number had
previously. ranged from 40,000 to 50,600
A Boston lady has embarked in a multi-
farious occupation. In the four coiners of
her cards are inscribed "Solicitor of insur-
ance." " Kirmess manager ;" " Rubber
coats and cloaks to measure," Bicycles to
order, any style."
Within the last six years the annual pro-
duction of beet sugar in the States has in-
creased from 500,000 to 45,000,000 pounds.
California growers place the value of the
crop, at $65 to $125 an acre, and the cost of
productiori at $17 an acre.
There is a modest but well-equipped arse
nal at the Grand Central Station in New
York city ready for use in any suddeh em-
ergency, and probably eufficient to protect
life and property until the police or militia
could be brought to the scene.
John T. Blair made the first few dollars
of hie fortune of $20,000,000 by trapping
muskrats audrabbits and selling their skins.
He became a clerk in a country store at the
age of ten and at seventeen he had a Store
of his own, With a oath capital of $500 and
a good commercial reputation,
A conductor on a Pattereon,N.J., trolley
ear has given up his position becauee ho is
ehort of stature. life was of such at mall
height that, when he wanted to ring the bell
he hed to jump for the bell cord, acid the
reenarke of passengers were So insulting
A Youtaul Hero-
ship struck on Thrum Cap Shoals, and
take only dry and fallen trees. The, ,shortly after this the wind, which had been
deforesting of Manitoba and the North- blowing from the eoutheast, increased to a
West has proceeded rapidly since the gale. The vessel was at once lightened by
opening up of the country. There forests throwing overboard all the guns, and at
had not to be got rid of to make room for nine o'clock that night, at the height of
the tide, she Is as floated off the shoals, but
farms, as in Ontario, but they had, to be
drawn on for fuel, lumber, rails, etc., and
the lumbermen and sealers little reeked
what became of the timber belts after pres-
ent urgent needs were satisfied. A permit
to take timber seemed to be regarded as a
license to make as much hevoc as possible
among the growing trees on Crown lands.
Settlers from the Western provinces, where
within their own memory timber was treat-
ed as a thing that merely
He who merely, knows right priaciptes is that) he Was fOreed to resige,
Ot Osumi to hitri 'wire icetser thene.—sCon. At the Close of the tear, less than thirty
I Yeare ago, the tilethodiet Episcopal Church
were probably more extravagant of the
North -West's wood resources than settlers
from the Old Country. Before Manitoba
was opened up to settlement we in this
province had come to realize the folly of
ruthlessly destroying our forests. Our
experience should have warned the Govern-
ment to reserve the wooded areas of the
new country. Several of these areas are
broken up by land grants to the railway
companies. To met back these sections and
restore the solid wooded blocks the Crown
would now have to pay the railway com-
panies' price, which is not likely to be a low
one. The roads are no doubt glad enough
to help irrigation schemes, but more Irriga-
tion will be neceasary in the future if the
country's forests are swept away. It is
possible that the corporations holding land
grants in the wooded tracts may perceive
it to be in their own haterett to co-operate
with the Government for the preservation
and extension of these tracts. If so, it will
be easy for the Government to carry out
its new forest policy in the North- West
as well as in Manitoba. With all the diffi-
culties that may be in the way, it is easier
to save and enlarge a forest than first to
clear it away and replace it by a new one.
In some of the North-Western States, not-
ably in Dakota, the greatest encouragement
is gieen to tree-pla.nting.by both the State
and Federal Governments, but the treeless
area remains treeless, despite the liberal
bounties and land grants for treeplantations.
Consequently Dakota agriculture declines,
In the North-West
to protect them from Winds which are cold
and drying. Forests are needed also as a
cover to the sources of moisture. The
North-West is cut off by the Rocky
mountains from the moisture -laden winds
of the Pacific, and is too far away from the
great lakes to receive any of their aqueous
vapour. The country requires a circulation
of its own. Forests are needed to keep the
reserve of moisture that will ensure the
country rainfall. If there had been forests
in the West,there would have been no need
of irrigation works there. Little of the
forest is cleared away to reclaim the land
for agriculture, as a great part of the wood-
ed lands would be scarcely more suitable
for farming if they were cleared than they
are now. Settlers, however, prefer to
take homesteads near a bush, which they
can go to for fuel, rails, and building
materiaL The dry wood will probably
accumulate fast enough for these purposes,
and its removal will keep the forests pro-
tected from another destroyer, that is, fire.
For some weeks prairie fires have been
frequent in the south-western part of
Manitoba, where they have entered the
timber reserves and done great destruction.
In a country whose winters are cold and
whose wood is scarce, it would seem that
the settlers could be trusted to economize
their fuel and cultivate its yield,bu t even the
lairs relating to prairie fires' appear to be
disregarded. This is the fault of their not
being strictly enforced.
A Yacht With Twelve Men on hoard
Sinks Near St. John, N. 11,—Pour Res-
A despatch from St. John, says :--
The yacht race for the corporation cup
started at noon on Tuesday. Five boats
competed. The courne extended a few miles
outside the harbor. There was quite a stiff
breeze blowing at first; but when the boats
got outside the wind died out, and on the
home stretch they were becalmed. The
yacht Primrose, sailed by Samuel Hutton,
boatman for the Customs Department, had
on bdard twelve men. About a mile off
Manawgonieh Island she was becalmed,
hetesuddenly a heavy squall came on, ac-
hompanied by hilt. Before anything could
be done the Primrose was strusk, and in a
few minutes she filled and sank head first.
Hutton shouted out to the men to look out
for themselves. Then there commenced a
ecramble for life. Only four out of the
twelve managed to keep afloat until the
jades' tug boat put in an appearance, and
they were in the water about half an hour.
The drowned were Samuel Hutton, James
Hurley, Frei Priest, William /Cassell,
Henry Hoyt, Henry Bartlett, Albert
Akerley and George Heathfield, All were
young men between 20 and 26 years, except
Hutton, and Hurley, both of whom leave
Japan Preparing ta114 the StrOAR
awes Of wes,mat-Weliss ExtrorellAnary
rreparations ISeitate Made to lOorentl
Roil 14E4 anti sea.
The Shanghai correspondent of the Cen-
tral News gives it gloomy view of affairs
at Wei-HwisWei, the fortified city on the
Shantring promentory. There is little
donbt that the Japanese intend. to attack
this Chinese stronghold ehortly despite the
traditiorrof the Chinese that the place le
impregnable. The lightalong the pro.
montery have been extinguished and the
buoys have been removed, and the Chinese
are constantly adding to the defence by
laying torpedoesand mbinarine mines.
Nevertheless on three successive nights in
the lest week the Japanese torpedo boats
have entered the harbor and reconnoitred
the forts, The crews of the Chinese tor.
ped o boats, which lie In the harbor, had no
inkling of the nearness of the enemy until
the Japanese vessels were leaving. The
Wei -Hai -Wei forts then opened fire, but it
was too late to -accomplish anything.
with rudder gone and seven feet of water In. successpeTtijonssgroef a these si)i a pour e:hJearnmeenecx;
the hold. By heroic; exertions the ship was a'
of the army in the impregnability of Wei -
kept afloat for an hour, when she lurohed Heiswee The supposition is thatthe
and rolled once or twice like a drunken Japanese are preparing for a combined
person, and went down near a line of per-
pendicular .cliffs against which the waves
broke. More than two hundred and fiftY
human beings were left struggling in the
sea, some of whom were immediately
drowned; others were dashed against the
rocks to leeward, while about one hundred
succeeded in prolonging their existence by
laying hold of the shrouds and mounting
wise and family. Hutton was one of the
famous Paris crew. The accident coming 'I
so close after the fatal drowning accident
on Sunday caste a gloom over the city.
One of the eervivore described the scene
as heartrending. Hutton was seen Mount.
ing the crest of a wave, when atother sea
came along and carried him away, Some
others became entangled in the gear. When
the boat was sinking all bands rushed to
L, stern mod envie elimbed up the Mast
as she went clown.
taugh if you are wise.—Martial.
Oaken Cr' for Pitcher's Castoria
the topnaasts, which remained above water
after the vessel sunk. During the long,
cold, stormy night that followed many be-
came exhausted and dropped into the sea.
About midnight the mainmast, where fifey
persons had found safety, gave way and fell
over the side, only about a dozen of the
crew succeeding in regaining the ship.
Before morning dawned all but twelve of
the crew of two hundred and fifty men that
had manned the vessel a few hours before
had been swept away. In the early light
it was discovered that the vessel had been
wrecked near the entrance to a fishing -
place known as Herring Cove the inhabi-
tants of which soon congregated on the cliffs
to gaze pityingly and helplessly at the
scene of the awful tragedy, and to see the
few despairing men who yet clung to The
broken and swaying spars. The wind con-
tinued to blow heavily. Masses of water
were torn from the tops of the rushing seas
and hurled through the rigging of the wreck
with a force that threatened each moment
to knock the seamen into the waves that
seemed to leap at them only a short dis-
tance below. As the morning passed the
wind and sea went down a little, and it
was proposed by the women that their
husbands should try to rescue the survivors,
but the fisherman declared that they could
do nothing in such a frightful sea—that a
boat could not live ,in it. Shortly after
this a small dory with a single rower was
seen to shoot out from the cove, and pull
in the direction of the wreck. Time and
again a huge sea would rush down upon the
frail craft as though to dash it back into
the cleft in the wall of the rock from which
it had emerged, then the next moment the
boat would be swung high on the mighty
roaring crest, with the fearless rower drita
ing it ever on. ,
At last he approached so close to one of
the reeling masts that two of the seamen
dropped into the skiff, then, fearing to
burden her further, he made his way back
to the cove, and ran his dory up' on the
beach. It then appeared' that the brave
rescuer was a boy of thirteen years, named.
Pierre Leroux, the son of an absent fisher-
man. As soon as his boat was empty be
again shoved off on his errand -of rescue;
but this time he was not permitted to make
the perilous voyagh alone, for the fisher-
men, stimulated by his conduct, had hur-
ried to the shore, manned one of their
fishing -boats, and put off. On coming up
with the young hero they took him on
board, keeping his boat in tow for the use
of such of the seamen as could not be car-
ried in their own dory. In this way all
were brought safely asnore;yet just before
they landed the gale increased with such
fury that in less then fifteen minutes after
the rescue the two remaining masts fell in
to the sea, and were quickly dashed into
splinters against the crags. Had it not
been for the gallant example set by Pierre
Leroux not a man would have been saved
from the frigate ;La Tribune.--]Harper's
Young People.
land and sea attack on the stronghold.
The garrison is being increased to meet such
an attaok, and heavy guns are being added
to the artillery in the interior line of de-
*Story of the Earthquake in Constanti-
nople—The Sultan's Paiarites Gated
on by a Glaour—Row They Were Pun-
Odd stories are coming from teonstantinople
in connection with the recent earthquake.
One has been told of Gjuosuf Block, physi-
cian of the Sultan. The earthquake dam-
aged the part of the ialace in which he
lives, and suddenly two favorite wives of
the Sultan were' precipitated thorough the
ceiling into the doctor's room. All three
fled frorn the building before it collapsed,
and found the Sultan himself in the court-
yard. The stern practice'of Islam left the
Sultan no choice but to tie up his two wives
in a sack and plunge them into the Bos-
phorue, they having been gazed upon by a
profane Gia.our. Fortunately, the Sultan
cherished affection for both of them,, and
having consulted the Grand Mufti, he saw
his way to have them punished symboli-
cally. They were put into the sacks, which
were properly sewed up and duly taken to
a sequestered spot on the bank o of the Bos-
phorus, and in the presence of a number of
praying Islam+ gently dipped into the soft
blue waters, after which the women were
deemed to be purified. They were then
removed to a new home and restored to
their conjugal rights,.
He Was Interested.
• de—"You seem to find something very
interesting in that paper. What are you
reading l"
Husbend--" 'The Woman'S Page.'"
"Well, I am glad you have at last awak-
ened to the vast importance of woman's
plane in '
"Yesy ihdeed. I've struok some inighty
fine cooking receipts'."
One should not quarrel with a dog with'
out a reason Sufficient to' vindicate one
through all the courts of morality.—Goldsmith,
The foreigners who are employed in the
Wei -Hai -Wei arsenal are leaving the place.
Nearly all the Englishmen and Scotchmen
have gone, and within a few days Only
natives are likely to be left in the shops.
The feeling against foreigners is running
high among the military of the oity. The
soldiers have fired several times upon the
foreigners who were leaving the shops, and
have been checked only with difficulty by
their officers, All the foreigners are re -
preached and insulted as they depart.
None of them have been wounded as yet,
but their escape has been due almost solely
to the strenuous efforts of the officers who
have been charged with responsibility for
their safety. The main Japanese squadron
has been sighted again in the Gulf of
Peohili, Natives of seaports have been
forbidden to uee Japanese coins. • .
nAp bHas.ts proved
U enormous
•sale that it is
The best value for
the Consumer
of any soap in the market,'•
Millions of women throughout the
world can vouch for this, as it
Is they who have proved its
value. It brings them less
labor, greater comfort;
The Billie of Minions of Lives
Significance of the Peculiar Trend or the
Great Inland LakeS.
The close observer of a reliable map of
North America will notice a line of lakes
whose general trend or line of direction is
about parallel with that of the Rocky
Mountains. These lakes begin well up on
the Arctic frontier, with the inland body of
water known as Great Bear Lake, and con-
tinue on down diagonally through the
Dominion of Canada until they.ternainate
in the great bodies of water that in part
form the northeastern boundary of the
-United States. This peculiar lake system
—for a system it really is—continues until
it reaches the drainage of the Mississippi
River system and then is lost or terminates
In minor lakelets that are not worthy of
location on an outline map. It is worthy
of note that the Hudson Bay water system
has communication clear through the Arctic
Ocean, and this also fairly parallels the
lake chain under consideration, lining with
the Pacific Coast and the great mountain
range. Even Baffin's Bay and Davis
Strait do the came, and in this systematic
water trending there is a great physical
Now what is the meaning, what is the
genesis of what, accurately speaking, is
known as a lake? What was the agency
that made these reservoirs, which do not
involve the principle nor have the nature
of oceanic depressions? These lakes, large
and small, even down to the lakelets of
New York. Pennsylvania and Ohio'have
on one of their sides a more or less abrupt
embankment and another side where dry
land is - approached by marshiness. The
most rational thing we can do in accounting
for them on the lines of physics, is to accept
them as the imprints of stranded fee fields
which pushed their way southward until
resistance became too great, then stopped,
while the shallower bodies moved on. There
is not a physical feature in physical North
America that contradicts the theory of
terrestrial changes of centres of gravity and
the consequently tilting ocean, the "spoor"
of which action is simply so colossal that our
diminutive minds, accustomed to the small
affair in the gossip of history, fail to grasp
the mighty significance. '
The great tracks that come down through
the Canadian Dominion are as plain as if the
path had been trodden by the feet of omnie
potence. We mammalials that could only
come when conditions had become quiescent,
when the cataclymal sweep were very wide
apart, must nOt forget that eternal nature
knows us only as a part of a Series of minor
incidents in her creative processions and
endless repetitions.
,1,417, dpg
I, lilt(
Moil Headache is a malady which
makes its appearance most frequently
in women. The attack often begins
in the morning, upon awakening,
after a night of restlessness or heavy
sleep; though it is especially wont
to occur' in connection with emotional
disturbances, such as excitement,
fright or mental strain. The pain is
usually localized, being in one or
the other, more frequently the left
-side of • the head. It is generally
accompanied by great disturbance of
the stomach, when light pains the
eyes; noises otherwise unnoticed
inflict punishment; odors excite
nausea. From the fact that people
with strong nerves are never troubled
with Sick Headache, it is generally
conceded by the most eminent phy-
sicians that it is dependent upon
weak nerves or nervous debility, and
can only be permanently cured by
strengthening the nervous system.
The Great South American Nor'
vine Tonic is the only remedy menu-
factured which is prepared especially
and expressly for the nerves. It
acts directly on the nerve centres at
the base of the brain, correcting any
derangement there may be, greatly
Increasing the supply of nervous
energy or nerve forge, giving great
lee ^
FOR MAN OR Beds's% s,
Certain in its creeds and never busteras
Reed proofs below:
L. I., San. 16,1894. ,
Dr. iv.gragrz
ocnadtiteit—I bought a 0P1ead1cl bayhotse some
time ego with a Spavin, Igot him tor $30. I teed
Koridan'S epavel °Oro. The Spavin Is tone how
and I have been Offered $1110 for the Beane horse.
50 Worth Of EatitlaWS Sp4Vin Otte,
I only bedyhoturnient:ely7elcs, to ewe! a$.1230rAfnsorotir
:gran, Deo. 1G ISIS.
S, Mum= Co,
haVe used yoUr Xendon's Spavin Cure
with good sueeess foe! Curbs on two horgeS hiad
it laethe beSt Liniment Mayo ever used, •j•
4 rt Yeats triny, Atrottx Femunnot.
PrIee Al per Pettit).
ger Sale by all Deuggists, or address
• bp. 13 J AlgArbAil: cOAVA,Arri)
tone to the whole body, and thereby ,
enabling a system subject to Sick
Headache to withritand future attaokst •
It gives relief in one day • and'
speedily effects a permanent cure,
Mrs. Ieabella S. Graham, of
Friendswood, Indiana, writes: "For
a number of years I have suffered
intensely with Nervous and Sick
Headache; had hot flashes, was
sleepless and became despondent.
Dr. Faris, of Bloomington, Indiana,
spoke so highly of South American
Nervine that I was induced to buy a
bottle. That purchase led to a few
others, and now I sleep soundly, feel
buoyant, strong and vigorous: I
would not be back in the condition I
was in when I began taking this
medicine for any sum you could
Mrs. 3. H. Prouty, of La Grange,
Ineliana, writes: "Your South Amer-
ican Nervine worked a marvellous
cure with me last year. I began
taking it last April about the 20th:
The first week I made a gain of 10
lbs. and from that time on I made a
steady gain until I reached ray
normal weight, making in all a total
gain of 00 lbs. After taking it throe
or four months I found myself it
wait woroon.1
,0. L'UtZ 'Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent for Exeter.
Dn. MoDiamain, Agent, Rensall.
seece;t ,
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