HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-8-30, Page 7•
ANSST 4.6410V,A,Gle414r VOit:
xao WISSIetilitte ASSITEANOS co
PANIC, ot Toronto; alto) for he.
01.44 ettelettee Jen teteMeestelee of London
egland .seeLt ereele, eteSteRANelte QOM*
Asteeof Ettglaed,
We At re showing Sample 1..`iota of ehoice
Itiegers Perfume,
We are showing a nice line of Hair
We are showing a cheap line of Toilet
• Soaps.
We are showing a line of Combs.
We show is, thie line of Tooth Brushes
We are offering a Snap in. Whisks.
We have towlines in Sponges.
We keep Tooth Picks and sell then't
We keep Chamois Skins, best quality,
You may need some of the above, call
and wt will try and please you,
1..1 T.7" S
° --AT THE --
Big Baal:rapt Stiro
20 pieces Dress Goods regular
price from I oc to 25c. ; clearing
price, your choice for 5c. This
• is by far the best bargains we
hare ever offered in low priced
oods. Cothe and see.
58c. per yard is our ,tticlearing
price for a Black Pure Wool Silk
Finish Henrietta worth in any
regular store 85c. Yes, bring
along a sample of the best 85c.
Henrietta you can find and if
our $8c ,is not as 'good pass us
byi , .
Remember we beat in all our
groceries. 14 pound sealer
Forest City baking powder for
2oc. ; 3 lb.' box soda biscuits for
22c. , 4 lb. best ginger snaps for
25c. ; .6 bars Dingman's electric
soap for 25c. ; 5 bars of castile
or oatmeal soap for 25c. ; 3 box-
es best matches for 25c. ; best
carpet tacks for 3c. a box;
Royal Yeast largest box for 6c ;
Essences, largest bottle for 6c. ;
pure black pepper, best quality
loc. a .1b. ; 4oc uncolored Japan
tea for 2oc. ; 45c. uncolored
Japan tea for 25c. • .
Come td us and save money
J. A. Stewart.
Notice to Times' Readers.
The publishers would esteem it a favor if
roatlers would,when making their purchases,
. mention that they saw the merchant's admit..
tiiement in THE hairs.
NOTICE -All business announcements
notices of pablio meetings, entertainments
auction sales, etc., appearing in these local
columns will be °harried for at the rate of five
<rents par line Bath insertion. Black heading
to count as three lines. Cash with order save
to persons having open aocoantrt. To Insure
change of' advertisements in current issue copy
muet he handed into °Moe on Tuesday.
SUNDAY Suer. Sed, 1894.
Anniversary and Harvest Thanksgiving
Special Musics '
Voluntary _ Catkin
Te Daum ."Woodward
Bats solo I eke Mr. Nellie
Soprano solo Mrs. Runt.
▪ •
Benediotas Holden
• 11 A.m. Kyrie.61eieon iite3 South
• Offertory '0 for the wings of
a dove" Mendlesohhon
Cornet Solo and Trio Messrs.
Oke, Gidley and Davis.
Violin Solo and Duet Messrs.
• .L and A. Davidson
Organ Solo "Vienna March"
7 r. s.
Choral service with full Choir and Or-
Opening Vaiunts.ri C ;Catkin
Itesponsee with organ accompaniment Elliott
Proper Psalms, chanted, 65,114,145.
Captate and Deus 13unnett
Anthem "Praise the Lord for this Good
nets" from eleattetan."
Soloists Mise Davidson and Mrs. Billings
Closing Voluntary "Maroh'of the „Minstrels"
ridge of Toronto, Superintendent church of
England Missions.
Seats Free. All Welcome,
A Toronto centemporary states that
the pork packing industry has taken a
firm hold In the regions north of that
city. The farmers find the industry
profitable: They sell the pigs at from
$4 to $1 75 live Weight. Instead of
disposing of their wheat and barley at
present low prices, they are feeding the
grain to them pigs and converting it
into pork, The farmers claim they get
one dolled a bushel for all the wheat
they feed to their hogs. The business
is waking tin all over the country: as
'Well as hi Exeter, g A
_Several cattle pasturing inthesWanins,
of Hay had to be Shot last week, owing
to their havng become mad for the
Want of water,
The Oke homestead in the 2nd eon.
teesien of the towliship of Uaborne was
sold by entitle Leetion ) onSaturday
last, and was purchased by VVM. Oke for
IfillISOPAZAUGUST 30th, 1804.
Pintos sre a fair prop. .
•Town coupe I met on Tuesday evening,
The rttift yesterday was,401.439mie
or to all, •
Fernier; report Peta(ees SO poor that
you can gee their ribs.
A. lodge of the United Workmen has
been organized in Zurich, '
D. R. Ross, of Embro, threshed a
crop of 2,00,e bushels ortoats, an average of
50 bushels to the acre.
Married men predominate in the Bri-
tish Hottee of Commons, but in the Cana -
(Ilan liouse,59 per center the members are
A. West Nissouri farmer, while in Lon
-don Monday attempted to atop a runa-
way team, whenehe was knocked down
and inetantly killed.
Next Monday will be Labor Day and will
be observed as a public holiday through-
out Canada. Farmers /tied others will
govern themselves accordingly,
, One of the workmen onthe dredge now
, operating in the swamp in Hay township
had his face cat open yesterday by a
stick of timber falling upon him.
Spell. Bros. of the Exeter Packing
House have recently placed in their
establishment several labor saving devicee
for the handlingof the bogs and cured
The two year old baby girl of Joseph
Comber of London while playing about
the yard Tuesday fell through the cover.
ing of an old well to the bottom, a distance
of 27 feet. Shewill likely die.
Fred. Green of Stephen, while assisting a
veterinary to throw a horse on Tuesday,
the animal kicked him on the side of the
head fracturing the base of the skull. Mr.
Green was insensible for three hours:
The late Abraham Patrick, who died in
London township a few weeks ago was in
no way related to Mrs. John Beacom of
Goderich township, as was reported. Her
father is known as Squire Patrick.
A couple of enterprising gentlemen in-
tend starting a fruit evaporating establish-
ment in Exeter this fall. This will give
employment to a large number of young
men and girls. They are prospecting for
A Toronto correspondent wries,-"Mr.
O. Parker, of Roswell avenue, has secured
the contract to build a handsome residence
for Mr. Trick, on ayenue road, opposite
Yorkeille ttyenue " Ur, Triolie was ,a
former, resident of Exeter., --
While driving seross tne graaolithic
walk at the Central Hotel Tuesday, land-
lord Acheson's horeteelipped and fell pros'
trate on the ground. ft recovered its feet
in a, few minutes, and beyond a fevr bruises
is none the worse.
An exchange says: "If one men starts
to pay his debts it puts a row of men a
half -mile long in Motion, each one starting
to pay his. It may be that you are the
man in the row that has stopped' the
motion. If you owe one, pay him.
A successful garden party was held on
Messrs. Daunoey and White's lawns, on
Friday evening last, under the auspices of
the Main street church. The attendance
was quite large. A. pleasant evening wee
spent by all present.
We record this week the death of Mr
Isaac Reid, father of Mrs, Harness, town,
which occurred on Friday last Mr. Reid
had attained a good age and haying been
ill for some weeks his death was expeoted
He at one time lived at Crediton and Bay-
field. His remains mire interred in the
Exeter cemetery on Sunday.
Saturday next, will be Sept. le, the
opening of the duck shooting season.
Chief Gill, Deputy Game Warden is on the
look out for poachers, and any caught
violating the game laws will be punished.
These game wardens are no respecters of
persons, as in Toronto last week two clergy-
men were caught violeting the law and
heavily fined.
A cripple named MeGaw, who has been
paying a continuous game by getting up
charity concerts to enable him to get some
appliance that would permit of his walk-
ing, made a recent appearance at Orange•
vine, but only about 40 people attended
the concert. He is evidently a systematic
fraud, and if we mistake not tried the
dodge here a2few months ago..3
The swamp fires are causing uneasiness
in Exeter, having reathed the bush just
west of tbe station. The flames are be.
ing 'Closely wa,t :hal and the ground plowed
to prevent their spreading to the G. T. R.
property and grain merchants,' ware-
houses, Nothing but a heavy rain can
prevent serious damage throughout
Stephen and Hay townships.
it took flee teams and waggons to
Move the merry %around to Clinton ton
Tuesday. Four had been engaged but
owing to one team having a load of nearly
four tons, a fifth rig had to be employed.
They carried considerable money out of
Eletet 'with theireiouocent amusement.
Every town should prepare a special by-
law and impose a fee proportionate to
their receipts.
A. meeting of the medical men of the
Huron district (comprising the comities of
Huron end Perth) was held at Clinton on
Wednesday last to nominate a representa-
tive in the Ontario Medical Council, vies
Dr. Bruce Smith, of Seaforth, whose rte.
pointment on the Hamilton asylum staff
prevented nis continuing the nomination
accorded. him last January. Dr. Gann was
warmly pressed to run, but declined in
favor of Dr, Graham, of Bruseels, who Virtts
The electric light shone forth in Exeter
foe the first time on Thursday evening,
arid suddenly we were brought from dark
noes into light. The are lights which are
2000 candle power worked well from the
first, and persons from London and other
places say it is the best light they have
gem- • The iticaadescent lights are not
yet perfect, the pulleys being wrongly
arranged to give the dynamo proper speed.
When everything is properly adjusted ,
Exeter will have the finest electric Ugh
in the Province.
Bush fires in Stephen and ao,/ are
prevalent at present and, if tbc dry weather
continues, may do much harm yet. It is
a pity to see burned and wasted what little
standing timber the country' can yet
boast of, and a little oorisideratioa would
show that it would be wise at this time
of the year to carefully wetch all fires
that may be put out. The two swamps
are being destroyed and farmers in the
neighborhood are losing considerable by
da melee to fences and buildings,
the sum *of $5,560. It contains 100 aeree4 it, It 0. cures sick headache,
and is a fleet class term.
• Persoeitis,
•MW. . Clarke Of Leaden, vialted
Mends in town en timidity, He vox on
his tvey home feom a visit among relatiVaiii
north,--hdr J140100 11401001 of VetfOit,
le under the patental roof, g will re,
Melte upwards of a Montle -40. 11. W.
theetty of &oink, )r,, is visiting friends
In Own, Mrs. Joule), has been. Viniting
her mother itere for Some weelts.-elr.
dtelm Weataway f Owen Sound, toeether
with his wife aati fatuity drove from that
piste() to Exeter Etat week, in three days,
They are guests of Mr._ _Segel \Vesta way
,t eveningfetle -0 zieeer L. De 4. Min, s athe uva Main'
Mettediet church last Sunday, --Mr.
wm. Pickard of Seaforth, was In town
over Sinnlay visiting friencia.-elfss Belle
Coiling of London, has returned home
after spending a plellSelat visit with to.
latives in town.---elies Mortloeit return,
to -day from her visit to Hamilton and
Stratford. -Miss Gertrude Kemp has re-
turned from limiting Me. Patt, at Merri.
ton. -Mr. Thos. Collins of Watford, has
gone home after a month's visit with his
grandmother, Mrs, Tem pleton.-Mre. Ward
has returned from a pleasant Visit among
friends in London.. -Rev D. M. Ramey
wife and family, of Mount Forest, are
visiting friends in town at present, Mr.
Ramsay has a month's leave of absence. -
Mr. Reg, Elliot, eon of Mr. 13 V Elliot
has been appointed manager of the
Mekong Bank at Toronto Junction. Mr.
Elliot entered upoa this calling in the
Exeter branch not many years ago, and
by energy, faithfulness and proficiency
has attainee that elevetion so rarely
achieved in so short a service. We join
Mr. Eldet's many friends here in con-
gratulation, and can compliment the
bank on havine numbered among its
managers so worthy a gentleman. True
merit will always assert itealt-The Misses
Hobbit's of London, age guests at Mr.
John Fartmerte-Mr, Ala Snell has re-
turned tit St. Thomas. -Mr, Wm. Follaud
who a few weeks ago visited London to
Ii eve the doctors pronounce on a throat
trouble, has returned home, considerably
improved in healtle-31r. and Mrs. G. A.
K. McLeod have returned from a pleasant
visit among friends in Seaforth.-Mrs.
John Blatchford visited her mother in
Lucian this week to join in a family re-
union on the occasion of a visit from a
brother in the west who had not been
„home for a number of years -Miss M. V.
White presided at the organ in the Main
St. Church on Sunday last in the absence
at elm Blateleford -ale W. E. Gundy
of Ridgetownes visiting friends in toms. -
Miss Ida Dempsey of Luau is speeding a
week under the parental roof.--Sfr. and
Mrs. T. A. Brown who have bean spend•
ing vacation in Bowantaville, Orono and
other places, returned home Satnrdatr.--
J. A. Stewart is on a purchasing tour in
Teronto. -Mr W. J. Clarke of Toronto,
is the gaest of hie brother, J. P. Clarke. --
Mr. Robt. Paitereon, jr., and wife of Hen-.
Ball, visited Mr, D. Miller on Sunday. -
Miss Edith Verity of Brantford, is visiting
friends in town. --Mn. Alex. Tait, who
has been visiting in Clinton, • returned
home Friday eyening.-Mr. Russell Man-
ning, has returned from a prolonged. Visit
with friends in Clinton. The New Era
says, for some reason, it was with reluct-
ance that he left that town -Mies Mary
Friend of London, who has been visit-
ing friends and relatives here, returned,
home on Wednesday. -Mr. Thos. Green -
Wood, of Whitewoad, Man., is the guest
of her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. T. West -
Gott. -Mrs, Miners and two children
of London, spent last week the guests
of Mrs. J. Dauncey, town. -Mrs.
Alfred Bayley of London, is the guest
of her mother, Mrs. Penhale.-Mr.
Ovens of Ailsa Craig, was the guest of
Miss Jones on Sunday last. ---Miss Lella
Ross is visiting friends:en London. -Mr.
Jones, late manager of the Exeter
Creamery leaves for Quebec District in a
few days. -J. W. Broderick visited
friends in London the past week. -Mr.
Wm. Grigg of St. Thomas, is visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grigg,
town. -Mr. Geo. Heaman, who left last
fall for British Columbia, for the
benefit of his health, has returned home
somewhat improved. He reports things
quiet out there. -Mr. W. A. Gregory,
of Elora, is visiting under the- parental
roof for a few weeks. -Miss 0, Sweet
who spent the past few weeks with
friends in London, returned home on
Saturday evening. -Miss Miller has re-
turned from a pleasant visit among
friends in Hensel/. -Miss Ball, of Wood-
stock, is the guest of Miss Smith at
"Springhurst" farm. -Miss Reid late
of Petrolea, has been engaged as one
of the assistants in the Exeter Pablic
School, in the room of Miss Ferguson,
deceased. -Mr. John Darling, left on
Monday for Durham, where he has
secured a lucrative position in a drug
store. Mr. Darling has been in the
employ of his present employer on
several °coulees, his worth being
apparently appreciated. -Mrs. C. Hoare
of Clinton, is t isiling her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. James Snell, town. --E. J.
Spackman was in Toronto this week. -
Reeve Bawdea was in Clinton last week
looking after his ,real estate there. -
Mrs. James Ross and daughter Edith,
of Clinton, are on a two Weeks' visit to
Mrs. Brooks, here.- Miss Roxie Eacrett
of Exeter who has been visiting friends
in Wingbam returned home on Monday.
-Mrs. Wm. Copp of Seaforth is visiting
her brother's Messrs George and John
C udmorEe-Rev. Turnbull and family of
Goclerich visited Mr. Turnbull's parents,
town, last week. -Mrs, Ellwood of Hen-
s all is visiting hergeand parents Mr. and
Mrs.A. Aelan..--IVIrs., Elliot has returned
home from Grand Bend. -Rev, Dr
Mockridge of Toronto, Supt. or English
church Missions will preach in the Trivitt
Memorial Church next Sunday.--Hrs.
B. Woolley and family of Point E lward,
are visiting at Mr. L. Day's. -Miss
Alee ender of L en clon, is theguest of Mrs
Ward. -Miss Ada Tom is visiting friends
in London. -Mrs. Win. Bearden visited
fiends in Goderich last week.
There died in Hay township yester-
day, one of the pioneers of this a eCtion
in the person of Petri* A. O'Brien in
the 68rd year of his age. Mr. 0' fide n
had been ill fOr some years and his death
was expected. He was born in London
township and has been a resident of
Hay township for forty years and was
widely known for his geniality, .
and public spiritedness. He
leaves a wife and family of grown-up
children who have the sympathy of
the community. His remains will
be interred in the Rodgervi4
cemetery to.clay (Thursday ,)
The 5 year old daughter of Mr, and
Mrs, Harry Maims,' of Oeuitrahia, died. on
Tuesday of diphtheria.
I• kopertY ICItn‘Uifelk
Mr. Chas, Snell, sr., on Tuesday pur,
chased of Mr, Thus, Gregory/ the store
and residence attaelied, and lately oe-
(styled by Mr- Ilichs, paying therefor
0.0,000. Mr.. Snell will reeve the
exPreee and his Other ofiles into the
building. He Will aloe have a private
compartment for the • Division Court
busainess.-14r, Fulton of near London
this week purchased of Ur. Garland the
residence occupied by Mr John Dar»
line, on Andrew St., paying therefor
the sunlof $000. Other properties in
town aro about to change halide as
severto families will move into town
io a few weeks. ••
trievitt Memorial S. S. Picnic.
The annual picnic iii eonnection
with the Triyitt Memorial Church
Sunday School took place in Reeve
Bawden's grove on Thursday afternoon
last, and under the very able manage-
ment of the Rector Rev, E. W. Hunt
and the ladies and teachers, Too much
praise cannot be given for the manner
in which the whole affair was conducted.
Swinging and other amusements were
conducted in the forepart of the after-
noon and in the evening a very fine
programa of sports was indulged in,
when a number of tine prizes were given
tie the winners in the different games:
Boy's race under 16 years, Alex. Stew-
art, Wellington Westeott, Isaac Bissett.
-Girl's race under 10 years, Susan Case,
Ada Newton, Ida Newton. Girl's race
under 12 years, (10 entries), May New-
ton; Vera Hawkshaw; Olive Westcott.
Bey's race under 12 years, (8 entries),
Edgar Westcott; Alfred Peterson, Frank
Dennis. Boy's cup race, (10 entries),
Alex. Stewart. Girl's cup race, Ada
Newton. Infant girl's race, (8 entries),
Georgina Knight; Bessie Hawkins;
Elsie Wilcox; Annie M. Davis; Florence
Day, Infant boy's race, (S entries),
Gordon Kent; Charles Dyer; , Louis
Heideman; Willie Beckett. Standing
jump, boy's under 16 years, Alex. Stew-
art; Wellington Westcott. Married
man's race, (fl entries), Rev, E. W.
Hunt; Samuel Sweet. Married women's
race, (11 entries), Mrs Samuel Sweet.
Boy's eace, any age, (10 entries), Alex.
Stewart; Wellington Wescott. Girl's
race over le, years, (0 entries), Miss
Sarah Sweet; Mess Carrie Drew. Old
man's race, (5 entries) Thos. Casa; A G.
Dyer. Posing (anger and pleasure),
Vera liawkahaw; Ada Newton Olive
Westcott. Boy's race, blindfolded, (10
entries), Alex. Stewart. Girl's hopping
race, (10 entries), May Newton. The
whole affair close e by singing the Nat-
ional Anthem.
Tourists are returning with the ap-
proach of cold weather.
Too much rein in the spring ruined
the early crop and the exceptional
droughttin August will dwarf the /ate
one. Potatoes will be gold next winter.
The grasshopper plague is reported to
be about over for this season, The
hoppers are lying on the ground dead
in thousands, it is said from the effects
of a fly that is destroying them.
D. P. Wilson, the Seaforth egg buyer,
claims- that it will pay farmers better to
feed their wheat to the hens and sell
the eggs at eight cants a dozen than to
market the grain at 50 cents a bushel.
The town schools opened. on Monday
with a good attendance and the follow-
ing staff of teachers: -Principal, T. A.
Brown; Mize Reid, Miss Vesper, Miss
Gill, Miss Gregory, Miss Pringle and
Miss Walrond.
The merry-go-round located at the
rear of THE TIXES office has been well
patronized. the past week, by citizens,
and visitors from the rural districts.
The company will, no doubt, take a
s nug sum of money out of town. The
o ouncil. taxed them $5 which is
n ot a sufficient sum considering the
large amount they "rake in."
Prof. Davis, who travels from town
to town selling Kick -a -Poo Indian
r emedies for the relief of pain, has been
holding out in Liman for a week. As a
side issue and a drawing card for his
businese Davis extracts teeth free of
charge, and an Exeter dentist who
makes weekly visits to Luea a has had
Davis summoned for breach of the D en -
tel Act.
Farmers adjoining the railway have
to watch their . premises atter every
passing train. Several fires were start-
ed from 'sassing trains along the
line last week. One of them ran over
several acres of a pasture field before it
could be put ot. In some, cases it is
necessary to plow several furrows about
the burning spot before the fire can be
killed out. John Patterson of Rodger.
rule, had a large pasture field complete-
ly burned from a spark from a train on
Thursday last.
- The barns and outbuildings, together
with .the implements, etc., in the yard.
belonging to Sam'l Hicks of the 2nd
con., Cesborae, were destroyed. by fire
Saturday afternoon. Mr Hicks had
gone to. the Exeter market with a load
of grain,:end on returning found. his
barn burnt to the ground. , ft appears
that the children while playing with
matches, innocently started a fire which
made such headway that nothing could
be saved. The, bare contained the
season's crops, which Mr. Hicks had
just commenced to draw out. L035
very heavy; insured for $1,000.
The harvest home 'dinner given by
the Epworbh League of the Main St.
church, on Tuesday evening, . was a
thorough success, The church was
elaborately decorated with grain, vege-
tables; fruits, etc., and presented an
appearance rarely seen on an occasion
of the kind. The attendance was fairly'
good, and the dinner „served was one of
the best ever served in the church,
while the program of musie and speeches
was superb and well rendered, there
being no less than sit elorgyenenpreeent'
The young people came in for &any
praises for the success of their under-
taking, and In fact too much could not
be said in their behalf, The de orations
oquire to be seen to be appreciated.
Viey will net be disturbed until after
After a pastorate ot 40 yearn the Bev.
Thomas K. 'Beecher, brother ot the lam
Ito cry Ward Beeohet. hes retired from
the nett dutiee as neater of the l''ark
Oh •nteli, '
. • . I
• ••\ ,
We have made an
immense purchase of Cot-
tons and the prices at
which we are selling them
will astonish everybody.
We call particular attention
to our 5e. Gray Cotton. In
the ordinary way A would
be good. valuPat 8c. Now
is the time to lay in your
supply; they cannot remain
at the price long.
Were never so cheap
before. We are selling a nice
weight English Make fast
colored Flan nelettes for 7
cents and have them at all
prices from 5 cents upward.
We call special attention to
our extra wide English
Make goods at 12i cents
They are the best value
We are 31earing all
lines of Summer Goods at
big discounts, as we want
to make room for our fall
stock which has already com-
menced to come in.
and Trimmings of all kind
at Bargain Prius.
We keep a full stock
of Verity Plow Co's. Plows
and repairs on hand, We
sell No. '13, No. 4 a, Hill,
Mid, Sod, Farmer's' Friend.,
and points of like weight
for 25 cents a piece. Give
us a call.
H. Pirokard tf 8on,
We will remind you of the 0
rest when you come in.
is not alone in Peinting or Sculpture,
but is also frequently to' be seen in the
new and novel designs for furniture,
We carey all the beet and latest styles,
and will he pleased to show you our
magnifieept stock.
selecting furniture ill i3 inapoa-
Youngold or middle aged, who And them-
selves.nervoue, weak and exhausted, who arse. • ••
broken down from excess or overwork, result- ,
ing in mane of the following symptoms-
Mental depression, premature old age, Imre or
vitality, loss of memory, bad draoras, dintnesei
of sight, palpitation of the heart emission.
leek of enerasapain in the kidneysaheadriehes. • .
Pimples on the face and body, itohing or , 4
peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting *
Of the organs, dizziness, epoch before the eyes`
twitching of the muscles, eyelids and Oki.* • (1.
where. nashfulnest.deposite in the urine, lug
power, tenderness of the scalp and'
spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire
sleep, failure to he rested by sleep, constipation e
dullnens of hearing, loss of voice, desire -for • L
solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eras, 7
surrounded with leaden circles, oily locking L'a
skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debit -
ley that lead to insanity fiunless sure& The
spring or vital course have:Le lost its tension.
every function wanes in consequence. Thetis
who through abuee comneitted an ignorance,
may be permanently carol,. Send your ad-
dress for book on diseatee-peouliar to man.
sent free, sealed. Address M. V. 1,17BON, Sa
Macclennell Ave.. Toronto tentaCionada
At Lansing, Mich., a boodle sensation le 1,47,
brewing in connection with the new $125e • te
000 city hall, and the arrest of some of the e
city aldermen, it is astid, Will take plape•
to -day . )44:
stock of furniture in town, land in point
of elegance is unsurpassed.
well known fact that we have the largest 0111ff0
ant to havt an extensive stock from
which to choose. It is no boast, but a
Follow Crowd
TO MANSON'S Big Slaughter
Sale of Boots and Shoes.
He has knocked the old time prices clean
out of eiistence. For the next 60 days
or Cash only he sells (our own hand
made) :
Men'sPreneh Kip Boots at $4; Iron's Imperial
Kip Bootsat $5.50; Men's extra good Cowhide
hoots 53. Men's, Women's and Children's
Shoes in endless varieties at 20 per cent. dis-
count. Repairing promptly and neatly done
at the following prices • Men's Half Soles only
40o. ; Women's Half Soles only 85o, Come and
seeure some of these Bargains.;
The People's Shoe Store
Next Door to Post Office.
Manes 11 - Oistairio
Begs to announce Some lines. to the public that he .
is prepared to do all kinds of Carriage
ow rth 20 to 25.4
Trimming, Furniture Upholstering, etc.
We have a few
dozen of these
goods left • in:
good qualities •
which we will,
clear out less fP,
than cot.
Carriage and Buggy Tops of all kinds lets. clearing
. MADE TO ORDER. 5 to 10 eon
Old Buggy Tops recovered and made T
as good as new.
Our harness are w- ell known as giving Immense re
perfect satisfaction. We manufacture
largely and consequently our prices are
low, A call will convince
ductiorls short-:
ly, as low as 20 t
New Cottonadee.•
LON-DoIsT. New Sitirtirtge.
SEPT. 13th, TO 22nd 1894. Vew Shakier irlaziat
Nevir 00ttioAs.
Canada's Favorite Live stock
and Agricultural Lixbibition,
Exhibitors, make yout entries early and
e me your space,
'Entries doge, Live Stock and Poaltry, Sept. IS
Entries dime, other departments, Sept. Bib.
Einel payments and horses moaned in the
stakes, August15th-
Seeeiel Attracitioes of the beet.
Special Itallwar and Express rates arranged
from au pointa, Prize Lista, etc., use,
apply ±Q
President. , • Secretary.'
All these goods
fr()eosholt:ies., 011eaP and.
early fall trade 20g below
last, year's priee. We are
well up in all lines • of
0. 0 0011/461701t. ,
TIT our New
Sapaln l'ea at 25 oelats,