HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-08-21, Page 4PAGE 4_GODERKH SIQNALSTAR-, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 105
-ii1�e- -- ---pleased- -to- -report Meditation was an inspiringmessa e•based on the theme 1; -Ie
Greg'Arthur returned last week g
from a few days being a patient Leadeth Me followed by
in,University Hospital, London. prayer.\ .
Mr,, and Mrs. Ben Hamilton Roll call was quoting a Bible
are visiting'0ith her mother, verse -containing the word Rest.
Mrs, Ray La Vigne and other The minutes were read by the
relatives in Windsor this week. secretary, Miss Minnie Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arthur and approved as read.
visited recently for a week with Plans were discussed re The
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDougall poster for . , the Huron
and family at Sudbury. Presbyterial to be •--held- -at
Mrs. Catherine Jackson' Goderich in October. The
visited last week in Oakville treasurer's report prepared by
with her daughter, Mrst Donald Mrs, Frances Clark was read.
Kai and Mr. Kai, The offering was received by
Mr, and Mrs. Reid Sheppard, Karen Dewar and dedicated
and` his mother, Mrs. W.H. with prayer by Mrs. Bradnock,
Sheppard of Sarnia are
The study entitled, "How are
holidaying at a cottage at things now in Nigeria?" was
Kintail and visited tast given by Mrs. Wilfred San -
Saturday with Miss Laura,. derson. .•
Phillips and Mr, and Mrs'. Lunch was served by Mrs.
.Thomas Johnston. Roy Daer, assisted by '”' rer
Mr. and Mrs: Fred Youngblut granddaughtv, Misses Carol
of Woodstock `''spent the and Karen Dewar of Atwood.
weekend with' Mr. and Mrs. Anniversary Party
Wilfred Sanderson and other W
relatives in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. • Ronald Mn and Mrs. Robert Turner
Livermore and sons of Ford- were honored last Saturday
wich spent the weekend with wwhen members of their family
'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' held open house on the occasion
Donald Haines. of their 45th wedding ari
Mr. and Mrs. William de niversary at their home on
Jong of Roskwood visited last Queen Street. o " • •
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. The home was. attractively
Gerry Beimers: decorated with . bouquets of
Mrs., Bert Taylor is visiting in roses an4, tl e lace .covered tea
Vancouver with her son, Mr. table was centered ' with'
Ronald Taylor and Mrs. Taylor bouquet of red roses in a crys
and family. wase.+Twin crystal .candle -s ck
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Davies holders held the white tape s.
spent the'weekend in Belmont.Receiving the guests were
Mrs. Frances Clark visited Mr. and Mrs. Turner a d their
last weekend in Toronto with daughter, Miss.- Lyn Turner.
book was signed by,
Mrs. Wes Bradoock ' 52i-1595
nearly 100 persons.
Tea was poured"T6ye
bride's sister, nios. Dave
Harman of Goderich ' in the
afternoon and in the evening by
Mrs. Beth Lansing. Serving -the
guests were Miss Judy Hesk,
and Miss Frances Van Lushout,
both of' Strathroyi and Mrs"'
Debbie Graham of London. In
charge of the kitchen v/as Mrs.
Gordon Hesk and Mrs. Kenneth
Turner of Strathroy with.Mrs.
Harman assisting in the
evening: .
Many gifts and cards were
received and also a phbne call
from a granddaughter in,
Sarnia. Guests were present
frorfi Prescott, Strathroy,
Toronto, Lucknow, Goderich
and the surrounding com-
' munity,
• Mr: and—Mils,-s•:� Turner were
married at the Wesley Willis
parsonage in Clinton by Rev.
d their H.G . Hbag and, attendants
were Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Fgilowint their marriage
they resi• d in Clinton, Exeter
and 41 years ago'they moved to
the A .urn district. Thirteen
years ago" they moved to the
vill.:e and Mr. Turner was
e .loyed by the Huron County
oad Maintenance until he
• etired last year.
They have a family of two,
sons, Kenneth of Strathroy and
Barrie of Clinton; two
daughters - Mrs.' Gordon -
(Shirley) Hesk of Strathroy and
Miss Lynn Turner at'home. One
son, Ted passed away ,in 1953.
Theyhave eight grandchildren.
Misses Jean Htouston and Jean The guest
Misses Nancy Anderson and
Brenda Ball left Saturday ,
morning for a trip to the East
Coast. ° °
and Mrs, Douglas
Chainny returned last week
from wedding trip to Niagara
Fa ' and are residingan
Goderich Street. ,
Mi s'. Rena MaeKenZie of
Egmondville and her brother,
Mr. John • MacKenzie of
Goderich visited one day last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Anderson. •
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brow
and son David of'Killaloo call
on friends in the' village
weekend., Bert ert Medd a
mother, Mrs. Julia
Goderich yisited last
with her sister, M
Rollinson, Mr. Ro
Mr$. G. Kaittinq
umerators are busy this
ek for the coming provincial
ection, September 118th. Any
elp you can give them beside
keeping that dog of yours 'in'
check, I am sure will be greatly
d , appreciated.'
ast Mr. and Mrs. John Hardy of
Two'Hills, Alta. visited with the
his, : f.Arer's parents, Mr, and Mrs.,
edd of Wilmer . Hardy recently and
aturday attended the . wedding' of his
s. Alfred brother, Gordon Hardy to
a, inson and Tanya Aberhart of
on. ' Kapuskasing, on Saturday,
• August 9th..
Misses Sharon Lomas; Holly
Mason and' Allisbrr Mason have
returned home from a pleasant
holiday at :Isarhall Riding
School, Brunner.
The Aub n Presbyterian;
Women's issionary Society a
met for the r August meeting at
the hom : of Mrs. Roy Daer.
The, pr'sident Mrs. ° Wilfred
Sande on was in charge and
. gave the call to worship
Poll 'ed by prayer.
e devotional period was in
charge of Mrs. Eleanor
radnock, The scripture lesson
was Psalm 23 and was repeated
in unison. ,
Stores &
Await You
Guests with :Mr. and Mrs.
Toynbee Lamb over the
weekend and picnicing at Point
Farm Park on 'Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wyfnan and
son Chris, Kitchener; Mr. and
Mrs • James Wygr-, ,,,
The sympathy of 'the corn-
rnunity is extended •to..the
family. of the 'late Mr. Ed
Last week Tuesday, ,August
12 the girls playedi, Juniors,.
Colborne A. team defeated
Colborne B .team; 'Seniors are
in their' playoffs, Colborne A
team defeated Colborne B team
two games straight so in .this
group the playoff's are . now
Irene Marie Hasty., daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne HastyR.R.
1, Dungannon, graduated -from
St. Thomas Campus` of Fan-
shawe College, School of
Nursing in Alumni Hall;
Universityf ,Western Ontario
on Tuesday,' July 29. She will
commence work on September
2 at , Plains Health Centre,
Regina, Saskatchewan.'
There were four tables in
play at the August 12 meeting of:
the Goderich Duplicate Bridge'
Top point earners for the
evening were Aelian
Weerasooriya and Joe Martin
NO; finished with 501/2 points,
Second ,place went to, Evelyn
Galbraith and Nancy McAulay
with 471/2 points followed
closely by.Jean Papernidk and
Jo Berry with 441/2 points. Last
place for the evrening ,went to
. David Blair and H. Ct^awford
with 44 points. ,
HensaII mill rejects
ergo ty. feed barley
."—t ''ertyall fc�t•d`` mill, W •G.
Thompson and Sons Ltd., has
had to refect some local
shipments of fed barley which
con talne,d heavy con-
centrations of they fungus
disease ergot, manager Doug
Mann said ,Monday,
The fungus, which hit feed
barley' crops in Lambton,
Huron, Perth and Middlesex
crops last: week, can be fatal to
livestock and poultry if fed in
concentrated form, said
rRidgetown ' College of
Agricultural Technology crop
specialist Archie McLaren.
Thompson is only accepting'
barley containing -one ergot per
pound or less. 4n the variety
Herta, the only type which
appears �to\ be affected by the
fungus, said Mr..Mann.
Farmers selling infected
barley at -the: acceptable level,
how'ever, are, receiving the
regular price. of $2.15 per bushel
because the lighter occurrence
of t'rgots cart be screened out,
he said.
Malt barley, used in brewing
beer, -hasn't been affected by
the disease.
Gun Club
Goderich trio.
tied for second
After a long absence, John
Anderson of Kippen was back
in action at the August 13
' Vanastra Gun. Club's trap shoot,
to take first place with his score
of 24 hits. 7,7 -
Hensall Co-op . _ manager_
Arc,hine Cooper said he hasn't
had to reject infected b/rley.
because the screening process
would eliminate the ergots.
Cook's Division of Gergro
Corp.,' another Hensall feed
dealer, doesn't buy Herta
Agricultural representatives
in the affected counties report
the fungus is more widespread
than any time in the past eight
to 10 years.
"But this year, extj'emely
'favorable conditions for this
disease infection occurred at
the time of barley flowering
resulting in several ergoty
fields," said Mr. McLaren.
The black ergot bodies are
found in the heads of barley,
occupying the place of the
affected barley kernel,
protruding outwards two to
three times the, length of the •
kernel, he said. •
The ergots contain chemicals
harmful to the circulatory
systems of animals .and barley
containing 0.1 per cent or more
(10-12 ergots per quart of seed)
.should be considered
dangerous as feed.
BP ..
arley infested with high -
levels of ergot ' can cause
abortion, nervous system
disorders, ,gangrene of ex-
tremities, reduced milk
production and death (in ex-
treme„ cases); said Mr..
McLaren. •
Ag reps are idvising farmers
to feed the infected' barley only
when diluted three or four
times by volur''ne with corn or
other grains, but not to
pregnant or lactating animals
or young livestock.
August 13 the Algorail,
arrived light from Sarnia for
salt. -
August `15 the E,B. Barber
arrived light from Sarnia' for
August 18 the Algorail
arrived light from Kingston for
Rick Whetstone
'Rick Whetstone has joined the
staff of Ormandy Jewellery.
Rick, the sont,of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Whetstone of Goderich
has 5 years experience and
was employed for 3 years, by
the Longines Wittnauer Watch
Company. Rick is now a
Registered Watchmaker after
completing , a watch °tyepair
•course at George Brown
College in Toronto.
GODERICH 524-7841
Bill Stewart, Greg'Potter and -
Sini "S'liear'doWn' "' 'a''il :'''of'`
Goderich, tied at second with 23
while Charlie Branddn of
'Clinton, a new name to•appear
in- the shoot - results, tied John
over. ' • Hessels of Goderich with 2'2
Monday, August '18, boys\ Continuing with the ties, Bill
Thompson and Mery Batkip of
played. Juniors, -Colborne , A Clinton finished at 21 with
defeated •Goderich Twp. score Lloyd Venner of ,Hensall and
32-2Q; Colborne B team Derwin Carter of Londesboro.
defeated Stanley score 14-6; Jim' Butcher of Clinton turned
Senior boys are in the playoffs, • in an 18; Jack Marriott of
Colborne A team defeated Goderich shot a 17 and Ashley
Hullett score 7-5 ; Colborne° B Gilbert . and Janet Potter of
team won over.._ Stanley by Goderich tied at 16. Jim East of
default. ` Clinton trailed with 10. , ,
rill 13 In -the August 16 skeet shoot,.
•Isom the'
chener; Mr. and Mrs, Lorne_,, playing the next ro 'red,. , of Bill McNutt of Exeter had to
playoffs against Goderich Twp. share his lead for•a "second
Wyman and stet Jeff, Waterloo
with niece"Cindy of California; this Thursday•night, week, this time with Mery
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Degan and The Junior girls are starting Batkin,of Clinton Who also shot
son:, ShayneA• Kitchener; . and' their playoffs this week, two•out a 24. Jerry Coleman' of
Mr. and Mrs. Sing Laung of.,, of three. Monday, August ~l5, Seaforth, Derwin Carter ,o
.Toronto. �"k boys play. Juniors, Colborne A Londesboro and Bill Stewart of
Mr. and 's. Gordon Kait- team'9vs.'Colborne C team: Goderich finished in a three
ting and friend Miss Audrey
Miglarini of Kitchener viS► 'd -
with Mr. and Mrs. Delbi I. -
Geiger, Zurich on Sunday.'
The Tiger Dunlop Women
Institute August meeting wil
be in the form of a picnic at Mr.
and Mrs, Wm. Clifford's Cot-
tage, Bogie's Beach, next week
on Thursday, August 28 at 1:30
p.m. Plan to attend.
way tie at 'l3 while Greg Potter
.� and' Pat Heenan of Seaforth
FORturned in scores of 22.
Paul Mellar of Vanastra shot
a 19, with another three-way tie -
occurring at'' .18 with Hary
McCallum, of Blyth, Ashley
Gilbert of Goderich and
Harrison Schoch of Zurich.
Clinton's -Bill "'Thompson closed
the field with his 16.
ents -
With every pair of Back To School Shoes, purchased at;Sproule Shoes before
September 30, the student will receive a coupon for a chance to win this Zenith
Blue Denim Portable TV:« Begins this week. Draw to bemade September 30. ,
Sproule Shoes
-Footwear 'For The Family
524-8505 .4.
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