HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-08-14, Page 16tb PAGE 8•A-..QODERICHSIGNAL-STAR, TFIURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1975 Nick Hill says Huron's planning dept. model for others BY DAVE SYKES, `'DNick Hill thinks of the Hurort County Planning Board as having pioneered planning in t,he.ClauntOevel. He believes it has evolved to a stage where it has become a model for all counties in the province,, Butas much of an ac- complishment as that has been, he is sitting out to blaze new trails and achieve new goals. He will be leaving the 'Huron County Planning department Sept. .3,0 to pursue a career in architecture. Nick will. return to Toronto and work with an architectural firm for six months to • complete the necessary practical experience before taking the architects' registration exam in the spring. He is both familiar with and interested inggrchitecture sand has . an extensive educational background with the subject. He claims that the four 'years' he has spent with the county planning department have been invaluable because of the close link with planning arid ar- chitecture. "I think my stay ;has given me a grasp of rural venacul ,c and an .appreciation of the aspects that make up the total environment," he said, " I also think I've,grasped the realm of rural versus urban land use and an appreciation of the natural environment and structure of. towns." Planning on "thea county level is still in its infancy across the province but Nick believes that ft -is' maturing rapidlylargely due to the efforts of the Huron department. b " "The most-, impottnt ac- complishment has been public participation which , was initiated by Gary", (Gary Davidson is the Huron County planning director) he said "Planning is new 'in the county and the educational process of discussion has put. us years ahead of other counties who in fact look to the Huron County Planning Department for -the development of their own ,,departments. But the development of the department. has been evolutionary and in fact it was a tough product to sell to the people, Nick stated that when the department was formed fouryears ago it was greeted. with hostility and suspicion, but the department overcame that by K•pionerring citizen par- ticipation= in rural - planning through -public workshops. "The ' public workshops createda"forum for debate for the rural communities,"° he said, ..."Perhaps the main ac- complishment %of the depart- ment has been the aspect of communication and the .sub- sequent participation of the people in the planning operation." The Huron County Planning Department was established in 1971 under the direction of Gary Davidson. The initial duties•of the department were• to get approval of the county's official • plan and to initiate a county e planning program. Once the county official plan was ap- proved the department proceeded with its recom.d mendations to establish official plans for the municipalities and townships of the coUanty. Since the approval of that county official 'plan, the planning department has concentrated most•of its efforts in `drawing up plans for the townships and municipalities. During his four years with the department Nick has been involved with plans for Zurich, Brussel, parte of Exeter; Grey Township, Howick and he is presently drawing up a plan for Usborne which he hopes to complete before he leaves. The proce- of drawing of- ficial plans.- througlff' public workshops can be confusing with conflicting views and interests of the people and the diversification of land use in some townships. Nick cited the plans for Goderich and Colborne townships as probably the most difficult in the county. - "The workshops can sainetimes seem f1ike total -confusion and our job is to bring out some clatity from it." he ,said. "But I havebeen sur- prised with the conservation aspect of the people who have' now realized the intrinsic, values of nature which is really the raison ,d'etre behind planning." The implei'nentation of rural planning • has ,Wade people - aware of their natural surroundings and the need . to preserve it through good planning. Nick insists that the.. success of the department ,was made possible by the in- volvement of the people right from the beginning whom he claims , have shown good Manner and temperment. When Nick 'completes his architecture exam in the spring he will have twin registration in both architecture and planning and has hopes of opening a private office someday.' He' is now working on his second book of rural architecture, ' " Although his planning days may soon be behind him, Nick's romance with ,Huron County may never end.' "I can really enjoy and relate to this area," he said. "The .people here have the blessings of many worlds." Offl ti tE 3 t e ,Ls'nda A. (Reinhart) Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Reinhart, Goderich, recently graduated from Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in Fashion Design. She ham' Aqui red aposition with Davide Rae. Bridal Boutique Dresses' Ltd., Toronto. Her husband, Owen S, Rogers, graduatedas a chartered accountant at the same time. Mrs. Rogers is a graduate of cDCI, . Point -Farms action Remainingiui. nier progrurn pirckeiFwith 4xdtemnt BY CATHY CRUICKSHANK . "Allemande left to your partner, grand chain all", was the cry Saturday evening at Point Farms Provincial Park. It was. the first square dance of the season in the barn at the park. , Approximately 300 people of all ages danced to a fiddle, harmonica, banjo, piano and Horace Crawford at the mike. Another dance and, hayride is planned for the Saturday of Labour Day weekend. The park•also was host to the Lambtpn Youth Theatre who returned for the second per- formance' of the year, "Fireman Save my Child.", This group of drama students from Lambton College puts on an excellent production and ,should he commended for all their hard work in volunteering on the Wednesday e'`ening, for the group, • Almo planned for the rest of the Season is a Scotman's Day Tie sumrimer is quickly-,Fth bgpipes, tug of war and drawing to a close. This is to be acaber throwing contests. A hoped that if you haven't made variety show and, of course, the it out to the park' for a visit, you square dance are also on tap. will soon. The VisitorSer'vices staff this year has consisted of , three girls, athy Cruickshank, Janet Harris, and Diane Stainton. r Janet and Diane are employed by Experience '75 and have done an excellett job: this summer. This weekend Park 'em- ployees, received present., Peter Mansell built a model of the park us it will look when it -is completed, It stands on display in the Permit office for the rest of the summer and will' be usedfa atThlere iis'lsomething waiting for "you at Point Furms Provincial Park, just minutes from your doorstep.i t ,1 t The program for the rest of the'summer is packed, with fun and excitement: Next weekend there is a—nature hike, the regular Saturday night baseball game, and a campfire. Sunday there will ;be a Watermelon eating contest. The following week the Goderich Playground ,leaders will be bringing their daycamp out to the park each day for a full days' program • and swimmingat the beach, The children will be entertained by the Huron County Library girls witli theirweekly puppet" show St G Hospital again provincial antivenim depot The- bite of O.ptario's only poisonous snake, the. massassauga rattler, can be fatal if not treated .promptly, The rattlesnake inhabits a 20 mile wide , zone along the shorelines of Georgian Bay, the Bay Islands and Lakes .Huron and Erie, particularly Wain - fleet Marsh near the nor- theastern shore of Lake Erie. t The geography outlined 'as. the serpents' living quarters in the province''is _dotted with. antivenin depots where persons bitten by the snake, can be .properly treated. In the Goderich area there are ,three of the 2$ prok'incially operated depots. Alexandra Marine and .. General Hospital in'Goderich, Never handle any snakes, always° carry a flashlight when walking at night, "'and never pick up a ;freshly killed rattler because nerve reflexes enable it tobitefdr a considerable time 'after death. The massassauga rat- tlesnake can grow to a length of three feet and ° is •easily recognized by its broad head with a it on each side of the face between the eye and the nostril. Its belly is: black with grey and white mottling ,on the throat arifl chin. Its tall, which ends ,ina rattle,is marked by cross bands. An afflicted person should take pains' to remain as' inac- tive as possible arid g'o' im- mediately' to the nearest an- tivenin depot. When bitten, ,apply.. a tourniquet sufficient to compress the soft tissues only between the area of the bite and the ,heart. Every ten minutes remove the tourniquet. for at least .one minute to'allow for circulation. • ' Tourists planning a .trip to any part of the zone inhabited by the rattlesnake should contact. the Ontario Ministry 9 Health for a list of antivenin depots in the area they are travelling to"b i '-BRUCE MACDONALD ELECTRIC Domestic-Commercial-ltdustrial 133 Britannia Rd. Phone' Evenings 5 2 4.. 81 46' • ' •" AUTOMATIC WASHERS & DRYERS • - PORTABLE WASHERS & DRYERS • WRINGER_. WASHERS • PORTABLE & BUILT-IN DISHWASHER, • IN SINK FOOD WASTE DISPOSERS-) 4, From` the Diepeiidability People'.at:— HUTCHINSON APPLIANCES TRADE' INS ACCEPTED 308 HURON RD, " r 524.7831 = TOO GOOD T0ST0P!E ' Ne�cilercibev •r'A The $5 take-off...took off! " Take off excess.ppunds with Canada's leading weight control organization. 5 weeks' membership regularly $19 Now $14 V, tiended915 {.reC Septi' € untie\ Don't forget to ask"for our Counterweight products at your fano tit'6 f' eci -afire.' Kincardine General Hospital .' and Victoria Hospital in.London have been designated as an- tivenin depots. All campers, travellers and residents in the areas where the r-attlesnake lives should take measures -to , insure their protection from snake bites. WELCOME SERVICE .would like to call you with "houseWarifjirig gift§" and in formation about. your new location, The Hostess. will be glad to arrange your subscrip tion oto the Signal Star Call her at 524-7854 -Funerals- • -Get Well- -Weddings -Anniversaries- 524-7885 61CHURCH ST. GODERICH Ready to serve you 7 days a week, .FREE. AIR- CONDITIONER , , ($1000 Teta value installed in tractor) with your purchase of a new 970,1070,1175 r�r�■Tract�r ,. ._--_-'bifFtR GOOO JULY 10 THE OUGH AUG 31, 1975 :the Tractor Specialist }- H,LOBB :&oN LTD. 1n ,Clinton 482-3409 • i�• 111 St. Georges Anglican Church - IG Nelson St. West Monday 7:30 p.m. ' v Over 275 classes per week rACSA(counterWeighte ... 1 11 o .Twenty years from now, cops growing.on recycled garbage will. be an everyday sight. That's pretty hard to imagin`e,; • • • rigkt.how because most of us think o.f ' garbi7tge as just that--garbage.'But fact it's apotential resource. . - And the.Ontario Ministry of the Environment is harnessing°it: HQvv does it happen? B .' recycling. Garbage .will be taker} ,t-,1 recycling centres where it `will be shredded,.se.parated, and some of it, turned into fertile° soil, o re- ti vitalize bcrren areas of the proving. The s rime basic shredding a separating process will also prod , ce fuel: paper cardboard, metals. And `'✓e've just begun tQ explore the p v.sr.ble end uses' of garbage. s r)uth c'>nnxstFarn Ontario. In l� yeclrs there will>bo , 1.1 ;`1C,:ross t 9111:4-7r ,:'ni" ,f• fr-)1T1 11 t done, t tr.' t, , , Why recycle? -. ,f (-)nt(_xricn .Zit :f 1' r, nt..three The' Minst r' ;s ti orking �n tore, , 4, e tri, �,.lmount, but we'll .u.lwrel• h,.4ve'g xrL1(.1r- And we're a :i .1 .':n�v., trouble f IrirJ .nq picic,es to put it unH the lan�.lfill tr '. o'; r it • °rice r r.zrl-yA 1�ro: nef `recycled, those prowill -ire over. ,But more important tn'on th c.-iumping problems, we're.literc111y throwing • • away valuable resources with every ton of garbage we (iiscard ..In a coMmunity of 100,000, - garbage recycling will conserve the equivalent of up to 3,500,000 ryllcnsof fuel oil year, 3,600 tons,of re,:lotimG]/'1 steel 4:500 tonic of glass. — Our i.e.:cycling program isconsidered one Of the,. mostcomrhitm-e..nt toodiffe.rent way ofAnd the whole..world will bevatching.:4_, Qntctrios garbage come, up rosesMinistryoftheEnvironment a, The system: step by step. A centre for advanced research will come up with mdriy more. Where is it happening? Our Ministry has alreaday inaugurated Ontario's first recycling centre in Worth,York. In the -text two years, similar centres will be built to srve.London, Sudbury, Peel, Halton, Metro Toronto and .a Ontario • • Hon Wtl,im Nrtwm,an Minister A Everett Ripns DPN.ty Minister 0 1