HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-08-14, Page 15♦ 1 :Most stampcoIIectors. I�okfor issues that catch interest M t' serious stamp collet,, tors, collect not everything they can get their hands on, but what interests them. Most Oanad,ian philatelists •.naturally collect Canada and British North America, although .several at local clubs specialize in such varied countries as Germany, Switzerland and Austria, the United States,. Chile, Ghana and Gold Coast, and even Nepal. There are also topical collections, usually based on the individual collector's in- terest. Some types of topical collections. are Olympic .stamps, Postage Dues, Sur- charges, Air Mails, Revenues, and Animals', Trains, Cars, . Airplanes' and Stamps on s.tanips. Things can even get more specialized' than that. In the -Stratford club there are at least six people ,who specialize in cancellations, Cancellation collections can vary widely. One can collect postal- cards with .names of interesting towns, very small towns, or envelopes cancelled from the capital of every country in the world, ° even ones ' that no longer exist, if they are available. "+ • ' "People collect,,.cancels made by cork cancellers, circled squares, which are simply, • shaded squares with circles in the center for ,the place and date and some `even collect° cancellers, althotighit is illegal go keep onefor personal use. For those with a ta'ste for the unusual, there are several novelties that are quite collectible. Bisects, or stamps with one half removed corner to • corner, will sometimes get • through .the mail if you mail them to yourself one a month at" the most. 'If you get a•postage due note with your bisect, get it ;,-cancelled and keep the set together, but you. are, branded by the post office, so very few • bisects will get through to you after that. Some countries 'plagued by paper shortages sometimes issued bisects that were legal, and these can get expensive. 7 Other novelties include coins - and balls in a sealed envelope with a Window sealed on their, first day of issue. I have even heard of a club whose Members, specialize solely.. in postcards from Holiday' Inns and other motel and hotel chains. Unusual philatelic itemsare limited only by the imagination. N'or 'those .,With a desire to have fun collecting and make a buck ` at .the same time, revenues, especially Canadian used revenues are a good bet. Many big heads in Canadian philately claim tlliat several bargains, if not downright steals are4 available in Canadian revenues.. One revenue is one of the six rarest of Canadian stamps, and yet can be had for under a thousand dollars. This price is bound to skyrocket, as are Others -in. the' revenue class, as more and more phil,atelists.. turn to something 'rnbre original and fascinating. Speculating 'with' new issues is -a lost cost. Very little will appreciate and what does will probably not pay your losses. These are but a few of the things, being collected by philatelists the world over. The list is almost endless. If you feel you want ..to. speciali?e-'your collection, know whatis collectible, available and pleasing to you. PUCreb�te buys truck. The Goderich Public Utilities Commission had an early Christmas present recently when they received their retail sales tax rebate from the Ontario government. The coinrnission' had made several overpayments on the tax on materials they purchased over' the paste few .years forhydro electric repair's and In- stallations and were informed last year that" the' rebate was due them. ..• =' Utility spokesman Don McMillan said in an interview that the total claim the Goderich commission applied for 'was, about $25,000. He said his' office had reviewed their purchase orders for the time. period outlined by the gover- nment and claimed $21,035.17 from the province and $2,947.94 from the federal government. Interest on . the overpaid Free 1975.Si1veT Dollar with every • gallon of paint- Clayt's decorating - 36 West St. Goderich 524-8532 t, amount was included in the, claim. " The sales tax branch of the Ontario Ministry of Revenue �` reviewed the claims to weed out any sections they felt were not applicable and returned the protion remaining.', To date the federal government have paid . 'their full amount of $2,947.94 and the ' province has sent'. $19,310.32. Mr. McMillan pointed out that the promptness taken by the Goderich PUC ° proved worthwhile in receiving the funds. He said airutilities in the province were; ;to apply by a certain deadline to qualify on a , firsecome first serve basis.•The early arrival of the Goderich claim insured payment this year. "The money has already `Been spent," said Mr. McMillan. "After we pur- chased the new line truck there " was no problem' deciding what tb'do with the rebate." • The new vehicle cost $18,000 to purchase and special at- tachments needed carried the total figure to about $25,000. It has been in operation for the utility for several months": • Y .r vy GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, TF RSDA".g.AuOtiST I4,19975-404C..rg 7A Sunday to remember " or 1415 Western fair The_ ..t. Gra tuts ' 'musiGi of the i'antou. Lawrence Welk Orchestra w ill be featured at the Western Fair grandstand on Sunda,, September 14. The Stars of the Lawrence Welk Show 111 present three per -4 formanc e, at 3!00, 5:30 and 8:00 p. m. Among those featured will be fast-fingeti:d acccirdionist, Myron FHren, `elk's assistant band if ,,cle} Floren is celebrating his twenty-fifth year with the Lawncce Welk Show and is constantly ' in demand for personal ap- pearances throughout the United States.' Fyloren, beg n playing the accordion at the age of 7 and was entertaining crowds byfthe- time he was s. At the age of 9'he won first and second prizes. in a local am 1tcur,.contest, playing both accordion and piano. He worked his way through college hy,, teaching the ac= - cordion and began to play professionally- on, the radio .when he' was 19. In 1944 he joined '.:S() unit to entertain troops Europe. Upon his return, ht joined' "The Buckey Four'', a hillbilly group, and -rem;ined with them until 1950 when,he joined Lawrence Welk. Floren's favorite music is the polka, but he is ecjually adept at playing anything from classical to pop rhythm. He has •written numerous compositions and published a popular series .of accordion instruction books as well as recording albums ,for Ranwood Records. The original routines of featured... • dancers; Bob1?y Golden 'wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Morris Swanson of Livonia, Michigan, recenly celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at a° family gathering. Mr. Swanson was born in Goderich and attended school here. The couple was married in Minnesota oR July 4, 1925. They have'two sons, Russell of Northville and William of St. Clair Shores. There are six grandchildren. Mr. Swanson is a retired optometrist and both his sons and two grandsons have tbllpwed him in the same profession. - Couple honored Friends g�ther..ogther. at Mel Martin home Mr. k and Mrs. Mel . Martin entertained a few old acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. H. Van Arrnan on the occasion of the Vali Arrnan's " I l th wedding' anni versa'ry: Mrs: Erma :.Brewer sent a corsage -.and -a boutonniere which were pinned on the celebrants. Mrs. Brewer was unable to attend. . :Mrs. Martin served afternoon • tea with anniversary cake and ice cream. Gifts were 'received by the guests of honor. Mr. VanArman, who has been, confined to a nursing home following a stroke, was welh enough to be present for , the special event. .-lis ° son Donald and his wife of Detroit; took Mr. and Mrs. Van Arman to dinner the following day. I v.° A. '4. • i 4 I.J1/16,;.,, yilmN awrence Welk booked • Burgess and 'Cissy King have received enthusiastic acclaim from audiences, everywhere. Bobby joined the Welk organization_in 1961 and Cissy. became'his partner in.1967. Bobby is an accredited" teacher of dancing and a devout student 'of that art, lie has conducted classes in dance theory as applied.o the television and fila industry at the University of Southern California. Cissy King's fast -paced career has seen her pass every medal test with honors. She has rece,ived silver, gold and professional gold star medals and is an associate member of the "Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing in London, England. Cissy is accomplished in adagid, modern jazz and ballroom dancin.` Ken Delo is a most versatile performer. His ,warm __ per- sonality projects directly to the audience, making him a firm favorite of Welk's millions of weekly television viewers. He is an accomplished . singer; comedian, master of ceremonies, actor, composer and writer. In addition, Ken Delo is one of the most suc- cessful American entertainers ever to visit Australia, where he starred in his own award- winning national "television show for a year and a half. The Stars of the Lawrence Welk Show will entertain audiences at the Western Fair grandstand on Sunday, Sep- tember 14. Performances at 3:00, 5:30 and 8:00 p.rp. are free to fairgoers.. 4, landavd AUTO GLASS LIMITED .cv "THE GLASSMEN OF ONTARIO" ri For vinyl lops • convertible tops • car upholstery • windshields • body protective mouldings. 365 BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH (ALt 524-2136 - YOUR HEAP QUARTERS • FOR •ROGERS MAJESTIC TV •EXPERT TV SERVICE • ANTENNA & TOWER INSTALLATION 162«MARY ST. GODERICH 5 74-9089 • y>>i�' ' , 2 i> cam•;: 9 212 MILESFRO"NI NO. 8 HIGHWAY ON ..DRIVE IN ROAD SOUTH OF GODERICH 524-7172 A preliminary prospectus relating to these securities has been filed with or delivered to, the securities commissions or administrators in all provinces and territories of Canada but has not yet become final. This advertisement has been placed to provide the Canadian public with the opportunity to obtain copies of the preliminary prospectus so as to be able to evaluate these securities for investment purposes. This advertisement does not constitute an offer to sell these securities. The offering will be made by the final prospectus only and there will not be any acceptance of an offer to buy these securities in any province or territory of Canada prior to the time a receipt for the final prospectus or other authorization is obtained from the securities commission or administrator in such province or territory. canac a cevelopment corporation "'Available to Canadian- Citizens or Residnts of Canada Only Over 350 Monurnents In -stock to :'choose. from Order now for earliest possible delivery and while selection is T. PRYDE & SON AGENT - DON DENOMME 66 HAMILTON ST:GODERICH 524-V61 Frank MclIwnin 200 Gibbons St. 524-9465 eet your neighbour Harry Arthur He's not your average farm agent. Proposed offering of Shares 7% convertible, redeemable, class B preferred shares (of the par value of $'100 pershare) • featuring... Quarterly Dividends. Fixed cumulative • preferential cash dividends at the•rate of 7c.• per °0- per annum. • Convertible ihto.Common Each Class B Preferred Sharewill be, convertible into\0 • Common Share's of CDC.. • Two Bonus Common Shares. Each Clas Share carries the right to receive two Bon1� s Common Shares, to bedelivered in 1980an11 1985. • Redeemable at Holder's Option. Class ,B Preferred Shares.will be redeemable at the holder's option between October 2, 1985 and October 1. 1986 at $100 plus,a'c'crued dividends.' • instalment Pprch se Plan. Either 2, 6f 10 or 20 Shares May be purchased in instalments over an eight-month period. The down payment required is ar3,amount equal to 20°0 'of the sub- sCription,price plus the admini.strafion charge. • Voting Privilege. Each Class B Preferred Share wiJl.b.e entitled to 10 votes. • Priority. Class B Preferred Shares will'rank junior to the outstanding Class A Preferred Sharrns. B ,..,'Your Gulf agent is not just Sgfann agent .. n. he's also your neighbour, He knows exactly. • what it takes. -to keep your famrrunning, smoothly and he understands the special problems fanners have in yo"i.ir area. . He carries a full line of Gulfquality farm products, -including fuels, greases, lubricants' and fuel oil to heat. your home. •' • Hell also help you' choose the right products for the most econornical and efficient PRICE: $100 per,share • .-T-he offering will only be made through regis- tered securities dealers. To receive a copy of • the preliminary prospectus contact your Investment dealer, or stockbroker, or mail the coupon below. P 0 Box 008, Station 0..TOronto, Ontario Please arrange to send me a copy of the preliminary pro§pectus relating lo th'e proposed publre offering of CDC Shares,, Call -Harry Arthur (Arthur Bros.r 524-9232 122 Maitland St. Goderich 'NAME ADORESS Not your average farm 'tervice.