HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-08-14, Page 2Dr. Shulman's at it again
Dr. Morton' Shulman, the New
Democratic Party member of,
parliament from High Park, showed
a surprising amount • of irrespon-
sibility last week „when he told .a
news conference that "a fanatic with
six sticks of dynarnite 'could easily
enter the , Pickering nuclear
generating station and kill the entire
poptilation of 'Metropolitan Toronto
within two weeks." (London Free
- Dr. Shulnialv-in-a va-gue-inanner;
told the press, conference that he'd
had no trouble gaining entry to the
Pickering development and- that
he'd proceeded to the spent fuef bay
"without seeing -a soul'." He also
used that opportunity to charge that
non -radioactive hydrogen leaks
were costing the provinge millions -of
dollars in energy • losses and to
question Davis government
assurances that security at the plant..
is adequate.
Don White of Bruce Nuclear
Development Plant, where security
is similar to that al the Pickering
plant, said there are security gates
at ,ott- -access points to the BN DP
plant. Everyone entering must
check thro,ugh. Employees have
, passes; persons vvithout passes must
have a sponsor.
Mr:White admits that if "someone, -
is bent on getting; into the site",.... it
.would not be impossible. Built onth
Shore of Lake Huron with the blue
-.sky •above,„access would be a
relatively simple !,,matter. There
- simply is no war -,time type security
at BNDP. drat Pickering; and only
an alarmist would suggest such
• security iS required.
ccording, to Hydro officials, pr
Shul-man's fears that a small
amount of dynamite could set off a
catastrophic nuclear exploSiff are
purely speculatipn. And false
spec,ulation tda. Don 'White agrees
with Larry Woodhead, Hydro's
directoi., of nuclear generation, that
"it is impossible to set off a nuclear
„ explosion with any amount of
Mr. White explained that it takes a
spsciallybuilt device to produce a
nuclear explosibm, and a nuclear
reactor is just not that kind of ap-
paratus. Spent fuel bays only con-
tain , what am.ounts to the
radioactive' ashes of spent fuel.
Skilled technologists could 'produee
deadly weapons from certain
components contained in the nuclear
waste, but extracting it is a lengthy
and highly scientific undertaking
requiring Very explicit capabilities.,
If Dr. Shulman was attempting to
trigger mass hysteria by inviting
horrendous calamity at the..hands of
some nut, he did a masterful job. He
may even now have. planted 'the
-saddist seed in the , mind -of some
tormentedsoul who will eventually
try his hand,at totalling Toronto.
If however, Dr:, Shulman was
„Mgrely grandstandinw--again to
stage one more of his attention -
grabbing political ploys thrs time on
the eve' of a provincial election, he
has acted most irresponsibly for a
man of his intellect and experience.
Even Drt, Morton Shulman sup -
'porters - and there are many will
begin. to I:loubt .his ,credibility and id
question his motives , in this par-
ticular inStance. — SJK
A faithful servant
- The accolades given 'Agriculture
Minister. William . Stewarteat Cast
• week's PC nominating convention
• were obviously out of the category of
non-partisan, but nevertheless there
' would be few people on any side of
the political fence who could argue
with them.
His resignation terminates a
record 14'years in one of the most
difficult portfolios, an -obvious in- ,
dication of hisability and durability,
two attributes that go hand in hand.
He's_ had his ups and downs, of
course, but he's come through.many
minor and pejo!r skirmishes over
6 policies with'a record that has been
above reproach,, and There can be
"little doubt that *Premier Bill Davis'
will have a most difficultjask in
naming a suitable replacem'ent.
If we
So the chance of a power plant
being -situated in, Huron County. is
only a fabricated political scheme of
the Liberals is it?
, That's wha.t- Ontario EnergV
Minister Dennis Timbrell. tried to
• baye us think last week, when. he
spoke in Exeter at the Conservative
nominating meeting for Huron -
MI dd lesex.
Mr, Timbrell said there were no
definite plans for establishment of a
generating plant in Huron county..
That we --already knew; we've been.
told it time•and again that Huron is
just one of several possibilities. But
we've neer been told that a plant
WOULDN'T be established in Huron
dither. If Mr. Timbrell really
WalitedrdLtake .the Wind out. Of. the
Liberals sails, he cduld do it simply
by'saying no plant would be built' in
Huron. No putting off the dedision
on the Porter Comm.issIon; just a
Even if. one of the oppbsition parties
has that task after (the upcoming
election., they too will,,reallze that
Bill Stewart's abilities are difficult" -
to. duplicate.
While he has had one o• f the most
arduous tasks in the government.
over the past 14 years, his efforts on
the broader front didn't deter his
repretentation of his own riding
constituentS.,, Somehow he managed
to find- the energies required to do
both jobs well.
The loss, of hiscriespected voice at
Queen's Park will be missed by all
'whom he serVed, but he has earned
his retirement and a debt. of
gratitude' from all the residents of
the prdvince. --Exeter
Advocate "
nly be.lieye
. 80 YEARS AGO in an undertaking of this kind, is
--the latenessof the hOur of
1895 is a big building year in starting. Last evening. the
Goderich 7 and the number °of
Purade did not get underway
fine edifices_ in construuntil near ten .'clocktion A crowd had been rapidly
speak well for it. The Curling. -gathering on The . Square, ,a,pd
and Skating rink: f fait by the time the group appeared
assuming proportions and will on The Square, the crowd was
be an ornament to West St. large and omnipresent, being
when completed. composed mainly of small •
The camp,rS at Victoria boys, of which Goderich has an
Park are having a good time. unusually large number.
and report that it is one of the
greatest of the many can:I-Ping
grounds around GodeFich.
They have had any number of
visitors and are putting in a
most splendid time. , •
" The Goderich Unions
baseball club will go fo,. Blyth
next Friday evening and will decorating .new ituprogress is
With alpminum faces and
black hands and figures, the
clock above thescourthouse will
present a modernistic .ap-
pearance when the exterior
endeavour to tie knots to the •
soreofthat ablebodied club of
Gorrie-Wroxeten It is ex-
pected that. quite a delegation
will accompany the Goderich
squad.. -
Strangers haNie'alWays been
welcome here and especially radio prograins was lerretted
those who, coming to settle with out by the department trouble •
us, show push and dricre, car last Wednesday, an in -
a desire tp be up , termittent sound that, covers -
with the times. We indeed take. most of the town was traced to '.
pleasure in noticing ,the entire Waterloo;, and Eliin-.-3.Arhere. a
'renovation and brightness guy -wire •fput§, a high-tension
• which has characterized the
line. Repairs to this 'could
xnanagement of the "Pair" and,
7.,prifivelo be costly.
'hope it May bring succes's.'as4"
reward for good business
ability. We , would urge our
friends to patronize this store,
as it is conducted on a "Fair'4
. principle.
The Hard Times Parade
given on Aug. 7 was not up to
expectations. Only ten or a
dozen”- paraders appeared on
the scene but although 'few in
number, the characters in line
were ' „indeed .typical of the
A mistake 'rnade every time
finished. Other work on the
clock will ineeluder,eplacing the
slate dome with a shining.
copper ,.do 'me over the clock.
Woodwork on the premises will .0
alsObe brightened With paint.
One source of interference to
decisive" -move to .kill all
ch-ance of such a plant in the county.
Mr. Timbrell -won't do -that, of
course, just' as he won't prOmise
unequivically thaf there won't be
regional government in Huron. That
famous phrase -"at this time"
always'crops up. Mr. Timbrell will
promise that there won't be a power
plant before the election and' there
won't be regional government
before an election. r • '
As the lndians..in, the old Western
movies used t9 'say, he speaks with'
forked tongue. If he and ,the other
people ih the goVernmerit want us to
believe them instead of the Liberals,
:then they should start giving -us the
straight dope, not the B.S. Most
people don't core which party is in
power as long as the policies make
sense. The policies of Mr. .Timbrell
and sidekicks 'just don't Make sense.
A,- --The Blyth Standard
py Lore by Dare Sykes
Graham Inglis , has taken
over a garage on Kingston St..
and; will conduct it as a Sun Oil
Co. Service Centre, the first in
A% welcome addition to the
bathing beach equipment has
been made by the town council
in the form of a 'sunbreak', a
-21'X15' wooden - structure af-
fording shade to visitors to the
The "bathing beach and pier
have been a very popular resort
here during the heated term .
and form one, of the greatest'
attractions of the town for
The water temperatures in
the lake this summer have been
exceptionally* 'high.
thmperature of 82 this week
was the highek since records
have been kept. The average
temperature for the past week
has been 77, where the highest
recorded,temperature last year
was 72.
Bi Shirley J. Keller
• CANTDU supporters *lithe My recent trip to Pouglas ,
r joicing this week at the news ' Point reminded me that High-
* t Ontario Energy Minister way 21 --the Blue Water Route,
ennis Timbrell that a ." study as it iS known in tourist circles--
+ will be undertaken • by , the is really 4t pO'or excuse as a
Oqarib •Research Foundation vacationland _thoroughfare. To
,into the application of wind be absolutely ,truthful, .it is
„ generators for local electrical more like a secondary road and
power supply in Ontario. ' . , in s6me places, it may be more,
. The .study, a joint venture of accurately'described as a trail.
Ontario Hydro and M,inistry of Goderich and Kincardine
common --an abrupt,stop and a ., been exceptionally well.done..
—0— . The County Town NeWspaper of Huron
Fpunded In 446 end published *Very Thursday at Goderich, Ontario Member of the CWNA end OWNA.
Advertising rates on requite. Subscriptions payable Iiiiidvance *1000 in Canada, 511,50 in all coun-
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Buslnessfrend F.ditorial Office
%TELEPHONE 524-9331
area code 519
Meiling Ajdrese:
P.O. BOX 220, Opderich
Second -class mail registration number, --0116
Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd.
ROBERT G. SHRIER—presiderit and publisher
JEFF SEDDON--editori4I staff
DAVE SYKES—editorial staff
EDWARD J. BYRSKI—advertising manager
.DAVE R. WILLIAM5—advertising representative
,‘ •
t "4:
miss a single opportunity to spit
.thern out with precision .and
talent to the delight of the
audience. There was much
chuckling and chortling among
playgoers as the.jactors .again
and again exchanged humorous
lines in quick, sharp contrast
with "just right" emphasis.
The set was excellent. In
'Tact, I'm told that all the sets at
Energy, will look at all current •have at least one thing n the Playhouse this season have
technology and compare wind
generation syStems, with other
power sources. In addition, the
study will indicate how and
where wind generation might
be used practically in -Ontario
with emphasis on, the, remote
right angle turn on a heavily
travelled route which is enough
to drive holidayers back to
where they came fronfin a fit of
Here in.Goderich, workers in
industrial park are learning
Mr, Tit -Oren said, "Wind that ..patience is a.virtue,
energy .offers the potential for particularly' if they Want to get'
energy prot,-luction on a. local from the park to the five points
vscaolnmeriti impact
scale rninpiamcat a
1 endn- intersection' via Highway -21 at
noon hour. It,isn't unearnrnon
freedom. from the price to find traffic backed up as
escalation, of fossil fuels." rnuch as a block, particularly
"The' research will be of .. on a day pear the weekad
particular impertance .to the when,tourists are Wending their
remote comMunities in nor- . way northward.
thern Ontario where _the Just what, it will be like:, on a
. government is interested in
increasing the availability of
electrical power," Mr. Tim -
bra added. YTechnically, it
`Would' be. possible to supply
re -mote northcfn airrimunities
"with medium capacity wind
generator systems." . •
• The Minister said. that a
dertionstration project may be
undertaken in 197G if the results
of the study warrant a field
test. .
There are many, including of
course the CANTDU people,
Who have for a' long time ad-
vocated harnessing the 'Wind to
pro -truce electrical, ' power. -
While the old windmills on, the
farms in Huron County are
summer afternoon once rrtre
indust4es locate here ,and the
shopping plaza is opened is
difficult to fathom:" Already,
irritated drivers are taking
dangerous chances because of
the traffic tie-ups. at the in-
tersestion of Bayfield Road'and
Britannia Road. • ,,
At time of writing, council
still haS not made a 'decision
regarding Highway 21 south...
and„ the intersection just
mentiOned. One thing is certain
... it is a far:react-Ting. decision
which has many facets for
consideration. In fact, it may
not be entirely possible for the
Town of Goderich to make the
right decisiOn without ,.some
prior knowledge Of provincial*
almost all gone, they proved government plans fOr the area.
useful enough to get many folks And that's unlikely. Still,
• thinking about ways and .,
local legislatorwill try' to. look
means to utilize the wind for .,at all s a p
ects and Goderic,h,
bigger and better things. , •
people will have to live With
There are many stories about their findings.
individuals who are having
fabulous suceeSs with Wind -1- '--F +
, generators. In fact, the'
Electrical Research I made my first visit this .Plummets? A caSe in point is
seem incredible ': previous year, but the total
Aug. 7theditorial. To date regional government must‘till come do*n.
Skunks and : foxes, eVer-
-A'Ssociation of the United ,season to Huron Country illustrated in the Signal Star's ; •
Kingdorrrhas hadeconsiderable Playhouse last Saturday.,
eXperierice . with wind evening, The play' was "Ltiv" , Uosually we are presented
* industrially -- sloWer-growing
has not been introduced into .
generation and will be working by Murray Schisgal. , with informative community:
present in this area; are the
. in'conjunctioroWith the Ontario In 'mareas such as Huron Countymain infectors of domestic
y opinion, Robert oriented messages that go a
Rather, it ,has been utilized to animals. Report* any unusual
Research ,Foundation on the ilverman, David Boit and great distance in enlightening
Study in this province,
This one, a blidge in the
evening, showed., considerable
imagination in both design and
color effectiveness.
Of course, thenew barn
theatre is just. tremendous. I
deubt if there ,is a bad seat in
the house ... and thats a bonus
for all those folks who must
-settle for reservations in the
rear. What's more, the space
between the -rows of Seats is
exceptionally wide and makes
it • possible to remain seated
white others pass, in front of
you. Great!
It appeared to be a sell.put
crowd Saturday evening and
I'm not at all surprised. Huron
Country Playhouse has corne of
age and it is an attraction well
worth seeing and SUpporting.
This week, it's' Hello Dolly;
next week, Barefoot in the
Park, a repeat".(f hear it is the
hest thing that has ever been
done at HCP); and the •
following' week,. Hello Dolly'
,.,By the way, we went with
friends in time for dinner at the
Playhouse. Despite • some
problems (some of the late
diners received only a Portion
of what was on the nrkenU
because of a shortage' of food),
thefood was good. •
Our waiter later apologized
for the mix-up which earlier
left us ,guessing why we were
without tomato juice, rolls and
butter and salad..: and with a
depleted variety of fresh fruit
and cheese for dessert _1 but
,the roast beef, potatoes and
vegetable were served hot and
tasty. The coffee was thefinest
It was evident the reserve
store of emergency staples was
also in short suPply... but our
main complaint was that atter
making reservations the day
previous and paying for the
meal, before dining, there was
no recourse left to the patron
but to voice displeasure and
possibly leave, with feelings ,
baseball game.
that were less than pleasant 'Perfect, summer.' ,weather
prevailed for the annual Legion
toward the place. -
Picnic - held- at Kitchigami
Such problems a' re infrequent
Camp August 9: Young and old.
to be sure, but even then could enjoyed swimming, racing,
be easily avoided by an horseshoes, ball games and
emergency cuPboard. ... or
other competitions. As usual,
eased by way of explanation':,
pop, cake, ice cream and chips
before the meal is served, ,
were plentiful. Everybody left
perhaps' offering some,
for home- after a full day at
reasonable alternative which
about 8 p.m.
, the ckiner May or may n'ot wih
Pternier.Hepburn announced
some weeks ago the intentionof
branches of the Provincial
Bank at seVeral suitable points
around the province, and it is
understood that'. one of the
locations planned is Goderich.'
The nearest branch of the .
Provincial Bank, and the only
one in the oufity, is at
- Seaforth. It was established
there sorne years back.
The 1970 Kingsbridge Old
Boys' ,reunion will be held on
Saturday and Sunday of this
week with a variety of events
planned.. Events include an
entertainment program, .° a
Latin Mass, -Boy Scout and Girl ,
Guide ceremonies, a concert by
the Goderich Town Band and a
Poor analogy
Dear Editor, , '
- Why is itothat each time wq„.,
are faced with an election the'
high standard of weekly
newspaper editorials suddenly
It would appear that rabies
will Continue to pose a potential
hazard to dogs and, Cats in
Huron CoUnty. In order (to at
least partly alleviate . this
hazard it has been decided that
The Canada Department of
Agriculture, Health of Animals
Branch, connection with the
Huron County Health Unit will
again conduct free anti-Pabies
. 1 • * . • vaccination clinics for dogs and
. •
judginent the issue of
cats in this county. Confirmed
cases of rabies in animals
regional government. 'The
continuedat a very high level in
• Minister's ,remarks Were
the past year. Rabies cases
viously aimed at reassuring the
involving both Wild and
P.C. members that they were
domestic animals totalled 69
being listened- to at Queen's
for the 12 -month period ending
Park. Given the reCord of,past
• March 31 as-compared.to 89 the
events his statement does
' . .
Mary Pirie carried the play mot of uS-on local iharness uncontrolled contact between thesanimals
stues., In
deyelopment,, endangering the
quality of life in Ontario. Areas
and another animal 65 the
Actual work on the project along in a highly professional fact, we sometimes bedome
began Monday. The final , and definitely Skillftil manner, dependent on Our local paper ' Huron County . Health Unit
report is apected tobe rnade to Luv is not one of my favorite for recent news items and well- of high agricultural production immediately. The disease is
' the Minister of Energy in early plays. It is depressing and dull reasoned comment. 'But as the and thus low industrial usually fataas soon as sym-
.Novt mber. , . at ' its best,.. buta live per- development have not Con-
cerned the ,provintial gover- -
ptomS appear.
Aug, 7th editorial revealed, the,
Hats off to. Mr, Timbrell and formance of -the calibre wit- smell of a fine politi-cal contest
', .
his associates, , A good many nesse& Saturday evening is 'has sent our editor reeling into nment.* A salary increase of five
percent across the board has
citizens look forward to the totally tolerable and at time fits of anger. • Mrs. Keller's analogy bet,
.results of this study with much quite enjoyable. . One queries the rbaenedn c.aupsptarodviaend.bfuosr,dcruivsetodrs lafnosr .,
reason. for ween, the consolidation . Of
anticipation of good things to There ,are many truly funny this outburst When the Cabinet school boards and the in -
Minister to which .she refer.s troduction of regional goer -
come , line's in the play ... and the trio
'merely passed a poSt' mortem
of Playhouse•performers didn't
(continued on page 3)
School Board.ifor the - 197041
year. ,