HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-08-07, Page 22.7711r.- ' •r . �• " .' � i RIAI j{1MJ .0 `I ?ACi .lei,-UODERICHsIGNA, ,,,TAR,THURSDAX,AUGUST!, VA PRE-COOKED • 91. V1CTOR,IA STREET GODERICH rvvit,iv',".� ■ ■� OPEN NITELY 'PRICESIEFFECT WHILE QUANTITIES LAST TILL 10 p�M• WE d1ESE,RYL1HLRU Hi- 0 L„MIT QUANTITIES , PRODUCT OF ONTARIO N@.'1 GRAbE a 4T.�, �� rz. iTOMATQES BASKET 4'9 �. Fs..1.... x•N JIIYA a .. Fijns for VON ,cat ,, Betty Cardno (left), Seaforth, presented a cheque for $150 to Perth Huron Victorian Order of Nurses representative Cathie Rutter (right), Goderich, recently. Irene Okahashi and Vicki Horbaniuk, of the Huron Country g Sin les, Clinton, look on. The money will be used to help ,Rurcbase wide club decided to a second car for the VON in Huron. Mrs. Cardno said the county d donate to the VON because it serves the whole of Huron. (Photo by Wilma QCe) . '1 0 .BACO PRIDE OF CANADA, MAC & CHEESE, CHICKEN LOAF " PKG� 89C LU�cH MEATS KEN'S KORN FOR YOUR CORN ROAST - FRESH DAIL PRODUCT OF ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE POTATOES .9c. ' LB, 9 PRIDE OF CANADA NO, 1 FjteYefling$e'5Sb0 n many long y.i,ars • At the first evening'session:of ,.Huron County Councotl in many years, inernhers last.Thursday evening agreed . to appoint ° \Vi11i,tm R. Alcock of Goderich as Deputy Clenk Treasurer, effective Svpternber 3. , Mr, Alcock , and his wife attended the Session and were greeted by council "members. Salary for Mr. Alcock Will be $19,000 per annum with salary • to he adjusted to $20,000 per annum effective January 1, 1476. He is presently with A.M. Harper's chartered accounting firm in Gosierich. Councialso, accepted with ' much regret. the resignation,of • county' planner Nick •Hill ef- fective September 30. Mr, Hill will -be returning to school this fall••and will write exams in the spring for a degree in ar- • chitecture. Mr. Hill's hard work in i:he planning department was noted by council. In answer to Reeve Gerry Ginn's question con- ° cerning whether or ,not it was partly a,question of money that Mr. Hill was leaving the county employ; Planning Director Gary-Davidsfin explained that Mr. Hill was "anxious 'to- get back into architecture''.: Planning Board Chairman Jack L. MCCutcheon said thata replacement for Mr. Hill will he sought, having a minimum of two years' experience in rural. planning. The salary range is to be $15,000 to $17,000 per annum. Mr, McCutcheon noted that was higher than the'salary paid ter• the previous planner, but reminded council, that when they advertised' earlier in the vea',for a planner,' there were "none,: with' the qualifications we asked for, at the price we' wereprepared to pay?" , r,W .1. Morley was appointed as Executive Committee representative on the. Historic Jail' Board after chairman Robin Lawrie of Blyth found he M could not attend the meetings due to a lack of time. , • Council agreed to concur.,with two resolutions - one from. the Association of Municipalities of Ontario objecting to the rate increases for Ontario Hydro, and one from , • the County of Hastings opposing the increase i~n the price of oil and gasoline. The Executive Committee ;has arranged a meeting with the municipalities ' in, Huron where •public housing exists, is presently under construction or being considered, to discuss a county -wide housing authority. That meeting is" set for Wednesday, August 1'3' in the 13oard Room •of' the County \dmipistrati in Building ' in Goderich, Several members of council insisted that the Meeting would he of interest to all municipalities sine,' 1)uhlic housing ,may one day affect all Of them. - -Council gave. permission for a .quarter acre. pf surplus land at Renmilleur 05 he sold to Ben - miller. states Corporation at a cost o $500, The land was• originally purchased from Verne Gledhill to allow ,con- struction of the new county bridge in the village. 'Vfr,z,hen the County of Huron -was purchasing property for the new bridge,,Several years ago, , we were forced to. pur- chase.the entire holdings of Mr.., Verne Gledhill which contained 'more land than was required fo•r the road allowance,,, ex- plained Road Chairman Ralph McNichol. H�lmes.i'JtI,e garden clu holds final meeting r.. On, Monday, August 4, the Hol,mesville I, 4-H Garden Club held its last tiieeting. 1, Vice-president Christine Burgess opened the meeting and conducted the business. Secretary, Cathy Mcllwain read the roll :calx and secretary's report. The girls discussed how to exhibit vegetables, Cathy McI twain and Audrey DeRutter arranged a sample exhibit with the help of 'Ann Klomps and Janice Miller, After the • meeting, leader Mrs. 'l3ettles treated the members to a piece of pumpkin pi'e. The pumpkins came fram the Kettles' garden. NEW ZEALAND LAMBSHOULDER ROAST:LB.89C FRESH MIXED LOIN PORK (Hops HEINZ 13 FL.,QZ.,. KETSUP 2i99c, HEINZ 14 FL-, OZ.: KIDNEY BEANS 3°Y1 C4L HEAVY DUTY 10's GARBAGE. BAGS 99c ,GREEN 'GIANT 12 'FL. OZ. C-ORN vNIBLETS , 2 R'69c; MODERNE 200's 2 PLY' GFAC1AL TISSUE 59C The land, it" is understood, • will- be part of expansiojr Plans for Ben:ni'illcr • Estates Cor- poration and a swimming pool is expected to he constructed 00 it in ' conjunction with -the premises (forme'rl.y the Pfrimmer Mill) now un- dergoing renovation." Council also agreed to sell -a pai-ceI 'of land (2.5 acres) near ,Kirkton to. OntarioHydro for • the sum of $1. Ontario Hydro., will build a new distribution' station, ,,there, in order - to provide Hydro eledtric power to a ncw,,plant -located on County Road 6 just west of Kirkton: /`.;It was, the decision of the °commit'tee that time. .after consultatiorVwith the Township of Usborne, that this surplus parcel of land was of very little use"t0 the. cpunty as it was too small for a park and rather than see Hydro forced to purchase. Qtne good agricultural land, it was agreed to • sell,., reported , Mr. McNichol. Hydro will landscape the parcel ttt a cost 'of $5,000 and maintain it as an, open space except for the 100 foot square fenced area, fhr all time. " Features: 4 Convenient Settings, Including Durable Press Fast -Efficient Washing; Rinsing and - Spin -Drying; Durable Polypropylene Agitator With 4 High Vanes; Water and, Suds Saver; ',No Special, 'Plumbing Required. " 1 ;. ,•.:$ERV CE' DOMINION HARDWARE 30 VICTORIA ST. NORTH 5248681 Sully crew.... 4 n • • (continrie'a from page 1 first event of the Admiral's Cup four race yachting cgrnpetition Sunday; She got off to a fairly slow, start in the light breeze-, and was hampered by a coupie of, tactical errot5f. late in the race. She suffered a, further setback when she sailed into a calm. near one of the marks of the race. ' The performance of the yacht =was attributed to the freshness , of her..crew'wh:ich includes nine Canadians and two , Nor • - wegians. 'Most are seasoned in ocean racing but some had not - worked together before the first Cup race. Canada was a late eptry in Admiral's cup and organizers were rushed in picking crews for the three boats fielded: The crew 'of the Diva was picked from -various boats operating in Ontario, The Kar'trata, another entry was crewed by Van- couver sailors''and the Iaynamo ',was crewed by veterans of skipper Gerhard Moog's successful racer Mirage. , The Dynamo was disqualifttied from Monday's race due, to a minor infraction and, the Rapata placed 43rd out of 57 boats in the 32 -mile in -shore racy, +M •01. LB.' BAG ' i.49. BICKS SWEET MIXED OR KRAFT SINGLES 8 OZy PKG PICKLES 24 FM o M 89c CHEESE+SLICES 79c 9c STUART HOUSE 18" BANQUET 14 FL. OZ. 25 FT. 89e' CHOICE PEAS 379c FOIL WRAP CANADA,128 FL. OZ. •M SCHNEIDER's1 LB. JAR CHEESE SPREAD °1.19 FBI PURE 48. FL. OZ. APPLE JUICE 59c SUNSPUN 32 FL. c z. SALAD DRESSING $9c 2 ONLY - MODEL •SP 315 Dishwashers e Gold Only • Top Load •`Sanitizer Cycle • Rinse & Hold Cycle • Plate Warmer MODEL 780 PW 1 Only Washer + Front Loading - White + 5 push button. temp'. gelector + Weight -to -save door, measures Toad R E G..$5'09.00 Now ' $ 09. MODEL-KF431 — 2 only Electric Ranges * .infinite heat control • " Timing Centre • Automatic Appliance Outlet • Manual Clean Oven" REG. VALUE $369.00 P' MODEL DE 500 PW 2 only Dryers '-o Heat "Air Fluff Cycle" +'Permanent Press 80Knit Cycle , + NoTumble Dryer Rack Included + White REG. $275.00 Now $215. MODEL LA '50 PW - only,. Washer - white + Variable water Ievel- + 18 Ib. capacity ' + Double Wash Action + 3..,Permanent Press Water Selections "REG. $429.00 Now $349,, Have just read * •balled '.Was R,lght?, by Gar; remE er little bird whoA. honked her on tli S'c.raming, y. falling!" The nt hysterical voice; Until she beca,m useless ball of f -' There are ma vs ..like Chic panic stricken $ Sky is falling an is crashing to its It's hard not them` when ti continue to ' world's sicknes Havens states, „pieces of the glt faster than we back together. TRAGE.DY, CRISIS, IMMO seems to disap Change, chang nerves.earth's p . ,,:.Man's' relent more pleasure seems to be br explosion of Scientists say it of time before ejiminated ane genetic 'co eiml°nate birth dfects. Already so.m ilibw to control t v4 ith electric it light parts of ajgression pills and used t u gressive bt ten are predi arning pi 5 emulators g r at will, benr ✓ ce., Many peoplE ssibility th reit& man° an 25,000 ba eborna ae jnseinination, s' eculation 1 allies. Res veloped a c ee. They sa. tomb is pe tcheries wil ssibility befo ext century. ByA"a" proces an may be E uman being urposes. (If iti exciting w( obby Orrs be ther men arE eory that b ging • proce ' ltimately e i self. All this soun ho will.conti sk? The abil in is admira good is id.e: in this po termines w Forty-six rticl?lea Ha' i Monday a dry enjoyab oup travel rived at the he residerr Mrs, l creational- WEL 3 SE 4jti'ould like 'ousewarm reformation Tklcation, T tiled, to arra tion to t 011 her a