HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-08-07, Page 12a 4 or` u;. PAPE 6-,-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 19J5'~' U r OtBORNE. CORNER Mrs. 6, Kaittinq Swimming -lessons -for Colborne children have started and are progressing very favorably. Ninety-five children have registered and two buses -terve-,been arranged to take thei children to swimming. This project sponsored by Colborn `Township . Recreation, in past years has been well -worth the - effort and it looks- as if this is going to be another year in which many children will benefit. Decoration Service will be. held at Colborne Cemetery this Sunday.. August 10 at 2:30 p with Rev. Leonard' Warr - conducting the service, The McMillan Family will provide . the music. 4-H girls in the project "Garden Clul; - Usesraof Vegetables.' report Miss Jane Pengilley, Home Economist has visited • their. gardens, Achievement Day will be Tuesday, August 19 at the East Wawanosh Public School. Of special interest to many Colborne Tawnship .boys and girls and their parents is the • Dungannon Calf Club. It is of •special note to inform the public, that the Dangannon Calf Clu Will be holding their Calf Judging at'the Dungannon Fair Grounds this Saturday,. August 9 at. 1 p.m, Children belonging. to this Club..{,tinge in age from 12 to 18 years •rnd this Saturday and afternoon at the Calf Club . Show at the Dungannon Fair Grounds should .'prove "in- teresting .to one and all so pian to attend and support the boys,., and girls. - SOFTBALL„ Softball is in full swing and some of the , schedule. have been completed. Last Tuesday, July 29 the 'girls played and' the.- j un or girls' team Won both gain the senior girls' games, . both.,, teams lost to Goderich. Township. ; .. Monday evening, August 4, the boys played: Juniors Colborne B team defeated Colborne C team score 1$-4, the Stanley B vs, Colbornae'A game was_ postponed until this .'T'h'ursday, August 7. Senior boys, Colborne A team • defeated Stanley score 11-4; the .other game which was to, have been played was postponed until a later date, Monday, August 11, the boys ,. play : Juniors, Goderich Twp. B team vs. Colborne C team; Colborne A team vs. Colborne B team at the school. Tuesday, August 12, the girls play : Juniors, Co'lborr)e,B team vs. Colborne A team. Both the senior boys and senior girls have completed their playing schedule and new schedules have not bee drawn ,,up to date. COMMUNITY NEWS Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Worthy Fowler recently have been an aurft, Mrs. Fern ShackeFbon, Toronto and Mrs,' Fowler's brother, ' Mr. Tom • •u Stamp. inJo siow BY ROB SHAME R Reel custom first day, Anyone who has been on the philatelic,,bureau's malting list doubtlessly knows how hard it. is to keep receiving the new release announcements ono time In a town like Goderich where the announcements are not always readily available', it is important to receive these on time. LPhilatelic heads everywhere in Canada have scratched their pates trying to think of a solution to the problem. They tried putting their wives and'husbands on the mailing list to see that if they got two announcements, they would receive at least one on -time. Alas,the government sent the two at the same time, and, late or not, they arrived together. The purpose, and Canada Post both defeated themselves. There seems to be - no solution, and. I have none 'to `offer. The only reason ; you would need to receive the an neuncements on time ,is if you r Smith reunion On Sunday, July 27,. the descendants .of James Smith and y Margret > Mallough Anderson . and. daughter gathered at Harbor Park, Loraine of North Bay, and Mr. • 'Goderich, for their annual and •Mrs. Stuart Patterson of picnic.. • Penticton, B°;C, The picnic will be held in 1976 Mr, and Mrs. Clem Steffler .the' fourth Sunday in July at have returned home from a Harbor park with dinner at 1 very enjoyable months vacation in the West, mainly in the Peace R iver District, Alta. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Hunter are pleased to announce their o'clock,. In charge of.the program and lunch for 1975 ;were"Adeline Allin, Evelyn Wilcbx, Jean and Andre, Delbergue, Dorothy and second granddaughter's ' Mi=ke Gulutzen, Karen . and arrival - Susie May born to Mr.. Bar-4yHoegy - and H nter). Cottenham of Owen person present, iven�k oldest 1VIrs Dou - nee 'Linda–,...,..PriEjs...were, ,. g Frank Glen, Sound. Dungannon;, the family coming Mrs. Armstrong of Detroit is the farthest, Tony and Mona • visiting with'hersister, Mr. and Knox and family, Thorold; Mrs. Terence Hunter. prize found under table, Anna Miss Gail Louzon, who has Dexter; guess macaroni in jar, been a patient in the.hospital in IsobelleDoherty. London and Goderich for. Sports for the children were several weeks, has returned conveyed by Karen and Berry home. Her many friends miss Hoegy and Dorothy and Mike her and. s'h her a speed:y', dunning race 3 to recovery.5 year's: Benny Hoegy, Tresa Brindley, Sherry Hoegy; races 6-9 Sheila Gulutzen, Murry Clark, Shawn .Doherty; races, 10 to 13, Mary Margret Smith, Steven _ Gulutzen,. Kevin Clark; race -14 hand owl': Mary Margret • Smith, Janice •'Allis, Sharon spirits ofk Dheathen �� �Ialg an Darryl Hoegy.; three-legged FarrisB)runion Rain,faltto dampen • covers, and they ar-e not offered by the government on their.subscription program.A very handsome and usefulbodklet is available fom the Australian Philatelic Bureau. If you write and ask to be,puton their mailing. .list, you will receive two or three back issues of the Australian Philaelic ' Bulletin, a very informtive and" 'relevant bulletin ad .newsletter. It is well worththe priceofa stamp. The address to write is ThePost Office Philatelic Bureau, 37'4 Bourke St, Melbourne, Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3000. If Australia is not yourcup of te, perhaps you „collect' or would like to collect new issues from other countries. If this is the case,you might be in- terested in a booklet contining, addresses of 203 philatelic hureaus the world.*over. You can 'pbtain mint stamand any other philatelic items of- fered bygovernments. ' This booklet is available for one dollar postpaid from LeonardKindler, 3366 Red Lion, Road, Philadelphia, Pa. 191`14The booklet does not list countries that sllonly to dealers and 'wholesalrs and not toindividuals. ' • If you are .vacationing overeasthis year and plan to visit stampSh-bps ire countries you visit; you ,would be wise to take along your Lyman's or Canada Specialized catalgues.Many °people report( finding rare items in one or two cent .funk boxes. This is riot sur- hriing, because a - dealer in Germany or 'England has onlythe '-Gibbons •or Minkus catalogue ,to go by, not wanting tbe bothered chckinatalogues for everyco`untry. • A • ' The 14th annual reunion was held for the descendents of the late • Ann Dickson? and David Farrish on Sunday, August 3 in Ashfield Township park. Threate'ned by the rain. everything dried up nicely and didn't dampen the spirits of the -Farrish clan. Many attended, from . Lucknnw, '• Goderich,, Gorrie, Wroxeter, Palmerstdn, Willowdale,'Toronto, Kitchener and Ashfield. The ladi-s: °prr'ad a'bountiful smor ashord supper a which everyone enjoyed: After . the deli rjous meal: .the president Anne McDougall opened a•short meeting. - w A minutes silence was ob- served in memory of .those 'pf the clan who had passed aWay since the• last. get together. • These were Brent Farrish, Harry .Girvin and • Auqrey, Stewart. Elections 'for officos were held with'Anne McDougall, a-, president„again next' year by „unanimous decision. Grafit °Farrish will' remain avice- president and Winnie Walters- astsecretary-treasure;.r. The secretary's report was road by Winnie Walters, Elmer Farrish had his family, • tree record ` hook and new names were,recorded. , ' -Afte1 the business Jack .Westlake:. Bill Johnston and' Jack Parrish arranged' games and races for the children and adults. - Grace Farrisl"r' Lucknow, was the eadest lady present and Elmer F'arrish, • the eldest gentleman. A good time. was had by all •and the picnic is' planned for next year at th'e same time and price. race, Shawn Doherty'ar d.Kevin Clark; kick -the -slipper, Anna-- Dexter; 1 ladies find their husband, Judy Brindley. There Was candy and balloons fpr the little ones. In charge of program and lunch for 1976 will be Evelyn Wilcox, Lucille and Pauline Glen and Jean and Andre Delbergue. Sports committee is; Dorothy and Mike Gulutzen and Karen and Barry Hoegy: NOW PLAYING: THURSDAY, AUG. '7 TO SAT. AUGUST 9 Chris Black & the Swinging Brass' EIG`l-IT PIECE DANCE BAND Si. COVER CHARGE FRIDAY & SATUR- DAY NI,GHT ONLY. COVER CHARGE WILL BE PAYABLE AT THE DQOR. COMING: .. MONDAY, AUGUST II TO SAT. AUGUST -16 9.incoIn Green” �... RETURN ENGAGEMENT ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON THIS WEE -K'S SPECIAL a .,g Graduates., • • Lynda L. Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 4'. Cook of Goderich, graduated from' Fanshawe College' School of - Nursing, 'W$dstoek Campus, on July 29 at a ceremony at , cAlumnl Hall, London. 9 7.4 V.WCamper Complete with twin bunks, Ice box, table, sink,'folding roof, radfat"1ires,,onlj' 5,000 miles, finished in orange' and white. J LT -02&1 4-2 5.0. Alf Hoy Motors West Street - Goderich • a`' ROUN"ANo AOUT1ITH MARTHA How 'are you after the heat wave? I nearly froze this, morning when the temperature -dropped to something around 59 degrees. We certainly can't complaink about too little summer, - it is the best and hottest we have had in years. I was so proud and happy to hear that Rusty Orrriardy and his , little partner Karen Osborne had won the' dance competition in figure skating in •Niagara Falls last weekend. This is a big step up forthese youngsters and the whole Port of Goderich should take pride in their accomplishments. They are certainly , put -ting GODERICH before ;the people of Canada with their travels and fine skating. Some day ,these -young people will compete outside of Canada 1. are we waiting until then to say "Well done, Rusty and Karen"? . Can we claim them for Goderich—then? • ' This sort of thing makes me so darned mad, when I see two youngsters ;(now" 17) working their hearts out for something they love and their home town sitting placidly on their collective fannies saying NOTING,! This is not the first. time this has happened. We have had other young .people "'strive so hard'."t rrecognition - but they get little or no encouragement or appreciation. It really .is TOO BAD. It .is' the same thing with hockey or othr:r sports teams, music, art, the dance or theatre • - the town ' 'says nothing and seldom attends their games or concerts until they are" on the very top. I think this apathy is the reason many of our teams and individuals never quite make it because they do not have their home town rooting for; therm: Since we have so many newcomer's to our town, perhaps T!-IEY. can recognize sincerity and hard work and will show some signs of ap- preciation for those who have .` ,the guts and stamina to do their THING. Many of you may not know it, but we have a great number'6f really wonderful people who in the last few years, have chosen Goderich asTHEIR town to enjoy and raise their youngsters. They want the best for them - 'and I can see that they will fight for it, too. - This' generation of young people - young marrieds"- who have settled here are like the 'people of over,a hundred years ago - they want a better pla'ee to put down/Moots and they will work for it. So, you who do little or nothing for the town but back- bi to or destroy—=keep out of their way --for 'the next- hun- dred ,years ;;are' going 'to see:, I • great iMprovements on every hand for Gixierich. - Congratulations•toErank and" Mabel Walkom on their 45th, wedding anniversary. WOW! • Love, Martha. V1ie,ddjng Reception for Mr. & Mrs. Brian Pfrimmer (nee Pat Adams) arida y.„.. -Aug.._ 9pm�-1a;m. •at Saltford Dancing to Shannon Friends Welcome Color TM Winner Chief of Police P.D'. Cing happily makes the draw for the free color TV offered by Peter. Parent & James . Green, new owngrs of Green & Parent Ford &..Mercury Sales, Limited. The winner of the, color .,TV was Hope 'Cook of 144 Albert St., Clinton. The TV prize was a_special, offered during the in- troduction of the new dealership to Goderich. It SAVE Blue' CANADA OR HEINZ WhiteVinegar ‘14 JUG .1.09 SAVE NABOB Instant Coffee W.O Z . JAR a .99 SAVE SQUIRREL SMOOTH Peanut Butter 18 OZ. .$ 1 QQ JAR I, • / / - SAVE SAVE WHiTE SWAN Paper ToweIs Sup�rm ar, MAPLE LEAF v REGULAR OR BEEF Wieners L. 8 .x' Ground Beef F,ROM THE FREEZER 3 LB. PAC $1 •`"9 EA. SCHNEIDER'S .021, FRESH LEAN - Pork Rib -Bits 69c LB. Fresh Produce ONTARIO NO. 1 10 LB, BAG New"Pota tees 99c ONTARIO No. i Head Lettuce 1".A. c SUNKIST 113's Oranges . .07.79c - FRESH - - Corn, Potatoes, Peaches 'ARRI°VI.NG,'DAILY. MA3CWELLHOUSE REGULAR GRIND COFFEE 1 LB. 89c B1S'G CANADA PACKERS Ranch. Style . Bologna BY#'SHE49 PIECE LB. CANADA PACKERS Thrifty Bacon (PART SLICES) 39 LB $ • .> AYLMER Ketchup. 32 OZ. • • BOTTLE MAPLE LEAF Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolis" 39 TIDE , Laundry Detergent A 5 LB, BOA Mr Frozen Foods SAiCO PINK OR WHITE 1.2 0Z. TIN=•., Lemonade 39t 'KELLOGG'S REG.•II OZ. PKG. Eg'go:WaffIes9( SILVER WOODS MEADOW GO -L» , Ice '('ream I.2 GAL. $1.29. This Weeks Grocery Specials LEAVER PIECES & STEMS IQ OZ. TIN' Mushrooms .. 49c LIBBY'S •1.4 OZ. TIN 'Spaghetti $ CARNIVAL TOMATO, VEGETABLE & MUSHROOM Soup 10 OZ. TIN F 0 11 s1 5j1 GLAD PKG. OF ICO Baqs'Garba a�99c CARNIVAL ALL PURPOSE 7 LB. BAG FIour s1.19 AL4EN'S.i8;OZ.TIN Fruit . Drinks . 4 99 c WESTONS LUNCH BOX Bread " 275-c WESTONS RASIIERRY Danis'h , Pastry PKG, c SiLVERWOOD'S & MAPLE LANE Fresh Milk 3 QUART BAGS , 11OMO .2% SKIM 13S-.i.so st45 .Blue's" Superm�rk�t . 104 The Square .. Goderich STORE HOURS - MON. MTO PRIDAY4` 8 Cm. t3 p,L. $A,T,. Sian. ;.6 p,m m