HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-8-30, Page 1VOL XXII, NO2, ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST, AND HURON "HEW TO THE MIDOLESEX GAZETTE. XIINEt LET THE 0J,EUPS F.Aists WHERE THEY MAY EXETEB, ONTARIO, THOUSI14/ MORNING, A.UGUST 303 1894 C bushels cf oats from eight scree flown. A Dunbar, of t3tratford, receetin se wheeled from that city to Goderioh-a - James Irvine, of Fullerton, had 900 1, duitsetea.nee of 45 miles in 4 hOUra and 5 Min - Mr. Frederick Weber, of Mitchell, (flipped and fell on Tuesday evening, JUST A FEW ODD LINES OF Stutmor aoois To Dar Oat, BEFORE WE TURN ALL OUR ATTENTION TO FALL AND WINTER IVIATERIALS. These little prices should make a speedy clearance ; Fancy and plain double fold dress goods for 23c; regular 35c goods. Wide roc, ribbons for 5ca yd. Regular 6o, " " 3ic We are told by customers every day that our 5ccotton beats every thing ever yet shown for the same money. ro doz. plain and fancy handkerchiefs, a1 to go at 5c. each. Remnants of prints, ginghains, dress goods, etc., all to clear ab great reductions. We have jut received a new lot of ladiesand gent's waterproofs, whiohtre will sell at popular prices. Bring your butter and eggs a long and we will pay you the very highest price going. 11.8.FORD& GO. WOODHAM BYRN. 13EATTY.-In Blanshard on the 201h, inst., the wife of efr. James Beatty of:a daughter. HhISTON.-In Exeter on tee 29th inst., the wife of Mr Ajax. Johnston of a daughter. ANDIJItiON. an Haotor on the 26 tit inet,, tile wife of George Anderson of a WFMKES--/n Exeter on the 2711z, ins, th 8 witoofjasnes Weekes of a son. DIARRIE D. eleyelTT-HORRELe-On the 29tla inse, ret the residence of tfr.Wi11iui Cave, Usborne, bylthe Rev. W. II. Butt, Mfr. Wm. T. FraiVite, • Bay City Mich- to Miss Elizabeth Horrel of Usborne. iFaSTFEt-BROWN.-Oilthe 151h inst., by the Rover:U.015o, atresidenoeof W. J• Wilson Esq., Grseaw.Ly Itt,. ToeephGt. Foster, to Mies Sarah Jane Brown: -0O3KS0N-SANDERS.-At the methodist parsonage, Hansen. Oil the 11th inst ley Rev. F. Swann, Thos. Cookson to Bli8S Zaltna daughter of the late Jantem S mailers, of Sto- ne:diem. e SANRERS--WILLIIMS.-In 81. George's ehurolt, taoderioh, on the 22n4 inst., be Rev. 31, Turnbull, 0. Alban Sanders, of Meilen(' Creek, Ont., to Ituthtfe youngest daughter of J,11.Williams, of Goderioh: ffeEvEIS-LOGA11.-Als the residence) of tee bride's father, near Varna, on Wadaesday, Aug. 22ad, by Rev. J. W. a0das, Mt. John J. Keyes, of Nashville, Tent:mese, to mine' artery A. noseteseeond &smelter of Mr. Chase Ten= of Stanley township. DIED. anin.-In Exeter on the ettle. baste Tana° Reid, aged 77 years. -O'BRIEN.--InlIay, on the 29th, Mast.. Pa t-- • rlok A, O'Brien, aged 63 years. Goderich township, on MondaY Aug. 204,Tane Wallis, aged 9i years, Tuokeramith, on August 17th, Michael McQuade, aged G6years. Taokersmith. on August 171h. Oswald Albere third son of ter. Henry Col- bert, aged 16 years 10 months and 27 days. ARIC.-In Ssaforth. on August 21511 lierbert Stanley, son of /dr. ,T. A' Clark, aged 1 year and 7 months. eitCHNELL.--In Hay, on August 16ch, Wm. Schnell, sewed son of John Schnell., Esq., ex -Deputy Reeve of Bay, aged 21 ye ars. D. C is a flesh producer. . Va••=110 Ur/WM IN A DAL -South Amerioan Rheumatio Cure. for Rheumatism ;and Neuralgia, raclioally cures in 1. to 3 rdays. Its tuition upon the system is retnerk- able and mysterious. It removes at onoe the mile and the disease immediately dis- appears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents., ehild by b. Lutz, Druggist. 818 • Mies D. A. A. owney, Manotic, 012i. e Middlesex County Notes. A little son of Mr. Donald McCoy- qttodale, Deputy -Reeve of East Niesoari, had the misfortune to break his arm re- cently, also a little son of Mr. Hugh Murray, 71h concession West Zorra. The Township of McGillivray voters' list for the yew 1894, containe the names of 1141 votere, of this number 919 are qualified to vote at both Municipal elec- tions and elections to the Legislative assembly only. The list contains the LtAltla of 498 voters who aro qualified. to servo as jurors. The fire at Bryanston on Thuradey oompletely destroyed a, store and a dwell- ing hoase.The store wasoontipied-by Mr. R. Beattie, who managed it for Mr. J. A. Thomes,London. Only $200 worth of stock was removed. The building was owned bv Mr. David Dann, of I3iddulph. Tbe dwell- ing house across the street was ignited by flying embers and burned. It was occu- pied by Mr. James', beiliff. The losses are only partially covered by insurance. Perth County Notes Mr. Thelma •Ocilquhoun's, :Hibbert, crop of fall wheat turned out 40 bushels to the acre, His other erops are equally:: good. Mr! Isaac Smith, of Themes ooncession, Blanshard, sastained a paralytic stroke Saturditymornine and was rendered speeoh- less. Mr. Alex. Irv1nce".3 late teacher of the scbool at Science Hill, hes gone to Tor- onto to attend the Norms( &hoot. Mr. Nathan Doupelati been engagedeas teach- er at Science Hill. Mr. J. D. Moore has, purcbased the grain ware house at the town station, St. Marys, from the executors of the McIntyre estate, with a yievr, it is said, of going in- to grain buying. , Wm.Meinardiss, a German by birth, who was for three yeare in the employ of the Mitchell Packing House, Mitchell, as traveller, and was well known to the business people of Mitchell, committed ,suicide at Grraveuhurat the other night by firing three bullets from a 38 -caliber revolver into his right temple. The des- perate actrwas in his own house as the famils were retiring to bed. No reason is assigned for the rash aot. Take K. D. C. for sour stomach. .DOES IT PAY To take a. We answer emphatically yes if you receive what you pay for. Not every institution dubbed Business and Shor thand School is worthy of your support. Have you seen the oatalogue cf the F. 0. B. 0. Forest City Business and Short- hand College of London Ont., ib contains full parbiculars about the School. Board $2.50 per week. School "e opens Kenney, Sept. a J. W: WESTERVELT. Principal. Great Clearing Sale oP ORDERED CLOTHING AT Jo no GRIEVE'S. For the next 30 days we will sell the balance of our Suer SUitings at aprice to suit everybody. Our stock being too heavy it thus be reduced at the following low prices : All Wool Tweed' Suits for$g.5o Regular F'ric, e$x2.00. .0.et 1.1,oci " 44 15.00, 15.6o ,‘ ,.. ig,00. Fine Tweed Pants . 2,25 ' 3.5o, 4.6o 6.00. Our $5.00 pants azze.),cheap at $7.00. We have a lot Of niee tweeds a.1 45c, a yard for boy's clothing and -we out all our own goods fret of charge, We have also a big lot of Remnants` ranging from X yard up to 5 yards, at very low prices, °erne' and 'See for yourself. Remember the place. rrSt., J. 4 11; GRIEVE !N Exeter' breaking one of the sinell bones in hie leg near the ankle, - Dr. and Mrs. Annstrone, of Fullavton, have returned home from, their ttip througn Great Britain. Both the Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong speak of having had a splendid and enjoyable trip to and vieit in the old land. - While Mr. Albert Vipond and mother were driving .along the road south \ of Cromarty, their lime took Mot at a log at the side of the reed aud ran int o the ditch, upsetting the rig and throwing the ocoupania to the ground with the result that Mrs. Viporul received a frac- ture of the collar bone and Mr. Vipond got hi e arm run over. The Patron's a inaustry held a ',meet ing in Mitchell the otner day and deci- ded to eight to la finish the protest again- st Mr. MoNeill the member eleot: They claim the protest was entered by Toronto people for the purpose of a saw off, and that the local Reformers had nothing whatever to do with it. They have, however, nothing to fear. One day lately Mr. Wm, Dielmon. foreman of the Listowel woollen mills, was shooting with s, 22 calibre rift° at a bird, belt struck Harry Edmonds, & son of Mr. Albert Edmonds, who with a oocapanion,was sitting on Bismarck street bridge, in this place. The ball entered his arm just above the elbow and lodged iu the shoulder, and could not be ex- tracted. Huron County Notes ...._-- The other evening, while James Wileon of Godenoh.left his little boyin the wag- gon on the square, the horses took tright and ran away. The boy was thrown out, and bad one of hi.' legs brok- en. At Brussels one day last week Dalby Kendall found a pocketbook on Turnberry Stcontaining about $100. The owner showed tip shortly after and gladly re- ceived the missing treaeare. Dalby was rewarded by the reoeipt of 5 cantieh .,.1;44:e A Convention for South Huron, ail con- stituted for Dominion parposes, will be held at Dixon's Hells Bruoefield, on Wed- nesday, Sept. 5th, at 11 o'olook, to select a csndidate for the next election. ' Wm. Dotes' carriage faotory, Wingliam, ewes destroyed by fire on Theredaymight, :414toolt insured in the Waterloo Mutual for $700; building ineured in the Royal for $700. The are is supposed to be the act of an incendiary. Mr. jogepti Copp, of Clintou, has sold the roan horse, Allan. Wilkes, te R. Wells of 'Betaken. The price was in the neigh- borboo4 of $2,000. Mr. Wells witnessed Allen Wilkes' peeformanees in Toronto. He will take part in the leading fall race meets. A house in West Wawatiosh,:ovvned by YU. W. Alexander, was burned with all its monteats art Tuesday, of last week, Mr. Alexanate and his wife were away from •borne and the fire is supposed to have oaughtfrom a swamp, where a big fire WAS' raging at the time. ' • A great harvest festival will be held in the Salvatioo Army Barraeks, Clinton, on Saturday, Sunday and 1Vfondaye Septeraber 1st, 2nd and Sol, conducted ' 1 Captain Crook, of London, wlan will Monday night give a special lecture On , ' ei leaoial work of the Salvation Amy. Friday last jab after dinner a ooy named Joseph Ernewein, living on] the 121h concession of Culross, was riding the horse used on a pea harvester. The horse took fright and ran away, throwing the boy off. One of the fingers on the harvester caught him on the right side and ripped the stomaoli open, disembowel- ling the boy. Again the sad duty devolves upon as to record the death of a good man, one of the few remaining of the pioneers of Tuckeremith. On the morning ort he 17 inst., Michael MoQaade died at his home in Tuckersmith. Though ailing for some months, it was not expected even by the members of his own family, that death, so eertein to all, would come so soon. Ha had. resource to the best medical skill but the complicated nature of the dieease, brought on by an efts,* of Ia Opp, seemed to baffle the power of medicine. Mr. George Anderson, proprietor of the Lucknow apple evaporator works, met with n etarioue loos on Wednesday last. He led hie horse out to water by the batter and tied the animal to the gate in font of P. Moore's residence while he wentos a pail. It appears that the horse, while atoning its head to drive off the fliesepulled the gate off the hinges, and be. frightened ran away, dragging the gate with it. The walnut did not 'run very far before it got entangled in the gate and was badly hurt, and died from its injuries shortly after being taken to the stable. SHE IS STILT., WELL. Mitre reorne emoueite me Mits. Rue's RtGOVILIVIC wee one TEliPORABY-A ntASANT Dr8APPO/NTATENT.SEM IS J3ervenTIrAN Evert, SErIll+ROUNNZ. Aug, 27 -When leire. Reany'e letter appeared its a local paper here sometime ago giving A hietory of her long illness and final cure of kidney disease by Dodd's "Kidney Pills, neatly read - ens thought her improvement was only temporary. All myth have been Most successfully contradicted, as a letter lately received here from Mrs. Realty states that she has all &keg beee gaining in general health, alums her kidneys WON reetoced to o sound state, and that for many yearn she has not enjoyed sub good health and Bpirt MrseResuy, therefore, still phis her faith to Docid's Kidney Pills and reeomixtends them as strongly AN ever to dlided meMbets of her sex. Sensali Following are the Market quotation.: Wheat ......... ,...... 50 to 54 Barley „. „ . 35 to 35 Data , ,s, 27 to28 Pees ... 52 to 52 lEher ... • • • *6.00 to 7.00 Butter- . . . , . lo 15 Eggs, „ $ to 8 Beirors.--e. prominent figure of this locality, one who was widely known.for his affability, in the person of Patriek O'Brien, of tbe 2nd Cori. Hay died Wednesday in the 63 year of hie age .::He had been severely troubled for years with rheumatism and fluttered such as to make his death 4 "DTPy release.--MusBiggart of Clinton was in Hartsell last week s,pending a few days among friends. -Miss Allay Uurdook is visiting friends in Goderich and Olin - ton. -Mr. McPhereon, jr. is visiting friends in Londesboro and other places. -J. E.. ilio.Doneil has sold the Ob- server plant to a young man from Toronto—T. Berry hes recently pur- cheesed some of the finest hors(to be found in the distriet for sbipinent to the Old Country. --Dr. Thomson is visiting hit pseenta In Galt. young doctor Irons Seem*, is looking atter the practice #4, his absence.- eublie meeting weit 'held on Mon- day night to discuss the advisability of placing electric lights on the streets. A petition is now in oireulation to ascertainthe public pulse and the ex- tent of available funds for that purpose. Incorporation is talked of. While some are in favor of the projeot, as many are oppoeed, to It. Hartsell, everything considered, is infinitely better off' as at ,preserta ohnstituted. The reasons are ammerous.-The bush fires ere 'raging in the swamps to the west. Citizen, are becoming alarmed, rauud Batas's. ---"Wiretineeit gomg to rein; is A common expeeetefiele of late. -The °ampere have nes* all left,although a few still remain. The eamping sea- „fmn ,waaemuch better than last year. -Misr Lillie M. BrOpheY of Boston ' spent a few days les; week visiting friend* at Grand Bend, -Mr. McLean, team' have now finithed drawing their logs and are now putting "the logs which were piled on ;the river banks i,opo the river for the purpose of ratt- le ” after which they will be taken to scinie Arnericae Wms Miller is pushing the school aica4 now very fast and will have it finished in a short time, and when finished will be a very net structure. -Mr. Gratton, general merchant helm, is building, and will add greatly to the convenience of his place -Quite a party wine clown to the marsh to pick cranberries on Tuesday, and` some of them got lost. -Threshing among the farmers is the daily story now, and it is beautiful weather for the business. -Hr. John Patterson who has been sick is getting better novv. -The Manes family:left on Monday, after )spencling six weeks in camp. -Mrs. Gordon, Detroit,. and Mrs. Sumnaerville of London,leave on T4eaclay for their homes. -Mr. and UM" Jones, mad Mr. and Mrs. Wood of Winchelsea are now ocoupying the /Mayflower cottage. -Miss Millie Fulton is visiting her sisterhze. ,so Kirkton. Benzes. -The garden party held at the resIdenee of Mr- Wm. Hazlevv000l onThursday evening was vvellattended. Proceeds $18.00.- Mr Samuel Kirk of 1VIichigen who has been on the sick list for some tune is at present stop- ping with his brother, Mr.:David Kirk of this place. -The Christian End- eavor society now meets on Sunday evening in the Presbyterian churche- Several young people took in the excursion to leiagare Falls from St. Marys on Tuesday and report having a good time.- Mrs. W. H. Marshall and :MAN Eliza Sheir .he.ve returned home from a months trip to Manitoba. Mrs': Joseph •Weir Nissoari is at .preIent spending a few days with relatives here. --Mr. Fergus Harrah is in a very low condition, from a ;very setere attack, of sickness, -Several fari$itite, had row esoapes during the pal% wee having their build- ings clit'etteroyed •y fire and only for the tinielaeasaistanee of the neighbors it would have resulted in a complete toss. Fanners should be very careful in setting out fires this dry season. --Miss Mahon of Paisley is visiting at her uncle's Mr, John Irene; W • 111 ,Centralia. Beines,-Mr. Gowle and daughter Ottawa are visiting the former's mo- ther. -Mrs. Jilleanaan Of London is visiting Mrs. It flicks. -Mrs„ A , .Erooper of Crediton, was the guest of Mrs. A: Bouslaugh --Mr. W. Bunt of Parkhill, gave the oecepants of his old store a flying visit tut Thersday.- Mrs. It. Hooper of Exeter was visiting friends here. -Dr. Jones of Claude, boy°, paid our town a visit last week, -0, W. Smith attended the Grand Lodge or the 1. 0. F. at Peterbdrough. —Charles Abbott is starting an env - orating facitory in our village, and will be prepared to evaporate all kinds Of Sege -The Trustees of the ChUrch had a bee last Saturday to shingle the ehed.-The Hicks' families are $11102- ndoring at Grand Bend. Rheuteetistit reeks Oho system like a thubabscrew. It retreats before the pewee . of Metre Sarilaparillit, 'Whi0h rittriBeall 01 0, h 'cod. Crediton. Buinas.--Adarti, Geiser is very ill end confined to his bed.-Cle.rrie Ei1l3er is etill very ill, -The flax mills have shot slown owing to the dryness of the weather, and they being unable to rot the fibre. -An infant child. of J. Mast died her last afoaday. Also an infant of Harry Esserv died last Tuesday with Diplatherist, --Sams Brown is visiting at Plattsville.-Matthew Winer got his right hend in the flax thresher aud got it badly hurt. -Local fights are the usual occurrence at threshings.-Bush fires are all the rage in this vicinity. People should be more careful with fire. -The oldest settlers cannot remember of the weather ever being drier"than at present, and everybody is anidous to see rain. -Oharles Wolf has purchased a nice team of bliele horses from St. Thomas, They are well inated and will add new life to the livery. eme Leranton. --- Bit/EFL-The C. 0. F. of this place intend having a grand cowed on Granton Fair night. It will be under the management of Jas. :,Fax. Fitx Bros. are known tor their cleverness, and need no further recommendation. One visit to their entertainment is euro of a recall. -Mr. and Mrs. Jones and family who have been living in Granton for the past three years, Mr. J. acting as night operator, have been stationed at Stratford, We are sorry to lose them as villagers but trust the move is benalicial.--The Pale Horse in no more but its rider is still with us- Bob -will 'be in a. plight now when he wants to tekes a drive to Usborne, he won't be -in it, lie was not in the Excureion to the Niagara Falls, because Ms was afraid of her dear boy being poluted. Keep the boys at home, Ma's l3ut1er, C. Lang, W. Brooks and a few. others took in the excursion on Take' day last to the Falls. Lb is said Billy was looking for something- or some person he could not see. A poor detective. Billy. -Mr. R, Sansburn and Mrs. Carry took a drive to Uaborne Sunday last. -Al. Lankin is moving into the house vacated. by W. Jones. Cireerretray. C. H. Wilson, better known. as 'Uncle Charlie exchanged earth for heaven on Monday, August 27th, aged -66 years. It may be truly said of hi& that he has gone home to the presence of the Saviour he so sin- cerely loved, and faithfully served: Tor oyer a yeab he was very feeble in health but continued faithful to his duties as class leader in the Boston Methodist church up to 3 weeks ago. He sincere- ly loved the class meeting and his cheer ful testimony and christian advic•e will leng be remembered by every member of his class who highly respected him as a christian man, It may be truly said ot him that he fought the good fight and kept the faith.up to his last hour without a word of complaint, and now he wears the:crown of righteousness which was laid up for him,and his works do follow him. He leaves a sorrowing wifd to mourn his loss. His funeral was conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. H. Chant, on Tuesday afternoon, His remains were interred in the Parkhill cemetery beside his brother, W. A. Wil- son, who died here a feva yeses ago. • . Exeter Municipal Council. The Council met by order of the Reeite at tbe Town Hall, Exeter, 27th August - 1894. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Carling-eBobler-That the well at the Town Hall be deepened and the Road Commissioner get hands and superintend the work. -Carried. leebier -Carling -That the council re- tpiuler.ohase the old watering wagon from Mr. Williams, price $15. The Road Commissioner to see after' W. D. Weekes' account, $2.50 for poll- ing booth ordered to be paid on motion of T. B. Ceding, seconded by J. W. Taylor. Carling-Bobier --That the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to borroxv suffici- ent raoney for .aarrent expenditares. Carling-lliseett -That the petition re• ;girding side walk be returned as insuffic- iently signed and other irregularities -- Carried. Taylor -Bissett -That actiot re electric lamps be laid over until next meeting. earling-Bobier-In 'amendment that one lamp be put in at John Street and one at Sfincoe steet. The motion NVAS deolered carried. Bissett-Oarling- Adjournment until call of the Reeve.-Catyied. M. EAGR*T, Cierk, THIB SPRING 31t1CDIOINt. ttAll run down" from the weakening effects of warm wether, you need a good blood purifier like Hoocl'a Sirsaparilla. Do not put off taking i11. lqumerous littler ailments, if neglected, will aeon break the system, Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now to expel damage and give yeti etrengtb end appetite. Hood's Pills are the best family cattier - tic and liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, SOre. A Iittledettghter of Mr. Wilsoe, Of Mose, while getting over a fense, fell and rdialo- eated her ehenttler. Skin Dieeases are more or lose directly occasioned by bad blood. B. B. B. SUSS the following Skin Diseases: Shingles, Erysipelas, Itching leashcs, Salt Rheum, Scald Efead. Eruptions Pimples and Blotehes, by reeireang all impurities from the blood from a common Pimple to the rst o Stile, E. D. O. is an excellent tulle. -- NEWS TOO= OF A WEEK The Imnortitee Invents in. a Wow Word ever .ntioy Headers, The Brithrh Parliament was formally prorogued on Saturday. Wm, Hogg of Wilmot Valley, P. E. was gored fo death by a bull Friday, Serious riots have occurred in the re- Itrtiroiice,nsaffected by the: Scotch miners' The Northern Transit Co. has -decided fo 'mild A new steamer at Collingwood the owning winter. Theodore Myre ef Si. Barbe woe killed aluring st barroonx brawl be Cazaville, Que., last vveek. The jaeauese government has declared ries; to be not included aineng artioles con- traband of war. James O'Grady, Treasurer of the Irish National Federation of America, died in New York Friday. An anti-lye/citing organizetion has been formed in Indianapolis, Incl., by promi- nent colored!. citizens. It is rumored Germany will oelebtatcs the enniversary of the victory at Sedan. for the test time this year. The K. of P. Grand Lodge conCladed at Chathaia on Thursday and adjourned to meet in Harailton next par. Gould, boot and shoe dealer, James street, Hamilton, committed. euicide on Thursday by inhaling gas. R. G. Dun & Co. report 24 business fail- ures In Canada the past week, against 20 for the Mime week last year. Near Fort Atkinson, Wis., on Thursdays three mai were killed in a wreck on the Chicago Sr Northwestern railway. A disastrous cyclone swept the Shores of the Sea of Azov, Sunday. It is reported that nearly 1,000 persons perished. Miss Mary Brown, of Princess Anne, swallowed a chew of gum earned= ago and has just died from the effects. Shipka` • B r. Sweitzer lias hat:Me abut dowrehiitflitX;Mlif for the want of watekt -Ohms. Finkbeiner sold his horse in Parkhill on Monday for which he re- ceived a good price. -Dr. Amos of Exeter was in the village last Monday. -Miss McLaughlin of Sylvan is visiting her sister Mrs. McKenzie.- The farm. en are busynaloughing tor fall wheat, they are complaining of the ground being very hard.-Barny Cunningham threshed over 200 bus. ot wheat off of 7 acres. - It is considered a pretty good yield, Grain of all kinds is turning oat well heee. The crop now being harvested in Manitoba is the largest and best ever produced in that Province. In :On- tario the yield of grains of all kinds isel above the average Said the weeth`er for harvesting has been all that ucfuld be desired. The settlement of the tarriff question on the other side of the line will cause a revival of trade on both: sides. Altogether the business oist- look is brighter than it has been for 5 years past. rYOlell 'WUXI% 41r18019$ nitithetre end Proetrieletee ECM BODUCTIO mis nP er riPn. rgi goodsc ae /is i( Ifcuoanl.1 t/1.13.111 n g until the end. of Aug ust at J. P 11088 Remer IN SIX MOTIRS.--.DiSOrdered. Rid nay and bladder diseases relieved in eix home by the "Great South Amerioan Rid- ney Cure." This slew remedy ia a great surprise and delight to phyioln on ac- count of its exceeding promptnelie in re- , Iteving pain in the bladder, kidneysebaok and every vitt of the urinary paniages male and female. It relieves; retention of water and Pahl in passine it almost iranzed- ateiy. If you want quick relief and our this is your remedy, Sold by C. LUTZ •••••••••lammia Sale Register.. Satarday, Sept, 1st --Buffeters, Cutters and real estate, the property of Henry Reese Daehwood. &Seat. one o'clock. E. Itossenberryi.Aue. many, Sept. et ..- Coale ouse- hold furniture and real estate, the prop- erty of F. G. Meyers efensall. Sale at one o'clock. WM. MoClory Atio. A Boole To Etonsnmee --One bottle of English Spathe Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse. I take in reoonamening the remedy,. as it ado with mysterious promptness m the re- moval from horses of hard, aelt or call- oused lumps, blood sassvin, splints, curbs svveeny, stifles and spraias. GEORGE ROBB. Feeneenit, ALtitiorsst. Orr, Boa by C. Luiz. , '13-EAMT DISEASE RELIEVAD IN THIRTY Mneuene. • Di-. Ageew's Cure for the Heart gives •everfecerelief in all cases of Organie or Sympathetic) Heart Disease in 30 minutes; and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer- less remedy for Palpitation„ Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, PAitt fix Left Sides and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose condi:ma. ,Sold by C. LUTZ. -ease Mr. Andrew Wright, of Fullerton hag rented. the "Eden Farm," Logan, 300 apses ole rental of $800 per annum. My. Hurdle, of Mose, who had the misfortune to get stabbed while shearing" sheep some time ago, is still suffering from the effects.. e The Berlin police dirsolved and Anarohiet meetiqg in Bled°. f Stinday evening hg - cause the chairman -an Anarchfid mut- Semitic-urged those present to use guns and dynamite to exterminate the Jews. Mr, Flaelewood.of WincheIsia haerent- ' ed Ido farm to a Me. Worden of Hib- bertene will come to Exeter to live. Mrs. Hazlewood has been in poor health for some time, and it was thought best to retire from farming. HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY DURING THE HARD TrmEs. The greet study in the average bouselsold at the present time is how ;o economize. In large business centres, trade is dull, wages have been reauced, and in order to live comfortable aed look well, certain economies must he praotaced. The saving and thriftyshougewife. by the use of Diamond Dyes, can save palmy dollars each year. Many articles of wear- ing apparel, such as dresses, blouses, wraps jeckete, shawls, coats, yests and pants that have beoome faded and discolored, can be made to look as good as new, if dyed with the celebrated Diamond Dyes. For the work of home dyeing, see that I you use only the Diamond Dyes; tbey re- present tho latest and best scientifie achievements, and. are the only dyes that OAR be used withperfect moss and baths - faction. iAsk your dealer for the Diamead, be suresseou act them. Burdock Blood Bitters mire dyepepsia. Burdock Blood Bitters cure Constipation. Burdock Blood Bitters cure biliousness. " Burdock Blood Bitters cure headache. Burdook Blood Bitters unlock ale the clogged secretions of the bowels, thus 00?-. Ing headaches and similar complaints. Fish are dying in Ohio rivers, so low' is the water because of the long drought .1.4••••=1.1•FM.,9.1.11.•••••••11301.110•0=C I was cured cd Bronchitis and Asthma by-MINARD'S LINIMENT. Lot 5, P. E. I. Mrs, A. Livingstone. I was cured of a severe attack of Rhea., matism by MINARD'S LENTIMENT. Mahone Bane john Mader. 1 was curedeef a ;severely sprained leg by efINARDsS LINIMENT. . Bridgewater, Joshua Wynach Home Seekers' Excursion Tickets. Will be sold by the Chicago, leilweekee & St. Pent Railway on they Sth and May ems, 1894, from Chicago and St, Paul. Minneapolis, Omaha, Sioux City, Kaneaa City, and points beyond et. practically one fare for the rotted trip, Ezeursion tickets will be good for return passage thirty clays from date of sato bot are good for going passage only on date of sale, For further particulars apply to any Coupon Ticket Agent te the United States or Canada, or address A. 3, Tea -amt. Cenadian Pass. Agent, 87 York elt,, Toronto, Ont. Notice is hereby given that1 will be in cREDrrox, on or about the 15th August to settle rip the book accouuts and notes of the ftrin of 13110111VN & SIEIVE:RT, when I expect all acconnts to b paid If not I Shall band them over for oollection. SIEB