HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-08-07, Page 344 a^:fit; u�hM1 r.,:.hvs; rip t.. Jack's Jottings from Qeen's Park 't The provincial government of Ontario employed 70,877 civil nt servas in 1974 to administer the day to day affairs of this province. Ir) the last decadeor So,- government admini ,tration • has become a more and more ,. complex, sophisticated and costly, labotir - intensive "industry". ' In his latest "mini -budget" 'July 7,-, 1975, the Treasurer of Ontario, ' Darcy McKedugh announced an immediate freeze on replacement staffing • for all internal administrative functions. With normal at- trition,,, this should result in ' 1,500 fewer 'personnel in these areas by the end of the' fiscal year 1975-76. At the same time, Mr. McKeougfi also announced an immediate moratoriuum on new or renewed contracts for management consulting and organizational planning. This will mean thatAhe total .civil service complement in Ontario in 1975-76,wi11 be 69,221. The Ministry of Health is the • largest employer within ° the provincial government with a staff of 14,643 people in 1975, Transportation and 'Com- munications employs 11,607 people this year; Community & Soclial Services 9,139 people, Correctional Services 5,056, The Ministry of Natur '1 Resburces has a staff of 4,1$2; — Revenue,3,992, The Ministry of the Attorney General ,3,327 and Government Services .employs 3,143 people. public service would look something like this: Federal level: departmental employees, $450,000; Crown Corporations, $145,000; -Armed a Just 25 years ago, in 1.950 -the total number'"ofr civil 'servants ' in the employ of this „province was 13,685. . By 1960, this number had grown to 32,302 - an increase°of 236 percent. As of • 197,0 this nurriber had almost doubled again to 62,280. From 1970 to, the present year the, number of Ontario civil ser- vants -has increased to 69,221. It -is interesting that while Ontario's civil service :com- plement (and all • the other'' provinces') ' has increased dramatically, the Federal Government civil service for years.now has accounted for a declining portion of the labour f• orce as well as a .dec>li'ning. pportion of total government. It . is in the provinces and • the 'municipalities .where the large increases in civil service staff is taking place. ,� Within the federal govern- ment, Jt is the same few .departments 'that dominate the public service today as in the 1960's. The.Post Office accounts for 19 percent "of the public. service, ' National " Defence's civilian workers for another 15• •• percent, National Revenue for 8 percent, • Transportation 7 percent - that accounts for 49 'percent of the federal public service in those fotir' depar.t- nients • " There are now about six or seven government employee's for every 100 Canadians - and that figure continues to climb..' But it is climbing at the same rate in step with the Canadian labour force. T.he reason the labour, force is a' growing part of the . -population is, the changing mix of age groups - there are more people of working age compared. with those r below working age. But the government's total share of the, labour force remains remarkably constant, at about one in six of all Canadiank with jobs. ' Statistics are difficult to obtain - , especially at the municipal level - however it has been estimated that as of 1973, . there was a grand total of about a million and a half govern- ment employees in Canada -,at all three levels of government. This i5' about 7 percent of Canada's total population and about 17 ^ percent; of ' all Canadians who -flay -6,1613s. This figure of. 1.5 million government employees 'breaks down as follows :, 'v4: Federal level: Departmental employees, $490,000'; Corporations, $145,000;., Armed forces,—$80,000; (sub -total $515,000), • Provincial level (i1j- ,;;,;,,t"tr' n 'es), $475,000; Municipal levely general' employees; '$225,000; - teachers, $255,000; (sub -total $480,000. Grand total is $110,000. , From 1961 to 1973, fedO•ral,,,. goijernlnent erriployment grew at .an average 1.0 percent per year, provincial government, employment at an average 6.9 percent per year and municipal government employment at 3,9 percent per, 4/Tar, So it is evident 'that it is at the provincial level of government where -the "bureaucracy" is , growing the fastest. If theso earlier figures are, extrapolated in • 1986 - just s.iightiv more than 10 years away, the breakdown of the forces, • $451000 (sub-tott' $640,000) . Provincial level: $800',; Municipal. IevEl aerieral employees, $400,000; -.teachers,' $3 0;000; (.,uh totat$7 ,000). Grand total is $2,°140000• That:s a lot'0civil servants!! -It works mil 'to 'slightly over '. eight civil servants for. every tl . GItICI.1 SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7:197 , 100 Canadians hut still about 17, percent of those-- freecast to `have jobs. It is intcrt-sting to note how the mix has changed between ti the three levels. Acctu,ding to these figures in 1986, 'the provincial governments will account. for 37 percent of the total civil service compared 43, • wit► 32 -percent in 1973. The federal government's share wiI have decreased toe 30 • .pe Rent 'compared with 35 percent 'in 1973.'The municipal gl verntnent"s share stays steady throughout this' time period. If is the -distribution between the federa.1 .qnd provincial levels' that increases steadily on provincial side. The growth in Ontario's civil ser'`vice over the last decade or two is certainly indivatye of this trenci",--I-t would seem that. all governments; the proyinvds particularly, .should heed the, wareings of such 'groups as thea Economic Council of Canada.. The,‘Council is ',warning govenments to slow dowel their rates of growth and not let their . rates -.of growth become an,;:,ther' stimulanttto inflation. Jane Porker Gourrner'Quality -- ,Fresh fro'fn our own ovens! 'CRACKED WHEAT r 4BUY 4 LOAVES — SAVE 40c JANE PARKER, SLICED BUY 2 LOAVES SAVE *1c -RR M, EL BRAND, SLICED , HITE .EtREAD " SAVE E 10c JAN PARKER' GANtLLA SAVE Mc .JANE PARKER — JELLY FILLED. JANE PARKER ° O ' Peach Pie -,FULL 8.i0H PIE Each 79? Macaroon Cup Cakes pkg of 65951 Coffee Cake JANE PARKER 'SAVE 4c JANE PARKER SAVE.* •JANE, PARKER — PI,AIN OR SUGARED SAVE 10c Cherry Pie FULL 8 INCH PIE Each, ach 5 English Fruit Cake l lb, 9.oz cake 891 Family Donuts, pkg Qi 9'619% • JANE • PARKER — PLAIN, SUGARED, -CINNAMON ., SAVE' 10c JANE' PARKER' . SAVE 4c JANE PARKER ..,, 15 OZ, FOIL TRAY SAVE 10c Cake Donuts pkg'of 12 5'9 Golden 'Loaf Cake 10 -oz cake 5 5 Chocolate, 'Brownies $9 '• SAVE 10c., 1.0.oz cake 69% - Only Top Quality Meats ! Potato (hips 0 \ BONELESS — GREAT ON A GRILLLI" Point Sirloin Steak Ib. , . ESSEX NIAGARA BRAND BOLOGNABY THE 'PIECE _ ^ Ib 3 8ESSEX BRAND, SLICED, MACARONI & • CHEESE i LOAF, CHICKEN LOAF BOLOGNA 1b89, SHOPSY — COLE SLAW• o R 5 -LB BOX ■smiumimmse SWIFT PREMIUM SLICED COOKED ,HAM 6 oz Vac Pac $1.09 SCHNEIDERS, 8 VARIETIES 6 Vac SLICED COOKED MEATS -oz ; Pac 39f1, (2 -LB VAC PAC- $1.,15) TOWN CLUB'WIENERS-1•Ib°Vac Pac 5 8¢ SUPER -RIGHT' BRAND . SLICED SIDE BACO• N 1 -lb Vac'Pac $1.78 POTATO ALAD BURNS BRAND; STORE PACK\ BEEF & PORK SAUSAGES 0C11,bEN-`'SKIL'LET; `FROZEN, HEAT & SERVE s . CHICKEN, ,CUTLETS HIGHLINER, FROZEN BOSTON BLUE FILLETS BLEIEWATER, THRIFT PACK • FROZEN' FISH: ..FRIES , 3"2=az pkp TOWN CI%JB, FROZEN .r ;'GREAT 6N A GRILL!" HAMBURG' PATTIES. • • 2Ib pkg $1.48' ' GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN, HEAT & SERVE ' '• , CHICKEN PIECES 1'/2_Ib,pkg $2.39 sTYL O WHITE. YELLOW; PUMPKIN, AQUA FACELLE PKG J 2 ROILS 'SAVE Your, Best Coffee V aI ue! A Superb Blend, Rich In' Brazilian Coffees Custom Ground at 'Time EIGHT. , •• BEAN COFFEE w (SAVE 30,c) ' 1 -LB„ BAG, (SAVE 1,Qc) of Purchase Don't Miss These! 7 VARI TIES ACTION PRICED! COLON1AL1LBTINTEBAGCOOKIES r NABISCO '" ,Shredded What 5 VARIETIES Puritan. Stews ORANGE, GRAPE, LEMONADE FLAVOURED Valiant Crystals .LUNCHEON MEAT Burns Spork BERRYLAND FARM, CHOICE, HALVES Bartlett Pears DIXIE PIECES & STEMS Mushrooms ACTION 'PRICED! .' 10•oz pkg z, o ACTION49 PRICED 2441 -Oz tin 89% 17 -oz pkg 9951. ACTION 'PRI'CED' 12ortin89% • ACTION PRICED! r 3 14•fl-oz tins $1.00 ACTION PRICED! '' 2 10• •fl oz tins 89�. WINTARIO 'LOTTERY TICKETS AVAILABLE AT _A&P FOOD ^STORES ST4.RT FRESH IT'S . SALA•D 0-00THServe'a salad everyday, Plentiful • supplies of fresh Ontario grown lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, cabbage, green onions, radishes, rind peaches.—Arriving fresh daily. •- • Ontario Grown, No, 1 Grade, Fresh 'Daily, Hydro -Cooled 0 NT E C OB N . 0 R C ,. CALIFORNIA GROWN, SUNKIST, SWEET,3JUICY, SIZE ,138 ,,VALENCIA • ORANGES CANADA .NO, 1 GRADE, —1,„ CALIFORNIA, VINE RIPJNED, LARGE SIZE CANTALOUPE 59jr1 • ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH', SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1975. (PREPRICEDI DETERGENT DOVD,TR -32-FL-O " BTL ' 'LIQUI t/a MORE' FREE SCHWARTZIN II I TE . PLASTIC JUGFL-1 7VINEOAR. r ALP BRAND, FANCY TOMATO ACTION PRICED!' SAICO, .FROM CONCENTRATE, PINK, UNC ETENED �'ry+VYt'" "' " " u 25 -fl -oz bpi►Ie 79� Gra efreit Juice 48:flnaz tin 49 Apple Sou we Hen Page Ketchup' P n ,,+ 50.01 BOX . CHOICE, CUT GREEN OR HENLEY, CHOICE . SUNLIGHT¢ . ' Halves 410 -fl -oz tins $1.1 Dishwasher Detergent $1.6,9 .A&P Beans. Peach HalHOICE KELL000S ACTION PRICED! INGEIfSOLL PROCESS SKIM MILK & p Beets Cora Flakes 24 -oz pkg 99i212 Cheese Spread 16 oz jar $1.3 A A&P BRAND, t FLAVOURS t}ATH SIZE • • J>ET OR MINIXYURE -- WHITE L .FRUIT +F 3 bars 99f Marshmallows • ° `11 ox cella pkg 53$1' 3 ¢ Fruit -Drinks Zest Soap �' EIGHT OJC[:OCi< VARIETIES 89j' Instant Coffee I $1.09 ^ Y $ a .. 1 -Ib cello bag 24 -II -oz jar &.' Licorice. � ti MEXICAN PRIDE -- WITH PECTIN Strawberry. Jam* n• JN TOMATO SAUCE 48 -FL -O2 TIN ETT ACTION PRICED! ' ALP BRAND, INSTANT 1�° $1.09 $ine X 16 -oz jar 3 14 -fl -oz tins �00 Coffee CreamA roxan,, Concentrated, pink Grapefruit or OrangeAction Friedl 14 -fl -oz tin 31)/ Minute Maid Juice .3 6 -fl-- ozlins$1,00 RICH'S, FROZEN 14 -fl -oz tin 191e Rich Whip 8 -oz carton 39% • SeoMad or Unaantad bull, or Powder Daodoniit $133 cd 48 fl oz tin 49¢ - Arrid Extra Dry 6•oi aerosol tin IPREPPICED) SKIN CitEAM , ,10 -oz jar $1.69 ' N�xzema a6 -oz jar s1 a49 •K' •M W'M q„w ss, 4+ •