HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-08-07, Page 2•
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Ont-otio :Hydro: tots
Herewith Smiley s bt-annual
Simmer Safety Hints.. Various
departments Of government:
Agriculture„ Lands and
, Forests, Tourism -and Tripe,
Fire and Water — annually
send out a list of things to do to
protect your life and variouS
other things during ‘the hOt
season. ,
It, is ,my opinion that these
lists, are not only repetitious
and redundant, hut overlapping
anki underpinning, so once in a
while I try to publish a few,
Summer Safety Tips that can
12e used as filler by all lazy, hot,
tired editors. '
Even though the summer is.
half -over, and, thousands of
people,have drowned, or nearly
drownded, 1,$, 'think a few
swimming suggestions
not come,amiss.
Neyer forget that amiss is as, ,
good as amile, So My first tip is
that if you're going to swim,
amile, make-sure-5Titi don't go,
amiss, I think that requires ao
further explanation. •
Speaking of -amiss, never try_
ftcrInake leve either reclining in
a canoe, Or in a reclining canoe. •
,fn the !irk instanee, if the
thing rolls ,7Over, Which ,, it
usually does, you are caught' in
a death-chitch and will have to
punch your partner in the belly
to break the _hold, This is
considered bad form. It is also
embarragsing, not to say
dangerous, if your :partner- is -
swifter with' a left hook than
you are.
reclining cande — it is ,ob-
viously leaking, and , 5/ou
„ shouldn't be out there in the .
first place.
Much better to confine your
canoe love -making to a stan-
ding 'position. Then, if women's
equilibriumation seems to be
taking over — that is, if there is
any chance that yOu are going
to. be the least bit upSet, jump
overboard and swim like hell
for the nearest lifeguard.
Now for diving. Never dive
into unknown waters. Many a
man you'll meet on the streets,
whimpering, limping, -middle-
aged, head -scarred. Ask him
what' ,the matter is, and he'll
respond: "I dind into unknown
waters:" This ishis euphemism
for admitting he is Married,
swimming Pool. Use a diving
pilot! If you'do happen to dive
into a swimming pool, and i4
has a plastic .bottom, wear a
plastic helmet. If it happens to
haVe a concrete bottom, and
you are turkey enough to,slive
into it, you brobably won't feel
a thing:
Never dive alone, Personally,,
'when I dive, whether it is from
30 feet, 12 feet, foar feet, or
even My:accustomed 18 inches,
water wings, an, inflated. tube, -
and my entire Jamily. It may
not be Olympic grace and stsri,
but I don't have a hole in my
head,f,rom hitting rocks.
Never take a person out over
his* or. her depth. In other
only' Nye feet tall and can't
swim, don' t tali,e her ',..out to -
where it is six feet deep. Just
takeher outmhere it is five feet
deep, hand her soine lead
weights, and tell 'her to do push
Enough about Swiniming.
How about boating? Well, the
same principles' apply there.
/recent aszjgnrneni:
N G.W. Peever visits
Goderich for IDB office
The Industrial DeveloPment
Bank is trying to imake its
facilities better 'known and
tpae readily available in the
Goderich area.
! An experienced represen-
,tative of IDB, Mr. N.G.W.
'Peever, has recently been
ass 'gned the specific respori
ility of handling financing
pr6posals from the Goderich
territory. He- will be operating
out of the Stratford district
office, which, administers the
IDB programs in' Perth and
Huron Counties.,
In the afiove capacity, Mr.
Peever will • conduct pre -
advertised visits' to Goderieh
(on the second Tuesday of each'
month) for the purpose of
making IDB's financial and
advisory services available to
local businesses.
Mr. Peever will also -be in the
-area several timeS' monthly on
an informal basis, to conduct
folloyv.-up credit studies as„well
as to..respOnci, tp„requests for
advice on the bank's functions
from , local financial in-
stitutions, . -chartered ac'-
countants ,and municipal of-
ficials On behalf of their clients.
' -The IDB, established in 1944 '
as a subsidiarY of the Bank of
Canada, makes loans to new or
existing businees of all' types
for a vapety-ofPurposes. While
there are no limits on loan
- amounts, almost 80.percent of
Abe bank's loans are for $50,000
or less, reflecting the bank's
special focus on providing
assistance t6 smaller
is sound and financing' is not
available elsewhere ion
reasonable terms and con-
ditions in keeping with the
nee4§ of, the operation.
addition 'to financial
'series of helpful brochures on
small business management
which are available, on
request, at no charge. IDB als6
organizes, through its branch
offices and with the assistance
and., co-sponsorship of "distriet
,Chambers , of Commeree,
management seminars to help
owners and operators of
smaller , businesses improve
, their management skills.
Speakers on, the functions of
the. bank are also.provided for
civic, professional and service
club meetings on r'equest.
Never put -More than .12 people
in a 12 foot boat, six people in a
'sik foot boat,. or more than 88
peopl'e in a bar that is built for
44. This way you can not only be
safe but sorry.
If it is a sailboal, do not load
it up. with sailors. Sailors are
usually drunk and disorderly,
'according to the police records
of all the ports of the world. The
same, by the way, goes for
soldiers,W you happen to have
a soldier -boat.
If you have a pqwer boat, of
. course, this is your chance to.
show the world. Take any
average swimmer, and a pair
of water skis. Throw both ovor
the back ef the bo'at. The order
doesn't malter. Shove the
throttle wide oji-en."Then show
everybody what 'Napoleon
would have been like without
Waterloo. -
Water on the brain? Let's
turn tO other aspects ,of sum-
' mer danger.
-,44O not stamp out •bonfires
%/4/ith yoUr bare feet' In the first
place, those coals are, probably
just fireflies going through
their „second incarnation, and
have just as much' right to liv8
as you have.,
Secondly, the ''' smell' of
roastiag Meat is liable,to bring
dozens of barbecue artists -ft -Ord
alt over the neighborhood down
on you, aking what kind of
sauce you use. Pee on 'em. The
;coals, that is.
Another thing you should not -
•stamp out with your bare foot is
your flowerbed, even though it
taunts you, thwarts you, ,
,thurnbs its nose at- you and'
Sticks its bare roots in the air at
you, as mine recently "did.
There were two rose bushes
amonI4 them, in mine.
Then,„of course,. there are
'bugs. DOn't spray them. Don't.
swat them, • They) too; are.
merely_lower forms of con -
higher, in , their. next in -
around me the other night,
" hit me! I was once an alar
for St. Thomas Aquinas. • '
Splattt! Is he going to .be
surprised when he is rein-
carnated as an Aliglicdn'
bishop. Female.
197:4 tato. propoi:qh
In a statement to the 'Ontario
Energy Board Thursday,
Robert Taylor, Chairman „of
Ontario Hydro s'aid the Utility
has reduced 1976 wholesale rate
proposals to 25.1-pereent for
municipal' utilities and 24,9
percent for large 'industrial
-To the average residential.
custpmer served by a
municipal utility, the revised
increase means an. additional
contrast to the originally
propo'Sed $3. 'Hydro had said in
'April that, increases of 29,i and
Bridge '
There were fivelables in play
at the niost recent Bridge Club
meeting. W inners were:
Joanne Duckworth and Lee
Ryan, 73 points; 'Eleanor
Erskine and Mary Donnelly, 72
points; Omar Haselgrove and
Art Wilson, 661/2 pointS; Ray
- r- 4;1 °0‘.,)11.0(...
For vinyl tops • convertible tops • car upholstery
• windshields • body protective mouldings
29.9 percent for the municipal.
be needed in l976.4
:tile change in the Hydro
proposals comes ds a result of
several .new factors - deferring
.the collection of deficits act -
'cumulated by municipal and,
industrial customers; reducing
the sy'Stem expansion com-
ponent in the cost of 'power;
lower cost escalation estimates
and a provincial goVernment
policy directive .to "prune 'its
operating and 'capital
Mr. Taylor said that, $30
million will be eut from Hydro's
1976:work program -budgets.
Also 'affected the _con-
struction of gener4ti g stations
to meet futuee pow r needs.'
The program Of in-service,
date's is def e; six. months
stdrting'o w 1/ the second
nuclear statilv at the Bruce
resulting in a reduction. in
capital, requirements to 1985 of
'about $1,2 billion.
,"This represents a sub-
stantial, reduction in our rate
proposals," -said Mr. Taylor.
"It means that Ontario HYdro
is foregoing half its system,
__expansion eharg,e and is
deferring the ,collection : of
'deficits to future years. •
p'ushes thOse key ratio's,
toward which lenders look for
beyond, which the Hydro Board
.considers it imprudent to go.
'The financial strength of .the
organizStion is being eroded at
the very time; that increased
dernands'Will have•to be .made
on capital markets, -".he said:.
CALL 524-2136
G r adu ate
Barbara Chamney graduated
2il-from the Registered
Nursing program at ,Conestoga
College. Strati/6rd Nursing
-, The" gradUation
ceremonies were held at, the
Kitchener- Audttorium
nursing studeNS present, She is
the daughter (.of' Mr. and Mrs.
Stuart Cha mey Of RR 2
kuburn1 an a graduate of
162 MARY ST. GODERICH 514 9089,
1 rtlik,41 c:e tv
4:1i# . .7: 7.4s; ‘''''_ 4,1i , ta:1414:.
4.:,;„,r4; :FI:ti7.:4;-";
-Funerals4 -Get Well-
-Weddings -Anniversaries-
,Ready to serve you
i days a week
Birthday, Anniversary
&- Wedding:Cakes-
out Spechilty-
• Over 150 Manunients
In stod,to choose from
Order now for4earliest possible
delivery and while selectiOn is
-Frank McIllwain
" 200 Gibbons St. 524-9465
'are. After all. wastina 'much as 40 aal-
Hc,rc. s a hriiiht:•:.
idea! Leave \'ciur
indi)or‘I'ui11tin2 on :.:,._.....,.
all night Ion}.alt mei\
'he a x\';,ttite of electric-
lectricity. hut you'll he a
aircraft. 13e,sidc .
\'ou'II never ha\ c: 10
waste \our.c,wn
enervx flicl:ii��,
A otir Fermanent press will he permanently
wrinkred. 'But at ,least Noull he, setting..a
whole new. trend iiv-faS-hion'.Think of the
walls breathe. 01 courAel . heat he
escaping in. winter ancniir conditikining
in summer. .gut that insulation, stuff iS so.
Here's a ne\\ quickie recipe idea \ ou
can create .just h\ ..ne\ er nturning the "gas
down on \ our stove, I.et the flame' cook
the sides of \ ()lir parras v, ell as the 'handle
• for an unuqiiii,Ilayouilsensation. Charcoal
to .jar e\ en the least discriminating taste
Pick a nullifier number, Butt
keeii that thermostat wheel spinnimr
you re luck \..:Lc011 1114_1.111 CVCrir retIth:;41001,
in heating Nils.
Mrs. Margaret Craven' and
Graffikni Hastings of Chicago
arkci Mrs. Felix Etchen of
Phoeribt, Arizona, are in town,.
visiting relatives and friends.'
voir to -see the logic in all
ol this. then lit\ a finger. Now point
Energy conservation starts with
vou.' And. you can he a great help.
Just hylemembering to do all those
little filings that are so .hard to re-
member. •
And much as we 1.1.0,te,10„preach.
we have to. Because 's'ome 'people
:ire Still wasting energy.
So think before you Waste. It's vo'ur
own .money you re_savin{„.
Remerriher, Lift a firmer VI, keep" that
, _:›ture, -Ifis.t-datr-Shu—t the taps .coMpletely off.
In other words. d6 your part.
" Now lift your whole hand and give V'our-
self .pat on the, hack. from all of us: at
mon or's
1. Natural Gas. Eriteigy dat's worth saving.