HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-8-23, Page 6RB E
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a .. 4 Gyat
Interesting Hems. AhOnt .Olito gr Rhe ..kgfla.,
- . Folks or 00 W004. • t ,
Lod so.list,utir tepee the sea.les, at 252
1:111341:441.1anikt 1V7zgt.,P141•4'laPt.1114.11•41178t;onilen' 11°.:.'
The reign of Victoria hike aeon the Pro'
ortion of rIL'Oglish people who amulet write
aloft u.aus0 reduced. from torty•oue per cent.:
to Oven per (leek ' . .
The PhYPIclan , Of the Paehase , et . -York
bad a profeasionai income of $75,001), and
pow, having been made a Baronet for his
1,00000ervi,000, it is said it will aitiouto, to
t50,000 more. . .'
• , •
Aa. Atelneon jadge lase recently adjudge
ed s' Cabil.let organ a nuisance, unless some
hour's practice diaetiernewitthe play it.
listructor is 'permitted. ' • .'
Boston's floating hospital has already
given several hundred sick babies and. their
Woln-Olit mothers
. a eniff of sea. air this
season, aPd is now making *eeklY tripe,
with full passengers lists
, ,170
. . .
• . .
t i erence
I a poesible that Lord. and Lady T
Batlaseokmweont mvearyyhdeissteatnateddainy, Washington
as my
may be sent as attache to the ' British Hui-
busy. . ..
Gen. Lord Wolseley is interested
in the temperance movement in the British
army. He says that there has never been
a tithe when there was so little drunken-
ems among the soldiers as now.
01 ' the 12,700,000 &miles in the "United
Stat, 11,000 O00 85l' ' -
, or per cent,, live in
separate houses, the other 1,709,000
familee living in 500,000 dwellings, an
averagag of 304 families, or 17 persona to
a dwelling. • .
The song recently. coin s d li the Em
r po e y -
peror of Germany-" Sang an Aegir," as it
is called in German -is to be published by
permission of his Majesty. The proceeds
are to go toward building the church in
memory of Emperor William. .
Lord Randolf Churchill's friends are much
concerned about his condition, While at
Bar Harbour he appeared one night in the
office of the Malvern hotel, clad only in his
pajamas, to remonstrate against the muse,
for the regular dance of the tieek at that
hotel. ,,
Mlle. de Lamartine, the. niece of. the
great author, has recently died in Paris at
the age of 63. She was her . uncle's corn-
panion and comfort during the last years of
his life, when he was struggling with
poverty, and after his wife's death in 1863
she cared for him alone until his death in
1869. '
Ong the Laureateship, was bitterly complain-
t '
ing recently o ei,friendin aLondon club
of the conspiracy of silence that was waged
by the critics against his poetical effusions.
"How ought I to meet this conspiracy?"
he asked " Join it " replied the friend
' ' '
The number of millionaires in England is'
not so great as one might believe. Accord.
e e.
lug to the report of the income-tax officials,
there are in England seventy-one persons
with an anausi income of $250,000, over
1,100 draw $50,000 annually, and only
about 10,000 have an income of $10,000.
Herr Krupp, the great gun founder, has
commissioned a Munich sculptor to model
a statue of the Chinese Viceroy, Li Hung
Chang, which he means to present when
completed to the Asiatic diplomatist as a
token of respect for the pains taken by him
. .
to introduce European ordnance into the
Chinese army and navy. -
arno eoccurred on e
President C t' death' d the
eve of the marriage 9f his son Francois, to
Mlle. Marguerite Childs, dauter of a
French Senator from the Alpes Matithnes.
The wedding, as- now arranged, will take
the latter part of August, and will be
eelebrated in the stricteet privacy at Grasse,
where the bride's father resides.
All the children of tbe King of Denmark
are enthusiastic bictrelists. The Czarewitch
owes the great improvement which has
taken place in his health to icycl-
ver delicate
bag. Some years ago he was y
and was thought to have a eveak heart and
a nervous system out of gear, but the symp-
which gave uneasiness have disap-
Peered. .
Inventor Edison, at a recent scientific
seance, had a large globe of goldfish whose
anatomy was distinctly outlined, and every
action or each organ was plainly seen. This
the "Wigard" accomplished by making the
, fish swallow minute incandescent lamps,
and by invisible wire conducted the elect-
ric current. 'The ash apparently were tweek."
incommoded by their diet of electricity.
Prince Besoiow, a native .African who for
the past few months has had quarters at the
choril for Christi ork a ' S • fi Id
8 an w er nn pring e ,
Mass., has been called back to Africa to
take the throne made vacant by the death
of his father. The Prince will be accoin•
paniedlsy another African, Prince Massag-
uoi, He will go to England, where he will
-vista Queen• Victoria and will afterward
spend some time lecturing in Europe.
a letter written from Florence in
1860 an rece tl sol •ri L
Browning speaks enthusiastically of the
liberal treatment his wife received from
publishers. They paid her $100
apiece for her poems, and offered $2,600 a
year for an amount of labour which would
cost his . wife and hims.elf but a. single
morning a week.
After bein a mute for two ears the
- Y ,
g daughterf
seven-year-old o F. A. Brock, of
Vineland, N. J., has suddenly recovered
her speech through seeing the blood Rowing
from a cut on her finger. While eating
an apple two years ago the child dislocated
a one of her teeth, and the sight of the blood
rendered her speechless. -Physicians were
o cure her an le
unable t h 'strange'malady,d the
case excited considerable wonder. Recent-.
ly, • believer, after, cutting her finger, her
power' of speech seems to .
, have returned,
and She um* talks as fluently as any child
of her age.
There is groat rejoicing . in the pretty
little highland village of Braemar, where
• it has been announced that the Duke of
Fite has lent his .hotgd, Old Mar Lodge,
to the Duke and Duchess of York, and
that aar soon as possible her Royal Highness
will go there to recruit. Mine, Albani has
occupied the house for several seasons as
the guest of the Duke, but owing to super-
her claims she is this ' ' t h the
, , 'outskirts i yeax o ave e
pretty house " the of Braemar)
which was last year occupied by Mts.
Henry White wife of the Secretary Of the
- 1 • -
Amerleara Embassy. 'is
' ..
ordl- bary
'Its to
i did
014 it."
t e most
0 01107
t at
p Stadn
e• ,
• te
a ?
. . ,..
••' '' - . •''.'"--
'/.it tl 7
..."' ....,,
4 .
I was a
Postni,a8tg J. C. WooDsoN,
Hill W. YA., "I had
trouble of such a persistent
. ,
stilbporn charaeter,'
pt OnOunCed it incurable
. niedieine6, And
try Ayer's Cherry
so ancl one bottle cured
tbp last fifteen years,
this preparation with
whenever I take'
A Bad Cold,
I If laQW of numbers of
1:feb it in the house all
O'Onsidering it safe to
bave been lasing Ayerts
in my family for 30 years,
iatistaetory results,
reccifaraeud it as being
adapted to all pulmonertr
I have, for naltuy ,years,
and other medicines
and. / have come to the conclusion
A.Yer's Cherry Pectoral
pre-eminent over otter
of the class." -Chas. Davenport,
N. Y.
Cherry Pectoral•
by Dr. J. O. Ayer ik Co., Lowell,
to act, sureto
, .
. Mark
..4r. n
t... re, BoaneY
•s-- ' t Werdaville
'1 1/ " Po g poisoners
.11.,? Dagers.011
4 it cod
Boy "
. ., Banat-
• Ottawa.
a broil.- cera.
- Owen
that the factory.
With Thompson's
advised oPeratioll•
Pectoral: Flos -Centre
me. every girl.
A large
I have'The
good last week.
Park, Orillia.
people Small
the time. Spanish
be with
,--- Seventh
ing held
Cherry 'James
with • ' is dead,
and can The
"pa, horning
corn. Barrie
. made $100 to
a special The
after six
occupies a Wm.
meta- County,
. Mr.
a Baptist
about the
Mass. The
cure tees are
. .
,,, .
, . , . Itt .
. .. .. .. . .. .
. ;
. . .. . . .
OWN ilOvNTIty„ '
Troia. TerlOne Points le*0111 Om.
Atietattele the Phalle. .
is plentiful Ode year.
dale has fglaerosse club.
requires a new cemetery.
want a butcher shop. .
are at work in Rodney.
maidens have the croquet craze,
$222 250 to run Kingston last
. ;
new market is 'approaching Coinsftlieuenatleen,
ay laboring men are in demand at
Island has now three Cue toms offi••
Sound will probably have a bicycle
new mill at 'I'eeswater is in
'. , .
Is Said to have two boys 1 or
wildcat Was Shot near Glencoe
, now has a telephone line to
houses are being put in the Asylum
. .
-pox is said to have broken out at
Day Adventist meetings are he-
at Darrell.
Angus, pioneer of West Nissouri,
aged 82.
Lucknow Sentinel advocates the de-
of all bulls,
has raised the °irons license from
$300 per day.
London pottery has resumed work
weeks' idleness.
Abernethy, a pioneer of Ls.mbton
is dead, aged 73.
Whidden was this week ordained as
minister at Morden.
County and Chatham have a lawsuit
payment of $800 in fees.
Galt councillors and the school true-
to play a game of football.
Bradford fire engineer gets $25 a
. .
Ithe laritimil eil'a.etes lo-a-irry Only Otte wad it.
Heir irer Cent, of tite Commerce TO and
From Europe -1'4e llialtion Oct Antall'
Ally prom the 'X'aultees $140,000,000
• ktpe Carrying Theo .frelght.. .
' Much has been Ilea-M.1n recent times of
00 s
0 •••0 I 44
lozwetelite:xavti:„Rwitoewd. :tait:4JOirlitliltels1:iii
'Following ie a liet of the duties under
the present tdoKinley 10,,W and the ebangee
made by the Senate bill i
McKinley 'Senate
Law,. Bill,'
Horace, , • , . - ....$20 or 30 pg. ' 0 p.c.
Cattle. , .., , .., ,$10 20 p.o.
Hop., go *e,
.„,,, -, • .
, ll
IT'acia T1lsed Da. A. Omar.
. .
. • •
British sea power, but ,it remains ,for the
Social tHOetionliat of 1`,TOW York to, present
th o subject In a new awl. from the Alltignk•
g it vg 4'0 ..4 g
S oelae A taa.stir!
e . • AO, . 0 , • .41•50 .'
Sheep - .l.... , .., • .$1,50 - '' .. In .'
Darley.., , - ,25 per cent. ' 34 p,o.
.. 40 p,Q,,
Barley malt . , 3o per cent, ,
Theroaly Scientific
Bieitt Med.: fol:•ta
oarrent et Bleetrielty,
t la can e readily el
a',4' pnottal) 11 00
for :0
. a _ct
. '
can point •of view, not agreeable- aspect,
It has been so long a' cardinal doctrine ofworking
the Englislinian that '-,Britarin. ia. rules' •• the
waveii, and so generally acknowledged by
other nations, that a mere re-etatement of
the feet would attract but little v.ttention.
The boonomist, however, tells just what
" • ' •B 't '
Percentage of American traffic ri auni.a
controls and how Much per cent. there is
in the operation. The 'figures are such as
to give some idea of the enormousreeources
of the United Kingdom. • The writer in
Economist is distinctlyhostile to Brit-
ish commerce, ,but he states the fade as
they aro-. Of the 1,238 'millions of own*.
mem carried to and from Europe in 1892;
the ship of the United States had 'as their
share one and a half per cent, Half a
million dollars daily; payable in gold, if de-
manded, is the debt incurred by the United
States through the employment of foreign
. .
:1; , .1 DI I . .' Ft, . °
15 t '
• AO
.. e .
egte _ is'
art nrik
•. -21
0711 0 Ertl"
. e. .
'pa 1.1.'11-1 . 1 4-5:O L_YE:r7t,
Sm o Rt EN Iwo,
L ,
. ..A. tt I,
yv ic makes
c ris I:0 _health2200
le some pastrq
, ,
le ......7‘hor
ofitip 'oil
• e, • , ,
"via.* er, Open
. ..,
. t • d
MIK> itrFrreeae
r igs-e II ail*
.,• - g e -. .. _
0. ''',- 0 U
._i ,
Buckwheat.... ea .15 cents 20 p.e.
Oats... - ., .... , ..,15 cents 20 p.c.
EWlobuerat:.,Oatmeal.,..,,.............:121 per•. . . 1, ..,250 'Prp... coo':
, 0 t 00
Butter.. , . ,.., , .... , 6 cents lb. • 20 p.a.' .
Beans......... t ...40 cents bushel' 50 lb.
Hay . „ ... „ • ,, -$4 ton 20 p.o.
Honey • ..20c gallon 24 P.c.
Peas . e.. , .. , „ ,.20 cents bushel 20 p.c.
Potatoes - lc per lb, 20 Pier
Fish, Smoked.... ago Per lb. 15' pie. •
Ruins - . oc per lb .30 P'°'
Apples, green.... ,25c bushel
Apples, dried.,.,.,20 lb. pp..00..
Meate, fresh .2o lb. 25 st 0,
Poultry, live 3c lb. • °O l'
Poultry, armed , a 5ti lb. e20_ pp.. co:
Wood pulp: . . . . ...$2.50 ton • 10 pc.
Coal bituminous, .,.75c ton - t 40 p,e.
Lumber a$1 per ton Free
Wool 110 and, 12c Free
Eggs '.... Scdozen • • Free
Fisfresh," , • . go lb. .
Bacon and hams,... 5c lb.
Salt. .., - ,.. , ..12o 100 lbs. •Free
egantity and petver, end
dm body. •It eanbe "orn
hours or Sleep,
, \
‘", N 'l '' 't
,.H. 1. 1.,....
. ''
"' te 1
, ' RJJ i•
ee ,
Electricity properly.
pnleayeaenoaf durruignsalfoleraolulbNleerzaentr.whilelii:liffaeotill
in seemingly hopeless
i knownyAtii s sluggish,mmoanse anhabsef weakari 10
before it is too late,
Leading medical men
the Owen Belt in their
Coritains fullest information
of mint°, chronic and
ahnoywatdoaroersdse.r, etc., Mailed
The Owen Electric
aPPli „ to V' Pat
;7 4-i
t _nye_ . t
and le mita .ely ci
,fEt•eneval Debility
LSelaltalo't' :co
Varicosele• ,
Sexual I'VealtIteria
El DlS
sensesarelav* c
Lam &el ,
lUrinark DIrreasee
- •
apPlied is fast taking lift*
cases where every. o ,
ue rd torils e a ed erilaii MO
healthy actititty
, _
use and reconintend
practice. - • '
• ' I
CATAT40, 011E .
the re
regarding en
nervous diseases, prices,
(sealed) FRKE'tti
Belt & pplianCe
, .
ships to do their business. Up till 4361
the United States , parried more than their
share of the total coinmerce between Europe
cat( tifford to do
, is , •
Wi tat tr... ' L .
//1 ° . QOle'
. ,
To*onto Thi -
evs Hot to Rob the Pawn -
49 KING Sr. W,,,
201 to 211 State
TORONTG, Oarfo., ,
St., Chicago, in
- •
and America, but since the beginning Of
— gers on a Canadian Pacific Express-
the civil war there has been a steady de- `
cline. The proportion of American tonnage
entered and cleared in the United Kingdom
•'4 I
. ' Made only by , , dna or the Mandits Caught.
The N. K. Fa 1 rba ri k The C. P. Ita authorities, have been noti-
. ,
- Corn panY.. ' fled of a daring to rob on
in the American trade was 62.68 per cent.
in 1853, 66.59 in 1860, 22.10 in 1870, 6:82•
in 1.880, and 2.50 in 1888. Duriag the same
plot passengers
a Weilhagton and Ann
‘te MONTREAL. No. 1 express for the west on Tuesday night
last this aide of Port Arthur. The soheme
Toronto, the
period the British tonnage engaged in the
trade increased from 33.73 in 1853 to 90.50
was arranged at and gang,
which was composed of five crooks, all be.
TRADE AND COMMERCE i long to Toronto. Meagre details are to
in 1888, • while foreign bottoms, which
carried 3.59 per cent. in 1853, carried 7
per cent. in 1888.
These figures move The; Economist
writer to polite profanity, and this is , how
he gives expression to his feelings :-.
"Thus it appears that a single foreign
- -
• the wily rival of our halcyon days,
who hits'not kept faith in carrying out a
free shipping policy, the hateful oppressor-
of defenceless people, the depreciator of
prices all over the world, the unrelenting
fthe d
enemy o silver money, e miserly e-
mender of gold for debts, has almost mono -
poliaed the foreign trade and transportation
of the United States. It is an interesting
question to what extent are we, financially,
in the toils of this domineering 'creditor
nation'? As already stated, foreign ship.
ping has been receiving from our trade not
lees than two hundred millions annually.
hand, but it appears that the trainmen had.
Enlargement in eVolume been notified of the contemplated robbery,
A Slight - the '
• of Business.' and were on the lookout for the gang. Near
- Gressel' Conductor 'Hennard 'observed two
The notes of the Bank of England cost men board the rear end of the private car
exactly one cent each. •. Eariisoliffea The conductor went through
- : . '•his train as usual, but felt assurred that
One London gas company alone uses 2,- these twomen were a part �f the gang. He
000000t f 1 li 13 ailed up his train on the long bridge west
, ons o coal each year.
of the station, and before it came,to a
Bolata, the product of a tree in Snmatra, standstill jumped off and ran to the 'rear
threatens to become a rival of India rubber just in time to see two men Jump from the
and gutta-percha. • top of the car one on each side.' Conductor
Heniaitrd, accompanied by Detective Gay.
e traffic receipts of the Canadian` noun of the Dominion police gave chase to
Pacific Railw v for the last week in July one of tharnen, but it was not until a shot
a -
aggregated $469,000, contrasted with $565,-had been fired from a Winchester rifle that
., the man surrendered. He was handcuffed
000 in the corresponding vveek of last Year, and ptaced in the bategage car and taken to
being a decrease of 606,000 or about 15 per White River. Detective Gaynoun ia en-
cent.. deavoring to locate the remainder of the
Electric cast notably melting of metals,
Sick Ifeadaeheand relieve.antbe
Sent to a bilious, state
Dizziness,. Nausea,- Drowsiness,
eating, Pain in the Side,
remarkable success
Headache, yet CARTER'S
l br
ar- al equallyvthiga valuable
tieleypalsoecorreet all
stimulate the liver
Even if they only toured
Ache they wOuld be
who suffer from this
but fortunately their
here, and those who
these little pills valuctble
RE ,
(roubles incf.
of the sYstern.,‘klell 1
ildstress afLe-
&c. While theirmod
has been &main iii aura/
I c ti tf ' riir
disoraerseof the stornaoh;-
and. regulate the bowels:
• „ -
al o'st pricelese to thesis
Istressin corn Taint`
1 g p. ,,,,,
goodness does net end
once try them will Um
in scp many W.ILyS that
year and his assistant $2 for each fire,
THERXETER TIMES. The Woodstock Electric Light Company's
iSpublishedeveryThursday mommg, at artsessment has been reduced to $3,500.
Ti MES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Geo. S. Armstrong, the first white male
child born in Erarnosa, is dead, aged 71.nation
Nain-street,nearly opposite Fitton's taweiery ,
iStore,Eseter,Ontgby John White& Sona,Pro• The losses by fire in Chatha,m during the
mestere. last twelve years amounted to $167,169.
EATES Or ADVERTISIN. - ° Mr. and Mrs Millar, of °riffle,
ffirstinsertion, perline... 10 cents, ' ' Melville ' '
Isch sioseccn4,4 ttasertioll ,per ihys - 8 ebing, celebrated their silver wedding last week.
ceo Indere inseetion,, advertiseteents should - -
Mrs. Orange Clark an old settler of
perfehtirt riotle,ter than Wednesday morning . ,
Middlesex county, died at Niesouri, aged
WOE P.RINTINa DEPainit.tENT is one ' •
et e largestand beiteeulpriOO in the CooixtY The next British Methodist 'Episcepa
ot ureneen. work eatrestett to us willreoeive Conference (colbred) will be held in London
apepromptettention: in 1898.
• • about Belle
Deesions Regarding News- It is said that the apple crop
paPerS. ville will be 25 per cent. better this year
'ilitypersonwho takes a pa.perreguiarlyfrogi than last. •
&bpsOost-office, Whether directed in his name or There are on an average 120 births in
lora& whether he has subscribed or not annually, about marriages an
lereS onslble for payment. Barrio100 ' d
2 1 a person orders hie paper discontinued about 50 deaths,
hem -tat pay all arrears or the publisher May A new Separate school and. convent will
Ontinue to send it until the Payment is made, , • .- , . •
id then collect the whole amount, whether be erected at River Canard, the estimated
S plc' IS takenfrom the orace or not,
s suits for subscriptions, the suit may be cost being $7,000.
The barn and contents of Wm. Jon
netitu ed In the place where the paper is pub . . es
ished, although. the subscriber may reside townlme of Brant and Eldershe, have been
hundreds of' iles awls*. destroyed by lightning.
4 The courts have decided that refusing to ••••
altnewspapers or periodicals from the pests Some Orillie, boys fished a mud turtleplace
Inie, or removing and leaving theinuacallei two feet long and weighing forty pounds
tepriinb. &die evidence or intentiona,1 fruul out of a mill pond the other day.
The British share of this is over two -third's,
Including insurance, it may be taken at 70
per cent., and will reach the following
R gures.
Annually '' .. $140, 000,000
Monthly • 11,666,666
ee y . . ... ... .. ...... ...... , 8a,92
W kl ' a 2 6 ' 7
Daily 383,561
"Mercantile profits increase largely these
amounts. - •
n The foreign tax, of whatever sort, ' i s a
-- D• • ' '
gold account. Different items compose this
tax. A leading f°reignb ankerhas estinat-
ed our usual interest and investment aca
count at $110,000,000. To this he adds
iron and steel as produced by a new Ger-
ma process, is have some very great
a •said tol
advantages. In crucible steel the new
process shows an economy of fuel of more . When Baby was skit, we gave her Castoffs-
th • half, - eltffi it f ' When shelves a Child, She cried for Castoria.
an which for metal so i cu o
f • • • •
anon is a favorable result,as it will reduce When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. ,
. , them Castor*
cost of production without any correspond- When shelled Clandrenralse-Save
lug drawback.
• he area of the current year's wheat crop
(1893-94), in India, according to the most What an ocean Of trouble can come out of
recent reports, • is estimated at 27,382,000 a, gallon jug.
acres, as compared with 26,429,000 acres; Prof. Asa Gray says that the Washing-
they will not be willing
• But after all sick head
' is the bane ors° many
we make our greet
while others do not.
and very easy to fake.
a dose. They. are
not gripe or purge, but
please all when de them,
, five for SI. Sold eSerywhere,
e CANDI BEDI011121
r. qmoi 911. tmll
to do without them.
1..,, ,
livet that hers is Wile*
boast, Our pills cure it
• . . •
Pius are very spli
• One or two pillAr %int e
strictly. vegetable Iff'd do
uy their getle ,actittp
le vials at 25yenrei
of setbb malt
GO., Bev/ rtiric. ••
qv a 3
Dm. hmil VION
• e
The man Partridge, who stole Latino
B 11 t has b
- I. , ,.... vOR the removal 0 rig and harness at a an rae, een
.8°. worms of all hind; sent to Kingston for four years.
• from ohildren or adult.)
use D. 8 id Il H'S Mr. A. W. Marten, formerly conductorrecently
'OERMAN WORM on the M. C. R., has been appointed con
H., ,,,,,,,, '''' LCAENCeS. 4Ivrays dilator on the Sa, Catharines and Niagara
patareti; reliapo, safe 44 pleaisant, reqvineg nc Central,
dig diedicinei. NeVer failink. Leave no bid -after Mr. Frank Restorick, of Watford, ship'tome
'effect's. Prklea, 135 carats yen L'our. pad 20 horses by, the steamer Indiana for
fifty to sixty millions expended in travel -
which is the ievised estimate of last year's ton elm, at Cambridge, has been estimated
ling and living abroad. Travelling goes in
with transportation. Allow for living only,
and we have in all for 115 000 -
„Europe, 8 , ,
000. From the figures of 9. British statis-
tician it may be deduced that sixty or
sixty-five millions represents British inter-
acreage, or an increase . . . to produce 7,000,000 leaves, which would
of al per cent The
make a surface radiation of about five
_ _
total product for -1393-94 is laced at •
P acres in extent, and give out every fair day
7,923,000 tons or 258,458,667 buehels of 60 in the grotving season seven and three •
pounds. The average product is given as quarter tons of moisture. a
a.... -„,.......-aes,-.......................a
. ,A=••=r10.....1 ,.
. • 0
est due from the United States. Add to
260,437,333 bushels, showing this year's
be 2,000,000 below
mx. OBAIARB-1,
Glasgow last week. Average price at $75
„4 THE per head,
4, „.„ The first load of new wheat this season
04 6 ' nr ayEXETER has been delivered at South Yarmouth
• TIMES testing 70 pounds, 28 bushels to the acre,
50 cents a bushel,
this for residence abroad, and we have not
crop tri about normal, a.
exceeded seventy millions. It is,therefore,
plain that our foreign -tax is twice as great
for shipping service as for interest ac -
"and 10,000,000 below that of the previous 0 ood ciar.5 are
1 .. e , •
During the ast week there has been a
count,whether we have regard to Europe
or Great Britain, and that our total foreign
tax is about $863,000 daily, and over six
millions a . '
The end el. it all is that the people of the
now 4h.
slight enlargement of the volume of busi- .
ness in a few departments, but no general tt
quickening of trade. The falling off in the
earnings of railways seems unabated. The r • ' .
depression and the
• - ---
Ida Jane, the 17 -year-old daughter of
Mr. John Rushing, , who lives near St.priced.,
Thomas, has left her home, and her par-
outs are anxious to get some trace of her.
Thirty-five men formed themselves into
a Montreal Union of the American Railway
Union Thursday night. The union is said
United States are implored' to own their.
marine, do the carrying of their Aoreign
, an get from under eo an
trade d t fthe thumb f
oppressor who refuses to take depreciated
silver, or silver certificates, . in return,. for
the work done, and demand e gold 'or gold
bonds. The financial crisis is said to be
largely due to this "domineering creditor
nation," which, not content with drawing
£15,00,000 sterling yearly in interest on
American investments, demands also £30,-
000 000 a ear forbarr in American o
all over the world.
The Economist writer wants an Amen-
can marine, and, apparently, is willing to
pay for it, because he quotes approvingly
the fact that thirty years ago Great
Britain was losing £1,000 daily on mail
pro. p
longed suspense in which industrial and
commercial interests are held have been . . bPcause
long repressive of traffic, but thetmovement • --e.
of the new crepe and fall goods are expect- '1 - '-
-•0°' -
ed to stimulate railway traffic and bring '
it up to normal figures, although possibly not
up to those of htstyearon accountef theextra ,
business incidental to the World's Fair. In
iron industry there is net as te
antis -
factory evidence of *pro teement as in some
other industries. Orders continue restrict-
ed and do not suffice for the establishments
. ''''• - PLUG
competing. The stock market was on the
- ; ,N
d ' '
whole, wearied an tneative.The wool Is.:it'. • t - t
market has been Veryweak .enclunsettled.
Buyers have generallytdeclinedte"l' ..
pate requirements • o any enlargedextent.
, .
. e__.
. .
i e 1
if •
, 1.11
e t'll
Weis wonderful discovery isthebestIcriownremedyf4, to be working quietly and secretly for the
Vilionsness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, sticti time being.
ifiConstiliation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,:
impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasa. Ald. Derby of Hamilton proposes to in
• and harmless, and though powerful to promote t• troduce a by-law authorizing the payment
heathy action of the bowels, do not tveaken like pillrthe
of salaries to,aldermen at the rate of $.150
If your tongue is coated you. need them, per year for ordinary members and $300 forrn
,, , —
- i .
chairmen of committees.
One of the soldiers who was blown to
pieces in Chicago in the recent explosion
AT ATM HEM STORES. was an old Port Hope man.' His name wasAmerican
and Nations
John Knox, although he enlisted under the
MANHOOD name of Jeremiah Dunnivan, '
., / Among the :patents recently grantea. in
the United. States to Canadian inventors is
Belifillyr one on a clutch pully to: Hermen Banker
'Barrie, and on a buckle design, patented
for 11 years, Geo. M. Aylesworth, Coiling
wood. .
‘, Miss Clara Lundy, of Newmarket, won
l' .
the first prize in the school competition,
silver watch, for the hest essay en a subjec
chosen bythe teachers, The subject was
, "The Province of Ontario."crop.,Groceries
-1”)....... • 1
subsidies, He would, doubtless, advise a
headlong plunge, into the subsidy business,
SO that an American marine could be es-
Prices of unwashed wools (10c.) are now
generally on a parity tvith the cost of
foreign wools, and • values of washed fleeces u a
pop lar bec use ir
(17c.) are rapidly tending to that, level, . '
P 11 tom pr
, A
tablished which Would take its pay in store.
orders instead of cash. But what does all
the supp y available la eastern ive:5 more for the
although markets is not vet large enough to admit of •
his reasoning lead to? This: that Grett
Britain, carries the world's goods cheaper
and betterthenewoether nation.That
• . - • - -
important transactions. There hes been an
active speculative movement in wheat with a I
the U • d "anyhard b
United States are . up because
they get their goods carried more
than their own sfiips could do the Work.
That it be toAmericans,
net advance of 3c. on account of unfavorable
crop reports especially as affecting the corn Tien J. B. PACE TOBACCO Co., Richmond
• ' g • • '
show a little more activity Va., and Montreal, Canada,
with slightly increasing apprehension con- '
,,,•,.„A. ,....
, #
1 ...
• )
How to get a. "Sunlight" Picture.
Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrapper,
(wrapper bearing the words "Why Does. a
Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Man") to
Lever'Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St,,. Toronto,
andycni will receive by poste, pretty pictureis
free from advertising, and well worth .fram-
Mg, This is an easy way to decorate your
home. The soap is the best in the market
and it will only cost lc. postage to trend in
the wiegipets if you leave the ends open.
Write your address carefallf.
would advisable pay. .
more for doing this work than is now paid
to F lailimen All tide because the
. . •
Americans could be paid in silver, • and the
. .to
Englishmenhave the power to demand
gold.e absurdity of the whole thing
earning' the effect of the Oriental war upon
- .
teas, etc. e pro onge tendency of post. 1r-, i -s Tr v.
men. v''', NERVE BEAN8 aro a nevr ans.
ponement in general lines is certainly nob N cover, that cure the worsteases of
• . , .
make prices higher. There is nothing . Nervous' Debility, . Lost Vigor and
"-'s Falling Manhood; restores the
except favorable crop reports., ' and the gen. BEANS weakness of body or mind caused
1by over-worin or the errors or ex.
eral ow stocks of carried by
,,, .,
&earl Shown by the fact that all the
old ' V • the United States all
to arouutse8(141:6.,000,0,itna that, if gold
were exported to Pa interest and ocean
carriage- due' 'Britain, there would not be.
an ounce of in the 'United States in
three Notwithstandingthe found,the
merchandise • - tosses or youth. This Remed,v all.
jobbers and retailers on which any increased comet, Owes the most obstinate c611105 TVI,,en all thot
activity can be based, this month, and the TREATMENTS havEl failed even to relieve. ..foLci SYZylga.
,low prices for produce may largely neutra- IV:atoll AfrePireadtecrieitsliax41)1iFV.Taff MiDtaili
line whet wnuld have been at any time in CO,, TorontoOnt. Write for pamphlet. Sold in-
past .regarded as potent factors in the Sold et ETOWIlIOLPFS Drug Store, Exeter,
acceleration of increased vitality in donii- - ' - ' • ' '- - '
", Boo h a 0 he,
intans the kid-
ney$ 'are in
, •,, '
the . scavengers
of the .sYstem,
"May is
years. e ae ,•tic
•• .` ' • - ' '
, • • . .
trade. Our foreign trade as still coin- .........-.........
rou5/e, Dodd's
dangerous,' Nig-
motion of The Ecomoinist, the united
Kingdom Will continue to : carry American
. „ , .
ocean' freights, mid.will adritinue to take
' 'd f • d -
pay in wheat an other'OP products.
Bread . more needed in England than
.,. . ,
golc1,%'. Nob till. the people' of the, -United
Stated cans -make more money by owning
and sailing ships than by cultivating wheat
- d • i ' • • ' h. , . -
ati, . ra sing. eattle will t e sea povieer of
Great Britain be seriousl. . menaced,
. , . • - -
, - . )', ,
. e
1satisfactory.Rather '
Purativ Y depressing
reports come irmai the North-West, and .
whMever the crop will bee, failure consul-
erable distress will follow. . Business there
. , - r ' • .
'a 'unsatisfactory, There is an increased
Hdemand f • 't't '•'
efor money tt , T crier , points to
move the'crops, but r.ct, es continue the
same -from 4 to 5 on, call loans and 6. to t7
,, 0 t f0 -0 ra feta a 1, m "
r er c 13 r „r em e 1,,, ,, p pe , on ie
and the east having the benefit Of the lower
. . •. ..
• - t' ge
STARKS - - ' ,
. •
k . , r
. Kidney' Pills ,give
'prompt relief," .
. "75 per- cent.
' of disease is.
at 'caused 'by
. , .
&Ordered ' .10(1..
hays,. , ,
. ..,,,Rightad Wei/.
fa:4 - 'to' 'hnuer a .:
healthy. o it y
leo fed kidney
troubles result
i n Bad Blood,
bytpeps11:4 tiller
Complaint, and
the inost doh -
ye re us of all,
Drights &seethe,
Dia hetes and
Dropsy,' '
-....._.,,. ,. at
- ------..---- •
---a . • -
Kadin* liken . Homesteads and Compel
- . Settlers to Flee. - • '
NV cslaNss of Body and Mind, Ef&ets of •- -
. , •
A ' despatch from Paetoria, Iltransvael
re or Excesses in Cid orYoung. Robust,
• - ' ' " Th K In i tl . ti
C.ble Manhood fully Restored. no t ' Iterablze, says :. e a re ti, le 130e 1
A c' . Ili 1.. e, ,w e° of theT • el have-revolted.They -have
Wargo anti atrepgthen 1,Y eaK vridevelopect ' ransva , d - '
' . burcea a number of homesteads- an captur,
6'. ' - • • '
rgsns and Parts of Body, Absolutely' On-. ect many Cattle artdare besieging the inhab-'
LIN, Itt T , . ... . h . .6. ),... - ', ' if,
.wmpag, coo rotraent-Benefitg In s nay, its,nts; who have a en refuge in e
Men tegify from 60 States a d P r 'gri C'. ' GoVertutient building at Agatha. ,Troops
. „ ei re ei . oun- -
- eta • ' a Book, . have :been sent to. the scene. . „
t,r,W,c. or, rite them.. Descriptive ex.- - • .
- • '
Science says now that beauty:is net kin
deep. She can tell you that half thethitrin
of .a p etty face -at least the ex refs '
. , , , ,,I) - BIOP-,-
is a• matter of lade museite and a complent
' labyrinth ornerves and. that the f
. . , e , curves o
the iiiist the glance of. the eyes, the dtoOp of
their lids are et matter of the prevalent use
. . , t
o. cestam smallmusclea in °be( Wilde tea
'' ' i'be
prevalent aspect of the mind, mereever,
that the uee of these organs of expression
has atone down long ancestral' lines, and.
that the mould of the features, therriselves
10 a (iireatiOrt of heredity.
' s•So penetrating is Water at blab. nreSSir
va el4' '
- .
: Without' sewer-
"Th et ttb'eu e
diseases 'cannot
ma' a • . - • 1 -g e - i 1
a only, specie. qua ities of otuit iron Wit
tight against it. In the 'early days of
the hydraulic jaCk it WOO no atom--
thing to Water i siticolik ." 6n
- - see - -- -8 - ----= - SI . if -
through the metal off . ,i, ne needle
7 . late Water, needle
Would penetrate' 0- 0 - t.
At, , ...e unwary nger AO as
reaody 0. . ' ' '
„,i. ' . • - '''-' ••• -
' `:.:,,i3 'bicycling' fashion heri retehed•ROlitt,
' a ri' y of the Italian ladies inityjie seen
an 1 a - •
d • t their wheels
peg a „tre ea ,.
If' •ii ". fe k' 'a al 200 feet below
a p doe 0 or is ti c ,
the u fade of the Ocean, the pressure of
, • • tising. -
it front r smg.
. e. ,. - •
taA . HE and Neuralgia
cure SIOK HEA C ,. .., D... ._
in 20 morutos, also Coaten.'longpn, api
teas, nuienshegs,paisin tho Side,Censupation,
Torpid Liver; Bad Breath, 'to' S717}7 lured SISO
d to the boviels *tat' rinOrt to tAtfE.
ttg1 a ' ' e ' b• -4,4
ORiOig 425 COM* At DRU( ..1'0-6,..
.age, as ytiod
.. health when 'MY.'
hidnekre. are'
- . .
'they 'are
, clogged, J
' ' 0.411 by altdertiers or
o 'pep go tents, pet
Dr. L. A...Sinith ez Co.
ic uo, a
hook' called- w i ), T
exist , where
Oodd'S Widnet; '
" 'P//Is cot used, ,'
. . ,
(sent by triptlen repiiipe
box. or sac for ,,ba.$0
'Domino, Niintetior
le. ,,
es, , ..,
Poglft.11on and proofs 14.01e4 (sealed) "keel
. , . •
ON MEDIOAL CO , Duff* pi
A4' . ' It 4
, ,
The tionlptors are going to have a separ;
ate eliib at Pane,. adorned' by. their, own
t . 1 exaniplee Each ineftiber will chip in. .
* ' •
as er ol • ,, the water Will prevent
a on ,. , , . .
0, ,
i.Udren ury rgUMtQrIJ