HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-07-17, Page 21' • .�r ri4 Y G(�DERIGH Si!A,L,.S�TQ.�. RSDAX,,lLii,,,� ��, I97;>.+1)49g, JA Kingsbridge cWt name Mrs.VanOsch to speak Twent'y-five • members at- tended „the July Catholic 'Worn -en'', League meeting in .the Church Hall in Kingsbridge. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Eugene Frayne. Father Dentinger led the league prayer• Scripture reading was given by' Mrs. Tom Hogan. nAs Church Life Convener Mrs. Hogan reported on the prayer Vigil. and also expressed need for volunteers to say the rosary before mass. The correspondence ' was given by Mrs. Allan MacKenzie as follows A letter invitation from the Catholic -WQmen'.s League of St. .,Mary's Holy nie Naof Mary Parish to attend a ' pilgrimage in •the shrine,- Feast of Our Lady of; Mouht Carmel; a letter from the office of the Bishop; Of London Wan- ting to1know how Women could teers to organize this sale .get involved within the parish were:, Mrs. Clarice Dalton, activities - Mrs. Delores Van (:,,ch` was „ ohosen as a. Mrs. Darla Hogan, Mrs, Leslie representative to communicate, MacKenzie and Mrs. Rochelle Champagne. this matter with Mrs. Alice , °McConnell in Seafnrth; thank- A refreshment stand will be" you notes from the Madonna , mad& hvail'able by the House Apostlate for the used Kingsbridge Youth Club.. clothing sent from our parish; A motion was made toinstall Eric Courtney for pen & pencil a ver•sati,le rug in the kitchen of 'set' for graduation and get well the Kingsbridge Hall. card while in hospital. Mrs. Betty Frayne will be Mrs. Rochelle. Champagne attending the . Provincial gave the roll call and presented convention in -London and will a gift membership ',to. Mrs. speak on the events -taken Barbara Redmond. place: Christian Family Life Mrs. 'Allan MacKenzie made Convener, Mrs. Joe Courtney a suggestion to institute a repor=ted ;on the "Walk for babysitting service in the Life",commercials fo Pro Church Hall at -the 10-:30 Sunday -- Life on Radio,- and the- first mass. at Kingsbridge. The Youth Pro Life Conferenee,held Kingsbridge Youth Club have at St. Paul's Anglican Church.' expressed, their willingness to Joe Austin attended 'from our • cooperate with "this suggestion. parish. The next\meeting will be „Fr. Dentinger agreed to let the held at the Queen Elizabeth parishes know: of this via the "school, Goderich 'on Monday, church bulletin. •September 15. To highlight the evening the A suggestion 'was 'made Jo.- Dairy Princess for 1974-75 Miss give to the brownie - and girl Mary Ann Miltenberg was guide -leaders a donation for introduced as the speaker by their dedication and in; :Mrs. Ann ,Riegling Miss volvernent. Miltenberg gave an interesting Mrs. Rita Howard, CulturaL outline of her past ,,year's ac - Life Convener,_ reported en the , tivities invluding fairs and grade 8 graduation banquet,and - shows. The "Dairy- Princess made special mention of those'. competition was outlined. A „ receiving special awards and' film Was shown ,on- the various also those receiving awards in cheeses, and many, pamphlets Secondary"school that obtained were ma e available by Mary their pri nlatry,crt St. Joseph's Anntto la 'es of the league and Kingsbridge, guests i t-att Mance. Mrs. Rita• Father Dentinger pokesto. Howard anked Miss "dit�s "" �st'rwes ing .-in- �M,i1tenberftrip_ .dis.play . volvement within -your parish and prose ted\' the Dairy being very worthwhile, Princess with a gi on behalf of The Catering 'Committee' the,CathelicWomen League. Report given by Mrs, Frayne'. was the past .events, that is, the grade eight graduation. banquet; Ashfield Township' Hall opened and the Ball -Hardy wedding. Mrs. Frayne ex- tended a general thank, you to everyone -for helping with these activities. Mrs.M .Loretta Doherty spoke of future events in the catering that is, the.Chisholm-Beeman wedding July 19 Ln the Lucknow Arena'; Bob Hackett's wedding in Kingsbridge'Hall, August 9 and the,Hard,y-Foster wedding August 23 Saltford Valley Hall'. Later , this fall,the, group to sell$tickets for afghan and quilt. 4,ugust 18 was established as - the date for an upcoming Garage Sale at Kingsbridge Hall between -the hours of 10;00 - 12:00 and 1:30 , 5:00. Volum- • legioo 8rallch '1 09 0ffers The recently installed executive members of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109 who will hold office.for the 1975-76 term are (front row left to right), Neil Shaw, public relations officer; Robert Chapman, past president; Edward Tonks, president; Roy Mugford, first vice-president; ;Harvey Johnston, second vice-president; (middle row ,left to right) Barney Davis, en - tertainment chairman; 'Vie 7 Ppwell, louse chairman; Dave McMillan, • sick and Welfare' chairman;'Geor'ge Loty, service °,officer; (back row left. to right) Howard Carroll, sports 'chairman; Stan Youngblut,secretary;.Chas Stewart, property chairman; and Alex Blackwell, Sgt. at Arms. (photo by Fred Bisset) �-„ ..., ,. 1— 0' GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES On July 7, 61 men played golf flight Ardithe Bresette; Verne . onGme'n's.night. Frith, • putting Jean anIy; The top ten -,winners •were third flight, Marilyn' MKay, Harold Walls, ',Ed •'Bresette, J4)un McDougall, .putting Chris Alan.: Worgari, Don' McKewan, Hoffnieye•r; fourth flight, _ Jack Gould, Don Elliott, John Peggy 'Rivers, : 'Din<ne Kane, Ken Treitz, Bill Ross, •Morrissey, putting Diane and Bud Worthy. Mel ick; closest to the pin on'No. • AlJ,. golf flat itches arc well Ardithe Bresette. under way. t �" fi► st round cif On.' Wednesday July 9, , 20 the moil's club'chti:mp'ion'h pto 1tdu' 'p1 ycd,at the interclub, he played on 5aturdriy, July '26• With, '• Sunset.. A• good time'lwas Make sutxe youli name has been: .had by, all.; • •entered.- -. The first round matches for • Ladies' night July .8�,3'' ladles tire::'lac1jes Rose Bowl havebeen played gaff. Ardithe Brissette drawn, up so. check the sheet to - hosted a 14pol party -and welt er see who you play and get your roast after.the,golf game.Thatch played`eri time. •.. The -first. flight winners were ,Maxine Martin, • Hazel Shelagh Sully, Verna' Jackson, Beaver-, Doris Paquette, all of jautting Maxine Martin: second the' Maitland, .Goder,ich, and - Sandy Turnille, ` Kincardine, 1:t.A1 THADI, AIiK�, lntw are -representing the' Owen -Sound District C.L.G:A. at -the. Woodbridge Board of 'Trade Golf Club, Ontario Amateur . tea ms• championship being played:, July 16,, 17, ,18. We wish these girls goo golfing, `I'hc Air Canada mixed Scotch t O ball is being playq,d this Saturday, July 19 at the 'Maitland. If , you are not a golfer; come to the danceat the .club on Saturday night. On Friday, July 2,5 there will be `Happy Hours" at the dui" .Come down, after work. Have A golf game. Join in the "Happy Hours" - Jenny will be on hifnd with ''some of her dining room sl)cC is 15. c" (. ONLY 'YOU CAN), GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE! •__J NOTICE • Citizens sof Goderich Due to Industry expansion in the - Area, a shortage of accommodation has 'developed. The Goderich In- dustrial Commission request fhat anyone interested ih eroviding living quarters, advise the commission at 57, Watt Str'eef, ,,...,,- The Goderich �,Industr;al Commissidn Executive • TO b. , BruceErskine: 86 North SI-.' Phone 524-9555 r Residential Lighting DiSp!oy ` Eledric Heating "INDUSTRIAL -7 COMMERCIAL" •RESIRE{VTfA'LiIVfR�NG ;•,.•. CUSTOM TRENCHING GRAHAM ETUCTR1C 62 CAMBQRIA RD. N GIbDERICH 524.8670. 1 • YOUR HEAD QUARTERS • FOR •ROGERS• MAJESTIC TV ,- .EXPERT TV SERVICE'. „• ANTENNA & TOWER , INSTALLATION' 4 • { 162 "MARY ST. GODER,ICH 5 2 4-968:9- -AUTHORIZED -9689 AUTHORIZED SALES & SERVICE + Vacuum Cleaners. + Washer -Spin Dryers + Portable Dryers HUTCHtNSON APP1 NCES available on easy terms TRADE INS ACCEPTED. 308 HURON RD. 524-7831 • -Ronald�•�, MSD IL . CHARTEFIEd' ACCOUNTANT 39 St, -David 'S't',. 524-6253• Goderich,, Ontario OPTOMETRIST The Square CHISH OLM FUELS Distributors For UNOCL! PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, INDUSTRY • 24 Hour Free Burner Service ''• Furnace Flnar%CIn'g • Gasolines & Diesel Fuels • New Furnace Irislallat n & Hot Water Boilers 524-7681 OR 529.7524 4 CHART1)'10 ACCOUNTANT 39 west' Street- Gdderich, Ontario ,Office' (5191' 524-2011 ' Horne 519) 524-9640 D 1ESEL-' Pumps and Injectors Repaired For All Popular Makes Harron Fuel 'Injection Equipment Bayfield Rd. 482-7971 Cad For • AIO Occasions Gifts 600''cs q • M . Stationery Supplies Records, ANDERSON'S 1300X''C'E'NTRE 33 EAST St. P.s.GOtlerich .IllilbYl6bbll OFFERS YOU - 7.5 y''arS of su.cessful ,,Vater d&'velkyrnent The most modern foss equipment avu;lable H,yh,ly 1rp,nr--; personnel Fast ,ervice cInn•d free esti'inates .Guaranteed wets ow f lo'esf°'cost 4 IDSONRotary and Perc:u'ssionDrllsDAv PHONE 357 1960 WELL DRILLING LIMITED "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATcri WELLS''SINCE' 1900" summer merchandise noir on sale for our Jul qearance LONG - Party Dresses : '16." uP Dresses 44.99 TO -REDUtTIONS CO-ORt lNATED . ortswear • p Ry Paris Star, TanJai, Mr. T\ohi, Page 1 - tPants, Jackets, Blaze Sweaters, 'Skirts,. Etc. , SALE. ICED ,HUGE SELECTION SWIM Sults • $S•99 14;9? Qfo • 'ALL WEATHER .Goats $14..99 to $2.99 7 Fabric Centre r 'lGround floor AIISummer Fabrics Reduced For Quick Sale ,Shop early for share of the bargains: Fall fabrics now in stock for your early sewing::' • • t,, SHOPPERS UMW Shirts, - .•Shorts, Halters,- Tank TO'ps atl at SALE PRICE Pant Coats $999 to 5199 Summer Gowns and Pyjamas 24% OFF Tender Tootsies ALL SUMMER SHOES '6.99 LADIES WEAK' LIMITED abb'ERIGH • 1 •,A