HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-07-17, Page 17• • • ^. SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JUI,Y 17,497},-,PAgg * • r previou, 4st, 1h • STORE—HOORS'„,, MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TILL 5:30 P.M. FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TILL 8:30,.M. LA -DIES ONE,SIZE, MEN'S P AN 3J. • ' e A commeilliable -record _ The finished products department at DRMCO hit another pinnacle of on the job -safety last week when therwent over the , 00400 hour mark without a lost time accident. The departMent is the second one in the plant to reach the mark (the machine shop did it last year)and ts now on its way 'to the quarter of a • Art Club membership grows throughout year • Goderich Art 'Club endeic an .,.active Studio season with a jolly pot -hick itipPer at ,the Port' Albert cottage of Mrs. Annie Finnigan. ,Paint„brushes and , canvas ••wera laid aside while ••thd members descended a steep stairway down the Cliff to walk •`• on the beach and listen to The 'waves breaking on the shore. Afterwards, a tempting variety of gburme.t dishes provided by the *members were laid out in • smorgasbord fashion to satisfy; air ,.and. water-conditio,ned -,appaites. „ -• Before aft,er-dinner drowsiness had a chance to set ,in, President Lu Legg Called a short busirieSs meeting to discuss ornc present decisions and future plans. • . The Club, meMbership'• had grown 'considerably' during the past year. Studio rsent was paid up until the end or June after rvatntin.rs'ess•i-ons----wdril-d 'be held , outdoors until •SeP- tember when the studio re- openedz.. , , instruction 'and, criticism , The-- residents enjoyed , an during the day outdoors. hou'.r of piano,melodies in the In the eVeningrat the studio he " auditorium - on Monday af- held a dernonstration'of histernoon played by Mrs. Elsie 'particular style of painting in HP:iderson. acrylics. His pictures% of old , building§ struck this viewer as The Clinton Centennial Band an idealized form of realism, d byM. ' Leggplayed a concert on the front lawn on som.etliing'of the style of a Jack Tuesday evening. The -weather Chambers.or Alex Colville. It is was perfect for a band concert a technique 'requiring great' and, Most of the residents were skill and patience, Otten taking , ' able to take advantage of the, /three months Oil. mor e to finishmusi-- c The band has 35' one large painting: Mr.,Mattar -,.. 1-rierribers 'ranging in'age.'!from- informed the students that he , . , 10 to 18-andthey have made '. lcvel. The employees each received $20. 'from the company for the 'achievement. The workers are (from left) Ted ' McAstocker, Larry Wilson, Kevin Pletch, Bill Craig ajjd ,presenting the money finished products superintenddent Dc1 Hagle. Not available for the. photograph was Wilf Gliders. REG. 59c AND 3 FOR $1,33 NICEN•EASY' HAIR R EG..$j.59 works at his art 11 hours a day: The exhibition of his, work 'at . the studio- certainly"would Huron-Pla. yi!oyse great, progress during the past year Oderlheir new leader. The '"Over '90 Club" held a picnic'on Wednesday afternoon: at "Pinelake' camp. Twenty members' of the klub traelling, by van and car had a tour of the s: Bayfield area and following a tour of the ,carrip' had supper besidethe lake. The Walkerburn volunteers ..Of Auburn assisted with ac- tivities and we wish to thank ---130•••••and Shirley Elliott for the iicc the picnic,arew. , Mary HoWell resigned as Vice-president and ,was ten; ' dered a,Vote of thanks for all — her help in the past: Barbara McWhinnie kindly agreed to accept the office until the endof , ST. prOVe that statemerit. .' • " In between painting sessions the Art klub members pie - 'nicked at SoutWampton's •Harbour Park. The Afternoon session had been ,particularly difficult in a high wind 'trying to hold down art eqUipMent while everyone.strove to capture the Ti -da -0-13 (--5-r-dird—Mta-r re -Huron with colors changing from dark blue, to jade green, and wieS 'breaking white foam on a andBar,', a sky •filled with racing clouds, and, across the, `harbor the lighthouse standing • 'firm on its green island against' • al I thismiovement. How doesVne, catch so much beauty, on' a piece of canvas? Only a•genius could achieve it. For club, members, it weitild seem. enough -just to sit and stare this. year. , • Since many meryibers would be aWay• on• holiday during • ;Summer-fest_ it was agreed, , after discussion,• , that, any, paintings shown at'the outdoor gallery Would be on an , in- dividual basis only. The 'Art Club decided to continue its policy of having its own ar-t shows and exhibiting whereVer invited. TehratiVe plans were -made .for a' fall exhibit at and Saltford, 'as Well. as a trip in September or October to. the Doom, SchObl of ‘4i Fine Ai-Lcitchener: Mier the'Studio ' had been clo§ed for the suM met, a group from the Art Club 'attended 'their annual seminar • at Southampton, School of Art peesided ovcrby Edna Johnsen , • who a Iso'rqns the Craft Shop on Hamilton Se), Goderich: 4 John • Mattar, a highly qualified teacher:, from, the. Ontario - College of Art, Toronto gave '" e) '<,•,-Nvo,;'04vsA tr, 044,4 7% t ipe s." 44IN 1 40 --Funerais4. -Go! Weil- -Weddings ---Anniversarlea 524-7885 61 CHURCH sT. GODERIC,H 'ROdy to sense you . 7 days a week SHOPP • ••• • -..,„ , • It's a musical! Remember • • the . big Tavern in Toronto. ,She has Hollywood musicals of the 30's? performed with , the Smile Song and- dance, Sailor suits 'Company in Toronto as well as ,,and tap shoes, and the small atsgtis .town girl's rise from obscurity and „Hello Dolly. Her TV ap- • pearances include Elwood Glover's Luncheon Date and Juliette and Friends. to stabdom in 4 day. These.are the ingredients of Dames at• Sea'; a nostalgic satirical romp which begins on' a Broadway stage and .ends :up on a- bat- tlealip. It begins !this Wed-„, nesday at' the Huron' Country Playhouse - and runs. until Saturday.' The cast includes many proven Playhouse favourites. -Peter McConnell, JOhn Davies, Vinnetta Strombergs andPatty , Gail ai. re ur irig to step the light famastick. • ' • Robert Landar isAherelor the Lots of 0 FREE PARKING NO METERS •rn GODERICH • 1 • 4 ft SI II • • This rolicking muSical will apPeal to all Inembers of the family. And for- 'the, Whole family as well at the P,layhotiSe are other attractions. The Art Gallery this,•woek contains an exibit of 'YoungArea Artists Work. The paintings. were chosen from various area high school exibits" and featdre many talented student works, Pn Pridays after the show first time. He has tilayed'in the ....many local performers, as well Broadway productions of Man as the Playhouse staff are of La Mancha and Zorba as well given a chance to get up and his 'Canadian °4ppeaeances in sing.afid dance t:the Cabaret. ILion in Winter, Funny Girl and This should be fun for one and MUsic Man, He performed all...The lobby area is ,open regularly with the CBC. shows every night after performances Pig and,--Wiiistle and Sing for audience's to meets the ac Song. • - tors and relax. 'Charleno. Shipp comes to the -‚Dame§ at Sea, The ,Grarrery Playhouse to re-create her. 11d The Cabaret. all happenin performance of Ruby in Dames, „ this week at,The Huron Country at Sea, Which she did at the Dell' Playhouse, • a t" • 1 . • 1', •JOFNSON',S 14 OZ.' SIZE BABY POWDER PEOPLE'S BRAND: BABY OIL BABY SHAMPOO- . BOTH 500 M,L SIZE . • YOUR • .$ 1 17 HOt C E• , • WObD SLAT •• FOLDING , STOOL • IDEAL FOR FISHERMEN , • CAMPERS ETC. REG. S3.'99 - RUBBER COVERED • PRACTICE , .BASEBALL .50C' RUBBER SOFTBALL 1.57 pAcKsACK. • SltE,9 ?,( 18 ZIPPER CARRYING CASE , ,ATTACHED REG. 53.99 - LADIES PLAIN RAYON BRIEFS WHITE AND ASSORTED COLOURS • OFFICIAL HARD COVER 29 PIECES IRONSTONE OR • PORCELAIN DINNER.SETS ASSORTEDPATTERNS ^ REG. 513.95- TODDLERS' ' • • AND C.HILDREN'S ASSORt5D T—SHIRTS • ..TANK TOPS AND SHORTS YOUR, • $-00 C,HOICE • , ' BOYS' • 100 PERCENT NyL,ON STRETcyi • CAEW NECK_ ' ' MEN'S' -SHORT SLEEVES PERMANENT PRESS,, CHECKED AND,47111:ED PATtERNS•4 • REG..55.99 .$466• GLASSBAKE OVINWARE cA,SSEROLES, SQUARE • CAKE MTH AND DEE,P LOAF PAN. , - HERBAL PATTERO YOUR CHOICE • E.A. STRETCH BRIEFS • • .ALL :INFANTS AND E N'S PERMA'NENT PRESS .-REG.k 79c PA'l RS$ 1.00 8 PAtK "HANDY ,„ HOUSEHOLD SPONGES • GIRLS' ASSORTED • "IN rfa'"-"ratt'.`"'"''''''N'Y'eb'ki " OVERLAY VALUEST9 S6.99 S'HORT $ ONES 3 .44 LONG $444 ONES 6 ,•1 P ,./ •.• 20 ASSORTED *9NBREAKABLE ,C04MBS ONLY 99c, .•.„ • .,• (fr.*•,. • . , * •‘. • ....,•••• • • ' • A hh. •., t • A •• .* • . •• • .