HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-07-17, Page 12Requires Immediately TIME (HECKERS 'Previous Experience Not, Necessary, • Probability of Long Tenn' EmploKmet Good. Camp Facilities Available and Usual Company Benefits, . Reply to: ��klE LI1•M-MUS CO-M-e,tANY AN 6A LIMITED Attention: G, K. Bell n1 P,O. Box• 659 Tiverton Ontario. •A I h• 11 ;'��, 2-�GQD� •, p "1'KURSUA,Y, 1ULX-17, 1975 • �b 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE CHECK our prices on chesterfields, mattresses, chrome suites, coffee " tables. C & E New and Used Fur- niture, 524-7231, 1l2' mile south 'of Goderich.—tf AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Gleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner , of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffineyer Plumbing ..and Heating, Kingston Street., Goderich.-14tf SINGER —'For Authorized Sales 6r Service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes. Pratt's Sewing Centre, .73 Hamilton St., 524-$431, , w,,,-, pcierigth;=28r29tf ��,.� 'ARTICLES FOR.SALE DEAD'J.INE FOR TAKING CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE • ACCEPTED AFTER 1.2 :.CLOCK FOR. THAT WEED'S P4PER '4. CLASSIFIEDS • 9c per word, minimum $1.75 SEWING MACHINES, 'Large,selec- tion of good used sewing machines, ,Singer, White, and others. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. 2p East Sta.,. 524-6012, La Boutique. 3$,tfA1'R SWIMMING POOL, repossessed, excellent " .condition. Leading 15 FT,. chGravette boat y35 h;p, `Johnston outboard, electric start in board controls, boat trailer with. w'in'ch, tarpaulin and. life " .jackets-: Phone 524-8090. —29tf • RIDING mower, practically new. WESTINGHOUSE dehumidifjer,, automatic, one gallon model,' $85.00. Ph,one 565-2831 -28,29 1975 YAMAHA Moped, $3`50,00.. Phone 565-2.831.-2S 1.ARTiCILES FOR SALE TV, Tower apartment type 68 feet,• , 'high.'Mast has multi directional TV aerials also FM aerial. no rotor required, Phone 524-8710 —29ar HIDE -a -bed, like new, used only once. Phone 524-2947, —29 manu ac urer w ,tng o sacr f ce at' 12, price,. Call collect (416) 536- 9278".'-20t•f=' 16 FOOT runabout boat, 50, h_,p. motor and trailer. Phone 524-9332 ar 524.7501', -2ltf SWEET CHERRIES ready novv,- p'ick your own or get them ready picked. Montmorency (red) 'starting 'July .15 until August. Pitting •rnachine avaylable-- 'f'or your conenience• Also pails ,of • cherries, any variety, ' Open . anytime, Rock Glen Fruit Farm Lan be seen at 129 Hiricks Street, 16 FOOT power boat, convertible, Ltd„ 828-3644,, RR 1, Arkona, Goderich, —29x top, 45'h.p. engine, complete -with Ont. -28,29 , 30" GAS range; 21" black and' trailer. Phone 524-9332 Or 524- FRESH garden beans and beets.' • 'white Westinghouse TV. Phone `, 5501.-23tf • - DODGE. • Motor Home. 1972, . Phone 324-7157. -29tf, 524-2905. —29 • ' Leisure Lodge,. 21 ft., low , 1.ARTI'CLES FOR --SALE TWO 1972 Yamaha Mini Enduro 1973 DELUXE Citation tray' 1 -19.74 .VI GA Stationw,rt;on, ex - Motorcycles, 60 C.C., • in very tr4rilc •, 17 ft. tandem wheels, good condition. Phone 524-6000 't cellcnt condition, Zichart, toilet, fridge, oven, furnace, in Michelin radial tires; two sport • between 5 and 7 p.m, —29x new condition, used only 3 weeks mir'r'ors, ret't^r defog, r'a'diu• four "1rAR1tCLE'S FOR SALE.' 'GARS, TRUCKS FOR' SALE. FOR SALE - Sweden soft server ice ere• m machine, model ho. 279. Koy e's BP, Lucknow, phone 528-3.401. 29 TWO Oak, rolled -topped desks, double drawers. Phone Teeswater. 392-6176 or -392-6632 • after'fi-ve p.m. —29 ONE used squirrel' -cage -I6- fad• Adjustable speed, comp,jetc with motor. Ado one used.l2" squirrel cage' f'n., Lodge Furnit', 524- 7521, —29 $3000.00. Phone GeorgeaMcLean • speed transmission, sport in- ' 524.7275. —29 ,w .r.-.4ti-ument' panel, custom interior, roof rack and airfoil, Priced $2995.00 • Pho'ne 524-8802 or 524: -2.ARTICLES FOR RENT -t... 9392.,-29 FORMAL RENTALS for all oc. rasions: Free style .. brochure. Rawson & Swartman Style Shop, Goderich.=-20tf . 1968 RAMBLER Ambassador, power steering and brakes, automa'ti$, motor needs repair, $250.00 as is. Phone 524-9'295 after 4:30 p nt. -29-30 u TO RENT -- $1.50 per day rents you an electric rug`s shampooer.. 6. ACCOMMODATION TO'RENT Removes spots, grease, .etc, Service Dominion Hardv,arp, phone 1524 • - " 8581.-41tf, •-w , AERIAL and .rotator, buyer to a - take down, phone 524-9627.-29 1 HOOVER Walsher - Spin Dryer in excellent workirfg' order. Call Bayf ield'565.2800.—29a-r 30" KEL,VINAT'OR electric stove, good condition. Also new three•burner propane gas stove,• for hard -top camper. Phonet524- . 7259, amper..Phonet524- 7259, -;29 • 'CHILD'S crib, and mattress like new. Beige vinyl'"da'y, daybed couch and chair, •Two,each.tires and snow tire's, firestone 8-45-15. • Also an electric heater, Phone 524-9515.-239 For your - BESTLIN.E ' mileage, A-1 condition, Must -see DEEP STEAM carpet and TV1?`0 Coleman gas space heaters. CLEA'NI•N.;G PRODUCTS. `Phone to •appreciate. Asking $9,50000, Conte 30,000 •BTU per hour with �2 Call 524 21 b2 week dais 9 to 4 and upholstery„ cle er, A 100 model fan; ,one' 20,000 BTU, per hour, a. 4 9966.—. 4tfs. for' sale or lea Phone '527 1761. chimneys, duo therm heater, 482-7890 evenings and weeken- --29tf 'STORAGE ,FOR RENT" OR LEASE — 4000 square feet, in- , eludes :eleven 10 x 8 hay doors, excellent for small business. Phone after 6 p,m. (519) 842- 51077.-24tfnA R FORMALS BY FREEMAN'S ,exclusively'• available, from CA"PTAIN.'S, QUARTERS CLOTHIERS FOR MEN (for- merly. Pickett &-Campbell's), 36 The Square, Goderich.-11tfAR complete music centre; ;rentals 2A. ARTICLES `WANTED:— MAN'S 10 speed, good 'coniclition. 'Phone 524-6286.-28,29 FURNITURE, glass, china, clocks, bells, "brass, coppgr... Will buy , for cash or sell by aurtion•'LMike Cum- mings, Auctioneer, 524.9064.-22tf MUSIC' UNLIMITED your. • • elbows a'nd pipes for both ants.. WANTED • preferably used, x-28 ' RECORDS for' sale• or trade? ^ and sales. 79 Hamilton St. Phone CHERRIES Montmorency, 524-2711. 26tf •".'' Good 'supply and ",easy picking. Attractive prices on large quantities. 'Watson Fruit Frms, one mile north Forest, 21 High- way; 873-5439,-28,29 ONE hti'ridr.ed' year- bld beveled mirror, with• 4" gold frame, encrusted, corners, Size 621' k 41"; brass :fire screen, self standing with draw type curtain riliesh, 43" • wide x 26'x' high; G.E.. electric 'floor polisher. Phone 524-7775, —27tf • USED onside dors, 3, 24",•x.72"' ' and one by 33- x 84" two 30" x •78" and one 25�" x 85" and one by .• `291.1 x 77one by 16 ,, " • " x 72SIM•P ITY wringer. washer, • Pink Floyd, UmmaGumma $3;1 - Neil Young, Hat;Ovest $2,50; Three 'Dog .Night, Naturally $1,50; Five Man Electrical Band, Coming of .Age $1; Troyka from Edmonton, $1; Carp $1; Freedom, Through the Years $L50; Dallas County' $1; Wind $1; Call 524-9106 after 5 p.m, -29 . 4 Sliding doors with track; Also one 30" Enterprise gas range. Both ' ONE ,KITCHEN'si,Tk,,20" x '20' bo'y's super cycle 243/4 size tires. items good .condition. Phone 524-_• one set new taps to fit sink. Phone Ph `one 529-7286.7-29,30 6846. --,29x , - 524-6322•-28,29 ' ^ ROTO -'filler 5,..'h.p, good ' con -v 'INSULATED truck topper, full dition. Phone 529-7661.after 4 p.m, length double back door, Phonic, _29 • 529-7691.-28x ' 1 ' DOUBLE Ski-doo trailer (all • "BABY carriage and walker forpurpose ). 1 - 16 ft, Voyager canoe. sale. Inquire at Bayfield 565- Call526-7595. —29 .2572.=28,29 119,4.»r ,TWO". •pool tables ' one, shuf- fleboard. Park HI9,,sv, 524- 6205.-28,29 SMALL Western saddle, good condition, $135.000. Phone 524-6394 after5:30p:m"-29 - 'USED Electrolux Vacuum - very ., ANTIQUES, crafts, , pine good condition. Best, offer. Phone ••_•, • .p r--oc1,w•6-t✓i a n•s,----a-n.d---- FA i-ra-e•e•r--s' 4,.• B -?9 _ °' liblock's Church House,'Aubut n, - • , ' 526-7272,-28,29,30• . USED�°Ken-n°Tore vacuum for sale with 'power nozzle. Nelresson.ahle /I . offer refused. Phone , 524-2941. —29ar' ," • FOR ALL •YO`'UR 'COAL -wood cook stove Quebec h e • o er 0 cur r r` w r, hes, e Street -clays, —29 , - LAWN AND GARDEN NEEDS ALSO Pool Chemicals ART'S: LANDSCAPING, NURSERY AND ;GARDEN CENTRE TO CLEAR,, - quantity ti f,, Ibng. 166 Bf=NN'ETT $T E ^_ ed:ar.rail 2x •}•-s-t•r*ppirrg-. 2 x- GODER-I .-CH"5 24=9126 •;4'4, windo'vs and doors, 'Singer • -OPEN 9 a.m. til dark - sewing machine. Phone 524-779. 25 CLOSED SUNDAYS' ' GOOD Sailboat, daysailer:20 foot Gaff rig sloop, fiberglass coated' cedar hull, steel centreboard & rudder, dacrctn sails cut by Tom Taylor, good standing rigging, 'i • hest yacht -braid -Punning rigging, motor bracket; home built trailer included& all for $300 firm, Phone 524-6572. —29 $IuronHaven. Homes Featuring the best variety in the 'area 'of top- quality modular, mobile, and Cedar Homes by Marlette, Bendix, Homco and Lindal: Come'and see our display 21/2 miles north of Goderich north on Highway 21. Full service :with satisfaction girta.ranteed. " Phone S24-6384 Owned and operated by Homes of the Future Ltd. • - SWIMMING pool, above ground 15' x filter and ladder, good condition, Must sell, 85.r hest .. offer. Phone 524-2422, —29.' UPRIGHT Gouriay piano; -needs repairs,.,.,,and tuning. Phone 524: '8567,. —29 - - RIDING horses for .sale, registered Pinto marc and -1-"'Morgan mare, both good rider. Phone 524-8-00. —29 FURNISHED. 70 ft. travel trailer, just like new, Phone 482- • 3109. —29 ANTIQUi'S '- vt.ickei• love -seat, " Mall. and rocker•,• hall chair: small oak, cutiboar'd, Phone •482- 9936, —2,9" . r . .,1111. ur SPEC D Queen spinner washer $75.00_. Call 524.7298 after 4'15 p,m..-29 at CIriito'n' Air Base (Vancistra) + All used building materials for sate- + Buildings•for sale .• + Wreck them yclurself + Salesmen on ibb sigh' • • 9', C h 524 2243 ft 5 29 broken baseball b t d- unautographed baseballs and MINK jacket, good.,condition, pairj, f white spikes dyed black. best offer. Call after 6 p.m. 524- Phone Ron 524-2500, —29 6989. —29,30 `.�, u' IN good condition a floo•c model,9' Pt�ILB0,4T„ Sunflower 'car- hrgh power• vacuum .cleaner, 1ti0 or _ phone 524-7789 after 6 p.m. -29 a - ,a er p.m.— a , one ozen topper, good,, condition; best offer, Phone -524-2537. 29 .n CANOE 16 ft, fiberglas good condition, two paddles $100.00, Air conditioner, 6000 B•TU. Sears , Coldspotp. three , speed, 110 volt, :good condition, $120.00. Phonal 524-8968. —29 •. " anover Holiday` Tours Fully Escorted Deluxe ckiurs — Pennsylvania Dutch 6 Days A Departs 'July 26- New England - Cape Cod- . 10 Days Departs Aug. 9 Nashville & Lexington-, 5 Days Departs' Aug. 1 Moosenee • 3 Days • , Evening Departure Aug. 1 _ 'Senior Citizen Special Manitoulin Island &'Strdbury 2Days • Departs Aug. .5 & Aug. 8 Maritimes 1SDays Two Departiires, Aug. 9 & Sept. 6 Wheeling 3 Days Departs Oct. 10 Gatineau & Laurentians 3 Days Departs Oct, 10 Western Canada by Air &Private Motor Coach - 12 Days Departs Aug, 16 Western Canada, by Private Motor Coach 22 Days Departs',Aug. 30• Colonial Virginian_,. , 8 Days Departs Sept. 6 WE . WILL pay top • prices for ladies' and gents' watches, watch Chains, clocks, copper and brass. items, antique bric-,a-brac..Phone `524-,,�45 or call in at Bygones, The S U(are.-i 7t fA:R- •, 3A. PNET STOCK SINGLE'S apar•tnhent,,-'fully� • furnished, Ridgewood Park: Call after 6 p,m, 524-9895.-26tf ' • NEW APARTMENT for rend,' Dungannon, suitable for retired couple. ,Phone 529-7921 or 529- 7929.,-28,29 ONE BEDROOM apartment, fully. furnished, heated; all utilities paid. Adults only. No pets. Phone 524-94303,-28tf HOUSE TO RENT in Goderich, `Lovely, solid brick, five bedroom house, with 'fireplace and carpeting. Modern. kitchen, On quiet street, close to Square. Reasonable rate. For appointment, call 1925-2322.-28tf MODERN five "room' self con- tained apartment, - hardwood floors. Available after- July •15th. Phone 524-7112.=-28,29 FOUR BEDROOM lakefront cbttag;"•with 3 ,piece hath, dish- washer. „telephone, screened breezeway, -$lair`s Grove, ' 8 . ,rn-i•1•es south of Kincardine. $150.00 •weekly, Phone 395-5830.-28,29x ONE bedroom' bache1.01. apart- ments Bennett St., . Goderich, available immediately, For in- ' formation phone 524-6003 car 565- 2843. —29 & 30 , ' LARGE furnished room- With, kitchen privileges. Call after 6 p.m. 524-6989. —29,30 � IttJR`NI'SH' D 'hhrne. den Oa $4 located available Oct. 1. to Apr.. 30, Box -13c-ci Bo(' 220, Signal- Star, Goderich; Ont. —29,30 POObLE pteppies, miniature and - ,toys, silvers and blacks, seven weeks, regis•tei-ed, large selec-44 tion, . Glenreid PRodle Kennels, Kippen, phone 262=50k2. —29.,30 TO Give away", three yet r' old St. Bernard, Phone 529-7930.-29tf . TWO black Great Dane pups 'for. sale, ., thoroughbred but *no i registered,. Phone 23 - Circle Lake Superior ?Days 'D ipa-rts Sept. 20 , Agawa Canyon - Da -his ,Two Departures Sept. 13 & Oct.. 5 Ontario & Quebec 8 Days Departs Sept, 27 Nashville Grand Ole Opry ° 3 bays wo Departures Aug. 29 & Oct, 10 SPECIAL 15 Days Arizona'& California Departs Oct, LL,_' • SPECIAL SENIOR CITIZENS, 2 Weeks Circle Florida 15 Days Departs Nov. 15 Descriptive Brochure and Membership Available CONTACT -YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT • Hanover Tray..i Service 1-800-265.-3007 Kincardine•°Travel Service• 396-3477 Coach House Travel Service •-Goderit 124-8366 Jim ,Courtney jravel Ser'v ce Listowel - 29.14111 1 REGISTERED Brittany Spaniel pup' s'excellent .heuxiting strain, ,-both parents at kennels, Phone Teeswater 392-6049. —29 TIPICAL fish, canarie, Corn - pet' supplies, orn- pet'supplies, Pats Pet Shop, • 350 Main Street,' Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, and • a Friday eveninks,-;40tf• - 3. CARS, TRUCKSwFOR SALE 7`. WANTED TO RENT PROFESSIQNAL female wislies' to rent one bedroom apartment in Goderich. "Please wr ite box '1.4, co Box 220, Signal -Star, Goderich, Ont. —29• TW9 or three bedroom house in Goderich three (sixteen• :year Old), • Phone • q•._ \\� • 'BUSIN,ESS COUPLE require one , or, .twbedroom, - furnished apartmen in Goderich. Phr'rne 482-3756.-2 99 • • TEACHER,,wf tvo dogA,' one ,cat require,' \rental ac- 'comttr•odations located' •between Goderich and Kinc•ard'i'q i for July 31st. Must have electriceiit and hardwood floors, Phone.1-4'16.662- • 7960,-28;29" • ' \ ' 68 CHEV, Impala SS bucket seats LAKEFRONT cottage near, 3'17 4 barrel CARE, 71 Firenza SL Goderich for two to three *Tel* 2000. Station wagon, 4 speed in August. Call 5247850 aver 5 transmission phone 524-64r8 after ,,p.m. -28 5 p,m.-29,,' RETIRED COUPLE require two • 19.71 MUS`I''AIVG` hardtop " V8 ' bedroom ti elf contained apart- "-"a irttJm t3 t i c, p � w c'r' s t e crr 1 J T g` e -x c en-t---re•fe-rc 'n c: e 5'. power ,brakes. Phone 524-6J 17, Apply., Box 8, c -o Box 220, Signal- - =29 Starw7 28,29x 1971 DATSUN Pick up. Phone 529- ` 7203 after six, —29 1969 FORD • 1, ton pick: -up 3„60 .engi'he, automatic, radio Phone • 524-9'804, -r29 +' "1970 CHEVROLET 13iscayne, 5„6:000—miles, motor and body "exceptionally go"od, will certify:' Owrier no linger ,drives. Contact Harry Lear, 523-4219 between 6' and7m•`-29;3.0" p.•• 1968 PLYMOUTH' Fury 111 'two door hfirdtop, cnn.dition. Best offer. Phone 524.6502. =29 1966 VALIANT, good second car,' $200.00. Phone 524-GGIM0.--29 - 1964 PONTIAC, ' Safety check good.u•n(i.1 ,iuly 20 1975, Price $275, 1961 Chev. half ton, not- safety c1� 'ked "driven re-ce•ntl'v. As.:ing $50. Phone 5:'; k i 7J -39 4 Mtn 'OLDS Cut1at SUP reme, Michelin tires, new paint and safety „checked, Cull 524-6285 afters p.m. —2f1 VOLKSWAGEN 1973 Super Beetle Like new, ziebarted, many extras, , consistent 33 to 36 Phone Bayfield 565-2800 URGENTLY needed two or niore bedroom -home or part- ment, ten mile radius of Goderich. Phone 524-8514,.--29 9 THREE bedroom c(Ittage, far- mland wild- Iifc setting, all con veniences, by day week•ormonth'. 1 Phone Tees&iter 39'0049. —29' 8:A_ELP. WARTED 1111, - tRal P A—N—S 1-0 Largest Electrical Appliance Company in Canada Needs 'Several" Personnel Calk 524.9024 A' & P Food Store reqUireS Experienced Meat Cutter ,Company offers top wages, excellent benefit programme, 39 hour work week. Applicants must have a sound previous employment'record. Apply'store manager A.& P Food store', 81 West St. W., Goderich, Ont. The Hur�'n County Boaid of Education require ((ASIONAL �TEACHfRS i u to do supply work in the elementary and secondary schools during 1975-76.' Written applications, . including qualifications, social„, in- surartce number, and 'telephone nurnber must be mailed before ;July 23rd to,, , R. E. Smith, Superintendent of Education gh, • Huron County Board of Education 1.03' Albert ,street, Clinton, Ontario, Applicants should indicate the grades and=or stibiecis they arepiepa-red to teach and the schools in,which they Would serve.' Fror'n this information lists of available teachers will be prepared for each school, Principals "will then contact'' applicants when their services are required. Persons presently serving as Occasional Teachers in our schools neednotre-apply. Names will automatically be in- cluded for the coming year unless notification to the.c-ontrary' is received'from either the teacher or a principal. , D.. J. Cochrane, . ' W. Shortreed, Director. Chairman. , • AVOW .. IF YOU'RE AMBITIOUS, 'O.,RGANIZED, AND OVER 11, you can have excellent earnings selling quality products. Ca•II: Mrs. Nanty Millson, Seaforth 527- 1167. Lubrication^ Man 'Preferably with experierfce. FuII". time lo&. G'odd; • pay;` Applicants must be 'feat and clean and have a god driving record. Apply in person to McGee w Pontiac -Buick,' Hamilton Street, ' Goderich. 9 1 ,••,,c•�7r. T-OWN•OF GODERICH , Cleri'cal' - Stenographer $115.58 t0 .62 .Recreation office of Town of Goderich has an opening for a qualified indivj 1ual to perform:the Ustaal secretarial duties for, Recreation' Offi4e as well as some clerical function for the Building and Planning Departments. QUAL-Wt;GATIONS: Preferably successful completion of Grade 12, typing and shorthand or dictaphone, payroll and genera'Laccounting duties, initiative to organize and com• plete work under minimum instruction.' Please send wr•ittenapplica'tions by July 31st, 1975 to: 4 • J. Harold -Walls, A.M,C,T„ C.M.C. Clerk -Treasurer .57 West Street Goderich, Ontario P • p,.