HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-8-16, Page 8'
-1 UN Earl! LIJIOT ,A(114 N VOU
tar. WES tlitiN ABSURAtt•ce com.
Patareof Torouiet else ear the Pitcle.NIX
01 it re eatin nate 4 4 uouLz,ANY,o XAoudo4
Eamoc, alohleetenE iteattitteetteg cog..
RAttX of lenelitad.
W re 1,-scAving• Sample Lots of choice
Riegere Perf eine.
We are showing a nice line of Hair
We are showIng a. cheap line ofToilet
We ere showitig* line of Combs.
Wet sho w &fie line of Tooth )3rushes,
We are offering a Snap in Whisks.
We have low lines in Sponges.
We keep Tooth Picks and sell them
We keep Chamois Skins, best quality,
You may need some of the above, call
and, lee
Will try and please you,
Good time to bill weed*.
The end of it fruitiel life is the man that
diee from ()helot* morbus.
John Tuolter, Varquher, it he Said,
cot 16 acres of oars M Ehaul*
aervalev OA Wanted,
To go to London, Danes to commenee
middle of augeee. For paitivnisee ePEAY
to M. U. J. Whites Exeter.
Mrs. Samuel, Gillies, ire et Ads* Creig,
died tat week. She tied suffered. foe four
regreteto learn of the allow; illness
of Rev. Neil .Shatee of the Eginotelville
Presbyteriau ohurola
September let hae been appointed, by
the Demiaien Government as Labor Day,
and a legal holiday.
Twenty-two persons were charged with
murder in Canada beet year and of these
tsn lived in Ontario,
There were 4,630 couvictions for inclie-
teble offence's in Canada last year, as
compared with 4,044 in 92,
Competent autbraities !state the apple
crop ‘Vesterik Oute,rio will be 25 per
cent. better this year than laet.
Ws F. R. Heugh. Ailsa Cralgedied
last week, in the 76th year of her age.
She bad been 'Wine for six months.
Miss 3. Helyar, of Clinton, formerly of
Exeter, has accepted a position in con-
nection with the Orillia Public School,
. D. Cantelon, of Clinton, has been
elected a znember of the Evecutive (Joni-
mittee of the Fruit Growers' Asaociatiee has been visiting friends in Exeter has
of Onterio. returned to her home in Parkhill --Mr.
Mr. Robert Richardsou, of Brant, has a Frank Sperling of St Marys is spending
cow that gave birth tcdeeecalf in March last, a few weeks among his many friends
and repeeted the performance a few dm in town.—Mr. and Min. D. Johns have
ago, \returned from their teip to Manitoba
Tbe prospect!, of Si a berm" for apples and the Northwest; they report a
may not be pleasing to the producer but pleasant time.—Miss Van Egmond of
it will bring joy to those who °mistime the Cleveland, who has been visiting friends
finest bent which Canada produces. in town left on Monday for London,
gr. A. Glendenning, who was teferred where she will visit for a time. —Mr.
to in Greenway correspondence of last Bayley of London is visiting friends in
week as having met with a serious accident town.—Mr. Ab. Snell is spending
is dead, The death ie a peenlierly gad vacation under the parental roof. -11.
one. John Treble of Exeter North left on
gr. Frank Carlin, Staff, wee' fine $25 Taesitty for Virden Man.,—Master
and costs on Wednesday hy Magistrate Herbie Pickard, son of Richard Pickard
Flagg, of gitolaell, for violation of the Liq. is visiting friends in Lonclon.-1'.[r.
veer Ad. Mr. Coppin, inspector. is de* W. F. May. Principal of the Patkhill
tertnined that the law sh&ll be strictly ob. Public school, a former resident of
served, Exeter, has accepted the position of
There are him day& for the flax mill. Principal of the Park Street School
A. large quantity of flax is being taken to
the mill to be threehed, after which it is London.—Mrs. Ohas. Senior Jr. of
spread out in the fields to prepare it for Toronto, left for her home in Toronto
further manipulation. on Tuesday, after spending a pleasant
visit with friends in town —Miss
fruit trees and bushes, and destroy the eao_ncton, - • arniii s visiting at the Main
Do not forget to take a loole at your —
number of caterpillar's nests that abound St. parsonage.—James Swenertort of
everywhere; now is the best time to de- Niagara on the lake visited friends in
town over Sunday. --Mr. Ewing . is
holidaying at his home in Teeswater. —
Miss Geary of Mitchell visited. friends
in town over Sunclay.—eliss Annie
Gregery Is visiting friends in
Clinton.—MissLee of Lucati is the guest
of Mrs, J. Blatchford,—fr. Mantling of
Parkhill is visiting at his uncle's, Mr.
R. Manning.—Miss May Elliott of
Brantford is visiting friends in and
around Exeter.- Miss Emme Vale
visited friends in Elimville an Suaday
last.—Twenty London, Club wheelmen
made the trip from London to Bayfield
and Groderich Sunday. They returned
in the evening.—Willie and Perry
Dignan have returned home from Nor-
wich after spending a very enjoyable
time.—eliss Lizzie Gillespie ut Exeter
is visiting friends in Goderich. —We are
pleased to see that Mr. J. A. Gregory
has passel his first class examination at
London, There were thirty two writing
for tirsbi at London, out of which seven
passed.. Also out of over six hundred
writing for firsts in the Provin6e one
hundred and thirty eight only, were
successful.—Mr. and Mrs. Abraham
Davis of London are the guests of Mrs.
Wm. Davis.- Miss Steinbach of Zurich,
and Mr, Reesor of Toronto were bhe
gnests of Miss Hardie. Tuesday* -Miss
McTavish of Ripley visited friends in
town last week.—Mr. D. French left
Saturday last prospecting for apples in
the Southern °mattes, for the Pars-
ons Produce Co. of Winnipeg. Mr.
French is an experienced apple buyer.
—Mrs. D. Spicer has returned from her
trip North.—giss Windsor, who has
been visiting her aunt Mrs. Litelejohns
returned to her home in St Thomas
yesterday .—ffr. George Armstrong and
wfi-e and farnily, of Paris, who have
been holidaying here for the last month,
returned home on Wednesday last.—
Mrs. J. Brewer -who has been visiting
in Au Sable Mich., for the past three
months has returned home.—gr, John
H, Adams and wife of St. Mary's are
the guests of Mr. L.,11, Dickson.
Bultrallt to
20 pieces Dress Goods regular
price from roc to 25,c. ; clearing
price, your choice for 5c. This
is by far the best bargains we
have ever offered in low priced
;oods. Come and see.
58c, per yard is our clearing
price for a Black Pure Wool Silk
Finish Henrietta worth in any
regular. store 85c. Yes, bring, stray them.
ittetertgealtn. the air SG heavy
,a4ong,a„,sarnple of the. be.st 85c. a 'T!'e seleoke which m%do
Henrietta you can find and :if w";17Zabrrisci Of bub
our 58c isnot as good pass Us smoke enables people to barn some slight
conception of the enormoue damage that
must result frorn the conflagration that bbs
Miehigeners are atill fighting.
Mrs. J.10ou1d s vieitiug friends in
Peutiao for a few weeks—Mr8 Tvt J .
White is visiting friends in Windsor
and Isondon,—Mr. Robt, Sanders and
Thos. Bissett Jr, left on 'Tuesday eve -
Ping for Manitoba and Dakota., where
they will spend a few months fishing
and. sliooting.—Mr. D. Mill leaves to-
day to attend theHigh Court of Foresters
at Peterbotoueb.—Mr. W. Grisham of
St. Marys was In town last week pureh-
asing horses —W. William Folland Sr
vieited a throat specialist in. London last
week: to get ttearnent for his throat
which has troubled him for some
time, and wo are sorry to announce
that the ailment is pronounced cancer.
Mr.Follaml is quite ill and bis recovery
ia imposeible—Mies Kinsman is visiting
her brother Dr. H. Rinsmao, in Sarnia.
—gr. Geo. Daw of St Thornes, is visit.
Mg friends in to wn.---Meesre Frank
Oke end J. Coulter of Tnrouto are visit-
ing friends in town; they earne ou their
bicycles.—Mr. Anbry, horse -buyer was
in town this week. He is a live looking
dead. mare—Miss Millie Bawden who
The old watering orb aiti diety
the streets swain ett MolidaY-
Trafalgar street church, Mitchell, die -
posed of the organ null seats for 84,000.
The Mitchell Agricultural Society
have deeided not to ham ally fell tor
T;tater Creamery has closed for
wantino sttf water, h
and sptuoorra ga 1:,p ply of milk
The long leoleed for report of the
entrance examinations appears in
another column,
The L 0. F. exoorelon to Sarnia and
Detroit on Saturday was, largely attend.
ed from all along the line..
The sports were fairly well attended
lasb evening. The half mile bicycle race
between A. Taylor and Geo. ff.arness
was won by Taylor.
The base ball 'match between Sea•
forth and Exeter teams on Friday last
(Ha nut materialize, owing to the Sea
forth team not appearing.
A counter protest is to be entered
against Mr Weismiller, the defeated
caedidete in South Huron, Such was
expected as a naturel consequence.
The Exeter Bicycle Club will hold
their second evening's Races on Wed.-
nesday Aug. 22 at 6.30 on the driving
park.. See hand bills. Admission free.
A Garden Social will be held at
Messrs. Dauacey and White's on the
evening of Friday Augusb 24th, Come
and spend 0. pie sant evening. Ad-
mission, 10c.
Mr. Howard expects to start the
machinery in the electric power house
ou Saturday. It is not yet known as to
whether the electric apparatus will be
ready by that time.
Messrs Pickarcl&Son are having the
entrance to their store laie with figured
tile; this willadd much to the appear-
ance of their handsome building. The
work is being done by Me. Samuel
Mr. Theo. Sveet has purchased a
drug buemess in St. Catherines, and
left yesterday to take stock. The busi-
ness is a first class one, and we wish
Mr. Sweet every success in his under-
The Excelsiors, of Brampton, defeat-
ed the Beavers, of Seaforth, 4 goals to 2
Friday afternoon before an imamense
crowd. The Kitchell lacrosse team
played the home juniors Saturday, re-
sulting 3 to 1 in favor of Mitchell.
'Remember we beat in all our
groceries. V2 pound sealer
Forest City baking powder for
20e. ; 3 lb. box soda biscuits for
22c. , 4. lb. best ginger snaps for
25c. ; 6 bars Dingman's electric
soap for 25c..; 5 bars of castile
or oa.trneal soap for 25c. ; 3 box-
es best matches for 25c. ; best
carpet tacks for 3c. a box;
Royal Yeast largest box for 6c;
Essences, largest bottle for 6c. ;
pure black pepper, best quality
loc. a lb. ; 40c uncolored Japan
tea for 2oc. ; 45c. uncolored
Japan tea for 25c.
Come to us and save money
J. A. Stewart.
At the last meetihg of the Lucien Band
the following officers were elected
President. John Fox; President, F. A..
O'Neil; Hon Vice -President, R, S. Hodgins;
Vioe-President. J. W: Orme; Secretay-
Treasurer, W. R. Stanley.
A. 'Met son of Mr. Harry Chapman, of
Mitcbell, got up in his sleep the other
night and either tell or jumped from' his
bedroom window, which was fourteen
ieet above the ground. Result, a broken
arra. It is a wonder that he was not
Notice to TimesReaders.
The publishers woul4 esteem it a favor if
eteadeeseeouldeuthew 771 ki g their purchases,
-mention, that they saw ihe merchant's adver-
tisement in Tan Imes. •
NOT ICE -AU business an nouncem ents
notices of public meetings, entertainments
auction sales, etc appearing in these local
columns will be charged for at the rate of five
•ceats per line emit insertion. Black heading
to count as three lines. Cash with order save
to persons having open accounts. To insure
change of advertisements in ourrent issue copy
utuathe handedinto office on Tuesday.
Ole tIftiltlt
THURSDAY. A.UGUST 16th, 1894.
While Mr. Weiberg, of Desbwood, was
engaged ire cutting !pate the other day,
some of his little children strayed into the
standing grain and being unnoticed by him
one of them accidently came in contact
with the machine knife, nearly cutting off
one of the child's lege and badly 'aerating
the other,
Mr. Jas. Steven, of the be lints, neav
Clinton, met with a painful accident on
Tharsdity last. While riding one of the
horsea from the back field, something
caused it to bolt, thro wine him into a wire
fence. One of his fingers was torn open
by the barbs, and a gath torn in his leg,
which necessitated the services of a doctor
to sew it up.
While the painters were working at the
Holmesville church on Wednesday, one
of them was engaged painting the steeple
or pole that is erected on the front gable,
when the ladder be was on slipped on the
roof. The church roof was so steep he
was unable to stop himself, and, would
have gene over the edge had he not the
Presence of mind to °etch his heel in the
ettvetrough, which saved him. It was
rather a close call, for a fall of over 50 feet
on the hard ground would have shaken
him up soneevehat.
SUNDAY AUGUST 19th 1894.
Sermons .1-11 a m -"God's Help'
7 p m --"The Training of the Children."
Special Music:
lifagnificat 8 erviee, W. EL, Runt
Anthem -"God who cannot he LT rtjust,"
Violin Solo by Mr Jud.Davidson.
Soprano Solo, -hers. Hunt»
Chorea by the Choir:
Choir: practice Friday evening, I A full
r t•P 4
FOR SAT.E.-1 second. hand Pluiefori, I
'second, hand two -related Carriage, and one
gett of ascend, hand harness. Also new
baggier end carts, Apply to
W, G. Bxeseele
Binder twins made at Kingston pane-
tentiaty ie now being foteearded to
innipeg for diatribution amotg the
local retailers. 'The total product at the
penitentiary factory thie vette will be
about 300 tone, An offer we Made by
ooe grin perches° the wild* of this
geasoti's Output,but the GOTerntrtent
would net permit this, and it is propotee
tot td sell to onsr indinidual more than
Mee °gritted, or ten Winn l'he of
the Department is to place it in the bandit
of eMall defilers', making the predwit as
Aceesstele to the bunters gio oiibl
'The quelity of the article which to being
dined oat et the Pettitentiery fiettory
thig lege le very highly onoken of.
The roorrelono encomia of Ilea' Ser-
doporille io booed upon that wirier oftene of
etherdnte Merit, Taint Hoag throttgbout
Abe optfing menthe.
for ht4.o$t1onI
Mr. Tobin S. Coppin his brothers Thos.
and Joseph, of Mitchell, says the Advocate,
and testator at Stratford, Mr. Johneton,
have fallen in for a large snm of money.
When their father, who was posserised 01
considerable money and properity, died
some years ago in England, he left the in-
terest on the whole of the estate to his
second wife. who survived hint, and ea her
death the principal was to be divided
equally between the four children above
named. The oldlady passed away about
three weeks ago, and now the division of
the estete is to be made.
Mr. Kara of Woodstock, has pur-
chased of Mr. F. J. Knight, his team
of Welch ponies, harness and Gladstone.
They were taken to Woodstock Mon-
day. Mr. Knight got a good figure tor
To -day (Thursday) is Exeter's Civic
holiday. Besides a picnic at, the lake,
the Grend Truak Railway will issue
tickets at single fare to allepoints East
and West, good to return following
day. The tennis team will likely go to
Ailsa Craig to ,play with the Oraigitee.
We will remind you of the
restwhenyou come in.
We have made an
immense purchase of Cot-
tons and the prices at
which we are selling them
will astonish everybody.
We call particular attention
to our 50. Gray Cotton. In
the ordinary ,way it would
be good. value at Sc. Now
is the time to lay in your
supply; .they - cannot . remain.
at the price long.
Joseph White, of Blenshard, is pro-
bably the ownet of the largest hog in
the county of Perth. lie is of the im-
proved large Yorkshire breed and is
very thin in flesh and weighs 800
pounds. If fatted he would easily
weigh 1,100 pounds. -It was purchased
from Amos Donpe, of Usborne.
The bun and honey social given by
Mrs. T. El, McCallum, Ws. Jas. Willis,
and IVIiss Essery in the basement of the
Main St. church on Monday evaniag
was a success. The church was nicely
decorated. and r. pleasant evening was
spent. Proceeds, $12.00. Splendid
speeches were delivered by Messrs. T.
13. Carling, R. J. Pieleard, fel. E. Hues -
ton, T. H. McCallum, J. Delancey, R.
Blatchford and W. E. Browning.
Twenty years ago there were 115 Odd -
fellow's lodges in the Province, having
8,578 members. Now there are 263 lodges
with nearly 22,000 members, while the
assets of the lodgee have increased from
$123,756 to oyer 025,000. The year's
admissions were 1,712; withdratvals, 633,
including 66 deaths. The benefit and re-
lief afforded reached 07,192,19. Fourteen
veteran jeWele were issued, and a jewel
tor membership in a Rebekah lodge for
15 years prepared, as well as an honorable
veteran jewel for long and faithful service.
The year a receipts were $23,020.55; ex-
penditure, $13,047.56t balance on hand,
f ltd
The Post Offiee Department has iesued
a notice stating that poetraseters have
heretofore only been authorised to return
direct to the gender if nudelivered, after a
°rattan time, the class of lettere known as
"request," letters, that it throw bearing a
printed requeet for their direst Tetoi
n n
ease of non-delivery, In future, letters
without beilig "requestP' letters,
bear in the corner of the envelope the
printed addrets of the senders, may also
he returned, direct to the senders. inatead.
Of being tent to the dead letter office, ble
period behig mentioned in these eases,
pattnestete will not rat= snob lettere
Until nuking tip their deka letters
alre TEM 13Xsea
The public ore too intelligent to pnrehere
worthhout Mittel* a riationd time, on the
cookery they Want the boot! Phyelelons
ars virtssitY uninloono 111 eying Setsiel
'halal/don is tbe beet fain of CM 11ter
l'illobiotowtelei, end 10410104 the
A. Smart Girl.
We noticed an item in the Huron
Expositor, referring to the twelve year
old son of Rev. 'lodging of Seaforth,
having creditablypassed the high
school entrance examinations. Exe-
ter can beat this record. We have Misr;
Eva, the ten year old daughter of our
respected townsman Mr. T. B. Carling
passing the entrance examinations and
ranging fifth out of a class of 29
scholars. She had not reached the
headmaster's room which is etill more
creditable. Her teacher, Miss Vosoer,
who passed 13 out of 20, naturally feel
proud of her emcees. We would like
to hear of a school thet can beat little
Miss Cariing's record.
Mr. Samuel Magee, son of Mr. Jas.
eldetee, of Fullerton, has again been
showing his prowess as an athtete
away out in Washington Territory. He
was a competitor in several classes of
sports, and came out successful in the
following Pole vault, fat price, 8ft.
Sin.; hundred -yard dash, 2nd prize;
putting shot, 1st, 32fle 3ino hop step -
and -jump, 1st, 38ft. le.n.; running high
jump, 1st, 51t. lin.; two hundred and '
ttventy-five vard handicap race, 2nd.
11.,411.40 ,
There seems to be B0010 misunderstand .
ing among teachers of Public schools as to
when school opens. In townships schools
open on the 3rd gonday, and in cities,
towns and iacorporated villages on the
lest Monday in August.
Brussele Post : The sun shines occasions
ally ev en on the thorny pathway of ye
editor. This week we received a letter
from Jacob Schnock,Washington Tertitory
U. S.. containiug the subscription to the
Post until Janeary, 1898 Juat think of
it, n rears In advance. Mr. Schnook is a
Grey township boy and is prospering in
the Watt. Be deserves to. Will pane
of our subscribers who are behind as far
Mr. Schnook is ahead kindly egure out
where they would be if people paid theta
as they -pity -la -Editor. -
Several communications are crowded
out of this issue, they will appear next
week. Prik
The apple buyers are onceniore scour-
ing the concessions for fruit, but it is
very scarce.
Mr, A. Colchneoun's "Charming Charlie"
same off with flying colors at the Winnipeg
Exhibition,—Brandon Sun.
Vomiting caumed by Indigestion is pre-
veuted by K. D. C.
Were never so cheap
before. We are selling a Ili00
weight English Make fast
colored Flannelettes for 7
cents and have them at all
prices from 5 cents upwards.
We call special attention to
our extra wide English
Make goods at 14,
They are the best
A pioneer of Usborne in the person
of Mrs. Quinton, died on Monday last,
in the 83rd year of her age. She was
widow of the late Thomaa Quinton,
and died at the residence of her daugh-
ter, Um Thomas of :Exeter. The
funeral yesterday was very largely
The manyfriends of Mr. ;and Mrs.
P. Roes extend heabfelt sympathy in
their sad affliction, in the loss of Gretta,
their four year old daughter, on 'Friday
hist. Grette was a favorite with every-
body and a mosb endearing childi and
her death, from croup after *few hour's
illness, cast a ,gloorn over a large circle
of friends. The funeral on Sunday was
very largely &derided and the floral
offeringe were innumerable.
The half mile bicycle race on Frklay
last wits won by Alex. Taylor* 2nd, G.
Harnees, 3rd, H, Brotvning Tinie, 1.40.
The 100 Yard foot rade was wen by
eartiet ilyndrnan, Bd. Treble, 2ri&
rifty yard race, Ed. Treble, let, (5larnet
Hyndrepen, 2nd. he egg raee wag won
by Ati. Dignan,q, Stettin, trict aid/5
race Wait ifO4 by May Xeloon, tiny
Iqenton, 2n4. Thei %y's ride wan Wen
by Ed. 8teiterto He Taylor, 2nd. Mae
gr. J. edcgalter, V. S., of, Stratford,
givea to the areas for publication the fol-
lowing :--Art the cow fly has become such
a pest to cattle and loss to owners of
atock, it is -,important soraetbing should
be done to prevent the evil. The best 1
know is the following I have been using
it for two veer% and fiad it worke well if
properly applied. It consiste ot • —Tan-
ners' oil 1 gallon, sulphur 1 pound, car-
bolic aeid 2 minces • tnix oil and euiphur
well by (Making togelher, add aid and it
is ready for use. Apply with Inuall to
parts most attacked by the flies, It has
to be ;repeated about every ten days.
Above is sufficient for eight head all sum-
mer. I
The ash Retainer telle title rather fanny.
story:--" One of our 'principal general
merchants is in the habit of biding l4is
spare cash in his boots when retiring f r
his niglet's report°, and, as atm', did so
Wednesday night. In the morning wh
be awoke he looked at his boot, and fon
that it required mending. He accordin
ly threw. it in the woralehed,then took it o
a shoemaker for repave. He then hitch d
up hie halm and drove to the C. P.
freight ditton, Here he had occasion
use hio money, and felt through hie peck to
for it. A cold sWeat broke out all o er
him when he found his $65 gone. After a
five neintttee iearehlthrough every pock t,
and niter pollen them beside out 81111 a
terrible feeling of nertorteneett and alit
he suddenly thought of the ihoemek r,
and drove rapidly to the mhop, where he
found the boodle Intent, and swetting its
Corning. He wept bias Of joy, toter 10
BITTCHE1-GBAIIAM.-1 n St. Marys on the
10th inst., lir the Rev. Mr. Cunningham, Mr.
, Will butcher to Miss Mabel, daughter, of
W. IT. Graham Esq.
GRELLIS-In Clinton on, the 7th inst., mr-
michael Gratis aged 63 years.
BOSS -In Exeter on the 10th inst., Gretta'
dal -Latter of Mr. and Mrs. J.PBOss, :aged 3,
years 9 months.
Mary, reli t of the late Thomas Huinton , of
QUINTON-In Usborne, the 13th i net.,
Usborne, aged $3 yearn.
Craig, on tee 9th hist ,
G 1 L MaryLIE 8Jane-In Rsie% s wife of Mr. samuel lit
Gillies. aged 29 years, 2 months and 19
We are :31earing all
lines of Sum.naer Good itt
big discounts, as we want
to make room for our fall
stock which has already COTII-
raenced to come in.
attendant* Wei feat. retenniel,
The public are hereby cautioned not to give
any credit to any person ou mylionuntf
out my written order, as 1 wilt not be re-
sponsible for payment of same
Wet, P teetieleit.
Exeter, July 28th, 1694
Notice Ishereby given, Oat I ha -vi teen.-
mitted or delivered to the p miens mentioned
in Sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario V4ters'
Lists Act, 1819, the cool, a required by said
seetions to be transmitted or delivered of the
lists made purouant to said mot, of all persons
appearing by diciest revised msessinents roll
of the municipality to be entitled to vote in
said mun.icipallty at elections for melibers of
the LegislativelAsserobly and at lilupieipal
Elections; and that said list was fist posteti
up at my officeat the Town Hall on the 8th
day of August. 1894 and remains therefor ia--
speotion. /Motors are called upon to exam:ante
the said list, and, if any ommissions or any
other errors are found therein, to take im-
mediate proceedings to have the said. errors
oorrected according to hiiv.
Dated August 8th, Mi.
I was cured ct Broachitis and Asthma
Lot 5, P. E. I. elfrs. A. Livingstone.
I was cured of a severe attack ot Rheu-
matism by MINARb'S LINIMENT.
Mahone Bay. John Mader.
1 was cured of a severely sprained leg
Bridgewater. Joshua Wynncht
and Trimmings of all kinds
at Bargain Priceo..
London, Huron and Bruce.
Gallo NORTH- Passenger.
London, depart 8.25 A, N. 4,40
HinPen . .. .
Clinton.' .... • •
Bey th
Belgrave 10.52
Wingham 11.10
Viringhatn, depart- ... 6.35 A. it. 3.25 P. it
Belgrave 6.50 8.47
7.03 '10018
Londesbo-ic .... 7,10
a... ..... 82
Hippen..... ..... 8,13
Henson. . . 8 22 4.58
Exeter ........... 8A0
0 45 6.15
6.28 We have a few
ile9:25e eae
dozen of these
goods left in
good qualities
which we will
, Wz! keep a full stock -w
,ierity Plow Co's. Plos
and repairs on hand, We
sell No. 13, No. 4 a, Hill,
Mid, Sod, Farmers' Friend,
and voints of like weight
for 25 cents a piece. Give
us a call.
R. Plc/card 8on,
11 clear out less
1-Tensall 03:Ltario
Begs to announce to the public that he
is prepared to do all kinds of Carriage
Trimming, Furniture Upholstering, etc.
Carriage and Buggy Tops of all kinds
Old Buggy Tops recovered and made
as good as terV.
Our harness are well known, as giving
perfect eatiefaction. We manufaoture
largely and consequently our prices are
low. A call will convince
j. . Cia49:17SEIT.
Western Fair,
than cost.
SEPT. 13th, TO 22nd 1894.
Canada's Favorite Live stock
and Agrictilttattl Exhibition.
worth 20 to 25
cts. clearing avt
5 to 10 cents.
Immense re'
duct,ions short
ly, as low. as 20
Vow. Cottona.des.
New Enzirtinge.
VeriAr Shaker Flaunt
Iow Cottorks.
All these goods new for
'early fall ,trade 203 below
Exhibitors, make your entriei eerie and
ehoeme your seeds.
Entriee dote, lAve Stook and Pealtrs. f3ent. le
lentiriegelt)te, other dapertmentd, Sept. Mb.Viotti payments end 'bootee named in the
!Alike% Auguet 16th. .
Special Attireetions of the beet.
'peeled Rallwel EXP&0 VHIoleicCrlites acetate d
front alloointe. 1)ens., free,
b.Seat.su,' a a $013:t4rsoro
last yeay's price. We aro
well up in all lines of
groceries, Cheap and
Try our New Season
Japan Tea at- 26 cents.