HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-07-03, Page 291'«
hird'Annucii Gra
ouvenir edition
._...Supplement to the Goderich Signal -Star, TburSday, July 3, 1975
128 .'YEAR - 27
Be happy you are
x, v..n
The followin ' is the text, of a long time to get over the
,p and
. g .__ �. ','baby. �.ure y Vit, ...are u �rrrtvin�g:.-,You think , your
graduation talk delivered to the blinds". Sometimes we whine making more and more --parents have a .great °life, bu
Grade, 8 class from Robertson and .complain,squirmo `
kick and , de isions than- ever. But
�you . �,...�..thi.nk'�again ... mom' and da:;.
Memorial Rublic School at their and generally raise. a stink all" are still going to, need plenty of • doP .'t ."get that vacation
graduation exercises- Tuesday the . while others are doing ' - help, lots,of`-advice,�,atid all the; Florida'•they've always wantect
evening in North, Street. United
• i everything in their. power to love and support you .can find. , because the kids are in Schon!
Ch-urch. �M . mak"-'r certain we. are'"'fed and '• Many young people m e a • and it is too expensive -to hire a'
Guest—speaker -for the.. oc�, clothed,. educated and prepared , • serious mistake' on graduation :babysitter and Billy's marks
,,casio►' ' . was Mrs.. Shirley J: for what's -ahead, kept sate .and • „ day. Kids' somehow get • the,. are so. poor it would be disac,ter,.
.Keller,'-Editor',of The Gbderich .:',N;nlarrrt until"we can really itook impression they -are graduating to take him out for two Weeks in
Signal -Star. SQ much interest after oigselves. • - P ..,-, •
,, ya nota only from school ..,, but February So' room and .did
. ,,'..was shown in. her subject- by ' If you'don't believe me, look :from authority. They get .the settle for, •a camping trip . to
parents and students alike,-fhat 'arou.nd you:° There's mom over idea :that they are masters of Point Farm in,August because•
- :the. complete text is published ;there.., She's the gal who makes .-their own fate.. They feel wise Nancy .would just die if,she
h pft to ,look after their' own didn't get that ten•speed bicycle
in this s ectal Grade 8 -souvenir, sure. you have •a clean pair..,of enough
edition. jeans to wear tb the roller. rink; needs, make up . their own' for -her birthday in July.
who made those hamburgers minds think • their own When:the kids stprt going to
t:thelast time you , had, your thoughts; What they don't,know ;college,. moma,, d dad rea I ly , •
friends over; who helped "you is that every human being - old have to pull u'ip their socks .'
Well kilds,. °-you've4 made' it. ., out Of ;that mess .you were in- • -or young is dependent on There's another home: to
yx� when your,8w 9 Someone something. From suluport A. ,and, weekends that
You've actually passed out of ` when friends -,thought' �t'you, someone for.
that„ .juvenile " •'r`a"d'e"`"`stf1rnDY' 7 Ira`d. ratfe rtn ;hem. cradle to the grave, people might have been free to take
system�.into the grownup world There s dad. j-le's -the 'guy must live byrules, consider tha,tlittle jaunt into 'the city to
k as -high school; It' r a;n-
pa-'rd--hhc--c-lei -ii-h-;the Apth-er--peopttaccept help and see some nightlife are'cut short
day for you You're proud and last time you—spilled mustard „advice. when song calls home and 'says
', happy. You'deserve°to be,.too� all :over your.. ,leather -racket;. The older I.get, the less free 1, he's- bringing two'of.his buddies
.. •- -There's a whole new,adventurg :who saw to'it that your -baseball am tc .do exactly as I want to'do. for Sunday :dinner.
awaiting you out there. It's the ' ggiove, was picked up, off the ;That may surprise you, b"u.t it's' The' next thing' you . know,
start of :•‘.a . new life ..wi.th` new ack lawn and put away so tf;�at� _^•y true. . .your three kids have "become
llenges, new'achievements, you'd h'ave�it when. you "needed" When a person leaves home - . -,.,six kids and then its, grand •
new friends;-,- new --hopes-, new- tt'`far- the game who,drbve-you- - whether to go to :university'or 'to'. children -grandchildren for
dreams., 10 miles out of town .on his *dL.y take a job - he has so�many new .Friday night, grchildren tor.
What you may not.realize is off. so you,could get ypur seed • responsibilities ; he has ,less . birthdays,µ grandchildren for
•-hat o0r� arents an your freedom _
Y parents. d., .. .collection
p�. .,, . , • - � grad�uations;., ust�a,k.e _.t:his•'one-: '..
_ t_collection completed in time for freedom than . he had � while I .
teachers,are lust as proud, and g o living with mom and dad, even No kids, you.are as,free now:
. happy as5you are. ,That's why. There's your teacher. She's if that meant cutting the -grass as you are, ever going, to 9.0.
they're -We're- -ton-ig.ht . They-,' : the one who, worried over your . .'on Saturdays , and;. having a You are free from all the thing,;
''treall want•�to share withyou math roblems enough to offer curfew Fridayni ht.,m ' -��.-
Y � P 9 g �,� that..furrow-,^-the brows of your.
this big moment in your life: , extra help before and after . The minute you leave your parents and teachers 'These •
want ,. 4 ... ..
;They to show . by their class; hers the one � who „ ob- home, you -must: 'slay
-ern years � t'he very years you or( -1
-atter once this -evenin that., served ._our fight* o;r1 the
Nd. g •Y -,„ ._,yourself. ',Sure you stay upwas ' now in, are indeed. the best
- „late you�' y.ou
y . - y Playground and tried.to explain �aate as you want to; but also �W'yelfrl could wave a
they want.onl the best for ou.upmorning
You may,.not, ,believe ,that.wi how you could avoid another have to get,in•the to magic wend
You ma still have wha 1 like.:,. -.one; --the one--th , eo -Ie who evening and
yY y p -Yp get .to work . or to school, or thus e g give '' yoir
to call the '`baby blinds''. No "introduced you to °the sounds of you'11 lose your lob. or fail. You .. anything, if would be the ability
one is blinder than babies when . good music rid the feet 'of ,goad, can leave your bed unmade if `to enjoy and use these next few
it comes,to understanding and .. poetry,and the sights of fine art you wish, but you h, ve; to` -have precious. years- -
'`appreciating_.whaf otherido.for . when you wanted none of it.: enough, money'to pay the rent. I would make you ,to on-
thern=B-hies mate--a-bscIuteiy- _ And rroW-'"-'yrou' "rima ` tb on.the apartment or be evicted. dei -stand that growing up is
p ssmeed someone.to.. rr gr�'addua•tion dayhappy , Two can live, as *cheaply 'as inevitable ... ,.it happens' to
hel' le they n .... and
fed t e o eone to change p -But you, didn't get here one; they say, so. kids- often get everyone .,.• bet -you shouldn't'
,,thea,. someone, to,:bath thein.. . by Yourselves., Your mom and married. Now your decisions ,rush it, You should enjoy being
And�tbouggh mother and father dad '.\and your teachers, helped must always be made with your rit�. "You should do all the things
' may 'e
do everything withih'their' • .you' very, step ofi , the way.' spouse in mind ..ryhusband can'.t . that 14.y,earolds hauld:do. y661
power ,to keel...baby coni-- That's why this day ,is just as b" -O golfing Saturday morningshouldn't try to be .16 or 18. ^n. .
Portable and • safe, the.,. baby :important to .them,, as it, is fo .' because wife needs the car to go . You'II never be.1y4 again .... and
when respondswith
'diaper gets ud e s wetltng or y�And ' en thou° hyou +y , .shopprng; wr"fe can't go to that 'being � . r,s absolutely'
g t g are'., show sire's been dying to see tremendous if you want it to be.
fussingand s uirmin when put ' going into high school, you are .. , be, ause husband has t * I would make you' '
q 9 tom, � togo back co-operate
into -the batbYrd dadancf n.youryteach g �...,.....,.• .....Y..
om to the office for a meetin with our' parents and our
Sometimes• it -takes us a long, h. M_ teachers. ;Thee the children start .Fcontinued on page 3)'
kSalutetoihe Graduates from
• Robettson 1111emorial PS • S `[T Mary's Separate School • St. Joseph's SS, Kingsbridge
• Brookside PS
• Colborne .Central • Holmesville PS