HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-07-03, Page 23r � r
'254,A A K
GOI)ER : -i SAlm GN
a'�'AR, '�R'�'�?!,:?1"�� JUL'
_had something to do with the
salt—industry -arid-there was a
"Centennial Year - Plus" is ► nice hips' Cha,Xidlpr` :L.a small
now sinking in and people are -busy shop which, I think, Bud
beginning to , talk about their. Jerry would know a lot about:
great; great:relativeswho were 'Someday, I'll? talk to Bud — or
here about that time -1827. let him TALK to me about the
We have " a small booklet subject and perhaps I can get
called' -`A Century of Goderjch" things strkightened ' out in my
which 'Victor Lauriston, 'Who mind.
was one of the Coderich old The elevator buildings --
boys who attended the old out$•ide•••of .a . srra.allU;iige down
--'Collegiate Institute in the .old below-cv-don't seem to have
• Town and who Won great changed any.
distinction as an author, tellsitSince Ship Island has been
as is WAS, taken out of the scene, there is a
I have always been interested great deal _.more room for the
in. the Town's khistory — and' Lakers to Manoeuver in what
have read so many stories, ',was once . called an "un=
poerAs and songs about this commonly pleasant basin".
nice little Town, that I almost I love to watch Donald Bert's.
reel that I KNOW soigne of these ,.Crew., shove these great boats
people. Luckily;•; most of the around and I'm . sorry I
stories are the'same basically - missed the first visit of the big
and whatever version you read,-, new , ship the ALGOSOO, That
you can always get"a laugh and must have b�;eh a great thrill to
akick.outof it. • . watch those Little ' Toots
One -nice thing I find is that pushing that big fellow around
the Town still has that touch of •in those -tight, quarters. I will
old-world atmosphere •whi,ch is see it another tithe. 'tho,
. quite apparent after you read because I just can't resist going
these marTy'stories. . to the tap.•of-the-Fiil'l Overlooking
, • • Sorxae„ of the old photos of the the' harbor or down the North
Town -.- when most of+the Town Reedtq see what is going on.
was down at the harbour -- The 'fact „,;that' my brother,,
have appeared in the thet Signal uncles and many atherr,
recently. It is. hard •.to believe relatives in old England were
there could have'been so rnanj' . sailors, couldn't have in. -
_buildings down there at the fluenced me could if? All
Water when you. look at it now 2nice girls love the sailors: —
--but when We came here in '46 they say.
'there was a string of buildings Anyway, the Port of Goderich •
(-including-=a- lil' of backhouse - is a very fine port even tho' the
that was 'leaning' at a terrific good earth from miles up river
angle) that filled in the whole is now choking the < entrance
space from, ,the- ,-wat.er ' to the AND the mouth of the'river.
roadway - where ow there This worries me I ` hear
are. about three 'buildings left , about the big` new ship. taking
along the dock. •t• away less salt because of this
4, The ':old " town waterworks and I Took over, thewall by --the"
space is a nice little park now, S'ifto Mit ,entrance — and
-_the coal pile which . was high someone says you could walk
and' wide, was across the road.' across the build-up there.
- where-now-th'e grain. trucks Still, there `is a wonderful
• park, improvement in our harbor
The train tracks are still area in the last 10 or 15 years.
thete cutting up the scenery — This harbor is now working for
making an ugly line across the us. • '
,picture, , but the little • snack Now, srr\ce the hundreds who
• shop is still there -- it isn't too were down a • the beach Lasa,-.
old-- and,--oh,--another-thing -weekend .' realy' enjoyed
that is missing --• there .Was a themsel'ves, wee' should .make
tall skinny white building which -.7' sure we entertain.—oftener,,,"
' Well —I finally find out what
the two pillars, at the entrance
to the Town — at the lights on
Huron and Britannia Roads ,.--‘
are commemorating. For years
I have been going'to stop and,
read the plaques — but I, didn.'t ,
--do it. Now at the end of the nice
little hook - .;A Century of
' Goderich - bit tells about the
improvement in,the roads since
John Galt slashed "an am=
. bitious straight line from Lake
Huron to Lake •Ontario, opt' of
' virgin forests,"' and the tourist
rtide-flaws between these pillars
commemorating John' Gatand
Thur, famous `Tiger' Dunlop.,
Hbw about THAT! t
Before I forget I want to
'say wasn't it wonderful Mr: and
Mrs. Joe Snider of Essex St.,
reached a golden wedding
anniversary? r, ,Their•.- many
friends; are just as thrilled• as
they- — ,and everyone 'wishes
them another 2,5. • ,
-Another ' fiftieth was in
Dungannon with Mr. and Mrs:
' Frank GlenK reaching the
Golden Status:- Congratulations
belated — to all these
• wonderful people, 1 • . '
Are you planning a fun nite at
the Carnival Arts. Ball?r There'
are prizes for costumes—and a
hot poker for, streakers The
Ball is Saturday evening, July
19 with Chris 1 lack,,,Orchestra,
Legion, .ladie.:catering. and
.sponsored by that great group
of people the Shrine,Club. r
Every. Sunday evening there
are, bands and • other en;
--•tertainment' at Harbor Park,
,just bring your lawn chair and
see id .r o ---be-a-u-ti;ful— --hour
relaxing. .; w.r�r.
'Have ,you 'been in the new
little store.r;,on the"Sgfrare the
1,`Pallett'e and Brush''? This is
no 'jus n 'art'btore, altho'.they
ar v� 11 equipped, it has .fine
+•r egrds and •tap.es, books and
many, , many nice things to
enjoy or make others happy.
Jack -Shuman spent many
hours in the Kitchenette The
'..Lu..ja -- for Years. and years
and'now'he has this .nice.little
shop which -is just what he has
:been wanting all these years„
someplace quiet and; pleasant
86, Nortli' S , Phone 524:955i
y rg ) P n ,.• ..
Mrs. Marilyn Drehimann-,i rr ht rese ted Karen- with a plaque honoring the studentzisbe. best Grade 5 student at Holmesville Public School' this year. The presentation was made
• lit ,the school's graduation ceremony for the Grade 8'class. (photo by "Doug Williams)
Will be at The Bectfor-d Hotel, ;GOD,E•R-I..CN.
' on,the 2nd Tuesday of each month
''1July'8th - 9.A.M,. 4 P.M.)
and surrounded by, .books,
music and art: There 'is a
twirly-.Jack ` of r good Gospel
Music which has become quite4.
popular again, but in the rest of
the store you will find 'good.
records by top musicians Arid
books tp,-suir every taste, also a ,
great many art and craft
Thew paintings are by Mrs.
Shuman •'— a' talented „little
aPtJst, I''m sure you " will be
pleasantly surpri§ed: Reg. BeFh
(bless him) is' next dgor and
Woolworth's:. i --:-just at the'
corner. '
Please, 'check the'•' Coining
Events box for special- things;
There is so much happening
,,right now '—• a feast or a, famine
itseems that.'I must let you
G� Ex -Service Men and-Wimen
',and Dependents
Mr.H.Wr Moyer:•
• Provincial•
London:, Ontario
Will 'be visiting- in the. area.
the week of.'July 29, 1975
, nes
Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance`s-egarding
war disability' pensions, treatment, allowances; r etc:, is
reques"tect to contact theservice officer, or secretary, of the
local branch, whose name appears below, not later than July
14, 1975 to. arrange an interview.
'George Low
.Service „Officer
514-.72.35 or: 524=9390
Many businesses including :
Agriculture • Manufacturing
Tourism • Construction
• Professional Services
• Transportation • Wholesale
and Retail Trades,
have obtained loans from IDB to acquire land,
buildings, and machinery; to increase working
capital; to start a new business;
and for other purposes.
If you need financing for a business proposal
and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on
reasonable terms and conditions, perhaps IDB
can help you.
MfNT 89.�K
For prior information call 27,45650 -or.,;
write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford
S♦ $ V =�Y �_ Vis:
tclft:F#s 0,1
P::' afM.-.: i eeeee000.00 tiS:Eitg,!10£' f'
rn illyds+::{til;rftEEFFEFsFE-�:r�E Sif`t3<t�t? �' a
k3•,a»?zsA�u'4 • .e'.�ia ,�fi. S¢a,»S�i ka�?tar<' i?>,ate^r,(" ay 3:. ?t.�.h'rn ..: r.c�rt�..> ^rXwsck3. ��,",.
ow-HERE KOU.RE...A SMANOR oNL7..ONCe. _ --
`A new, concept in dignified living accommodation for senior residents'. One of the area's.grand
6Id- homes has been completely' molter • ized and enlarged ... totally transformed' to a
luxurious four -floor apartment -lodge. Check'the many features of Princess Court:
There's an elevator to take
yob - 'f ons any three- of the -
graciously' appointed lodge
sitting -rooms to your .own
spacious; bright apartment.
Each includes a priva'fe bath,
en 'suite.
You can take advantage„ f the ,-
dining ,facili-ties`'with varied
menu 'to suit eyery taste. Also
ipcluded is a regular laundry
service `•an'd 'hoose cleaning
assistance. Each large room
apartment measures .• ap-
proximate,ly, 1,4' by 20,'f; .tIu5
three-piecevate bath and
shower. Suites may be rented
furnished or unfurnished.
acisorcling to each" tenants
Qu'iet'. ;Private. .Eri.endly.
Princess Court.
Our aim,is tq provide you with
a quiet, primate, friendly home .•
with your °cpmplete..
satisfaction, our go61. '
PRINCESS COURT - a charming and stately home f'or senior residents, is locate' in Kiri•
tra'rdine, Ontar"to— or 'th - shores of Lake', Huron. You'll' enjoy a gorgeous view; the close
proximity.to downtown shopping - only one block away; the quiet park jtust across the street.
Churches nearby, too.
t r 'URT.
For more inforriiation. wr
-�' � rite tq.P.rincess'court 796 Princes Si.St, Kincai•ds.ne, Onf.
'or phone i 396.2603.