The Exeter Times, 1894-8-16, Page 6LATE BMUS:a N 8,
S. F. Tawauda, Pi
WhoSe constitution was completely
brOken down is ured by Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. He 'writes;
"For eight years, I was, most of the
time, a great sufferer from constipa-
tion, kidney trouble, and incliges-
stIon, so that my constitution seenaell
to he completely broken clown. I was
induced to try Ayer's Samemarilla, and.
took nearly seven, bottles, with ench
nmoellent results that exiy stomach,
lickeelLe, and kidneys are In perfect CCM.
dition, and, in all their functions, as
r egular as clock -work. At the time
began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, may
eight was cella 129 pounds; I now can
brag of 159 pouuds, and was nevex in so
good health. If you could. see me be-
fore and ratio using, you. veould -want
me for a traveling advertisement.
,X believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla
to be the best in the enaeket to -day."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepszed by Dr. J. C.Ayer & Co., I,owell,Mass.
ubstilltta for Bog %vials on Railwari
--(Met or the Skull or Owe Bruce or
Illeuneelcburit-Milineral Wealth or Ire -
In June of last year a Devonelitre farmer
gave his fiancee a. brocade with e. mixture
el ivy leaves and forget-me-nots, and aug-
gusted WM the ivy loves were emblematic
ef tne way he meant to ding to her, and the
forget-me-nots meant she .thould not forget
him. Recently he was mulcted in the !sum
of X70 for breeoh of promise.
, The Cominittee of the House of Clemmons
aPPOinte4 ta euquire into the -London
Streets and Building Bill have considered
the advisability of limiting the height of
buildings in Loudon, and they eventually
paned a clause giving the nutaimura height
ef any building at 80 feet, unless the build-
ing is either a church or a chapel.
The latest London sensation is a young
lady who is enveleped in a ectek with her
hands and feet tied. She then dives from
a platform 70 feet in height into a Male
with six feet of water. Here she liberates
herself from the sack and cornes to the
surfaee in a different dress from that she
had on when she entered the sack the
change being made while under the water.
On a recent Sunday, Kew Gardens, Lon.
don,I were favored with a visit from a real
"new woman." She was attired in a tweed
l‘Torfolk jacket, with knickerbockers and a
straw boating hat. Accompamying her was
a gentleman -very similarly attired, and the
effect upon a very numerous throng of
Sunday visitors was electrifying. In a
short time the pair were followed by an
"admiring" and audibly critical crowd,
and it was only by active pedestrianism
that they escaped from a demonstration
which threatened to be unpleasant.
Ispublisned everyTh-tareiday muting, at
ytain-street,nearly opposite Fitton's Jewelery
ore,Exeter,Oht.,by Sohn White & Sons,Ffo-
Mrstinsertiomperune. ....... cents.
leash sabeeceuee tiesertion ,per line Scents,
To insure Insertion, advertisement s should
pe sentin notlater than Wednesday morning
Ofthe lArgest and b este quipped in the (3 minty
eiBuronAll -work entrusted to us wilireceire
nor promptattention:
Deesions Regarding IsTews-
ulAyperson who takes a paperregularly fro n
Quapost-office, whether directed in his name or
another sor whether he has subscribed or nob
isresponiuble for payment.
2 If a person orders his paper discontinued
hemust pay all arrears or the publisher may
°Minna to Bandit Until the payment is made,
nd then collect the whole amount, whether
paper is takenfrom the office or not.
8 Iu suits for subscriptions, the suit may be
netituted in the place where the paper is pub
lshed, although the subscriber may reside
hundreds of miles away.
4 The courts have decided that refusing to
aknewspapers or periodieals from the post.
ille, or removing and. legvIng them. uuca liel '
seprima Paola evidence of intauticall fraul
WON the removal c
4.- worms of all kind.
from children or adult,
1.QSNOSS. Alwar
Orript, rel,ly..blb, safe and pleasant, requiring nc
ter medictno. Never failing. Leave no bad afar
efibcts• Potosi, SS Cants oar Bo=
"""'"'" TIMES
This wonderful discovery is the best known reinedy
ailioushess and all Stomachz.24, LiYAr Tralines, SEM.
tee Commaietion, enreatta,Matee, .Uyspepsia, Indigestioq.
topure dtood, 'etc. -These Lozenges are pleased;
Old harmless, and though powerful to promote s
healthy action of the bowels, donot weaken iiicepillt
If yew tongue Is coated you need them.
Quickly, Permanent y Restored.
weakness, NeryouSness, Debility;
,fand all the train of evils from early error
later excesses, the results of overwork, sick-
ness, worry, etc. Full strength, development
and tone given to every orgari and portion of
tho body. Simple, natural methods, Leitrim
diate improvement seen. Failure impessible.
2,000. references. Book, explanation and
proofs mailed (sealed) tree.
During the recent cold weather in the
North of England, the body of a pauper
was found in a field at Chadderton, near
Cddham, guarded by a fox terrier. The
man had died from exposure and the dog
had watched by his body, and when discov-
ered would not let ib he touched. Next
day another pauper was found to have simi-
larly succumbed to the weather, this time
neer Failsvrorth. Here also, a faithful
workhouse dog had guarded the remains
through the long night, and wail loudly
barking to attract attention when the body
was discovered. To the last it refused to
leave the body of the poor fellow.
The inhabitants of Bilston and neighbor.
hood were thrown lately into a state of
consternation by the bursting of a large
portion of Birmingham Canal. The embank-
ment, gave way to the extent of several
yards, and as the volume of water pressed
agalast the opening it made a chaste over
20 yards -wide, through which the water
rushed. into a deep hole, from which clay
had been dug on the other side of the tow
path. Before means could be taken to close
the two nearest looks the canal had been
emptied for over a mile in extent. As this
is theprincipal waterway from Birmingham
to the Black. Country, several works were
brought to a standstill until the damage
was repaired, owing to the inability to
obtain, the supply of fuel for the furnaces
OW lamina:mho on tlae intake a Clyde
daily greet fearer. One ef the eleleet howieri
at Milton, Bowlieg, king familiar to WO
veliere by rail, river, end road, end locally
lc:30We. as the "Palen" (it a builder being
lenown by the obriquet ot "the Wag") has
bean Pulled down,
The grayling in the Clyde are said to be
suffering from a malignant disease, Fleur
dozen were, reoently eounted on the bank
about a. milebelear Eyndford Bridge. Their
hodiee were firm, but the flesh on their
skate wae either eatea away or in a pntrid
condition. The Lanark Angling Club
forwarded epecitnens to a Glesgoar proem
"zin the course of a recent sermon in the
Malian Memorial churoh, Dundee, the
Rev. Walter Walsh, Neweastle, urged his
hearers to nee the weapoue they possessed
in fightleg their bettle n tide world,
Sinnsou, he remarked, had Mein a thousand
Pailistines with the jawbone of an ass, and
siaud.eon ly, he added that was a weapmany
A Glasgow eat recently assumed the role
of a watebadom •Its owner, Mrs. Steveart,
and her husbaud was sitting in the kitehen
with the lobby door ajar when suddenly
the cat spraug into the kitohen with its
book raised. At the same dine Mrs. Stew-
arb thought she heard a, noise, and on going
into the lobby saw a man disappearing
with an ulster. She alarmed her husband,
who ran after the man and handed him over
to the police,
Adders and other snakes appear to be
more numerous in Sutherland this season
than usual, probably owing to the recent
great heat which prevailed over tbe north.
Adders generally run from 18 to 22 inches
in length, but one was recently killed with
UL two miles of Bonarbridge which was 27
inches long, and bulky in proportion. In
several oases their bites have lately proved
fetal to live stook. On the heights above
Bonarbridge at least one sheep has been
killed; and at Sleistery a crofter's stirk
was fatally bitten.
A meeting of shepherds and her& of Co.
Galway was lately held at Bullawn. A
resolution was passed pledging themselves
never to take charge of an evicted farm, nor
to associate with or recognise any man so
and boilers.
Bees recently invaded the Alliance Con
fel:Mimicry Mills on StamfordHill in myriads
By sheer dint of overwhelming numbers
they compelled the legitimate occupiers to
vacate their posts. The victory of the bees
was, however, by no means a bloodless one
as thousands upon thousands perished, no
altogether unavenged, for their human op
ponents suffered severely from stings. No
content with invasion the bees took to rob-
bery, and then, as if this was not bad
enough,they got hopelessly, helplessly, dis-
gustingly drunk on the liquid sugar and
other be delicacies that were to be found
about the works. hrough their debauch-
ery, however, Nemesis overtook them, for
half -a -dozen large pails full of the insects
were swept up and consigned to the engine
The Mayor of Leicester (Aidernean Hart),
who is a Jew, occimied the pulpit at Wy-
cliffe Congregational church recently, on
the occasion of a special service on behalf of
the Wycliffe Society for Helping the Blind.
Li the course of the service, his Worship,
who wore bis chain of office, read the Les-
sons. Before proceedmg with this portion
of the service, the Mayor reminded the
congregation that it was unparalleled for a
member of the Hebrew faith to read•\the
Lesson!! in an Eleghs4 chime, bat he had
consented to do so, he said, as 'MaYor, and 1 erfl Y"' -r5•1 a -go "n aPP"re4 this
season -With graater gent than ever.When
walking along the river bank the salmon
can be seen in great numbers floating on
the top of the surface, showing a white
spotted appearance. The water bailiffs are,
however, buey with rods, gaffs, and nets re-
moving the dead fish, which are subse-
quer tly buried. No cause has .yet been
authoritatively assigned for the disease.
The Dublin Freeman says : 'The mineral
wealth of Ireland, though experts deolare it
to be not inconsiderable,has long lain fallow
for lack of capital and enterprise to work
it. A suggestion of better prospects lust
comes from Dungannon, where for the last
year and a half boring operations have been_
carried on, anol where at length a seam of
bituminous coal 5 feet 11 inches in thick-
ness has been struak. The " find" is on
the property of the Dungannon Collieries
Company, Limited, who will, we
stand, commence operations on it
early date. The company own 18
of land in the neighborhood, and t
ing engineer in charge is of opin
coal lies under the whole of this are
depth at which the eeatri was disco
ns yards from the surface. A sta
red sandstone intervenes between t
face and the coal measures.
'A married. lady named llandes, living in
Limerick, -while walking in her sleep fell
from a third story window one morning
lately. Ber dead body was discovered on
the pavement in a feerfully ine.ngled con-
Some human bones were recently found
in Agere.fad Mos,'Omagh. The bones of
one leg were compete. The skin had been
converted into leather by the action of the
bog. A head Was similary found two years
ago at the same place.
Coming closely after the appeal for hinds
by the Ulster Convention League is a kin-
dred announoemenb from the Irish Parlia-
mentary Party. It is stated by the Home
Rule organ in Belfast that a collection in
aid of the Irish Parliamentary Fund will be
taken at all masses at the doors of Catholic
churches throughout the city.
An official return in the Dublin Gazette
showe that during the week ended 30th
June outbreaks of swine fever occurred in
all the counties of Ireland, the total num-
ber of outbreaks being 183. Eighty-eight
diseased swine died, and 507 were elaugh-
tered. Eighty-seven healthy animals were
elaughtered all having been in contact
with diseased ou es.
A maidservant having been bitten by her
master's dog brought an action before the
Dublin Recorder for EU) compensation. It
seems she was showing a lady visitor into
the drirwing-room when the dog bit herleg.
The defendant said the dog was liable to
attack any servant who were a cap and
apron in revenge for having been thrown
downstairs by a maid thus attired. The
Recorder gave a decree for Li.
A wholesale poisoning of cattle is taking
place on Col. O'Callaghan's estate at Bodyke
and so far without the slightest clue being
obtained as to the offenders. A short time
ago on an evicted farm at Clonmoher five
head of cattle were poisoned with easenic,
as scientific analysis disclosed, and now a
further and more successful attempt has
been made to thin off a herd on a second
evicted farnein the same district. Out of
27 head of cattle 11 died, it is presumed, of
poisoning within a few days, and it is ap-
prehended that the entire number will suc-
cumb, as the surviving animals show symp-
toms of having been ppisoned also.
On one day recently there were over nine
hundred head of salmon caught between
the combined fisheries of Ble,oltrock and
Portballintrae. The salmon disean in the
river Bush, which made its appearance sev-
ith exceptional purpoge. Perhaps, he
added, the eourse he was taking might be
open to criticism, but the sacrednees
of the cause must be their and his own jus-
tification. The service excited great inter-
est, and was largely attended by members
and officials of the Corporation.
Her Majesty's ship Charybdis, the latest
and largest of the second-class cruisers, has
just undergone her official steam trials at
the month of the Thames with most satis-
factory results. She is a ship of 4,360 tons
displacement, armed with ten gem, and
differs from the Apollo class itt having an
addition upper deck shelteririg her main
armament and providing superior accommo-
dation for her crew. On her natural draught
trial, with an indicated horse -power of 7,109
a speed of 19.3 knots was attained, and
with 9136 indioated horse -power on the
forced draught trial a speed of 20.5 knots,
equivalent to nearly 24 statute miles per
hour. This is the highest speed achieved
with this class of vessel. The ship was
built at Sheerness dockyard, but the whole
of the machinery was designed, constructed
and fitted on board by Earle's Shipbuilding
and Engineering Company, Limited, of
Hull, who have now engined five of these
semend.class mina.
There is quite a rage among members of
Parliament this summer to wear the corn.
'flower as a buttonhole.
A Queensferry man recehtl y walked 410
miles in order to interview Dr. Bernardo
about one able children.
On Megdele Rock, near Spinningdele,
Sutherland, the keepers lately discovered
a focal den, and deeteoyed the whole family.
The place contained the remain of smile
delinein as Ianib, grouse, ancl chickens.
A Canadian bullock was recently sold at
Shieldhall, Glasgow, which stood 17 hands
high, and measured 8 feet /tore the crotim
of the heed to the tail, while its grass
weight was slightly ever it ton. It was
knocked dome et B28, Se.
A largo nntriber a !Male have reeently
been disporting themselves an the batiks 6f
the Tay above the Bridge. A geld was
captured the other 4ay by seam rrnOn,
AMOligst tLit(: :wimple seen um. rem of tin.
usual Nor, sing wholly n hi.e.
4,1atnered iron Various Pointe *rom the
Atlantic to the Pacific.
Saraia hag many female bioycliets.
Queensville holds spirithelistio seances.
A new paper will be published at lies -
Land at.$g per foot is boomiug Barry's
A talc mine has been opened neer Sher -
bot lake.
Prairie chickens are numerous in Mani-
ernia.f.eueei, paper may be published in
Winnipeg has greatly improved its oity
Arkona, hoe. a Shetland colt; weighing 16
The Winnipeg
hotels are crowded with
The north ward of Berlin will have a
public park.
Port Hope's rate of taxation thirt year is
17i mills.
Busineas is brisk at the Fort William C.P.
14 docks.
Montreal taxes every Chinese laundry
$100 for water.
Perth station has sent out 1,500 boxes of
cheese per week.
The Brandon fair has closed, and was a
fin aneial success.
Berlin has two bear -cubs on exhibition M
a store window.
One day Iast week Forest shipped 400
fine, fat steers to England.
Sandwich will have a public bath house
and so will Walkerville.
Grasshoppers are unusually numerous
throughout the country.
The Parry Sound road has trouble to get
laborers at $1.25 a day.
The H. & D. -railway will soon be con-
verted into an electrical line.
The annual agricultural show was held
ab Portage In Prairie last week.
Detroit merchants call Canada's rasp-
berries the finest obtainable.
Blueberry farming is very profitable this
year around Nipissing Junction.
Reports from Western Ontario indicate
that the peach crop will be small.
A Packenhana farmer shows &stalk of
timothy five feet nine inches long.
A huge lumber mill is to be erected near
Eganville by American capitalists.
The New Brunswick oat crop is threaten-
ed with destructitin by a little bug.
There were 1,200 voices in the united
choirs' excursion to Sarnia last week.
The Hamilton grocers' plonk to Niagara
Falls last week carried 3,000 persons.
Mr. Frank Webster has resigned the
principalship of the Thorndale school.
A colony of German and Russian immi-
grants is to be located near Saskatoon.
Of $44,000 taxes the citizens of St.
Thomas paid in $41,000 before discount
Lanark will give a bonus of $5,000 to
the first railway which reaches there in,
two years.
Watford citizens complain because the
salaries of High school teachers have been
By a majority of only five Orillia has voted
to spend $13,000 on an incandescent light-
ing system.
The Grand Hotel at Yarmouth, N. S., a
great summer resort, has been formally
The number of female bicyclists in the
towns and villages of Ontario is rapidly in-
Fruit tree salesmen are doing a remark,
ably fine business in Hastings county this
summer. e .
Rev. Father Downey, of London, has
been appointed curate of Sb. Joseph's
ohurch, Stretford,
Mr. James Trerneer, B. A., of Smithville,
has been appointedprincipal of the Glencoe
High school.
The petition for the repeal of the liquor
license reduction by-law in Hamilton con-
tains 4,627 signatures.
Near Alvinston is a 200 -acre field of oats,
yu inehlrdolropboy tufsehaeerrhich it is thought will
A het becently telten from the river near
Cape Vincent and burned contained over
eighty pounds of black bass.
One thousand men are at work on the
Wiscasset & Quebec railroad, and the July
pay roll will be over $30,000.
Ono of Ontario's oldnt Oddfellows is W.
Marshall, of Guelph, aged 69, who joined
the order in New York 48 years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Duff, who have been en-
gaged in Mission work in China, have re-
turned to their home in Hamilton.
During the half year ending June there
were 4,066 births, 687 marriages and 451
deaths in the Province of Manitoba,
Victoria Hall, London, is being refitted
and enlarged by the Salvation Army and
will henceforth be known as "The Sal va$::en
50. At
By No Means Convineed.
patient in an insane asylum
himself dead. Nothing could do
delusion out of the man's ?maim 0
his physician had a happy thoug
said to ham "Did you ever see
man bleed 2"
"No," he replied.
"Did you ever hear of
"Do you believe that dead in
bleed ?"
"Well, if you will permit nth, I
an experiment With you and see
bleed or not." The patient gave b
tient, the doctor, whipped mit his Ian
drew a little blood. "There," h
ydit tee that you bleed ; khat pro
Ott are not dea"
"Not at all," th6 De,tient insta
plied, "that only proves that dead
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Sit 0 Fre 11 111.19 y a lid all.
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orroLENE here).
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Made only by
The) N. K. Fairbank
'Wellington anittl Ann Sta.,
At Mention of lilts Mother's Baltic the
Assassin Wept, and When the Jury
Sealed Ilia Doom Mis Bravado Blimp.
peared-Calls Excitedly on Ilis Advo
eat° to Close Ms Address.
At the trial of M. Carnoes assassin when
Coaerio's weeping and wailing mother was
mentioned by M. Debrueil, his counsel
Caserio bowed his head and sobbed.
Debrueil took advantage of this, the first
point in favor of his argument, and turning
to thejury he asked, "Is this poor wretch
completely responsible? His mind is unhing.
ed by a hereditary germ of cerebral disease,
together with the influence of his peculiar
social condition. His father became an epil,
optic from seeing the Austrians shoot his
own n b this
ho sh eur. n ' c'
ultured state he came into
contemt with the Anarehist Advocate G'ori,
who naturally exercised an intellectual in-
fleence over Gaserio's simple mind. This
line of argument was begun by a declare,
tion from M. Debrueil that Gori was morally
the author of Caserio's crime.
Caserio here sprang to his feet and iater-
rupting his counsel forbade any further de-
fence of his cause at the expense of his
friends. After this outburst Caserio calmed
down and took his seat.
M. Debrueil, resuming his argument,said
Caserio fled from Rely to France bedause
he had been condemned in Italy. He came
to France withont money and without a
passport. Caserio, he declared, was a mere
"No," shouted Caserio, springing to his
feet, "that is not true." The prisoner then
in an excited manner addressed himself to
M. Debrueil, insisting that he terminate his
argument at once.
M. Breuillac,the presiding judge,frowned
the prisoner down and threatened to put
him outside the court room and. keep him
there during the remainder of the trial if he
did not remain quiet. •
The court gave these questions to the
jary "Did the prisoner, Santo Caserio,
assassinate President Carnot and was the
crime premeditated ?" The jury retired ab
12.05 o'clock and were absent just 13
minutes. They returned to the court and
presented an affirmative answer to both
At the announcement of the verdict the
supercilious grin which Caserio has worn
most of the time during the trial disappear-
ed like magic and his face blanched.
Caserio was sentenced to death at 12.37.
As the eentence was pronounced he tottered
and with a weak voice said, "Vive social
revolution 1" Then in a louder voice he
elicit:tied, "Courage, comrades: vive an-
archyie 1"
How to get a "Sunlight" Pictur e.
Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrapper,
(wrapper bearing the words "Why Don re
Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Man") to
Lever Bros.'Ltd., 43 Scott St„ Toronto,
e.ndyou will receive by poste, pretty pictures
free from advertising, and well worth fram-
ing. This is an easy way to decorate your
home. The soap is the best in the market
and it will only Cost lc. postage to send in
the wrappers if you leave the ends open.
Write your address carefully.
When Baby wail sick, we eave ber Oastorre.
When she was a Child, she cried foxCastoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, slic gave them Cfastorin.
Mrs. Potts -" You have just been
thrown out et work, eh ?" nverett 'Meat
--" Scan me, 1 didn'b say ra been erown
out Of work tseild I had been trUn out of
de works—Workhouse, 800
Children at Gibraltar, until they reaoh
tin age which brings theta better knowledge,
believe that the sun alwaye sets with a
bang. This fancy is due to then ever omit.
toa report of the sunset gun in the fort on
the strait,
The molar), strosigth Eacucan. muster
in Case or War.
Although it is Still a question whether
the issue of the Chinese4apanese misun,
derstanding in Corea shall be war or a
compromise, it may be of intereSt to com-
pare the military and naval fighting forces
of the two Oriental empires. A considera-
tion of the myriad population of China
would seem to force the conebeeion that in
a contest with the celestial empire the Jam.
aline would be hopelessly outnumbered.
In the comparative effective atrength of
the armies and navies of China and
japeenhewever, there is no such wide dif'
formica as might be supposed.
It isinmoseible to obtain any very reliable
information about the Chinese army. Om-
itting from the calculation of the so.called
"Braves"—a kind of local militia, capable,
ibis said, of mustering 600,000 men—as
practically worthless in modern warfare,
there remains the active army, in which
great improvements have taken place since
Chinese troops were last opposed to "Euro.
peens. The actiVe force comprises three
armies—the army of Mancharia, the army of
the Centre and the army of Turkestan. The
latter, which is employ ed to keep order in the
extreme western provinces of the empire,
could not probably be moved eastward in
the event of a war with Japan. The army of
Manchuria has been estimated to number
70,000 men, many of whom are armed with
Mauser rifles, and this contingent is liber-
ally supplied with Krupp guns, The army
of the Centre, having its headquarters at
lialgam (an important town northwest of
Peking), is, perhaps the most effective
force at the command of the Son of Heaven.
It numbers 50,000 men of the hardy race
of northern Chine., and could be doubled in
time of war. All these troops are well
armed with Remington rifles.
The imperial Japanese army is organized
on the European system of universal con,
scription and follows the German model
more closely than any other. It consists
of the active army, the reserve, the "land-
wehr" and the "land-sturm"—the latter in-
cluding all the males capable of bearing
arms. The total strength of the army on
a peace footing is about 70,000 men, with
470 field and mountain guns. The reserve
and the "landwehr" each have a strength
of nearly 100,000 men. All the firearms,
ordinance and ammunition used in the im-
perial Japanese army are manufactured at
the national arsenals at Tokyo and Osaka,
and the Murata rifle, with which the Jap-
anese troops are now armed,is a native Jap-
anese inventidn.
The naval strength of China consists of
five battleships, one of the first, one of the
second and three of the third class; nine
harbor defenee vessels; nine second -Mass
cruisers; twelve cruisers of the third.olitss
ancl thirty-five gunboats, besides thirty.
nine torpedo vessels. The Japanese fleet
comprises five armored cruisers, nine sec-
ond-class cruisers and twenty-two vessels
whthh may be ranked as cruisers of the
third class. The torpedo flotilla, of Japan
includes one first-class boat and forty of
the 'second class. The Chinese fleet, seems
to be slightly the more formidable of the
two, but the Japanese ships are swifter,and
this considetation, together with the natur-
al aptitude of their crews, may compensate
forthelackof heavy battleships in the
navy of Japan.
It is evident from this resume that, while
we may not expect a Japanese-Ohinese
campaign to be conducted with the celerity
and precision which we have become ac.
cbstomed to in modern European armies,
the prospective war in Corea promises to
be anything but the mere sound and fury
of tin trumpets and firecrackers.
- •
Dinkle—"Strange you should be over-
come by the heat." Dangle—"Great Scott,
man 11 lost $10 on it."
It is the perfection of the well
matured plant properly cured
by expert growers. Mild
flavored, .bright and of match-
less quality; -Ma.stiff Plug Cut
pleases the most fastidious.
Tun J. B. Reba TOBAOCto Co., Richt° mad
Va,, and Montreal, Canada.
NEM -4 BEANe are a new Ws -
ornery that euro the worst eases of
NervousDebility, Lost Vigor. and
Veiling Manhood; restores the
weakness of body or mind caused
by over -work, Or the errors or ex-
cesses of youth, ThIS Remedy eh-
solutely cures the most obstinate eases when all other
TREATMENTS have failed even to relieVe. 'Laid by drug.
gists at sapqr paaltogo, or aim for $5, or sent by mail on
receipt of price by addressing 'Mr:JAMES mnproirn
co.. Toronto, oat. 'Write for pamphlet. Bola In"'
Sold at Brownine'e Dreg Store, Exeter,
Care SICK KSACACHE and Neuralgia
in Oo aliStureSo also Coated Tongue, Dizzi-
ness„BillousnsS, Pain in the Side, Constipation,
Torpid Liver, Sad Breath. to stay oured also
rogialate the bowels. vERv Alton TO 'TAKE.
P1010812.5 OEN a AT PRUO sTgnos,
Pada MO] M.A. Dwell,
The only Scientific and Practical Eleetrip
Bplb made for general mbe, priadaleing a Glenna*/
Ourrent et Electrieity for the Mire of Disease,
thet can be readily felt and regulated bath la
quantity and power, and ytptgthd le any part of
the body. It can be worn at any time d,urintr
working hours or sleep, and will p ositively euro
General Debility
Nervous Diseases
\, Dyspepsia.
Sexual Wealtu ear
Kidney Diseases,
Lame Rack,
'Urinary Diseases
BleCtrieity properly aPplied is fest talting tks
place of drugs for all Nervous, Rheumatic, K
ney and Urinal Troubles, and 'will affect euret
In seemingly hopeless cases where ()Very other -
known means has failed. t.„
Any sluggish, weak or diseased ()spa may
by thiS 1000.118 be roused to hea1t14 activity
before it is too late.
Leading medical anon lisci and recommend
the Owen Beltin their practice.
Contains fullest information regarding the atm,
of acute, chronio and nervous diseases, priede,
hoW to order, etc., mailed (sealed)- t*
any address.
The Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co,
49 KING Sr. lftf;„ TORONTO, Oartt
201 to 211 State St., Chicago, Ill
351ENTION mut ',APE%
Siek Headache and rel'eve all the troubles Ind -
dent to a bilious state of the system, suoh as
Di2ziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distree after
eating, Pain in the Side, ac. While theAr most
remarkable success .has been shown in curing
Fleadache, yet CARTER'S Lirrta Livica Pitt*
01'0 equally vainable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct till disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the 'livor and regulate the bowelS.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to times
who suffer from this' distressing complaint;
but fortunately- their goodness does not end
here, and those who once 'try them will find
these little pills valuable in se.pany ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But after all sick head
Is the bane of so many lives that here is where
we make our great, boast. Our pills cure it
-while others do not.
a dose. They aro strictly a getable and 6
and very easy to take. One 0 -o pills ma35
not gripp or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who Iasi', them. In vials at 21 cents;
five for $1. $old everywhere, or sent by- mai.
grail P;11. OTtAll Dtlo, Sms11 Pioe
sttlu ALL ClEAl.r.tRal •
Imofeg cciEd7sa lect elk ale sci eakil'idio s- Of spth 0es:slyest) Itgie veil:,
nels are in
Kidney Pills giue lected kidney
sirouble, Dodd's d
prompt relief,” troubles result
"75 per cent, in Bad Blood,
an";:oluas,y Nei;
first caused by Complaint, and
disordered hid- the most den-
neys, gerous of all,
"Mig,htaswell Rrights Disease,
try to, haue et Diabetes and
healthy city Dropsy,"
without sewer- "7 he above
aye, as good diseases cannot
health when the exist where
kidneys are Dodd' s Kidney
!clogged, they are Pills are used."
Sold by all dealers o - sentby mall enrcecipt
0i:oil:Ili esed ;71 ot so; p,xe ar. 1 lb: x or six for $,
Dr, L.A. Smith & Co, Toronto, 'write for
:-.1ii‘ ::::L'S
Taints of the Blood.
Imofeg cciEd7sa lect elk ale sci eakil'idio s- Of spth 0es:slyest) Itgie veil:,
nels are in
Kidney Pills giue lected kidney
sirouble, Dodd's d
prompt relief,” troubles result
"75 per cent, in Bad Blood,
an";:oluas,y Nei;
first caused by Complaint, and
disordered hid- the most den-
neys, gerous of all,
"Mig,htaswell Rrights Disease,
try to, haue et Diabetes and
healthy city Dropsy,"
without sewer- "7 he above
aye, as good diseases cannot
health when the exist where
kidneys are Dodd' s Kidney
!clogged, they are Pills are used."
Sold by all dealers o - sentby mall enrcecipt
0i:oil:Ili esed ;71 ot so; p,xe ar. 1 lb: x or six for $,
Dr, L.A. Smith & Co, Toronto, 'write for