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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-07-03, Page 16
PAGE 6A- ODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1975 in livestock u Ond crops 'big i '.S 4, • "A -total of 162" 4}{ thembers took part in theX97 •ion County 41-1 Livestock and Field Crops.. Judging • ..Coinpe.tition.. . 'sinners were: Senior, eight cotripetitlor�s,:: open to all young,. men .and' women. 18-30 years of age and Rfp also to all thh`osevho are graduates of a two year lYi'plorn•a.• Coure. in • Agriculture: Barry Miller, R.R. 3, Exeter, score 803•out of a• possible 900; Doug Miller', R.R..I, l;.ucknow, score 782 out • of a pos s ibte00:--" Intert'n diate, "49 com;„ petitors, open to all yqung men , and. ;t?»s'.i .15:1,7 years o€'age 'Cathy. Peel, R.R, 21; Auburn, ;score 782 out of a possible 900: Greg Love, Zurich, score 778 out of a passible•900, -Junior, 41 coJrripetitgrs„ open to all nen and.women 13-14 years of age; Brian Trewartha, .R.R. 4, Clinton, score 746out of a possible 90C, Rutfi Alton, R,R, 2 Lucknow, score 744 out of a possible 900. HvuuiC.vity concepts of new "1 think°we're going to have to accept tke fact that. we're' going to have a -health council w.hetheiiwe want to or not." - With these°words, ,Dr. Frank Mills laittiched'' into a short review of the history and' concept of district health councils, Dr. Mills, the medical officer "of health for Huron County, was the guest speaker, at the June• luncheon of •the Wingham and District Hospital Atiltiaxy Dr; Mil'Is explaine l,ithat .the original ideatviiS.b>`oug'ht4orth.,• in 1972 with a proposed total re- organization of the - Ontario,; Ministry of Health. • • "Attrat time it was very he said. The. original ,Phan proposed a 50-50. composition of members-- on:.:the- council from both con - sutlers and producers. ti 'We often -plan things that the consumer doesn't think we •..4 should have planned. He said "• • he thought the cqunciL would be a, forum for ,discussion and co- operation:'',,- ' Tie concept expanded into a ` -1'' pvice; 40 coibpetttprs, to all, young people 12 to. 1'7 years ©f • age entering ' the Judging Competition for the first time imd last year's'Pi-6 • 4H clttb members;_Lynn Miller, .Lucknow,, s:et r°e -765 out of- a possible 900; Gerald Johns, R.R. 3, Exeter, Se0e 73 7 out of a possible 900., , Pre 4I-1,'18 competitors, open, - to young people 11 years Of age: Steve Sager, 236 Huron Road, Goderich, score 7,02 , out of, a possible 900. Robert Snell, R.R. • • • healthcouncil specifics that, will be issued• b the ministry at a:later time. Dr. Mills said, however, that - talks on this concept , for the area have already been in- itiated.'" He _ xplained ,that the geographic • -boundaries suggested but not yet approved would encompass Huron -Perth counties. a Dr.''Mills cautioned that the council -.would not be only an advisory group, but would eventually have ' legislated authority. , w ``ThQ..Ahcaspita,l':•wbo4rd•s ktnkil3 stay but they will be 'temper'ed- by district health council decisions," he said. "• Heoted a remark ,by DA -Mister, Frank Miller: ".Initially, we feel that xlistrict health, coiixicils' should'••be visory, but this does' not mean;'- , that they wiill have no power. So far as the Ministry 'is con- cerned, all .programs submitted, to the Ministry for ' approval.' wilt need tQ have the appro';a.l of the health planning • The jurisdiction of the council ,,would "extend to budget app proval, Dr, Mills said. . Several copies 'of. the pam- phlet! were made' available to membe`'S of the a :lxiliary, but _Dr. Mills sai,i the' publication was hard to get. „;A-Isa-present at • the- luncheon were Nornl,sin Hayes,. executive director of the"W'ngham. and- District ndDistrict Hospital; •rs. Wilma Oice,,, chairman of the district two..branch -.of .the Hospital Auxiliaries of Ontario; and, her secret pry, Mrs. Pat Bennett: Y, Clinton; •sere "(191-_c)ut-•ot i possible 90Q 1ROPHI,ZS AND AWARDS Exeter, score. 141; Drive 'NI wKinney ;,R.R. 1, -Luc4 now, score 141; Robert Eedy, R•)l2•'4, Walton, score 141; Jim •Navi.ns, R.R. 3, Aubur-.n,score14'p .,.• ,: • Blatchford Feeds Limited flit' the -highest scor=e in' em4irt4. =Cuhipetition was won h» Barry uIYI.ill.er, R . Exeter, run►i'rs-, •up, Doug Miller, R.13.. 1, Lucknow and Cathy Peel, R„: 1, Auburn,• Canadian National Exhibition Shield for high No' ice Judge was won by Lynn Millers R.R. • 1 • Lucknow, runner-up, Gerald Johns, R.R, 3.,..1, xe-t e r C.I,L. ' „ ophy for highest score ih s. he was won -by Jim Fairies, R.R. ,1, Gorrie, .score 145 out of a possible 150; run- ners-up, Barb Miller, R.R. 3, Huron County Milk Com'- . mi•ttee Award for highest score in glair_- _section, Was won by ' Ruth Alton, R.R. 2, Lucknow, scare 9 out of a postible 100;• runners-up, Grace 41ton, R.R. 2, Lucknow, score 96 girt of • possible 100; Diana Brand, R.R. 3, Clinton, score 96 out of possible 1Q0: Harry F Vranken, ,.R.R. ', Auburn; score 96 out of possible 100; Henry-•Hendriks, R .R • 4, Seaforth, Score 96 out of ,iposs ib le 100• • ' Cyanamid of Canada Award for highest score in sheep • ectidh was won by. -Paul Drennan, R.R. 1, .Dungannon, • ;i. score 93 out of possible 100;' rfrnner-up; .Shawn• Wat..son,. R.R.. '6, Qoderich, score 93 out of possible, .1011 (Tie broken by: i easuns,.on entire ; ompetition) • Huron O'oun'ty . Beef . I nip r:o 'ernent A•w.a�rd for highest s..core .: in-�.I-f Section was wort. by Dave Mewhinney, R.R. •1, Lucknow, score 146 out, of a, possible 150: runner-up, Michael Hackett, R.R.'7, Lucknow, .score. 142 out of a possible 150.. k Winston Powell Award for high score" in horse section v<za *won by Rose Malik Flynn, R.R. 4, .Clinton,.__ score, 9-6._._ou.t._..o"- possible 100; gunner -up Wendy Tynclal•l, R.R. 4, Clinton', score'. 96 out of possible 100. (Tie broken '-by 'reasons• on entire competition.) ' •` . A • A • CULBERT'S CUSTO ►b CABINETS dealer for .,��.,.,..CARD1NAVLINE' , Choice of six styl•@s anti ttnishes Special `consideration to •;Build,Ors Shop •395-529$. Residence 'JF,.•95, 5.5 1 b 4.4 • YOUR HEAD HED QUARTERS, , • FOR •ROGERS MAJESTIC TV EXPERT-TV-SE!VICE W ti • ANTENNA & T`0WE1 • •INSTALLkTION 1.62• MARY ST. G.ODERICH 524 - 9084-' 1, ragram 26 eniploys many from this bounty three-way, split with room for program, 26 (formerly. political _elements with' the SWEEP)._ has become a popular., .. f the ' -rs'i r_ ._ publication o contr ove a means Report. The task of student employment force study endorsed the 4in the Maitland .Valley, Watershed.. • . • district health council idea; Dr. Brian Saeh's; Senior Super= Mills said. visor for the. progi'am has. T 1 development ' ' - i th The «test 1 e c¢nbept is what Dr. Mills•calls {completed• fiAing the tabourer "Mr • Miller's black book.'" positions and the crews started a1✓,ntitled "Action., . Centre in to work on June 23, 1975: Ontario's Health • Care Working out of Brussels'with Delivery", the pamphlet foreman Risk Earl °arid sub-• • outlines the basic philosophy foreman Candace Kidd, both behind the coni✓ept "an -d from Atwood, are Les Iden provides 'g.eneral guidance on derson, from Atwood, • Nancy , the , goals,composition,Danbrook from Atwood', And organizationl, function '' and Doig from Wroxeter; Arlene, authority of the cot-ncil• .Cleland from Listowel, 'Karen , Raymond „from Brussels.,and Sandra Currie' from Winghatri w.orking-with them.:The Wawanosh crew' will be working' in "'Wingham; Harris ton, BC'yth . , and Palmbtston and inthe town- shipsof East Wawanosh, Ttitnberry, Howick and,' '1into{ Mere than 100 stude•, tp- pl ied to the 1Yiaitland Valley Conservation Authority for''tlie 30 positions offered through Program 4. The number of applicants ,has doubled in co'nparis,on to th"e. nuniber. of students who applied for positions last year. "'Tarts i what^ health care is: tails _' from Wingharn, and' =",n4--r'e'ta,e Jn _t tui in Ter'ry'uenel.l from Listgvvly,k Ontario," Dr Mills said: 11i e�Qs rr ni e1 s-,-erew \4 f 1 -be . Based on the information in working in Morris,°Grey, Elma, the pamphlet, the first step i.r� Wallace"'.and • McKillop town- ` tare organization J of district ships and in Listowel; Brussels; •health coincils will be the' 'and Seaforth. 1`,, establishmentRobert 'Patema, foremaan o'r• of a "steering 1 cnrriittee''. It .• would be a -,fr'orr5 Auburn and sub -foreman 'small groukof persons,involved Marilynne Wise from Clinton, or interested in health care' will supervise the crew,located The initiative could come from from • at the, Falls Reserve Area 'at •with,in"'the Community- or be•. 'Bentmi-l-ler, •The laborers are ,irnpgsed••;by.,the -area planning :Beth Chowen from Clinton, co-ordinator, Charles McNall from Goderich, The steering -committee Geoffrey , Russell from would then be,.expected to work Gocierich,, Robert Ellingsert toward the ultimate formation from Walton, Irene Wubssfrom designated council for Clinton' and Marsha • McNall the nata of a ddesa g heed area from f Lyth._ nominating members to ' the ThY1 will be working ,in the • providing basic • 'Tow•nshi p• s-�-" of• -;Ashfield, West •Eouneil•-:•and • • guidelines. • The. c•oun . Wawartosh, Colborne,Godericli • ell -members, •; would • be ultimately `•',ap•pointed ,by the, Ministry of I-tealth :on the „ recormendati-on.' of the steering cornmittee.J::' • The 28 -page . pamphlet ,is general [nits outlook, avoiding CLAY -- ' - Silo4Unloaders • 6 Feeders - Clean ers -. Stablin • Log Ele tors ' LiquixlYManure�"Equipnient -' Hog Equipment FA,RMATIC - Mills . . /,#ugers, etc. ACORN - - Cleaners - - 4 'eated Waterers ZERO - Bulk Tanks Pipeline=&.Parlour Equipihent-- W E ST E E L• ROSCO-Granaries d B&L•Hog 'Panelling. Bulk Tank`& Pipeline•cleanfng Detergents, Teat Dip, etc. Bqvadine -wDyne Losan U ldersan `Faarncheck • Kleenea'sy • L!�tif11R`Y FARMJSYSTEMS R.1R,7,'Kincardine, Qritario• ' Phone 3954286. •Goderic�'h 13uildall embraces show.rbom store lumber mart' warehouse_and f• , ' � f offices, atotal of 20544 .square feet under one roof. This does not incl•ude the open storage in 5 sheds behind the lumber mart. Goderaeh Buildallas i:ruly a great place to buy your home improvement products, or the materialS for ,an entire new home. •(Free drafting service for larger•pur�chases.) Drop in soon and see__whot�we mean. ,• : . ,h,. .., Grad•and Hullett-and inthe townsofGoderih, ,, Lucknow: The third crew will be based Trull Kerni han dao •hter of 4Conse•rvation Area in East Mr. and Mrs. Russel • iKer� Wawanosh. dmighan, RR -•4, Goderich, has 14 . Foreman ,Pulc._Mutter from graduated from the University "Brussels, and soh=foreman of h Waterldo with °a B.A, in., Brend�l Johnston_ from Psychology. She -plans to attend BelRrave, will have Brenda Althouse Teachers College in Mc�rrisort from Lucknow, Anne 'the'fall. Trudy•is a,groduate of.. Welwood from Wingham, l hris Goderich Dist'icf Collegiate a. Exel fr't�rrl "Brussels, A.ilen Ingtitute. and Colborne Central' ,• Foxton from.,Wingham, Keith WPubhc•School. ' maNikifilimin • Clinton. • :' "and ,the Wawanosh Valley y g daughter • •BENJAMIN MOORE P� •POWER' TOOLS K . •ImIGHTiNG FIXTURES cit C. master charge • .ter '. fi pu .ti M.. The Goderich Town Council will meet on•ttie following dates durinq.,the summer rnonith,.of July and August JULY 1 4th, 7:30 P.M. 'AUGUST 1 1 th, 7:30 P.M. - J, Harold Walls, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Clerk-Treasurer•- - •S'7 We=st • SJr'eet • Ar•• .. .......K m...•,•,.•• ASSO.CIATE'ST 7- 155 ANGLESEA ST., GOISERICH -- TURN AT SIGN ON HO. Y"21 .r- BUILDALL LOCATED 1 BLOCK EAST• .. w !kt STORE HOURS MON. TO THURS. 8 a.m." - 5:30 p.m, •PRIDA•Y8a.m.•5p,m� ._.:SATURDAY 8•a,rn.-3•p.m. • 1 4 'S'• --..rte.,,.. • •