The Exeter Times, 1894-8-16, Page 5Oil ;IA ,r. 2 sldaxkl Like a Miracle Consumption Low Condition Wonderful Results From Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, "Four years ago while in the old country ngland ), my daughter Hannah was sent away from the hospital, in a very low condition With ponsumption of the lungs' and bowels, and tvea'f action of the heart. The trip across the Water to this country seemed to make her feel better for a while. Then she began to get worse,and14shewas unable to get farweeks u ab bit the bed. She grew wors for five months and lost the use of her limbs and lower part of body, Y and 11 heupo s satin bed had to be propped p with pillos. Physicians p pp Said She Was Past All Help and wanted me to send her to the 'Home for Incurables; But said a:t'long as I could hold my hand up she should not go. We then began Hood'sCures to give her Hood's Sarsaparilla. She is getting strong, walks around, is out doors every day; has ne to ale with her throat and no cough, and herd seems to be all right again. She hasa! lass ap etite. We regard her cure as short of miracle." W. WYATT, 89 Ma n ;reef. WParkdale, Toronto, Ontario.. Hood's Pilis,eam purely vegetable and perfectly harmless, Sold by all druggists; 26e. N 'r 11 MOST SUCCESSFUL r, rME;:;' 1 FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its ollects and never blisters. Read proofs below:. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Roxll_!Carman.HendereonCo., ILL, Feb.1A,'Fi. Da R. J. lhu DALL Co. Dear Sirs -Please send me ono of your Horse Boobs and oblige. I have used a groat deal or your Kendall's Spa vi Cue withgood success: it is a wonderful medicine. I once bad a mare that had an Occult SpavIn and aye bottles cured her. 1 keep a bblttle on hand all the time. Yours truly, Cass. POWRtt. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. CANTON, Mo., Apr. 3,'9.3. Dr. B. J. KENDALL Co. Dear Sirs—I have used several bottles of your "Kendall's Spavin Curet' with mush success. I think it the best Liniment I ever used. Have re- tnNe't.one Curb, ono Blood Bpavin and killed Ps'' one Spavin.. Have recommended it to d of my friends who are much pleased with an pit. Reap 5 Rg.. RAT, P. O. Boz 3I3, For Sale by all Druggists, or address ,Dr. B. T. KENDAL.L COMPANY,. ENOSBURGH FALLS. VT. cur"o.L` Co S TIFAT .0 NI, G\ LIOU` NES , R- DvsPEPS IA';� SICKHEAIDACfa R EG U LATE. TI E. ONE PI LL AFTER EAri ra C INSURES Goon DIGESTION, PRICE25 CTS.TIEDODD's TcPg The Irrepressible Small Boy. -.Now is the season when the ubiquitous small boy fills himself with green plums and greener apples, and bolts half -ripe cherries, seeds and all, His voracity almost invariably leads to Cramps, Diarrhoea, or Dysentery, and the family heartsoine resounds with his lamentations. If his parents are pru- dent people, they will have a bottle of Perry Devis' Pain Killer ready for euch summer emergencies, and a spoonful of this ureat specific will bring the young scamp around all right. Druggists all sell it. Only 25c. per bottle, new large A Chinaman 1Inrdered. ALB..NY, N.Y., Aug. 4.a -Yesterday a Chinaman, a stranger in this city,: went into the laundry of h $ Chu Hm on South b uh Pearl street, and Shot him in the back. The tl Saiiailt was captured. Himdied before medical aid could be summoned. It beli,-ved that the murderer was in the einRoy of one of the secret Chinese so- oiet'ies: Serious accident to a Teamster. NIAGARA, Ont., Aug. 4. -David Cole- man a teamster, while coming from St. Cathallues on a load of feed, met with a very serious accident yesterday. It seems while entnilig down a hill he slipped from the load and the wheels of the waggon. which contained over two toes, passed over his ankle, nearly severing it from the limb, Amputation may be necessary. A,Ilnilrondlor Filled at Tweed. TWEED, Ont„ Aug. 4. -Cornelius Wood- cook Was killed, here yesterday. He was sitting ort the back end of a hand oar, slid. had gone some distance when by some insane he gut his head under the brakes and the, c:une down on it. breaking his neck. I -Ie leaves a wife and 'large family. Twenty -Light Protests Now. TORONTO, Aunt. 6. -There was one ad- ditional )protest entered yesterday at. Osgoode Hall, the victim being W. A. Charlton, Liberal member -elect for South Qoibollr, The petition is filed on behalf of George Crane, the defeated Patron of Industry candidate. This is the twenty eighth protest. A Colored Man burning white. p EvaellenII1E, Ind. �Aug. 4.- Afen1ba e been diseovered ill tho Dentin of a colored than aged 4idea, Who % gate. ally turning white, : Seine of his gk1 is, as fair as a e lid's haid kp In tl►bItours, of year Wibe eftelta . Hamilton Lady's Stoiy. She Met! with Many FAilures and Dish appointments, She was induced to try Paine's Celery Compound New Life: Health: 'Strength: The Gram(' ,Kesults. Thoutande of hopeless and deepairng hearts in Canada have been made glad and Ailed with sunshine. Men and women who have suffered for long yearn and who have been given up as incurable. have been restored to vigor and nealth by Paine', Celery Compeund. A. great and glorious example of cure, after long suffering, is furnished by Mrs. Rebecca Jiaokeon, of Hamilton, Ont,, she mays: - Having been troubled for swirly 1 5 encu, n s and with nervousness Bandslee lee es p s , a my physician unable to afford me relief and after trying a number of remedies, I wits induced to use Paine's Celery Com- pound. I continued to improve from the first bottle, I have used a dozen bottles and am now uliy recovered. I can heart- ily recommend its use to;,any one who suf- ferera I did." Paine's Celery Compound goes direct to the root of all troubles; it cleanses and purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves and gives tone to every organ of the body. Try it, sufferer; it will make you well and strong. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM.; Effectually yet gently, when costive o bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irri- tating or weakening them, to dispel head- aches, colds or fevers use,Syrup of Figej The latest crop reports received by grain- men from every ;part of Manitoba speak very favorable of the prospects. Crops generally, which were a week or two ago thought to be light, are going to turn out much heavier than esrlieradvico would indicate. To be free from sick neadecho, bilious - nese, constipation, etc., use Carter's Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. They gently etimnlate the liver and stomach from bile. The Coneervatiye■ of North Norfolk met at Victoria on Friday and organized for the Dominion election. Col. Tisdale was present and spoke• You hardly realize that it is medicine, when taking Carter's Little Liver Pills: they are very small; no bad effects; all troubles from torpid liver ale relieved by their use. Crop reports from the Province of Quebec show that the yield has been good all roans. To get relief from indigestion, bilious- ness, constipation or torpid liver without disturbing the stomach or purging the bowels. take ,e few doses of Carter's Little Lever Pills, they will please you. Boston,Autr,10-The worst hailstorm in its history prevailed in the Town of Revere yesterday. Hailstones fell that by actual measurement varied from :• -to l j: inches in diameter. In an increditibly short time the streets sad fields were as white as they ever were in winter. The hail fell five minutes before rain came. Garden plants were etript of their leaves and foliage, fault was cut from the the trees and many window panes were broken. More than 1,000 panes of glass were smashed in one greenhouse' The teamsters had a bard time with their horses and runaways were numerous. Hon. Honore Mercier, ex-Premier,I is reported seriously ill at Montreal. "Be thou the rainbow to the storms of life The evening beam that smiles the clouds away And tints to -morrow with prophetic ray." For headache, neuralgia and biliousness. take Stark's Powders. 26 cents a box. Minard'e Liniment cures al grippe. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner Than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only cost lo postage to send in the wrappers, ifyou leave the ends open, , Write your address carefully. ii, Fall Fairs, 1894 London Western Fair Toronto Goderich Stratford Seaforth (South Huron) Zurich Birkton Thorndale, Clinton Sept. 13-22 Sept. 3-15 Sept. 25-26 Sept. 27-28 Sept. 27-28 Sept, 27-28 Oct. 4-5 Oct. -10 Oct. 2-3 &W DRIJG STORE T. WICKETT, 9 DI. D, Cr M,, TRINITY UNIVERSITY, M. 13,, TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Has opened out a new Drug Store on MAINOREDITO1ll ST., .�.! s• Where he keeps a full supply 0f all lines of 'DR tlGS, DRUGGIST'S ST.tNI3.tt,IES, and PATENT 1VMEDICINES. terS DSV.EZTS=. TrMCalbtnllyat .a.i eCr.�iY�l r�sv 1M1 tenclad to. Our prices will be found the lowest. Call and, see us. T%\TELVE %VERE KILLED Frightful WI'eek and Rolocaust' On the Reek Island Bouts, THE WORKOFTRAIN WRECKERS. Eleven of the Crew and Passengers Badly dlnjuresl, But Will Recover• -Brakes- man Poets, With a Brokers Leg, Performs Heroin Work of itescue, LXNCOLN, Neb.. Aug. 11.-A fearful wreck, involving the loss of twelve lives, occurred on the Ohieago, Rock island and Pacific railroad, where it crosses on a high trestle the tracks of the Union Pacific and the Burlington and Missouri River rail- roads. All indications point to train wreckers as the cause. It was long after daylight before the burning pile at the scene of Thnreday night's frightful • wreck had sufficiently cooled to allow the gruesome work of re- moving the debris and search for the vim tiros to begin. The corrected list of dead and injured is as follows: Dead -C. D. Stannard, conductor, St. Joseph, Mo.. p, Ike De ex engineer, ,Meer Council Bluffs Ia William am Craig, fireman,Fairbury. W. a Hatable, farmer, Jansen or Fair- bury, Neb. Joseph Minger, farmer, Fairbury. E. H Zernel;e abetr, to r Lincoln. ao Henry Peters, Omaha., J. D. Matthews, travelling man, Omaha. Dr. C. N. Birney, Council Bluffs, Is. E. H. Morris, travelling man, Kansas City. A. S. Ebbe,, insurance agent, Pawnee City, Neb. J. M. Bever, clothier, Pawnee City, Neb, All the above were so badly burned as to be almost unrecognizable. The injured are :- H. C. Foote, J. Mc- Dowell, A. About, F. T. Scott. C. H. Cherry, E. H. Bell, Mrs. Nellie M. Firts, John Rutherford, J. G. Buetze, Col. J'. C. Bills. None of their injuries are serious. Col. C. J. Bills and Jay McDowell, Fair- bury, passengers and the brakemen, Harry Foote,were the first to extricate themselves from the rear car. They immediately started to work, and half an hour's efforts the fourteen occupants of the rear coach were saved. It was heroic work. The flames were scorching in their intensity, but those three men struggled hard to save their fellow -sufferers. Harry Foote tried to help the man, but the fierce flames drove him back. Thrice he essayed with his broken foot and leg to extend some assistance, but to go near the burning pile meant sure death. Fred Scott, the express messenger, saw him and cried out "Harry, help for Christ's sake." The brakeman heard him and acted. Crawling up to the burning pile he caught Scott just as the flames com- menced to lick up• his legs, burning his trousers and shoes completely off. - His back was terribly injured where the timbers had fallen upon him. Foote pulled him out, however, and none too soon. Had help arrived two minutes later he would have perished in the flames: As soon as Scott could ap eak hes id "Cherry is in there; save him." & Although Foote was suffering torture with his broken leg he returned to the work of rescue. Crawling up to the burning coach, he caught the hand of Cherry, the messedeer, who was pinioned by the fallen timbers, and by almost superhuman strength suc- ceeded in extricating him just as the flames commenced to lap around his face and head. Harry Foote, the injured brakeman, advances the theory that the train was maliciously wrecked. According to his story a rail was removed on the bridge and the fishplates and a crow bar were found in the grounds near by. It is said three men were seen in the vicinity of the bridge in the early evening. They tally with the description of three men seen in the city during the day who said they came from Enid, Ok., and the suspicion was aroused that they had a grievance against the Rook Island Company in the territory. LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 13. -The remains of Andrew Hansen, a farmer of McPher- son county, Neb., one of the victims of Thursday night's train wreck, was identi- fied by a watch found lying in the midst of human bones. George Davis, colored, suspected of wrecking the train,• was ars • rested by the police on Friday night. Shortly after the wreck he applied to a hackman and asked to be driven up town. He had been on the train and had lost his coat. He was seen near the place where the wreck occurred, it is claimed, with a crowbar. The police say they have evi- dence sufficient to convict. His motive is not known. It is almost certain that Davis is guilty. The inquest is in progress. A Bad Runaway in London. LONDON, Aug. 13. -George Murtch, blacksmith, of Lobo, drove into the city Saturday with his two daughters, Misses Sarah and Mary Murtch. When rldino,. down Talbot street a wheel c ii rseed near Lichfield street. Mr. Murtch and friss Sarah fell out, but the farmer recovered and grabbed the horse. .He was dragged nearly a block before the animal was stopped by a telephone pole near Maple street. Miss Mary was here thrown vio- lently on the sidewalk. She was badly bruised and her. back was injured pain- fully. Miss Sarah escaped with lighter in- juries. Mr. Mortals was unhurt. The vehicle was completely demolished, Throw Herself Before a Trolley. ToRoxxo, Aug. 13.-A woman named Clarke made a most determined attempt at suicide on Saturday. She threw herself in front of a motor ear on the Queen street east line, at • the corner of Greenwood. Nothing but the presence of mind on the part of the driver saved her life. But, al- though the motor was promptly reversed, the fender was within a foot of ' her pros- trate form before the oar stopped. The. woman was then removed from the rails by force. A Blenheim Farmer's Loss. BLENnTI1s, Ont., Aug. 11. --Fire com- pletely destroyed the barns of Thomas Roe, farmer, living near Blenheim yester day, together with forty tons of hay and the bulk of this year's crop, They ha just commenced threshing when a spar from the engine started the tire, Intik ance on barns 8400.. No insurance on eon tents. Bather Drowned at Halifax. IIALzvnx, N.S., Aug, 13, -Robert Daly rample, about 50 pears of age, driver'fo the Canadian Bxpress Company, drove down to the eastern passage yesterday and went in bathing, He tock a tramp and was drowned. His body was recovered. He leavers a falililye �T �"^� fit �y 111MQ i'1'.LL .GB Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The luany, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial fcial Fro es ties of a perfect lax - riti o , effectuallycleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Rid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable subatance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. For Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store James Christie, a well-known rancher, of Calgary, was found dead on Saturday on the prairie a fewmiles north of that town. The cause of his dath cannot now be determined. An inquest will be held to- day. Deceased came from Ottawa, wire,e his relatives reside. Lowry Brothers' jewellery,,atore at Morris was burglarized on Saturday night and a quantity of watches taken. The burglars attempted to blow open the safe but did not succeed. -.r,. THE HARRISON VASE. MORE SERIOUS TBAN WAS AT FIRST PELTED AT TIRES HE WAS Enema - TED DT HIN S. UBRERiNO5-Row HE IS Coruna • Peterborough; Aug. 13.- The case of Richard Harrison, mentioned in these columns lest week, was a more serious one than appeared at first sight. He was afflicted dor some years with backache, the direct result of kidney disease. In damp weather especially his sufferings were intense, and frequently prevented his doing any work. Toan active, ener- getic man, such an affliction was most gee- sionsand he tried teeny alleged remedies without relief. J. D. Tully the well known druggist here, recommended Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, which 31r. Harrison used and is tow thoroughly cured. He only regrets that he did not use Dodd's Kidney Pills, before he knows tbat if he had he would have been well long ago. WHAT A LITTLE MONEY WILL BUY - - If spent in the right place, That J. D. Atkinson's is the right place to buy your furniture. The following facts and figures prove : 10 Piece Bedroom Outfit, $20.50. 'BED, DRESSER, $20.50. WASH STAND, • MATRESS, SPRING, 2 PILLOWS, ROORER, $20.50. Cusps, TABLE. Coining brides and young married couples take advantage of the above offer. We supply comfort cheap. J.U.ATKINSOS Furniture Manufacturer, north of Town Hall.' Skin Diseases are Mote rr lira sicced$ flask) nevi by bad flood, B, I3, B. sure the following skin laureates; Shingles or Bryaipelas, Itching Bantus, Salt llheulrl, kleald dead. Eruptions, Pimples and B1otphes, Isy removing ell impurities ifow the blood from a common Pimple to the worst Sorofulens 13„re, linru3XArXesi Ctiititn Its A. f.l.y.-„Soutb. American BheuulatioCurr. torRhenmetiexn and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3, days. lis action upon the system is remark, able and myeteriuus, It remover at ranee the cause and the diseasee immediately dis- appears, The liret ;dcee greatly penehts 75 cents. Sold by 0. Lutz, Druggist. 518 Sara, --I had such a severe cough that my throat felt as if scraped with .a resp taking Norway Pine Syrup I found that. sue dose gave relief, and the eecoud bottle completely cured me Miss D. A. A. owney, Manotic, On}. Burdock Blood Bitters cure dyspepsia. Burdock Blood Bitters cure Constipation, Burdock Blood Bitters cure biliousness, Burdock Blood Bitters cure headache, Burdock Blood Bitters unlock all the clogged secretions of the bowels, thus cur- ing headaches and similar complaint,. Esotorhokingliouse Ask for our "PLUME” brand Meats. They are the best. SNELL BROS. F V fl!1 Largest Finest Designs. Lowest Prices Immense show rooms loaded with goods ; every quality, style and price, but all the best for'.the least money. Our • Spring Store now complete, is the pick of the mar - Bet in everything -is elegant and varied beyond description. Parlor Furniture Will be the fate this week. The unus- ual size and variety of the line does not admit giving pieces in detail. Odd Pieces Will he especially attractive in price, and all who wish for much, in return for small outlay, will not be disappointed. 8, GIDLEY eg SON. ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. A. Full Stock —OF— NEE TPLtEs Browning s -DEALER IN - Books, -- Stationery, — and Fancy - Goods, Bibles, Hymn Books in every var- iety, Scribblers, Pads, Note Paper, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Lock Boxes, Etc., etc. !o W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. carriages & Wagon: We have received a choice lot of Children's Carriages and Wagons, which will be sold O F EA.P., Come and see them and be convinced. Our Stock of BOOTS & SHOES is now complete in every line. Prices to suit everybody. We don't advertise a n0 per cent discount and claim a 20 per cent profit for our trouble, nor do we drag people off the street to induce them to buy. Come in yourselves and get prices, and you see at once we have no 40 per cent profit, Good Cow-hide,Hand.matle Boots $2.90 td Kip,d ",` 3.25 Bals 2.25 " Plow Boots 90 Men's Half Soling + 85 Women's " 80 No charge for rips; also see our Hal- ness.' Can't be beaten for style and quality, and everything in the Harness line. j Wr 747 r • We'll take pleasure in waiting on you if you'll only drop in and look at our goods, they are the best in the market. M 1a..", XM E. Ilia uiaderelsne e�qopriillnR sdt IS, 'f'owephoip of eliorpe, There Is 000 frame stable, 30 as 60; seleo a lo,. bearing orehar , weer water l.e eituat d in fire Vif'lsg, of d .lP.,, ;ibout six miles fewer xeeer rr��n�idp nndera goodstate of cultivation. For ;maids aare i•fliersapplytoJOIl11„ RAX. on the prem, cam ur 4y lettsrtoFarquharf?. 0, VOTERS' LIST, y $ VOTERS' S,1 l3 P OV RAT, Notice is herebygiven, that T have traduce witted or delivered to thepsrsoul eMieeed in Sections 5 and 6 of the Ont friloo voters" et 88 Lists ct,l 0, the conies relivaraal by satst see tioesto be transmitted or delivered of' tee lists madeursuer,t to raid set, of ail persona anpearing bySthe last robed assessment colic of the munio.pality to be entitled to vote an said municipality at elections for metpnpors of' the Legislative Assembly and at Blume)pal Elections, and that said list was first posted' up at myot3co at the Town hall on the Heir afaugust, 3694, and remains ithere for en - erection. h 1 t, otors are palled neon to examine• said list, and, if any omissions or ani. other errors are found' therein to take ice.-' mediate proceedtpsa to have the raid errors corrected according to law. "sped, SAM' J . LATTA, Clerk, Dated;August Ilt'h, 1894. Harvest on Hand BINDER TWINE FOR EVERYBODY. Harvest Mitts, Forks all kinds and sizes. Best machine oils. STOCK OF ALL, KINDS FULL. Come and See. JOSEPH COBBLEDICK EXETER LUMBER YARD. The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general that he keeps con- stantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND UNDRESSED) PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled to be the Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty-six to forty years in any climate. r JI,S..77IL LZS OIL, OIL, OIL, OIL THE BOBIER PRODUCE CO. have decided to Retail Oil at Wholesale Prices Best Canadian Oil, Best Canadian Water White Best American Water White COME ONE, COME ALL. 12e. 17c. 20c. THE BOBIER,PRODUCE CO. J. hurray & Co, The - Exeter - Foundry Manufacturer of PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, TWIN PLOWS. Wholesale Manufacturers of Plow Castings. . Also General Castings con- tracted for in Iron and Brass. Also Manufacturers of Bridge Bolt ends, Washers, etc. Iron piping and fillings kept constant ly on hand, Repairs promptly execut- ed. �o -Y-Q .7" Want a Bicycle? THE Can & J. PNEUMATIC en Hse Fe T TIRE CO'i ICi Is the only Tire that gave satisfaction last year MANUFACTURED BY The Reeld Mcrae CO. fro. 1t3 YONQE STREET, Brantford, On TORONTO PERKINS & MARTIN TIN Penron'v Block. The date when the subscription expires is on the .'Anima label of each paper, the bulge of which to a subsequent date be- comes a receipt for lelnittenee. Subscribers will pleass examine heir label before and atter making a remittance, Lookat the date on label this i your JTREB'9Bs 'week, and see tbat'your name is- mark- ea well in advance. Change ixs. 8usiis,ess SN ELL'S Butcher_Shop I Having purchased the Butchering bus Mess of Messrs. Wood Bros., will take possession on April 1st, and I would res pectfully solicit the patronage of all the old customers of the shop and as many new ones as can favor me with a call. Meats of all kinds always on hand, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. WIGS. S1/EX L Fa:hnab1c 5ty1! 0 0 0 3 0 Best Ordered Clothing produced in Eyster Gentlemen I leave your orders early,torr with the best staff ,of 'Tailors ; the bee. stock of Tine 'I'r1mmings, and the belt Cutting in i'own,yea are sure of eatistao 4F