HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-07-03, Page 7.0•7/ And s_ald, unto theln., "Come ye yeurselyee apart into a desert place and rest a while". Mark Electricity? — not on vacation; was the er„espense of a car -load a carnpers, about to , squp camp. Detachment from the vicious circle of routine living in our jet age is,just plain cot -flown sense. The body anAoul (mind) need a timelo unwind, relax, God in Ws wisdom appointed a days „ resCin seven. Could not Christ, in our text be suggesting a break during the years routine? . That rest, ..or recreation will Wicked old idolaterhad his sins blotted out and became' Con- verted and turned away from his LdolatrOut dependence and worship of the gods of materialism, 'and turned in dependence ipon the God of ..Thank God, Summer *damps sa iritual kind aro still available 'where worshipers rejoice in their dependance: upon s God, and modern Idolaters_ find, and hente 'forth Worship the Creator no.t the heaven. -ereature. • 'require .different form with „ . . diffe'rent people. Some find it in ' A year agb a friend gaveme a ' a trip td the flowery State of, moo.; She gees an • to ..say that for , shoot of Wandering Jew which Christian s tile pictureshould be DearlFriendS, Florida, whftcptthers must get proved to be the most prolific diffOrent.' We ,know God:loves Whensomeone lost in the coniferous forest of, thing to hit this house in ages. ' us...Ire:has poured out -His love question to. which a respOnse . Christ, Such • themes are ex the northern lakes and river - .' In no length of time that tiny upon us, not with a careful and does not4orne readily to mind, , pressed in songs such as "Since ' , ' - regions, but others find iton the, Slip had grown to fill to over measured hand but with in- people' (myself included) Often Jesus Passed By',', "I've Found • bowling greens or country clUb. . flowing the pot I'd planted it incomprehensible generosity, spy, "That's a good .questiOnr Happiness", and ,!`The King is ' The world, won' t fall into decay I finally divided the clump, into ,• splashing .and' overflowing. our Let us pursue for,a few minutes Coming" - to name three.,,!Ylae While you're gone, but you very four,. broke off -Slips ' by the:, 'ts tinY 'containers. Enough so that this week 'the good queStion, people who hear these songs well could if you 'don't go. , * : -4 Gospel Music . GODERICIAW144J4TAF, ratASDAY, MN 3, 1970,—PAQUO WoklmagaMenwirms.6.0"11,005ral HOrnii)aa/110P001fl 7t,L7, AREitIER •• • , 4 Yoh though 1 $41.4 Ittrough,,thf volsit uJ th# sh.gOovg..011/4KIL.,'Isholtt44tAp rvAl for ThoO qr. I :k19W1114.": , '42;r0.1NRIM Irentlykittinger ;!. 7 esfuture we.e.ks. God willing, ituhrlloaubgihtheonf uiverry smheonogtsarnsd„: '1A'wn'ill be writing to tell you Sunday schoolsongs Of 4our about specific individualsand .childhood, through. the beat --groups 'and their mj.tsie. There music And young people' songso a -re • many of these folks in , of our teen. Years to the various Ontario, Canada; ' and "'North- -- tastes.of our adhlt y,ears, MU.SiC . America, 'Many have v"made has different meanings. , ,•records, many will hold con: Gospel music, then, is the - certs. • the next time a Gospel , good news with all of its con- inusic. coneert is -:..held in our notations set to variouscorn' area Or in an area in which you binatioi*of sounds ';,vith all 4f "May .be travelling), why not ; their connestations. While John • atterld? - 3:16 IS thepeart of the Gospel, .. Good bye for now. God bless. the good news is elaborated at • 'Yours, His, length in the Bible in portions . • G"M dealing with the good life, the P.S.I know that the purseof, c,'omforts of faith, and the glory this particular letter was to purpose asks' '1:-.a"-- -of the second coming orTesus , discuss "the what" of Gospel dozen and .started them in we can .channel that amazing - `‘Whatis-Gospel music?" " may hear the same .warg,s but There" is also hoWever, vvhatever Jar or container I love out to other , thirsty Gospel. Music - two words, receive quite Ldifferent spiritual dimension.. in man's . could . lay my hand's onr people." The defnintion is straight-, blessings. • '"'*) make up not.easily recognized ' Friends-, neighbors, relatives "Look," we can cry to the forward if we define the cord of . No :comment on the what" but there , nonetheless ' Were invited to help themselves world, `.‘iny bucket is full! God the Words. 60SPEI, means to of ".. Gospel music would be singing: Viscounts, said in: a Matt6:21 ,says Where /our ' , to the ever increoing tendrils loves me, see what He'S done Christians the "good hews': and complete ,. withoUt , ..sam,e ,--Lrecerit column in '"The Sound of . . heart be also".: The k heart • hi-ar d f John3 .16 For God a be divided into those ' .- • ' • • ' is often summed up in the treasure is, there shall your and start plants ferthemSelves, ' for me., And..1,1-ore, s more, kr , reference to -the, yvho". "The Gospel Music", "As 'Gospel -," rejoices in the works of the , hand, It was the endless routine • . !Wandering -Jew trailing inside Come and see how wonderful it loved the World,that Hegav ',.... ., .,•..th$,...Q.F.11W.,.,.P0-kat-Q1- 41 , so_ sten and those Who sing. ci.. 11 musicians, our aim is to glorify Christ and to present His As a result many houses have everyone you can,. • . wor s o - . , and out in-: great ver&nt. is!" . -music and .I know that I have already added a bit about "the who", but I should like to close (again) with .two'.brief cern- rnents about "the-wh,y" .of . Gospel, music. Psalm • 147, °provides 664 .comment "Forit is gbtd,tosing,, praises to our God." Terry' , Whitfield, member'. of the abundance. . HoVv' come they , don't 'hear 3-kw+105oeter 13elieveth of the anCient Prophet.s, and , later the Apekles to pointthis_ • 4 • ho 1 tAb mtphao„ ts ave all of us are potent ia es s age.through f one Or the, ,other or . . - The strange thing about that us?. What must we do to Make .. . the divisions. All—whb , &it to Mankind. , : ' . plant is the More I give away, them listen? Perhaps " one should not-,, perish but everlastinglife-.2-' (KW). ysically _able...s.an hear. .... . Just because the works pf our the better and, healthier it reason they don t , listen is MUSIC is defined as the art- ,-All wh i are physically able can ' hands reflect the scientifie, and , grows. And it needs little' en- because they see no evidence of of combining sounds with a sing.' Some of us not as well as technolOgical age in Which we s. couragement from me:.a bit of love in our actions to others. So....„ -view to beauty of form and others). live in no tray* alters the fact • t now a d, then is all it they doubt wethave anything to expression of ' emotion" Some people sing as part of a : _ ..:.(hgt the '.sarne feeling of selr- '' seems to require. : One small ' share with th00"Theysan't see (Concise Oxford) ... . .. , church congregationor as part . piece inadVertetitlY fell inte,.a our love for God, but they can The definitions • •of .: words, of • the eetioir.. Some ;sing. to " ' S„Ufficieney and inde endance ting and ' t th t .' lread had another. 'See hoW we act towards our however, do not always tell the themselVes as theY go, abotto ' . • - upon God o • repuleive to Whether IPkira of lant growing in .fripods, ol;tr families, those who whole story. A speaker I -was their , daily activities. Still Almostle magic it rooted and may irritate Or incoqwenierice privileged to hear on one, oc_ to the God whochanges not; we °others sing or record and in primitive or modern idolatry,, is now producing. strong, shiny ...us. And they: judge' libw much casion said that dictionaries concert ••ias they' 'bring tho deVotion to a ,.. 9.. - ten Ils 'three. feet -long whieh we lbw God by, our actlong. arry definitions: People carry.' Gospel message in.inusic to . 4sta nd a a Op ntablem our • -dig. 44c,k n ed g e ni en Werv don't 77.14777•47.7477,....1/4 0 drape. themselves* gracefully ' Another reasen theY ' connotations, • , who would listen. nd 'Wye f r Him t . • • th ttention is Ahat S it is ith Gospel Music, - h d f th d nibre . pay u mu a JOIN THE CROWD J.,.1),AWIG PINS . JDA(Don')WigRointe Claire, Quebec, kdicAlyiatp;10, June 23 .in Royalr Victoria Hospital, Montreal, was -55. He was born SO''pternbe'r 30, 1,919 in 9oderktli le John and Edith (Young) Wiggins. He was employed in the. head office of the BAN( of Montreal. „ Surviving ._re his ,‘wife,. the former Monica Brennan; one sdn, John', ' Toronto; one daughter, Mrs. ,Rod (Karen) Fickler, Montreal; and sadly missed by Stephen, Des and, Peter: Funeral " service was Wed- nesday, June 25 in the D.A. Collins Funeral Home, 'Pointe Claire, Quebec. Interment wa§- in "Nlaitland Cemetery„ Goderich, Friday, Jurie 27 with Rev. G.L. Royal officiating. Pallbearers were John Wiggins, Stephen Ryan, Rod ickler G9ri4r,i McManus ' D,Zinalk ason and Arrgild McConnell': McCallum ,,Funeral Horne wasin.e,harge:of -arrangements in Goderich. 1 L.B.'SPANIS.1.1- PANUTS.," FOR ONLY 5' „ (1-.1..b"."Per Fam.ily) Illiben Y,ou. Present Ad Perstinally.At, a • oyle's Factory Outlet .260-T Marin Ave., at Coyle Lane, lillso nburg • Bulk Displays of Fresh.fleasted NutsandCandy SEE US- FOR Ail YOUR RAKING AND PARTY STORE HOURS. Monday to5aturday - 9 a.m. to 5:30 T:hursdarand friday - 9 a.m..to 9 p.m. Children must be accompanied an adult BE A REGULAR BLOOD DONOR _a • m 5 P'"i' SE Pt. 10TH., 8:30 P,M. FILMciutAKE DECORATING" Community Centre,. Ti tisonburg THIS'OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 23, 105' • a ' ^4.11,414.• ••••••• • •,44.• •••,,,./•••••••••• 1, 41••••••,••••••••••;,1•40111,•,• •14.• 10.4.• •41.•-• fa4••„.• #1•71.0.•,44, •7•0••••••40 0.4•4.,• • -0.4 • •A••••• ••.•.01 VA.. • • ••••••••••1,•••••4.7•4a.,••,...,•••••• • • 4142,0 •-••• • • • 4,41•4 • •-••••-• • ..44 • • ANIA. • • "'S.. • •.:47 over,t e e o e jar be.'" expressed a divinely . threatening to take over 'from we_may 1.Se trying to pass. off .The' connotations 4arried, by , prescribed . , the original plant which Was a-. something that's fakes for "the Gospel rnusie are as varied as LeV. Deut. 16:13 i.yoci • called 'Israel ,apart frorn their .4 the Singer and the. :listenerS. rather 'finicky hard -TO -get- ' real thing. We may be trying to . ley dwell iti boothS`iii remem- '' . of John a:16 are, the basic .. na yVvay: . , With ertellesS talk ab6ii.. how tirance ' of - their forefather's • doctrines of Christianity and all L . like Wandering Jew spiritual we are, etc. Personal „wilderness wanderings, : and the joy thatoiheY have came to The more we give-awat,-the Piety is all turned inward:. love more there is to give."We can't is. all turned Putward..- s ' . . being 'Christians collectively • ' weaknesses ' and„ JehoVah'S ,..,. vatt,60,..or, alontyvitl;i piece_ .f.ol.iage_ rep,14 person41 pity for love • 'Sten -ming from the statement , he source: by taking too Love IS real thing:.fit ..„andindividually,'. • ' kill t the much. from it. tihy"bit of it grows and Multiplies. by the Similarly the word .rpusic providences, , -and- --their , SERVICES , • y••••• •••••L,.• '''''' " • 7.7 BEREA—BY—THE—WATER..- }---- i i LUTHERAN CHURCH ) Meeting at -Rebetteciti Memorial Schoot„ ( '. (B lake,, and Eldon Streete&GOderIch) ' t is, SUNDAY, , 4,0-1.-r, 6, 197, a WORSHIP AT l').:00 A.M. ... SERMON "WHAT CAN 1 ' LOSE" \ • i ? Marvio L. 'Barz, Pastor..., ^ ' ' 524-2235 ' . . .., • / ' • "Being justified by faith, wb"have,peabe with GOd:through our ; / Lord Jesus Christ" Reimans 5, 1 - . • f r; . . r f . gr.-....• v....v.,. • •••••• •••••• •••,,•• •-•46,2•16.1.,..• • ...., • fr....••-•••••-..... • ••••••..611•-••,• • ..... r.••••••••••...• 0,14,...•• -••••.lo ••••....1 • ••••••.......111, ; i ••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••• *1n,, •-••• • • •••••• • ••••.• •r••...• 71.4.:..11•••••• 11.-•••• • 11,4.0 • ••••••••••• le...0: •••08 V •••••-••••••••••1 s ....., x FIRST--11AP_T_IST__CHIJRCII will oftenpro.duce amazing bushel just as my Wandering means ! different things to dep'endence upon Him. . This was a joyoes .occasioh , results. s . • ...„-Lt Jew' Plant: AlLsubstitutes .are.• :different .s,penpie, Erom the season -of the. year. , • • .ActS. 3.:19 says, "Repent, ,ye found it are unable to keeP' it. life, -or Warmthor growing . the harvest Maly . people seek love but like the plastic vetsion...nice m are unable to find it or having to look at perhaps but with no, therefore . and' . be converted, Attest tena tolook for love from shoots to Sharp wi t h o h sins may be blotted your out when the times of others rather thain find it within ' refre.,s-hing Shall some from the a LIE -DOWN ON THE JOB? ers ' ' t themselves to- 'share with „WANT TO.KNOW HOW TO 'presents of,the Lord; ' "'Love me first and then twill • ' " HOW fitting the 18th and 19th • . • , centiirY tamp .meeting taking Motto . t---s-eas9.117-a':---E:Flien--Graber,. in beg -boo love you in return, is their. tracting" worshipers for miles, Td.; Live in. LOve,' says the ' scareh for leve -is sa. desperate, antieipatied rriatths in advane•e, '-and miles tot. joyous occasion ame 9f blind man's • bluff!' Not .only did,WOrshiP'erSreceive.r. Each Persorrha'S his own little , _blessing dui'ings, these 'times of, ..bucket,. empty. and -waiting . to be ftd With love hut with' no se, a semeoneelse. . • .• refreshing when: presence of. , Lord was. presence. the therr. • 'evidently. . A But many love f own, to pour out fell. ; 0,•• B.ob.McCAikliJM Reptlisentative' 11 Cambria, Rd., GOderioh E A+ BLOOD DONOR 044345. ,(BaptiO Cohventioh of Ontirio, and Quebec} MONTREAL STREETCnear The Square 1— .'1' REV. W.H, MCWHINNIE F.R.G.S. Organist: Mr. Frank Biiset1 i,i,........-„,,,Z•;',..•••••••••,...••••••••^7,••••••••••‘•,,,t•••••••....0.1,..••7•••••-•••••••••• •••••• ••••-• •-•••• • • -•••••,••••••••• •• • 945 am—Sunday School • Ato 1_ • Knox PresbyterianChurch A.M. AN 7 P M • W11 ORSHIP „CES t THE REV G LOCKHART 'ROYAL, B.A. 'Minister SERMI • • - THE REV RONALD C McCALLUM, Asiistant WILLIAM ,CAMER0f*I. Director of ,Praiiis that iroys together.. , Stayi-together. ' • • 4•••••••••••011 4•••••••• • • ••••• • • ••••• •••••••••••.•• -••••••• • ••••• • ••••••• •••• •,/•••••••••• • W•A•• • gr,,,,•,•••• •••••.,••••4•••0 • • ' • ". • Don t lust wslch us grow Come and help us.grow Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the •PenteColtal Asienitilies Of Canada CORNER- OF ELGIN /U4D. WATERLOO vs: 'REV,. PETEIV.G.,ST. DON, PaitifK, ' 10:00 a.s. Sunday School Ase Free Bus Transportation.You , 11:00 a.m. Mprning,...Sei•vice Reading 7:00 p.m'. Evening • Service .Tues. 8:00 PM. BIBLE STU1)Y AND PRAYER •Friday 7:30 p.m. L.You,thServica • 0. to know God's will is to say, 'n- to,,God.' 0 i* coibe . , • . , . . , L A. 1/••••••••••••••• -•••-••'\••••••011•••••••••••..01•••••••••••••.••••••••1. •••••••••••••••••• • ••.• 0 •••••••-• •••••.• ••••...••••..•' •••••-• • 7,............_.... ,.....1 , You Will be m'ade welcome ••,..•,•••••••••411• -•••L•11,•••••••••••411,44.••••••44.•-•••44••••••• ••••••••-•••-••••••••••••••; "....•-•'4,Th;•:•;••••-••1'..•••••••••••,•••••••••••• •-••..41 •• t :,:i • i• The .Free'Methadist Church, r • , Park. St. at Victoria . Pastor: H.,.14ose Nicholls • 10:00 "aJn. Sunday School • , \ G�rOVn .1111ROK • $ CHAPEL, AUBURN EVIL PREVAIL$ WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING • • maruyi, p m. , 110:-6-a.M. _MORNING.WORSHIP. ' - r ' • .t -t -----T.' 6:30p.m. ..BIBLE STUDY , /.'"/ " l ' ..' ,. ..-Bepart to Serv§' • , • • • t, i, .. Enter to WOrShip , ,' rn I ,...I.1.• •,,,i,.• Ir., • le.h..• .....7111.1 • • ..1•4 • • 1, • ,...,. • ••••••.' • fa.4...•,•••4 • 0.1. • • ".... • 0 ...... ••••••••••,•-•••001-4.A. • 1,444 • ',Aft. • • .4.4 41•1•41 1 i / ..7 ' . "•17 t • • • ...." • • ..... •..-,.........1,11,-.. • *1.4 a ;V.. • ;/....... br.......•,•••• • ...A 4,.......• • .........• 0 ......0,1-41/%••••,....•-- 1,14,12: ''''' • •••••• •04....• •••••• 1,4•00• . . .S'T GEORGE'S CHURCH SE SUNDAY,, JULY 1975 , MORNING"WORSHIP,AT.10:00 .DIVORtE FROM 'DEEDS" (Nursery Facilitiest OpewsesSion.in Sunday School Up to ten years. --Piper:. Bert McCrea:in Refreshments on leant lawri'aiter service. . Anyone needing-bus--transportation.phone 524-9903' Every6ne Welcome ' . • . • .......•••••••••••••-••-•••••••••••,../„.,..!•••.-•1041...1•••••14-- 1 • ••••••••••••.• ir.•••.• •^J. • '1' " • , •-•"'"••••••44. •••••••W/4....••••••,...,-4,••-•1••••11,,;• •••.. ir••••••••1,1•••••••••••••• ,.....41/.1,111r..1.1.01,14;,..1•••••••••••••,- • . ,.. • 1 " EV.ANGELIST1C.-;• FUNDAMENTAL • AEV 13F,IUBACHER, Pastor . ;1O00a.rn BIBLESCHOOL, ..114:00 a.m. -/iAORNItp WCYASH.11:: AND coiyriMU_NION SERVICE. 7430dp:re. • EVENING'SERV10E-4. / t` CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET , .6TH .SURDAY-AFTE,R .TRINITY Com MUni0n " COMrn union and Sermon n(kurlerY) Please Note- ., ^Reethi: -cans, enoCOnaster-0 •••••••••i•.. • • -S., 1,••••••r1.•••••••••••i•.•:•••44 • tb.01. 4 1 ; •••-• • ••• • ••••• ....b....A eta • •••••.. • • .1.4..4.4., • ••••••-•••-• • • 1,4/.. • • "4., • L.., • •••-•••••••40•••••••••••••...‘••••:••.. •••••••••••411..• •••••• er Service time. ‘tkssell, B.A., E,I0,1 - anterf-Joiseph B.. fierdman • 1.0. • Victoria Street United Church b THE PASTOR PREACHES AT BOTH SERVICES 't A ' i t, 1. . • • ) 1. , "THE INDISEENSABLE FAILUR' f i• WED, BPM. PRAyfR MEETING. ./. .t,' 4., 7 -W 7-E---1-..--C-0-M-E-- .Mr,s, l'.'Sniilei:',' oeginitt & Choir Directdr: WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH , _ , • : ----...-----..--....---...........--,,,,,,,„....-......7....—..-..........-----...--------...--...---4-------• ,,,,...................... ••••,. • • ...... • • •••... • •/...... • • •••-• • .4r a • -At, •••••.•• •••. • ••••tb•'44.,••••.....• • 1..••••••/.1.••••.. ••,....••••••K•714., elp ••••• . • North Street .United Church ' '1, t i HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP REV LEONARD WARR SUPPLY MINISTER REV. W.O. ROBINSOV'M.A. ‘11-15. Worship- Service SERMON: • .1. 0.. • • ••••4...• •••.:01*,...•4 •41,+•'.41...4•-•4•14.,••• • • •••• ••••••," ••••••• •• • •••••••• ••,••••••••• • •le•••• • •• t THE SALVATION, ARMY . • ,04-9341 • • I .0i / 18 WATERLOO ST,'S . ./., .. , SUNDAY SCHOOL — 9:4S AM - I. , 'FAMILY' WORSHIP — 11:00 AM. ,, -'t t. 1 • EVANCAELISTIC SERVICE — 7 p.m. '' ,. i .1.• ' WitunAv ,, . 00 phi' ....., - t ""'!"' HomeLeague (ladies) Wod Prayer 81. Bible StUdies.yhurs 7.30 P•li, . / : , , 8, t .60id-ens.., CAPTAIN^(0. HiRBER .;,. CAPtAIN. M. ,MacKiti-ZIE . • . - , ,. ... ./ . -:-..,, • ..- . -All:Arordially invited'.10 Attagd''4; - ' 1:Z .4;1"'"'''''''';''. '''''':**"":-.....****"•'' '...."..1....4....: : 4.. . • -....:2• • .....0 E44. • v.v. • 0,4 •414, • .• 44. • ••••A• 10.4.4 IP,. tit••••0•*••••7•••••1•••••401 * •••• • I , , I • , , The Rev," Ralph E. King".B.A., B.13-0. Minister miss, Clare, M'CG0Wan - Visiting Assistant. - Mr. Lorne H. Dotterer • Director Of Mustc Sunday School for ages 310 9.frott Worship at 10;00 ani. -:SUN,DAY, JULY 6, '191 GUEST SPEAKER: EV. DONALD BECK, HENSALL Soloisi Mrs. Lee McCallum Nursery facilities Come and Worship vioth Us: •'• ,