HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-07-03, Page 6PAS.irE,.C'pDE,X CH SIGNAL-S.,TAR, THURSDAY, JU•LY,,3: N1975
The open house at the Herne the program• Mrs. Shapton who ladies on behalf of eve"ryone;
during- Senior Citizens' Week. was 99 on .Tune 5. had the honor The residents enjoyed an
•wasquite successful with 353 , of,-. being the eldest celebrant " :tho& of •.organ' "-melodies, on
seniors registering. Many with Mrs, Ryan' who was • Thursday ,afternoon played, by
thanks .•�'to, the Hyrolnview' second eldest at 98 thanked the (EdStiles of Goderichl w •
Auxiliary members -who -were_ _.
for registration . ,
res,olnslb.le. the _ ori •
who helped
and to all those
during the week in several'
ways.' Several, of the visitors
Fumous mrevue
tdok advantage of the occasion
to " have a' meal with their
--friends and also join in or take
part in the programs:
Fifty-four df the Seai;Qrth
._'•Happy Citizens_Club had dinner
at ,the Home on Saturday and
sponsored the -,afternoon
games. there,were 20 tables of.k Mad Dogs and Englishmen.
euchre' With prizes for the The, humorous- commentary
Wiest lady playing, Mrs. Ryan, looks ,at Sir- Noel's views on
•1 93; the _ eldest • gentleman, love, marriage _and other-
William Smith,, 92; lone ,,hand strange phenomenon.
-•; prizes. wer'Qawon'byMrs. "Els"i0 Patty. Gail, a well-known
Henderson and RodgerGi4bert;• actress to the .Playhouse
high score prize winners were audiences, appears again• this
Mrs. Margaret 'Poster and Roy . season, She has been seen in ''The Famous Jury Trials"'
„ Maize; low, Mrs/ Ryan and before in "I do I' do." She has --and "The Powers of Darkness"
-Nor.manJones. ' also, appeared in "South onCBC TV.' -
YThe' Clinton Christian • Pacific'"{ and "Bells are The new theatre '• housed -..
Reformed Church held their \ Ringing." In Toronto she has delighted audiences last week.
regular Sunday evening song 'appeared with the Smiie .min its spacious quarters. Brad
service led by Dick Roorda.;-, Cbinpany.and'as a guest singer. Faber; wood , sculptor, ' has
" Mrs. Elsie Henderson played • ompson Show .works on display in' The
the piano for, ,Monday �' af- and What's New Gran r and 'the... Woman's
on the -Russ Th
ternoons musical program and Peter J. McConnell returns -_ .Guild - Boutique is.. 'in full[
'accompanied •igie Huronview as well ..to the Playhouse. His " operation The fourth season is
Rhythm, Band. The . Clinton • stage appearances .scan the -• off to a good start in --its new
rChristian Reformed volunteers 'whole of Canada, performing in ' Barn.Theatre.
and Mrs. Hulley -assisted with —
activities., , •
The Goderich •L, aketown
Band provided tic concertont'ie"
lawn .op Family Night which
was greatly appreciated by the,
'residents, The weather ' was,
ideal for the 'occasion and those j.
,Y.,,.,.,,.,, r.,w1 o were not- able tom tir-i, ,
• Th :.,.,.rain 'kept"_Sortre of the- 'I' eer,Sunset Golf Club is going -
program at the windows on the men away on men's night. The,- 4.6:'',h,s4,11he Maitland Ladiesrto,a
- """ west side of the. building. Mrs.'
winners , :were, Bob,.'..Cous•ins, return int,er.club,on Wednesday.
DonyStewart. is leader of the -3_- Ralph `"Kingswell, Bob July 9 at 1:00 p.m: –•
. member band a and is doing McDougaj John: Kane, Disk.. The Maitland Ladies Trophy
. excellent work.
!<.":',,•.; `The ' Hurondale . Women's
Institute "were -hosts -for the
wJune birthday party. The:, ),9
• Celebrants",rete'I'ved; gifts from
the : ladies , following .- •the
program of readings; vocal
solos,r,piar o,anStrumentals -and
a sing -a -long:
Mrs. ,McF,alls' was 'emcee -1°r
' the afternoon, with Mrs. Oke •
aid I1liss Brodie assisting with, ;dp e '"' � '
•,+'vY} "fI.0 Hi" _ � ` x> �-J';' ^ .�. �.e.", ;.:•-,,. 4u '{:.N ,y . %.,lh'�ty.r�- rr. ,rt 4.� .ri •�Y'rw ° ...'4� r�St i -L+ •fi.•
Now Avaitaaible On
..Any,Whemin Ohtario
"Oh . 'Coward,' a musical "The, Knack" in Montreal,
tribute to the master of .wit ,and "The Fantastick" in Edrripnton
song, Noel , Coward, begins and. Death of..,a Salesman in
Wednesday - July 2nd at the Toronto. Itis TV appearances
Huron Country Playhouse. In include "The Wayne and
revue form, it contains some of Shuster 'Comedy -'Hour" and
his ,best -loved songs. such as "Police Surg e ,..d,:,, - •, .
A -new-comer tb •the
Playhouse As John Davies, a
seasoned performer..; he ha s - -
appeared at the Dell Tavern in
"You , Blow -Yours-I':1'1 Blow
Mine''- and in "King Oedipus"
and "Henr-y IV:" He was seen 0
Worgap Paul Johnson,' Harvey is, being 'played on Saturday,
Monro ' , .., r • •.J•uly 5 .at 1,0. m •
The mens interclub.. Was held Ladies 'night Wai"not too�well
'eW&Ikerton on Sunday, June 'attended as ,many' were °out oMf
town ~,playing. • The winners
Nine 'ladies'' travelled ••-to were - Marie Huff; Ardithe
Listowel: on Tuesday June 24, to. r"•Bresette and Marg Evans.
play in their tournement. Doris,. , Maitland members are
Paquette won r third, low gross.r ,rninded to'get,,their names to
The other eight enjoyed the fine . the Hanlys •for the Air Canada
weather, and the well . , kept ° Scotch' two ball! ' .- . -, �'
Two smiling faces ready tomeet and greet tourists at the Goderich Tourist Information booth
at the Five Points are Marie Cumtaings' (left) and Debbie Hamilton (right). Also working there
this summer are Judy Langridge and Carol Oke, > 4
information d
bright, cheesy smiles
-- isitorsio_Huron_C_oun.ty wiIL
disoover that their best bet to ••
find information about the area
is the, Goderich - Tourist • •
Information booth of the five -
points' ' .,,,
Debbie Hamilton, daughter
of -Gerald and Jayee-Hamilton,
is Working there fu -ll -tune along
with '"Judy Langridge, and
Marie;.' Cummings and,,,..Carol.,
Oke''whii\work thee part-time..
"" Dtebbie's job',entaii1s handing
out parnphlets,, selling
souvenirs, telling ,people about`
the loca tourist attractions and
answering qi, estions about ,.,, ,A .
• Huron County _ _ WC O
"-She worked • there last year, - - SERVICE
t lot of
You get to mee a
people.' Her job- this summer goes-
hand in hand with what she
wants to do later in life: In.
September•, she starts a. travel
so in her second year she knows• • would like to call you,. tenth", .
the 'routine quite ,well: During "housewarming gifts" an in -
the week. it is sometimes slog
t location. The 'Hostess Will 'be
"But on the:weekends it gets glad to arrange your 'subscrip-
rea'ily nice and'busy." ' • tion to ,the Signa)+stir
• formation about your. new
Still, she enjoys ' her her at' 514-7!154'
? yiNN i,•
counselling course at Sheridan
College ,+. in , Brampton. ' _ She--
wouldultimately like to have a
job in the toUrist industry:
If you need anSf•infprmatiorr
about the area; • want- '•a
zsouvenir, or just stop try to look
in, Debbie arid 'tier friends will '
be there twelve hours a day;l`d,
greet you with,a smile.
will be
/ «
Interim Financing Farr New Construction &land
Development -
For- Representatives In Your Area ,. •
610)„ 744-6535 Collect
Head Office - 54 -Weber St. E. Kitchener, Ont.
--We Buy 'Existing Mortgages for instant. Cash---
What's clean, quit,
and economical?
Electric Tractors
No exhaust. Nos fu,fnes. No engine vibration; No•
hat No
Idea po rn,Cs �-...4-rtbutors•, gast<ets.''With
ctor, you only get clean,
quiet, low-cost operation, - •• •
There are -35 accessories available that mSre this
tractor a- big timesaver. 'Come in anO take a IOok.
The electric tractor backed byce endable
Ge,,org e raith
Farm Implements /
.Your `Neiv: ,Idea's. Dealer ,
.RR 2., GQD'E.RICf•t'. 5 24c.735
Rex and Irene. Duckworth welcome to •
Goderich and vicinity 'James Greed
` and 'Peter Parent and -as-• of June 25,
1975, a re_the owners ,for Ford & Mer-
curt'° Dealershyp tender the name --of;
�, rr . , ..... ...., ..
Green ° Parent Ford •Mere Jr Sales "
Limited: With many-, years .;of ex-
perience in, this field, they ,are well
qualified to•serve your needs. We•thank ,
all • .for being) part of making our
business'. a success and will continue
4ur bus operation from the east'portion
---Pf the sameJo.ca,tion� '
aind Peter Pwent
Petery _Parent, lis _formerly- ....-•
- from Hanover,where •he was a
- member of the ''Kinsmen:. ,,
'-: -He- ; ,is married-, '-his- • wife's
name is -peanor and be has one -
son Bruce, 5, years old.
James Green, is fcfrmerly of
'Catharines. He' ,yis-°m•arried, ,
his wife's name is Patricia. -He
has two daughter. s, Tricia, . I-
' • and Jeannette, -,8. - Hi`s° • son
Gregory is 5Y vears' old.,•
�mmrHi• .
Walnut 1 Canjbitilge'Sts;