HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-06-26, Page 23• 414 11„ 11. TENDERS 11. TENDERS . 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 1 S. PUBLIC NOTICE 4 Public Works Travaux publics Canada Canada INVITATION TO TENDER SKELTON, APPLIM\ICES SEA1LED TENDERS for the projects or services listeil belOw, addressed to ,the Head, Tenders, Contracts and Ad-„ mi istrative Services, Public Works Canada, Ontario Re n, 457 Richmond Street, P.O. Box 668;London, Ontario, N6 Y4 and endorsed wipt the project Name and Number, will e received until 11:00 A.M. on the specified closing date. Ten r documents can be seen or obtained through the office,: of t Head, Tenders, Contracts, and Administrative Ser- vice Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, 457 Richmond PROJECTS 642408 - Exterior Repairs, Post Office, MILDMAY, Ontario. CLOSING DATE: 11:00 A:M. E.D.S.T. Wednesday, July 16, ,, 1975. dir INSTRUCTIONS ,Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. ACE Y RADIO.4 "TV FLEETW000., ;Sales & Service I Reoairs to all UPHOLSTERING Modern, Antique 'Restyling, Rebuilding CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE , - makes of 60 PICTON ST. W. FRANK WILCOX-524-777I 14. NOTICE 'TO'CREDITORS, GODERICH GARDEN, CLUB Spring Flower Show SAT., JUNE 28 NORTH STREET UNITED CHURCH HALt:.. Full list of entries in last week's paper. , ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE AT It.W. BELL, OPTOMETRIST -1- Entrants must be paid members. -I- Membership fee of 51.50 may be paid on.entry. + All entries mustpe.in place • 23. ENGAGEMENTS " '26. CARD OF THANKS 'Mai. and Mrs. Rolland Duc.harme, M¢tcltDAM: The family pf the Magog, Quebec'. are pleased to late Neil A. MacAdarn wish• -to ' announce the forthcoming thank. friends, neighbors and marriage of Neil- . daughter, relatives for kindness shown Danielle, to Mr. William H. them during their ' recent White, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. bereavement. Special thanks to (Kip) White, Godqich,'Ontario.- Dr. Thompson, staff Alexandra The wedding to take place on July 'Hospital. Dr. Sharpe, University 5, 1975, in Magog, Quebec. -26x Hospital, London. -26x Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Good wish to annotin0 the engagement of their eldest daughter Shirley May to David Kersley Harris son of My.,and Mrs, 'William Harris, RR 1, Welland. Marriage .to take place Saturday July 12, 1975 at '3 o'clock„ at Victoria St. Chur- 26. CARD OF THANKS THIS WEEK'S Attention Formats 524-2708 To be considered each tender.must be sublpitted on forms supplied by the Department and must be accompanied by the ,security specified in the, tender,documents., ' The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepttft A.F. Jackson, Head, Tenders, Contracts and Administrative Services, I,ondon, Ontario. GENERAL ROOFING 12. AUCTION SALE Western Canada Schoor? of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's,first, and the only completety Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade 'Schools Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, C. 366. For particulars of the next course write: Box' 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE ' Reasonable Rates Goderich Phone 521-8391 AND Housk • PAINTING FCR FREE ESTIMATES' "PHONE MARK DAUPHIN In the Estate cef Jessie Ross Love., All persons having claims against the Estate of Jessie Ross Lqve, late of the Town of •Goderich in the County of Huron, Retired School Teacher, deceased, who died on the 13th day of May, 1975, are hereby mitified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of July, 1975, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard onkx to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this llth day of June, 1975. . Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor for the executor. 25,26,27 16. PERSONAL • of,. RR 2, Bayfield, Ontario, will not be responsible for any depts, other than contracted by me personally, after June 26, U have marriage or,•family 1341,e s? The Ministry of Com- & Social Services offers help' in the form of marriage and family* counselting either in your home or in the 'Wingham Office, 199 josephine Street, -For appointment, wisioniniiimmob HOFFMEYER Auction Sale. July 5 TRI -TOWN . BOOKKEEpING Income Tax Returns °- „ Business - Farm - Individual LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 PEGGY CUNNINGHAM ,-229 James St. Clinton phone. 482-7988 Plumbing &Heating Ltd. • .APPLIANCES 55 KiNitiS, TON ST. washers, dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, rangis GAS Ra-nges, 'barbecues, lights, rarities ALL persons having claims against the Estate of GTRVIN SMITH YOUNG, Retired Par - mer, late dr the Township of Tuckeysmith, in the County Of Huron, who died on or about the 23rd day of May; 1975, are required to file the samewith full - particulars with the undersigned by the 19th day of July, 1975, as' after Ahat "date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, , this 19th day of June, 1975. 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors yor the Estate WNW LOST - ten month old male Irish Setter (red), answers tP name of Rusty, tatto'o AMXF35, located 'On inside of right ear.- Please call 20. TO GIVE AWAY ANDERSON: A very special thankyou to each and everyene. from Dunganqon and area for the their contribution towaA the beautiful wedding gift which we received. Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciatcd. Barry and D9nna Anderson. -26 . Winners CLUB NO. 4 MISS MAjORIE TAYLOR A- FOR SALE TRACTORS: M.F. 1150, M.F. 1105. N.H.. 1880 Forage Harvester, Blovyer complete with pipes, Gehl ,combine. 'Call 529-7561. after 6 , p.m. All in good repair. -26,27; APPROXIMATELY 15 acre& 'Of standing hay, halfwAy between 9, ° Bayfield and Goderich, on High - 'way 21. Reasonable. Phone 482- 3120.-26 AR. SHACKLETON: I wish to thank the aurses and student hurses on first floor and -the clearitng giris and Dr. Walker for their kjndness in Alexandra Marine and_General Hospital. A special thanks to the kitchen staff of poderich Psychiatric hospital, friends and relatives kw their acts of .kind- ness shown to me during my illness. Special thanks to Rev. . kindnesses were greatly ap predated. Carol Shackleton. -26 140,M wanted for Persian kit- tens. „ Phone 524-7928 after 4 21. BIRTHS McINTYRE: Many' thanks to 'each ' and, everyone ',v,vho sent cards, fs1owers and,'„visited me Hosp.ital. Special thanks to pr. Thompson, Dr. Walker, Dr. Flowers, nurses 'and staff 1st floor :we,st.—James CLUB NO. 5 11/415, DONNA HITCHCOCK 8N FORD. TRACTOR, with some equipment: small Oliver; Clea - track crawler. 'Phone 524- . THREE-YEAR-OLD Pinto mare, registered, with , sad,dle. Call kianne at 482-7428;1-26. . You eon be next ,Notbingjto bay Nothing to lose Enquire today N. T. ORMANDT • DIAMOND SPECIALIST 'FOR -FAST RESULTS USE ,CLASSIFIED$ 524-8331 II- CUSTOM WORK Cusvm Swathing and con- .' ditioning for hay. Contact J. Hayes 524-2092.-26,27 19. BUSINESS OPPORMITIES 19. ,BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES To be tild'at the B.P. Service Station' beside the L.C.B.O. on Hurbn Road. Harold Lamb Full list in next week's paper. -...1-3.°SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR INSTRUCTION on ac- cordion,_ piano, organ or gu4r, phone. 529-2711. (Instruments SEPTIC TANKS CLEANEV! ' Modern equipment, work' guaranteed. Write Or. phohe H.T. Dple, Clinton. Phone 482-3320 or 'AVESTROUGHING;' roofing, Varn 'painting and gener'al.ton- Jimh Bolger, 482-9202. Call bet-. CANADIAN Crane lInntal located in t; Wingham. Hydraulic cranes phone 3721.-23,24,25,26 WATERLOO'S Oldest firm afters ' all-around mortgage service. No rejection bedause of impaired credit';'k refinancing a specialty; 6030'.,'(bal.1 collect from out -of - now For N 10 is< ['GAGES First and commercial confidential seryice. specialty. HANNAH FINANCIAL VACUUM CLEANERS BOB PECK FISHER Itome Cottage Repair and Maintenance — CHIMNEY.— ROOFING — POOL SE RVCE. 524-244• 5 - Painting Carpentry Work Rootibg )11 Phone Jilt McIver • FOR HIRE ANY JOB, ANY:SIZE Phone 524 2744 , Haulage place t9 place, in the•Goderich area. Lbads from '12 ton to 8 Jon in our flat bed truck. Carpentry Work . Home Renovating' Furniture Repairs & Refinishing - (30 Years Experience) (No Job Too Small) , 524-259,1 or 524-9386 Or, or after.6 p.m. YOUR FURNITURE • AND CARPETS DESERVE THE Haire Carpet Care ci..!;titsM with Steam Call PAVING • CONTRACTORS t- Asphalt paving and grading. -Asphalt sealing, resurfacing and repairing, residential and commercial, also all kinds of excavating, .backfiliing and gravel sumilies. Protect your investment wi4h our two-year warrantY and long established experience.' For free eStimates call .191-4823. FOR YOUR Carpet and . - s.Cleining Needs T, • Now Offers STEAM or DRY SHAMPOO For Free Estimate Call , 524-8892 257 Warren St., Goderi.c,h Sid Bruinsina '',FOR ALL YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS . BACKHOE . BULLDOZING. SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS 1., BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS \ SEWERS - FREE ESTIMATES • GOderich 5244668 ,tWE, INVITE engmed couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about dur shower arid • 'Bridal Registry Priving FOR ALL ASPHALT WORK .-PARKING LOTS -REPAIRS CONTACT „ " Jack's texaco And Autom'atic Car Wash „ 394 Huron Rd., GOD.ERICH 1 We Buy ° Scrap Metals- ' A)Id Cars BATTERIES • after 5 Or. or Weekends, t • Township of 'CHANGE OF DATE OFFICIAL. OPENING Notice to Ratepayer's WHYARD: Mr and Mrs. A C. Whyard of Poet Stanley, Ontario, would like to announce, with, pleasure, the birth, of grandchild "James.Albert Michaer: to me.. and Mrs. Jim,Whyard sof London at St. 'Jpseph's Hospital efi June STRAUGHAN: At North ?"'llay Hospital', North Bay, Ontario, to David and Kip Straughan, Trout Cree,k, Ontario, on June 4, 1975, a ZOETHOUT: "At" Guel General Hospital, G,Uelph, tario, on Mrs. Ray Zoethout Inee Mary daughter, Suzanne. ,• 11.1111111111111111111146, McDOUGALL.:. At Sudbury General Hospital, on June 22, 1975, to Allan and Laura Mc- Trougall, a daughter, Angie Gail. A "granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. ,.A<enneth McDougall, Auburn, Ontario. -26, CA1RNCROSS: At Alexandra Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Lee daughter June 21, '1975, Lisaer KURAN: At Alexandra Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Will Kuran, RR 6, - The Cowicil of 'the Township of r, Goderich, a son, June 23, 1975, East Wawanosh wi9tes.to inform Gregory William. you that the Official Opening of the "East Wawanosh Public Works Garage" has been re- scheduled for WeAr.,,,,July 30, 1975, at 9 p.m. Dance arnd Lunch to follow. JE'SSUP: Stan and Mary Lou (nee O'Dwyer) are pleased 'to announce the arrival of their,first child, a son, Daane David, on June 17, 1975, at Alexandra Winona Thompson -Marine and General Clerk surissismailsomossammis DR. JAMES. L..HOLLIN—GV4ORTH General PractiiiOner Will CommenCe Practice On %Friday, July 4th, 1975 GODERICH MEDICAL CENTRE 181,Cambria Road North Goderich, Ontario Telephone 524-9511 Dr. Hollingworth is replacing Dr. A. V. Jones • ATTENTION BOATER We have been asked by Domtar Chemicals Ltd'. that all '„ boats, trailers, cradles, equipment, etc., be removed•from - Boaters are asked to" comply at their earliest con‘Venience. After June 30th, the above mentioned will be removed and stored at the owners' expense. • N. Peters, Chairman, Harbour Committee, Town of Goderich kk • Orr Restaurant 8t Service Station latEASE • *WELL ESTABLISHEO AVAILABLE Located 1 mile north of Goderich on Hwy, No. 21. , C.E. CAVANAUGH, 170 Warren St. ooderich. CUSTOM hay cutting and swilthing. Phone 524-8057.-26,27 Improved mail service new aim Improved mail Service for the residents of Clinton and Goderich is the aim of a new system of JiighWay delivery to the two towns -from the district distribution centre at- London . Post Office, , the post offite In effect on a temporary basis for about a month, the 'system has • now 'been established as post office •,.truck containing mail' for Clinton and Goderich left London .at I..a.m. 'This early 'start meant that mail,posted in London would get 'next' day delivery but mail coming into London -after midnight fOr, forWarding to the Clinton area 4ould not go Out until the next morning. The 1 a.m. trUck remains, in operation but a second service has been added. A•*°truck, - leaving London at 7 am, -goes first taStratf9rd and then on to 'Clinton and Goderich com- pleting its run in mid- afternoon. This allovvs time for sorting into lock boxes for -pickup abbut 4pm. In effect, the two towns are getting two deliveiles per day and . next , day service from most points in Canada, ParnsWiirth has already ,ex- , presSed his pleasure With the 43' improved service he'is able to Don't let them bother yOu we have the solution stop in at the, 41 -Economy Car Centre Act now while there's still a good selection of 75's available. stS 'STRICKLAND Automobiles American Motor's 334-,e6 ItURON RD., GODERICH Toyota HURON. VVILL BE AT TOW,N HALL GODERIC\H .ON SAT. JUNE 2.8 This is an excellent op- Goderich and'clistrict to Meet. with Mr. Riddell to discuss any constituency probleTs they may have.