HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-06-26, Page 18�• Ma. - MR, AND MRS. J.E. McCORMACK Married in London • St. Timothy's Anglican Church in. ' London was the scene of a double -ring wedding ceremony May 31 when James E. McCorr'nack, London, took Brigitte Schlichting, London, as his bride. The Rev. Bob Burch conducted the service. The ,bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schlichting, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. George A. McCormack, London; are the parents of the groorn., For! 'her wedding, the bride ...�...,e:.arl.iator.�':erg. •er �ath'r: floor -length gown with a. hood and trimmed with` ey,e1et embroidery. She carried a lace covered Bible with yellow, roses. -".. Matron of honor was Cathy Marr, sister of the groom, St. Thomas. She chose a yellow polyester A-line go'vn with flowered ruffles and a jacket. She wore a matching hat and' carried a bouquet of daisies. Groomsman was Jim Marr, As costs go up, so do values. And as the replacement cost of your, home rises, so does the Inflation Coverage in a State Farm Homeowners Policy. Bill Barwick 39; Kingston St. Goderich 524-7551 Like a good neighbor, State farm is there, STATE FARM FIRE and Casualty Company Canadian Head Office: Scarborough,Ontario, brother-in:law of the groom, St. Thomas. 'Pete Brouque, Lon- don,'ushered guests. The wedding reception at 221 Ellsworth Ave., London, followed the wedding dinner at Hook's Restaurant, London. Decorations were white and pink carnations and pink candles; The bride's mother wore a powder blue polyester knit floor -length gown with long French sleeves and a white orchid. The groom's mother :s�.l:.e•�---��.a _..;r.i�nox�-length.�.� sleeveless -blue brocade gown with an empire waist and a white orchid: Mir, • ,and Mrs. McCormack ,,are living at 88 Cheyenne St., Apt. 108, London. Prior to her wedding, the bride was feted at a linen shower given by Cathy. Marr, St. Thomas. , It has been brought to–my attention that many , in " Goderich do not realize the scope of the festivities set up for this summer. • So -- besides being hot and dusty July will be a ° very FRIENDLY month, The Centennial '75 Com- mittee has undertaken a huge task in trying' to arrange en- tertainment for our Anniver- sary of the incorporation of the. Town. 125 years old - Goderich has a right to celebrate and celebrate we will; Snme groups have already had teas and dinners and such but there are many more to come in the near future -- like July! July 17, 18 and 19 the Festival of the Arts. in Cour- thouse Park • opens a -fine Creative Arts and Crafts Show with fifty entries to date. We hope some of;-,yol will offer to billet one or two ofihe. Crafts • people for one o1• two nights - no meals -- and I know you won't be sorry as they'are fine people, The Photography show has • .well over one hundred photographers listed; the Summer Art gallery. - another new idea - is assured of 60 paintings to hang, so far, and more expected. Great eh? An old, old Band Organ will play while you relax in the Old" Fashioned Tea 'Garden en- ifirtg' r-oi -beverage. ...a.. "goodie, while you sli ;ff those shoes for a few minutes. - • The Flower Festival, keeping pace with the Anniversary theme "Back to the Good Old Days" • will be held in the County Court • House., This artistic display is one of the . finest in Southwestern Ontario and the Garden Club members 5 Vv ROUND AND AB From Alberta TC SOTA names manager with toarist-experienAe The Board of Directors of the Southwestern , Ontario Travel" Associations are pleased to announce . the appointment of Mr. W. F. Morgan as manager. Spence Cummings, the President of the association outlined Mr. Morgan's background in - tourist development and promotion. Several years ago, he, was active with the Alberta Tourist Council. 'This included" the' administration of a regional travel association similar to the Southwestern ,Ontario Travel As ociation. In 1967 Bill Morgan moved to Stratford as the manager , of the Chamber of Commerce. His duties included tourist promotion and • in- dustrial development. The Flower Basket 56 EAST ST. GODERICH + Funeral Arrangements ;r "0I,IIiill1i iNG ,..:44111111111.,llt► 11411111"m .1 n;o'11644111.1.- 524-21�2 . 1,160001.""'CALL ANYTIME - SUNDAYS Wedding Bouquets + Fresh Cut Flowers + Plants ' - When the Ministry of Industry and Tourism formed 12 travel associations , throughout the province in 1974, Mr. Morgan was the Stratford representative on the Board of Directors of the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association. He has many years experience in association management- and an intimate knowledge of the - c.: epts and objectives of re_ tonal tourist promotion. The Southwestern •-'•Ontario, 'Travel Association covers the eight counties 'of Elgin, Essex, Huron, Kent, Lambron, Mid- dlesex, Oxford, and Perth. The objective of the association is to • ce-ordinate the efforts of all municipalities, community `organizations and the ,private sector, to promote and develop the visitor tT•ade.in ilhe area. Lake of the Woods near the Manitoba border, boasts,14,000 islands and 60,000 miles of shoreline, more than twice around the world. -The tree girted channels among the islands and the islands reflected in the clear blue waters of the Lake of the Woods & HOLIDAYS make for unsurpassed scenic ,. beauty. h ThisWeek Only—; 'Save onour complete line of siding products We 'specialize in- * Solid Vinyl Siding *Aluminum Siding On all Installed Contracts Custom Siding & Building Products Goderich - _ r. - .. Stretford - , Kincardine .- For more information, free sernples7 or estimates, 'phone _ - Strafford collect at 273.0427 or, 271,3020, anytime, 0 .. '1 h.9 , deserve a lot, of credit for their great efforts. " AnO.Zher big item will be the tour of historioal homes organized by the Huron Historical Jail Committee, with the co-operation of the Huron County Branch of Architectural Conservancy. This interesting tour, starts and ends in the large exercise yard at the Historical Jail on July 18 and 19 with a limited number of tours, - so get your tickets right away or you will miss seeing nine wonderful old and beautiful buildings. Tickets at the Jail or Cali'' -9924. The tickets are now available. so the. townspeople should get theirs early thus giving the tour master a chance to get everyone on board. The tourists are. sure to take advantage of the tour so tickets will be kept for them. After the tour refreshments will be served by the Anglican Church Women. Also on July 18, at 9 p.m. the Penduluni players, 'a, very talented group, will present the story of The Great Storm. This takes place in the • large Jail Courtyard. -. - On July 19 and 20 at 10 a°m. Snug Harbour, the Sailing Regatta - a special one for this great year. Saturday -evening the Sailing Club have their dance at the Maitland Golf. Club. Also. Saturday' evening at the arena .la!ill - e 1p. .th_e., art : ?L Arts ' Ball where "Danci. through the Years" - withevery type of costume from down through the years will certainly be great fun. On Friday, July 18 at 7:30 p.m. in Courthouse Park we will have ..the pleasure of hearing the Laketown ' Band, another, fine and talented group. Be "downtown" EARLY ! The exhibitors ' will also get , the chance to enter the fun things or go sketching or shutter clicking this year since the Festival -of Arts Committee, have arranged to have help - available for those who wish. t ,, leave their art* craft for an hour or so. Some fine young ladies will help keep things going and this. will certainly be greatly ap- preciated by the arts people: The entrants - one lady'from - Fullarton, does tore and Dutch paintings or tin and- wooden ware; handcrafted wooden toys come -from Embro Ont. ;qp, pper enamel ware, batiks .etc."from Guelph; petit point jewellery .. from C1arksburg; several craftspeople and artists from Kitchener, Breslau, Wallen- , t>Eein, Shelbourne, and, • Waterloo. ' Others from Torofnto, Scarboro, St. Catharines, • Dundas, Hamilton, with bestselling. paperbacks, . " rMARTHA Guelph, , London, Bothwell, Mitchell, Clifford, Exeter and an artist from as far away as Kingston, already' have their entries in. • These people are all great craftsmen and appreciate, the beautiful little towns like Goderich, so we in turn want them to know, we in Goderich appreciate the fact that some of them have taken time off from their jobs or places of business • to come here and join us in this big event. ' I'm. sure if you could meet some of these fine people you would appreciate their great talent. They are all very, friendly people - so®we also need to show that we are also' friendly - altho' sometimes I wonder., Luckily Goderich • can brag about being the friendliest from the prettiest Port of Goderich, so the few who have the miseries should just be ignored. So plan a costume for the Arts Ball and get ready for a lot of fun - you're a long time dead - or - you're only young - twice !`i s, Another bright sport this summer will be Sunday, July, 20 about 3 in the ',afternoon at Courthouse' ' Park. The Ministerial Association have "Sunday 'afternoon •4in the Park" planned with lots. of Musie.' Mark this on your Calendar - you won't want to miss it after the lovely ones of Former . resident's .. son .marries • THOMSON —BROWN • Saturday, June 7 was the wedding day of Dr. Robert. James Thomson, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Thomson, Ottawa, formerly of Goderich, and .Linda Dawn Brown, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.,. Donald R. Brown, Ottawa, in St. Matthias Church,ttawa.. Canon Wm. Bedford of Hull; Gatineau and Chelsey and the Rev. Mr. John Baycroft, St. Matthias, conducted the double -ring ceremony. Organist Robert Fleming composed the music for the bride's entrance into church. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an im-5 ported white chiffon gown with a flowing train. The bodice featured a high neckline with long chiffon sleeves and eyelet lace at the waist and cuffs. She wore a matching cathedral veil and carried a trio of American • Beauty roses .and -a white prayer book. The bride's cousin, Miss Barbara Wright of Ottawa was maid of honor in a long quianta nylon gown in a deep rose shade styled with a cowl neckline, blouson waist and long sleeves gathered at the wrists. She carried a trio of lighter shade roses. Groomsman was Rob Hen - wood, Ottawa. ,Ushers were Frank Griffin, Toronto, and teve, ....Brow thebride's Brother ancRobb a Wright,t cousin of the bride,,' both - of Ottal'a. The wedding reception was at the bride's homewhere yellow and white gladioli and -bite mums set • the decor: Tire bride's mother greete her" guests in a Leslie Fay deep lite ;chiffon gown with yellow lid. blue flowered chiffon jacket. She wore a single yellow rose. The groom's mother helected a. flowered georgette gown in shades of'gold and a corsage of three yellow rosebuds and an . orchid. ' For a honeymoon` trip to Albert? and British Columbia, the bride changed to a poncho • length" Dutch blue boucle suit with an Indian silk scarf,,white shoes and lag. and a " white. orchid. . The couple wl reside in Oshawa. Mrs. James- P.t• Tamson of Goderich attended her gran- dson's wedding. Other, out-of- town .guests were present from Calgary, Nova Scotia; Quebec and the cities of Toronto, Kingston, Sault Ste. Marie and St. Catharines. Prior to her marriage, the bride was feted at a trousseau tea at her patents' residence; -a supper party given by the maid Of honor; and a shower hosted by "her ,Queen's University classmates. Thegncerts in Harbor P at tire' Hig'toric old Park House on West St, have had their schedule hanging where, you should see it and remember the fine entertainment for your Sunday evenings. • So you see things are really shaping up. We still need YOUR co-operation tb make it a real success. If you will let your friends .and relatives know that`'Something's. really doing on The Square", it would be great for everyone. Another thing : the quality of the Crafts and art work conning at this time will be super and anyone planning to buy a nice painting or a fine piece • of pottery, - or • sc ilpture, should consider this isthe right time to do it. So, if you are not entering - or participating in sortie way, bring your friends ' along and enjoy a great Arts Festival for three days - with a good Car-' nival the following we'ek,'�which -'will be fun for all: Thank you nice people for the flowers and cards receiyed this Tuesday - my,.birthday. What a nice surprise - seems I've waited years and years for this - and I won't say How many .years. Love, Martha P.S. Check, the., 'corning events . box for more goodies. is .NOTICE " Dominion. •Da .y Garbage Pickup There will be no garbage pickup on Monday, June 3Qth, 1975. , Monday's garbage will be picked up on J,Tuesday, July 1st; Tuesday's garbs a will be picked up on Wednesday; Wed- nesday's garbagcwill be picked up on Thursday; Thursday's and Friday's ga+-bage will be picked up on Friday., J. Harold Walls, Clerk -Treasurer, qvn of Goderich - NOTICE The Goderich Town Council will meet on the following dates during the summer months of July and August: JULY 1 4th, 7:3O.P.M. AUGUST 1 1 th, 7:30- P. ti: J. Harold Walls, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Clerk -Treasurer 57 West Street -In stock to choose from. Order now for earliest possible delivery and -while selection is at its bes,... T'. PRYDE & LIMITED - j AGENT DON DENOMME 66 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8761 Frank McIlwain 200 Gibbons St. 524-9465- 7. THfDEVIL'S DESIRE .4 ;V1 cBa in NO MATTER WHAT YOUR INTERESTS ARE --- WE'RE, SURE TO HAVE A MAGAZINE f -- OR PAPERBACK FOR YOUR 4 " READING9'PLEASURE, Y".. . •_o0(pyc .'t 4':£`.Cy�yy� ..�:'91t%"/`{t?3: THE DEVIL'S' TRIANGLE ° Wirier THE GUINNESS BOOK OF ` ORLp RECORDS McWh'irter 14. THF, SNARE OF THE. HINTER Macinnes 17, THE TURQUOISE MASK - Whitney 18. Au, THE PRRSI•�'t:NT•s'SiP,N Bernstein anti Woodward oy Orad Coppet ned,his novel tor an . NN° Copin. 1913, , i1 tli ��hen`" tion k of fiction'. Sow, O �uglica 1i` e wor ,ton in the the Middle - tmastna se s escalation of terror by -Russian • tint the threatof a e t make Theon- f ,.. and the illi'eombtn masterp; c t (ronta 'East pee, journalism, „Soei:rea 1s n0 Pour somportanttits contents, predictiveuni�ersil}' for Uncleani le s is itsve concluded Undeniable p arrangements an 'translation. in Ger. Moll Finland. its quer.. d• ounce• erica',,and Denmark. a� ark. man}•. South ,gym art. C ppel has, tor the most d Ins knowledge deMaddening tit pp rn t r�nocnl lends' a � ,°mat' p � 24, THE EXEC( HONER 022: H411 tl,!,1%, HFl,tr'ROt�1n ryE� Pbociletob 25, ZEN AND THE ART QF �ir1TOFICI CI.E MAINTENANCE dip' THS OUTER SPACE CONNECTION ,by Allanand"Sally Landsburq movie tie•in, andAillustrated t lth 32 pages of photographs, The Outer Space. kc y. 'Cimnqction,eoncerns itself with cosnftc visitation and inexpprahle life forces, presenting astonishing new proof 'that .wert' rtot,. Ione in the universe. F'pse�natfhgregding' - DO'KS GALORE A DIVISION q PINCHER'S LTD.. 738. Queen $te,39624i5 m