HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-06-26, Page 15, 4,‘,„ , „ „„ • • • , ' ; • 1'; , 04 • .24. 44 4. •1 4 ••• • it• t,„ • 4 .44 • • 44. •44- • i. ' atr- *4 • • zr•-•••„:- ?-• When we were Opening up the' cottage a few weeks back, we mite Upon a robin's,nest built between the window and the boards we had nailed over it for .the winter, We tried hard not to disturb the, mother and her three little nestlings, and in a 4inatter of a week or two, two of the young, birds„ having acquired their feathers„ had stretched their wings and flown out into the world away beyond the confines , of the narrow window sill. But not the third. No; he just sat there like a great lump, either too afraid 'to try - his wings, or plain lazy ... we couldn't tell which. The housecleaning couldn't be held up indefinitely so finally we. decided we had babied him enough' and went ahead with our work. We also thought all our activity might rouse the fellow into some action himself. Not so. While., flailed my cleaning cloth on the inside of the window, my husband pushed the whirring lawn mower Over . the long grass directly beneath the bird's retreat but he, still sat there, shaking in his feathers, head tucked deep down into his neck, eyes closed determined not to move. The next day, my father, who was also a part of the clean-up crew, inadvertently put his hand on the nest as he reached for support while trimming ' some bushes. That did it! The young bird, having finally felt the hand of fate,- AS it were,ith-a- 2 terrified squawk .and falpped into the 'nearest branch. in no tune at all, having discovered his ability to soar above his old .•••!, • Ji • - Ontario flYdr? has constriiCtiQn„ we do, We've they are meriting within the It 'established the best cow,: fantasti9411Y goou record," 4,:11W," Mre Ore011 adds 'At e c • • 40'.••• a0; ru ,•••••••• struction safety record in _the Hydro Is no only concerned keresponsibility to a JV1RS. Mitt:MED THOMAS . • Ivfrq. Mildred (1VIilly I, all, Hydro hits a legal with a kind of arthritis of the soul. The !toting bird thought that he was stuck to the nest; that /It was impossible for him to leave; that .the daggers out there in the unknown. were to formidable to face. Yet, I'm sure, having flow n high above the, nest which had held him so long, he looked down at it with amazement as he compared its drabriess with the beauty he was now free to enjoy in the trees and air, •All of us get bound down by our troubles and disap:. pointments but perhaps vve, tend to' over estimate thetk Like the bird, we need to rise above them and look down at our problems before we can overcome them. Then, 'they rovince. .$144 witl S Own enlp 0Yeea, ut contractoll on /our projects The all time py/ disOling also "those of the' ccontraCtOrs; work safely and in accord with :4 • • ^ 44 2 ,••• " • , . : ' •* ' 1.7 t• ,•""„ • •r•,:at• • ra .'"A• •,* DOPEMPfiPlq116110A, • 4. 4,) injury frequeno rate of 14 and sub -contractors who are, the prOvincial and federal (disab!ing injuries Tr million hired for specific jobs. ' af t 1 ' 1 . ' control the Ontario. • our jobs, Mr. OreensaYs. e there is any question about the Hydr manhours worked) ' dr 1974 is f , . , s e y egis ation: less than half that of the rest of -1we lePutet . We emphas!ze that safety • must be considered, and if the construction industry in work' done by contractors don't hesitate to shut down an _, safety of a work method, an Fred Green, manager of o's Safety Department, operation # we - find =Sale alternative must be found." TF If it's a hazardous' credits a concerted safety:. situation, 'We'll Just say 'stop' "Id Ontario Hydro con- . . consciousness , program with until safe measlires-. are struction, safety ii given top bripging the record down from brought in. - , .. con.sideration on every job," he an all-time high of 40 in each of , - the years 1956, 1957, and 1958. "We hire good contractors ' gays. The record is there to lthough construction staff .has nearly doubled :from the late 50s - we had more than "A and we check up to.Make sure , prove it. 5 often do not so impossible s and we .gain confidence in our ability to deal with them. Perhaps your problem looks very big, but you have a brain • with which to think and pray ,500 at the end of 1974 - the accident frequency has decreased steadily," Mr. Green olunteers given • ays. • - ..- A construction .„safetY corn- truction- managers meets 1B- awards . C . mittee, including all con- . regularly to set policies, review - „ p• and believe. This combination will lift you above any difficulty LI and help you to see that the impossible is possible, Louis Brandeas says, - "most of the things worth doing in this tr(orld, t roblerns and accident, opened the door to reading, iscuss programs and study the music, science, a complete he. whole construction usiness. These men set the eneral methods of safety M proficiency for transcribing received certificates in Three volunteers just education, and. the simple Braille, tom The , Canadian ran om jottings sighted people one for safety, which is National•Institute for the Blind. make a pencil. eflected in the work of the One of these volunteers was . Thomas, • 309 HurOn ,-Roa Goderich, died sulldenly i . 1929 in P#trot• AlfcNigink e Hqward and .May , (13•914ns00).' 9000#40s $proul. He had been a'resideht • . ' of West WaWaneSh ToWnshiP n for the past 43 ,years where he Puner40 •119010,,, farmed 1 • Intermpat was • ” He is survived by his wife, OW- CqMeterYg 1 former Irene McWhinney; two . • • • 1 sisters, Mrs. George '(Ilene) d Sillib and Mrs. Harold (Louise) d, . Cremation Alexandra Marine and Genera Hospital June 21. She was 51, She had lived in Goderich al her life and was born here Apri 5, 1924 to parents Ernest an, Lillian (Barker) Laws. She Wa married to William Arthu Thomas who predeceased he November 19, 1973. For many years she was' member of the Ladie Auxiliary of the Roya Canadian Legion, Branch 109 She was an adherent of Knox Presbyterian Church. She is survive& by One daughter, Mrs. Stewart (Betty) Taylor, Exeter and one son, James. Arthur Thomas, Vanastra; three sisters, Mrs. s McWhinney, both of RR 6 , ✓ Goderich; and two brothers, ✓ Gary and Delmar, both of RR 3 Auburn. • Funeral service was Sunday, June 22 -at McCallum Funeral 1- Home with 'Rev. E.G.0N • Ivy Grenier, London, England; • Mrs. Ruby Barber, Collingtvoogi; and Mrs. Ike (Gloria) Woods, Bowmanville; and three brothers, Ernest (Spiffily), Laws, Goderich; Sidney taws, Brucefield; and WilliamLaws, Owen Souhd. have been declared impossible r before they were done.' Christianity is a religion of H possibilities, For example, we read in Luke: "The things e which -are impossible with -men s are possible with God." If we get with God and tuned, in on w His wave length, nothing is i impossible. If you have a F problem that is defeating you, f ou. can handle s hole construction segment of from the London district — Sister Germaine of ,the Sister "We have a safety officer:On of Saint Joseph, London. very project". Mr. Green To win her award, Siste ays. "They carry on their Germaine took classes in th work right on the site. They talk Braille system at CNIB once, ith new men on the .job and week for several months. Using ndoctrinate them in safety. special typewriters ? designed or example, they... are in- for Braille writing, she coin ormed that hard hats and 'pleted her assignments a afety shoesD.U.g.129-N9FD.-91,..1-diomer-.-At•'ntlie-',:c10§6.-.4if,*-11-etrr-huctio, - Other • course, she wrpte a test that equipment such • as safety required 100 pages in Braille; lasses Must= be worn when 1,300 words, with six 'con-. required." secutive pages error free.°- • A Canadian, Red Cross Sumnier Safety tip: When boating obey all regulations r regarding life-saving equip - e ment, using only equipment a which has been approved by the -Ministry of Transport. Wear an :°approved personal flotation - device. Do not operate your t boat inhe .p op eare....., boat is potentially as dangerous as a car, and replies skillful handling. Yell to us for help: with God's help but you can at least learn to Live with it and; be master of it. g Don't let creeping , paralysis bind you to your trouble like.the nest, he was off and away. bird stuck in his nest. Soar How silly -bird -like some of us .above it; with God's fielp it can re; In .1948 construction ° Sister Germaine joins a corded 20 fatal accidents. By group df 85 Braillists Who last are! We become net -bound be overcome. • zero. In both that year and 1973, -touch type reading system 1,185 972, the figure had4ropped to ' ,year copied from print into the • Falls, in 1678.- Funeral service was Monday, June 23 at Stiles Funeral Home with the Rev. G. Loyal of- ficiating, Interment. was in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were Bill Million, Art Allen, Peter Barnard, George Dawson, Pete Lee and Ab.Wolfe. officiating. elson nterment was in Dungannon Cemetery. Pallbearers were George Sillib, Albert Neville, ' Ron Sproul, Carnfan Pollock, Ralph Matthews and Raymond -}iallahan. N.A. iViacADAM Neil,Adolf MacAdam, RR 2 Gogerich, died Illesday, June. 17 at University Hospital, London following a lengthy illness. He was 79.- - -• He was born January 23, 1896 in Alpina, Michigan, to Joseph and Johana (McDonald) MacAdam. Surviving are his wife, the former Gladys Moore, RR 2 Wingham; two sons, Grant and Donald, R12,3 Wingham; three daughters, Mrs. Marion Kieler , „.„ --s,-13=usselt(Edir4.13ait&andgm —I 7— Mrs. Arnold (Jean) Jeffrey, all GORDON SPROUL of RR 2 Wingham; 21 grand- , children; one brother, Adam of Gordon Sproul, RIR 3 Auburn Goderich d hr , ; an t ee sisters died Friday, June 20 at Clinton Mrs. Kate Oke, M Chr* rs. is Father Louis Hennepin a Public Hospital following a six (1Wargarvt) rownlee of Jesuit priest, was the first Month illness. He was 46. Goderich, and Mrs. Ruth whit He was F b 7W0 MINIIIESPW GM,LTALTHEULNESSA Many people suppose that salve.- walk' in newness ?f life" (Rom. tion is God's reward to those who 6:3,4). '•• do their best to live good lives. This is not's°, for God's' Word says, of those who are saved: • "Who hath saved us, and called with. an holy calling, NOT AC- CORDING TO OUR WORKS, BUT according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began" -(11 Tim. 1:9). . Rferring to this "salvation whiah • is in 'Christ Jesus," St. Paul says: "This is a faithful saying, for if we be dead witt) Him, we shall also live with Him" (II Tim. 2:10,14- In other words: The believer, viewing Calvary aright, has "died with Christ:" Viewing the Cross, he says: "This is not chist's deth. He was no sinner. He had no death to die.' He is dying my death!" And so by faith he. is o'crucified with Christ" (Gal. 220). The penalty for all the believer's sins has been fully paid, for he died -in Christ, and thus has also risen with Christ "to • 4 This is all God's doin and only. now IA the believer ready to do man to see Niagara born e ruary 28, Campbell of Sttdbury. He was there were no fatal accidents. volumes of Braille Or 256 book • -Funs -Get Weil- . -Weddings 524-7865 . .61 CH"JRCH ST. GODERICH Reedy to serve you 7' clays a week 41111.1111111111M. • Last year, just one was titles. Most of them were text •••••••••,.••••••••••••••••■• I .04••,./.01. recorded, when a construction books reqtiested by some 300 • studecourse at the SUN.DrAY SERVICES ,worker was kille&in a highw accident. ay ,h,tt university and F‘ommunity , blind , nts on , The faajiilyt11111711 criterion was one worker killed- R. C. Pure, CNIB Managing • . .• 41,44400' • • , or every million dollars .of Director, welcomed the new Stays together coi nstructon IP he says. "This is Braillists and pointed out that ood, works tht will please God. P0 longer an acceptable level of . there is a desperate heed for BEREABY—THE—W ATER • Thus the apostle adds in II limo- safety. Working' conditions Braille. thy 2: "If we suffer, we shalt also „haveimprovd considerably "Today more than ever, blind; reign with Him: if we deny Him, He also us(Ver2)When and the recent emphasis of persons are holding- positions will deny " the believes service for Christ is government agencies in en- where information is needed reviewed some indeed wilt t'receiv forcing new safety legislation almost on the instant, he said. a reward," but otherswill "sufferAaS helped to ensure safety on- He gave as ekamples blind computer' Prorammers tax loss," though they themselves will the -job. "be saved; yet as by fire" (I Cor. The construction. industry as information officers and 3:14,1.5). whole has ecome more lawyrs. It will be deeply embarrassing, in a that day for unfaithful ,Christians safety consciods and our safety "The new volunteers Will add to face em,pty-handed. the One who reCord -iS even better than the to the supply of Braille almost ....• „ J 'ret, •"*'-`-',..'''''''.-106ii at RObettson Memorial School ' - I ' (Blake and Eldon Streets, Gderich) ' 1. SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 1975 1 • ,' . WORSHIP AT11:00A.M. ' ? e SERMON: "LET DOWN YOUR NETS!" I Marvin I-4 Bar, Pastor • - 524-2235 1 1, "Being -justified by faith, we have aiiii with God through our li i ••--••••r°•••.-...•r•.•••••••.........-,...-..„...............................-........-..........r,,...................-.........-,..-....,.....•- ) • -..................T,...,........-.....•,....•-•:.•,.......-...........•,............1 14 FIRST BAPTISttilURCH • - - t...' (Baptist et:Invention of Ontalo and Quebec) ' it i ' i t Ar' •••t••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••r",1•4•0•"44,7,41:1,71,ti,•?•••••••,,,,,,,* r••••••• !CI C. ) gave His all, -HimSelf, to•savethem.- national one. When you con- as much in demand as print Yet salvation is by grace, thus the d , itself," Mr. Purse said. the amount heavy apostle hastens to collude • his er words: . The new Braillists join the statement in II Timothy.; 'with the A Canadian Red* Cross team as the world Marks the •, '"If we believe not [are unfaith- Summer Safety tip: When ,i5Oth ,annivert sary of ' tlit in- • fun yet He abideth faithful: Hecan- operating a motor' boat, slow. troduction of the tilj not deny Himself" (Ver. 13). down when • making sharp system. Now in . use in more Thusoursrewards as believers de- turns, and when passing rqw than 50 countries across the pend upon our faithfulness,. but our boatS and canoes:.Yell to us for s globe, the Braille, system ) alVain, thank God, on i's! help. COMING • , • .4 • "3‘ 11NNis PASCOE WALT IIUNTLEY 0. GoSr. co*lisT coupi, as Ike • 4th ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY; JUNE 29 8:00' P.M. • Huron Men's Chapel AUBURN 4 • '4,4.:0444 iictl,a ,t,^4‘ • la t°,, GC ;,.E E. .5 ( .1,.,().::;rt54'...1, -'.::-. . .. - alt.! 'I('-'.1: ..0"'•,.1 ',,OSP1. "'-'),%• A,",'.4,'a .• ,•• -.• ,• 14, , . 4, e •-•°: 1,2 .ry 4 . t.,:' ...,',. r • • •••• .) 4,V '11, e • c. • it l'• to r, th•ht, .a, 1.244'' an 4••;);, ;,, l•!--,-,• t," -1,,P t%.° 1,... 4'4o454o4° 1.4- °;'4 1,-' 4 1- 0' . • 4•'tlt°'01,1.10' • 00syslA vo° s°516NGvilttoR . ' • • • ••• Po • •.• c°,• 1,441 •t) • , t‘Ot. • :( • rt. . • • r. ' r r 410C‘11q0', 4, ` • re CV‘St NaY Calvary ' • , 4t4,," „;'". PLAN NOW TO ATTEND • / • • • • t, 0- 4/ Lord' Jesus Christ" Romans 5, 1 MONTREAL STREETthear The Square .4 . ' ' REV. W.H. PAcWHINNIE F.R.G.S. „ Organist:: Mr. Frank Bissett ip.m.m.--.4unday School ' Knox Frlesbyteiian" Church I r , '11 A.M. AND:45 CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES - . . "SPECIAL' MUSIC • 1 t ' • THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A.Minister THE RV. RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant r. Guest Preacher: Rev. G.E. Campbell, London . f / 4 ••••••••••••ir••••••••••••••11,•• ••••••••••••,..16 ••••••••••...••••.4•14•14,•••••••• -•.......••,,..”76.41,••••i.••-• ••••-••-••.• 1 A 'You will be made Welco,fre .......:, i i , i Come ' ' .- ••• .• Don t lust watch us glow Come and h•Ip u• 940w Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal: Asieniblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO SM. • • REV. PETER: G. ST. DON, Pastor • - • Are You Reading The Quotes? 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Free Bus Transportation. . 11:00 a.m.,Morning Service 700 p.m. -Evening Service Tues. 8:00 p.m. BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER Friday 7:30 p.m.-...YOuth'Service V-10' 'The best way to. know God's to say, 'A wily' to God. ,...............••••••••••••.•••,••••••.••••••••••••••••i..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4,•••••••.0,0,••••••-•••.•••••.....,•,...••••••,....... .1.••••••••., ••-•••••4.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1••••••••••••••••••••••"•••••••••••••••••••••,•••••.•••••••••••••,................,..4..........1 • 1 WILOAM M. CAMERON. Director of Praise SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 1975 Di•vine Worship -• The Free Methodist,Church ?? •. Park St.'at Victoria , Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls "BE YE DOERSOF THE WORD" . 10:00 'am- Sunday School (Nursery and Junior congregation) acrament of Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. 4r, T7h:e00S • RISE 1IE CALEETH TREE 41/11' 6:30 p.m. BIBLE.STUDY . • '5Enter to Worshi • 4, Anyone needing bus transportation phone 5249903 •• ? t • 1 a. • Everyone Welcome • ........,•••••.•••••••••.•••••••••••••.•.r-4••••••••••••••••••••••-•••.•••••••i•••••••••••,...,••••••••••••••••••,...••••••Lib•••••.•01.•0,•-••^". 5TH SUND .. .. ,4 •.,:,,' "0.. . : ' .. ? ? AY AFTER TRINITY.,jU 29 . e .........,.........,-....,................-.............-....„,..........„.„.,...................................,...,....4............ 1 t ,., • . „ 8:30 a:m. - Holy Com'inunionr CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH i i • 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and SerMon '' ,(Nursery) . . i I ' :1 BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET , , i i• ''• ' Rector: Canon G.G. Russell, 11.A., B.D. ,, 1., . REV: R.. BRUSACHER. Reiter ' EVANGELISTIC — F r NDAMENTAL ; , Choirmaster-Grganist: Joseph O. Herdman .• i i.......i............................._.:„...............-.........................................................................,,,... 4 10:oo a.m. BIBLE SCHOOL i' 1 t ......•,... 0...4 •••••.... -•...• •••••101.41 ...••-• •.....4 01. 1.1.1...... • ••••••• ....W....4 Var. • 014 ••:••••••••••• ••••-• e•••• 0.6.,, i 1 • 11 a.m. and 7„,:0 p.m. , . GUEST SPEAKER , -tr/ ,HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP .• REV. LEONARD WARR 1. t i Vittorio Street United Church ' REV. ARCHIE BALLANtYNE lo:o0 a.m. Bible schooi for all grades. 6 I CAMBRIDGE0 ONTARIO ” 1 ? ST. p.m. Communion in the Chapel • Depart to serve •17•11•••,••••••,•••••••••••••••••,•••••,..••••1•4111,•.•••••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••!:••••••••&.• ••:,•••••••••••••••••••1•-••••••.........•••••••,•a01•••••••,114,••••••••••••••••••••:•••••,••••••••••• -44 a GEORGE'S CHURCH • rt , • . PP - 11:15 a.m. Worship Service - 4 ,••• WED. 8 P.M. PRAYER MEETING SERMON: 41, HEAR: 14yt•JOHN DEMPSTER LONDON, ONTARIO "TODAy'SCHURCht IN TODAY'S WORLD" WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH ' •••••-41•.•••••E••••••••11.•••••••CL9••••41••••••••6•••••.• • Mrs. J. Snider, Organist & Choir Directer • eft 1.•••••••• ••••••••,..••-•••.•••••-•01••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,.•••••..•,,e91•41,••••-••••••••••••••••••••••10.••••••••••••••••.......0.011 • .0. 0 +a. • •.•••• •"•••• 11,....•-•••• • •••• • • 0-•••• • ••••• •-••• • • ••••• • ••.•••.111,...••••••• • 111.• • .•••.. • • • ••••••-• , r , • ••••••••••••.•-7.7.•;••••••••••••••••••-••••••••••-•••.4 ,...••••••••••..4....m...:••"•••-•...•••••••••••-•....••••••••••••;-•••t:i TillE SALVATION ARM.Y 1 18 WATERLOO ST. 9 ' . -, S24-lr341 1 1 1 . SUNDAY .SC1100L -- 9:45 tM. " 1 F.,AMILY WORSHIP — 11:00 A.M. • EVANGLISTIC SERVICE — 7 .p.m. WEEK6A1 Home League (ladies) Wed., 8:00 PA. • 1 N rth Street United Church The Rev. Ralph E. I4f:oBA.011.,D.,-Minister • Miss. Clare McGowan - Visiting Assistant Mr. Larne 11. Dotterer. Director of Music Sunday School for ages 3 to ? from Worship at :oo a.m. SUNDAY,JUNE.29, 1975 THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION GUEST SPEAKER: REV. MORLEY. G. - Prayer & Bibke Stadia% Thurs. 7:30 p.m. OFFICERS - CAPTAIN -G. HERBER - CAPTAIN M. MacKENZIE CLARKE, LONDON "All Are Cordially invited to Attend" Nurser" facilities • • ••••• • 4‘111•.• ••••••••44...• ••••••••01'44••• • •••••••41,••••4., ••••.„. •••••• • • t ••• • ot., • . •— • ., , 'Come h;,1 Worsiiip with us. - •••••••••••• ••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••.••••••••,..0' ••••••••••••••••44••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,•14.•••••••••••••••••••••414.1.4114.06,64r•%••• 411,44; • . °a. • • „. '",h,r5'..°•'7,°t•',',Jr.0°°°°°.k•••••,f'..t:.-h•°t.f°rr'.•':•°.,4°,4.':,.',:°°% • • • • •