HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-06-26, Page 144
•rY '
This past week we seemed to
reverse the trend of having
tournaments on the weekend
and had them during the week
On Monday night, June 16,
about forty area kinsmen
marked their year's end with a
tournament and steak bar-
becue at the Sunset. Low gross
winner was Stan Connelly and
low net winners were Ray.
Cook, Paul • Baechler, Bob
McDougall, John Sc)rneicher,
Bill Lougheed, Harold'
Wilkinson, Alan Coyne, Al Erb, ' guests are welcomed.
Mike McKeown, John Congratulations ,to Leroy
Dougherty, Robert Baechler Bedour •on receiving his
and Larry Cherrey. diploma after attending a
,,The men .e'arne out in full' training course for the main -
force for Men's Night again this tenance. and repairs of Ran -
week on Tuesday, June 17 and somes Mowers.
we had a first for the season- The weekend was 'humid and
Paul Baechler's hole-in-ohe on muggy but there was still a
number 10. Paul also won low faithful turnout of golfers. On
gross for the night. Sunday, over forty golfers
Congratulations Paul!
The cii'ther winners included:
first flight, Tony Bedard, Leroy •'
Bedour, Brian Reeve and
George Low; Second. flight,
• Donaldson and Jane Kerr,
Grace Sale and Mariettee
Chrisholm, Barb Fisher and
Marj Smith, Blaine • Phillips
and Audrey Lyndon, Jean
Asher and Ronnie Varga; third
flight, Donna Fritzley and Jean
Adams, Johnaine Strickland
and Freida Thompson, Mary
Lynn Telford, and, Fran Profit;
and fourth flight, Ellen-. Con-
nelly and Peggy Cook, Catj;i,ona
Pyke and Dorothy Bogie,.
Tonight after golfing, the ladies
will hays pot luck supper and
YMrs,. i
GRADUATION Meike Hnl ' SteheHoward
p 1
Tony Knoop, Diana - teddy,;Graduation Mass for the Maurice Miltenburg, John
Grade 8tudents of St. Joseph's O'Keefe, Bill Tigert, Bob
schoolatKingstridge was said Tigert; Andrew VanDiepen,
by -the Reverend Father 'Ed John- VanDiepen, Vera
Dentinger, C.R. in the parish VanDiepen, Joanne Vanchurch, Kingsbridge on Friday derheyden, DavidVanOch,
evening, June 20. The banquet Joanne VanOsch,< Julie Vogt,
dinner was served in theParish HelenWisser,
hall bymembers of'the CatholicFIELDDAY
Women's League.
Head table guests were
Monsignor Phalen, Father Ed Winners in the Field Day held
Dentinger, Brother Carl Voll, at Kingsbridge recently were:
MurrayGaunt,MP,P.William senior boys' champion, JohnKinahan, (school trustee) and, O'Keefe; senior girls' cham-
Mrs, Kinahan, Principal Clem pion, Donna Drennan; junior
Steffler and Mrs. Steffler, and boys' champion, Bobby Austin;
Grade 8 teacher Mrs. Maithel junior girls' champion, Rose
Wilson. Marie O'Keefe; intermediate
Guest speaker was Mu. girls' champion, Astid
Gaunt, M.P,P4.- -The Valedic- Plasschaert; intermediattorianwasEricCourtney.. boys' champion, w Brian
Congratulations to John DrennanOKeefe , who won the Winners -in %e Field Day
Citizenship Award which was events at Kingsbdgetoo part
presented by Mrs. Gus- Red- in the Annual Track andeld
mond on behalf of the St, Competitions with IVlount
Augustine and Kingsbridge Carmel onWednesday, June 18.
C;.W.L. The Proficiency Award This event took place atthe
was presentedto Eric Courtney ExeterHigh School.played in our mixed Scotch twd by Pat Osborn, Grand Knight, Congratulations to St.
ball and later satisfied their Knights of Columbus, Joseph's school, Kingsbridge
appetites with a pot luck Goderich. who defeated the Count Carmel
supper. Winners for the day The Ashfield Farm school with total points for
were Greg Hansen and Dianne Organizations Science Award Kingsbridge 268 Mount
was presented.toEric Courtney Carmel 170,DaveWarr, Paul Corriveau, • McGee; Stan' Connellnd b 'Ral h Foster; and the West In these events the junior
Denis Le Bru, Mike Drennan, Jean Asher; PaulBaechlerand y p r BillFritzley, Don Fuller, Tim Mary Lynn Telford; and Stan Wawanosh ScienceAward was girls champion was Rose
O'Brien, and 'Cam MaDonald; Telford and Shirley Baechler. presented to Pat Boyle by Neil,Maie Q Keefe;junior boys'
third flight, WalterSheardn, The nxt mixed Scotch two Stepleton. championship was a tie bet -
Al Erb, George Willianrs,Alc ball will be held on July 5 at 6 The Public speaking award ween Bobby Austin,
MacDonal,' Cliff Kennedy, p. m., It will be followed by a was presented to John O Keefe Kingsbridge and Steve O Neil
Steve Brennan, and Ron barbeuanddance. Everyone byClemSteffler. ofMountCarmel; intermediateQ Pr _ __ irls..-cham ..,. .._etta A . r eta . oatt � . ,. oa� . ds .. bsc� _.._._ n_ ...-_ ,fi. c�I..rat h l s� � -
r tress,Leola Chisholm best i ingsbridge; ' intermediate
There was another tour the C bhouse. July -5 is alsonament at the sunset on the opening date of the Sunset female singerJulie Vogt; best boys championtie between
Wednesday June 18. 'Fifty-four Acres Driving Range. actor, Bill Tigert; best male Eddie VanOsch of Kingsbr.idge
area employees from Huron On Mnday, June 23, the singer, Andrew .VanDiepen; and Johnny Wiendels of Mount
Electric played nine• hole' of Knights of Columbus neld a most entertaining performers, Carmel; senior girIs' 'cham-Pat and Joe Boyle. Presen- pion, Donr.a Drennan,
golf followed; asteak bar- banquet in theSunset lounge tation made by Mrs. Simpson. Kingsbridge; senior boys'
becue. Someothe tlurnament and enjoyed a delicious The Honour Rol P chamion John O'Keefewinnrs 'included Jim Bedardsmorgasborg prepared by Mrs. 1 laque: ,
Bob'. RainesCharles Glean'Miller: .Eric Courtney; Leola ChisholmKingsbridge
Brian Mustard and Ji.m Scott. The advi'de to beginners this Blaise Doherty, Mark Doherty, COMMUNITY NEWS
The'women had a two ball on week is `keepyour head still.'' Ann Drennan, BillTigert,Thursda` Tune 19for Ladies It is said that, nine out of ten JoanneVanOsch. MrstJim Martin is a,,patient
Night. It proved to be lots of golfers tend to move theirhead This plaque was presented to in the `Alexandra Marine and
fur: L` ow gross' the.'rr'glit--fmryv°ardwith th, • , . iiredear
x MaithelWilson. Frank Sullivan ii also a
went Karen •Sturd : and her with itinstea of stayingGrade 8 Graduates arepartner Dave (?I.). Other behind it--thu , dissipating patient in the Alexandra
winners were: first flight, Pat much ofthe force of the blow. Bethany Austin, JefferyAustin, Marine and General HospitalClifford and' Pat Dockstader, That's all for this week. John Paul.Austin, Joe Boyle,' Goderich. He was admitted on
• Joyce Bolton and "Shirley Happy golfing `and, COME Pat Boyle, Leola Chisholm, Sunday; June 15Baechler; second flight, . Fay • ALIVE IN'75! Eric Courtney, BlaiieDoherty, Kindergarten Class and
Mark Doherty, Ann Drennan,
Jim •Foran, Bernie Gerdes, , •(continued on 'page 13)
anisti� guns back
'' rhe` t Vanastra Gun Club's George. -Hamm. of Blyth and
trap shoot was back underway,
• on June 1$ after bein Ashley Gilbert and Art
g -Pained• McDougall of Goderich at 19.
out for the last two weeks. John Bill McNutt and Carl Hefford.of
'Anderson of Kippen turned in a Exeter finished with 16 and Jim
score of 23 to lead' the event, ' East trailed with 14.
'while Lloyd Venner of Hensall
and Jim Sheardown oaf'
Goderich followed with a tie at
Miirray, East and Mery
Batkin of Clinton also turned•in'
�.a tie score oa 20. Harold Smith
of'Seaforth finished With°an 18,
, while last place was split three
ways, between Stew Broadfoot
and J. Caldwell of Brucefield
and Ashley Gilbert of Goderich
at 15.
Jerry Coleman -',of Seaforth.
repeated his last week's per-. '
•, formance" of a perfect 25 hits to:
retain top 'spot at the Club's
June 21 skeet shoot. Allen
Turner of St. ° Mary's moved
into second placg,with 24, while
Harrison Sch ah of Zurich,
Glen Mogk •, of Bornholr,i and
Pat Heenan of Seafgrth tied for
thirci•place with 21. .
Tom Allen of Londesboro and
Mery Batkin shared fourth
place with ' 20 •followed •by
another three-way tie between
.3&= -
HEAD OFF -ICE: Seaforth, Ontario
Mrs. Margaret. Sharp, Sec,. Treas. Phone 527-0400
Established 1 87 6
0 It Only.
Costs. A
.Little To
'_'"l�ls►r��-,f Be Safe
Fire, Extended Coverage, Wind.
storm, Theft, Property Damage;
,r nobility, Etc.
Directors and Adjusters:
Lavern Godkih, RR 1, Walton, Ont;
Robt. Archibald, RR 4,•Seaforth
Ken Carnochan, FIR 4, Seaforth
Ross Leonhardt, RR 1, Bornholm
John Mc Ewing, RR 1, Blyth
Stanley Mcllwain, RR 2, Gbderich
4., Donald McKereber, RR 1, Dublin
Wm. Pepper, Brucefield
J..N, Trewartha, Box 661, Clinton
Agenfs : . , '
James Keys,,RR 1.:Seafo th.. , K,J, Etue, Seaforth
Wm. Leiper, Londesboro Steve J. Murray,,RR 5, Seafo-jh-
Phone 527-1877
523-9390 , •
527-1837, f.,_
A?••• •
p01 iengers
By Wilma Oke •'
Tender's amounting to $29,765
have been awarded for ' the
renovations of the former
Dublin Continuation School and
--the Ursulin Order residence to
provide board' offices for the
Huron -Perth County Roman
Catholic separate school board:"
F, J. Vere, Stratford,
chairman of the building and
maintenanceu committee
reported the renovations were
within the budget allowed
($30,000) at a meeting:'bf the
board in Seaforth Monday
night, •
The tenders are as follows:
electrical --awarded to
Goderich `electric, $5,867;
plumbing --awarded• to
LeBeau's Plumbing, Goderich;
$3,320; carpet --John Bettridge,
Stratford, $4,47'x';' decoratirjg--
Ralph S,+chellenbergeir,
Sebringville, $8,832; terrazzo'
floor --Bernardo Marble,
London, ,,,:$2,774; and
miscellaneous carpentry (time
ands material), will cost about'
82,500 anti -$2,000.
Work will be started in the
school next week and at the
convent early in July as soon as
the Sisters move to Stratford, to
be completed by August23. The
move to the -new- offices is,
expected to be the last week irl,
Three sketch. plans for 'an
addition to St. Patrick's School,;
-Kinkora were presented) by
13rian Carratt of Kyles, Kyles
and GarrAtt.of; a tp.the
board consideration. The plans,
for the addition with the lar,gest1
floor area -5,400 square feet in'!,
an -estimated cost of .$186,000 -
was '.approved ,and will be
forwarded .to the ministry of
education for approval. The
addition will •include a gym-
nasium -auditorium, kitchen,
!Cluj ge and shower rd6ms and
custodian storage area for the
school where 203 pupils at-
tended this year. • .
In an effort to preserve
goodwill, the board will try to
sale a large maple tree on the
property recently purchased
from Simon Stemmler for a
parking 'area at St. Mary's
School, Hessen. The pressure
to save the maple has come
from Mr. and Mrs. Stemmler
and other neighbours who have
offered to allow the roadway -t&
the, parking to be built on their
property to save the beautiful
" old maple in the . proposed •
entranceway; The offer wilkbe
pre ented to lawyer Robert
Wats of Elmira •for a legal'
Opinion on whether the board
should build a driveway on
someone's property.
A Donald Farwell of Kinkora
was named principal of St.
Columban, School, effective
Septeirnl1er 1,
Barz of B Berea-
by-thc-W° er Lutheran Church,
Goderich will be permitted toi
use St. Mary's School,
Goderich, for a vacation bibleV
school August 11-12 provided ;he
arranged for the school to be
cleaned to the condition he
found it on August 11.
Authorizatibn was
given William Innes; Stratford,
school attendance officer • to
attend a seminar in London
from Any 13-18 for attendance
officers and his expenses to be'
paid for tht five-day school as
aCC11-as,-4l :-salar, y...:he old
.have • received if he had
remained at work. . ,
Chairman David Tea en and
t -i
'owaf tl Shantz said they had
visited the grade 7 class, from
St. Michael's School, Stratford;''t.,
while spending'a week at Camp
Bimini and they both,,had high •
praise for Paul Zybura, ' the
teacher and his handling of the
program. In the future it was
suggesiod by .Trustee Ronald
Marey, Stratford, that the
boardmight help meet ex-
penses for such a program
meeti n
cost the students $250 V
they • earned through
is - and '` personal
nts, • -
will 'be one board
in July --on July 2,1.
"Once yotr permit the ;' �illin� of the Y
unborn child, there will e no stopp.in,,.
There will be no age limit,) You are setting
off a chain reaction that/ will eventually.
,make you the victim. I
Your children will kill you because you
permitted the killing of their brothers and
sisters. Your children will kill you becdyse
they will npt.want to• :cpport you in'your
old ago,,;: ,Your children will_ kill you' for
your homes and estates.
.1f a doctor will take money f or,killing the
-innocent in the. womb, he will kill you
with a needle when paid by your children.
This is•the terrible nightmare you are cre-
ating for the future."
- K
A Big Success
Goderich 08, District Pro -Life Group
Fiiday, Jun e 27
7:30 p.m. Musical Variety::,..Show including
soloists, step dancing, singing grodps,
,community singsong,,, pianists, quartette
and much more at Seaforth High ,School
gymnasium. Silver Donation.
Saturday, June 28
7:00 a.ni-10:00 Pancake Breakfast on' Main
. Street:
Y• '
2;00 p.m. Drum Head,,Service at Victoria
Park' arranged by Seaforth Legion- with
,veterans and bands from . across' Zone C1
taking part. -
4:30 - 7:00 p.m. — Chicken Barbecue at- the
Arena. Advance tickets available -• Adults
$3.75; Children $2.00. Catered by the
Foresters of Constance':
7:00 p.m. — Seaforth Old Timers vs
• C•KNX Try Hards' at Optimist Park
7:3 1.p; r . CENTENNIAL ECUMENICAL Worship
Service' featuring JACK BURGHARDT and
Seaforth District High School-,
- 9:30 -. Early bird store sales • , -
- Registration at Centennial i-fead-
quarters,Gouinlock . St. courtesy of "Be•'
,Mobile Hot'ne Sales -
p.m. Centennial Parade
featuring Mlss Canada, KW. Dutchmen,
Marching Band,' York Lions, Steel, Band and
Seaforth District High School Band and also
the `Misst Seaforth' Centennial' competitors
and many floats from' Seaforth .and area.
Parade commences at Van .Egmond home
along Main Street to Duke .St. then to Chalk
St. to S.D.H.S. , ,
p.m.. -- 6•:00 — Visit ,–the Hospitality
Centre at. the Arena — meet old friends and
make new ones. • ' •
— Entertainment .by. the York . Lions -
Steel Band after the parade. 4
p.,m. -tidal Opening `ate the ,Fair
ground.• :
p.rn. J dging . of ' Miss Seaforth
Centennial at S.D:H.S. gymnaslum, .
--- 7:00 = Centennial Smorga$bord,, Arena
Hall.. Tickets $3.?5,.Children ,$2.00 at the
6:00 — Centennial ' Banquet
Tickets .$8. 00/ person,
'Cha.rlie Farquarson'.
9:30 p.m. — Young People's
,Entertainment by '
Tickets $1 00 at the door
of „the Legion,
Guest Speaker -
Dance at Legion
Disc Jockey
Sunday, June 29
11:00 a.m. 'Attend the Church of.your choice
1:00 p:m. — Car Rally, "beginning at ,the" High
School parking lot., Three Classes:. Mens,
Womens, ,Mixed. Registration Fee:$3/ car
2:00 p.m. — Children's games and races also.
Penny Carnival at theH'I•gh School. Bring
your pennies and - enter games, aces and
horror house•and much more.. Refreshments
and prizes galore.
Monday, June 30.,
7109, a.m. — Pancake Breakfast on Main ttreet
7;30 - 9:30 -- Early Bird `Store sales.
6:00 p.m. —.Visit the Main St. Mall
• Sidewalk Sales.
-,. 10:00 a.nt. Seaforth Centennial -Mosquito
• Soccer' Tournament — Seaforth District
, High School. 144 participants in a tearls.-.•
`11:00 a.m.' — Judging 'oft Best Costumes on
Main Street. f, .,
1:00 ' . 2:30 p:.m. ^— Reunion— Seaforth ,Public
School =- St.. games Separate °School
2:30 - 3:30 High School Reunion
9:00 p.m,
Hank Snow and ,
TIIe Rainbow Ranchboys
featuring Rosemary Atkins
• ® „Tickets available at the door
Seaforth Community Centre'
9:00 a.m. — Men!s Ball Tournament at
Optimist Park T
• 10:00 a.m. — Golf Tournament at Seaforth Goff
1:00 p.m'; — Tractor Pull at Fair Grounds.
*Hospitality Centre yvill be open..
Entertainment by.0T11e';Crippled Ducks.
.,, 1:00 p.m. — Antique' Cars and Machinery
Parade from the Van Egmond House to
9:00 p.m. — Dance to the Carlton Sh•owband
Seaforth Community Centre
Advance Tickets ayailable $8/ Couple
Tickets available at thedoor,
BU, ' your 1200 Club Tickets °
Make Seaforth your holiday week end fun centre