HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-8-9, Page 81ore vItiol• a
, A boy seventeen, yeere of age, rid
e 141,0,A
T0t1 11. weighing 500 patinae died, in Daytors O.
t N 8.3SCItAnG. 00M- laet
Pe NY, ef Tovontor alao for the
KKK gssitneeteetal COMPANZ. of Lou me 404).11, Campoell, keele Of MX, Peter
England aLittAtNeK ISSVAAM4 Vind-'" CaniPbelir of LoPO: f' ta from a ladder
VAKIC et Unsalted. on Fricley lest and brake leis arra.
We ere ehewing Semple Lots of choice
Riegers Perfume.
We are showing a nice line of Eirde
We are showing
We are showing a line -of Combs.
We show a fine line of Tooth Brushes,
We are offering a Snap in Whisks.
We have low lines in Sport,.
We keep Tooth Picks and sell them
We keep Chamois Skins, best quaky.
You mae, need some of the above, call
and w. will try and please you,
cheap linedfTvtlet
Balkrapt Storo
20 pieces Dress Goods regular
price from ioc to 25c. ; clearing
price, your choice for 5c.• This
is by far the best bargains we
have ever offered in low priced
goods. Come an,d see.
58c. per yard is our clearing
price for a Black Pure Wool Silk
Finish Henrietta worth in any
regular store 85c. 'Yes„. bring
along a sample of the best ' 85c.
Henrietta you can fin,d . and .if
our 58c is not as good pass us
Remember we:beat in all our
groceries. Ys pound sealer
Forest City baking powder for
20c. ; 3 lb. box soda bisCuits for
22C. , 4 lb. best ginger snaps for
25c. '•• 6 bars Dingman's electric
soap for 25c. ; 5 bars of .castile
or oatmeal soap for .25c. ; 3 box-
es' best matches for 25c. ; best
carpet tacks for 3c. a box ;
Rctyal Yeast largest box for 6c;
Essences, largest bottle for 6c.;
pure black pepper, best quality
loc. a lb. ; 4oc uncolored Japan
tea for 20C. ; 45c. uncolored
Japan tea for 25c.
Come to us and save money
J. A. Stewart.
Meow Preebyterian etturob,
Obeli, will be :vaned and dedicated on.
Sunday September 9th.
Adele. Scott has sold his farm, being
the south half of Lot 15, Concession 4,
Moms, to William Sheridan, to $1
Medieal men sey that never ixi their
eeperience was there as little eicleuese
in the neighborhood as there is just
A little eon ef Mr. Jos. jordare
Mitchell, is suffering from sunstroke,
and his attending phyeiciaa has little
hopes of his recovery.
The Reliance Electric light company,
who were after the poritraot for lighting
Exeter, has been compelled to make an
assignment from /ack of capitaL
Mr. Win, Hillibricht, of Logan, ha
purchased from Mr. Wm. Colquhoun,
of Hibbert, the splendid heitery draught
stallion, '4Prince of Twynholn" for the
sum of On
vatat Waateet.
Te gel° Lender. Dative to commence
ladle et Angeot Poc pertioalgre epely
to htre. M. J. White, Exeter.
The Undersigned ,clialleoges ea), intle
in Ontario to feed a machine (threehing)
for $100 (eue hundred dollers)eer 1 hour el
Tbie ohellengele apart for one month,
Any man acceptiog this challenge Mut
feed all kinds of grain, Wm. Whalen,
7th 00a., Ilidetulph.
A locel thrasher of Woodheree accepts
the above challenge. and wishes, to know
Whether it is for number of bushels oe
etyle of feeding,or bete, Correspend
With Peet 'suedes' 4 Woodham Who Will
complete arrengements.
1E'ls4 at Br3an/au:1..
On Saturday morning about 3 o'olookahe
gri st inill, aim mill, post office, store and
a dwelling hotted at tlryaneton were de-
stroyed by fire. The dre originated in
tete grist mill,and befo,e anything could be
done. the buildings on °meads of the street
were wiped met. Nearly everything wee
deetroyed including tame& home. The
mill was run by We Chowen, son ot Wm.
Chowen of. Usborne. The origin of the
fire is a mystery, and the loss will be very
A- ferule ,r who lives on blie 12th. con- ' Th'z'T Get sw,"'"
cession of London township, set fire to - By the sueoesigion ter levied by the
a stamp in the middle of an oat field ()aerie Govetnment upwards of 810,000
Sunday, and as a consequence lost nearly of the estate of the , late Thomas Trivitt
all his oats. goes into the Provinoial exchequer.
A Garden Social will be held at Followiag is the readiag of the Sumatra
ion Duey Ant of 1$02, parsed. by the Ori -
Messrs. Dauncey and White's, on the i I 'overnment ; "When tbe estate is
• evening of Friday August 24th. Conee u'orLetite,gese it is' free et duty, when
and spend a pleasant evening. Ad- under 3100,000, and left to a father,
mission, 100. mother, husband, wife, child, grandchild,
The reeve, hi response to a largely daughter-iti-law, or eon -in-law it is free
Notice to Mines' Readers.
The publishers would esteem it a favor if
waders wouldoelien making their purchases,
• nation that they saw the merchant's adver-
tisement in Tat Trines.
NOTICE -All business announcements
notices of public meetings, entertainments
auction sales, etc., appearing in these looal
°OMIT:no will be °horded for at the rate of live
gents per line each insertion. Bleak heading
lb count ao three lines. Gash with order save
tti Palms having open aocounts. To insure
ohange of advertisements in current isane copy
must be handedinto o idea on Tuesday.
• &MOAT' AOGEST 12t1).1894,
'Sermons ;--31 alm-"Lost in theBattle
7 p ra-"The Light of the World."
1 Special Musto for Event:Ting.
Magnifica Service "B unnett."
Anthem -"Lead Kindly Light."
liolo lay R. 11, Collins.
,Cornet Solo, -K. Gitlane
Choxos by the Choir:
•,Choir fpraetioe Ttituaday everting-
• attendance requetted.
VOn SALt.---1 Second hand Phaeton, 1
second heed two -seated carriage, and one
eett of secondhand harness. Also new
buggies Red carte • Apply to
• W., G. Beastme.
'The leleyete Races,
• The following is the result of the
bleyele recoil lest evening i -One mass
novice, T. Smith, R. Perguson, •Time
milo open -two heats, first, Winters,
2nd, Browning and Livingstone tie ; Tad
heat, let Maser, Saaforthi ; 2nd Living -
tone, Seaforth; :3rd, Browning Exeter,
Time,1.14, 1.20,
Twa-mile handicep,-T Smith,. Dieter;
Geo 110110300, gItOlOri LivIngstotie,
• Seaforth; W E Browning, Exeter. Time,
Slow Rade, 50 yards.. -S Livingstone,
Seabeds; 0 Cook, Rensall.-Time, 2.7.
A. fuI
signed petition, has proclaimed Thurs. of d'ItY•
day, 16th Aagust, a civic holiday. Ar- When the value of the estate is over
raneements are being mule for a union $100,000, mid peeees to any of the near
relatives in the preeeding clause, a tar of
someterepicmc at Bend.
Mr. George Bice, of MoGillivraY, and 21 per oent is levied. When the value ex-
. este& $200,000, and passes as above a tam
Miss Lizzie Ross, of Maury, were of 5 per cent is leVie&
united in marriage at the Meehodist Wheo the value exceeds $10,000 and is
earsonage, Ansa .Craig, on Wednesday left to any relatives except those above
evening last, by Rev. W. Ayers. mentioned the duty is 5 per cent, and when
Mrs. Sarah Ann Begley, of Wingharn the value exceeds 610,000 and. passes to
aged 23 years. died ia the • London any stranger in blood, the cluty is 10 per
Hospital the other night, the resulb of cent."
an operation. The body Was taken ...-.0.--.
north be the G. T. R. the other day. Personals .
Mrs. D- French left Monday for Grand
.All children who have not yet been
vaecinated bad better se, to it at ogee, Bend, accompanied by her nieces, the
as none but those who have complied
with the proclamation of the Board of
Health will be allowed to attend eahool.
SETT'S -07 TEEM 0.t reduced rates,
and sureto fit with once making. GOLD
FILturgS, highest grade at moderate
rates. EXTRACTING, painlessiand cheap,
Gas given at reduced rates,at
Dental Rooms, Exeter, and at Zurich.
Dir. Andrew Wright, of Fullerton,
was arranging some belts about a ma-
chine on Monday last when he turned.
his head suddenly and as struck by a
lever on the right eye, injurixti that me-
The °finial Check for the'expenses of
the North Middlesex Election, amount-
ing to$672.25 has been received by the
Returning Officer, and the proceeds
distribated among the persons entitled
to receive the same.
Stevens & Burns, London, have made
an assignment for the bents& of their
creditors. Their litbitities, not includ-
ing the banks, are reperted to be, about
850,000. The firm was an enterprising
one, and their assignment will cause
general regret.
The entrance examination results
have not yet returned from the Educa-
tion Department for publication.
What they are doing down there all
summer nobody knows. The Patrons
will have to take that department into
bheir consideration.
Walkerton hes a suit for deanages
given against it on account of defective
streets. It has been appealed once or
twice, and now it is thought wise to
settle. The probability is that it can
be settled for $3,500, and the general
feeling of the ratepayers is to settle it
on that basis, le is a rather severe
lesson to the corporetion.
A law suit of a peculiar nature is soon
to be tried in London -the differenee
between two London township farmers.
It, appears& man named McRoberts was
sadly pestered with grasshoppers, and
withthe aid. of several neighbors, with
tin pads, wires and brush. drove the
whole horde on to his neighbors grain,
to the complete demolition of the latter's
crop. This neighbor now brings an
action againsb McRoberts for damages
caused by the grasshopper raid.
While working in a pea field on lot
27, con, 7, Logan, during the storm
Wednesday morning, H. Grebe, an old
Mati of 80 years, was struck by light-
ning ancl instantly killed. The current
had evidently first struck the pitchfork
he was carrying, and following the body.
down had. taken every bit of clothing
off, even to the boots, whicb were torn
to pieces. There were no marks on the
body except that the hair was burned
on the head and face.
The Voters' List for the Trillages of
Exeter has been oompleted and contains
594 names, divided as follow -Pert 1,
448; part 2, 135; part 3, 13. There are
245 persons eligible to serve as Jurors.
The lista have been posted by the clerk
in the different places required by law,
and. it is the duty of every ratepayer
or those entitled to a vote, to see that
their names are properly inserted on the
list. This would obviate a good dee'
of trouble and hard-feeline later on.
The Wile° of the 5th Dialsieri Court out
• now be found in the effioe ef Me. Chas.
Saell, are who last week teoeived the sip.
poidtMent of clerk. litte Mr. Thee. Trivitt
•dioestseds Mt. Snell Will makejtsrs
eient and obliging alder, =gicil
Misses Hoskin of Toronto -Mr. Victor
French of Mitchell, spent Suoday under
the parental roof, -Mr. Roger Croaker
who has been speadeng vacetion in town,
retarned to Toronto on Monday.-Mrs.A..Q,
Bonier left on Tuesday for Manitobe where
she will spend several months in the hope
of benefiting her health, She is accom-
panied by ?fr. Bobier as far as Duluth. -
The Misses Johns have returned from a
pleasant visit among friends ia St. Marys.
-Mr. and Mrs Janaes Miller leave to -day
for a vieit among friends in England and
Scotland. We wish them bon voyage, and
a pleeta,nt visit -Mr. and Mrs. R. N.
Rowe visited Meads in Ballyrnote on
Saturday and Sunday last -Miss Lizzie
Nelson. of Exeter, who has been the guest
cif Mrs. C- Mestere, London, returned
home Fride.j.-Ur. Louis Day has com-
menced the exeavation for the foanda,tion
of hie new house.-&rS E. Jones who has
been visiting friends in Manitoba and other
places during the past two months, re-
tarned home on Thursday last. -Miss
Jennet Ainttart who has. beeu visiting
friends in Brantford the past two weeks
returned home on Monday. -Miss Boxie
Emmett ire visiting friends in Wingharn, -
Mr. John Manning of Ridgetown, who has
been visiting friends here the past few
weeks, sold hie driviag horse to agentle-
man in St. Marys, Mr. Manning will
return home this week -Miss Miller,
who has been visiting Mends in Blyth
has returned home. -Ma. L Dickson
was in Seaforth on Monday serving Mr.
MoLean with the necessary doeument in
connection With the election protest. -
W. F.May of Parkhill, a former Exeterite,
is making application for the Principal-
ship of the Waterloo -street, wheel Landon
made vacatat bylthe resigaatiou:of Mr. Roy
nolds.-Mise Wilkins of Senile, is the
guest of Misa Tait -Thos. Collins of Wat-
ford is the gust of hie grandmother Mrs
Templeton.-fLawyer Fred Elliot left
yesterday for 0 wen Sound. on legal bus-
iness.- Mr. A. Pak e left on Monday
to attend the Grand Lodge of the I. 0,0
F. at Kingston, he will be absent all
week. -J. T. Virestcott was in Seaforth
on Tuesday, on important business. -
The wife of Ur. W. Delbridge of Win-
chelsea is very ill and putslight hopes are
entertained for her recovery. --Her sisters
in Sb John and Chicago have been Beet for;
she is a daughter of the late Thos. Bow.
man. -Mr. William Chisholm, M. A. of
Tharnesford is visiting his cousin Mr. W.
D. Weekes. -The Misses Nichol of Man.
itoba were the giants of their annt, Mrs
R. IL Collins tuft week. They are visit-
ing their grandfather at Rodgerville.-The
Misses Breda of Parkhill who were the
guests of Mr. S. Bread the past • week re-
turned home on Monday last. -Mrs. T.
W. Etawkshaw'and Mies McFall of Lucan
spent Sandey the guests ofiMrs. Hoover,
• Clint:me-The Messrs Ida and Edyth
Rodgers of Leaden are the guests of their
aunt, firs. E. A. Folliek,-Miss Maisie
Black of Detroit has returned home after
spending a fevr Weeks visiting Miss W1,
town. --Miss Tom is visiting at her
brother's, Mr. J. E. Tom, Goderieh.-
Messrs J. Grieve aud Jos. Senior and
families Menlo at the Bend to -day. -
We are sorry to learn that Mr. W. C.
Senior of Toronto, formerly- of Exeter, is
very itt of Typhoid Maleria.-Mre. J.
Floyd of Woodstock is visiting her peacoat'
Mr. and Mrs. Welsh.- Mts. Stone and
daughter, of Stratford ara, the:guests of
Mr. 'W. Trevethiek.-
he light siemens of rain yesteeday were
much kppteciAted,.
•The electrie light poles hoe bee4
erected thie week.
Mr W. Belkwill shipped a ceiload. of
prime cattle to Termite thie week,
The Seefovtb belie hell • teem will play
ball here •oil 'Friday with the Exeter team.
Early threshing hereabout show a
yield of from 30 to $5 bashels to the acre,
Owing to the wet weather on Friday
evening last, ie bicycle races advertised
did nob materielize.
Alex, Carina of Seaforth, %bite pit:thine
applen the other day, fell, breaking
several of his toes, •
• 0. ee Wiloon, of Seeforth, while sherpen.
ieg his 'teem mower, had the main finger
severed from one.of his heeds.
The eleotrical machinery was planed in
the power house this week, end in a short
time eieotrie light will be a reality in
Rev. Berrie, prior to leaving the Bay.
field Circuit, was presented. by the Verna
congregation svith a well-filled purse. He
has gone to Werth.
Peens are undeniable and we are credited
with having the hest of Plating Spices,
Mustard, Vinegar and flavorings of all
kinds at J. P. Clarke's,.
Money is pretty cheep in England, and
no inietake Money on deposit io the
joint stock bank', the cable tells us, can
only get per cent intereat,
For firet class Table and Tea Spoons,
warranted not to tarnish, aleo Table
Cottons, none better in veluea than
shown at J. P, Olathe's,
11 r' It- It Rogers, of Parkhill, has a,ftet
eayear's experience in bantling with hie
father, gone to St. Thomas, where he fille
a good position in the Maisons Bank.
We have just taken into stook good
viduers in Ladies' Oxford Shoes, also
Ladies field Gents sliopers.• Come and in
aped prioes at Je P. Clarke'e.
The engine dravving the north -bound
mil train nn Tuesday morningbroke
down near Ciandaboyet thus causing an
hour's delay in the arriveof the mail
Mr, A. VioRae, of Clinton, has a four
year old Jersey now, from the milli of
which 13 Poe and S ounces of butter were
made in seven. days. and this without any
special feeding ,
There is scarcely a day but ouv Baking
Powder has the praise of the good cook,
• ask for "The Rouse Keepers Delieht"
Baking Power, at 3, P. Clarke's.
We are gle.d to hear that "The Old
Folks at Home" have tbis year had the
beat harvest yield for several years. A
good harvest is a good thing; no matter
what the prices.
A telephone office has been opened at
Thorndale and another will be opened
shortly at Gianton. New poles are re-
placing the old and sho,ter kind now in
use between London and Stratford.
Do not let your boys go bareheaded when
yea can get a good straw hat for 10o,
rooter price 44 to 505, Don't fail to
read my offer on inside page, it will pay
yon. 3- P. Clarke.
From Ifith August all •cows must be
closed up at night. Constable Creech
gives this warning and after that date he
will impound all bovines found upon the
'highway daring prohibited hours.
The Ridgetown Standard has changed
hands again, this time being purchased by
W. H. Auld, of Straterov, a former pro-
prietor of the Forest Free Press, and C
S. Allen, of the Windsor B,eeord. They
will coeduct it as a Conservative journal.
Charles Lowrie, of Seeforth. who died
suddenly last week. was one of the pion -
ser settlers of !lull* township, and
amassed a competenov, on which he re-
tired bo town fifteen years ago. He was
a staunch Liberal and Presbyterian.
The party who has been in the habit of
stealing flower plants from the residence
of Mr. I. Bowermatitown, had better
desist, lest they get into trouble. They
not only Wee the plant, but steal the pot
also. There is strong suspicion as to the
thief, and if the act it repeated, proceed-
ings will be taken to prosecute,
Rev. Mr. Guthrie, assistant to Rey, Dr.
McDonald at Seaforth, and who has been
preaching at Knox Church, South London,
with a view to a call, hate received a un-
animous remieet from the oongregation of
Knox church, Walkerton, te take tbe
place of Rev. Dr. James in that town Sea -
forth alto offers him $1,000 a year, free
manse, and to make him co-paseor with
Dr. McDonald.
Mr, S. P. Halls, of Goderich, has been
engaged as principal, of Goderich Model
School; he Is a gentleman thoroughly
qualified for the position, and is well known
as a long resident of the minty town. By
his appointment he 'vacates the position of,,
secretary to the board of county ezamin.
ere, an office that will likely go to Mr.
Lams, County clerk, Mr. Adamson having
formerly filled it.
Mr. Chas. Lowrie of Seaforth is dead.
He had been in his usual health and on
Tuesday had partaken of a. hearty dinner.
About two o'clock, while sitting on his
chair, he asked Mre. Lowrie to bring hira
a drink of water When she retutned
with the water,to her'surprise and horror,
she found him dead, having pasced away
evidently without a struggle and jest as
if he had fallen asleep. He was generally
able so take a walk around town nearly
every day and had his accustamed walk
the day berore he died. Mr. Lowrie had
reaohed the good age of 71 ye tea and 11
months. '
The body of Abraham Patrick, a
prosperousLambath farmer, and father
of Mrs. John Beeetom. Glided* tp., was
found in a barn on the farm of the de
ceased, _at an early hour Tueedey.
morning. The evidence goes to ehow
that Mr, katriok shot Winter in a fit of
despondency or while mentally deran-
ged He was 70 years of age. Hie
wife cited about a year ago. Deceased
leaves a large family.
At the council meeting on Monday
evening, it was decided to place another
light on 1Vlain sbe, et the Methodist
church. While one is badly needed at
that corner, the prevalent opinion is
thet one is also required near the poet
office With a light at .tame s Sbreet
and eine near the town hall -a distance
of over one quarter mile apart -leaves
the business portion of the town in
comparative aarkness. Being • not
Only am ineontrentienee to the gener-
al public, le ie an injustice to that
portion of the toevu froin which the
greater bulk of the taxee ere colleeted.
A drunken maxi name& Plynn'while
in a Tow the ether emir% in St. Marv,
woe thrown /torn the overheed bridge on
Queen street to the estilwey traok below,
a disstanee of 10 feet, � as pleked up
tinooneeloui het uninjured.
The many friends of Ma A.. Bishop, of
Ilsborne, er-M. P., Pt, who underwent a
crithial eurgiaal operation in London last
week,will be pleaeed to learn that he is
dceng nicely ada will fully reeover. le
well known that Mr. Bishop was COnfillea
to hie be& Inc errvetal weeks thie summer,
suffering from Bright'Ot disease, And the
operation last week consieted in the re.
moving of A lime atone the glee of a hen'e
egg from hie bladder,
While repairing the frome of the mill
dare at grouter the other evening, the
deice gates geye Way and a ten -year-old
goa of Mr. Thomas Rea was borne down
by the torrent whieh poured through the
opening. The boy was nearly exhousted
when seen by Mr. John Bitenerd, who at
once plunged Into the flood, and After a
long swiat in the boilingweter, reached the
1ar 3ust as he tank for the last time.
It wait settee- call and 0, braVe resolto, and
if Mr. Barnard, does not gat the 'Humane
Sooletre medal for his heroic act, it will
he bossism the villegete are vary lax itt
• flesh +ants *a See lereve deed preVerlY
Boots &
We have just passed into
stook two large. consign -
merits of Boots and Shoes,
purchased direct from the
manufacturers for spot cash,
at a big discount. We in-
tend giving out customers
the benefit of this deal. Ask
to see our. Ladies' Dongola'
Kid 33utton at $1. 75. Its
a beauty.
Trunks &
This is the time of year
when everybody is visiting
their friends and we have
now in stook a very com-
plete range of Trunks,Bags
and Valises. You should see
our stock before purchasing
anything in this line,
•13Banvs, -Mr. W. ParS0110 who has
been in Winnipeg, returned Tuesday
moraing.-Mtis. Wm, blooper ofAlma,
Midi., paid her siter-in de, w, Mrs. A.
Boaralangh, a flying visit last !week. -
Miss S. Abbott, of Detroit, is visiting
her sister Mrs. S. Davis. A concert
will be given in the Centralia Methodist
Church on. Tuesday evening neXt.
Readings, recitations, solos, etre, will
be given by the children, Some et the
best telentia being Bemired front Eden,
Fairfield, Exeter, Crediton and London.
The Crediton 'Jueenile brass band will
give some Of their besb seleetione. Come
and hear the children. ein.-Mr, P.
Hicks has purchased ta ear load of deal
end he is having it delleererle-The
gherterly official meeting was held last
night end though the attendance was not
large, herniony ppvelled and bueinese
Wee diapatehed in good tinie. Both,
the spiritual and finatioiel outleok is
'bright aria enaeuraging,
Hosiery &
We intend clearing out
everything in summer
Hosiery and Gloves. 'Note
our prices ; Hose 3c. up-
wards; Ladies' Hose 70. up-
Ladies' Gauntlet Gloves
19e pair, Now is the time
to secure bargains in the
above lines.
eniinder. List.
We will remind you of the
rest when you come in.
We have sorted out a
number of remnants of
Dress Goods,SilkDe Laynes
Prints gze ,which we will sell
regardless of cost. You will
be are to find something
among the lot which You
can use to advantage at the
prices marked, •
R. Pickard d8on,
Disuse -No amain Beosecteite
Hall's Bridge, Oat., Aug. 0 -Richard
Harrison is well known here and every-
where highly respeoted. That he has been
a sufferer for some yeara horn backache
and. other kidney troubles watt a well
known fact that gained rouoh sympathy for
him. Lately moving around here as spry as
a kitten and in the best of health. All
hie kidney troubles had. disappeared, so he
said wherequestioned, and he farther that
the cause of their disapPearalleo was his
having used a few boxes of Doddas Kidney
Pills. The reputation of these pills as a
specific) in all kidney disorders is now
firmly eatablished in this part of Ontario.
To be free frorst sick headache, bilious -
nese, constipation, eto., use 0arters Little
Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. They
gently stimulate the liver and free the sto-
mach from bile.
It ANNIE -In liensalMon the 9rd inst., the
wife of E, Rennie, of a daughter,.
KNIGFIT-130LC,BIt.-Ae St. Thomas' Chetah
Rectory, Seaforth, en August ist. by Rev.
Rural DeanHodgins, Mr; Andrew Knight, to
Miss Martha Bolger, all of.Morris.
BICB--BOSS-At the Methodist Parsonage.
.A.iloa Craig on Wednesday, July 25th, bY the
Bev. W. Ayers, Mr. George W. Bice to Miss
Elizabeth Bose, of the Townsain of McGill-
ADAlaa-..TAMIKSON.-At the residenoe of the
bride's father, Bruceaeld, or Rev. T.' G.
Thomson, of Hamilton, on July aist, Mr,
Walter Si. Adams, mer haat. Edinburg,
Dakota, to Miss Rachel, second daughter of
Mr. Ja.nes Jamieson, Bruoefield,
Tacatersmith, on July 23th,
Charles Murray, aged 34 year and 8 months.
HILL- On the,26th lilt., Nelson, son of Kr
Walter Hill, Morar, aged 8 years, 9 months,
LOWRIB.-In Seaforth, on Taesdayajuly Met
Charles Lowrie, aged 74 years a ncl 1.1 months.
CiRUBE.7-Struok by lightning svhile working
on his Wm, in Logan on the 1st inst., Henr• y
%gibe, sr., aged 79 years, 8 months and 27
tehe Dahlia are 'hereby cautioned not to give
any credit to any person on MY acoonne with-
out my Ivritten order, as I will not be re-
sponsible for payment of eaine
Exeter, Jetty 28th, 1694.
-OTERS. LIST, 1894. •
Notice ishereby given, that 1 have ttrane-
mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned
in Sections 5 and 8 of the Ontario Votere
Litits Act, 1869, the copies required by said.
seations to he trantraitted or delivered of the
lists made pureuaut to said aot, of all pereone
appearing bY the I mot revised assesements ro0
of the rannioipalit3r to be entitled to vote in
said municipatity at eleotions for members of
the LegislativelAesembly and at Municipal
Elections; and that said list ises first tmsted
np at My office et the Town gall on the gth
day of August. BM and remains there:for in-
speetion. Electors are called upon tofexamine
1 the said list, and, if any ommisoions or any
other errors are found therein, to take Im-
mediate proceedings to have the said; errant.
corrected acxfoorrodRinAgEtoLlatwA. 0 RtIT, clerk,
I Dated August t3th, 1894.
'JO lig01
, ,
was cured oi Bronchitis and Asthma
Lot 5,2. E. I. Mrs. A. Livingstone.
I was cured of a severe' attack. at Rheu-
Mahone Bay. John Mader.
1 was cured of a severely sprained •leg
Bridgewater. Joshua Wynaoht.
. .5...
London, Huron and Bruce.
eonm 270arit- Passenger.
London, dePart,. ..... . 8461, at. 4,40P. at.
Exeter,. 9.29
Bewail •,
• BrueetleId19.55
• Clinton • 10.12
Londesboro 1049
Blyth 10.88
Bolgrave • 10.82 7.37
Wingliam arrive... 11.10 • 8.00
Gorse: SOUTH"- • P Manger
Wingham, depart-- 6.35A. ix, 325p. It
Belerave ,
• Brtlh 7.03 4.01
Lendeeboro. .
Clinton. , 7.40 4.28
pluoefield ........... .... 8.05 4.46
8.13 4."
6 20
We have a few
dozen of these
goods left in
good qualities
which we will
clear out • less
than -cost.
Some lines
worth 20 °to 25
ctse clearing ,at
5 to 10 cents:
Immense re -
7,10 4.08 ductions short-
ly, as low as 20
Exeter-. ....... ....... ' 5,12 cents .
2"22• 448
J. C. CIJAUS.gli\T
Begg to announce to the public that he
is prepared to do ell kinds of Carriage
Trimming, Ptumiture 'Upholstering, etc.
Carriage anti logy Tops of all kinds'
Old Buggy Tops recovered and made
as good as new.
Our hornets are well known, as giving
perfect eatiefactiote We Manufactute
largely and consequently ode prices are
low. A call will convince
,z.,.q. Citia,.V01011.
Vow qottollades.
IsTew Shirtingz.
New Shalzer
New Cottorxz. •
All these goods new for
early fall trade 202 below
Oast year's price. We are
well up in all lives of
groceries, ()heap and
Try onr New season.
Sapan Tea at 25 cents,
C 001314*STON.