HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-06-19, Page 32° ti 1670cogRICH SIGNAL -STAR, TI UR8DAY, JUNE 19, 1975 KLNOSBDGE KAPERS erac Mrs, Jae Cour.tneg 529-1101 1.7 GARAGE OPENED. 'other companies how to make a forth of craft. A large crowd attended the The girls had a parade' and official opening of the Ashfield travelleddown the main street. public works garage on Friday Each group dressed up as a evening; June 13. Ashfield certain country. Kingsbridge Township Reeve Warren Zinn was Chairman for the program. Murray Gaunt, . M.P.P. for Huron and Bruce spoke briefly and he and•Mrs. Elaine Collins cut the ribbon "declaring the new building officially ope ed. Mrs. Collins spoke briefly on behalf '.of her father, the. late Loseph Lyal Maclntyre, past road superintendent for : the township of Ashfield, who was instrumental in .getting this new building started. Clerk• of the Township of Ash- field, Mr. Donald Simpson read letters from .R.E. McJ'inley, M.P. and the Engineer ex- pressing regrets at not being able to attend. The, present members of the Ashfield Council were called on: They were: Deputy Reeve Finlay MactDonaId; Councillors John Austin, Allan Gibson and Grant Farrish. Jim Hunter, 'road superin- tendent, introduced all., the employees and they stood up. to be recognized. He also read a list of the people who "had donated . monies used in the evening program. Words of Congratulations Guides were dressed up as Holland. a Then they all gathered in the arena where they looked at the many exhibits. At noon, they broke up into groups and ate their lunch,;. At 1:00 p.m. they , played' games outside, Then they had a campfire. The day ended with. the Guide and Brownie Prayer. Many thanks to'Clern Steiner. who took the group in his, van. Also many thanks to Girl Guide leader Mrs. Belmore for guidance and transportation. SOCIAL NEWS . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Collinson of Kintail moved to Lucknow on Monday, June 9.. Their daughter and son-in-law,. Mr. .and Mrs. Gordon Barger are taking over the• farm. We welcome them ,,to this com- munity. Mr. Len O'Loughlin, Rochester, Michigan, visited during the past week with his sister, Mrs. Bernardine Kin- ney. inney. • Mr,.,,ana Mrs. Eddie Chilton, -baby son Tommy and his father Generating Station and Floral Clock, and the Skylon. After spending the night in the Sheraton Foxhead. Hotel. On Friday, June 13, they visited the Maid of the Mist and the incline railway and Fort George arriving back at the school at„$ p. Miss Ann Dalton studentat Wilfrid Laurier. University,, Waterloo,is spending 21;2 weeks holidays at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton. Ann plans to return to the University for another six w,eks semester during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drenpan are making plans fora clearing auction sale of household ef- fects, antiques and hand tools to be held on Saturday, `June 21 at 1 p.m. Several•ladies from this arga attended the Pro Life Infor- mation meeting, and film' - Abortion - a Woman's Decision at the Town hall in Lucknow on Monday evening, June 16. Grade 8 Graduation Exer- cisest will take place on Friday evening, June 20 in. the Parish hall, beginning . with Graduation Mass at 7 p.m. The Kingsbridge Youth Club served coffee and donuts in honour of fath-.., ' on Father's Day, June i ` immediately following the unday morning uye expressed b the Mr Willie Chilton of Moose a Mass. following people: , Fac o ax Wending—same" Mr. Ken Dunn on behalf of the B.M. Ross Engine;ing Co. who laid out the plans for .the building; reeves from the area townships.: Leo Murray, reeve of ' Kinloss Township; 'Bob Lyons, • reeve of West Wawanosh Township; 'Simon Hallahan, reeve,. of,East Wawanosh Township'Mel Good, road superintendent on behalf of the reeve of Colborne Township, Elmer Smeltzer, Councillor on ' behalf of Huron Township; George Joynt, Reeve on behalf of the Town of Lucknow;. 1975 Warden Anson McKinley; 1974 Warden Bill Elston; and former reeves of Girvi Ashfield township, n • Reed,,! ,onald MacKenzie, Cecil Johnstone, 'Sandy Hackett, and of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Boyd; and past deputy ' Dennis Dalton. • . reeve.Eugene Frayne. Mr. and Mrs. Toiro Rudd and It was regretted that Andrew children Christina and John, Ritchie, • a •former reeve was Mrs. Gordon Griffin, and 'unable . to attend because of daughter, Mary, Duluth, Minn. illness. visited from Thursday until' A plaque will be presented Sunday at'the home of Mrs. Bernadine Kinney. ' and hung in the new wor• ks Mrs. Marjorie Maclntyre is a garage leaving the names of patient in the Alejandra • the 1974 Executive: -- ' Marine and General Hospital, A- free evening of dancing Goderich. We wish her a speedy foltowed with music supplied recovery,. by Boyd's,Orchestra. • Clem Stoffler, principal of St.- KINGSBRIDGE GIRL Joseph's school, Kingsbridge, GUIDES Mrs. Maittel Wilson Grade 8 teacher, Chaperones Arie Van June 14' the . Diepan, ,Jim Doherty,. Anita' On Saturday,Doherty, Virginia Chisholm, Kingsbridge Girl Guides and Mari, Anne O'Keefe and Donna Brownies went to the Mount Foran accompanied the 31 Forest Revel Rally. This was to grade 8 students on a two day celebrate 65 yf:ears of Guiding in Canada. Guide's and Brownies trip to Niagara Falls. Leaving the school on Thursday; June 12: from all over came tothe fair at 6:15 a, m. they - visited grounds where the day's events Marineland and the Game 'began. Farm.' In the afternoon they The Guide leader from Goderich • opened the visited Tussaud's Wax , ceremonies with a • speech. Museum, Ripl^y s Believe it or Later all the cqmpanies showed not, the Ontario Hydro time at the --home of her parents, Mr:, ' and Mrs. Mark Dalton and family and visiting with Eddie's brother Bobbie, a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs., Marie Forbes, Detroit returned to her home on Sun- day after spending , the week with her. sister Mrs. John Howard, Mr. Howard and family. Mrs. Leila Fitzgerald, "son .Jamie and friend of Stratford and •her mother Mrs. Irene Murphy Goderich spent 'the weekend at their summer home. here. Mrs. Alice Julian, of Arahein, California is spending a month's vacation at the home New hall.,.. (continued from page 1) left at the soeth'end of the hall. The expansion of office space would provide isolated working areas for the clerk and deputy clerk, give the mayor an office and provide for a council board room as well as their council chambers. No estimate of costs was made by Mr. Barker. Beat the Big One... Heart Attack Give Heart Fund Town council referred' the hiring of -the proposed town bylaw officer to the traffic and finance committee to study the matter fur=ther and cone back to council with a . recom-' mendation on who to take on for the job. The move was made Monday night after council heard letters from the town's Limousines... police commission and the town solicitor. The police commission ex- pressed concern over, who's jurisdiction the officer would be under and what salary range was being considered 'for the job, They felt that if the officer was to be hired by and under the jurisdiction of the corn; (continued from page 1) ' make a buck at it, fine". Councillor, Leroy Harrison agreed with the mayor claiming that travellers could " investigate the costs of getting to Toronto and it would be up to the individual if they wanted 19 pay. Reeve Stan Profit questioned the vlll`ue of the service to Goderich. • `How are we supposed to develop our own airport by_ providing service to Toronto airport?" he queried. The scheme, according to the United Trails vice president, is not to cut into the taxi cab business in Goderich but to provide service from the door to Malton airport and back to the door. Mr. Habkirk said in a telephone interview that the airline service is operating' in other nun ocipalities in the area and is not'conflicting at all,with cab companies. Federal and provincial laws pc -event the service from cuttitng into the taxi business. Under the. Highway Transport Board for Ontario, a municipal '.`taxi is:permitted to pick up -a-- fare in the municipality where it operates and take the person to his destination but is not ;"permitted to pick up a fare to return totheir munlcipalit,'. . "That would be cutting into •the other man's business," said Mr. Habkirk. The United application to the Ontario Highway - Transport Board is for service to Malton and back. Under their regulations if the license is granted the airline service would be ,entitled to do just that and nothing else'. They would' only be allowed to take people to the airport and return them, they would not be permitted to take them anyplace else, in - • eluding downtown Toronto. "A cab from Goderich can take a fare to Malton," pointed out Mr. Habkii•k, "but he is not entitled legally to bring him back. Only a Toronto based taxi Gan do that." The costs for ° the special service are not available yet, according to Mr. Habkirk. He 'said they would be cheaper" than a taxi and more expensive than a bus but he couldn't go beyond that. He pointed out however that it will not be a flat rate. The first person in the limousine will be charged the most money and the costs go down from there. The Airline Limousine Service is one branch of United Trails Incorporated's ser3ices. Locally they operate the daily bus. service to .Stratfordbut hope to add the airport service to complement the bus. Each limousine, a station wagon type of vehicle, is valued at about $10,000 and ' the company already have , about' 30 on the. road. ' Mr: Habkirk said the com- any---decisren-,-to-apply- for-the licence was based on a lack of public transit in the Hdron ' County area,. He said' there never has been this type of service here and knows of no other company that -.can provide it. • ' He ' added that the letter received in Goderich has also been, sent out to ' Clinton, Seaforth and Mitchell councils but no official reply has yet been received from any. , ;l He expressed confidence that the councils would react favorably to the proposal however, • adding that discussing the matter with council members in the towns has supported his confidence. mi"salon and was to be paid , . Goderich Industrial Coni - constable's wages then they mission. The commission corrected. He ` said that th0�, would hire. a problem in. Industrial Park b regular police . proposed five recom- correctipn of the problem will officer, mendations.. for improvements be of conside,able rnanitude, If council was going ,to hire to and sale of land in Industrial in the sense that the drainage;' the person, pay him less than a Park. area will effect the wood lot. policeman and govern his • Mayor Deb Shewfelt pointed area and part of Goderich actions, then the commission• ...out to the commission that Township. The commission would hire only one officer for there is much confusion recommended to council that their needs, ' resulting from a lack of ,the town engineer prepare' a . Town council asked town planning in Industrial Park, He solicitor Dan Murphy if the suggested that a registered municipality could hire the plan of subdivision would officer legally. Mr. Murphy eliminate the problems of lot investigated- the matter and sales and would tie down the ed informed council that the town .future of the park to be handl. could legally • hire the officer. in an orderly fashion. ' He said the person would not be " County planner Gary a member of the police Davidson told the commission association and' suggested the at their last meeting that a size person be under the jurisdiction analysis was needed 'o- Council learned; Monday of the- town clerk but that the Industrial Park to reach a clerk forward that respon- decision on what direction the sibility to- the commission, for • park is headed. He said a convenience. . residential study apreparend ,by Councillor Jim Peters asked the Municipal Planning con - that the two committees sultants and also an industrial looking into the matter to not marketing study prepared by, only study the actual need for a 'Inducon . raised some con - bylaw officer but consider flicting points relating ' to the more people for the job. He area needed , for industrial asked that they not commit themselves to one person. ' Reeve Stan Profit, chairman of the traffic committee, assured Mr. Peters that the two groups . would look into all ,possible people for the job but . pointed out that when the original. suggestion was made drainage report on the park. The mayor also suggested that the storm sewer on Huckins Street be extended to the rear of the. park as far as Lot 17 where Huromic is locating. growth and road patterns and also that some of the area could be diverted into residential usage. The_ commission moved that a registered plan of subdivision be 'placed on Industrial Park designating the area south of the hydro line for industrial' there was one man specifically ,.rsage and that a street plan be mentionedfor the job. . laid out. Mayor, Deb Shewfelt Council 'adopted the requested that ,the committees recommendation of the Com - look at all aspects of the matter mission to sell a lot of one and a' thoroughly and come back to • 'half acres; 200 feet across and council with,arecommendation 300 feet deep, to Huromic Councillor Dave Gower to hire n er. w. he j b�•or etals. The sale Pat- brou ht council upto date on . o ep.._son.or _Metals, .G, �. g. night that" its • refusal to pay McLean Foster $8,000 for time lost constructing the South Storm Sewer had been ac- cepted by the company and that company officials , had apologized for their error in billing. Council refused to pay the money charged for time lost by McLean. Foster while the company was waiting for pipe delivery td the site. Council felt it was not the town's fault the order couldn't be met by the pipe manufacturer and that the time had been lost. McLean Foster told council in a letter that an agreement had been reached' between them and the pipe producer, satisfying to both parties. forget it. He reminded council' ' terson of Huromic will be with a that the officer cannot work for five year option on the balance two people and asked that they of the property as indicated in clarify whose jurisdiction the; the Inducon Plan. person would be under. The town solicitor reminded Deputy reeve Bill Clifford the commission that no suggested that the committees, • direction had -been given to him' of which he is.a member, might give some consideration to not hiring the officer at all. He said the •$10,000 salary saving may' be used . to • upgrade town . parking lots allowing them to do away with the two hour limit. on The Square. • ,Council agreed in principle with the recommendations from the last meeting of the on the conditions, placed on 'the sale of land in Industrial Park • specifically to .Borg Warner. Mr. Murphy said that the purchase of land in , the park needed the conditions , clarified and suggested that the town use their agreement with Suncoast Estates Shopping Plaza for the basis of the agreement. Mayor Deb Shewfelt told the commission that it is im- perative that the drainage • w the Indian Island question. Mr. Gower said he had contacted ' the Maitland Valley Con- servation Authority and reported they had taken water samples from the. trapped pool in the south channel, of the river blocked off by 'fill for the proposed marina there. Mr. Gower said the federal ministry of the environment had also been contacted and that they were equally con- ccrhed with.,.,the, problem He said both the federal govern- ment' and the MVCA agreed that the pool shouldn't be there and should be allowed to drain. Results of the water testing are pending. PEPPERIDGE FARM ASSORTED FLAVORS CAKES ° 13 OZ. 99c 91' "VICTORIA.'. STREET GODERICH OPEN NITELY TIL 10 P.M. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 6 �ATsuP PRICES IN EFFECT, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SUNKIST PRODUCE OF U.S.A. 16 FL. OZ. 2 LB. JAR - CLOVER VALLEY• • • PROCESSED(HE Es E 2 LB: BOX ,1 LB. T ISN 32, Ft. OZ. DETERGENT, WAVE LINE 734 OZ. TIN 1 LB. PRINT 40s 60s 100 WATT CASE OF • T 24 ' 10 FL-1.eOZ.- KOSTESS 0 •' . 1p TAT BULBS FOR '8.8 OZ. PKG.' FRAZER GOLD RED - - MAXWELL HOUSE' 73,. °Z TIN 99c ROASTED ,COFFEE SOCKEYES.ALMO�'.. r. a • Anyway'yam took etit, a Moffat dishweSher makes great S*, It440shs* the.entire day's dishes automatically: 'MultI.I V l 'Washy Systems scrub every surface 'to get a hygienically 'clean A'�lilIIable -NOW tit.... 97 BRAND BONELESS FULLY "DINNER DINNER 1' LB. BAG • 'KRAFT MARGARINE 3 LB. PKG. s 1 .99 JQLLY MILLER PKG OF 4 ° JOLLY MILLER PKG OF 4 31 a OZ. ZMONAIDE3 OZ. 99t CRYSTALS ��RYST�hS $_ . MAPLE LEAF ' SWEEt PICKLED COTTAGE - 1 MLB. 1.19 ROLL ' BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA L B49c MARY MiLES.NO, 1 RRINDLESS QRANGE ROBIN HOOD STUART'HO4JJ..E 12' 25'. ROLL•. DOG FOOD 0BtAG • 14 59 FOIL c WRAP 4 VIVA BATHROOM M$SS MEW FOR TISSUE ROLLS 99c CAT FOODToINz.i99c tREEsWEE1', 48 FLS': oz. TREE'swEET ' GRA' Fi'U•I BILENIDEb,OORAtRGUEI"C JUICE 4µ' 8 FTLINO Z. ^ fi