HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-8-9, Page 7A
gOttly the Scars
Says anetinr IIIIDS011, of the 3aene8
bmith Woolen
Manhinery CO.,
Philadelplii a,
Pa., Who eeetie
lesas follows:
" Anaorig the
tnany testimoni-
als which I see
in regard to cer.
tam n medicines
cures, cleansing
the blood, etc..
none impress inn
more than my
own ease.
Twenty years
ago, at the age
of 18 years, I had
swellings come
on my:Jogs,
which broke and
became run-
ning sores.
Our family phy.
sician could do
sue no good, and it was feared that the
bones would be affected. At last, my
good old
Mother Urged Me
to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three
bottles, the sores healed, and I have not
been troubled since. Only the scare
remain, and the memory of the
past, to remind me of the gooa.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me.
now weigh two hundred and twenty
pounds, and am in the best of health.
I have been on the road for the past
twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar-
saparilla advertised in all parts of the
United States, and. always take pleas.
tire in telling what good it did for me."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. 3.0. Ayer & Co., Lowell,Maes.
Cures others, will cu re you
acent zo euxesnon. HBO&
Dram Stes,--1 am thankful to B.B.B.
Ilecause I am to -day strong and well
orough its wonderful blood clef:easing
nlowers. I was troubled with scrofulous
en spots and blemishes all over my body
/, and was advised to try Burdock Blood
itters. I took one bottle, with great
benefit, antin can positively say that
before I had taken half of the second
bottle I was
I am so pleased to be strong and
healthy again by the use of B.B.B. and
I can strongly recommend it to every-
body. Loarezo PIImsTOZZ,
• Sydney Mines, 0.13,
,Drug Store
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on -
hand. Winan's
• Powd-
the hest
in the mark-
et and always
resh, Family reeip-
ees carefully prepared at
Central Drug Store Exete
0,,pKT: OF
0.1,-t C-VC0"
(WI-OREN OR Alawsrg,
The holiest of all hblidaye are those kept
by ourselved in silenne told epert, tile eeoret
erniiversatiee of the heatt, when the full
Ude of feeliag trirertloWsne-Itongfellink.
TI -16 FAR
S1100080111 PaIllilf0W-
A correspondent writes eeeI Will OVeaa
example of what I regard as successful
farming by describing how a friend of mine,
Henry Lemuel, manages his affairs. This
farmer bought 240 acres when the country
was new and land cheap. He worked hard
said,the soil*yielded a fair income. After
his two sons, George and Henry, had grown
to manhood he decided to give them the
land, 120 acres each, free from debt.
Henry had his ideas about "a little laud
well tilled," and proposed to take 80 acres,
and George to take the rest --160 acres—
and pay him the difference in money, The
division was made and Henry took hold
with a vim that meant victory. He made
every step count, although he would take a
day off now and then, for recreation, with
his wife and children.
The chicken coop was cleaned regularly
twice a week. Youwonder what that had
to do with his success. Besides keeping
the fowls healthy, he had a barrel of splen-
did fertilizer every two or three weeks, He
hadethe chicken house made with movable
perches, and with a door large enough for
him to walk upright through it, and with
the aid of a wheelbarrow, the cleaning -up
process was a very short job. He put the
droppings into a barrel with alternate lay-
ers of earth to keepthe ammonia from
escaping, and kept it n the dry until time
to scatter.
His cows were kept in clean, dry stables
every night, and here was another fertilizer
saved; no filth allowed to lie around; -His
theory and practice were—warm, dry uar-
ters for every animal on the farm. He
often said, "If I know that everything
around use is comfortable I can enjoy my-
self." He lived up to the Scripture in
this : "The merciful man is merciful to
hie beast."
His fence -corners were kept clean; no
burs to catch and cling to every passing
skirt; no unsightly weeds towering higher
than the fences; all neat and in order.
Work? Of course; but he loved it, and
that makes labor light.
He made his ground do its best for the
care spent upon in After the pea crop
came off, the ground was prepared for cel-
ery, and being close to a thriving city, he
could dispose of all the extra produce raise
ed. When the early potatoes were harvest-
ed he sowed turnip seed on this ground;
so you see, besides getting double crops, he
kept down the weeds. Weeds kept from
going to seed make the work easier the
following season. He, with the help of
his wife—and, by the way, she was his
"right-hand man" in everything—cultiva-
ted grapes strawberries, raspberries and
currants ; these, with a bearing apple or-
chard, kept the doctor out of many a fee
that he would have gotten if the children,
yes, and parents, hadn't had free access to
fruits, and in warm weather abstained from
eating meat. Of course, his garden for
email fruits wasn't large; he couldn't care
for a large patch and do his other farming;
but plenty to eat in its season, and to can
for winter's use, was his method.
One day he sat musing, with a far -away
look on his face, when his wife said:
"What now, Henry? Anything gone
wrong at the barn?"
" No, nothing, mother," he slowly an-
swered. "Oh, nowI have it," he continued,
brightening, " Why didn't I think of
that before? You know the acre that the
brook cut off at the northwestern corner of
she farm? It is so hilly that it can't be
farmed with any satisfaction; it is grown up
in wild blackberryand raspberry bushes,and
the fruit is little, sour stuff; the patch has
been an eye sore to me for a long time.
"I thought of keeping it for a calf pas-
ture but it is too unhandy to reach for
anything of that kind, and now I knew
what to do with it, I'll plant it in tame
blackberries and raspberries, and the sur-
plus we can sell or divide with a.. poorer
neighber." •
" That willjust be the thing," his wife
answered: "but how are you going to clean
off all that muss of buelies and growing trash?
You will find it an endless job to make it
clean enough to suit your fastidious taste,"
" I have studied that out too," he said.
"I'll borrow brother George's flock of
sheep for a month and you will see where
Your muss will be." And he did. I passed
along by his farm. last summer and it did
my heart good to see how neat and pro-
sperous everything looked.
And Henry ain't one of your sour, work-
ed to death beinge,either; he loves his work,
and is happy. His theory put into prac-
tice works charmingly. " A little land
well tilled, a little wife well willed."
-To Avoid Shrinkage in Shipping.
Dr. J. Ward Wilson recently made public
the following suggestions as to feeding
steer e so as to avoid shrinkage in shipment
to market:
"In trying to find out a better way than
the usual custom of shutting off the grain
feed twenty-four hours before shipping,
we shut off water the evening before and
gave them all the corn they could eat the
morning they were to go. Having 'access
to plenty of good • hay all of the time,
they were not disposed to eat much.. Now,
if you ever notice, a change of food atter a
constant diet of one thing is relished by
others than steers. We had fed e lot of
sheaf oats once a week, and, noticing that
they left everything else and stuck to the
oats until consumed, we concluded to fill
the car racks with them. Having done
so, we loaded twenty 1,300 -pound steers in
each oar, and shipped them 300 miles with
only thirteen pounds' shrinkage per head.
At the end of their destination there was
not a straw left, and we believe they
would have eatett more if they had had it.
It will be noticed that a stomach full of
corn and oats caused them to drink better
at the stack yards than if they had been
salted at home. We never saft, because it
acts as a cathartic. This is a great item of
Raising Small Fruits.
Every man who has a family and is a
householder, ought to raise enough smell
fruit for his own use, for the following rea-
sons : First, that it is cheaper lo raise a
needed supply than t� viral:nee it. Second,
because the fruit grown at home is better
than that we usually purchase in the mark-
et, Third, Waffle of the "rive:donee of
having the fruit on hand jinn when Wanted,
and fourth, the refining influence on the
fanner in growing the frait,
BO the profitable growing ef small fruits
for market is an entirely different matter,
The Man who is feYeeably situeted, who
has the right kind of 0911 And loves the
businees well enough to give it proper
attention, may reasonably exnect to make
it pay.
He Must be within an early driving dis-
tance of a market for his fruit, or near an
express office, frelli which hie fruit can be
regularly and promptly forwarded th some
city, without very great expense. The soil
should be a riot:, sandy loam, that deep not
retain, water, and oar: be worked :loon:titer
rains, but not so sandy as . to be quickly
affected by drouth, Without these condi,'
dons, combined with some knowledge of the
busineee, and good facilities for getting good
pickers and extra help whenever needed,
we could not promise very great profit to
the man who is thinking of going into the
It Acts Also as a Receptacle for small
Here is a compact and handy contrivance,
an English invention, which combines with
an ordinary camp stool a convenie ut recepta-
cle for holding small parcels, papers, books,
sketching materials, etc., an addition which
should render it of especial value to the
tourisnartist, botanist, angler, and general-
ly,to anyone on picuics,excursions, holiday
trips to the seaside and elsewhere. It is
strongly made, sightly in form, Arm and
durable, light and easily carried and folds
into a small, compass.
Fig.1 represents the stool when closed
and being carried ; Fig. 2 represents it as
open ready for use.
The stools are made of hard white wood,
and can be enameled, painted, or otherwise
embellished, according to the taste of the
owner or purchaser, and when not other-
wise in use can, if desired, be hung by the
fireplace and utilized as a receptacle to hold
lippers and other articles.
The Art of Advertising.
There is nothing on earth so mysteriously
funny as the way in which many business
men treat an advertisement. The prime,
first, last, and all -the -time object of an ad-
vertisement is to draw custom. So the
merchant waits till the busy season comes,
and his store is so full of custom he can't
get his hat off, and then he rushes to his
printer and goes in for advertising. When
the dull season comes along, and there is
no trade, and he wants to sell his goods so
bad that he can't pay his rent, he stops ad-
vertising. That is some of them do; but
occasionally a level-headed merchant does
more of it, and scoops in all the business,
while his neighbors are making mortgages
to pay the gas bill. There are time when
you couldn't atop people from buying every-
thing in the store, if you planted a cannon
behind the door, and that's the thus the ad-
vertisement is sent out on its holy mission.
It makes light work for advertising, for a
chalk sign on the sidewalk could do all that
was needed and have a half -holiday six
days in a week; but who wants to favor an
advertisement? They are built to do hard
work and should be sent out in the dull
days, when a customer has to be knocked
down with hard facts, and kicked insensible
with bankrupt reductions, and dragged
in with trrestible slaughter of prices, before
he will spend a cent That's the aim and
end of advertising, and if ever you open a
store don't try to get them to come when
they are already sticking out of the win-
dows, but give them your, advertisement
right between the eyes in the dull season,
and you will wax riche and own a fast
horse and perhaps be able to smoke a cigar
once or twice a year. Write this down
where you'll fall over it every day.
A Steering Compass,
A Frenchman, M. Beraier, has devised a
pleas by which the compass performs the
part of the helmsman. An electic current
s placed to work on the desired course and
When the vessel gets off the course for which
the electrical instrument is set, the OUr.
rent starts a motor in either direction and
moves the rudder until the vessel returns
to her proper course. A two months' trial
of the apparatus is reported to hitve resulted
very successfully. Among the advantages
of this new methed is greater accuracy and
no lose ot distance in a run of twenty-four
sours as is usually allowed for ordinary
eteering by hand.
Parisian restaurant keepers mix a little
honey With their butter. This gives it an
aggreeable taste and flavor, and makes in-
ferior butter more palatable.
To know how to dissemble Is the know -
edge Of kings. --Richelieu,
A startling Change.
Miss Beader--"HOW strange it would be
if fashion should go beak to the old time
brass 'knockers, instead of electric bells,"
Mr. SarciOnigne---' 'it would fief= strange,
The knoekers always work."
A Disagreeable Habit,
• Old Grumps ---"Sure that girl loves you
instead of your money ?"
Son.—"Absolutely, Why she actually
keeps count of the kisses I give her."
Old Grunapps—"Hum I That bed.
She may keep it up after marriage."
False Alarm.
Mrs Nextdoor—"Veur little boy climbed
over the fence and ran all over my flower -
Mrs. Suburb—"Horrors I They had just
been watered, hadn't they ?"
• II
"Oh, well, never mind ; the exercise
won't hurt him it he didn't get his feet
Understand the Sex.
Hostess—"Whydo the Chinese cripple
the feet of their girl babies so inhumanly ?"
Traveler—"To save their darlings lifelong
‘'How oan its ?"
"When Chinese girls grow up, they eee
able to wear small shoes without tor-
Johnny's Theory.
Little Ethel—"I wonder why men like to
talk about their old schooldays."
Little ohnny—"I s'pose after they get
growed up they is always tryint to find out
where the teacher lives, so they can lick
him." '
His Hobby.
Raggedy Wayside—Why did yer swipe
dat scientific paper when dere wuz lots
wid gals' pictures in dem lyin' 'round ?
Wandering Willie—I like ter read 'bout
de invention of labor-savin' machinery.
Dis will be a boss world ter live in when
dere's no more work done by hand.
A Superfluous Article.
" Here," said the agitator, "is some
more food for thought."
" We don't need it," replied the labor-
ing man; "we have more food for tnoughn
now than we know what to do with. What
we need is some of the other kind."
In Parrot Land.
First Parrot—Do hear those people jab-
ber 1 They just say over the same things
again and again.
Second Parrot—Yes ; they are probably
trying to pass themselves off as parrots.
The People Knew Her.
"Don't you feel afraid to let your wife
drive that horse ?"
Husband—"No, not now; all the people
know how to dodge out of her way.'
The Green -Eyed Monster.
Two servant girls exchange confidence.
"I had to leave because the lady of the
house got jealous of the attentions shown
me by her husband.'
"That wasn't my case," replied the
other ; "I had to quit because my feller
got jealous of the way I went on over my
Alekandre Dumas,' the great French
author, was a quadroon, and showed his
African parentage in his woolly hair, his
dark skin, his thick lips ad his prodigious
bodily strength. But it is needless to say
that many people looked askance at him on
account of it.
"Was not your father, air, a mulatto ?"
a man asked him once.
"Certainly," said Dumas. "My father
was a mulatto, my grandfather was a full-
blooded negro, and my great-grandfather
was a monkey."
l; genealogy begins *here yours
leaves off 1"
Jim Thompson had just shaken hands
with Mr. Lucius Grant. Jim was the
village wag. Mr. Grant was rich and
"pretty sharp."
One, two, three, four, five," Jim was
heard saying to himself, as he touched the
fingers of his right hand with the tip of his
left hand index finger. Mn Grant was
barely out of hearing,
"What's that for, J im ? " said one of the
Oh, I always count my fingers after
Grant shakes hands with me. They're all
here this time."
— --
Willing to Try It.
Tramp—" Please, mum, my partner
found an old ice-cream freezer down in the
Housekeeper—" I threw it away. It was
no use,"
Tramp—" Well, we've been exatninin' it,
and if you'll lend us some cream, and some
ice, and some sugar, and flavoring, and
send your boy down to turn it, I think we
can make it do."
At a Reception.
Host—" That is Professor Dryrisclust, the
great ert(upt
anthe times)—"
What novel
has he written?"
Decidedly in Doubt.
First Villager—"How do you like your
new neighbtr
Second Villager—"Can't tell yet whether
I like him or hate him."
"Why so?"
The firsts thing he did was to put up a
high board fence, and I haven't been able
to discover whether it is to keep -his chick-
ens in or my chickens out,
If Ile Be a Man.
Ile -4 could hypnotize you so that with-
in an hour you would throw your ernes
around my neck.
She -1 could hypnotize you with that
effeet in five minutes.
Of all the cants in fhb: canting world,
though the eant of hhoetites may be the
worst, the cant of criticism is the most tor-
ChikkeRpy for..I'Ftpher'$ Catikrkg
Ii Making 4.1rItti Ha fog—Nall OM 4pear
4,nuet '*'owns,
Recognizing the difficulties,* the way of
obtaining accurate information upon sant.
tery matters from °eh:titer eOuntriee, Dr.
Stuart Eldridge, the health Officer of the
port of Yokohama, and member of the
Imperial Board of Health ofTokio, has
sent neeLakffiCial, statement of the epidemic
of plague in Southern China. It appears
from his report that this scourge, of which
only fragmentary news has been received,ie
one of the most fearful on reeord,hevieg itS
greatest hold at the port of Hong Kong:
where most of the foreign commerce touches.
The disease broke out in Canton last Febru-
ary and about the same time was epidemic
at Palchoi, a port not often visited by
Europeans, During March and April it
steadily increased until it assumed gigantic
proportions. According to the letter of
Or. Eldridge the eastern authorities treated
the disease with their ordinary indifference.
Although Hong Kong is the centre of trade
in the east,but half a day's journey from
Canton, and in constant comminication
therewith, the existence of danger was
ignored Several cases appeared in Hong
Kong during the first days of May, but not
until the 10th of that month wan any official
action taken. It has steadily increased in
that place until the mortality has reached
100 a day, despite the exodus of 100,000
Ohinese and many Europeans. The natives
In most cases have left on feeling the first
symptoms of the disease, in the hope of
dying in their native villages, while a dozen
Europeans have beau attacked, and most
of them died.
From nanton and Hong Kong the disease
is spreading through the neighboring coun-
and will probably soon appear n the
coast towns of China north of Hong Kong,
because from the carelessness in these ports
no effective quarantine is likely to be
established. Several oases have already
occurred on steamers trading from Hong
Kong to Chinese ports, but without serious
consequences on account of prompt action on
the part of the ship's surgeons. A quaran-
tine system has been put in operation in
Japan holding ships from the infected
districts nine days after arrival or after the
last case has abated, and but one infected
ship has reached Japan. " If I may pre-
sume to advise," says Dr. Eldridge,
would say that the most stringent measures
may need to be taken to protect the
American ports, particularly as regards
certain classes ef goods from China likely
to convey infection, rags, old cotton, eta ;
and also such manufactured articles as are
made in the native workshops with per-
haps a case of plague dying in the same
room ; such things are straw matting, em-
broideries and every sort of textile fabrics.
So long as the disease is kept out of Japan
so long will this country be the best bulwark
for the Western ports against the impor-
tation of the disease."
Interesting Story of a Young Ilan Who
Became a Cattleman,.
A young man from Toronto who went as
oattleman on the Iona on Saturday
morning had a fairly good position in that
city, considering he had only been in this
country about three years, says the Mont-
real Witness. He could well afford to pay
his fare to visit his aged parents in England,
but he believed no better opportunity of
saving and earning money at the same
time could be found, and therefore secured
a berth as cattleman on the lona.
His associates came to the station at
Toronto to bid him "bon voyage." As they
said "May your shipmates lie very con-
genial," they had no intimation that they
would be cattlemen, and no one ventured
the question. "Why are you carrying
your old clothes in your valise?"
When he reached this city he made his
way to the ship, and for a moment turned
aside into the shed opposite, where whet a
transformation took: place! Then as he
had to seek his foreman he deemed it wise
to leave his valise in the shed, but on his
exit it was not there long. Someone who
undoubtedly had noticed the unrobing,
envied the would-be cattleman, and there-
fore at the expense of that person provided
himself also with the means of exchanging
clothes. The young man returned to find
himself minus valise, clothes and $23,
which was in the pockets of the suit. He
feelingly reffiarked that it was an expensive
lesson on the depravity of wharf men.
Many volunteered for a consideration to
help find the man, but he decided to keep
his own considerations, and therefore sailed
Saturday morning still minus his lost
Diamonds so small that 1,500 go to the
carat have been cut in Holland.
The brave man wants no charms to en
courage him to duty, and the good man
scorns ell warnings that would deter him
from doing it.—Bulwer.
Nature's play is ever new, because she
ever creates new spectators. Life is her
finest invention, and death is her artifice
to get more life.—Goethe,
Blackberries and mushrooms, while grow-
ing, are not private property in England,
and people who take them cannot be pro-
secuted for theft. ...
F 6:11\11:.wdciaessh' isseemtahdaet Easy and
Clean by getting her
which does away with the
terrors a wash -day.
Expedence will convince 'her that
it PAYS to use this soap.
Hon. Reuben E. Truax, one of
Canada's ablest thinkers and states-
men, a man so highly esteemed by
the people of his district that he was
honored with a 'seat in Parliament,
kindly furnishes us for publication
the following statement, which will
be most welcome to the public,
inasmuch as it is one in which all
will place implicit confidence. Mr.
Truax says:
"I have been for about ten years
very much troubled with Indigestion
and Dyspepsia, have tried a great
many different kinds of patent
medicines, and have been treated by
a. number of physicians and found
no benefit from them. I was recom-
mended to try the Great South
American Nervine Tonic. I obtained
a -bottle, and I must say I found very
great relief, and have since taken two
more bottles, and pow feel that I am
entirely free from Indigestion, and
would strongly recommend all my
fellow -sufferers from the disease to
give South American Nervine an
immediate trial. It will cure you.
Walkerton, Ont."
It has lately been discovered that
certain Nerve Centres, located near
the base of the brain, control and
supply the stomach with the neces-
sary nerve force to properly digest
the food. When these Nerve Cen-
tres are in any way deranged the
supply of nerve force is at otos
diminished, and as a result tie NO,
taken into the stomach is onlY
partially digested, and Chronic Indra,
gestion and Dyspepsia soon make
their appearance.
South American Nervine is pe
prepared that it acts directly on the
nerves. It will absolutely cure everx
case of Indigestion and byspepsitta'
and is an absolute specific for aa
nervous diseases and ailments,'
It usually gives relief in one day.
Its powers to build up the whole
system are wonderful in the extreme. '
It cures the old, the young, and the
middle-aged. It is a great friend to
the aged and infirm. Do not neglect
to use this precious boon; if you do,
you may neglect the only remedy
which will restore you to liealtli.
South American Nervine is perfectly
safe, and very.ples.sent to the taste4
Delicate ladies, do not fail to use this
great cure, because it will put the
bloom of freshness and beauty upon
your lips and in your cheeks, and
quickly drive away your disabilities
and weaknesses.
Dr. W. Washburn, of New
Richmond, Indiana, writes : "I have
used South American Nervine in
my family and prescribed it in
my practice. It is a most excellent
C. LUTZ 'Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent for Exeter.
DE, 1VIODAIR3ID, Agent, Flensall.
Certain in its effeete and never blisters."
Read proofs below:
Beveroint r., jati., 11, 1854.
Dr. D. J. Cd. •
Genttetiieft—I bought a splendid hay bottle some
time ago With C Spawin. I got him for $80. I used
Kendall's Spans, CtIre. The Se ay in is gone now
aed I have ,been nit6reci CM the same horse.
I only had rum nine weeks, so I got $120 for using
$2 worth o_f Kendall's Spavin Cure,
train W. S. ilimiSnicit, •
su.myri...,D., le 1818.
!MITA, CO. _
Sfrs—I have used your Enid/tiro semen Cure
It gOody:tiliereste:surio; curbsAvoontt6:4htoontzatt.nd
It !Stab best reameet / have evernsed.
rrioe 61 *or Bottle,
PerSaid by all Draggles, or address
De' J K,TPdirilAZZ nOlitenalY1'
• • '.• rsotitemen roma:, err.,
't e
xco oc,i0\
4;0.(bi tst%ti
Aktit ttO '4P
trO rttehaeora Avoid look to tito Zabel on the )10'0 and Vote.
XI the addrees isnot aae, eXPORDST., 1,0NDelf, they ire sparietat