HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-06-19, Page 270 ttt 0.1)0441�,ry9,J.^sl • ° 441 MR. AND MRS: G. D.1VIcPHEE IMO Wed at Knox Wendy ' Corrine Allin.' and Gary Danial McPhee, both ail Goderich, exchanged vows 'and rings before Rev. G. L. Royal May 23 in an early evening-, Ser'vi ce- i nr *n ox---'P•resby tern is n Church. Baskets. of white gladioli, pink and blue mums. and yellow daisies set the background. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Allin of "Goderich and Clinton are the parents of the bride. 'Mr. and. Mrs. Daniel McPhee, 179 Cambridge Street, Goderich; are the parents of the groom. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor - length gown fashioned . from sata peau with a °Victorian- • styled bodice featuring long full sleeves and a high neckline. A ' deep flounce of lace was at the hemline. A tulle leaf cluster held in place her semi - cathedral -length `veil and she carried a bouquet of:pgi 4 roses, and,4white, yellow and blue daisies. L.. Miss Deborah Parsonage, Goderich, was maid of:.honor. She wore a yellow dress .of crepe crimp featuring a high ” waistline with full sleeves gathered at the wrists,• with lace. The hemline was also trimmed witbace. She carried a bouquet of pink, white, blue and yellow daisies with mat- ching streamers and wore. yellow daisies in her hair. .Bridesmaids were .Miss Bennie McPhee, Golrlerich, and Miss Debbie Allin, Goderich. They were gowned 'identically *, ti M ..r Y• 4. A busy, successful year be P4 ices Legio BY SHARON SCRUTON As another year of activities is complete, members of Branch 109 'Legion Auxiliary have summarized the. past--- • year's events and tell of planss for the summet' months. The executive- had 13 meetings, twoof which were held jointly with the men's executive. There were ten general meetings one of which began with a pot luclupper. Last month one evening was set aside, for a fun night. Weekly, there is a Thursday night.card party. This is open to the public as long as each person is signed in by a member. The charge, is ,, 50 cents, There are•, prizes and profits go into the Legion building fund.. Each Saturday , night, the:; ladies assist themen with their bingo. Yearly . auxiliary members support such causes ag muscular dystrophy, Red Cross, Red Shield;" the Cancer Fund, the Hockey Association andcontribute to baseball. • Last year the RA supplied funds to enable oneretarded child to attend camp for a period of two weeks. Monthly they assist the staff of Goderich Psychiatric ` Hospital with a bingo for the patients; -work in their canteen and, send parcels to vets, at Westminster ,Hospital. - At Christmas, members gave 'to patients at Maitland Manor, and. e1S9n.. r,$tree„t.. NW.PAI_g^ Horne. They also remembered a needy family and many vets. to the maid of honor but in shades of pink and blue respectively. They carried flowers matching those of the maid of honor. • Alt---the--ictal-•--attendants wore matching necklaces, gifts from the bride. . Groomsman was • Edward Miller, Goderich. Ushers were Richard Powell and. Kenneth McPhee, both of Goderich. The wedding reception was in SaltfQrd Valley Hall where , music for dancing was provided by th,e Harbourlites. White bells and pink and white streamers decorated the hall. The bride's mother chose a floor -length gown of blue doubleknit , and a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother chose a floor -length gown of coral nylon with' pleated sleeves and skirt and a corsage of yellow roses. For travelling to Ohio, the _ bride • changed •to a mauve checked pant 'suit with white„ accessories and a corsage of yellow daisies. The couple is residing• at 56 Albert St., Goderich. The bride was feted at showers before her marriage given by the Benmiller Church Women and Mrs. David Williams, 360 Oak Street, Goderich. +++ A class reunion is. when everyone gets together to see who is falling apart. Police report Two major accidents marred the Goderich traffic -scene last week. A two car collisibn on June 11 at Jones and Wells Streets resulted in a total of , $2700 damage to vehicles owned by Halbe Claus, 218 Bennet St., Goderich and Betta Dierolf, 229 Tilt St., Goderich. The °Claus vehicle was proceeding south .on ,Jones Street while the Dierolf vehicle was proceeding east on Wells and attemped to make a left I turn onto Tones Street when the I . .vehiclesu,came into cpllisip> :... rp . Damage to the Claus vehicle was estimated at $1200 and $1500 to the Dierolf vehicle. Mrs. Dierolf .,was . taken to hospital for treatment of cuts and bruises. A second two -car collision June 13at Victoria Street and 'Elgin Avenue resulted in over $1200 damage to vehicles owned by Ray Griffiny571 Zone St., Wyoming,'Qnt., and _Dan Sheardown, 304 -Regent St., Goderich. • Damage to the Griffin vehicle was estimated at $800 and $425 to the Sheardown vehicle. There were no injuries.,, and widows and helped at a party -for. the - children, __ The Branch received a doziation froth the Legion Ladies, to,• In the past ►ear, two mem— bers received their -25 year' pins and Command granted life memberships for • three more members. • •. Furieral services were held for two deceased and funeral lunches were supplied for their families. Members visited . theme Salvation Army and one of the local churches, paraded on. November 11 and gave the men a hand with their poppy ,can- vass. The LA had a Decoration Day and catered to several banquets. Fun times included tour- naments in „darts, cards and bowling, visiting Auxiliaries in other towns and enjoying their return visits. r • :n r 0 K....- M Membership grew to.158 and• tneirnbers are proud to be the largest Auxiliary, in the Zone also. One"rnember is an officer in Zone Command. As the new year begins, it Seems it too will be busy. Qn ,Tune 6 at a joint installation vi.:th , the 'Branch, new LA executive members took their. offices. Everyone enjoyed the Once whi~ch followed. June 9th was the first executive meeting and June the 10th the ,new executive chaired. the general meeting. ..During this meeting Mrs. Gail McWhinney was electedas new sports officer for 75-76. Already in Jurle the ladies =have catered, to the Vets. of Westminster after, their fishing excursion, and d had a rummage sale, They're looking forward to their 28th birthday party this V .p playgrounds '75 'REGISTRATION: JULY 11915 FROM 9:00TO 12:00.A. I.' LOCATIONS:— JUNIOR '(Ages 6-8 yrs.) - Robert'son School (Mondays, Tuesdays) - Judtth Gooderham Pool (Wednesdays) - Sunset Park (Thursdays) - Cambridge St. (Fridays) • SENIOR (Agi4-12 yrs.) - Goderich Arena (Monday to Friday) EE — 'A small fee.of $2 for Juniors and 53 for Seniors will be charged. PROGRAM FEATURES:- er Jp'�QIY'w: An assortment,of trips, Special Events, Active 8 Quiet Games, Arts and crafts, Drama, Sing -Song & Sports. REGISTRATION WILL TAKE PLACE AT ALL LOCATIONS LISTED ABOVE. BUT PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES WILL BE CONDUCTED ONLY AT THE INDIVIDUAL LOCATIONS ON THE DAYS STAYED, AND YOUR CHILD SHOULD ATTEND» THE PLAYGROUND. CLOSEST TO HIS HOME. - tl 1�• w, • month- at which time they will have the draw for the Apple Blossom Quilt: an, which so reany have purchased• tickets, June 19 members are invited to a pool party.and'monies from both of these , projects will go into the building fund. • On June 27 the ladies are to serve a . buffet hunch for the County Council and July 5 they will serve a snack at the official •unveiling of.a plaque at the jail. July 12 ' there will be an auction sale at the Legion 1-iall with lunch provided. Members Will also take part in "Festival • 75" by, catering a luncheon for - 400 at th arena. to ' ugust members are hoping to ave a tag day and again will be looking for community s • port to build up the relief fund. S' Scruton dies Legion Auxiliary - PLEASE CLIP THIS OUT AND KEEP FO - Levels offered.A; a��n Level 1 Commencing July 14, 15, 1i,, & N Level 11 - Commencing July 21,, 22, 24 &,25 Level 111 ,. Commenting July 28, 29, $,1 & Avg. 1 And .Again Level 1 - Commencing Aug.' 4,. 5, 7 & 8 . • tr Level It Commencing Aug..»11,, 12, 14 i 15 Level!!! - Commencing Aug. 18, 19, i1 & 22» FURTHER REEERE.NCE- PROGRANIME' TO CELEBRATE `CANADA WEEK' June 24 & 25 June 26 & 27 June2,,! June 2s WARREN ROBINSON'S THE. GREAT STORM STAGED BY STUbENTS OF GDCI PLUS ' WHAT'S IN A' NAME CANADIAN SONG AND VERSE STAGED BY STUDENTS OF., ST. ,MARY'S • FUN AT THE BEACH STARTING AT 2:30 P.M. LIONS CLUB MONSTER BM -Go AQUACARNI VAL Sponsored by The Goderich • Lions dub' Proceeds'to their worthwhile charities Beef Barbecue Advance Tickets 52.50 and 51.00 On the Day - $3.00,8 51.25 -,r G .C.1. AUD4I.T9RIUM 8:00 P.M. AD -ADULTS $1, STUDE TS, CHILDREN 50c 5 P.M. to 8 M. AT HOME -THE COAST »GUAR ► CUTTER RAPID (SUBJECT TO CAPTAI S PERMISSION AND CONTINGENCI ) $300060° . IN PRIZS. - 8:0 P.M. at the ARENA TOWN BEACH STARTING NOVELTY WATER SPORTS FISH DERBY, - BEEF BAR-B-QUE FREE TUG BOAT RIDES DANCING TO•SHANNON, ti BONFIRE 1:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 5-9:00 P.Mha 8 -MIDNIGHT SUNSET July 1, 7-1 8-19 Festival Of The Arts... THE SQUARE CREATIVE ARTS AND CRAFTS: PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW: ART GALLERY: OLDAFASHIONED TfA,GARDEN: MUSIC: BABY SIT- TING SERVICE JuIyl8-19 , Historic .Homes Tours STARTING`FROM HURON HISTORIC JAIL FRIDAY EVENING„ 7.00 P.M, SATURDAY 10 P.M. AND 2:30' P.M. 52.50 INCLUDING REFRESHMENTS Sponsored by the Huron County Branch of the Ar- chitectural Conservancy Association Of Ontario. July 1 8 ,,Pe n• atum »Players THEIR PRESENTATION OF "THE ''GREAT 'STORM” HURON HISTORIC JAIL. 9:00 P`"M. AFTER S JOUR ` July - The C:A t s. Ba Salo: .Giant Bo .Book . THE, ARENA 9:00 P.M. - 1 A.M. DANCING THROUGH THE YEARS .TO CHRIS BLACK A COSTUME 'COME .AS YOU PLEASE' EXTRAVAGANZA REFRESHMENTS "COMEEARLY" DOOR PRIZES COSTUME PRIZES Sponsored -by the Shriners with procedes to their worthwhile charities. , ., � f ,GLACE � ON .GQD.ER:ICH•.. ..OTfIER» EVENTS TAKING July 20 Ecumenicai • Service .THE SQUARE 3:00 P.M. • • • "THE JOY OF LIVING IN GODERICH" Ju'Iy2 4, 2 2 6 .(arnival. a Days- THE SQUARE MIDWAY: GAMES: BINGO KINETTE LUNCH BAR: GODERICH INDUSTRIES DISPLAY: BABY SITTING SERVICE. _ Sponsored by the Goderic i Kinsmen Club - proceeds to their worthwhile • charities. • July 26 Pancake Brec'kftst ' THE SQUARE r:00A.M.-11:00A.M:`' Sponsored by the Goderich' Rotary Club THE SQUARE 1:00 P.M. -6:00 P.M.` Spopsored by the Goderich Rotary Club - proceeds of WS and the pancake breakfast to their worthwhile charities. •Goderich Raceway- •Band Concerts - » IN HARBOUR PARK EVERY SUNDAY EVENING �. �PlaerS ..' ` HURON HISTORIC JAIL EACH.TUESDAY AND THURSDAY Pendulum '''' A DIFFERENT PLAY EACH WEEK ' •Goderich S�lIing Club .-M REGATTAS - JtILY 19,20 - SALT BOWL REGATTA 1F YOU ARE A VISITOR IN OUR TOWN WE HOPE YOU WILL JQIN,W'ITH US» IN CELEBRATING THE 125TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE IN- CORPORATION OF THE PORT OF GodERICH, TOZ)uR TOWNSFOLK, PLEASE GET INVOLVED »IN THESE ACTIVITIES.. HAVING FUN AND ENJOYING ONESELF IS INFECTIOUS. ONE BROAD SMILE BEGETS • ANidTH4.1. Wr• AUG. 24 - DOMINION ROADS REGATTA AUG. 29,30,31 - ROUN:p UP REGATTA., The Goderich Celeitratia '7 5LComrnittee WATERLOO ST. SOUTH' , •� GODERICH . M • ; � wr _.,.. nw.win.vi:++w1�+.r.r.w.,•...wrMr .rrwr r:w.a.rrrWrw.. Wr.rw , PLEASE' alohHIS OUT A11D KEEP FOR FURTHER REFEREN»C'�Lw • • • •1 4-- 1, 4 ° 4