HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-8-9, Page 577 I NI ,/ilft.aaseuEsla Toronto, Ontario. 0 As Well as Ever After Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured of a Serious Disease. was suffering front what is known as Bright's disease for live years, and far days at a time naive been enable to straigitten mySelf • up. I was In bee ter throe vsce::s; during that time I had leeches applied and derived no benc- • t. Seclag nood's S :ttr In advertised in the papers I deeided iss try a, bottle., I found HO Sarsapara a fZtA' •relief beforo I had finished taking half of a bet, tie. I got so much help from taking bottle that I decided to try another, r ! taking the second bottle 1 If -r4 ns sseu ever did in mylife.” TJr044., Hood's ;sills- are prompt inel sn, yet easy of action. 801(1 by al: droiee..... s.ss THE 4 MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY , !stars. , FOR MAN OR BEAST , Certain in its effects and never b Read proofs below: :KENDALL'SSPAVINC UNE. 4 Box 62, Carman Henderson Co., Ill., Feb. 23, 'et. Dr. B., J. Kano/4M Co, Dear Sirs -Please send .me one a rour Horse 4 Books and °blip. I hoveused a great de al of your 1..•1Zendall's Spavm Ottre with good ne; Is a 4 lwonderfal medicine. I once had a inareerthat had 4 on Occult Spavin and nye bottles Cured her. I keep a bottle on hand all thetime. • Yours truly, CntS. Persons. • 4 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Centos, Ito„ Apr. 3, 67 • Dr. B. J. ItsercALL Co. Dear Sirs -I have used several betties of your s °Kendall's Spavin Caren with much success. I , think it the best Diniment I ever used. Have e• morxdone Curb., one Blood SpavIn and kill d two Bone Spavins. Have recommended it to • several of ray friends who aro much pleased with and keep it. Respectfully, S. R. RAY, P. 0. Box3G. For Sale by all Druggists, or address Dr. D. J. KENDALL COMPANY, 4 4 ENOSBURGH FALLS, VT. .00. .0 DON'T DESPAIR wILL PURE YOU We guarantee Dodd's -Kidney Fills to cure any, case of Drirht:s Di -ma se Diabotes. Immbago, Dropsy. Rimumatism, I ferrt Disease, Female Troubles. Impure .Blood-•er money refunded. Sold by all deal rs in medicine, or by mail on receipt of t rice, 500. per bo:, or Sb: boxes DR.,T . A. SMITH 84 CO., Toronto, 4.4021321,4014M8114104=01114:11 BIG FIRE IN CHICAGO. Moro Property Destroyed Than Slime the Conflagration of 1872. • Catetano, Aug. 2. -Flames last night de- stroyed more proper y and in shorter space of time thaa any fire which has visited Chicago since the big Conflagration in 1872. Over $3,000,000 worth of lumber, elecs trine]. apparetus, cat's, car wheels, castings, stoves, patterns, buildings -and other materials, were consomed in a blazing furnace of over ;shall mile square withia ;less than three hours, The scene of the fire was What is kuown as the lumber dis- trict. The territory burned over was bounded by Ashland avenue on the east, the Booth branch of she Chicago River on the south, Blue Island avenue oil the north and Roby streel on the west. • Them were many casualties among, the firemen aud spectators. The only death so fur as heasd was that of a boy who fell from a lumber Tile in a river slip and was drowned, The isiserance will pfobably not exceed •half the amount Of losses. The A. It. U. Abandons the Strike. ()mosso°, Aug. 3. --The American Rail - Way Onion will not offieially declare the railroad strike off, and neither will it advise the continuance of the strike. The raeinbers of the organ;zation of each road will be allowed to return separately if they so decline or remain ont, but they will receive neither orders nor adviee from the union as a whole. TWA Was the eenise of the con ventioti Which assembled in this city to diecttas the eittiation, Three men lEilled 171 an Bxplosion. EGANVitl,n, Ont., Asig, 3. -On Tuesday is sad accident occurred at the works of a the 0. .A. & P. S. By., in the vicinity of Barty'e Bay. A eherge of dynamite ex. plotted, inetatray killing three net and • injarstig several others. The twines of the Unfortunate men aro as follows: George J.:basica, front Mattawa; Keller, from Pei - liner liapids; the other being 00 English- man, name Unknown, and ouly lately ottt frOin the &A country. the It D. C. Ia. isocetten 11; Slie Would Not Be Patieii t, 81(11150 „FOR 'round' Celery,' ilCoinpounk There is no virtue in patience when pain and disease torment the body. It is es crime against Heaven end our !entity mortals to allow dines° to gain the mastery when help and cure is at our very door. A. Kingston, Ont. lady, the mother of a large family, marred for many yeara from kidney trouble and neuralgia. Medical aid and numbtrrlens medic:lines failed to remove her troublea, She began to be very im- patient with medical efforts; she chafed and fretted because her little ones could not receive the attention from her that they needed. The sufferina wife and mother providen- tially had placed in her hands a record of cures and wonderful restoration' to health effected by Paine's Celery Compound. That very day she procured two bottles of the ma:velem noedicine, and in 3 weeks time she felt that she had found the way to health, After using seven bottles she was mede hale and strong; every trace of disease had been banished, and to use her own words "she felt as if a new life had been given to her." Paine' s Celery Com- pound can and will do the name good work of all who suffer. It is a conqueror of disease whenever used. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. Effectually yet gently, when ceetive o bilious, or when the blood re impute or sluggish, to permthently cure habitual constipation, to awsken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irri- tating or weakening them, to dirpel head- aches, colds or fevers uee Syrup of Figs. Detective Downey, of Detroit, when in Port Huron Friday discovered that the Young man who gave his name as Arthur Hespeler, son of a bank examiner in Winn- ipeg, vrho was arrested in Sarnia two or three days ego after hating paesed two worthless checks in Port Huron, is the roan who is wanted in Detroit on a charge of obtainin g money under false pretenses. • 44V- 4 THE TJNIVEBSL ANSW1 R. - What Dyea are always guaranteed, And en our country take the lead? The Diamond Dyes! What Dyes are strong, anti bright, end fast. And always dies to live and last? The Diamond Dyes! What Dees give grand resnits each time, Whenever u ed in any clime? The Diamond Dyes! What Dyea bring profit, pleasure, peace, And by their work a great increase? The Diamond Dyes! What Dyes should alt Canadians try? Hark! listen to that mighty cry -- The DialnUnd Dyes! A sudden de ath °cowed at Belleville about 10 o'clock Saturday n,oreing. Mre. Fred. Andrew e as preraring to go to mar- -ket, when Ale fell over and expired from heart disease. Hoe was in her 59th year and leaves a hutband and family. Nervous debilityis common complaint, especially among women. The medical treatment for this disorder is a persietent course of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla to cleanse and invigorate the blood. This being- accom- plithed, nature will do the rest. Not one in twenty are free hen) eome little ailment caused by enaction of the liver. Use Carter's Little Liver Pills. The result will be a pleasantrsarprise• They give positive relief,. Tee Canadian Pacific Railway traffic re ceipts for the week ended July 81 were 6469,900, as compared with 565,000$for the corresponding week last year. ‘`Caart thou mister to a mind disene- ed?" asks Macbeth, Certainly. my lord; the condition of the mind depends largely, if not solely, on she condition of the 'stom- ach, liver, and bowels, for all of which somPlaints Ay er's Pills are "the Rover.- eigne et thing on earth." HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappera (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner Than a man") to Lever Bros Ltd 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by poet a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the beat in the market, and it will only eoat lo postage to send in the wrappers, if year leave the ends open, Write your address earefulle, Fall 0 ,C 0' Fairs, 18041 London Western Fair Toronto Goderich Stratford Seaforth (South Huron) Zurieh Kirlszon Thorndale Clinton Sept. 13-22 Sept. 3-15 Sept. 26-26 Sept. 27-2E3 Sept. 27-28 Sept. 27-28 Oct. 4-6 Oct. -10 Oat. 2-3 --NEW- DRUG STORE T. WICKETT4 1+1, 1), 0. 91,, TRINITY TINIVEISSITY. 11. 13„ TORONTO tnIIvRRSITY. Has opened out it new Drug Store on 1‘!.tpe CREDITON, \Viler() he keeps o full supply of all lilies of Da 0'08, biZUGEflISI"S SUNDRIES, and ZATRNT MEDICINES. it; 1 T4XSP:IENSX1•TO • Our prices will be found the lowest. Cell anti tee us, ALARII IN NOVA SCOTIA. Sweden and IsierwaY's Treaty WWI Spain Timed With ApprelletiSiOn. HER FISH INDUSTRY IN DANGER I Sitio Diseases aro more or less directly 9 eessloried by bad blood, B. Et. IS. °Ores. Clit CEin tbe followirog Sitio Diseases; Shingles, ErrtiPelae, Itching &taboo. Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Eruptions Pimples and 131otobee, by removing Ale inmursties from the blood fou e a common Pimple to the worst Soroftilous Salt\ By the Treaty the ierodtiete of the Dual lElng,lont Will be Admitted l.free Into one of Canada/a Boat ilfarkets-Parliament emorialized. Mtg. 7„--44..t zi speeitti Meet - hip,' of the, Board se Traile yeaterti,ly to c nisider the 111 utter uf fieh from Sweden and Norway 1,.ting admitted frse of duty IU t the Island of Cuba After 15th just. The follnwin„,.e. resolution was moved by Hon. A. 0. Jones and resolved; "This board. has heard with inuoli appreheitsion and alarm of a treaty havieg, beett negotiated by Sweden and Norway with the kingdom of Spain, under a provision of whieli the fishing products of the former are to be admitted day tree into the markete large amount. The present duty on cod fish in Cuba is $1 per quintal and for Porto Rico 50 cents per qiiintal. " The import of fish into the island ot Cuba reaches about 100,000 quintals per annum and into Porto Rico about 170,000 quintals per annum, and should therefore this treaty as reported go iota force it will readily be seen at what'great disadvantage our trade will be placed in those islands. This board desiree to draw attention to this very important fact to the considera- tion of the Dominion Government, and to urge upon them in the very, strongest pos- sible way the necessity of prompt action to defend our trade with the islands referred to. Porto Rico is the only market for our bank, bay and Labrador fish, and should this treaty come into force it will place our trade at a great disadvantage. Having to compete with free importation from other countries, it is evident our fishermen Cuea, end probably Porto Rico RS well. • Resolved, Should. 'such treaty bt stab - Belted it would prove mast disestroue to the 1)01111114M1 t4 ()auntie and more par- ticularly to Ni/Vit Scotia, whose trade rela- tions vvi tit those islands represent a very f VTOWLEDGE Brings comfort; and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly Used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly I beneficiel properties of a perfect lax- ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing contstipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug i - gists n 75o. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. For Sale at O. Lutz's Drug Store Manitoba a heat returns 20 to 25 bushel's rer sore. will be compelled to change their °coupe - m tion and retire froprosecution of an in- T„TTIINITuqE dustry which has been of a great profit to r themselves and a great advantage to the commerce of the Dominion at large. "Resolved also that a copy of this reso- lution be forwarded to the Dominion Gov- ernment and also a copy to be forwarded to every member of the House of Commons from the Maritime Provinces," The resolution wee carried unanimously and ordered to be wired to Mr. Bowell at once. Daring Burglary at Newcastle. NEWCASTLE, Ont., Aug. 7. -One of the moat daring robberies that has been known in this vicinity was perpetrated here when the post office and McClung & Bell's store were gone 'through and cleaned of all money on hand. The post office in the back part of the store, in which they have a large Taylor's safe wherein was stored $100 or more belonging to 3IcClung & Bell and about $15 and $20 of post office money. The burglars blew the door of the safe open with dynamite and took the cash book with them, in which were the soma of money already spoken of. There was about $30 worth of stamps in the safe, but they did not touoh them. It is supposed they had a key as the post office door was the only possible place where they could have got in. Chatham's Terrible Crime. CHATHAM, Aug. '7. -The awful occur- rence of Sunday not:ruing in the adjacent township of Chatham by which two lives were lost as the outcome of a firebug's fiendish deed is the Lig-absorbing topic of conversation in this vicinity. Detective McKener is at work on the case. He thinks that there is something being con• cealed by the Curtis family which would throw light on the case. No hesitation is manifested by the public in characterizin,g the movements of the county high con- stable as very slow and undecisive in view of the enormity of the crime committed. The Salvation Arniy Mobbed in Quebec. QUEBEC, Aug. 7. -For some time past the Salvation Army have been trying to hold meetings in St. Roch ward, the most French and Catholic portion of the city, Last night a big crowd gathered on Bridge street la front of a store owned by a man named Samson, announced as the French preacher of the Salvation Army. A. shower of stones was thrown through the -window and doors, which were completely smashed, Two Salvation girls are reported badly hurt. No .airests could be made on ac-• count of the tremendous crowd assembled in front of the store. An Ingersoll Man Snieitles. INGERSOLL, Ont., Aug. 7. -The body of ' Willi B am nrus, an old man about 15 or 80 years old, who formerly lived at South-" ampton, has been found under some trees about a mileast of here, near the O.P.B. track. He had committed snicicle by tak- I e , JA pv 0 •D I ing oarbolie acid. and whiskey. He had I been in the town on Saturday -looking for 1 Furniture Manufacturer, north of work, and it is thought that being die." Town Hall. couraged he took his life. His three sons live in Southampton. A cargo of Ftirniture of every kind and quality we have placed 011 sate at such figures as will make it a red letter sale to the people of Exeter and surrounding country. R. INT ROWE. WHAT A LITTLE MONEY WILL BUY - - If spent in the right place, That J. D. Atkinson's is the right place to buy your furniture. The following facts and figures prove 10 Piece Bedroom Outfit, $20.O. BED, DRESSER, WASH STAND, MATRESS, SPRING, 2 PILIOWS, • ROCKER, $20.50. CHAIR, TABLE. Coming brides and young married couples take advantage of the above offer. We supply comfort cheap. $20.50. A Foul Murder in Vaucouver. Vaxeimvert, B.O., Aug, 7. ---James Mc - ;Rom et prominent Oacifellow, Was found murdered yesterday in his house five miles from this' city. There is no oleo to the murderer. The oi,ject of the 'wittier undoubtedly sees robbery, as MeNory had driawn three months'. net- a few days ago. McRory wag from Dutidee, Scotland, He has relatives lit Renfrew, Ont., and Bris- tol, R.I. Buchanan Committed for Trial. WINDsOn, A.ug, 7, -Isaac Buchanan was yesterday committed to stand trial at the next assizes on the charge of criminally assaulting Maggie Patterson, a 16.year old Detroit girl, • who was visiting relatives near Sandwich and whom Buehenatt in• dticed to accompany him to his hose to assist his wife with her houseWOrk. Rail was refined. A C. Is. It, treat Ashore. Seteaverott' Au. 7 -The Catiadien Fa- cifio steamship Empress of China Captain Archibald, which sailed from 'Vancouver on July 16th, ran ashore at the entranee to that port. All ittterapts to float her have proved ftitile. It is thought she mu8b charge much of her Cargo and then wait for the full tide to float her. .ikpparontly alio is in no danger. ' Austrian Ctonsiii Oriented kIliilgbt. Mosleittesst,Aug. 7.. --Edward Schuitte, for tbe past twenty years Anetrian eonsul itt 111ontreal4 has been Created a tnight of tile order of real% ,Thsapli by the Emperor Vrantis Joseph for ineritoriotis services. See. 'WILL EXCEL ALL OTHERS, Canada's Great INDUSTRIAL ce FAIR To OLV 'PT. 5'1015 71894. Vast Ituprovententk This It ear BABAS and Attraotione areater and Grander than Dvet All antries oioso ,migtkot lith. Tim best holiday outing of the yeer. Cheep Hxransiorta On all IlanWAY8. J. WiTtiltOW, I1 4T. 111414 PRESIDENT.• USNA.GBIt 4‘, Riegusterrxen Chian) lie A par. -South American Rheumatic Oure, for liheinnatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to days. Its action upon the system la renter*. obits and myeterione, It Removes at onse the cause end the disease immediately dis- appears. The first dose greatly benefit* 76 centa. Sold by O. Lutz, Druggist. B1)5 Sirs, -I heel Noah a severe cough that my throat felt es if scraped with a rasp taking Norway Pine Syrup I found that one dose gave relief, rood the second bottle completely cured me Mies D. A. A• owney, Manotie, Ont. Burdock Blood Bitters cure dyspepsia. Burdock Blood Bittern cure Conetipation. Burdock Blood Bitters cure billowiness, Burdock Blood Bitters oure headache, Burdock Blood Bitters unlock all the clogged secretions of the bowels, thus cur- ing headachee and similar complaint.. Entorrackinglime Ask for our "PLUME" brand Meats. They are the best. SNELL BROS. ruaunin:. Largest Finest Designs. Lowest Prices Immense show rooms loaded with goods; every quality, style and price, but all the best for the least money. Our - Spring Store now complete, is the pick of the mar- ket in everything -is elegant and varied beyond description. Parlor Furniture Will be the fate this week. The unus- ual size and variety of the line does not admit giving pieces in detail. Odd Pieces Will be especially attractive in price, and all who wish for much, in return for small outlay,will not be disappointed. 8. GIDLEY c 80N, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. A Full Stock -OF- SCEOR sums - AT Browning s -DEALER IN - Books, - Stationery, - and Fancy - Goods, Bibles, Hymn Books in every var- iety, Scribblers, Pads, Note Paper, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Lock Heves, Etc., etc. JW, Browning's BOOKSTORE. 0.0/0000 hrriagos Wagons We have received a ohoice lot of Children's Carriages and Wagons, which will be sold EIEA..P. Come and see them and be convinced. Our Stock of BOOTS & SHOES is now complete in every line. Prices to snit everybody. We don't advertise a 20 per cent discount and claim a 20 per cent profit for our trouble, nor do we drag people off the street to induce them to buy. Come in yourselves and get prices, and you see at once .we have no 40 per cent profit, Good Cow-hicle,Hancl-niatle.Hoots i Rip .1 51 3 Bills 2. " Plow Boors 90 Men's Hall Soling 85 Wonsen's " s 30 44 41 No charge for rips; also see our Hat - nest, Can't be beaten for style and ritiality, and everything in the HarnesS 3, TREBLE. or Wo Not baYing more than 00 years loPger to )i'sre Z ana cletennt to do all the good I. can in the Interest pt Men, 'Women end Children,. There will be about as much 'financial profit in the traneaction es, there will be to 111cLean or 'Weismiller whoever gcts Men's all wool Tweed Suits to order for $ro oo Fine Black Suit% from $15 oo up. We make a specialty of fine goods. Our Guinea, Trousers beat the world $5 26, spot cash. Give 13$ O. call and see for yourself. *711 H GRIEVE, main-st., Orommoonamom.44•14E. Exeter arvest on Rand BINDE.11 TWINE FOR EVERYBODY, Harvest Mitts, Forks all kinds and sizes Best machine:oils. STOCK OF ALL KINDS FULL. IDIZIOMS Come and See. JOSEPH COBBLEDICK EXETER LUMBER YARD. The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general that he keeps con- stantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL., (DRESSED AND UNDRESSED) PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAXD And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled to be the Moat Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate. J.B. eVcrneXIZS OIL, OIL, OIL, OIL 1 .00•1 THE BOBIER PRODUCTI CO. have decided to Retail Oil at Wholesale Prices : Best Canadian Oil, Best Canadian Water White Best American Water White - 12c. 17c. 20c. COME ONE, COME ALL. THE BOBIER PRODUCE CO. J.Murray& Co, The - Exeter Foundry ' Manufacturer of PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, TWIN PLOWS. Wholesale Manufacturers of Plow Castings. Also General Castings con- tracted for in Iron and Brass. Also Manufacturers of Bridge Balt ends, Washers, etc. Iron piping and fillings kept constant ly on hand, Repairs promptly execut- ed. • YOTT Want a Bicycle? THE G. &J. PNEUMATIC TIRE s,,,. e Change in Business SN ELL'S Butcher Shop! •••••••"?... Having purchased tbe Butchering bus iness of Messrs. Wood Bros., -will take possession on April 1st, and I would res pectfully solicit the patronage of all the old customers of the shop and as many new ones as can favor me with a call. Meats of all kinds always on hand, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. WICS. SZIEZ•14. 1161o:11)1c Stylo: Is tho only Tire that give sotisfeetion last year MANUFAcrUnita sr flS 0 The N ,,toToREI BicyBeral! G fo Ont. Lts. TOR0NTO PERKINS & MARTIN Faneon'e The datii when the subseription expires is on the addreint label of each paper, the flange of which to It subsequent date he - conies a receipt for x einittanee.*Subecribers will please exaralue their label before and alter reeking a remittance. Look et the date on your label this week, end see that your nettle is rterk. 6 well It a ouzo. i Bost Ordered. Clothing prDdac8 nzetr Gentlemen I lee're yOUTOtaera aarlYstok with the beet stett.of Tailore the bed. etos o pin° .Trinollingli, tad the boob Dotting itt Towit,yett are Ante *II