HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-06-05, Page 36PMiyew!. • $,GNA TTR,. TRI , RSDAY> -DUNE 5,19 6raduatc Andrew James Pirie, B.A., graduated from Dalhousie University, Halifax, on May 16 with a Bachelor of . Laws. degree. He received the University Medal in Law for highest standing in the graduating class,' as well as the Carswell 'Company Prize and the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society Prize for high standing. Andrew has accepted an ar- ticling position with the law firm of Osl r, Hoskin and Harcourt in Toronto, but early in 1976.expects to travel to New Zealand, having been awarded a Canada Council Doctoral Fellowship for study towards the Master of laws degree at Atte University of Canterbury. Andrew is a graduate 'of the University of. Waterloo and of Goderich District Collegiate Institute. Carroll picked...'.. (continued from page 1 ) he hoped it wag written primarily to taunt because it was "factually inaccurate". He then turned his attention to the opposition parties. "Politics; is a four-letter word today," he said, "People have reached a point of apathy." "Many people ask me, 'Why are you fighting? You're not going to win'." Well, I'm fighting because the Liberals and the Conservatives don't have any policies or philosophies. 'The Progressive Conservatives can only stop a problem - they practise crisis politics. The, same is true of the Liberals." Mr. .Carroll said the main problem facing the. Liberals .,.was division in the party's ranks over various issues. He pointed out,however, that he himself was not on a power trip. "Paul Taylor (Lib. -Carleton Eas,t) is quoted as saying, 'Power is the name of the game'. If that is the name of the game then I want no part of it." Pat. Chefurka; Ontario NDP president then took the floor as guest speaker. The NDP candidate for London Centre~,.:. predicted the upcoming election to be "a dog fight with Square landscaping..... (con• tinued frolln page 1) explainedthat the rchite ■/ different seasons. He explained would give the town ,a priority that he had last visited the -site list for the project en,bling in early May and even in the 'them to budget work year by last month the use of the park year. 'He added that the con - had' changed after he saw it tract between the town and the before the council meeting. architects would also be clearly outlined with regards to what The work done on The Square the town gets for their money. last. year was a "step in the right. direction" said Hilton• but The cost of the first proposal could, not be allowed to stand by involving just The Square- is itself; He explained that im- • $7,120. The courthouse park provements on any one building area would be . handled for or •sectior--of buildings em -$4,100, the storefront sidewalks phasize them • but the whole for $2,200 and the off-street aspect 'of The. Squre should be parking for $820. considered. He• said th prope use of The second proposal, the street light+ g, signs,t outdoor master plan involving,-, the furniture, idewalks, types and entire 'core area would cost ideation of plants and color $9,650. including , expenses. combi ; ations would be the .Retainer fees for the work are ultimate 'ambition in both his 35 percent of the total, 40 • plans.. , percent follows preliminary Planning the work schedule studies and design 'meeting and would be also part df the work the remainder following. done by R.T.R.. Mr. Hilton the parties biting pretty evenly balanced. It's going to be. a riding by tiding fight," she said. Mrs. Chefui•ka also said the •'sirris of the Progressive Conservatives" would. be the party's downfall.. "The Davis government has lost its credibility because of the scandals and crooked land deals," she. said. .In qther business, the NDP supporters who met in the library' of Central Huron High School, returned the present party executive to office for another term. Returned were: Shirley Weary, president: Phil Walker, vice-president; Marilyn Penfold, treasurer; Mary Carroll, secretary: and Dave Weary, organizer. Cathy McCormiclr,, ‘,.as elected toil one of the two vacant- vrce- presidential' office-. G>i:utl ,>.1'��'embei'ton and' Phil Walker were elected as the riding's delegates to the NDP Federal Convention in Win- nipeg from July 4 - 6. Clint Gibson was elected as an alternate delegate: Graduate 4• At the University • oft Western - Ontario's Convocation Ceremony, June 2, Peter James Johnson, son of ,Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Johnson, RR 2, Goderich .received an Honour Bachelor 'of, Arts degree in Political Science. Peter was a student of the Goderich District High School. He 'plans to con- tinue at the same University in graduate studies this fall. ' •� Ii is entrfication arrives vi , mail Ottawa resident -recognizes classmates ly / • W.K. Thomson of the Re, earch°Division, Health and Wefare, Ottawa, has sent identification of the Third Book class at Victoria School which appeared in the May 15 edition of The Goderich Signal -Star. '"My score is probably closer to 90 per cent,' writes Mr. Thomson. Identification (with' some gaps. indicated' by a question mark) is as'follows: Back row, left to right - Melvin Smith, Keith Morison, Isobel Berriman, ? Martin, ? McGregor, Evelyn Black', Bloomfield (? ), Joe Taylor, Bill Thomson, Reg Newcombe, Fred Qram, Walter Doak, Walter Newcombe, Russel Drennan, Frank Young;, Jim Salkeld, The other picture . on the page, that of the Goderich Collegiate student body from 1922-23, had a line underneath which promised identification the following week. The identification was on the back of the photograph. Unfortunately, the picture was picked up by its owner (unknown to the editorial staff) before the identification was copied from the picture. ff anyone can identify this group, please ' notify.the Signal -Star editorial "staff soon. Many people have been asking about it. Evaporator walkout.,.., (continued from page 1) ..against the picketers but certainly would 'have taken steps to have them removed if Teacher Grace Wootton, Della they remained for a long time. Murney, ? Madge, Irene'. ' Work at the nine resumed Bloomfield, Margaret Proctor, about eight o'Icock Monday Bob Carrick (? ), Ernest night when the miners began Peachey. working and a lake freighter Second row, left tq'right -'Ida that had arrived earlier in the White (?), Win.nifted Shepherd, : evening was loaded. Nearly all Lucile MacDonald, Ethel Cook, the salt produced at the mine is Dorothy Clark, Donna Bell, shipped directly from there to Thelma Hoeg,'"? , Edith Lumby, .markets . and no backlog of Dorothy Squire (?), ? Crad- material is being realized as a dock, Marguerite MacDonald, result of the striking surface Mildred Wilson. workers., Front row, left to right - Local 682 president Dennis Dwayne Precious, Donald Jewitt said he had informed the Murison, ? Clark, Harry ,nine workers of the reasons for the picket and advised them tlement. The original union that if they didn't cross the line request was for $1.75 for one to work it was their individual year with fringe benefits and choice. He said no one was cost of 'living adjustments. The preventing the men from'` company returned with $1.05 an working but pointed out that the hour over two years • but the Men feel they have a moral union demanded $2.25 if the obligation not to cross the line. contract was for twyears. Union truckers and seamen from lake freighters arriving at the mine for loads of salt were also pected to honor the line but the one boat that did come in Monday was after the pickets had been removed and was loaded on schedule. Mr. Burns, who serves as Mr. Burns said no change had chairman of the negotiating been made in 'the union stand, committee, said the company adding that they were set up for had offered a very poor set- a long strike. Evaporator plant manager Jack Brady said no changes had been made . in the com- pany'sstand` to his knowledge and no negotiations have been planned for the next few days as far as he knows. ■ r■■■r■r*ril i■■■r■■■■■i■r'/ ■ slam. iTmOli■/■/■i sppp t■■■r■rri>ir■mOuppli■r■■■a■psi'r.:111111.-:'■■■mmom■■■■■■■■■r■■■■■■■■■ iamm ■■■It■pplomm Imm .t t ., „ ,.-.1r-,, ,.._ ♦ rt-„ ,,- x+•-.•r-t� ..., t -, t , , '. 1 r, 1 ,^. ,.. .,..,-,.-Tan* ,.« .. ..., _..--rr«...--. «,..... tr' .' `: 'r •` •■r. 'r ,: '} •. •' :r ', .■r. '1 'r ,r ., It lr:air 1 11 :' ., 1. 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IIr■■ra■ � aiiiiss:le ■ r■ek:is:.;r. ■r GOLDEN BANANAS 1 B 49c'i i■■: ;, i:1r ;■ ■ >L� ��.,r>r::r .Ir■r�lr■rrN»tr�■■.�■•�r■rr■r■a■r■■r/■r/■t■/■■r� ..■■ 4 r. ,�/ .■/i. ■ / :::rd::/■:./ BUY ONE GET ONE FREE 50 MI •■■■■■ RIPE r1 * 11:1■a1 ■. a:_:a/' .: ; l 1/ AYLMER 15 OZ. F Li: PRODUCE OF U.S.A. NO. 1 GRADE' /■ll/■/i: 1r ✓ :�>.I/■■■■1■r .. 1'KETSUP ■ o ULTRA HEADS /■}■/■■:lr �r■■rr,l■i■ 1 z LB. TINR ii '. ,,. Balli .r .:,:■■Art. SWIFTS • C BITE TOOTH PASTE CABBAGE '� �r PRODUCE AF U.S.A. NO. 1 GRADE• F:1111.1,11;;;;I; 7 it ■; ,/r�t..�r>t.�r ' ��� DARE'S 15 OZ. BAG SUP RSWEET 20LB, B'AG ii HEAD�•LETTUC� �fIllt�i■," ■.: XXILI■ '°Q H AMS 41 .. ■■i■■■■/��■ ■■ ■■TEA//r■r■■.ter ■■ • ■■C ��PRQDUCEOFU.S.A.NO. 1, GRADE■■�;: 1:111■: '■ ■■ ii COOKIE ■■orir/: r 1 r, ■�. TYNEDOGOOD •��■■1■EININV■■E1r ■■ - ■.CELERY STALKS Z R 9Cra ,r '�1r■1 lr r, �, ■■ MIRgCLE 48 FL, OZ, ■■ ■■ S ■■ PRODUCE OF U.S,A. NO. 1 GRADE l0 LBr BAG rr ■�■■ .1■ $ ■■ on 41 oz. , ' ESS59''. 'i11,•IP TIN AYLMER :EATE POTATO■r■■■■r;■ '�i 1. /, /a.frn. ;■ ■'r_: iEs ni■ .111 ■ R UIT F ■■ N • ■i :/■. r :r 1'■ IIM�a T.,:t ■�'■ rrrrr■misir■■■■■■■■■•■■■rt■■■■■ ■v0 //■sr■r.`�■ ..,■■■■■.■■■■■■■■■■rrr■■R■�re■rrr■■■14.FLro., b ■■r,7 R,. A NCIA SWIFTS ��■■r/>ir/■�.1■ COCKTAIL sit•ilitati■11,`�?�, t■■-1■CANNED.■/r •■■■ ■/� ■■■ ORANGES DDZ: 111-111"1111: . i■r,_.// ■ 24 FLr•OZ.. /:_.■r ■r■lir■■■■■■'../ CARNATION ■I�!■/■■■fir/■■■■r1a._ ■�,t1 11■1♦!�1■ ■ �ar■i- ,-1':i■ STEWS 6 , t •rC...... ■■■rr■■//t/■r■■r■/w■1•r■/■■■.':'■r�■■s■■■■i■■■■■■■■amu■■.■■� • rr/../■' :: C0� F E E MATE . as .......■r■■■■■■r■■■■ou■rr //■rrrrt !■ ■r1■■■srrr • ORANGE PEKOE SALADA' :� MAPLE LEAF 16 OZ. JAR ", ■■ ALLEN'S PURE■■ KRAFT rr■■■■rt;lr • ■r lilt �� lrrrl■ . a., mar 6o's ■./ SOCKEYE, // . • - ■;• ■■ 1 'r■I il. iri I •APPLE ■■ CHEESE . , , ■� /�ar/r lrr, .r TEA BAGS . ■■ r■ PARKAY . L.1�>�1 /.». Illi : ■■ a� , $1.19 enni r.■kir. JUICE ILI 3.LB.■■ WHIZ �r! �rr■rrr■ / rlrrrr■1/ KRAFT r/ SA MON �' a ■r 1 i - r/■■■■■:.■ Nr •• PKG. 9 48FL. OZ. /■ - /! !■■' 1 L lr�llrrr,J�1 ��/`�■7a OZ.499c:: O •M -A R G A R I N E• ,,,/ KRAFT SINGLES /1 •rrl' :r■�1r rt:■rnrri:i■ DINNER PKG. "4 $ ;; rrrr ;I .irIi I/rt1r ■1"■1* 1*11 I*r. OZ. �' • O9„„iii. LIBBY'S 48 FL. OZ. • S S % ■r CHEESE 1 LB. ■■■■.rrr■ r::rr■rrr■ FABRIC SOFTENER // r B F ■�■/■■����■■*/■' 1•39 /■■/■r■r 1r■ ■■■■■■'lr ,ir/a■rrr/■i■li>Nr6■r' oS , SLICESPKG,r! iririil�Ir■ i■FLEECY 8qc _ ■//TOMATO JUICE R ■L�■.■■■.rr■.■;:: , .�, 11-111111' i:rpt- / 64 FL, • OZ. .E.i■rar■r■1♦■■/.■■.... rr1■■i 1■r, !� *. ,itid■rr/. rrr ■lir■ rir�r� ■ i ;r . rr ra�L-.1■ , t HOSTESS : / ■r■arrL ;r' SILVERWOOD'S- DELUXE /2 GAL:. a�■■r/■�■t■■■■■■■■■a■■■a■■// ■■ter■a■■ r• A� POTATO CHIPS %9trilliripti ■ rr■■■■::■:rr>�trr■r■■r■■11■■■■'■/■■■/rA��AA■�■/rt■/ 8.8 OZ. PKG.•Y ompletion. Why does Speed�Queen have a lifetime warranty on its Stainless Steel tub and drum? To reassure today's quality -conscious consumer, Speed Queen warrants the stainless steel tub inher 'automatic washer oche stainless steeldrum in her 'dryer for the lifetime- of the washer or dryer. The properties of stainless steel— and the confidence Speed Queen has in stainless steel = makes all- this possible. There is no otherwasher tub or dryer drum • din the market made of another material in which the confidence of a lifetime warranty is placed. .1711111!„. qicitimillan, ��e�/ \A r/t/ n/ /'/ J J'l'Jti'sti'J'l'lel'J 9l'Jt t LIFETIME WARRANTY «►ON STAINLESS -STEEL TUB AND DRUM . The Speed Queen stainless Steel washer .tub and dryer ��drubs 'are warranted for the life of the washer and' dryer 'by Speed Queen, A Division,of McGri ,-Edison Company, Ripon, �-Wisconsin. If the tub or drum fails as a result of a menu- facturing defect, it will be replaced. Labor charges incurred in the removal and replacement of the tub or drum are the"responsibility of the owner unless the one year warranty •e'.�/' responsibility di the Speed Queen• dealer' applies.\ft�ero'(a(ate(a.(a.(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(6/a ieis(afefe(a(a(a(a(ais(a(a. a\Ai 40. SERViCE E�1� ad sry of Servitt Electric (13nderlchl)' Ltd. N011rRTH 'GOOE'RICH,. n ' 5�L4- i y • rIt A r7r rrl _ � ' ■r • stLou � .SOMETHING SPECIAL•OUR QUALITY t -4110 " V "f- NIS INSTA r■ NT COFFEE iJAR $2-2Q rrl ■▪ ::■aI i*lrr a■■ NESCAFE r' .■■::. ■ ■ +■■ ■■�'■ ANC FRESH 3 QT BAG • • ILK • HOMO �1 SS ✓ .▪ _:■.rrr■/ Z �p a $ 1 ' r1■�:1r ✓ . r . ■ / rri ' r N E LADE BONE REMOVED • • 'so VAPONA 89rw INSECT , • STRI SRA D D' B • PS100 GRAMS ✓ i�liii 7/■Tar r' BLADE ■1 irr ar■r IR XI ;III ; r■r: * ■rrrrr■r-i■ ■rill rrrrWl■ *IThar 1/Mr! irrFliiimf-ri �� S rr1 • ■r■ , rrrrr■.1■ 49 BB' OR ■■ • ■r;rlrri■alr■ /, JOHNSON i t li ar irrra■ RIBAST it4 EESHORT' •. ■r AND • • RAID Oso AAI- . S r1 !rr■ ■ .1.•9 rl t■rrrim il ■r1■r,1■r,�r F q �W 1LB. �S rrr■ 'rrr. MAPLE LEAF 7 VARIETIES FRESH BOO ■■ 6 OZ.�KG. HAMBURGER ■r CCOFFEE, TIN 'I'S II .•' rrr rr_ . R •lir ED • �1 rr,r,rn■wrll� (a R r. TREESWEET RECON rrr■r isr •s 1r ' � ■rStHNE1DER'$ r�,•i - r •'. OR � ' ,r, rr■■ ✓fes r1 • •r■ RED NOT ALL4&FLT OZ. t4 FL, OZ. R Cxr•MAPLE LEAF FULLY COOKED BONELESS E _ ■■ -YORK � � 59 - rr:1r �i"itrr�r srrr�■rrlr� DINNER SHOULDERS LB. ♦ 1.39 2 LB. S r lr/�rrri■ pil rr. PEANUT .BUTTER .. JAR , r�"r7r�. iri>~lr • F rr ■r .. rl.rrr ,■r:. t9 FL. i Z. Illit BRANDED • , rr R r PARKAY SOFT 1 LB. ' B11 MARGARINE BOWL ■:11,91 >r r■ � . ,� rr �r�rrlrr .1 arLisirc., 3 -11 --aa o�. ■r::■r. 1■ • • ' ■■" MAPLE LEAF 9 ' r■ S REGULAR DR r: ' ,1, : �■ r■ DEVON LIQUID JOY t G RDEN //r■■■/ k■ 32 FL; OZ. A ■.r■■/■, ■ r■ BACON• 1 39 WIENERS %9t� r: yrrtr'�r■ri .ir � rr LB • ALL BEEF LB. ■, -•RED R ■i lir: I*■i.i* AYLMER CANNED OSE • Ing'` lI ' Irl POTATOES lrri■■rr WHOLE 19 FL. OZ. EMEATS COO�c ■ tall it_1>`Ir a.AYLMER CHOICE 2� 79c GROUND BEEF LB 69c•� r7 ■ :,1rr; 1■■: •■ 19 FL. OZ, 269c 1 • ■r, 1: r1 aria■: Aar E A S rr ORANGE 1■r■■rrl ■■■rrrrr-i■79c\i I ■ *■■r■■i r■'AYLMER CHOICE LB ■� GRAPEFRUIT JUIC r rr1■■rrr-1.� 117":77-1111/1F111 1 1:,:• I 1■rr 1■ WAX BEAN F SKINLESS BEEF WIENERS- ` f r� rr i■rrlrrri rr. ir, � 5 3 19 ■_1■■au ,i .i 1■ GREEN BEANS ■: 1■■/rr■r r,.1r■r■r'r■ LIBBY'S CHOICE ■:1■■i 'mins RIAll r 111111 SLICED BEETS OR o ■a OR CROSS RIB ROAST LB 99c ■....... 3 �9t CHUCK r ■' ■■.rrr r■rI*■■■._ * FANCY PEAS 10 FL. OZ. ■/ rr M 16�!r■�r. r■/rr■/ ./ rr ■■ BRANDED MAXI 1 ' .:1111112111 MAPLE LEAF PURE R■■rr (� CHUCK 01112111187;1111111111111181118181111111 ■ �; , E AKS. LB- 99 ■.:..■L A R D LB ■.■ .■■L■,..■■.■■■ ■r .� ,5 9 e•• ■■ SNOOLDER ■■..: 1..�■ PKG. r,a� •r■ k� ;iMrr■allrrl Nw ■■ ■ r■■irC■■ GRANULATED .v %, ,,., y. ,■■■■■r '`11• ■ i■■r■rr■ VAN CAMP 19 FL, OZ, ills ■■ .1/■ ' '' SCIiNE1DER'S 1 LB. TRAY GLAD .- ■rlpr�r ■. ■` Irl■.,.�. �■ NI■i r X44.=, ►.'1 MINI ■■ GARBAGE los •$9■?■rfi ;�r: BEANS 'WITH ■1C• SAUSAGE Le.'89�,r BAGS r;.1■r, ori ■ _ ■■ .■ PORK Rg9� �� iC■rr■/■■■■*ItA/■�ir>rt■■■a■■■■r■■Allrr■ rr■lie ■■■ ■., r ■■ ■■r■■■■, ,r ■■ 5 LB. BAG ■ ■■■■r■/■r/r■r■r~rr ■■■■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ FROZEN REM BU,RGEC rr 111t■its rr ■ ■■Srrr' t■ ■■ .■■■■■![■■■■rtr■#■/■ra ■■■■■■■■rlr■■■rr■■■■■■■■ / rrr• r' i 1 +• i DEL MONTE CRUSHED 14 FL. OZ, ■� �� ■• rr_�r •■ RIOP.URE ■■ SUNSPUN 8 ■: ori /"1 SLICED249111$ ■■ '' "',/../: �■:■ii24 FL. Oz. JAR .■■ BEEF�, .�,,�r1r1■■. r,11L..:■PINEAPPLE..RI%�: /■■rrr■~■rl`1rrr■rr■ :: •" a■���i�rrr ■-. B U Ti E;XI :, rri r JR . null. EASY OFF not ..■■■..■... ■�.■..■.■ STRAWBERRY R A W,B E R R Y ..' :■ URGER • r 1-, *: 'INC I, WINDOW CLEANER 49:ur.i""":i: 1 n9 LB. PRINT�'� ::' ■Y ■■rrr"� !■ ■• NARCISSUS CHOICE WHOLE ■■ „ ■■ r. 1 ail■rrr • ■ ▪ : tasiiiN■rr*MI■■**■■■*rrr•rrisitasr■■ti1ramisai iir■r■■ 10 OZ. TIN F ■■ s ■■ 2 LB. ., ■ : ;■■: , .; : r■■rrr**A■-*■rrr**r*r*■■■■■■r ■*■**■' ■r■r�t■,ii: ■■ ■■ .� ilialtaraapill ' An ■e ■■ O ■� . ■■ PKG. • ■: :: 1i://''1■BAKERY SPECIALS ;; MUSHRr00MSR ✓ ■■rr■r; ;r r' ■::■1r■r■■I■■■■u■■■■■iM a rr■■■r/. '■ ■� ■ .■■■■r■rlrr■•:rr■■■■■ ■ ■,h:La�■ �� t,_,r a RED AND WHITE I ■�■■■■ria■■. ■ -11h'■rr,,, .• 1*; i■r:',■ F MAXWELL HOUSE ROcoFFEEASTED CLOVES LEAFSOLID l OZ.r>M■ r '"lr■�.i/■;rr:1■ WHITE ONLYO ALBACORE . ■i ri �} 1 .1 9 r: ■a' _ ;rBREAD2 75 crr;liar r!ii ; ■ . rr■r.r/■ • 24 OZ. LOAF R. ' it 1 LB. ,,s is 1r'C'r`1r r lrrrr■�[■ HAMBURGER DATE i� BAG -WHITE TUNA writ: .arra.. � ; ;■r� r ■ PKOE.. of 8 TURNOVERS Fl • l!lin rr! irA :■ AND �1Qa6� ■■ SWIFTS PREM "� >I�r' :■ ALLEN'S. ._ilii"lir■:, ■ r' " 111�IENER219c ' OZ. PKGS,12 OZ, TIN . 10 Ox. TIN .'.rola/■; ■ ROLLS REG. 65c 2 Rs �,�,00ii ORANGE LUNCHEON LEVER STEMS AND PIECES ■� -" . 1rr, `■� ■rrsr■r, ra �._� ■K■■■■r.r lir t4 !: rC!r/ :■ CHELSEA PKG OF REG._$1.39 9�■■ 99c.MEAT «79r vair Fit fir; it t2 GRANNY - ■■ CRYSTALS ■, ■r ;■ REG Q �•■ �---- MUSHROOMS Ciliiiiiim-11;iiiiii ,Yta , is ■'i■■■■i■r BUNS , Esc S9 c , TARTS S Do 1 • 1 T i� - CLOVER VALLEY PROCESSED r( 1r■iMN r.I■■■■■Z■■■r■■r■■■■■■■■.■r■lir■■■w■ ■■■■•■lir■■�■■ ■■■■■r■r■�■■rrr■■■ 2 LB. �w r(, :r■{.a . ■ ■■■■■r■lir■■tri■ ■arra■■■air■■■■■■■r�■■■■■■■ ."r!'!' ■■C�#EE E MAIN 'rig '■ p BOX MISS MEW r` 1MN 1' l t rj. %Nilll■r. !M �~ NM ASSORTED 64% oz..111:1:1','11101111r11Illt110I■ rillis:'114 ■/ M15•SHAhE A550 CAT `■ OO•D TIN' , rrr■Irw: ■Q■BAG9 rrr rMl 1:li 1/RE®��� C' CHaCOLAT�S �..W r B!iiL in■ � r ,■ 1 DRr 'BALLARD S .r1.;r■rr■■■ ;`•::° :1111400117:0111t,>M4r`- rrrrr■r. WHITE FOODM I►STER FRO EN FOODS �• KING 5 LB. CSO r�Cr rt 1r■t tit W1,■ "▪ 'COFFEE , �■, rrfi !lir `r Foo® 91 VICTORIA° STREET GODERICH��: SUNSHINE FROZEN, " SIZE BOX loilliiiii_61 11 iL 1, i rF }#rs�reaa�s :�LEMONADE12DZ. p89(RICH �OO� ■/M� !r OPEN NITELY TIL 10 P.M. 'Il LEMONADE ib oz. -lir lir brill 111X: lNI OPEN. SUNDAY FROM 10 TO„6 ■▪ ■ SUNSHINE FANCY , r..-�,m 13 (�Z. ■.� ■ ■' '•*. PRICES -1N EFFECT OR WHIL"E CIUANI ITIES LAST ii 2 LB'. BAG oyc '� A 99c s.ary , 0 ..T"IN 4R .. . Il' lir ■PEAS ► �,, N., :Ill �. / r sari; Ir;{ ■ WE RESERVE T'HE WONT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ■■ r rrrrr■r � liar rrrrl�irrM Wiwrrr ww Iwr lir lir r1 ■■wrr1rrrr/a rrr r■.rrr■iw■err"i4,114-"IrTm.rrr �w ..., .�P. . – W, �!!i;-yr■ .., ! M■Mr O r1 M j ...� r fYrrMrrrr 'Lail. rrrril�■r , .. .,-,.-....:....... ., ••�., :lir: ... ........�i ..:....e ,._,. ,.1�•_, ■, i .1. r,. � r rrr■ ', i f , : ,.;.., ..., ., I �....,....•� � . . ,...,.,... ■■. ...,.. . . ,_ r, , ,._ .-, tai r� rf- r � , , , • . , •, ■>ri . , .., , ,.. %r ..,.,. ,.. ,.., Wn ,■r ,r .. - . .: ... , . , � .rri. ,r/lar .a• Inn il■■ �N .�Iwiri�rt .. iiit-wiewiAil.■viral lir 1t■■, rrrrrw: ?rr'r■r lir w` lir rail.■/ lir. ,wall■r; rp alar.a . .. I raja■t ■it Lill y_, .ir ■■rrr,:rwi :rrrrr; .■x :.>wri lir l :sir lU% •SIT ■ r ✓ 1 ■? ir: i / ,.rrrrr, ,■r . vim r■ ■rrr■. lir ■>,„, , .�, . _"1•101•11,1, _I ,ra .,� �1 , (, h >N .� MM , ,. ,. � ,. ,rrlrirr. ■.,,rrr■■�,.,�.�.. �.;�,.... ..>. , >< ,.... ■■. r. ,, ■.., ; lr,r� t rhino' , , r■ L.. ■Li_r.,� ■t_. t W■L'r�" 1�w`: r " i r 1 .., „` { . ■■:''., rM.., :.■r ;. ;.:,ir, •. ; ;■; .... 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