The Exeter Times, 1894-8-2, Page 8orsus4zZTCE,
:S41t1oT,.t#, 03,TT FOR
osTorento• Mee for the Pli0BaTIaa
1t, fribt ttdtitle OOMPAN7f0 of Loudon
sighed etl,Lliasee, hilt -M. IE COM -
ANN' of Eteeterets
We are showing Sample Lots of choice
Biggers .perfume, '
,We are showing a nice title of Hair
We are showing a cheap line ofToilet
We are showing a line of Combs,
Weshow a fine line of Tooth Bruahes,
We are offering a Snap in Whisks.
We have low lines in Sponges,
We keep Tooth Pick's and sell them
We keep Chamois Skins, best quality,
You may need some of the above, call
and w^ will try and please you,
3. Vr RJ. GG,.
P "TT ....L S
--AT THE- -
Blakrapt Storo
20 pieces Dress Goods regular
price from roc to 25c. ; clearing
price, your choice for 5c. This
is by far the best bargains we
have ever offered in low priced
goods:'Come and see.
IS58c. per yard is our clearing
price for a Black Pure Wool Silk
Finish Henrietta worth in -any
-regular store 85c. Yes, bring
along 'a sample ref the best 85-c:
Henrietta you can find and' if
our 58c is not as good pass us
A dditiatiei locals on Ant psltq,
The flax crop was very heavy this
Friday last the weather was extreme-
ly warm.
Flax pullers tinishediyesterday (Wed.
The girdier is atwork on the raspberry
bushes, and should be looked after.
Several shipments of stock were
made this week, to the eastern mark-
Usborne township has 831 persons
on the voter's list, an increase of 9 over
The Dobler Produce Co., fount a
duck egg white repacking the other day,
which measured 7x9 inches.
Mr, A. Hastings is attending the
funeral of his mother at Crosshill,
Watetleo Co., who died on Monday.
A young son of Mr. Robb.Pickard
of London, formerly of Exeter, had his
arm broken in a runaway the other day.
At a recent meeting of the Reformers
of South Perth it was decided not to
protest the election of Mr. McNeill.
The rain storm yesterday came in
god time.. Most of the farmers had
Reinember we beat in all our
groceries. • I. pound sealer
powder City baking for
20c. 3 lb. box soda biscuits for
22C. , 4 lb. best ginger snaps for
25c. ;' 6 bars Dingman's electric
-soap for 25c. ; 5 bars of castile
or oatmeal soap for 25c. ; 3 box-
es' best matches for .5c. ; best
carpet tacks for 3c. a box ;
Royal Yeast largest box for 6c ;
Essences, largest bottle for 6c. ;
pure black pepper, best quality
roc. a lb. ; 4oc uncolored ,japan
-tea for 20c. ; 45c. uncolored
japan tea for 25c.
Come to us and save money
J. A. Stewart.
*et nesse Yet.
The report that B. Aubrey, the well-
known horse: buyer, died the other day
is incorrect, The following telegram is
front a pretty live dead man
To Wes. Hawkshaw, Exeter, from
Montreal, Que„ July 25th 1894 :-Let
Me know if you ;,van buycarload good.
horses. Expect to go to Buffalo races
next week. Am ell • right.
13. Aumurv.
The Bicycle, Races.
The bicycle races on Friday eve.ting
last on the agricultural grounds were
largely attended. A number took part in
the different contests and competition was.
One mile novice, F. Lutz, The :,'Smith.
Time, 2 54.
2 milel handicap, W. E, Browning,Geo.
Harness, Time, 5 58,
Balt mile open,' 2 heats. -First heat.
W E. Browning F. Lutz. Time 1.23e,
Second heat, 1Y', E. Browning, :F. Lutz.
Time, 1.25.
Weekly sports.
The second weekly snorts under
the auspices of the village Band will be
held on Friday next, August 3rd, begin
grain in and the root. crops were ning sheep at 7 o'clock p. m., on the
suffering. Arioultural, Society's Driving Park.
A party of young people from the Paoualai or Sronms,
country spent a pleasant time Friday. Tat -Half -mite bicycle race for riders of
evening at the Metropolitan, tripping el eeewn, barringlpi% Browning, Prize,
the light fantastic. Silver:Clap. Winner to hold cup open for
Masters David. Wilson and Allan challenges.
Canfield walked from Grand Bend. to 2nd -Boys. Foot Race, 50 yds, under 12
Parkhill, 13 miles, one day last* week in 3rY 'S. is Foot Race, 50 vde, under 14
2 hours and 45 minutes. ears,
The excursion to Port Stanley yester-4th-Boys EN. Race, 100 yds, under 16
day was largely attended. The weather pears,
was damp which made it rather un- 5th -Fat Men's Race, 50 yds, nut ander
pleasant or the excursionists. 190 lbs.
One dap last week the barn of Mt 6th -Open Race, 50 yds.
Frank Allan, Grand Bend, with a Liberal prizes will be given for the
quantity of hay, etc., went up in winners in the aboye races.
smoke. It was struck by lightning. Between each event the Band will
Word has been received from the render one of the following selections.
camping grounds on the lake shore of I-Qniekstep, The Big 4, by Cleo. South.
Goderich township that a shoal of mill- 'well,
ions of dean grasshoppers, wash- 2 -Pel a A Ideal,,dbv J. H Kwell. .
g Pp, 3 -Polka, by Southwell.
ed : ashore. 4 -March. The Mascotte, by A. ',
The wife of James Dunbar, who was Hughes. -
found dead recently at Blake, Huron 5 -Overture, Chromo, by Southwell.
county, was a cousin cf Sir Oliver 6-Midley, Red Hot, by Southwell.
Mowat. She died twenty years ago Admission only 5 cents.
Dunbar was eccentric and lived `alone. God Save the Queen.
We have it on r nn.l ,uthority that
Notice to Times' Readers.
The publishers would esteem it a favor if
readers wouki,when making their purchases,
mention that they saw the merchant's adver-
tisement in THE Times.
BITE:. `I+
The leve year-old daughter of Mr, F.
Green, of s'Stepliets while rt i in
x a..
Mr. Vi'hitlr� sr's, lr eter North, fell Off
a veranclah and broke her arm.
At Mitchell on Friday a game of
lacrosse was played, between the Stret-
ford and litobell,,teams, Score 4 t 1
in favor of the home team.
James McCauley,. son of M. McCauley
botcher, Stratford, received the "con-
tents of a ehot gun in the head Friday.
He was not seriously hurt. The per-
petrator is unknown, but it was doubt-
less an accident.
Since April 1st last, a canary owned
by Mr, James Darling, has laid 18 eggs
and hatched 10 young canaries. She is
at present sitting on five eggs. This is
something rare, and Mr. Darling would
like to hear of some one beating this
James F. Stewart, of Parkhill, has
purchased that promising young mare
Nellie Bruce from D. A. MoEwen for
the sum of $700. Nellie Bruce is five
years old and has shown remarkable
speed. She finished second in a 2.22
class this spring. She will likely be
sent on the circuit this fall.
An incendiary attempted to burn
Joseph Clarke's bakery in Seafortlithe
other night, and used coal oil rags to
hasten the destruction of the propetty.
The fire was discovered and extinguish -
ea. Mr. Crawford and his wife slept
over the shop, and had the fire peogress-
ible. 9scape would have been ha -
The shareholders of the Exeter
creamery met on Monday night last,
and transacted considerable business,
Owing to the scarcity of water at the
present location, it was decided to
move the building to some locality
where water can be procured in abun-
dance, and accordingly a committee
was appointed to look after the
The Exeter Bicycle Club will give a
Race Meet on Wednesday es ening,
August 8th at 7 o'clock on the Ageicui-
tural; track. They have secured a
sanction from the Canadian Wheelman s
Asso::iation and several fast outsiders
have promised to take part. • The races
will be keenly contested and an enjoy-
able evening's sport is guaranteed to
those who attend. R. Y. FERGUSON.
The fall trade will be on shortly, and
Exeter business men -always on the
alert -are well prepared for it. There
is no place where farmers can salt or
buy to better advantage than they can
here ;our business men are courteous,
obliging and painstaking, ,and will give
the same attention to small purchases as
to large. Farmers or others,who do
riot deal with Exeter business en will
find it to their advantage to do so.
If you want envelopes,'letter heads,
note heads, statements, etc., and buy
largely, you can get them at home as
cheaply as in London or, Toronto. The
trouble is, many men get•. prices from
local dealers for small quantities, and
when a traveller from the city calls
upon them and quotes rates for from
2,000 to 10,000, the price is so much
less in proportion that, they imagine
they are doing a good stroke of busi-
ness by buying, when the fact is, that
the local dealer will give them better
rates in many cases, in. large quantities
where cash is paid. 1'.y them.
C. P. Moore, shoddy pedler, charged
with obtaining a promissory :note from
George Crowley, near Lucan, was dis-
charged on Wednesday by Squires
Rivington and McCosh, of Lucan. The
plaintiff swore to a statement of
Moore's under which he• was induced to
make the note, and Moore contradicted
his evidence flatly on every point. II is
' 'm of the.
victims said some other
peddlers's nimble tongue will try a fall
with him in the court. When will the.
public learn to buy their goods from
local dealers, persons in whom. they can
place confidence, and who are not here
to -day and away to -morrow ?
On. May 23 last a note was put in a
cheese made at Elms. Factory with the
name of the president of the factory
attached, asking a report of the quality
of the cheese. Recently Mr. Hume,
the president, received a letter from a
London, Eng., dealer, enclosing the re -
,port of the retailer who found the note
and who reported the, cheese fine
quality and flavor and fat. This deal-
er says the wholesaler is one of the
largest retailers in London, rand one of
the best judges of cheese. The price
he paid for the cheese was 48s 6d, and
his letter was dated at London, July
13, 1894. The last week of May cheese
at Elms was sold at 9c. Cable then,
52s 6d. -Listowel Banner.
The Bell Telephone Co., were this
year assessed for their plant in Exeter,
in the sum of $600. At the Court of
Revision it was reduced [to $400. This
olid not satisfy them and they appealed
to the County Judge. The case was
heard in Goderich on Friday last, when
village clerk, Escrett, looked after the
interests of the Corporation. Appeal
cases from Goderich and Clinton,
were up for hearing, but after an ex-
planation from Mr. Eacrett of Exeter's
claims, which were identical with those
of Goderich and Clinton, Judge Toms
sustained the assessment, Therefore
the telephone Co. will in future have
to pay taxes into the village coffers.
The sad news of the death Mr. Asa
Andrew,' son of Mr, John Andrew of
Elimville, was receivedhere on Monday
from Mr. Ira H. Spicer of Denver, 'Col.,
in which city Mr. Andrew had lived
during the past few years. Last spring
he watt taken very ill and as death was
then expected his brother, SM went to
Denver to assist Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Spicer in nursing him. He fully re-
covered from that sickness. About a
month ago :while driving through the
city, the horses ran away breaking one
of his legs. He was taken to the hos-
pital and for a time seemed to do
nicely, until about three weeks after
wards the bandages were taken off.
when it was found that the bone had
not knit. Fever soon tet in and on Mon-
day evening last after great guffering
he died. The news was received here
b hie man:y`friends, not only with sur
vd seg whish cannot be des:
"ha/MO from home and
teetiurt lr,the melancholy
Iy ao - ,`'t9 were triter``
1 against biitithe 29th
fox' lTafortlil'
mail. Liberal,
far tiri I
alt again
oilscrt'at! •:
"all's for the best," but is is hard to Personals.
make one believe that it is better for The Times; invites all its readers to
him to remain at home while others are contribute to this column If you or
taking holidays and resting in distant your friends are going away on a holiday
cool sequestered town hall went drhades- trip, or if you havethisfriends visiting you,
i3 drop'a card to The-Tiltxll,-alts. Fe Tait
The well at the y of Detroit, is plaiting at Mr. Tait's mother
week,and the old watering cart her been g '
put on to draw water from the river. town. -Ralph Leshbrooke and Frank
"Water Rate" will likelysaythat Spears of London, are visiting friends in
new town. -Willie and Perry Dignan, are
the contractor for street -watering has visiting friends in Norwich and Port
plugged thespring. ( Dover, tor two weeks. -Mrs. Wm. Hard -
Jane, relict of theelate Robert Beacons lag, left by afternoon train on Monday
died. in Gedericit township Monday, for London and Port Stanley. -Miss
aged 91 Yeats and three months. The Edyth Hoskin of Toronto, is the guest of
funeral will take place to day (Thurs- her aunt Mira. D. Erench.-klrs. George
day) afternoon:at 2 o'clock from the old Bowden of London and son is visiting
homestead to„$ayfield. Miss Polly Rawden,-Miss Susie Davis
Now is the time of the year when the of Exeter North returned home from
pasture is bare and the ravenous cow Yrakhill on Taesday.-M-. Russell Man -
has afriendly feeling for the neighbor- ning is at present acting as book-keeper
that in the Doherty Organ works, Clinton.-
NOTICE -All business announcements
notices of public meetings, entertainments
auction sales, etc., appearing in there local
columns will be charged for at the rate of five
cents, per line each insertion. Black heading
to count asthree lines. Oath with order save
to persons having open accounts. To insure
.change of advertisements in current issue copy
-must be handedinto office on Tuesday.
¶1IIURSPAY. AUGUST 2nd, 1894.
SUNDAY AuatrwT 5th 1394.
:Sermons: -i1 aim -Religion in Little Things.
Administration of Holy Communion •
a m -Music by full choir and orchestra •
'alagnificat Servide " I}unaett."
•"rriumPhantMarch' from "Naaman:"
Prelude by Orchestra.
Miss Davidson.
`Solo bsrllfi s D v
'Chores bythe Choir."'1
*Serowe :-A young man who went away sor-
•Choir raotie r requested.
, evening., d° full
ins cabbage patch:.. We notice a Rev- 1lr, Ross and wife,of Sunny Brae
several citizens disregard the law by Nova Scotia, are visiting at Messrs J. P.
allowing their cows to run at large. Ross and B. A, Ross', town. -They are
There are 703 names on the Stanley en their way home from a trip to Ar -
township voters' list. Of these 524 are azona.-Mr. O.A. alcDonell of Hensel! has
qualified to vote at all elections, 89 to been under the maternal root the past week
vote at municipal elections only, and 90 suffering from blood poisoning, caused
a e of
uncia into n
to vote at the Legislative Assembly by a pinrunning
only. • the ease was a very bad one, bat we are
Thos. McLaughlin, of the Township pleased to note that he is on the mend. -
of Grey, has disposed of his handred Mr. T, E. Cornyn, of Wingham was the
guest of hie uncle Mr. M. Eacrett.-Ml's
acre homestead, 2•k miles north of
Brussels, to James Parr, of London Georgina McConnell, of Chatham, is the
'1 r
township. The price, $6,200, is cousin- godgi of of ClHolland.-Mr.
deboye were the d guests
ered very reasonable, considering the of Mr. M. Eaerett en Sunday last. Miss
prime condition of the place. a sedg3 Martha Schroeder has again returned to
Parties are cautioned against posting town. -Mr. E. J. Hardy of New Hamburg
circulars on the cover of which there was in town to -day, calling on friends, -
appears a request for the return of the He left for Zurich where the will visit
circular to the writer. A. departmental for a time.- Mr. Hardy has been in the
order having been issued to forbid the gents' furnishings the past year but this
practice for the future, are requiring week bought out a grocery business in
circulars so addressed to be sent to the London, were he will in future reside.-
dead letter office. Mrs. Daltry of Lucan is visiting her
Mr. John West of Lucknow, met Mr. W Mr. and Mrs. A , Dempsey.-
• � til; Bonthron hss returned front
with a very painful accident on Tues- a week's outing in Bayfield• -He was
day last, while drawing . in hay. He accompanied by aederal young men Prem
was in the act of getting off the load London. -They report a good time. -Miss
when part of the hayrack broke and he McFaul of Liman is visiting her aunt Mrs
fell head foremost to the ground break- T. W. Elawkshaw.-Mrs. Wm, Pickard of
ing his arm at the wrist and at the Seatorth is
and the
Meg est ofames Mi. Gerer oge
shoulder While bone. -Mra trip to the old country next week. -
Mr. Isaac Hall
of grain the other day They will possibly leave next Tuesday. -
Isaac Hall Anderson, had the Mr. G. We Holman and family leave for
misfortune to have his load take fire Goderioh to -day: They will drive along
from some unknown cause, but we the lake shore. -Mrs. John Snell and
suppose he was smoking. It consumed two daughters who have been visiting
his Ioad and part of the wagon. The friends in. Sarnia, returned home.-
Horses running away also set fire to the Mrs E. A. Bennett is visiting friends
grain in the field. Mr. Hall had a in St, Marys. -Mr. G. G. Gibson, of
warm time for a while. St, Louis, Mo., after spending several
The electric light wires have been days renewing old acquaintances in
placed in the various stores and private town, returned home on Monday last.
residences in town where contracts He was a former resident of Exeter. -
were made. The poles are being placed Mr. Joseph Davis, who has been visit-
along the streets, and in about three ing friends in Thornbury, returned on
weeks, Exeter will emerge from dark- Saturday last accompanied by his
nese into light. Besides the arc cousin, Miss Passe Fanson, daughter
lights there are some 160 incandescent' of Mr. Wm. Fanson, formerly of this
contracted.. for. place. -Mr. Robt. Leathorn left on
Post Office Inspector Hopkirk con- Monday for the Old Country. He took
tinues to unearth cases of the violation with him forty head, of cattle and three
of the postal regulations throughout this horses, --Mr. George Baker, who has
district. A number of cases are now in been visiting his brother; at St. Cathay -
his hands, the result of an investigation ines. returned home on 'Monday. -Con -
by postal officials last week. The de- stable Creech left yesterday to visit
pertinent is determined to stamp out his brother in Ypsilanti,Mich.----Messrs.
the practice of sending letters wrapped V. Rats, of Stephen, Ed. Meredith, Q.
up with newspapers, photographs and Co, of London, W. Milne, of Ethel, H.
otherthings,'whicli has been much too Willert, of Dashwood, and Dr. Rollins,
common and is the cause of considerable of Exeter, left yesterday for Muskoka,
loss of revenue to the Government. ens fishing expedition.
Fox Sets. -ii second hand Phaeton, 1
•second hand two -seated carriage, and one
sett of second band. harness. Aiso new'
haggled and carts Apply to
W. G. Drama.
Edward Grant, of 'Wiarton •Ont„ a tailor
on the schooner Anrera, was drowned off
that boat /Monday in Lake Huron. Ile.
went out on the main boom to," et a.p On
=ant that had become entangle& rand lost
Stir hold., He was 25 years old an 4
Stray animals are frequently found
along the hlghWal i at Hilo swoon of the.
yet and any person is permitted to take
them in on hie premises, but in order to
et `ay for feeding thein he should im-
mediately after takingthem in advertise
for the owner- This coarse will save
=brow to both pertieS as well as save
.bonejderIble time In searching for them,
lint. ;Jane* Youn , an old an esn
tested., arbridont of Myth, died on t,4
.• D. C. !s a ltleh;producer.
Messrs J. W. and J. Cook, former
residents of Clinton and Goderich town-
ship, happened with a very serious
tticcident the other day in Chicago.
They were engaged in the manufacture
of "Our star advertising torpedos," and
had a hurried erderof 10,000 packages
to be shipped to Boston. Due tate
was not observed in mixing the chend
cabs arid a terrible eatplosion took place.
Mr. J. W. Cook's right eye was torn
out and a boy's arm lacerated. 'Eche
building was badly shattered and Messrs
Cook &Cook lost their all, .t,' W. is a
brother to Arthus Cook, town, and is
a nephew to Peter of Goderich town.
ship. -Clinton Ilene Record.
TWO 'barns and a shed belonging to
John Logan, near Ltican, were struck
lylightning and burned laic week.
Lose $l,1�0l7.
Boots &
Wednesday August 8th, is Wiugham's
mai holiday.
•• Tea drinkers will benefit by using the
grind Mongul Tea, for rale by Farmer
At the choir competition in Sarnis
recently the Bruaeels choir succeeded in
winning 3rd prize for male chorus,
If you went pure lee try the Grand
M.ongut Tea, it is unadulterated, dor sale
by Farmer Bross
A thole of: a million of dead grass-
hoppers, has beet washed aibote at the
Company grounds G ider/ trra
y o jw, tr
hofs who delight in a good cup of ted nate
should try the grand Morseul Tea. rartner' cribei .
Bross a.eilti for ftxeter. Sage the diutano
1 ee late:of Si John "df tke event,:
Be has taken ohsrgd'of, the dental ptactiee red la Denver'
of Dr. Wilkinson, London; he is a son of year of his age:
14ew. J. Wr Holmes, of filintoa, Iormoriy Mjbard's Lier
of Soto.
Reminder List.
We will remind you of the
rest when you comein.
We have just passed into
stock two large consign-
ments of Boots and Shoes,
purchased direct from the
manufacturers for spot cash,
at a big discount: We . in-
tend giving our customers
the benefit of this deal. Ask
to gee'out' Ladie6' "Dongg ola'
Kid Button at $1 75. Its
a beauty.
Trunks &
This is the time of year
when everybody is visiting
their friends and we have
now in stock a very com-
plete range of Trunks, Bags
and Valises. You should see
our stock before purchasing
anything in this line,
Hosiery &
. We intend clearing out
everything • in summer
Hosiery and Gloves. Note
our prices ; Hose 3c. up-
wards ; Ladies' Hose 7c. up-
Ladies' Gauntlet Gloves
19c pair. Now is the time
to secure bargains in the
above lines.
In Memoriam Agnes Fergus on
Obit. July24th, 1894.
We have sorted out a
number of >renina nts of
Dress Goods,SilkDe Laynes
Prints So, ,which we will sell
regardless of cost. 'You will
be sure to find something
among the lot whichyou
can use to advantage at the
prices marked.
1.. Piokard r Bon
-r know she levee in thee and there,
-I find her worthier to be Iowa. -
fTowardand home to her master's keeping,
Upward and home through the mists of
Upward and earns from the shadows of night
Upward and home to the regions of light
Upward and home from the worry an l strife,
And up from the fever of restless life,
Uo,from its brightness its shadows its gloom,
On up to the land of an endless noon.
Up from our love, our thought and oar care,
To His presence forever ilia glory to share,
Our faith looks; thither we list to the ;call,
Thou blessed one enter thy joy must be full ,
Per, for this I redeemed thee and treasure d
for thee,
My home that is thine through eternity.
"Eestilt my soul thine hour will also cones,
Behold one Evening God will call thee home,
CaecaY,P, S.a,E, C*,
In the matter of the estate of 'William
Saunders, Deceased.
In pursuance of Seo. 36, Chap. 110,. Revised
Statutes of Ontario, notioeis hereby given that
all creditors and others having claims against
the estate of William Saunders, late of the
Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron,
who died on or about the 12th clay of February,
1895, are required to sendby post, prepaid, or
deliver toit Crediton,P. O -
Henry Silber,
Executor of the estate of the saiddeceased,
on or before the 30th day of July,I804, a state-
ment of their names and addresses, and frill
particulars of their claims, and the nature of
the securities (if anyl held by them, and that
after the said last mentioned date the said
Executor will proceed to distribute the assets.
of the sa,d deceased among the parties entitled
thereto, regard being had only to the claims
of which notice shall have been received, and
thefsaid Breoutor will not be liable for the
assets, erany Part thereof, to any ti rson of
whose claire notioe shall not have• been receiv-
ed at the time of such distribution.
HAzinwo0o-In Usborne on the 27th ult.. the Solicitor for the Executor.
wife of David Hazlewood, of a daughter. Exeter, July 5th, 1804.-E
BUTT -In Centralia, on the 81st ult., the wife
of Rev: W H. Butt of a son.
BROCk-In Exeter, on the 21st ult., the wife •
of Thos. Brock of a daughter.
PRINCE -DELVE -In London on the let lost.
Mr. W. E. Primus, of Hyde Park, to Miss
Lottie, youngest daughter of Mr. Robert
DI cnwALL-Boaxaotnns•-At the Rattenbury
St. Methodistparsonage, Clinton on the 24th
ult., by the Rev. T. W. Holmes, Mr. John
E. ;Dingwall, of Port Dover, to Miss Etta
Burkholder, of Strathroy.
July 18th, by Rev. Wm4 Quance,cousin of the
bride, James Henderson. Esq., of Seaforth,
to Mrs Jennie Johnston, daughter of the
Tato RobertHarstone, St.
ORT-SOHNSTON-dt "tt'illew :Hall,"
Hansell, on the 25th inst , by Rev. G. Ii .
Thomson, Mr. Benjamin Short of Parkhill ,
to Mies Jennie, daughter of Mr, Andre w
Johnston of Hehsall.
Wiciril-In Exeter on the 31st inst., John
1vvhite aged4months andi3ldays rs. M.
KERB Wingham, o n Jane
Kerr, age -Ind 44 years and 4the months.16th nit
MoLEAN- In Hibbert„ on the 24th Olti,
Allen McLean, aged 46 years, 2 months:
ANDREW -in Denver. on the 30th Olt„ Asa
Andrew, formerly of Elimville, in his 29th.
BEACON -In Goderioh township, on July 31st
June,relietof the late Robert Beacom,
aged 94 years and 3 months.
I was cured o= Bronchitis and Asthma
Lot 5, P. E. I. Mrs. A. Livingstone.
I was cured of a severe attack of Rheu-
Mahone Bay. John Mader,
I was cured of a severely sprained leg
Bridgewater. Joshua Wynaoht.
London, Huron and Bruce.
Garin NORTE- Passenger.
London, depart........ 8.25A, H. 4,40 P. it.
Exeter 9.29 6.00
•hIensall..... 0 42 0.15
•Kippers•.. 9.47 620'
Brueefleld .-.• •, .. 15.55 6.28
Canton......"10.12 6.55.
Londesboro 020 724
Birth Belgrave 1.0.1pr 7.37
n am arrive....,, 11.1 8.00
4oisde Spirt.- Passenger
•Wingham, depart....... 6.35 A. it, 3.25 r. it
Belgrave..... ...... 6.7.50 3.47
LoadBrtl7,10 4.08
7.ondesboro .
Clinton.... 7.45 4.20
Kippen.... , .- 8.13 4.53
Henealk 8.22 4.58
Exeter . 8,40 5,12.
Hon a 1i -= 04tario
Begs to announce to the public that he
is rtired to do all kinds of Carriage
Trimming, Furniture Upholstering, etc.
��Y Tops of
all kinds
Ca�rris, a and Bad
old Buggy Tops s ' recovered and made
as good as new.
Our harnesd are well known, is giving
perfect satisfaction, We manufacture
largely and consequently our prides are
low. A call will eonyinee
f C, C+"Zs. t'L7` IiN.
We have a few
dozen of these
goods left -44
good qualities
whichwe will
clear out . less
than ' o?t.
Some lines
worth 20 to 25
cts. clearing at
5 to 10 cents,
Immense re-
ductions short-
hort-l , as low as 20
Now Cottonailes.
Now Shia:tin,gf.
Nc' Shako:, Iriaaaa
Now Cottons.
All these floods new for
t 0 0
early fall trade 20$ • below
last year's price.. We are
well up in all lines of
rocelries, MeV* and
g lf
Try. ol,r . ;New Season
Ia �.an Tea at 25 cents,
a. aW JO *A,1.1,\ 3 1